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“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” -Eleanor Roosevelt


Summary Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Epilogue Epilogue CONNECT WITH ME! Also by Lucy Darling


Tomas ‘Hitman’ Holiday doesn’t care that he’s from the wrong side of the tracks. When he’s inside the ring, it doesn’t matter where he came from. All that matters is getting the win as quickly as possible. Fighting your way to the top is easy when you have nothing to lose. His life consists of fighting and keeping a low profile until a little pixie walks into it, turning it upside down. Now, Tomas is in the most important fight of his life. Getting Neily to fall in love with him. This fight is proving to be his hardest, and Tomas is known for never tapping out. But when it comes to matters of the heart, will he remain undefeated?



“Can I get you something to drink?” I look up at the cocktail waitress that’s standing in front of me. I shake my full glass to signal that I’m good. She doesn’t really care if I want another round or not. She is only trying to get my attention. I’m not going to give it to her. I don’t care if that makes me an asshole. It’s always the same when I come to events like this one. People think that I don’t deserve privacy. Women happen to be the worst culprits.

They shamelessly throw themselves at me. It’s the same thing every time. They don't care to know me for who I am, they just want to say they spent a night with me. They only see the ripped body and kid that grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. They know nothing about the real me. Only what they’ve made up in their minds.

“Let me know if you need anything.” She winks before turning to leave.

I go back to playing with my phone and sipping my water that I have in a glass so it looks like a cocktail for the most part. I glance at the time, seeing that I still have to sit here for another hour.

“Can you at least look like you’re having fun?” My agent sits down next to me. “You just won millions of dollars. That should perk even you up for a few hours.” At one time it would have. Now I have more money than I know what to do with. I’d quit but what else would I do? I’ve spent my whole life fighting. I don’t know anything else. Sitting still and not having something to work toward would drive me insane. That’s a big reason why I continue to fight. It keeps my mind occupied.

“My contract says I stay until midnight. It didn't say shit about looking happy.” I take a sip of my water knowing the next hour is going to drag on.

“I’m going to start putting in your contract that your fights have to be longer than thirty seconds.” I shoot him a hard look, letting him know I’d never sign that shit if he did. I’m the best at what I do. I don’t mess around showboating in the ring. I go in to get the win, whether it be by tapout or blackout, makes no di erence to me. As long as I do it as quickly as possible and my arm is

the one being raised in victory at the end. Winning isn’t even as invigorating as it used to be, but like I said, I’m the best at what I do.

“People forked out over seventy-five dollars on Pay Per View to see you fight and you knocked out Pitbull Royce in five seconds. You gotta give the fans more of a show next time.”

“Not my fault he can’t take a hit.” I shrug. Why would I dance around with the guy in the ring if I could knock him out and get the hell out of there? Why would I risk getting hurt for no reason? No matter how good I am, taking unnecessary risks is never smart.

“Do we know if you can take a hit?”

“Find someone that can hit me and we’ll find out,” I toss back. It’s also not my fault no one can land a blow on me. At least in the ring anyways. I’ve taken my fair share of hits and gotten my bell rung a few times when I was younger running the streets. I shouldn't have been on those streets at that age. I’d made it out of those circumstances.

“Working on it.” Seth gives me a giant smile, already tasting his ten percent of the cut. I put my drink down, leaning back into what I think is supposed to be an oversized chair, but for me it’s just right. I’m just happy this place is nice and I have room to actually move around. It’s more of a laid back upper

scale club. The music isn't as loud either. It is still giving me a headache, though. I rub my hand down my face, trying to fight it o .

“Why don’t you have a little fun for once? Drink something besides water.” Seth takes a giant sip of his drink.

“I think you have enough fighters that get drunk and party too hard,” I remind him.

“Fuck man. Isn't that the truth?” He throws back the rest of his drink. I keep my name clean and out of the tabloids. I was an asshole kid. I did enough bad shit in my childhood to last me a lifetime. I keep myself clean now. My mom doesn't need that shit anymore. She’s been through enough. I got us out of hell and I am going to keep us away from it.

Seth signals for someone to bring him over another drink. I go back to playing with my phone. Another fifty-seven minutes until I can leave. How many levels of Candy Crush can I beat until then?

“Can I get you something to drink as well?” the woman asks as she sets down a drink for Seth. I think it’s the same one that was here before. They all have on the same outfit, blending in. “Get him a Pablo Energy. In the can,” Seth tells her.

“I’m not drinking that shit,” I mutter.

“You can let it sit on the table. They are paying big bucks for you to wear their shit.” I pull on the sleeve of my shirt. The damn thing is too tight on my biceps. They are paying me an obscene amount of money to wear their shit. You would think they could at least send me a shirt in my fucking size. I’m guessing they want it to look like a muscle shirt or some shit.

The girl returns quickly with the drink and sets it down. “Anything else?” She leans over me, trying to lure me to look at her goods, but I don’t give a shit about any of that.

“Back up,” I snap. I hate people in my space. Another reason I knock my opponents out as quickly as possible. She hu s before stomping o .

“Do you always have to be a dick?” Seth asks, shaking his head as he watches the cocktail server go. I’m sure his eyes are on her ass.

“She was in my space but I’m the dick,” I say dryly.

“She is smoking hot.” He picks up his drink, taking another giant swallow. If he gets drunk and passes out maybe he

won’t notice if I leave early. “When was the last time you got laid? Is that your problem?”

“When was the last time I talked to you about my dick?” He actually looks like he’s thinking about it. “The answer is fucking never.”

“Seth!” Someone shouts his name, drawing his attention away from me.

“Pretend to be enjoying yourself.” He stands with his drink.

“Not in the contract.” I smirk at him.

“See? Did that halfass cocky smile hurt you?” The smirk drops from my mouth. “I’ll be back to check on you.” He turns to the person who called his name. I know what his words meant. Don’t go anywhere because I’m watching you until midnight. I put my phone down and stretch my arms out. My eyes run along the club wondering if this place is going to get busier. It’s nice that it isn’t jammed full of people. The next fifty-two minutes might not be as bad as they could be.

I stop when my gaze locks with a pair of bright blue eyes that are framed in thick glasses. She’s staring right at me. She smiles when she sees she has my attention. I sit up a little taller. Her small button nose wrinkles as she looks from me

to a couple, saying something to them before standing. I miss her eyes instantly.

Where is she going? I start to stand but she turns her head back to me. Her dark locks whip around, making it clear she is coming my way. She licks her plump lips as she walks, and I’m on my feet watching every step she takes. Suddenly, this appearance doesn't seem so taxing now that I have eyes on her.

I notice a few people turn, looking her way. One woman gives her a funny look. My eyes trace over my little pixie with thick framed glasses wondering why the woman is looking at her like that.

It’s then I notice she isn't dressed like everyone else here. She’s not all done up. The white skirt she has on flows all around her. I can see sneakers peeking out the bottom of it. As she gets closer, I can see the black top she’s wearing has small splatters of paint on it. One of the thin straps falls o her shoulder. I suck in a breath. She doesn't have a bra on. My mouth waters as I think about her tits.

My eyes flick back to the people looking at her. One is a man. He must feel my eyes because he looks up at me. I give him a look that has him turning around quickly. It's the same look I give my opponents before I put them to sleep in the ring.

Leaving this place no longer seems like the best idea. I have more important things to take care of. Making the little pixie that's walking toward me agree to be mine forever is on top of that list. I won’t be satisfied until I have her sweet surrender.



“Hi.” I smile up at the big man in front of me. I knew coming to this club was a good idea when I dragged my best friend here. We came for her to meet the man she’s been crushing on and now I am getting a crush of my own. I lick my bottom lip, trying to understand why I had the sudden pull to this giant man across the room. I’m used to being drawn to things but not like this. I know my attention is easily snagged, but this is the first time it’s been grabbed by a man. When he stands up, I can't believe that he’s even bigger than I thought. “I’m Neily.” I hold my hand out for him to take. He gives it a funny look before he engulfs my hand in his much larger one. He looks almost startled by my abruptness. At least that is what my family says I am. Abrupt. As quickly as I get into something, my departure is usually just as quick. “Neily.” My name rolls of his tongue rougher than I’ve ever heard it before. His voice matches him. Rough and raw. That's what I thought when I first saw him. He snagged my attention like no one has before. I think it’s his features. He

isn't what one would call handsome. His jaw and nose look as though they’ve been cut from stone. No, he is sexy. “Who did your tattoo?” I ask as my eyes go to his arms. The artist in me is always curious when there is good work on display. A quick thought passes through my mind at what may lie underneath those clothes of his. Curious to know if it’s a blank canvas. I go to touch one and realize he still has my hand in his. “I need this back.” I wiggle my hand. He’s hesitant at first but then he smirks at me, letting go. I grab his arm, inspecting the work. I begin to trace my fingertips over the smooth lines of the piece. The color has been filled in with a keen eye, letting me know that whoever did it has a talent that's o the charts. I know a few tattoo artists around town but I don’t recognize this style. It’s done beautifully. My fingers tighten on his arm, digging in when I think that maybe a woman put these marks on him. “You like them?” he asks, breaking me from my insane moment of jealousy. “Yeah,” I admit, letting go of his arm. “I have more.” I have no doubt. I shrug, not caring anymore. I inwardly sigh, feeling more disappointed than I should. I guess this night is going to be a bust for me. At least Alyssa got her man. Something drew me to this man, but the way my body and mind are already reacting to him lets me know that I need to stay away from him. No good will come of this. He belongs to someone else. I’m starting to think my mom was wrong about this whole finding your soulmate thing. That you know when you see them. What if they already belong to someone else?

“Well, this was fun.” I push my glasses up my nose, trying to hide my disappointment. “See you around.” I turn to leave as fast as I came. He grabs my wrist, pulling me back to him. “What just happened?” My body presses against his. The desire I felt the second that I saw him comes rushing back. Not yours, I remind myself. “Who did your tattoos?” I ask, avoiding his question. “My friend Marco. He has a shop on 5th and Central.” “Oh.” I perk up. My fingers dig into his shirt. I must have placed my hand on his chest when he pulled me back to him. “Why did you try and leave?” he asks again. His hand is still wrapped around my wrist. His touch is gentle but firm. “I thought some other woman had marked you.” I turn in his hold, my fingers brushing down his arm. God, he feels good. I settle more into him. I don’t know why but he feels safe. “Do you do tattoos?” “No.” I shake my head. “I thought about it but I’m not sure I’d want to be around people all the time.” I pull my eyes from his arm. “I also grow bored of projects easily. I like to be able to change what I’m working on.” “Artist?” I shrug. “I guess.” “And you didn't like the idea of some other woman having her mark on me.” I feel my face grow warm. I reach up to touch my cheek. Yup, my cheeks are definitely rosy. “I guess I didn’t,” I admit. I don’t know why I am blushing. “Will you sit with me?” He motions to where he was sitting. “Can I have one of those pink martinis?” I look around for the woman that had brought some to my table earlier.

“I’ll get you anything you’d like if you’ll stay.” He motions with his hand for one of the servers to come over. The woman almost trips over her feet to get to us. I’m guessing to get to him, not me so much. I tell myself that I’m staying for the martinis but deep down inside, I know that it’s way more than that. “Tomas. What can I get you?” She bats her eyes at him, not even bothering to spare me a glance. He pays no mind to the woman; his eyes remain focused on me. “What do you want, little pixie?” The woman's gaze finally darts over to me. She forces a smile. What the heck did I do to her? “Are you okay?” I ask her. “Drink?” She ignores my question. “The pink drink in the martini glass.” She gives a small nod before turning to leave. Tomas drops down in his seat. I let out a small squeak when he pulls me down with him. I drop into his giant lap. “You’re really big and I think that server hates me,” I inform him. This clubbing thing isn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. No wonder Alyssa and I never did it before. I thought we’d easily blend in, but really we stand out like sore thumbs. Not that I care. I never really fit in. I am used to it. “She hates me.” I settle into his lap, liking how I feel while being in it. “What did you do to her?” “Didn’t take her bait.” His eyes drift down my camisole. I reach over, pushing my fallen strap back up my arm. “Paint?” I nod. I couldn’t get it out but I love this shirt. I didn’t think the small spots would be noticeable on the black fabric. “What bait?”

His hand comes to my stomach, his other wrapping around me as he pulls me close in a tight hold. “She wanted me to take her home,” he answers. Right. This is a club. That’s what people do. Hook up. He is by far the sexiest man in here. I myself had wondered what it would feel like to kiss him. I couldn’t blame the women here for wondering some of those same things. “You don’t want to take her home?” I find myself asking. “I didn’t want to be here until a few minutes ago.” His hand slips under my tee, his fingers drifting back and forth on my skin. When I first spotted him I’d thought the same thing. He sat there playing on his phone, not paying attention to anything else. It gave my eyes time to trace all of the tattoos I could see without him noticing. That was until he lifted his head up, focusing his eyes right on me. “Then why did you come?” “Had to.” “Me too. My friend is crushing on this guy.” I point to where they are. “I came as a wing woman. Is that what it’s called? Wing woman?” “Jesus you’re fucking cute.” He keeps on smiling at me. “Really? I was trying for sexy. I even put lipstick on.” I pucker my lips to show him. He licks his own as he stares at mine. “You’re cute and sexy all rolled into one. I didn't know someone could be both.” My chest bubbles with excitement at his comments. I’m not sure what is happening here but I’m going to enjoy this moment. That’s what life’s about. You grab each moment before it can pass you by. Then you’re on to the next. Everything goes by so quickly that it’s important to take opportunities when they are presented to you. Because you may never have them again, causing you to have regrets. I don’t want this to be one of those times.

“You’re not bad yourself,” I admit as the server comes back, placing my drink on the table. She gives me another glare. I hold on tighter to Tomas and glare right back. He isn’t marked by another woman and that means he’s completely up for grabs. “Wait. You’re not married or anything, right?” “No.” He shakes his head. “I’m not into the whole dating thing. I’m focused on my work. Regardless of how much people try to hook me up, I don’t do it.” “So you just do the sex thing? Hook up?” I hate the jealousy that once again bubbles inside of me. I wouldn't mind hooking up with him. I’ve been hanging onto this V card for way too long now. By the way my body is reacting to him, it wants to give it to him on a silver platter. “No. I don’t do that either.” “Oh.” I scrunch my face, thinking about what that could mean. “I’m going to kiss you.” Before his words fully settle in, his mouth is already on mine. I gasp in surprise, and his tongue steals the moment to cross over into my mouth. His warm taste fills me and I find myself kissing him back. I shift in his lap, wanting to deepen the kiss. My arms wrap around his neck as I push my body into his. My thighs have to spread wide to get over his as I straddle him, rocking to find the pressure my body is begging for. “Jesus, Tomas. I didn't mean that you should hook up with a woman in the middle of the club.” Tomas shifts, putting me into the chair he was sitting in. I let out a whimper, not wanting to stop kissing him. I open my eyes that I must have closed when he kissed me, being lost in the moment. I can’t see anything. He’s standing in front of me, his back blocking everything out. I reach up to fix my glasses, hoping that will help.

“Fuck o ,” he grits out to whoever is talking to him. I shift to my knees to look around him to see the suit he was talking to earlier is back. The man glances over at me. “She’s cute.” Tomas clenches his fists at his sides. I can feel the tension pour o him. He takes a step toward the man. “I told you to fuck o .” The man in the suit lifts his hands. I grab one of Tomas’s clenched fists. It takes both of my hands to wrap around it. “You don’t want to be here? Then let's leave,” I o er, not wanting there to be a fight. I thought they were friends from how they were talking earlier. “He has to stay for another thirty minutes.” I glare at the man in the suit. He must be crazy. Is he trying to get himself punched in the face? I pull on Tomas’ hand. He steps back. I move out of the way, easily pushing him back into the chair. He doesn't fight me but moves easily under my touch. He snags me around the waist, pulling me back down into his lap. “You okt?” the man asks him. “I’m not going to tell you again. Watch your mouth and your eyes.” The man lets out a long sigh, clearly not o ended by Tomas' warning, but he does, however, look surprised. “Call me tomorrow.” He taps his watch before turning back to leave again. “Why do you have to stay?” He’d said something a minute ago about having to be here and not wanting to be. “It’s in my contract.” He turns his head to look at me. My eyes flick to his mouth. I want to kiss him again. “You don’t know who I am?” I shake my head no. “I’m Tomas Holiday.” “Okay.” His body shakes with laughter, making me smile. “You’re going to sit here with me for thirty minutes and then we’ll

get the hell out of here.” “Are you going to give me more of those kisses?” He smiles. His whole face lights up. I didn't know he had that in him when I first started stealing peeks over here. His face looked so serious earlier. But now that he’s smiled at me, I can’t imagine not seeing one of them again. “Yeah, but not here. People are watching.” I look around to see that people are really watching. It makes me wonder who Tomas Holiday is. Not that it matters. He is mine for tonight.



It wasn't until Seth walked over that I realized what I’d been doing. Of course people would be watching. I had a sexy little brunette on my lap and I was kissing her. Something that was very out of character for me. Also something that would make someone a good million if they snapped a picture of it to sell to one of those gossip rags. Still, I can’t bring myself to move Neily out of my lap. She sits perched there, watching the seconds tick by. She is completely unfazed by who I am. I find that as attractive as the rest of her. She is a breath of fresh air. “Doesn't it hurt when someone punches you in the face?” She asks another random question. I’m enjoying that I don’t know what will come next from her. “It’s been awhile since someone punched me in the face, but yeah, it hurts.” “I’d cry if someone hit me in the face.” She scrunches her small button nose, looking even more adorable. “No one will ever hit you in the face.”

“Wait. Alyssa hit me in the face once with a wooden spoon.” Anger hits me hard and fast. I can’t punch a woman. “I might have walked into the spoon. Okay, danced into it. I get bored when she’s cooking sometimes. It left a knot on my head for a week.” She smiles as she says it, tempering my anger. “I painted it to look like a horn.” She starts giggling in my lap. The sound goes straight to my dick. “A unicorn?” I guess. She bounces her head up and down, taking another sip of her drink. “Can we go yet? People are watching us.” Her shoulders try to move to the beat of the music but she fails adorably at it. I don’t think she cares. “You famous?” “Something like that.” “Famous for punching people in the face.” She throws back her head and laughs harder. Her dark hair tickles my arm. Her tits bounce with the motion. I have to make myself pull my eyes from them. I do it slowly, tracing them to my mind. I’ll use the image later. More than anything I want to make sure no other fuckers are getting a look at her. I want to trap the sounds of her giggles in my bedroom where only I’ll ever hear them. “Time.” I pluck the drink out of her hands, putting it down before I stand with her in my arms. She wraps her arms around me. “You’re strong.” She lets out a sweet sounding sigh. I know she’s more than a little tipsy. I might only get a few kisses with her, but I’ll take it. She’ll wake up in my bed come tomorrow morning. Then I can give her more. “You’re light.” She is. I could pick her up with one hand. “You should have seen me in high school. I was tiny and then Alyssa started baking these butterscotch brownies.” She moans. “I’m going to get you some. You’ll see what happens.” She pu s out her cheeks. The lights of the club hit them and I see small freckles across her nose.

“I don’t know what you’re eating but don’t ever stop.” I keep her in my arms as I stride through the bar. People step out of my way. She has nice soft curves that I don’t want to go anywhere. I exit out the back of the club the same way we came in. “I didn't know there was a secret entrance.” She lifts her head to look around. “Wait. It’s the back door.” She puts her head back down at the same time my driver pulls up. He jumps out, opening the door for me, looking shocked that I’ve got a woman in my arms. “Condo,” I tell him. Sometimes after a big fight I head out to my mom's place. It’s not far out of the city. She’s got land and I put a wall around it. I don’t have to worry about dealing with anything when I am there except the gym. Neily lets out a yawn into my neck. “Are you going to pass out on me?” She shakes her head no. “We’re going to do it,” she informs me. My cock jerks in agreement. That isn’t happening tonight. She nibbles on my neck. “You taste good.” She’s trying to kill me. Many men have tried to in the ring but this little pixie is going to pull it o without even trying. “You taste good too.” She shifts in my lap to straddle me in the back of the SUV. I flick my gaze to the front seat to see my driver looking forward, pretending we aren't here. He is getting a raise. “Kiss me.” Before I can give her what she wants, she’s already taking her kiss. I dig my fingers into her hair. She wiggles her little body against me. I don’t think she knows how to stay still. Not that I want her to. Her long skirt isn’t helping her get the friction she needs. She quickly figures this out and starts to try to pull it up. Her mouth leaves mine as she pulls on it. I let go of her hair, stopping her.

“Wait,” I tell her. My eyes flick to the driver. “We’re almost there.” She turns her head to look out the front window. I can’t stop myself from kissing her neck. I lick and suck at her, enjoying the sweet taste of her on my tongue. She lets out a small moan that brings me back to reality. I don’t want anyone seeing or hearing her pleasure. The thought may be ridiculous, but those sounds are for my ears only. The SUV barely pulls to a stop and I’m opening the door without waiting for anything else. I keep her tucked into me. She doesn't stop burying her face into my neck and kissing me the same way that I’d been kissing her. The need to have her is growing with each little kiss and lick she gives me. Thoughts of her on her knees doing the same to my cock run through my mind. But we have plenty of time to explore all of that. Tonight is about her. About me drinking down that sweet cream that I know lies between her gorgeous thighs. “Tomas.” She breathes my name against my neck. Her warm breath makes me groan as I step o the elevator onto my floor. I’ve been so lost in what she is doing to me that I don’t even remember getting on to the damn thing. “Keep your clothes on,” I tell her as I head straight for my bedroom. “No.” She nips at my neck. I almost stumble. She is going to be the first person to ever bring me to my fucking knees. But I don’t care. I’ll gladly get on them for her. Bury my face between her thighs. “Yes,” I tell her, putting her on her feet. “I hate clothes.” Before I can stop her she’s pulling her small shirt over her head. Her tits fall free. “No bra.” I’d been right. “I don’t need one. I don’t have much.” She shrugs, smiling at me as she shimmies the skirt down her legs next, not shy about being naked. She goes for her simple cotton

panties next, but I reach for her, knowing I need to stop her because I’m barely holding on by a string as it is. “Leave them on.” I fall to my knees in front of her. “They have to stay on.” I plead with her as I suck one of her little hard pink nipples into my mouth. If she takes them o I’ll be inside of her in seconds. “Oh that feels so good.” Her hands drop to my shoulders, her nails digging into me. I groan against her as I let one free and go for the other. Then my mouth is everywhere. I can’t stop kissing her. The need to taste every inch of her is overwhelming. “Tomas. I need more,” she pleads. She pushes on my shoulders, letting herself fall onto my bed. Her dark hair spreads out all around her. I grab for her, pulling her back down the bed so her legs dangle over the side, burying my face between her thighs over her panties. “Yes.” She lifts her hips, wanting me. “More,” she demands. I have to give her what she wants. I inhale a deep breath, and the smell of her arousal hits me hard. My cock jerks in my pants, already leaking cum just from the scent of her. It claws at me to please her. I pull her panties to the side, finding her little clit begging for attention. I circle it with my tongue before giving it a flick, followed by a long lick. She cries out my name as her wetness fills my mouth. I suck in her clit, needing more. Her hands dig into my short hair as she comes against my face, her legs shaking as I suck every last drop out of her. Our panting fills the room. I suck in a deep breath trying to get my shit together as I pull her panties back into place, giving each of her thighs a kiss. I stand, lifting her and putting her in the center of the bed and pulling the blankets back. I kiss her stomach before I pull myself from the bed, heading for my closet. I grab a pair of sweatpants before I

head into the bathroom, where I strip my clothes from my body. I look down at my hard cock that came not even thirty seconds ago. He wants more. To be inside of her. I’ve never had this need before. Even when I was younger I always wanted to fight. Sex was never a need. I thought something was wrong with me. That I was filled with so much anger that I didn't have a drive to be close to someone unless it was with my fists to their faces, causing pain. I grab a towel, wiping myself o before pulling on the sweatpants. I don’t know what she’s done to me, but I know I can’t live without it. “Tomas.” She calls my name. I flip o the lights, heading back for my bed. She’s sitting up with the blankets around her waist. Her perfect breasts are on full display for me. I have no idea what the hell she was talking about when she said she barely had any. They fit my hands perfectly. She reaches out for me. I grab her, pulling her half on top of me and flipping the blanket over both of us. She settles into me with her face back in my neck. Everything inside of me settles. Yeah, there is no living without this. Without her. Ever.



I stare at the hickey on my neck, not sure how I’m going to cover it up. I run my finger over it, not sure I want to. I don’t know how I missed the thing this morning when I hurriedly got ready to come into the bakery. I’m guessing because I didn't take a long look in the mirror as I brushed my teeth and hair at the same time while getting ready in record time. There was no hope in hiding it from Alyssa. My best friend had pointed it out in a hot second. It’s not like she has room to talk. She went home with a man too last night. I was just hoping to slide by without her asking where I’d gone o to. I wasn’t ready to answer any questions about my whereabouts last night because I don’t even know what to call it. My eyes flick down to my phone. I’m being stupid. Of course he isn't going to call me. He has no way of finding me. I snuck out while he was still sleeping. All he knows is that I am an artist that happens to be addicted to orgasms. The last one was a new discovery to me also.

“We leave in five!” my best friend shouts from somewhere inside of our apartment. At least I have this to keep me distracted for a little while. I dig under my sink for my makeup bag that has to be somewhere back there. Finding it, I rummage through it until I find some cover-up and do the best to hide the mark. Normally I wouldn't care, but this function we’re going to is a work thing. I have to look somewhat professional. I think. I shove the bag back under the sink before grabbing my phone and heading into the living room, where I fall back onto the sofa. Alyssa buzzes about the apartment, trying to make sure she has everything she needs for the night. She might be telling herself she’s not dressing up in case she runs into Sean, but I know she is. I don’t believe for one second that she isn't going to go out with the man she went home with last night. She’d kinda sorta stalked him for a month. There was no way she was tossing in the towel already but I’ll let her figure that out on her own. Since she has been the one doing the watching, I think it’s Sean’s turn to do a little stalking of his own. With the way he stood outside the bakery all day after Alyssa had cancelled their plans, I think he’s up for the challenge. He’d looked like someone had kicked his puppy while standing there. Although Alyssa kept herself busy, I could tell it was eating at her that she cancelled her plans with him. I might have to push her back towards him. “I think I’m ready.” Alyssa comes strolling into the room. I roll o the sofa, landing on all fours and pushing up from the ground. “Let’s do this.” I grab my bag and a hoodie from next to the front door. “You going to tell me about that hickey yet?” She elbows me in the side as we head out together.

“I think we should worry about your love life,” I push back. I’m not only avoiding Tomas, I am avoiding everything when it comes to him. There’s nothing really to talk about. We had a little tryst and now it's over. Those words weigh heavy on my heart for some strange reason. They shouldn't. This is what I do. I’m into something for a second and then I’m on to something new. Is this how I will be with men? The thought is unsettling. I might not be cut out for this dating thing then. “Let’s not.” She lets out a long sigh. I get why she’s running scared from Sean. He’s been seen out with a lot of girls. In all the articles we looked up about him, though, I didn't see him actually in a relationship. He was only pictured with women and none of the pics were couple pictures. They were all group shots. There just happened to be women in them. “Fine.” She hu s next to me, blowing one of her blond curls out of her face. It doesn't take us long to make it over to the bridal shower where we are dropping o the order and setting up. It’s no surprise to me when I see Sean there. It is, after all, his sister-in-law’s bridal shower. The man is pulling no stops to make sure Alyssa isn't going to slip away from him. I have to respect him for his e ort and his judgment. He obviously knows a good thing when he sees it. She might think he’s some bigshot player but I’m not buying it. The man is not hard on the eyes and he’s filthy rich. A combination that guarantees that he doesn't have to chase women down if he is only looking to get laid. I can’t blame him for getting hooked on Alyssa. She’s the whole package. I am lucky to have her as my best friend. It’s why I’m about to bail on her when they ask us both to stay for the bridal shower and hang out. She needs a small push and I am more than willing to give it to her.

“I have a date.” I pull out my phone, pretending to check it. A few people turn to look my way. “You have a date?” Alyssa looks surprised. It was the one thing I could say I had to do so that she couldn't tag along. She needs to stay here and work things out with Sean. “Yep. Gotta go.” I turn, taking o down the hallway before Alyssa can ask more questions. I should have known she would chase me down. She grabs me around the arm, stopping me from escaping. “Date? You’re leaving me?” She looks over her shoulder back to Sean. “Yeah, I have a date.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her. “You should stay. Have fun.” “You’re supposed to be on my team. Not his,” she reminds me. Of course I am on her team. That’s why I am doing this. I would do anything for this girl. We may not be related by blood, but I consider her to be my sister. I want only the best for her and I believe that to be Sean. “Stay.” I grab her hand, giving it a squeeze. Her shoulders drop and I know I’ve got her. She leans in, kissing my cheek. She wants to spend more time with Sean. She is only fighting herself. “I’ll see you later,” she says before heading back toward the kitchen. I slip out the front door, not sure what I’m going to do for the rest of the night. When the evening air hits my face, sadness fills me. Even if I wanted to find Tomas, I wouldn’t know where to start. I grab a cab, telling the driver to head to my place. I do what I told myself I wouldn’t and start googling Tomas. There’s this need inside of me to know more about him. I know that it’s not going to change anything, but that doesn’t stop me from sucking up every piece of information I can get on him. Everything I find on him only makes me like him more. He is a master at what he does. I click on a few videos,

watching him in the ring. He isn't graceful or quick on his feet like I’d assumed fighters were. His blows are direct. He packs a devastating punch. He doesn't dance around the ring or showboat. He stands there like a wall of pure muscle until he’s ready to strike. Then in a blink of an eye, his opponent is on the floor and they are raising his arm in victory. I’m not even sure if he breaks a sweat before the match is over. Everything happens so quickly. All the footage of his fights is the same. It doesn’t go unnoticed by me that his body is in tip top shape. Each muscle is defined, as though he’d worked each of them until they looked perfect. My mouth waters to run my tongue along them. “Change of plans,” I tell the driver, giving him the address to the place I’d snuck out of this morning. I am going to take a page from Alyssa’s book. There’s no harm in doing a little stalking of my own.



“I should have known this was going to be bad when you agreed to train with some of my pups,” Clyde grumbles under his breath. The excitement is long gone from earlier when he’d asked if I’d go a few rounds with his guys now. I glance over to the four men I’ve already gone toe to toe with. They aren't looking too good. Each one of them has a cold compress pressed against one of their body parts. They took their best shots at me, but like all my other opponents, they lost. I should feel bad but I don’t. If you step in the ring with me, you’d best believe that I’m bringing my A game. I don’t care if it’s practice or the real thing. I treat every sparring session as though it were a title fight. “I didn't hit them in the head,” I half-heartedly defend myself. I no longer have a whole heart to try to defend myself with. My little pixie took it with her this morning when she slipped out on me. I still don’t know how the fuck that happened. I’d been out like a rock. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so good in my life. Then I woke to hell. I was all alone.

Again. Now the silence that I used to enjoy so much is deafening. “You want to tell me why you’re more pissed than normal?” “I never volunteer to help with your-” I look back to the men, who are all still growing. “Pups.” They look like grown men to me. I wouldn't have laid into kids the way I went at them. I was doing them a favor in the long run. It’s good for them to take some hits. We all have to take them at some point. “This about that girl?” My head snaps back to Clyde. “What girl?” There is only one girl. Still, I wonder how the hell he knows about that? Clyde isn’t into gossip usually. He never reads headlines unless they’re about fights. I didn't see anything posted about last night online. We were at Sean King’s club but I didn’t even notice anyone taking pics of us. The owner of the club runs a pretty tight ship when it comes to people’s privacy. Especially when it comes to his VIPs. At least that’s what I was told when I started digging this morning. His sta keeps their mouths shut and their phones in their pockets. Still, it doesn’t mean some random person didn't snag a picture. Not that it matters. It could help me find her faster. I was so consumed with my little pixie last night that I didn’t get any information on her. I thought I would have time, but she obviously had something else in mind. “I make it a habit to know what my fighters are doing.” I start ripping the wraps o my hands. I need to get out of here. This isn't helping me burn o the energy that has been humming through my body. I know only one thing will do that. Her. But first I have to find her—and I will find her. “She’s my girl and you don’t need to worry about her.” I drop my wraps to the floor.

“Your girl.” He shakes his head, smiling at me. The wrinkles around his eyes grow deeper. Clyde is like a father to me. I need to stop being a dick, but I am on edge. I haven't felt this unsettled since I was a wild teen, fighting in the streets. “Sorry,” I apologize. I rub a hand down my face. I wasn't even supposed to be here today. I should be o for a few weeks. If I was a normal fighter I’d be out in Vegas partying my ass o . That isn't my scene. I’d only been out last night because it was requested. Right now I only want to be in one place. Hell, it isn’t even a place, it’s a person. That’s all I want. I’d give up every belt I’ve ever won to have her address right now. I’d settle for a phone number, that’s how desperate I am. “Get out of here.” Clyde slaps my back. “I don’t want to see you for a few weeks.” I grab my shit and head out the door. I pull my phone out, checking to see if I have any messages. I don’t see anything from the guy I hired this morning to track down my girl. I do, however, see a text from my mom. Mom: Dinner “Shit,” I mumble, picking up my speed when I see the reminder from her. If I’m late my mom will have my ass. I hop in my car, heading for her place. I get there in record time considering she lives right outside of the city. She likes her space. I don’t blame her after how we once lived. I don’t even make it up the steps of the front porch before she’s already opening the door. “I’m on time,” I rush to say, making her laugh. She holds her arms out, wanting a hug. I wrap my arms around her tightly, kissing the top of her head. “What did you make?” “Steak of course.” She pats my chest, looking up at me. No one can make steak like her and I’ve been to some of the

nicest restaurants in the world. “Come sit down. I’ll plate the food and you tell me what’s wrong.” “Nothing-” She cuts me o . “You about to lie to me?” “Sorry, Mom.” I let out a sigh as I follow her into the house. I seem to be handing out a lot of apologies today. I should have known that she’d be able to tell I was in a shit mood. I’m not sure I can even call it that, to be honest. I am happy I found my little pixie but also pissed she slipped away from me. I take a seat at the giant kitchen island. I’d gone all out when I built this place for my mom. I knew a big kitchen was what she wanted more than anything. I was determined to give her anything she wanted. There had been too many nights that she had to cook our dinner on a single hot plate in our tiny apartment. Still, everything she cooked, even back then, was wonderful. She’d even managed to teach me how to cook. “Why the grumpy face?” She starts plating my food for me. “Everyone says I always look grumpy.” I shrug. That is the truth. She rolls her eyes at me. “I know the di erence between your normal face and your pissed face. I’m your mama.” My lips twitch for the first time since I woke up this morning alone in bed. “This time there is something di erent mixed in there that I can’t place. You look a little sad too.” She slides the plate in front of me before she starts to fix her own. “I met someone.” Mom drops her fork, staring at me. “You met someone,” she repeats. I nod my head yes. I knew she’d be excited about this. I wasn't going to tell her until after I found my little pixie again, but here we are. “Why didn't you bring her!” she half shouts at me.

“I gotta find her again.” I shove a piece of steak into my mouth, trying to get a few more bites before my mom wants me to divulge every little detail she can suck out of me. I give in to her curiosity, telling her almost all of the details. I leave some of the more private moments out. “There is so much to be done. A wedding. Grandbabies.” She claps her hands together. “I’ve got to find her first.” She waves me o with her hand. “Tomas, you fight for anything you want and you always win. I have no doubt you will find this girl.” She takes a bite of her steak, smiling big. She is right. I will win this fight. It's the one that really matters. “A spring wedding. I think that’s perfect.” Mom adds in, making it clear I better find her sooner rather than later. As if there were any other option.



I stand across the street from the Heavyweights gym asking myself how I got here. Oh, that’s right. I went into a deep stalking mode on Tomas. I’d caved three days ago and went back to his place after the wedding shower. He never came home. At least he hadn't before I’d finally given up and left. Where had he been all night? The stupid question kept bugging me, so I went down an internet spiral of stalking him. That led me to where I’m currently standing. The gym he supposedly works out in, according to my Google research. I’m not so sure that I have the correct place, but I’ve been restless so I might as well take a chance. This is my second day walking past this place and I still haven't spotted him. My only option is to step up my e orts a notch. I’m going to have to go inside. I’ll casually blend in. No one will even notice I’m there on my secret stalking mission. Easy enough. I’d done it at the club so surely I can do it at a gym. I haven't been inside a gym since high school, but what do you really need besides workout clothes, sneakers and air pods? I

can pull that o . I reach up, tightening my ponytail before stepping o the curb. This is going to be a cake walk. I’ll find out more about him and then lose interest and be on to something new. A car honks, the sound making me jump right back onto the sidewalk with a scream as it goes speeding by. Okay, maybe I don't have this. I shake my head at myself, pushing my glasses back up my nose before looking both ways this time. I step o the curb and jog across the street. A man opens the door for me as I get closer to the entrance. “Thanks.” I give the man in sweats a smile, noticing he has two black eyes. “Who gave you the shiners?” “Fucking Tomas.” He reaches up, touching his eyes. Bingo. I've found the spot. “You think it’s hot?” He winks the swollen eye at me. I shake my head no. “Isn't the point not to get hit?” “We all get hit.” He pulls on my ponytail. “Getting hit doesn't sound appealing to me.” I look at my hand, making it into a fist. “Hitting someone doesn't either.” My fingers are what made me money. If I hit something, I have no doubt I’d break my own hand. That would be my clumsy luck. “Then why are you here?” He gives me a playful smirk. Is he flirting with me? If he is, he’s doing a terrible job at it. Seems like he sucks at two things: fighting and flirting. “Just checking the place out.” I look around the gym, trying to be casual. It doesn't look like any of the others I’ve seen before. There aren’t rows and rows of treadmills and bikes. Instead there are mats and punching bags. There is a ton of other equipment that I don’t know the names of. “We don’t have those boxing workout classes here.” He looks me over. “I mean, I can work you out.” He tries to wink at me but it doesn't work with the black eyes. “Bruno. Hit the locker room and get on the bike.”

“Stick around. I’ll be done in a few hours.” The man jogs o . I hope he doesn’t think I’m going to wait around for him for hours. He must be crazy. I barely said two words to this guy and here he is, thinking I want him. Figures. First of all, I don't even find him attractive and second, I’m already stalking someone. I’ll be doing this for the next few hours. I’m busy. “Can I help you?” The same older man who yelled at Bruno comes walking over to me. “Just checking the place out.” Why is everyone on my case? So much for blending in. I stick out like a sore thumb apparently. “Anyone can come in, right?” The man's eyes roam over me. He’s not in workout gear like everyone else. A few others glance my way. It’s then I realize I’m the only girl in this place. “Wait. Is this place for men only?” “No, we have a few women.” He folds his arms over his chest. “You don’t look like a groupie.” “I’m an artist.” I furrow my eyebrows at his strange comment. Aren’t groupies with rock bands? Why the hell is this guy suggesting I’m a groupie? I look down at myself. I’m wearing perfectly suitable gym attire. I don’t know what these gymgoers wear but my yoga pants and hoodie are more than acceptable. I even put on sneakers to seal the deal that I was really here to work out. They may be Converse that I stole from Alyssa’s room, but they’re still sneakers. I don’t think she’ll notice. Sean has basically kidnapped her at this point. “You want to tell me why you’re really here?” “To get into shape.” I lift my arm, flexing it. He only stares at me, clearly not buying what I’m selling. “Fine. I'll tell you but you can’t tell anyone.” I take a step closer to the older man. He reminds me a little of my grandpa. You can’t ever get anything past him.

“Out with it.” His lips twitch and I know he’s fighting a smile. “I was looking for Tomas.” He lifts his gray eyebrows. “You check his place?” “I went by there a few nights ago but he wasn't there.” Again his eyes run over me. I try not to fidget. “You know where he lives?” “Yes,” I answer. I think I’ve given up too much information. What if he tells Tomas I was looking for him? Then he’ll think I’m a crazy person. “He left thirty minutes ago. He’ll be back tomorrow.” He pulls out his phone. “I can call him for you.” Now he does smile. I snatch the phone out of his hand. I almost drop it but he catches it. He’s fast for an older guy. “You said you wouldn't tell anyone.” “I never said that.” I glare at him. I notice everyone is staring at us now. He only smiles bigger at me. “I’m putting it together now. He’ll be here tomorrow afternoon. You’re more than welcome to stop by and use the gym if you like.” “Maybe I will.” I look at all the people openly staring at us. “Everyone is looking at us.” The man turns, barking an order for them to get their asses moving. They all jump to, as though they are scared of him even though all of them are way bigger than him and half his age. “Sorry about them. They can be worse than church ladies.” I just nod because I have no idea what that means. I like the old man though. He has kind eyes and seems to want to help me out. “Well, thanks.” I turn, heading out. “I didn't catch your name,” he calls after me.

“I didn't give it.” His smile is the last thing I see before I dart out the door, having no plans of coming back. I don’t know if I’m busted or not. I groan, for the first time in my life actually feeling embarrassed. Still, I know I’ll be back tomorrow. Tomas is too tempting for me not to be.



I run my hand down my face, trying to get myself under control. I haven't felt this on edge since I was a kid with too much anger inside of me to know what to do with. I can’t find her and it’s driving me fucking nuts. I think I’m starting to lose my mind. The little pixie sprinkled her magic dust on me and put me under her spell. It may not be that dramatic, but she did something to me. My phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket, answering it without looking to see who it is. “You find her yet?” “Who?” Clyde’s voice comes through the phone. “Never mind. What’s up?” I change the subject. I can’t believe the firm I hired still hasn't located Neily yet. They are supposed to be the best in this fucking city. I’m going to have to call in some favors if I don’t hear something in the next few hours. “Why aren't you here?” “I’m o .”

“Yeah, but you never take your time o even when I order you to.” True. I never did. What was I supposed to do? Sit around all day? I always went in after fights, never taking a leave. People think I’m dedicated. I think I’m bored. I've found a hobby now. If I could only track her down. Fuck that. She is more than a hobby. She is going to be my everything. My ultimate win. “Am now.” “Then I guess I won’t tell you about the girl that came by here looking for you.” “Is that why you called me? You know I don’t do that shit.” I don’t look at or touch groupies. Sometimes they pop up at the gym trying to get my attention, but I never bite. I’m a little shocked Clyde would call me about one. He does a good job of keeping the gym clear of that kind of shit. “Just thought you’d want to know that your girl stopped by.” I stop pacing. “Cute little thing with glasses and dark hair. Freckles on her nose.” “She’s there?” “She was yesterday.” “Yesterday!” I shout, already heading for my door. “Why didn't you call me yesterday?” I try to get my temper under control. “How come I can never get you this worked up before a fight?” “They already complain my fights are too short,” I remind him. “I don’t give a shit about that. The sooner you’re out of the ring the less likely you are to get hurt.” “Stay on topic, old man.” I’m already out the front door of my building. I don’t bother with a car. I can jog the two miles faster than it would be to pull a car around. On foot there is no tra c. “Forget it. I’ll be there in ten.” I pick up my speed, running flat-out until I’m busting into the gym.

All the time I’ve spent on a treadmill is finally paying o . I am quick for as big as I am. “What did she say?” I ask Clyde as he stands from the stool he’s sitting on. “Not much, but she was low key looking for you. I think she’s been by your place too. I got the feeling she stopped by and you weren't home.” It had to have been when I was at my mom’s. “Told her you’d be back here today. When you didn't show that's when I called you.” He claps his hand down on my shoulder. “You’re welcome.” “Thanks,” I mumble, looking toward the door, still feeling on edge. What if she doesn't show? What if I missed my opportunity to see her again? I take a deep breath in, trying to calm myself down. I’ll find her one way or another. Nothing will stop me from having my forever with her. She came looking for me. Something about that has me smiling. If it were any other woman, I’d be asking for tighter security here. But I want my little pixie to find me. I guess now it’s only a matter of who finds who first. “I’ll hang around.” “Why don’t you look busy? Don’t make me look like a snitch.” He smirks at me. “I don’t want to play with your pups.” I can’t pull my eyes from the door. Clyde might be right, though. There is a chance she might not come in if I’m hovering over the door. If she wanted to come out and see me, she would have shown back up at my place and knocked. I’m starting to think my little pixie might be a bit flighty. She tried to walk away from me in the bar like she’d lost interest in me. I don’t think things hold her attention long. That slice of happiness I was feeling about her looking for me yesterday starts to slip away. What if she’s lost interest already? Shit. She really was fucking with my head. I’d be a liar if I didn't admit I was enjoying any kind of fuck she

wanted to give me. As long as I had her attention, I’d take that as a win. “Come on, go a round with Bruno. He wants another chance with you.” I glance over to Bruno. His eyes are looking better. He talked so much smack when we’d gotten into the ring the other day that I blessed him with not only one, but two black eyes. “Nah.” I’ll punch a bag or something to look busy. “He was playing with your girl’s hair yesterday. Asking her to wait around for him.” “What the fuck?” I’m going to break his hands and then his jaw. That should stop him from touching and talking to my girl. You can't ask shit when your mouth is wired shut. “Shit.” Clyde grabs my arm. “Didn't think it would make you that mad. Calm down, boy.” “What the hell did you mean?” Did he make that shit up to get me in the ring? “Tomas.” Bruno gives me a chin nod. I must have knocked the sense right out of him the other day. Otherwise he would notice that Clyde is holding me back. “You touched my girl.” Bruno holds his hands up, taking a step back. “I haven’t touched a girl in days.” “I was messing with you.” Clyde pushes me and I take a step back out of respect for him. “She wears glasses and has a ponytail.” He glances over to Bruno. Bruno takes another two steps away from me. “I didn't know she was yours until after.” “After what?” “I winked at her and pulled her ponytail.” “You pulled her what?” Why the fuck would he pull her ponytail? Clyde jumps in front of me. Both of his hands go to my chest. “He was harmless. She didn't even notice him.” That

would be a first. All the women notice him. I like that shit because they leave me the hell alone. Now that it’s my pixie, I hate that shit. “You hurt even one hair on her head and you’ll never fight again.” “You can’t ban me from fighting,” he throws back, but his ass is taking another few steps away. I notice some men start to circle in, ready to break up a fight. I haven't wanted to fight someone just to make them hurt in years. Now I only fight because I’m the best at it and it pays well. But the urge to bash Bruno's face in until he’s unrecognizable rides me hard. I take a deep breath in, reminding myself that I’m no longer fighting in the streets and that I’m a professional. “How hard did I hit you?” Bruno is clearly not that bright. Clyde spells it out for him. “He means he’ll break your hands.” Bruno looks down at his hands. “Her hair was soft.” Yep. He’s dumb as fuck is all I can think before I’m charging him.



Once again I stand outside the gym debating what I should do. This time I promise myself that I’ll only take a small peek. No one has to know I was even there to begin with. I don’t have to go inside. My feet move closer to the front door on their own accord. I jump out of the way of a man that I almost walk right into. “Watch it,” he mumbles under his breath. I ignore him, coming to a stop beside the front door of the gym. Again, I’m in yoga pants and a sweater, trying to blend in. I pull down my ball cap lower. I stole it from my dad last night when I went over for dinner. It was bittersweet. We’d all gone over together to celebrate Sean and Alyssa. She is madly in love and getting married. Which means that she is moving out. I am so happy for her but I know my life is going to change. I’d felt something else last night as I watched her and Sean. It’s not jealousy but a longing to have the kind of love that they’ve found. Alyssa has always been a happy person, but now there is something new in her eyes.

Love and dating have never been my thing. To be honest, the idea of marriage was never something that appealed to me either. Which is crazy because my parents are madly in love with each other. Now this longing is suddenly inside of me and it’s not going away. I easily tire of things. My mind often drifts from one thing to another. So the thought of wanting to settle down surprises me. Yet, my mind isn’t drifting away from Tomas. All of my thoughts and attention have been focused on him. I haven't worked on anything in days. Every time I try, I find myself thinking about what he’s doing. Is he thinking about me? I’m driving myself crazy. Forget it. I’m going to face this head-on. I know he has no way to find me. I’m going to go into the gym, tell him where I’ll be and then if he wants to see me, he can come for me. We can hang out and do stu together. My thighs clench when I think about the things we’ve already done. I wouldn't mind more of that. I couldn't sate the need myself. I tried. It was nowhere near as good as when he did it. My nipples tighten in the sports bra I have on. Yes, I just need another taste of him. I grab the door, pulling it open. I'm determined and on a new mission. I freeze when I see Tomas. He’s not looking at me but the man with the shiner I’d seen yesterday. In the blink of an eye, he launches himself at him. Everyone jumps in, trying to grab him. “Little help here,” the older man from yesterday says, looking right at me. How the hell am I going to help? I’d die if I got into the middle of all that. I do the only thing I can. “Tomas, stop!” I shout. He actually does. Bruno goes running halfway across the gym to get away from him. Tomas turns his head, his eyes locking right on me. My whole body lights up with need. His stare causes me to get wet between my thighs. He looks so hot. I’m not sure what

they were fighting about, but my man looks deadly. For some reason that turns me on even more. Wait. Did I just refer to him as my man? “Let me go.” Each man that has a hold on him lets him go, stepping back. “You shouldn't punch people for free.” I push my glasses up my nose. “Sometimes it feels good to hit something.” I’m not sure how to take that. Maybe it should scare me but it doesn't. There is something about his aggression that pulls me toward him. I want to soothe it. To calm him. To hold him in my arms and protect him against the world. I almost laugh at my last thought. I walk over to him. My arms go around his neck, pulling him down to me. He comes without question. His mouth meets mine. My eyes fall closed with a sigh coming from my lips. For the first time in days I feel settled. He pulls me into his body, his tongue parting my lips to deepen the kiss. I open for him, suddenly needing him more than I need my next breath. My arms tighten around him. Why did I run that morning? I can’t even remember. Everything else ceases to matter right now as I kiss him back. I take what I want. What I’ve been starving for. Someone clears their throat, reminding me that we’re in a gym full of other men. I slowly pull back, looking up at Tomas. “Still want to punch anyone?” “Depends if you’re going to run or not.” I lick my lips. “Not right now.” I make no promises that I won’t at some point. I am a runner. I wouldn’t consider it running actually, more like drifting. It is my nature. Not one I’m sure I can ever break. “You’re going to be the death of me.” His hold on me tightens.

“I don’t have the urge to punch things.” His whole body shakes with laughter. “I’d take a hundred punches if it meant when I woke up the other morning you’d have been in bed with me still.” I smile at that. “That’s kinda sweet.” I tilt my head. “You've been missing me?” I’ve been missing him like crazy. I don’t feel so bad admitting that to myself now that I am back in his arms. “Missing you is putting it lightly. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Again he tightens his hold on me. I realize my feet are dangling o the ground. How could I have forgotten how big he is? He makes me feel so tiny and delicate when I’m in his arms. “You’re going to squeeze the air out of me.” I hear a few people chuckle. “Fuck o ,” he barks at them. I snort a laugh when they all take o . He puts me down on my feet, slowly letting me go, but not before his big hand grabs mine. “I’m out.” “Figured as much.” The older man winks at me as Tomas pulls me from the gym. “Where are we going?” I ask. I have to half run to keep up with him. It’s a good thing I put on a sports bra. “You walk fast.” He slows down to accommodate my little legs. “I don’t know.” He stops walking and I run right into him. He catches me before I can fall backwards. “Where do you want to go?” I shrug. My only plan had been to see him again. I wasn't sure I was even going to talk to him. But here I am back under his hold. “I don’t know.” I shrug. “What do we do now?” He stares down at me. “Sex? Do we have sex now?” “You always say what's in your head?” “Yeah.” I shrug. “Food. I’m going to feed you and we’re going to talk.” He starts to pull on my hand again.

“I am hungry now that I think about it.” I normally just eat whatever Alyssa puts in front of me but she hasn't been around much. “When did you eat last?” “Don’t know.” He opens the door to a diner. “You don’t know when you ate last?” “I don’t think about it really.” He guides me over to a booth. “Sit,” he orders. I drop down into the chair. He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine. Again, another one of those sighs leaves me. Him being so close has me hungry for more than food. “Do we have sex after we eat?” I ask when he takes his seat across from me. “I’ll come back.” The waitress that I didn't see come over turns to leave. Tomas lets out a deep, sexy chuckle. “We’ll get there, little pixie, but first you eat. You’ll need your strength.”



For the first time in days my body actually relaxes. When she called my name inside the gym all my rage had melted away. I didn't care about anything else but getting close to her again. Her voice had been soothing to me. Any anger I had inside me vanished. “You know I can’t eat that much food.” She pushes her glasses up her nose. Her mouth is still pu y from our kiss. I’m thankful there was a room full of people so I had to stop. If we’d been alone I would have had her flat on her back. I don’t want her thinking this is only about sex. Even if that’s where her mind is. I’m not saying that I don’t want to have sex with her, because I want to make her mine in every way as soon as possible, but I want more than that. I want forever. “Eat what you can.” She takes a sip of her strawberry milkshake. Her cheeks hollow out as she tries to get as much as she can up through the straw. My mind flashes to her on her knees doing the same to my cock. I grit my teeth, reaching under the table

and adjusting myself. I’m regretting that I have on sweatpants right now. “I bet you eat a ton.” Her eyes roam over me. “Do you have to work out a lot? You lifted me like I weigh nothing. Can you bench press me?” She’s so fucking adorable that it’s almost too much to bear. “You’re as light as a feather.” She’s fucking tiny. It’s something I need to remember. I am easily double her size. I might be triple it. All that delicate sweet skin. I need to handle her with care. She doesn't make it easy to keep my shit together as she licks some of the strawberry shake o her bottom lip. “I don't know what I weigh. Alyssa says I can eat anything and not gain a pound.” She shrugs. I don’t think she cares what she weighs. I sure as shit don’t. I don’t take Neily as the type to care about what anyone thinks of her. She lives in her own little world. I just need to figure out how to get her to let me live in it with her. That both scares the hell out of me and pulls me to her. She is naïve in some ways. She needs someone to take care of her so that she doesn’t forget to eat. Or go home with a man she only knew for an hour. Yeah, she needs someone to watch out for her. And since it’s crystal clear that I need her too, I nominate myself for the position. My life has been hell since she slipped from it. I couldn't go back there. She settled something deep inside of me. I hadn’t even known it needed to be calmed, but she’d done it. Her eyes get big as the server starts to put all the food I ordered down onto the table. “Can I get you anything else?” Neily shakes her head no. “I think we’re good.” She wanders o , leaving us alone.

“I’m going to weigh a few more pounds before I leave here.” She picks up the cheeseburger and takes a giant bite from it. “This is so good,” she says around a mouthful of food before shoving more into her mouth. “Aren't you going to eat?” She puts the burger down, reaching for a mozzarella stick. “Yeah.” I pull the steak towards me and cut o a piece. I don’t taste anything because all of my focus is on watching her. The sounds she makes as she tastes a little of everything on the table are enough to kill me. My cock begs to be inside of her and my mouth waters to taste her again. “Is it good?” “You tell me.” I cut o a bite for her. She opens her mouth for me as I feed it to her. She lets out a small moan that doesn’t help the state I’m in. I know now that she has a moan for when she eats and another for when she comes. “I like it.” I feed her another bite. “Alyssa always cooks for me.” She looks down at the burger in front of her. “What’s wrong?” I reach across the table, lifting her chin to look at me. I don’t want her to feel sad. “Tell me.” That bright light that’s always around her has dimmed. I want to fix it. I want to spend my life making sure it shines as bright as it can. “Nothing. My best friend, Alyssa. She’s moving out. It’s going to be weird not having her around. I’ve never been alone before. It’s always been her and me since we were little.” “You’re not alone,” I try and reassure her. Fuck, that look in her eyes is killing me. “I know. It’s just a change. I love change and new things. I don’t know why I’m taking this so hard. I’m happy for her. I really am.” “I know you are.” She gives me a soft smile that meets her eyes. “We still own a business together so I’ll see her all

the time. I’m guessing they don't want me moving in next to them.” She lets out an adorable snort. “Not that I could a ord to. Sean King is mega rich.” That explains why Neily was at the club the other night. She didn't look like the type that went clubbing. “Tell me about your business.” I lean back in the booth as I listen to her tell me about the little shop she and her best friend opened together called Love Bites. It’s a little bakery that makes small cakes but also sells the art she makes. From paintings to furniture that she’s redone. She really does like to do a little of everything. “You don’t call it Love Bites because Alyssa and you think that love bites, do you?” It has me thinking someone hurt her. I hate the idea of her having some ex as much as I hate thinking someone would break her heart. Either way, I want to level whoever the dumb fuck is and thank him for leaving her for me to have. “Nah. It’s because every bite Alyssa makes is filled with love.” I watch as some of the light that dimmed comes back to her. “I don’t date. I’m too busy.” She picks up her burger, taking a bite from it. “What do you call this?” She looks up like she’s thinking before she puts her elbows on the table, leaning forward as if to tell me a secret. “Is this a date?” she whispers, her eyebrows furrowing together as she thinks about it. I have to fight a laugh. “You’ve been declaring that we are going to have sex through half the dinner and you’re whispering about this being a date?” “I don’t date,” she says again. I think she is trying to convince herself. Not me. “You just have sex?” If that’s the case, she’s going to be in for a rude awakening. I’m not going to have sex with her. Not yet anyway. It may kill me to keep my hands o her but I

know it’s what I need to do. I have a feeling my pixie might get what she wants and slip right through my fingers if I’m not careful with her. I’m not making that mistake again. I’ve faced down some of the scariest men in the ring, yet the thought of not having her in my life strikes fear in me. I pick up my water, taking a sip. “Well, no. Not yet. You’ll be my first.” I almost choke on my water. “Are you okay?” No, but I shake my head yes. She really is going to kill me. Her innocence is intoxicating. I am too rough around the edges for her. I don’t know how to handle something so beautiful. I’ll figure it out because I know what I have to do now. I have to get my hooks into her. If I want to keep her attention, I am going to have to make her fall in love with me. That's been my plan all along. From the moment I saw my little pixie, I knew that I’d do anything to make her mine.



“I don’t think I can eat any more,” I say as I take another lick from my ice cream. I hold it up to Tomas. He takes a lick for himself. My mind flashes to the night in his bed when he licked between my thighs. I want that again. He was starting to drive me crazy with all his small touches. I want more of them. Something about him is so comforting. I asked if he wanted to go back to his place but he said he would rather walk me back to mine. I think he may have turned me down for sex. As bold as I can be about asking for things, I find I can’t bring myself to outright ask him. For the first time in my life I am afraid of rejection. “I was impressed with how much you did eat.” I look up at him. He’s got a smirk on his lips. He pulls me in closer to him as we walk down the sidewalk with his arm around me. I think more than a few people know who he is. They often take a double look at him. I saw the waitress try and slip her number to him. He balled it up and tossed it onto the table. I felt jealous. It was a feeling I wasn't used to. I shouldn’t be. He didn't give her a second look. It’s the

opposite when it comes to me; he can’t take his eyes o me. He hangs on my every word. “Yeah. I think I didn't eat yesterday.” A string of curses comes from Tomas, making me laugh. “What? I was busy.” I leave out the part about me being busy online stalking him and then stopping by his gym. He doesn't need to know all that. A girl has to have some secrets. We finally make it up to my apartment. Tomas walks me to my door and I’m silently praying that he comes in. I don’t want tonight to be over already. How did I go from running from his bed to trying to get him to stay in mine? I was a hot mess that didn’t know what I wanted. “This is me.” I pull out my key and slide it into the lock. I take a deep breath and open my door. I step in, but Tomas grabs my hand before I go any further. He pulls me into him and his mouth seals over mine. I open for him and his tongue slips into my mouth. I can still taste a hint of the ice cream that he licked from my cone earlier. I try to pull him inside of my place, but he doesn’t budge. I break the kiss, wondering why the hell he’s not coming in. “You realize I’m a lot smaller than you, right? If I could, I would drag you into my place, but I can’t, so why don’t you help me out here?” I put my hands on my hips. This man just won't give it up. I thought men fell right into bed with women. I must be really out of touch with this dating stu . “Give me your number.” He pulls out his cell phone. “Why, are you going to booty call me?” I tease, wiggling my eyebrows. “Number, pixie.” My nipples harden at his stern tone. I take his phone from his hand. He thinks I’m going to put my number in it but instead, I turn around and walk into my house with it. He follows me in, letting the door fall closed behind him. I smile to myself, knowing I have him exactly where I want him.

“I don’t want you to leave.” He gives me a sexy grin. It’s not cocky at all. He’s happy I want him to stay, but why does it feel as though he’s still trying to keep some space between us? “I fucking love that you say what you’re thinking. It’s refreshing.” He walks over toward me. His hand goes to my ponytail, pulling my hair down. “Is it that you don’t want to be alone or that you want me here?” “I want you here.” The more time I spend with Tomas the more I want him. The more I realize that I’ve been missing something in my life. Could I have been drifting so much because I was looking for him? “Then I’ll stay.” He leans down toward me. I drop my head back so he can kiss me. He gently brushes his mouth against mine but pulls back too quickly. God, he makes me feel good. “Want to watch a movie?” “Oh. Are we doing that whole Netflix and chill thing?” Isn't that what they call it? I don’t really care what it’s called, only that we do it. I never watch movies, but it sounds nice to lie on the sofa with him. “Call it whatever you want.” He looks around my place. “Is this your work?” He steps away from me and over to one of my many paintings that are hanging on the wall. This one is of Alyssa and me. We’re sitting on the dock at my grandparents’ house. We are holding hands behind our backs. My head is lying on her shoulder. We were both trying to talk the other into putting our feet in the water, but each one of us was scared that a fish would eat us alive. That painting always brings a smile to my face. It reminds me of our innocence and when life had been worry free. Getting our toes nibbled on by fish was our biggest worry back then. “I was thirteen when I drew it.” It will always be one of my favorites. I’ve gotten so many o ers from people looking

to buy it, but I could never let it go. “You two are really close. I see why you’re so sad about her moving out.” I am. It is turning out harder than I thought it was going to be. I knew Alyssa would fall in love early in life. She is easy to love. As for me, I’m just di erent from everyone else in our families. Even when it came to us going to college, she had been so excited to go but I never really wanted to be there. I went because Alyssa did and it was the next step in life. It had been what our parents wanted us to do. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that I was able to go, but it was never my dream. I majored in liberal arts and my degree is something I’ll always have. I chalk it up to a journey. I am aimless. Now one of the things that managed to keep me anchored has left and it’s a little scary. Alyssa and I have been out in the world by ourselves but together for years. So I’ve never really been alone. I had her and she was always the one that kept us grounded. When I’d start to wander too far, she’d pull me back. “It’s scary,” I admit. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me into him. “Why?” He asks watching me. I shrug, some of that fear fading away when I’m in Tomas’ arms. He looks down at me like I could be his whole world if I allowed it. I’m just not sure that I can. With my family, love is unconditional. My quirks have never bothered them. “We grow when we walk through fear.” I think that’s part of the problem, I wasn't growing up. I was the same old Neily with her head in the clouds. I didn’t want to walk through the fear. Not alone, anyways. “What do you want to watch?” I try to change the subject. I maneuver a little to step away, but he doesn't let me go. He stares at me for a moment, his eyes searching my face. I’m not sure what he’s looking for but something inside of me

hopes he finds it. There’s a longing within me that makes me want him to see exactly who I am and love me for it. Yet I push it down, not wanting to admit that it’s there to anyone —not even myself. “I’ll let you out of this one.” His arms drop away. “For now.” There’s promise in his words. “You pick what we watch. I’ll get us something to drink.” He walks into my kitchen, making himself right at home. I stand there and watch him for a moment. He looks and feels right in my space. My mind races with so many things. Some tell me to run. Others tell me to enjoy the moment. That’s what life is about. For me it is, anyways. “I hope you like reality junk.” I grab the remote, putting on my favorite shows. Tomas is back before I know it, handing me a soda. He takes a sip of his water before setting it down. He drops onto the sofa next. He opens his arms and I fall back into them. He accepts me easily as I snuggle into him. I came back to my place with other plans tonight, but I think Tomas may have his own. And something tells me they’re not short term by the way he’s holding me. Even though this scares me, I decide to enjoy the a ection he’s giving me. I can have tonight. That’s my last thought before I snuggle deeper into him.



Fuck she’s beautiful. It’s all I can think as I brush her hair out of her face. She sleeps so soundly. Her full lips are parted as she takes small breaths in and out. In her sleep she clings to me like she needs me more than her next little breath. It’s going to be hell pulling myself out from under her. She passed out on me last night. I didn't move an inch after I pulled her into me, making sure we were both comfortable before I let sleep take me. It had been the most peaceful night of sleep that I’ve had in a long time. This time I didn't have to worry about her slipping out on me. I was in her house now. There was nowhere for her to go. I wish I could say the same about myself. But unfortunately, I need to leave my little pixie. If I hadn’t already made this commitment a long time ago, I wouldn't be doing it, but I know the kids will be disappointed if I don’t show up. As slowly as possible, I slide out from under her, making sure my little pixie doesn't wake up. She needs her sleep. I’m sure all of this is overwhelming

for her. I keep reminding myself that I can be a patient man. For her I can. This isn’t the ring where I’m looking for the knockout immediately. My little pixie is proving to be a di erent type of opponent. The toughest one I’ve ever faced. So yes, I need to be patient and wait until she’s ready. Her phone on the co ee table buzzes with a text, breaking me from my thoughts. I shouldn't look but I do. A text shows from her friend, Alyssa. Alyssa: Dress shopping today. Don’t forget! I smile. That makes me feel a little bit better. I know she’ll have something to do all day. My phone buzzes a moment later. I head for the door, opening it before Jordan can knock, pulling it open a crack to wait for him. He’s there a minute later. “Thanks,” I tell him as I take the bags from him. “Anything else, sir?” “Is my car downstairs?” “Yeah. I put the keys in the gym bag.” “See you later.” He gives me a nod as I close the door. I make quick work of changing my clothes. Then I set food out for her. That forgetting to eat shit she does is over now that she has me to look out for her. I’m starting to get a better sense of who she is more and more now. She might not like it but she needs someone to look out for her. I think she might take it as a weakness or something but she’s so wrong. I’d been spot on when I called her a pixie. She is a dreamer. She sees the world di erently than everyone does. It’s her canvas to create and live in the moment. I’m guessing that my presence has tilted that world a bit for her. I’m not being cocky, but I can see that she wants to give me more. Only knowing her the short time I have, I can tell that she’s someone who brings laughter and light into other

people's lives. It’s easy for her to get lost in her own head. If I had to guess, I’d say she loses a lot of things. It’s part of who she is. She does what she wants without worrying about the small details that might hinder her. We’re perfect for one another. I’m more than willing to worry about those details for her. I think we found each other when we truly needed the other the most. I’ve never believed in fate, but I do now. It had brought me my little pixie so it must exist. I walk back over to the couch once I’m dressed. I stare down at her for a moment. The urge to stay is pulling at me but disappointing those kids isn’t an option. I had enough disappointment as a child. I never want another child to su er that. Especially on my account. I lean down, my finger brushing her hair o of her face, and brush my lips softly across hers. She whispers out my name in her sleep so softly I almost don’t catch it. I smile, knowing that my name was the last thing to cross her lips and pray that her dreams are of me. I pick up her phone and set an alarm to remind her of the dress shopping that Alyssa had texted her about. I know my little pixie has probably forgotten so this will make sure that she doesn’t miss it. I set a few of them at 15 minute intervals in case she’s a snooze button person. Then I text myself from her phone so that I have her number. I take one last look at her before I leave, trying to figure out what I did in this life to deserve her. I reluctantly walk over to the counter where she had placed her keys. I take her house key o of it so that I can lock the door from the outside. There is no way I can leave her without the doors being completely locked. But that’s not the only reason I take it and we all know it.



I hu out a breath, annoyed that my alarm is going o . I never set an alarm. They are terrible things that I got to leave behind in college. I am lucky that my working hours are flexible. I don't have to be up at the crack of dawn to make sweets like Alyssa. Unless you want me to burn the kitchen down. My eyes reluctantly start to open. Then my mind goes straight to Tomas. I sit up, almost falling o the sofa, having forgotten I’d passed out here. I grab the phone, killing the alarm but not before seeing that it’s named Don’t forget dress shopping is today with Alyssa. I know my mind might still be waking up, but I also know that I didn’t set this alarm. “Tomas?” I jump up, looking around for him but don’t see him anywhere. Then my eyes go back to the co ee table where breakfast sits. I bite my lip. It’s sweet that he left breakfast. It would have been sweeter if he had been here to eat it with me. It dawns on me that maybe he’s giving me a taste of my own medicine. I’d snuck out on him that first day and now he’s done it to me. I have to admit I don’t like the

way it feels. It kind of stinks when you get a taste of your own medicine. I pick up the mu n from the table. It’s banana nut, my favorite. I will not eat it. He’s one-upping me. When he ditches me he leaves food where I left nothing. Is he trying to get back at me? That doesn't seem like Tomas. But what do I really know about him? I don’t know jack crap about dating either. Aren't there games and rules? This must be one of them. I was never the competitive type. I’m more of a go with the flow type of girl. My phone dings with a text from Alyssa telling me that my ass better be at the dress shop in ten minutes. I rush to my bedroom, getting ready as quickly as possible, not caring if I look like a hot mess. I grab my bag and keys, slipping out the front door. When I go to lock it back up I can’t find my key. “Crap,” I mumble. I look back and forth down the hallway to make sure no one is watching before I bend down and flip the mat up. I grab the spare and lock it before I put it back under the mat. If anyone knew I kept a spare there they’d all murder me. But when you tend to daydream as much as I do, you always need a back-up plan. I’m out the door grabbing a cab in record time. Somehow, I make it to the dress shop before Alyssa. Both our moms are already here, though, and ready to roll with four racks of dresses waiting for Alyssa. “She can't try on all of these. We’ll be here forever.” I plop down in one of the oversized chairs. My mom, Bree, sips on a mimosa. I have regrets about not eating the mu n. I didn't even look in the bag to see what else was in there. I should’ve taken a couple of nibbles because it looks as though I’m going to be here for an extended period of time. Both our moms are crazy when it comes to love. So this is going to be a whole production.

The mu n should still be good when I get home, but by the looks of it, that won't be for a while. My mom and Jona are not letting me out of this store anytime soon. They’ve been planning this since the moment they both found out they were pregnant with Alyssa and me. I don’t know how they managed to get pregnant at the same time, but it doesn’t really shock me that they did. “Those two are yours,” Aunt Jona says, pointing to two of the racks. “This is Alyssa’s day!” I sit up straighter, readying myself for a battle. One I know I will lose. “You two do everything together,” she reminds me. We do, but this is di erent. Before now I could do everything with Alyssa. It was just her and me. Now it’s her and Sean. There is another person in her mix. “We can’t get married together.” “You’re not marrying Tomas?” my mom asks smugly. I groan, dropping back into the chair. How do they know about Tomas? Alyssa doesn't even know about Tomas. “How do you know about Tomas?” I look up at the beautiful ceiling. It looks like there's white sparkles in the paint. I love sparkles but they can be a mess to work with. “I don’t know why you or Alyssa think you can hide something from us.” This is true. I should know better. I’m blaming it on the fact that I’m still annoyed with Tomas. Is he playing a game with my head? “Whatever.” I grab my bag, pulling out my cell phone and glasses and slipping them on my head. I am not doing this alone. I see I have a text from Tomas. How did he get my number? I ignore it, going to Alyssa’s message so that I can track her. I jump back up from my seat seeing she’s here. “I’ll be right back,” I tell the moms. “Don’t try and sneak out. We’ll track you down.” I turn, glaring at them. They glare back.

“Fine, I only thought about it. I wasn't really going to leave,” I defend myself. “Alyssa is outside. I’m grabbing her. You two stay there,” I order. They go back to the dresses, for once doing what I say. When I exit out of the shop, I see Tomas standing there, leaning up against a car. His arms are folded over his chest. He pushes o of it. “No.” I put my hand up. I look back over my shoulder to make sure the moms aren't following me. That’s the last thing I need right now, the moms spotting him. They’d ask him five million questions. One being when are we getting married. Tomas and I aren't even dating at this point. He cocks his head to the side. “You just left this morning.” I can’t keep the stupid pout out of my voice. “You missed me?” He smirks. I only glare harder. “You stay right there.” I point to where he’s already standing. He lifts his hands as if to say If you say so. I focus my attention back on the SUV that I know my best friend is inside of. She needs to get inside the dress store instead of fooling around in the backseat. I’m not dealing with the moms alone on this one. “Quit going at it in there. I’m hungry. I can’t take you two anywhere,” I shout as I tap on the blacked-out window. I go for the handle when no one responds. “Smith, unlock it,” I tell the driver. I met him once when Sean came by the bakery. “Sorry, ma’am,” Smith responds but makes no move to unlock the door for me. “Come on, you guys. I’ve been with the two moms for over thirty minutes. If you love me at all, Alyssa, you’ll rescue me.” I’m exaggerating. It’s only been a couple minutes, but it feels longer. “I’m coming,” Alyssa says, finally opening the door. She turns to kiss her man, melting into him. She really is in love.

My eyes peek over at Tomas, who is watching me. Where did he go this morning? Why was I so bent out of shape about it? I’d done the same to him. Grr. There is something wrong with me. He’s messing with my head. “Do me a solid and keep that one from coming inside.” I point over to Tomas. Both Alyssa and Sean look over toward him. “Why don’t you take him for a beer or something? Do man things.” I flex my arm. I need to get Tomas out of here before the moms spot him. “Man things?” Sean asks me. “I don’t know.” I think for a second about something they can do. “Wait, don't do man things. All you guys think about is sex.” I turn, pointing at Tomas. “No doing man things.” He takes a step toward me, looking as impatient as ever. I think I’ve pushed too far now. “No,” I snip, giving him a look. He stops. “Little pixie. Get your ass in the store. If anyone needs to worry about what anyone is doing it’s me worrying about you.” “Whatever.” His order shoots right through my body. I clench my legs together but try not to show my desire. I push my glasses up on my nose, fighting a smile. “Can we order a pizza or something?” I wander toward the door of the bridal store. I can’t help myself with the comment, knowing it will bug Tomas. “Take him with you. Go check on the house,” Alyssa says to Sean, pointing to Tomas. “He’s not going anywhere,” Sean mutters. Tomas isn't going anywhere that he doesn't want to. He’s got his phone to his ear, ordering a pizza. I bite my lip to try and keep from smiling. I grab the door handle, heading back into the store before I throw myself at him. I’m mad at him. For now anyway. Maybe once the pizza comes it will change my mind.



“You going to buy it?” Sean asks me as I stand on the empty lot of land. It is a giant piece of land with a big lake in the back. There are a million things you could do with this place. I can't wait to see what Neily will come up with for it. “Yes.” How could I not buy it? Her best friend is moving into the house next door. The same friend that my little pixie has been sad over moving out. If I could fix it I would. Sean smiles, looking as happy about me getting the land as my girl will be. “Good.” His hand comes down on my shoulder. I jerk my head to look at him. He lifts his hand. “You know you can’t hit me.” He lets out a laugh. “Might make your girl mad.” “You going to tattle on me?” Sean smirks. “Maybe. I’m sure my wife will have a million questions if I come home with a shiner.” “She’s not your wife yet.” “Neily's not yours either.”

I grind my teeth together. I might like Sean, but if he keeps saying shit like that, I might just su er the consequences of giving him that shiner. I scrub my hand down my face, trying to figure out why I am in such a shit mood. “How about I don’t poke you and you won't poke me?” Sean o ers. “I have a feeling we’re going to be spending a lot of time together. We’re better o allies. Those two are thick as thieves.” He’s right. “They will try to get away with murder if we let them.” “Is your wife going to text you when she’s done dress shopping?” I ask instead of agreeing outright to our truce. Plus I want that piece of information. I’m not letting my little pixie slip away from me again. It’s only a matter of time before she figures out that I turned on her shared location with me. “She will. I left Smith there. He’ll let me know if they try and sneak out.” “Sneak out? Why the hell would they sneak out of a dress shop?” “From the stories I’ve heard about Neily, she can get them into all sorts of situations.” He shrugs. I hate that he knows things about Neily that I don’t. But I don’t find it shocking that my girl can get herself into situations, as some might call it. Another reason why she needs someone like me in her life. I won't stop her from doing anything she wants, but I can keep her safe. “She’s a free spirit,” I admit. She lights up the fucking room. That’s not a light you try and dim. You just try to bask in it and make sure it never goes out. That’s my plan anyway. I want to soak as much of her up as I can without her losing what makes her so damn special. I’ve seen enough darkness for the both of us in my life.

“They are going to get dinner,” Sean tells me, putting his phone back into his pocket. I’m guessing the pizza wasn't enough. “The moms are”—Sean shrugs—“excited.” “I get it.” My mom was the same way. “Let’s go get a steak. Keep an eye on them.” I follow him back to the car, pulling out my own phone. I send a text to Neily telling her that I miss her. It’s cheesy as hell and never something I thought I’d be doing, but I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks when it comes to her. Pixie: Is that why you left me this morning? I stare at her words, trying to get a handle on her emotions. I think she might have a few more insecurities than I realized. Is she pushing me away before I can push her away? Is that her thought process? “Neily’s parents are happily married?” “Yep. Alyssa’s too. They grew up together like sisters. Their moms are best friends.” Sean lets out a laugh. “They even live next door to each other. I guess history has a way of repeating itself sometimes.” All of what Sean is saying falls into place. Me: I should have woken you but you looked so peaceful. I have a standing date with a bunch of rowdy boys down at the community center. It’s my way to give back to the community. If I missed they’d never let me live it down. That was the only thing that could have gotten me to leave her this morning. I would have let her sleep on me all day, but I knew how disappointed the boys would be if I didn't show up. I’ve been working with them for years. I know how important places like that are. It had been the gym for me when I was young. It had given me a purpose in life and kept me out of trouble. It had been a place where I could focus my anger instead of getting in trouble out on the streets. I owed my life to that place and I wanted those young boys to have the same opportunity.

Pixie: Oh I don’t have to be there to know her face is scrunched up as she reads my text over and over again. I’d be willing to bet a lot that the face she’s making is the same one she’d made when she thought some other woman had inked my skin. She is territorial and maybe jealous too. She doesn't need to worry about either of those things. I am and always will be all hers. Pixie: I miss you too. I pocket my phone as we make the drive to the restaurant the girls are at. Sean and I fall into small talk. He isn't too bad of a guy. Nothing like one would have thought from the small things I heard about him. I’d lumped him into the party crowd but I was wrong. It’s a reminder that you can never believe what is in print or whispered around town. The same couldn't really be said about me. What they write about me is mostly true. That is mostly because they can't find shit on me. I fight and show up at events when I have to. I take my pictures and get out as soon as I can. I don't mingle. We roll up to the front of the steak house. I step out of the car and Sean tosses the keys to the valet who does a doubletake when he sees me. I give him a chin nod, heading straight for the door. Sean said we’d hang at the bar while the girls did their thing. That they are likely still working out wedding details. Will Neily want a big wedding? I’m not sure when it comes to her. What if she’s one of those types of people who doesn’t want to get married? I’ve never given marriage any thought before now but I know I sure as fuck want it. The door to the steakhouse flies open, almost hitting me, but my reflexes are fast. Neily throws herself at me, not noticing she almost hit me with the heavy wood door. I catch her in my arms.

“I missed you.” She peppers adorable kisses all over my face. The act is innocent and sweet but my cock finds it sexy as fuck that she’s clinging to me with a giant smile on her face. “I’m here to warn you. The moms are crazy.” She wiggles for me to let her down. I don’t; I hold on tighter. “I want a kiss and then I’ll free you.” She hu s a breath but leans down to kiss me. Her lips are soft as she presses into me. It looks like my text did the trick. She’s far from mad now or pushing me away. “Is this him?” “He’s here?” I hear two women ask. “They found us.” Neily’s eyes open wide. “We could make a run for it. You’re athletic. I think we can make it.” “I’ll trip him,” one of them says, making me chuckle. I turn to look. I know without a doubt it’s Neily’s mom. They have the same dark hair and heart-shaped face. I release one hand from Neily’s ass, holding it out to her mom. “I’m Tomas. I promise I’m not running.” The last part is more for Neily than anyone. I’m not going anywhere. She’ll get that soon enough. Her mom takes my hand as I let Neily slide down my body until her feet are touching the floor. “It’s nice to meet you. I heard you dumped my daughter this morning.” Her lips twitch and I know she doesn't believe whatever Neily might have said. “I don’t think there is a sane person that would dump your daughter, ma’am.” “Call me Bree. This is Jona.” She motions to the older blond woman standing next to Alyssa, whose eyes are bouncing between Neily and me. She has a giant smile on her lips that matches everyone else's. “He didn't dump me. We aren’t together as boyfriend and girlfriend, Mom. This isn't high school.”

“I know this isn't high school, honey. You actually have a man now.” Her mom looks at me. “She had to go to prom alone.” “I wasn't alone! I went with Alyssa.” I can tell her mom is teasing her. I keep my arm around her, enjoying the feel of her body against mine. It was clear to me that Neily already told them I spent last night with her. “Good. Wouldn't want to have to track down prom dates from years ago and kill them.” Sean walks up to Alyssa. She tilts her head back for a kiss. “Let’s go inside, everyone is staring at Tomas.” I look behind me to see the valets trying to snap pictures. They pocket their phones when they see me looking. That’s the thing about being Tomas “Hitman” Holiday: there’s never a moment of privacy. I’ve let my fighting define me for so long but now that I have Neily, I find myself wanting to just be Tomas Holiday. A husband, a father, and so much more.



“You’re acting weird,” Alyssa says as I fidget in my seat. It has been non-stop wedding talk all day. It was beginning to wear me down a bit. Everyone knows my attention span isn’t the greatest so to focus all day on one thing has been tough. Plus my mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Tomas and what is happening between us. “Don’t I always act weird?” I pick up my cherry soda, taking a giant sip. “I think she means weirder,” Mom answers for her. Jona nods her head in agreement. Was I? Probably. I am all over the place. “Just excited about the wedding.” That was part of it. I am excited. Alyssa is so in love. I’m thankful when the server shows up with our food. I peek over to see if Tomas and Sean are still sitting at the bar. They are. Tomas doesn't look like he’s going anywhere without me. My stomach flutters at his attention. He really doesn’t notice anyone but me.

“Double wedding,” my mom corrects. Again Jona nods in agreement. It would be annoying that they are always on the same side if I didn't have the same kind of relationship with Alyssa. “We aren't even dating,” I hu , picking up my fork. I don’t know what we are. I don’t date. I don’t do anything really. I thought I was going to be in this for the sex, but it doesn’t seem to be working out that way. I am already growing attached and I will end up getting hurt if I’m not careful. Worse, I could hurt him too. I know how I can be. I’m crazy about something one second and the next I never want to see it again. It’s how I am. I wasn't built like the rest of my family. “Neily. He’s your one. You know how it works.” Alyssa pops a fry into her mouth. “You’re buying into it now?” Okay, this might be the first time we aren't on the same side of something. “Buying into it? It’s true. Look at all of us.” Alyssa motions between the three of them. My mom and Aunt Jona have been telling us this story since the beginning of time. When they were nine years old they cast a spell. I know it’s ridiculous. How does a nine-year-old know spells? I’m twenty-two and I don’t know any. But they insist that their love spell, as they call it, had led them to find their soulmates. “Our love spell will work for generations. We passed it on to the two of you.” I almost groan out loud but I don’t because I love the moms and they truly believe that their little spell had actually had a part in them finding love. “Alyssa and I never cast this spell, though.” I swear the moms roll their eyes at me. “Of course you didn’t, sweetheart. We knew the two of you would probably be skeptical so we went ahead and did it for you.” Of course they did.

“Are you trying to tell me that you didn’t know that something was di erent about Tomas the moment you laid eyes on him?” Mom asks smugly. I had. I felt an instant pull toward him. “We know Alyssa did when she saw Sean. She stalked him.” “We said we weren’t going to call it stalking.” She lets out a groan. I can’t help but laugh. “Are you ready to come back over to my side?” I ask Alyssa, wiggling my eyebrows. “They’re right. Why are you fighting this?” She picks up another fry, shoving it into her mouth. I don’t know why I’m fighting it, to be honest. It’s all happening so fast. I steal a peek over at Tomas, who is watching me. Everyone else in the place is trying to watch him. I keep forgetting that he’s famous. Being with him you’d never know it. “What if he’s not my one? You know how I am.” I take another bite of my food. “Of course we know how you are, honey.” Mom gives my elbow a squeeze. Is that pity I hear in her voice? I’m not sure anyone really believes that I can take care of myself. “And we love you just the way you are.” “I know,” I say with a mouthful of food. It’s not that I don’t think that everyone loves me. That is one thing I would never doubt. They have to love me. They are my family. They don't have the option of growing tired of how I am. But Tomas does. He may think this aloof thing is adorable now, but in time it could become wearing to him. That would only mean one thing for me: a broken heart. “He’ll be good for you,” Aunt Jona adds in. Is she saying that because there will be someone to take care of me? I put my fork down, not feeling so hungry anymore. Alyssa stares at me, giving me a look that silently asks me what is wrong. The moms have been on me all day about Tomas. Alyssa can see I’m at my breaking point.

“Well, this has been fun but I have to get back to my projects.” I watch as Alyssa throws the two moms a look, letting them know to lay o . My eyes meet Tomas’ across the room and in an instant he is up and heading right for me. Relief fills me the same way it had when I’d stepped out of the dress shop and he’d been there. “Pixie. What’s wrong?” He holds his hand out to me. His eyes beg me to grab his hand, to trust him to take care of me. I take it but I tell myself it’s only because I want to get away from the moms. Not because I need someone. I can do this life thing on my own. I think I can, at least. “Nothing. I was just telling everyone that I needed to get going.” I try to pull my hand from his but he doesn’t let it go. “Love you guys. See you later.” Once again I try to get my hand from his, but he only grips it tighter letting me know I’m not going anywhere without him. “I want to wave at them,” I whisper yell to him, trying to get him to let go. “Use your other hand.” Dammit, he already knows me too well. It wasn’t only the moms I was trying to get away from. I need space to think and by the looks of it, Tomas isn’t on board with that plan. I don’t know what stops the moms from following me, but they simply give me a wave goodbye as Tomas pulls me from the restaurant. If I had to guess, I’d say they were happy I was going o with him. In their minds they are probably hoping that it’s to have a bunch of babies. “Town car,” he tells the valet when we get outside. “But you drove.” I look around for his car. “I’ll get it later.” “But why?” I ask as the town car pulls up. The valet opens the doors. Tomas half cages me against the car door as if he’s worried that I might run. “I’m getting in.” I let out a small laugh. At least I’m not the only one being weird.

“Where to?” the driver asks, shutting the door behind us. “Home.” He tells the driver his address and not mine. “Relax.” He pulls me into his side. I turn my head, resting it on his chest. My hand goes to his tattoos, tracing them with my fingers. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I say against his chest, shy about my confession. “There is nothing wrong with you. Who told you there was?” I shrug. I guess it’s me reading between the lines of what people haven't been saying. “Look at me, pixie.” I shake my head no. His body shakes with silent laughter, making me smile into his chest. “You still mad at me?” I shake my head no again. “You smell good.” I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath. How can I stay mad at him? He has some weird calming e ect on me. My body starts to warm. I have an idea of what will make me forget about all the things bouncing around inside my head. I lean back a little and finally look up at him. “Can we have sex now?”



Those five little words that she just uttered are going to be the death of me. I’m barely holding on to my control as it is when it comes to her. But there is no way that I can deny my little pixie when she’s looking at me the way she is. Not now. Not ever. My plan to withhold sex from her, to make her see that this is more than that, is coming to an end quickly. My cock begs for me to take her, to claim her and to mark her as mine forever. To wash away any of the worry or doubt that I’ve seen on her face today. I’d watched so many emotions cross her face while she sat and had a late lunch with her family across the restaurant. I knew something was wrong and I so badly wanted to fix whatever it was for her. Now she’s asking me for this. “Are you going to keep on running from me?” I ask her. Her brows furrow together. She looks both adorably confused and sexy at the same time. “I don’t know.” She licks her bottom lip. For the first time since we met, she looks unsure about something.

Almost shy. Then it hits me. This isn't about me at all. She’s not running from me. She’s running from herself. “That’s all right.” I pull her more into my lap. “I’ll keep on chasing.” “You will?” “I fight for what I want. Always have and always will.” “You going to stop running from me?” She raises her chin, that confidence she has coming back to life. I don’t know why she’s doubting herself, but I’m going to show her when it comes to me she’ll never have to doubt a thing. I’ve spent my whole life fighting. This is one I won’t lose. “I’ve never once run from you.” I grab her hips, pressing her down onto my cock. She lets out a small gasp. My cock jerks under her as I dig my fingers into her round hips that have been driving me nuts all day. I swear she’s putting extra swing into them as she walks, knowing I’m stalking her every move. “I know. I thought you did.” Her gaze drops. I let go of one of her hips, my hand going to her chin to tilt her head to look up at me. “I don’t run. Ever,” I promise her. She thinks because she runs that I could do the same to her. “Got me?” She nods her head. “Now give me a kiss,” I order her. She sucks in a breath. I watch her pupils dilate. She enjoys me ordering her around. “Kiss me.” This time I say it with more force. She moves, wrapping her arms around my neck while pulling me down to her. My mouth meets hers. I let her kiss me first. Her tongue peeks out, brushing along my bottom lip. I part my mouth more for her and she pushes her tongue farther into my mouth. I allow her to take what she needs because as soon as we’re home I’ll be the one taking. I can’t hold back anymore. I dig my hands into her hair, deepening the kiss. I suck her tongue into my mouth, taking what I want. If she wants more, then I am going to give her

more. No more holding back. That first night I was worried she’d get sex and try to run. It looks like anything can make her run. I have to show her there’s no reason for her to. That if she does, I’ll keep on chasing her until I chase all those fears right out of that pretty little head of hers. The car comes to a stop at my penthouse. I break our kiss, pushing open the door before the driver can get out and open it for us. I set my girl on her feet but she doesn't let me go. She keeps her body pressed into me, her face resting on the center of my chest as I get my wallet out to find a hundred to give to the driver before I’m pulling her into my place. “Pick me up,” she says as we enter the elevator. I do. She wraps around me the best she can. I’m a big man and she’s a tiny thing. It’s a good reminder to me that I’m going to have to be careful with her. I’m not even sure I’ll fit inside of her but I’ll die trying. I don’t care if I can only get a few inches into her snug pussy, I’d still die a happy man. The thought of my seed filling her is not helping my dick right now. “I love how big you are.” “Remember you said that.” I hit the button for my floor, slipping my key in for the elevator to move toward it. “Why? Do you think it’s going to hurt?” She moves her hips up and down. “I think I can handle you.” A sexy smile pulls at her lips. Whatever was bothering her before is slipping away. I hope like hell it’s me that is putting her at ease. I know she does the same for me. The boredom of life fades away whenever she’s around and new meaning takes hold. I am starting to see life could be so di erent now. No more pain. I could live in her light—not only feeling it on my skin but protecting her from anyone that tried to dim it. “I know you can handle me.” I step o the elevator as we hit my floor. “And I’d never hurt you.” “I heard it hurts your first time.” She bites her bottom lip. She might be a little nervous but only about the pain. She

wants this. Neily is direct. She might have been forward about wanting to sleep with me, but I know it’s because on some level she feels whatever this is happening between us. You can’t be this direct about wanting sex and still be untouched without reason. Fuck, the thought of me being her first only ramps up my need for her. I know there is no way that she’s ever been this way with a man before. That tells me that she knows I’m di erent. If it was only about her trying to have sex with someone, she would have shed her virginity long ago. We have an undeniable connection. We have love, even though she’s not ready to admit that yet. “You’ve got to stop reminding me you’re a virgin if you want this to last.” “I think it would be hot if I got you o so quickly.” She shifts her hips again, rubbing against me. “Yeah well, if you keep rubbing on me like that I’m going to come in my pants before we even make it to the bed.” That gets me a giggle from my little pixie, or should I call her my little devil as she continues to rub herself on me. I can feel her hot cunt through our clothes. My cock begins to leak cum at the thought of how tight and wet she’ll be. We finally make it to the door, and I open it, carrying her in. I kick the door closed behind me as I walk her to my bedroom. She begins kissing my neck, causing me to groan. I enter the room and walk to my bed. The need to take her and mark her as mine rides me hard. But I need to get her ready first. She lifts her head up and I take her mouth one last time before I slide her down my body. I feel every curve she has as I wait for her feet to hit the floor. I step back to look at her. She’s so fucking gorgeous. Her cheeks are flushed with her arousal and I can see how hard her nipples are through her shirt. The need to take what I want is almost too much to

bear but I don’t. I want her to make the decision. I want her to give herself to me. As if reading my thoughts, she reaches for the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head and tossing it away. Her breasts bounce free. Again, she’s not wearing a bra. “I’m not sure how I feel about this no bra thing.” I cup one breast in my hand feeling the weight of it. My thumb drags across her nipple. “I was in a hurry,” she breathes out before a moan passes her lips when I give her nipple a pull. “The pants. I want you naked,” I order her. Her eyes turn heavy lidded as she peeks up at me before doing what I ordered. She really does enjoy me ordering her around and the fact that I’m taking control. She bends down, kicking o her shoes and pants until she is completely naked. “Is this what you wanted?” She raises her chin, not shy about being naked. “I think it’s your turn.” She reaches for my jeans. I go to grab her hands to stop her, but she falls to her knees in front of me. “Neily,” I groan out. I wasn't ready for her to see me yet. I don't want to scare her. This is her first time and she’s so fucking tiny. I’m afraid she’ll take one look at my size and her penchant for running will come back. “You got to taste me. It’s only fair.” She licks her lips and I can’t tell her no. I stand there knowing this is going to be the sweetest torture of my life. So I give her what we both want.



His hand tangles into my hair as he tilts my head back to look up at him. “Take me out.” Tomas’s face is hard as he makes the order. I feel myself grow more wet between my thighs. I wonder if it’s normal to get this wet down there. My clit throbs for attention but I do as I’m told, reaching for the button of his pants first. He uses his other hand to pull his shirt o , tossing it away and showing every inch of all those hard muscles. The man is a work of art and tonight he is all mine. The need I feel for him goes deeper than only a physical one, but I’m not ready to deal with all of that yet. Tonight I want to enjoy this man and let him give me the pleasure I know only he can. “Faster. You’ve made me wait long enough.” A whimper leaves me as I move faster. The throb between my legs is almost unbearable. I can’t get enough of this dominance that has fallen over Tomas. He’s right. I did make him wait and I should make it up to him. If I hadn’t run that

night I could have spent every night in his bed since then. I would already know what he tastes like. What he feels like deep inside of me. My fingers skim the hair that trails down into his jeans as I grip the top, pulling them down enough for his cock to spring free. Cum leaks from the head as it bobs in front of my face. He’s even bigger than I thought he would be. Maybe it should scare me. I have no idea how he’ll ever fit inside of me, but all I feel is excitement at the thought of him stretching me, filling me full of him and leaving his mark all over me like he’d done with the hickey that first night. His hand in my hair grows tighter, and my tongue darts out, brushing the head of his cock as I get my first taste of him. I close my eyes for a moment, enjoying this way too much. “Open.” I part my lips for him. I lift my hands to grab him. “No. Hands to yourself. I’m going to fuck your mouth and you’re going to let me. You’re going to apologize on your knees for running from me. Do you understand?” I try and nod my head, but his hold on my hair doesn't let me. “You answer me by opening your mouth wider so I can fit more of me in your mouth.” I open my mouth more, feeling like I’m going to come out of my skin with need. I don’t know what I want more. Him in my mouth or his fingers between my legs. “That’s my good girl, pixie.” He pushes the head of his cock between my lips. A groan comes from him as he starts to pump in and out of my mouth. He doesn't let me move as he thrusts in and out, taking what he wants. I begin to reach down to give myself some relief between my legs. “Don’t touch that pussy, pixie. You keep those hands behind your back. I’ll be the only one making you come and you’ll wait. Just like you’ve made me wait to have what belongs to me.” He thrusts into my mouth a few more times

before he pulls back, causing him to slip from my mouth. Before I realize it, he’s lifting me from my knees and tossing me onto his massive bed. He doesn’t follow me onto it but stands at the edge watching me. “Spread those beautiful thighs for me, pixie. Let me see what's mine.” I don’t think it's possible for him to turn me on any more at this point. “I’m going to make it so good for you that you’ll never want to run again. You’re mine, pixie.” I was wrong. I never should have left him. I am his. My whole body is screaming it. “Please, Tomas,” I beg, spreading my thighs wide for him. “It hurts. You said you’d never hurt me.” A string of curses leave him as he reaches for me. He grabs me by the hips, pulling me to the side of the bed as he towers over me. His hand is on his cock as he jerks himself o while staring at me. “Show me where it hurts.” I reach between my legs hurriedly, spreading the lips of my sex. “You’re soaking wet.” I nod in agreement. I am so wet. “Tomas.” I lift my hips. My body wants to be close to him. Hell, I need to be closer to him. He keeps working his cock, making me watch as he pleasures himself. “Don’t move,” he grits out as he picks up speed until a loud groan comes from him. Cum shoots from him, landing on my stomach. I watch as it trickles down. The sight is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m not sure how much more I can take. Before I can beg Tomas to take me, he falls to his knees, burying his face between my legs. The first orgasm is instant. I cry out his name as it overwhelms me. He doesn't stop. He keeps on licking and sucking me. His finger pushes inside of me as he works me to another orgasm. He pumps in and out of me, another finger entering me as he sucks my clit into his mouth. The second orgasm

hits me almost as fast as the first. My legs shake as the pleasure ripples through my body before I melt into the bed. My eyes fall closed. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to move again. I don’t need to. Tomas lifts me, moving me to the center of the bed. His knees push my thighs back apart to make room for his big body. “Not done with you.” His mouth comes to mine. His warm breath tickles my skin as I open my eyes to look at him. “I’ll never be done.” He kisses me. I taste myself on his lips before wrapping my arms around him. “Never be done with me. Promise,” I say when he pulls his mouth from mine. I feel his cock start to push inside of me. “Promise. You won’t be able to get rid of me, even if you wanted to.” His words should scare me but they do nothing besides turn me on more. I raise my hips, causing him to slip inside of me a little more. My body opens for him but I can tell he’s holding back, waiting for me to adjust. “Pixie.” He groans as I try to move again. “I’m barely holding on here. Trying not to hurt you. You need to adjust to my size. Your cunt is squeezing me so fucking tight.” He pulls back to look at me. His face almost looks pained from trying to maintain his control. “Take me. All of me.” For the first time tonight, I’m the one issuing a command. “I need you.” He leans down, brushing his lips against mine before he does exactly what I asked him to. He thrusts into me until he’s fully seated. I exhale a deep breath. The pain that had come quickly had also left in the same fashion as he kisses me slowly. We both remain still until my body adjusts. I feel full and my body is ready for more. My hands drift down his back. I try to lift my hips again, but he’s buried deep inside of me, pinning me beneath him.

He lifts his mouth from mine as he starts to place kisses gently all over my face. I love how he can go from aggressive to sweet. Everything about him worked for me. “Tell me you’re okay.” “I won’t be okay if you don’t move.” I dig my fingers into his back. “You need more?” He pulls out and thrusts back in. I gasp at the feeling. “I just need you,” I admit. The words flow easily from my mouth. He pauses for a moment. His eyes locked with mine. “I only need you, too,” he vows before he gives us both what we need. They aren't words of love, but they are close enough. He moves in and out of me. His thrusts become faster as the orgasm builds within me. I know this one is going to be di erent. I feel it from deep inside of me. It’s not only the pleasure but the connection I feel to Tomas. The one that I’ve never felt before. “Tomas.” I breathe out his name. “Go on. Come for me. I want to feel you lock around me. Take what belongs to you.” My eyes lock with his again. “Me.” I come, crying out his name. He kisses me as I feel him jerk, his warm release spilling inside of me. He buries his face in my neck and says my name over and over again as he holds me close. My eyes fall closed. I’ve found a peace that I didn't know I needed.



“Neily!” Alyssa yells my name. I sit up from the bed, confused. I blink a few times. The door to the bedroom flies open. “You’re naked.” I look down at myself. I am naked but I always am when I’m in Tomas’s bed. I hate clothes, so it works well for the both of us. I mean I don’t hear Tomas complaining. “Yeah,” I confirm. Why is she pointing out the obvious? “How did you get here?” I ask. I look around for my phone. Tomas has the curtains pulled closed and I don’t know what time it is or even the day of the week. Last I remember Tomas had me pinned to the bed and I was in orgasmic bliss. Where is that man, anyway? He is always here when I wake up. If not, he’s pulling me from the bed to come with him to wherever he’s going. We have been inseparable for the past two months. “Tomas gave me a key,” she reminds me. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. She’d asked for one when she learned I’d practically moved in here. I never went to our old place

except to grab stu . All of Alyssa’s things had been moved out a month ago right before she said 'I do’ to Sean. The wedding was beautiful. It was a miracle that the moms stopped pestering me about when it would be my turn. They’d laid o since that dinner months ago. It was weird, but they often are unpredictable. I think the way Alyssa had rushed down the aisle had them in fast wedding planning mode and it might have worn them out. They are probably taking some time to recoup and then they will be a force to be reckoned with. They’re waiting for me to let my guard down and then they’ll pounce on me again. That’s the only explanation for how quiet they’ve been. What else could it be? “The fight,” Alyssa says with her eyebrow arched. She knows me too well. Of course I forgot. “Oh crap!” I spring from the bed, darting into the bathroom. “What time is it?” I shout as I brush out my hair. I should probably shower but I like the smell of Tomas on me. “You have twenty minutes before we should head out. Sean is holding a car for us.” I hurriedly get ready. Not sure if I should be mad at Tomas or not. He didn't wake me up to go with him. He has to be there hours before the fight starts. Now I know why he banged me into a coma so I’d pass out for a few hours. It was probably for the best and Tomas always knows what’s best for me. I shouldn't question his reasoning. I’ve been more worked up about this fight than him. It’s his last one. I know he’s the best but I still worry about him getting punched in the face. He actually laughed when I told him my concerns. He said the fight wouldn’t be long enough for someone to punch him. He told me to trust him. I do. I’ve seen some of his other fights. I know it will be fine, but still I

can’t help it. Tomas has become so important to me. I love him. We haven't said those words to each other, but I do. I don’t want to be the reason he’s giving up fighting. He knows it worries me and if I know one thing about Tomas, it’s that he doesn’t do anything that will hurt or bother me. My only concern is that he’ll quit and then one day he’ll resent me for it. I want him to do whatever makes him happy. “Ten minutes,” Alyssa calls out. I fly out of the bathroom into the closet to find some shoes and my jeans shorts. I pull them on before grabbing the shirt I made. “Is this what you wear to a fight?” I ask. I’d made the shirt the other night. It’s got Tomas’ name on it. “That’s really cute,” Alyssa says, checking out my shirt. She’s in black loose pants and a thin sweater that falls o one shoulder. She’s not super dressed up but it’s fancier than my ripped-up shorts that have a few paint spots on them if you look close. “It’s a fight. I think you can wear anything.” “Yeah.” I shrug, remembering that I don’t care what anyone else thinks. Only Tomas, and I know he’ll love it. Except maybe the part where I forgot to put a bra on. I’m in a hurry. I grab my purse before we head out and down to the car where Sean is waiting for us. “He still hasn't said I love you.” I lean back, kicking out my feet in the back of the fancy limo. It is still weird getting used to all the money that is around. Alyssa and I still live pretty normal lives working at our little shop. Alyssa just nods but doesn't say anything. I smack her leg. “This is where you give me advice,” I remind her. Sean plays on his phone like he can’t hear us, trying to give us as much privacy as possible. I don’t care if he hears. “I think you know he loves you,” she finally says. She’s being as weird as the moms about not poking into Tomas and me. I thought she was just busy being all newly married.

But I’ve just kicked the door open for her to get all nosy and she’s not biting. “Neily. Come on.” “I think he does.” I reach into my purse, putting my glasses on. “But he doesn't say it,” I hu . I sit up. “I should say it,” I declare. I always say what I want. What I want is to have Tomas whisper in my ear that he loves me as he makes love to me. To wear his ring on my finger. To have his last name. For the moms to drive me crazy about my wedding. Is that too much to ask? I mean what does a girl have to do in order to get those three little words out of her man? A little bit of worry creeps in, but I push it down knowing that Tomas cares for me. If I know him, he’s probably waiting until I’m ready or some nonsense like that. “I’ve never been to a live fight before. This is so exciting.” Alyssa breaks me from my thoughts before I can delve too deep into them. I smile at her, knowing she’s trying to change the subject. “Oh. Do we get to go backstage?” I laugh at her. “It’s not a concert, Alyssa.” I can’t help but laugh. “You know what I mean.” She waves her hand at me and I notice that Sean is smiling at her too. “I’m not allowed in the locker room.” Clyde asked me to meet them by the ring. He said he needed Tomas focused and ready to go. That although he loved me to pieces that I’d be a distraction. Tomas had tried to put up a fight about it, but I willingly agreed. It’s for the best. “We are going in the back,” Sean informs us. “You’d be bombarded in the front.” “Oh.” I nod in agreement. I hadn't thought about that, but Sean is right. I’m sure Tomas and Sean have already talked it all out. They have become quick friends or maybe it’s more like allies. Either way, they communicate a lot when it comes to Alyssa and me.

The press has been all over me since the world found out Tomas “Hitman” Holiday has a girlfriend. Our shop has become a frenzy of business. It kept getting bigger and bigger as the fight got closer. It didn't help that the man he was fighting had made a comment about me being cute. It had only made Tomas want to beat his ass more. I couldn’t feel sorry for his opponent because he dug his own grave. I didn't understand the fascination everyone had with knowing who I was. They even started making up wild stories about Tomas and me, saying that we’ve been together secretly for years. Speculating that it was the reason why he’s never been spotted with another woman before. I just ignore it all, but it bothers Tomas. He doesn't like people trying to take my picture all the time or digging into my past. It doesn't bother me. Dig away. There isn't anything to find except those horrible prom pictures of Alyssa and me. I’m going to disown the moms if those make the front page news. “We’re here,” Sean says as his door opens. He steps out, first helping Alyssa and then me next. There are a few other cars in the back. People wanting to come in unnoticed. “Is that-'' Alyssa trails o , her eyes going wide as we watch our favorite pop stars walk by. I nod my head yes. She stops when she sees me. “Are you Neily?” she asks. “That’s me,” I say, looking to make sure Alyssa is okay. She looks like she’s seen a ghost. “You broke so many hearts when you took Tomas o the market.” She gives me a wink before heading into the back door. “Am I supposed to be mad or happy about that?” Alyssa just shakes her head, not sure either. “It’s weird to think of Tomas as famous.”

“Let’s go in.” Sean motions for us to move toward the back door. A man gives us a nod, letting us pass by without asking who we are or to see our tickets. “Neily.” I turn to see Tomas’ mom calling my name. “Hey!” I hop over, giving her a hug. Tomas’ mom is as sweet as they come. We go to her home at least once a week to have dinner. She already treats me like I’m her own daughter. She even tells me that she loves me. Unlike Tomas. “Tomas wants to see you,” she says in my ear before stepping back from our hug. “I was told no locker room.” “He’s not in the locker room but he’s saying he’s not going out until he sees you first.” I smile up at her. “Good, because I want to see him too.” She slips a necklace over my head that has a badge on it before handing both Sean and Alyssa one. “He’s that way.” She points down the long hallway. “You’ll see his name on the door.” “I’ll see you guys out there.” I give them all a wave before I half run down the hallway to find Tomas. I pass a few security guys along the way. None of them try to stop me. It isn't until I see Clyde coming out of the door with Tomas’ name on it that I finally slow down. “Calm him down for me, will you?” He gives me a smile. “You’re not answering your phone.” I look down, realizing I might have left it at home. I left my purse in the car. Oops. I think I’ve gotten a little too used to Tomas being around and reminding me of things. “I’ll do my best.” I know of the perfect way to calm Tomas down. “I’ll be back in a few. He’s on the phone.” He motions to the door. “Thanks.” I reach for the handle of the door, pushing it open a little. I see Tomas with his back to me. A phone is

pressed to his ear. “I can’t do this shit anymore. The press is out of hand.” I can tell without even seeing his face that he’s worked up. I can feel the tension coming from him. “No,” he snaps next. If I have to guess, he’s talking to his agent Seth. “We won’t have to worry about the press anymore once everyone knows we’re done. They’ll forget all about Neily.” Once everyone knows we’re done. What does that mean? Him and me? “Love?” He barks out a laugh. “No, I’m not in fucking love with-” He turns his head, his eyes locking with mine. I take a step back. The urge to run is too great for me to resist. “Pixie.” He drops the phone from his ear. My eyes sting with tears. “Well, I’m in fucking love with you,” I whisper before I turn, letting go of the door to run down the hallway. I don’t make it more than two feet before his arm is around me, lifting me o the floor and pulling me back into the locker room. The door falls closed behind us. “You running?” he asks as he turns me in his arms. Acting on instinct, I wrap around him. My body always clings to him. I crave the comfort that only he can provide me, yet he is the reason I need it in the first place. “I heard you.” My hands dig into his shirt. The amount of sadness I feel threatens to crush me. “I heard you too.” He smiles at me. ‘’You love me?” “And you don’t love me,” I shout back. The words are almost too painful to bear. “I heard you!” “I’m not in love with fighting. Not anymore. That’s what I was saying to Seth.” “Oh.” I bite my lip. Of course he loves me. But that doesn’t change the fact that he hasn’t said it yet. “Why haven't you said anything before?”

“You get scared and run. I was letting you get used to things.” “Used to what?” “Us. Me staying. Me taking care of you and it not messing with your head. All kinds of things. I was letting you settle before I took over your world.” He moves, walking over to some sofa thing and sitting down with me in his lap while I straddle him. “You told everyone to back o , didn't you?” Some things are starting to click into place. The moms are always so chummy with him but haven’t been pressing me about what Tomas and I will be doing next. Which only means one thing: they are up to something. “I told them to let me handle things.” “Because I need to be handled?” His hands grip my hips, letting me know I’m not going anywhere. “Yeah, you need to be handled.” I’m not sure how I feel about that. “And I want to spend my life being the one that gets to do it. Making sure you’re taken care of. Isn't that what a man does for his woman? For his wife.” When he puts it like that it sounds so di erent then how I had it in my head. “I don’t want to be someone’s burden.” Tomas throws his head back and laughs. His whole body shakes, shaking me right along with him. I smack his hard chest. “I’m sorry, but if this is a burden I have to bear then I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of it. If that’s what you want to call it, fine. Me, I call it a dream.” His hands leave my hips, coming to my face. “I’d be honored to take care of you. I’ve spent the past two months trying to show you it’s all I’ll ever want. That I am the man that can handle you. That loves you.” “I love you.”

“And I love you.” His hand slips around to cup the back of my neck. “Now give me a kiss,” he orders, making me smile. I lean forward, pressing my mouth against his. He really is the perfect man for me. Has been from the very start. The moms were right. “I’m sorry I ran.” “Don’t be sorry for who you are. I love all of you. If I have to chase you, I will, but you’ll always end up right here. Every time.” “Then are we getting married?” “Please. Your moms are driving me insane.” I burst into laughter. I now know who they have been pestering. “And I need you to help me with this freaking house. I’ve got to start picking shit out and I’m terrible at this. This is your area of expertise.” “House? Did you?” “Yeah, I bought the lot next to Alyssa and Sean’s. I thought when they started laying the cement that you were going to bust me.” “You’re so good to me.” I drop my forehead to his, breathing him in. “I love you so much.” I brush my mouth against his. “When can we get married? I already have your last name on my back.” “This shirt is hot as fuck.” His hand slips under it. I get a curse when he feels my bare breast. “Looks like you’re going to be watching me fight from in here on the TV because you’re not going out there like this.” I gasp when he tugs one of my nipples. “I guess I’ll see you when you’re done knocking that dude out then.” I grab hold of his face, kissing him. Telling him with my mouth that I love him. That I’ll never run from him again. Only to him. “See you in twenty minutes,” he says, breaking our kiss. He stands, lifting me with him before placing me down onto

my feet. “Twenty minutes?” I question him. “I mean I need time to walk to and from the ring, pixie. Fine. I’ll be back to you in fifteen.” He gives me that smile that lights up my entire world before turning to head out of the door. “Tomas.” I hesitate for a moment. He turns to look back at me. “I don’t want you to give all of this up if it makes you happy. I can deal with whatever comes. I know what it’s like to love what you do. I don’t want you to resent me in the future.” He’s on me before the last word even leaves my mouth. He kisses me deeply. A moan leaves me. “This is all I’ll ever want in life.” He gives my ass a squeeze. “Fighting is all I’ve ever known before you. Now I want something di erent. Told you I just want to be in your light.” “I love you,” I say again. “And I’d love if Tomas would get his ass out here.” We turn to see Clyde standing in the door. “Put your girl down and let's get this done.” Tomas doesn't look like he wants to put me down or go anywhere. I think he’s half tempted to call the fight. Clyde gives me a look that says help me out here. “Didn't this guy your fighting say I was cute?” I ask. Clyde smiles. “That motherfucker.” Tomas drops me down onto the sofa. “Don’t move.” “Not an inch,” I agree. “Love you,” he says before he stomps out of the room. Of course I lied. I follow a little behind him standing back and watching as he enters the ring. But to be fair, he lied too. He was back in ten minutes. Not fifteen. And of course he is still undefeated.



I watch my wife twirl around the dance floor. Her pink dress flares out all around her as she spins. She wobbles in her heels but Alyssa is there to stabilize her. My girl doesn't miss a beat as she keeps on moving to the music. I start to stand, but my mom puts her hand on my arm, telling me to keep my ass in my chair. “Let them have their fun,” she tells me as she takes another bite of her dinner. It wasn’t that I didn't want her to have fun. I just worry that she’s going to hurt herself. Not to mention the fact that I was already on edge. I haven't had a second alone with my pixie since yesterday. Not since the moms came and stole her away. I’d tried my hardest for them to let her stay but I knew it was not a fight I was going to win and I wanted to keep my undefeated title. Then with the wedding it’s been one event and thing to do after another. All I’ve gotten from my little pixie is a few kisses and dances. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out. I grab the back of my neck, giving myself a squeeze to

try to calm myself. I’m not used to spending this much time apart from my little pixie. “Is it just me or is Neily glowing?” I drop my hand, my eyes snapping to my mother. “You can see it?” I know Neily is pregnant. But I’m the only one that knows at this point. Even my little wife hasn't put two and two together yet. I think with everything that’s happened recently, her not getting her period hasn’t really been on her radar. I know for a fact that she hasn’t had it since I got my hands on her. I began noticing little changes with her. She no longer likes eggs and just thinking of them grosses her out. Her nipples have become way more sensitive. I swear I can make her come just by licking and sucking them these days. Her pussy even tastes sweeter. I’ve been waiting to clue her in but with so much going on with the wedding, I haven’t found the right time. Plus, Alyssa and Sean had recently told us that they were expecting so I didn’t want to take away from their special time. So I’ve been waiting. “Are you confirming?” Excitement lights up my mom's face, making me smile. I had no idea how chill my mom was until Neily's mom and Alyssa’s came barreling into my life. They are a force to be reckoned with. Thank fuck my mom has her own way of handling them. “You’re going to be a grandma.” My mom’s hand flies over her mouth. “Neily hasn't even realized it yet so...” I shrug. She throws her arms around me, hugging me tight. “I won’t tell.” She kisses my cheek. “This is going to be so di erent.” Mom leans back, cupping my face in her hands. “I know I couldn't give you much when you were little.” “Mom.” I try and cut her o but when my mom has something to say she’s going to say it.

“I worked so much and you ran the streets when you shouldn't have been.” She glares at me like she just busted me sneaking out. Something she’s actually done a few times. Illegal street fights started way past the curfew she’d given me, but I still went. They were good money and I wanted to help her in any way I could. She was a good mom. She always worked hard to provide for me and fighting was something that came natural to me. It only made sense to me that I use those skills to help my mom. To help us. We’d always been a team. Now our team is just bigger. It’s growing and will keep growing. “It will be di erent,” I confirm. I hate that she lets this shit still eat at her. “You did the best you could. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be the man I am today.” She gives me a teary smile. “You’re going to make the best father, Tomas. Never doubt yourself for a second. I’m so proud of the man that you’ve become and I’m even more proud to call you my son.” A tear leaks from her eye. I hold on to her a little tighter today. “When did you get so soft?” I poke her to try to change the direction of the conversation. Today is about happiness. “You’re one to talk.” I smile, looking over at my wife. With her I have no choice but to go all soft. Except in the bedroom, but that’s how she likes it. Hell, I like it too. It was a side that she brought out in me and it works well for both of us. She turns her eyes toward me, locking them with mine. Her face lights up with a smile as she abandons everyone on the dance floor. My mom cuts her o before she can get to me, giving her a hug and a kiss. She whispers something in Neily’s ear that makes her smile and hug my mom again. I push my seat back, making room for Neily. She plops down into my lap. I wrap my arm around her. She lets out a long, happy sigh. I know she’s tired. Her lips twitch when

she feels my cock press into her ass. She gives a small wiggle. “If you don’t stop, I’ll rip that pretty dress o you before you hit the bed,” I warn her. I haven't gone twenty-four hours without having my cock inside of her since the first time I took her. We just hit twenty-five and I’m about at my limit. “When do we get to leave?” She looks around the room and I know she’s looking for her mom and Alyssa’s. “We still have to have cake.” “The only thing I want to eat is-” She puts her hand over my mouth. “You talk loud.” She laughs. I kiss the palm of her hand. She sucks in a breath when I lick her next. “I want you to eat that too. You think we can sneak out?” “I’m here.” Alyssa pops out of nowhere. I see Sean standing a few feet back. “You want out of here, don’t you?” “Yes. Whatcha going to do?” Neily drops her hand from my mouth. “I’m going to fall into the cake. Then it can’t be cut and you can sneak out.” “You spent hours making the cake.” Neily’s eyes are round as she says it but I can tell she’s still into the idea. “You’re not falling into the cake. You’re pregnant,” Sean chimes in. “Then you fall into it.” He rubs his hand down his face. We all know if Alyssa really wants him to fake fall into the cake he’ll do it. For her. Both Alyssa and Neily stare at him like they are waiting for him to run at the cake like a lineman. “Can someone help me here?” Sean looks to Neily then me. “I do kind of want a piece of the cake.” Alyssa licks her lips.

“Why don’t you tell them you’re knocked up?” Neily comes to the rescue. “They’ll forget about the wedding and be in grandma land.” “I’m not stealing your thunder. This is your wedding.” Alyssa gapes at her. “That I’m trying to get out of so we can go make some babies of our own.” “Now I’m never getting out of here,” I hear Sean mutter under his breath. “You better make this happen. We’re supposed to be pregnant together.” Alyssa points her finger at me. “Yeah.” Neily nods in agreement. Fuck it. “She's pregnant.” Both their mouths fall open. Sean just smiles because he knows this is going to make his wife beyond happy. “I am?” Her eyes fill with tears. “Yeah, pixie. You’re pregnant.” She throws her arms around me, peppering kisses all over my face like she always does when she’s excited. “Give me a hug,” Alyssa orders her. They hug each other close. They can have a whole conversation without words. “I’ll handle the moms. You better call me tomorrow.” She lets go of Neily before hugging me next. “Thank you,” she whispers in my ear before stepping back. Sean gives me a chin nod as he leads Alyssa away to find the moms, who are circling the cake. Neily's mom has a mic in her hand. That’s my cue. I stand, taking Neily with me and slipping out the back of the ballroom. She rests her head on my shoulder as we make our way up to the penthouse suite of the hotel. We’ll spend the night here before we head o to Paris to show my girl the world. Keeping her safe while she keeps me in the light.



“They think they are so smart. Like we don’t know what they’re up to. We are so on to them,” Alyssa says from beside me. I shove the rest of the cupcake she brought with us into my mouth. This is a stake-out after all. Everyone knows that cupcakes are a necessity during this. She elbows me in the side. “Are you paying attention?” I lick the icing o my fingers. “Yeah. They think they’re smarter than us,” I repeat. I look down into the box thinking we should have packed more cupcakes. “How long do these stake-outs usually take?” “Until we bust them.” Alyssa glares at me. “Don’t you want to know if they are living together?” My oldest daughter Zoey and Alyssa’s older son Trent have been inseparable since birth. Trent came into the world a few days before Zoey, but I think we all knew they would end up together. Now they are o at college together. Zoey got a place of her own that sits right o campus and Trent said he was living in a frat house. The idea makes me want to snort.

“They’re engaged,” I remind Alyssa. I feel like I’m the one who should be a little more bent out of shape about this. It’s my little girl, after all, that is shackin’ up with a man. But I can’t even be upset because I know if Trent is around, Zoey is safe and well. Zoey tends to be a lot like me. I know Trent is Zoey’s Tomas. I had a feeling when I suggested she get her own place so she could have a small art studio right at home that living there together would be inevitable. You might say I even planned it out a little. They are good kids. Both are in college on scholarships. All that any of us would be doing is standing in the way of what was meant to be. I ran from Tomas because of silly ideas in my head. It was a waste of time. If my daughter is ready to take the next step with her man, then I’m going to be there cheering her on in any way I can. “I know, but they should tell us if they are secretly living together.” “I’m sure Sean knows.” Our men seem to know everything. It’s freaky and well, kind of cool. “Here they come!” Alyssa shh’s me. “Okay, so let's say they go inside. They could just be hanging out,” I point out. This plan doesn't seem to be working. We didn't think this through. “Never mind. It’s not them.” She hu s, setting the binoculars down. “Someone is going to call the police on us.” We’re sitting next to a bush in all black with binoculars. In the middle of the day. “Do you have a key? We can just go in and snoop around. If he lives there I’ll know.” “I do but what if-” I trail o . I’m all for my daughter being with Trent, but there are some things I do not want to see. “Oh my God.” I gasp. Alyssa drops to the ground.

“What? Do they see us?” “No, but I think we’re our moms.” “Oh shit.” She rolls over onto her back, looking up at me. “We are.” I nod at her. Alyssa doesn't care either if they are living together. She just wants to be in the know. We are both so happy they are madly in love. They are a perfect fit. In our eyes we’re all already family but this was going to make it true on every level. Alyssa’s and my grandbabies will be one and the same. “How are you two doing?” I jerk my head up to look at two boys standing over us in football jerseys. I’m pretty sure they are in college. I could be wrong. I know very little about sports. They both hold their hands out to help us up from the ground. “You’re blowing our cover,” I inform them. “Cover?” the one with short blond hair asks. “I’ve got something you can blow.” The dark hair one smirks, making me cringe. Before I can respond, he goes flying and hits the ground. The blond takes o running, leaving his friend behind. “Apologize,” Trent barks at the man on the ground. “They totally blew our cover,” Alyssa hu s. My daughter holds her hand out to help me o the ground. I take it. I hear the boy on the ground saying his apologies. Trent tries to go after him but Alyssa jumps to her feet, blocking her son from going anywhere. “What happened?” “Double crap.” I let go of Zoey’s hand to turn and look at Tomas and Sean coming up on us quickly. “The moms are getting hit on by college frat boys,” Zoey says through a laugh. “Snitch,” I call her, making her laugh harder. I grab Tomas by the arm before he can chase after them. They are long gone but I’m sure Tomas could track them down.

“How did you guys find us?” Alyssa asks as Sean picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. They always know where we are. “Now I see where Trent gets it,” Zoey says with a smile. “Hey! I’m trying to find out if they live together,” Alyssa shouts as Sean carries her o . “They do,” I admit. Trent shrugs like he doesn't care who knows. Tomas’ jaw flexes. He loves Trent like he’s his own son. He even gave him the blessing to marry our little girl, but I’m sure he doesn't like the reminder that she is having sex with anyone. “Sorry, Dad,” Zoey tells him as she leans in, kissing him on the cheek. “You think I didn't know?” he asks her as he pulls me into his side. Trent does the same with Zoey, kissing her on top of the head. “I told your dad, babe,” Trent informs her. “You did?” both Zoey and I say at the same time. This, too, shouldn’t be surprising. Trent has always made his intentions clear when it comes to Zoey. “I’m taking my wife home.” I let out a small scream when he lifts me suddenly into his arms. “Dinner on Sunday,” I shout to them. “We know,” they say back because we have dinner every Sunday. When we get to the car, Tomas puts me inside. “Don’t be all hu y cause I still got it,” I sass him, knowing I’m poking the beast. He gives me a look that has me wiggling in my seat. “Seatbelt,” he orders in a tone that goes straight between my thighs. I clench them together as I hurriedly put the seatbelt on. He jumps into the driver’s seat, taking o . “You said you were going to lunch.”

“We ate.” We did. Some cupcakes. That counts. Tomas gives me a look that lets me know I’ll be paying for that half lie with my ass. “Drive faster,” I push, wanting us to be home. I know no one is home. We’ll have the house all to ourselves. “You’re excited to get your ass turned red.” His hand comes down on my thigh. I spread my legs, my dress riding up. “Please,” I breathe, my head dropping back as his hand slips up under my dress. He pulls my underwear to the side. I let out a moan as he plays with my clit, making me come in record time as we pull up to the house. He licks his fingers clean before he unbuckles my seatbelt. “Naked on the bed. Maybe I’ll let you suck my cock.” I fly from the car. I barely make it in the front door and he’s on me, lifting me from my feet and carrying me to our room. “Love you, pixie,” he says as he drops me down onto the bed. “Love you too.” I pull my dress over my head, leaving me in nothing but my drenched panties. He pulls me to him, kissing me deeply. “Going to remind you who you belong to.” I don’t need the reminder, but I’m more than willing to play along. I belong to Tomas. Every inch of me. No one could come between this love. Not even me. When it comes to us, love always wins. It’s undefeated.

I hope you enjoyed the last book in the Love series. Please look for my next release in May of 2020. Join my newsletter to know when Lucy Darling books are released. CLICK HERE


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Meant to Love Meant to Be Love on the Line Love Forever Love in the Mix Belong to Me Return to Me

Copyright © 2020 by Lucy Darling All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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