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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Epilogue CONNECT WITH ME!




Leo Ridgeway has spent his life building an empire for the girl he’s always called his. She brings him to life with nothing more than a smile or a touch. A social butterfly, her wings are too beautiful to clip. He’s resigned himself to being her best friend and letting her grow... for now. Rochelle Jackson has been in love with Leo her whole life. He treats her like the little sister he never had. He runs his billionaire empire with an iron fist, but when it comes to her, he only gives her sweetness. Unbeknownst to him, she wants much more than that. She has to know if he’s willing to give her every part of him. But if Leo doesn’t stop keeping his distance, his brilliant butterfly might get away.

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together… there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart… I'll always be with you.” – Winnie the Pooh



I pull at the collar of my suit as I watch Ro throw clothes out of her closet. She really needs a bigger one. She has one actually but she just doesn’t know it yet. She knows of it but doesn’t know it belongs to her. When I had the Ridgeway Estate updated last year I’d listened to every suggestion she’d made as I worked with the interior designer. Whenever her eyes would go wide on something the designer showed me, I knew she really liked it and that one was the winner. I might not be able to have her yet but I sure as hell could get the life I plan to have with her started. If there is one thing I’m good at it’s always being prepared. “This.” She strolls out a moment later in a boxy-looking suit. It’s square and hides all her luscious curves. I know she is trying to look professional. It’s her first day and all. I’m not sure how I wound up standing in her bedroom. Oh that’s right. She texted me to come over and I came running, as usual. She said she was having a problem. I didn’t realize the problem was finding something to wear. If it were up to me she’d be covered in the finest of silks and diamonds.

“So?” she prompts again when I don’t say anything because my mind has gone o to its normal dirty thoughts of her. I can’t shake the image of her in barely-there silky white panties and my ring on her finger. I try to concentrate on what she’s actually showing me but I’m distracted. I need to stop being selfish and give her the attention she deserves. She does a small turn. The suit hides every perfect inch of her. I wonder where she got the thing. She always wears sundresses full of colors. In the winter she insists on wearing them but she pairs them with leggings and a jacket. I’ve never seen her in a suit in my life. Let alone in such mute coloring. It’s not her. “Perfect.” If she picked it then it is. I don’t care what she wears at the end of the day as long as it makes her happy. In fact, that shapeless thing she has on now will actually put me more at ease. I hadn’t noticed how many swinging dicks worked for me until Ro asked if I was hiring. I wasn’t hiring, but when she asked, there was no telling my girl no. I’m not sure she’s ever heard me say those words to her before. To anyone else, all the fucking time. She is the exception to the rule and I’m pretty sure she knows that. No one else gets away with the things she does. I pretty much allow her to get away with murder when she’s around me. “You sure?” Her emerald gaze lands on mine. She tilts her head, sending her shiny locks of hair falling o her shoulder. She gives me a half smile, making her deep dimples show. That’s the one place I’ve actually kissed her a thousand times. It is also the only place. I probably shouldn’t even be doing that but every time she goes to leave I pull her to me and kiss one of those dimples before I say goodbye. It is the only thing I can have for now. Many nights I’ve stayed awake dreaming about kissing her plump cherry red lips but that’s not our reality at this point in our lives. In time hopefully it will be. Everything that I do now when it comes to Ro is in

preparation for our future. She may not admit it yet but she’s meant to be mine. “Yep,” I clip out. I’m never sure with her. I think she needs more time before I spring on her that there is a her and me. This best friend crap is bullshit. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I am her fucking best friend but we are more than that. Pretty sure best friends don’t jack o to thoughts of each other. The only friend I had before my sweet angel was her brother. Like the bastard I am, I hired him to run my o ces in New York after he graduated from college so that he wouldn’t stand in my way. I stayed here in Seattle where Ro is. The girl who has lived her whole life a floor below mine. I’ve known her for every part of her life. I’ve watched her mature from a girl to who she is now. A beautiful, funny, and caring individual. Someone like her only comes around once in a lifetime. Thank fuck she’s mine. She is eighteen now. That makes her a woman. Her body sure as fuck says she’s one too. I’ve been noticing that for longer than I should have been. It doesn’t matter though. She is destined to be mine. It is all a waiting game now. I am a few years older than her. Not many but enough that there is a small age gap between us. This has always been my hesitation when it came to Ro. I didn’t want her to get involved with me until she was ready. So I knew that I would need to settle for the best friend role. I took what I could get when it came to her. Whatever keeps me as close as possible and allows me to know every detail of her life. Soon she is going to be mine and I’ll take all of her. But I have to wait for her to finish growing up and making her own decisions in life. I remind myself for the millionth time. I was sure that I would have to wait another four years. It will be hell but I’d do it because I’ll do anything for her. If she wants to go to college then I’ll have to su er through the

next four years. I never want her to miss out on something she wants because I’m being selfish and want her here with me. I could start acting on my feelings now, my mind pushes. Or maybe that’s my dick. She’s graduated high school. Why can’t she be with me while she attends college? She’s going to try and start dating soon. I am surprised she hasn’t already. How the hell am I supposed to deal with that? I’d never felt such relief as when I’d asked her about her senior prom and she said she wasn’t going. I’d only asked because she never brought it up. It had me going insane for weeks while I waited for her to mention it. Finally I broke down. I toyed with the idea of making a giant donation to her school if they cancelled prom. Who knows if they would have gone for it but money talks and can get you a lot of things. I’m lucky that I haven’t had to pull that card. One thing money doesn’t get me is Ro. I don’t want to buy her. I want her to want me even if it’s only with a tenth of what I feel for her. I’ll take it. She is sunshine and warmth in my world. Everything I do revolves around her. I crave every part of her. Hell, I need her to live. No one makes me feel the way she does. “I want to do a good job.” She walks over to me, fixing my tie. I’ve been pulling on the damn thing because of her. Minutes ago she was naked in her closet only feet from me. I should be used to having a raging hard-on around her but I swear it gets worse every day. The inner battle I’ve been having with myself about waiting is starting to waiver. I’m not really sure how much longer I can control myself. She gives me those dimples again when she gets my tie right. This time I hadn’t meant to mess the thing up but I often do it so she can fix it. It’s a small way of getting her to give me all of her attention. I’ve always loved Ro but

something started to shift over the years. My love for her grew into something more. I wasn’t used to someone doting on me since I’d lost my grandmother. Ro always did. Neither of us have mothers. We were both raised by single fathers. My dad was a bastard who is now six feet under and hers was more absent than anything. She was always looking after her brother and me even though she is younger than us. Then I went and took her brother away. I really am a bastard. I take a step back. Ro’s hands fall away from where she’s innocently placed them on my chest. I ache to grab them and put them back. I live for her touch. Maybe I am more like my father than I‘m willing to admit. Everything was always about him. It’s part of why I’ve been holding so strong on letting Ro grow up first. I wouldn’t snatch her away from the rest of the world for my own selfishness. I swear sometimes, though, she is baiting me to do just that. Here I am ready for her to be o to college and now she is going to be at my side every day. How the fuck am I going to make it through each day and get anything accomplished? “Wait! Do I need a dress or something for later?” She looks back to her closet. I grab her wrist, stopping her from going back into the closet. I need to get out of her bedroom. Everything smells like her. The scent of sweet sticky cotton candy lingers everywhere my Ro goes. It reminds me of how young she is. That I shouldn’t be doing this. I never should have agreed to hire her. “But I’m your bu er. I can’t go to a cocktail party in this,” she reminds me. I keep on pulling her from her room and down the hallway and out her front door. “I’ll send Cindy to get you something.” Her face scrunches at my suggestion. The same face she makes whenever she sees onions on something she is about to eat.

The one that tells me she dislikes something. I know every expression that Ro has in her catalog. Believe me, I’ve studied them and I’m fluent in her facial expressions. “Do you not like Cindy?” I ask. The woman is good enough at her job but if Ro doesn’t like her then I’ll have to let her go. “She’s fine.” Ro schools her face. I can see her thinking for a moment before she finally speaks again. This time her voice is low, as if someone else is around to hear her. It’s only her and me in the elevator. Alone with that damn cotton candy smell filling up the space. “She dresses…” She trails o and I know whatever it is she wants to say is likely not the nicest. Where I have no problem being blunt, she is as sweet as she smells. “Di erent,” she finally gives. “Then pick something out online and I’ll have it brought to the o ce,” I o er. I try and think of what Cindy wears but my mind blanks. I never pay attention to the small details when it comes to others. “I guess.” She sighs. I start to rack my brain of what I can do to fix this because Ro clearly isn’t satisfied. “Then you can help me.” She perks up at that, fixing it herself. “I’m not sure what I should wear. I never get to go to these things.” She gives a small shrug and I’m not sure if it’s in disappointment or that she really doesn’t care. I hate that I have to wonder. Ro is changing lately. While her normal expressions have been the same as they have always been, there are some new ones mixed in that I can’t read. It’s driving me fucking insane. I don’t know what’s shifted in her but I feel like she’s hiding something from me or not giving me her all. I don’t go to these events either unless I have to. Since this charity is named after my family and I am the only one still alive and kicking, I have to go. It is the charity my grandmother started. This is how Ro came up with the

brilliant idea of being my bu er. I complained about going to the event tonight. No one really wants to see me. I’d usually send a check; that’s all they really want. Ro reminded me I had to go. If people knew I’d be there it would bring others with big pocketbooks. They would think they’d get a chance to talk to me. That doesn’t help ease the fact I have to go. It only reminds me that everyone will be trying to talk to me. They will all be wanting something from me. I won’t have a team of people to keep the rest of the world at bay like I do at my o ce. Ro said it would be part of her job. She’ll be my bu er. Ro enjoys talking to people. She can talk forever. Her small talk game is second to none. I rather enjoy when she does it. I find it soothing to listen to her talk about anything and everything. It doesn’t matter what it is. It is the sound of her soft voice that calms me. It always has, even as a boy. “I’d love nothing more,” I tell her as the elevator dings. She can sit on my lap while she searches for a dress on my computer. Too bad that isn’t how this will play out. The elevator doors open and I pull her out with me. I still haven’t let go of her wrist. I’m not going to until she makes me. Even as I usher her into my waiting car, I hold on to her as I slide in behind her before my driver closes the door. I’ll take all the touches I can. I tell myself it’s the only thing that is keeping me from taking her too soon. It’s a lie because as my fingers start to stroke her wrist I know this is only adding fuel to the already raging fire inside of me.



I close my eyes for a moment enjoying the feel of Leo’s touch on my skin. When he touches me my mind often blanks. A soothing feeling falls over me. He’s always done that for me. Maybe it is his stoic demeanor that has a calming sensation over me. He seems to have everything together, which calms me. Even when I feel as though I’m a train wreck, a simple touch from him puts me back on track. Many people think he is cold but I’ve never felt that from him. Even now, as his fingers drift back and forth on my skin, all I feel is his warmth. He is always kind and caring with me. It’s why I’ve grown to love him. It started when I was a little girl. I loved him then like I loved my own brother. Then my teenage years hit and I crushed on him so hard. I thought it was only a stage but every year that has passed has only made me fall deeper. I’ve never even considered anyone else because I know they’ll never measure up to my Leo. Oh, I know without a doubt that the man can be cold. He keeps most people at an arm's length and doesn’t speak unless he wants to. People find him rude because of it. I

don’t. It is who he is but I also know that I can always get him to talk to me. Leo doesn’t talk much because he’s always listening. You can’t get anything past him. Maybe If I didn't talk so much I would catch more small details myself. My friend Noal says I miss things that are right in my face because I’m too busy carrying on about everything else. I have a ton of energy and I use talking to get rid of it. Sitting still is not in my skill set. I’m always moving and talking about something. I used to get o ended when people would point it out but now I embrace it. The only time that I get a little more quiet is when I’m with Leo. It’s those times that I find myself relaxing and enjoying being near him. It’s either that or my attraction to him gets me tongue-tied. I do talk a lot. It annoys my father more than anyone. Over the years I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut for the most part when he is around. When being the key word here. It isn’t often that I see him. Especially over the past few years. Those thoughts sadden me so I push them to the back of my mind to revisit another time. I try to pull it back with other people because I can see how it can be annoying but I often wind up rattling on anyway. I have a need in me to fill the silence. It’s di erent when it comes to Leo though. When I do it with him it’s because I want to tell him every detail. I need him to be a part of everything I do even if he didn’t experience it with me. A car horn sounds, breaking me from my stolen moment of enjoying his finger stroking my skin. I look over to Leo, who is staring at me with his dark eyes. He always is. “What?” I reach up and wipe my mouth, thinking I have toothpaste on my face or something. His eyes are homed in on my lips so I automatically assume there’s something there. “Did you eat?”

“I forgot,” I admit knowing he isn’t going to like that answer. “I’ll have Cindy get your favorite.” He pulls out his phone, firing o a text one-handed because he still hasn't let my wrist go. He has to know he’s still holding it. I guess it’s not like holding hands. Friends don’t hold hands, right? But a wrist. What level is that? That could be sister level, which I'm pretty sure is where he’s put me. I feel like we’re more than best friends at this point but I can’t get Leo to budge. He and my brother Colden are close but I think I’m closer to Leo than anyone else. Colden lives all the way in New York now and the distance has caused them to drift a bit. Leo is my best friend, and with how grumpy he is with everyone else I think I’m his only friend here. There is his personal assistant, Hillary, but she gets paid to put up with his crap. Wait; there is Cindy, too. I fight an eyeroll at the thought of her. I know that she’s only an employee and Leo definitely doesn’t consider her a friend. Leo is always sending Cindy out to do things for me. I can tell she hates when he asks her to do it. If he has an inkling that I want something, she’s the one he usually sends to get it for me. Him sending people to get me things never bothered me before but his two previous assistants were men. Cindy is a di erent story. I’m not sure of her intentions toward Leo. Hillary, on the other hand, has worked with Leo the longest as his main PA. Leo made her hire additional sta to help get the smaller things done like running out to get menial stu . Hillary is busy enough and Leo was adamant about her delegating the smaller tasks. I love Hillary because she is the only other person that I know who will put Leo in his place. I wouldn’t put it past her if she told Leo to do things himself. I'm almost positive that’s what happened at some point. That’s why there are all these random new assistants coming and going. They were Leo’s

way of keeping Hillary happy while still getting what he wanted. “Stop,” Leo says a moment later. “I’ll grab it now.” The car rolls to a stop and before I can respond, Leo is out of the car and into the co ee shop as if he’s read my mind. Impossible. Sometimes I really think he can read my thoughts. I know it sounds ridiculous. Believe me, if he actually could, he would have taken my virginity months ago or told me that there was no chance. He’s done neither of those things so my dirty thoughts are safe for now. He jumps back into the car a few minutes later with a chocolate chip mu n and a latte. He hands me the co ee. I take a sip and it’s perfect. He’s the only one who ever gets my order right. I put it in the cup holder. I look over at Leo and his eyes are glued to my lips again. This time he reaches up and swipes his thumb down the side of my mouth, wiping some of the frothy milk I’m guessing was left from the latte. He immediately puts his finger in his mouth and sucks on it. My own eyes focus on his mouth now as I try and figure out what the hell just happened. “Did you eat?” I ask to break the silence that has fallen between us. I see that he doesn't have anything for himself. “You never remember to get yourself something.” I put my mu n down to try and crawl over him so I can get him a simple black co ee and maybe a sandwich. It’s funny how over time you learn a person's likes and dislikes. Especially when it comes to food. Leo loves sandwiches but they have to have meat in them. According to him it’s not a sandwich without meat. He went above and beyond to prove this point by introducing me to my first grilled cheese with bacon. I have to admit he was right. He normally is but to me he is never smug about it. He’s perfect in my eyes and I love his grumpy ass.

I reach for the door handle to get out of the car but he grabs me right before I can open it. “Go,” he tells the driver. The car jerks, taking o . I fall into Leo’s wall of a chest and end up sitting in his lap. We both stare at each other, our eyes locked. In his lap I feel small and delicate. Leo has always been a big man. While my brother was big in high school, Leo went on to grow bigger all over. I don’t even know how he finds suits to fit his build. Sometimes when he takes his jacket o his muscles look like they’re struggling to be contained by his dress shirt. “You need a seatbelt,” he tells me. I reluctantly try to pull back to get into my seat but he wraps his arms around me, holding me tight. “Are you my seatbelt?” I tease him, settling in. I have no problem sitting in his lap. If I’d known it was an option I would have sat myself here long ago. I make a mental note that I can now sit in his lap whenever I want. He opened that door and I am more than willing to walk right through it. “People are going to think you’re my girl,” Leo responds, not answering my question. His hold on me tightens a fraction. I let the words my girl play over and over again in my head. How long have I wanted that? I think it was around the time my brother started dating. I was wondering if Leo would begin dating too and this weird feeling that I’d figured out was jealousy shortly after took hold and I knew I was a goner. “Does it matter? People already think we have a secret love a air going on.” I catch the small look of surprise on Leo’s face before he masks it. “They do?” I watch as he searches his mind. Leo might be good at reading people and listening but he doesn’t pay attention to gossip. That’s for sure. The whispers started a year ago while I was still in high school. Everyone was wondering if Leo and I would finally come out about our relationship. That we

were hiding it because I was underage then. There was nothing to hide. Oh, I would have been willing, but Leo never crossed that line or showed signs of wanting to. I’m still not sure what a sign from him would be. I, like the rest of the world, have yet to catch him with a woman. So I don’t know how he looks when he’s interested in someone. “I think it’s because you’re never seen with anyone but me or someone who works for or with you.” I o er. The rumors didn’t bother me. I enjoyed everyone thinking he was mine. This bu er thing is only going to add fuel to that fire. Maybe now Leo will see me as a woman and no longer as a young girl. If everyone is really talking about us being together he might see for himself that there could be an us. It could also backfire and he could push me away faster. “I don’t have time to date.” I roll my eyes. My heart aches a little too at that. What if Leo did give in to seeing me as more than a little sister? Would it hurt just as much when he put his work before me? I should be used to it. My brother took o to New York. Sure, he’d asked me to go with him but I was still in school. Plus, I couldn't bring myself to leave Leo even if he wasn't mine. My father always picks work too. It’s what all the men around me do. If Dad isn’t traveling for work he is traveling to enjoy life without me. I half swear the man doesn't like me. He’s never outright mean but he’s distant. I think I remind him of the woman who up and left him with two kids. He either resented her or had a broken heart about it. I’m not sure which. “I don’t date,” he says again. This time there is a growl in his voice. “I do,” I say tartly. I don’t know why. His eyes narrow on me. The hold he has on me tightens so much it’s almost

painful. I like it. It’s then I feel it. His hard cock digging into me. “Who do you date?” He half yells. “There is no one. I would know.” He would because he knows everything about me. I fight to not roll my eyes to poke at him. He’s already worked up. If he knew everything, he’d know I am madly in love with him and touch myself every night pretending it is him. “How would you know?” I toss back. The man is always at work. “I would.” The air in the car becomes thick and I wonder if he’s so pissed because I’m like a little sister to him and he’s being protective or if it’s something else. His hard cock pressing into me isn’t brotherly at all. “Not yet,” I give. “But I will.” My eyes lock with his in a challenge. “Soon,” I add. If there is even a small chance that he is maybe a tiny bit jealous over the idea of me dating I am going to use it. I’ll do anything to get Leo Ridgeway to break.



“Hillary?” I push the call intercom button that goes straight to her o ce. “What?” she snips back. I know she’s annoyed with me that I keep asking her stupid shit just to see what they are up to but I don’t care. Ro has been in her o ce all morning and not mine. I’m like a child and someone else has taken my toy but Ro is no toy and I don’t fucking share. “Is there something I can get you?” Cindy pokes her head into my o ce. I give her a hard glare that has her backing out just as quick. No one comes into my o ce without knocking. Ro pushes open my o ce door half a beat later. Except Ro obviously. She doesn’t need to knock. She can do whatever she wants. I rather enjoy the liberties she takes when it comes to me. I want her to feel comfortable. “Never mind,” I tell Hillary, flipping o the intercom. I swear I catch her laughing. I should fire her but I won’t because she runs this place and I’d be screwed without her. I’ll never admit that out loud.

“Will you leave that woman alone?” Ro asks as she makes her way over to me. I scoot my chair back. Normally she sits on the sofa I have o to the side. I’ve slept on it more times than I want to admit. Like the time she’d gone o on a school trip for a weekend. An all-girls one. I’d done my checking. There had been no point to go home that weekend. I only ever went back to the penthouse to see her. Hell, I wasn't even supposed to live there anymore. The Ridgeway estate is now updated and still I never go there. She isn't there. Why would I? She passes the sofa coming towards me. I’m taken aback for a moment when she plops down right into my lap. I pulled her into my lap in the car. Now it looks like she is making herself comfortable. I’d given the invitation and she is taking it. It makes me wonder what other doors I can open and have her slip in. “I thought you wanted me to help you pick out something for tonight?” I remind her. She turns a little in my lap to face my computer. Her hair brushes against my face, the smell of sweet cotton candy filling my lungs. God, she is going to kill me. Her scent is wonderful and unbearable at the same time. I wanted to kill every man on the planet when she spoke about dating. That would happen over my dead body. I had to calm myself. I’ve always made sure to keep boys away from her. I’ve had my hand in a lot of places in her life that she knows nothing about to make sure that was so. It is fucked up and wrong but I have no control with her. There isn’t a line I won’t cross. I told myself I was doing it to keep her safe. Too many creeps out there in the world but I am turning into one of them now. She needs more time, I try and remind myself, but I’m never going to make it. She wiggles in my lap and I fight a groan as she starts clicking away on my computer. Her lush ass grinds down into my cock. How easy it would be to pick her up and pin her

to my desk. To spread her legs and finally know if her pussy tastes like sweet cotton candy. I need something to distract myself before I lose my shit. “Cindy!” I shout. Ro jerks in my lap. “Do you have to yell?” she asks. I can’t see her eyes but I know she rolls them. Cindy pops into my o ce. “Leo?” she asks. Her eyes go a little round at seeing Ro in my lap. “Ridgeway,” I correct. Ro’s body gives a small shake that doesn't help my hard cock. She’s fighting a laugh. “Sorry, sir.” “I’ll take a co ee. Ro, you want a lemonade?” “Yes, please,” she says with a nod, still clicking away on the computer. When summer hits she always goes on a lemonade kick. So many times I’ve wondered if I take her mouth would I taste it on her tongue. “This?” she asks, dragging my eyes from her shiny hair that she has loose today to the computer screen. I lick my lips, looking at the pink dress she has pulled up. It would mold to all of her curves. It’s nothing like the boxy suit she has on right now. I want to see her in it. I’m not sure her tits would even fit but I’ll enjoy seeing them try. The dress is exactly her style. It’s just a little more sexy than normal. The cut of the top is going to show some cleavage and it is shorter than her normal. Her gorgeous legs will be on full display with this dress. I want to see her in it, yet I don’t want anyone else's eyes looking at her. I’m in a bit of a conundrum, as is usually the case when it comes to Ro. “It’s perfect.” She turns to look at me over her shoulder. “You always say perfect.” I always say perfect to her or about her. I wrack my brain to try and remember when else I’ve used the word. Nothing comes to mind. I reserve that word only for her because she is the definition of it.

“You know what’s not perfect?” She turns more in my lap to look at me without having to crane her neck. “What?” “You dating.” There, I said it. It’s been fucking festering inside of me. How am I going to stop this idea of hers that she should be dating? Then it hits me. The idea is fucking genius. She wants to play my bu er and that’s exactly what I’m going to let her do, but I’m going to up the ante. “I can date if I want to.” She lifts her chin in a defiant way. “Not if people think we’re dating,” I challenge. “You said people already think it.” Good. “Now they really will. You’re going to let people think you cheat on me?” “I would never!” she half-shouts, turning all the way in my lap until she is straddling me. Fuck I wish she was wearing a dress and not pants. She hates wearing pants and now I hate them too. I want her to have her skin on display for me to touch. It’s all hidden behind the ugly suit that is both a curse and savior to me. “I won’t date.” She gives in. Relief hits me hard and fast flooding my system. “For now,” she adds. “If I go o to college I won’t be your bu er anymore.” She doesn't sound excited about the idea. Neither am I. She never does when she talks about college. “If?” I ask. She gives a small shrug, making her ass wiggle again on my poor dick. She has to feel my cock pressing into her. There is no missing it but maybe she’s not paying attention or she’s too innocent. That shouldn’t turn me on more but it does. I try and refocus. She was all set to go to a local college. I was so relieved when she said she would be staying close. It was an inner struggle not to steer her in any one direction. Even though I wanted to pull all the strings money could buy to keep her close, I knew if she made the decision to move that I would have to grin and bear it. I’ve already done

enough to keep men away from her. I couldn’t add to my list of indiscretions by trying to keep her close. It would be so fucking selfish. I already have enough to make up to her. I couldn’t take away this from her too. “If you keep me I might just stay here.” The air in my lungs stills for a moment. I have every intention of keeping her. “I have to have a job. Dad isn’t going to be okay with me not going to college so I’ll have to get a place.” She is already in her place. My lap. She isn’t going anywhere. “I hate it at home though, anyway, so I’m either finding a place ‘cause I have a job now or I’ll move to the dorm and go to college like everyone wants me to.” Her shoulders drop. I don’t care for any of these ideas. “You hate it at home?” She never told me that. I thought she told me everything. My whole body starts to fill with tension. What else have I been missing? I’ve been spending too much time at the o ce. It is the only way I could stay away from her and not take her. I stayed in contact but at a distance sometimes when I was at the end of my rope so that I didn’t do something impulsive and ruin my chances with her. It is too tempting when I’m home and know she’s but a floor below me. Likely alone with her father always gone. At one time I’d spend all my spare time watching movies with her and having dinner. It all became too much. The temptation became too great. I had to pull back for my own sanity. Why I’d agreed to this whole bu er thing I have no idea. It is the complete fucking opposite of what I’ve been trying to do. I’ve wanted space between us so I don’t do something too soon but the space I’ve created is eating me alive. This all started as her being a bu er for me when I went to events. Our first being tonight. I am grasping at anything I can to keep her close to me even if I know it’s wrong. I’ve

starved myself of her and as soon as she made the suggestion of working with me I jumped on it. Maybe I’ve been wrong this entire time. I shouldn’t be staying away from her, I should be spending as much time with her as I possibly can. It’s possible that this bu er thing is going to work in my favor. “It’s lonely. Colden is in New York and you and my dad are never home.” Her eyes come up to meet mine and it’s almost my undoing. The sad look in them cuts through me. “You work all the time too. It’s only me.” I know she has a few girlfriends but she has never been super close to anyone but me. Fucking hell, I really am a bastard. I am her best friend and I’ve been pushing her away. Trying to keep some level of space between us so I don’t throw her down on the floor and take what belongs to me. “You can stay here as long as you like.” Her eyes light up at that. I love seeing her happy but it eats at me that she hasn't been that way the whole time. The more I try and make things right for her or at least what I think is right, the more I fuck it up. I really have no idea what the hell I am doing here. This is a first for me so take it easy on me. I’ve never pursued a woman before and I sure as shit have never loved anyone besides Ro before. I’m learning as I go also. “For now.” She nods in agreement. “For now?” I question. Why for now? I just agreed she can stay here for as long as she wants and now she is putting a time on it. “I can’t be your bu er forever.” She shakes her head at me as if that’s a silly idea. She turns in my lap, adding the dress to her cart. I’ll send someone out to get it for her. She may not be able to be my bu er forever but she can be my wife. I smile to myself at my brilliance.

“Why not forever?” I finally ask. She peeks over her shoulder at me. “Well, we can’t fake date forever. I’ll want kids and a husband one day.” She hops o my lap. I reach to grab her but she’s too quick. She will have kids and a husband one day. All of those things will be with me. I start to stand to go after her but Cindy knocks on the door. “Drinks,” she calls, waiting to be invited in. “Come in,” Ro calls back to her before I can. Then she falls back onto the sofa, rolling to her side. She props her head up on her hand. “What do I do all day?” she asks as she takes her lemonade from Cindy, giving her a thank you. It doesn't go unnoticed that Cindy pretends as though Ro doesn't exist. I am going to have to fire another assistant, I think, as she places my co ee down onto my desk. “Anything else, Mr. Ridgeway?” “Where did you order the dress from, Ro?” I ask. She rattles o the name of store. “Go pick it up. She’ll need it for tonight.” Cindy gives a curt nod before turning to leave. “Also—” I say and Cindy stops to turn and look at me. “Let it be known I’m taking Ro with me tonight. If anyone asks, we’re engaged.” Cindy’s eyes go round but the gasp that comes from my Ro has all my attention. I didn't even know I was going to say that, but now that it’s out there, I fucking love the sound of it. If people are already gossiping about us, we might as well give them something to talk about. Spread that shit far and wide. Ro is all mine now and forever.



I sit up, almost spilling the drink in my hand. “What!” I stare at Leo, who has a smug look on his face. He demands it so it’s true. If he says I’m his fiancée then I am. That’s how he’s always been. Not that I don’t love the idea of belonging to him, but a heads-up would have been nice. My body and mind are still in a buzz from being in his lap. I have no idea how I kept it together while I sat there pretending to play it cool. I could feel every single inch of him. It took all my courage to walk into his o ce and go over to sit in his lap. I am proud of myself. I made it look as though I’d done it a thousand times before. Then I straddled him and pushed my boundaries a little more. I tried to read his expression when I told him about my plans. He gave me nothing, really. His cock though. That sucker told me everything. I’m not sure if that is normal for a man or not, but I am taking it as a small victory. “That’s all, Cindy,” Leo dismisses her. I glance over at her and I can tell she wants to stay and get more information. We are both shocked by Leo’s

announcement. She turns, shooting me a side glare before stomping o in her too-tight suit that’s not appropriate for the o ce. I don’t know how she walks in it. I want to be a brat and give her the middle finger, but that will not help with me trying to prove to Leo that I’m all grown up now. I know Cindy has a crush on Leo but that small show proved it. I look back to Leo who doesn't see her small fit because his eyes are on me. I sit up, placing my lemonade on the table next to the sofa I’m still sitting on. This suit is starting to get itchy. I feel like I’m trapped inside of it. “Why would you do that?” I ask. I don’t tell him not to let people know though. It’s better if everyone thinks he is o the market even though this is all a sham. It will eventually come to an end if I don’t get Leo to see me as more than his friend. I have a lot of obstacles to overcome with him. He needs to not look at me as his friend’s little sister or the girl next door. Okay, I live downstairs but you get what I’m saying. He needs to not see me as a little girl anymore. If he doesn’t do that than I’ll have to leave on my own. My heart can only take so much and pretending to be his girl is already going to wreak havoc on me. “You said it yourself. You hate your home. You think I’m going to let you go back there?” He leans back in his chair, leveling me with a stare. One I’ve seen him use on people while I laid on this very sofa while he had meetings right in front of me. I pretended to read when really I was paying attention to everything Leo did and said. I couldn't help myself. I’d shamefully get turned on when he went into hardened businessman mode. Then, with a flip of a switch, the person would leave the o ce and he was once again the sweet man I called my best friend. “But—” I trail o , not understanding. Why is he doing this? It’s all too much. Our small plan of me being his bu er is growing into something way bigger.

“You’ll come stay with me. If people are already whispering about us being together than I don’t think your father would take kindly to you and me shacking up without some sort of commitment. We should at least be engaged?” “Oh.” I love and hate the idea. Leo stands and walks over toward a painting he has on his o ce wall. He gives it a pull to reveal the small safe he has behind it. I’ve only seen him use it a few times. He gets something out before closing the safe and coming over to sit next to me. I can see he has whatever it is in his hand but I can’t tell what it is. He takes my hand in his, revealing the blue velvet box. The air in my lungs freezes for a moment. I know what it is. His grandma Sally’s ring. Leo’s grandma was the only other person I’ve ever met in his family besides his father. His dad was a big old jerk and died years back. Leo didn't have much reaction to his death, but I remember when his grandma passed. She had always been a big part of his life. She was more of a mom to him than a grandma. I remember the ring she’d worn and she’d tell me the story of how she fell in love with Leo’s grandpa. I never got to meet him. He was long gone before I was born. She loved that man deeply. She always said that one day Leo would give this ring to the woman he’d marry. I’ve wanted that ring from the moment she told me that. “Leo.” I shake my head no. Not like this. I want this to be real. I can’t put that ring on and this not be real. It feels so wrong. He opens the box to show me the emerald ring that Grandma Sally said matched my eyes perfectly. He takes it and slides it onto my finger. My eyes start to water. I want to tell him we shouldn't but I can’t bring myself to say anything that could cause the ring to be pulled from my finger. “It's a perfect fit,” he tells me. His eyes come up from my hand. “She was right. It really does match your eyes.” Our

eyes stay locked. Something I can’t place passes between us. He leans in and I mirror the action. Is he going to kiss me? I lick my lips, wanting to taste him so badly. The weight of the ring on my finger only pushes me toward him more. “Going to kiss you, Ro,” he tells me. “If we are going to be a couple people will expect to see us kissing.” I nod in agreement. They will. That totally makes sense. He leans down, his mouth almost to mine. I close my eyes, my heart pounding in my chest. It’s happening. He’s finally going to kiss me. Not one of my stupid dimples that are too deep for me. His warm breath tingles across my mouth as he softly presses his lips to mine. “Sir.” I jump at the sound of Cindy’s voice. I probably look like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I really don’t like that woman. From the bark of anger that comes from Leo I don’t think he does either.



“You better know what you’re doing.” I look up to see Hillary standing in the doorway to my o ce. As always she looks put together like a lawyer who could castrate you if she felt the need. She is an intimidating woman when she wants to be. She's been my right hand since I took the company over from my father. He left the place in a mess but she and I have been able to pull it together and make it better than ever. It’s why she has the liberty of giving me shit whenever she feels it is warranted. I let her because I know she's only doing it with the best of intentions. I left the door to my o ce open because my girl is down the hall in an empty o ce getting ready for tonight’s event. Every woman should be made to feel pretty and pampered. I am making sure that Ro gets that experience. She deserves it. I’m going to treat her so well that she’ll never want to leave me. Lonely. Her one word has haunted me since it crossed her lips. I’d fucked up but I am going to fix it.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, flipping through the documents I’m going over for some company I’ve been thinking about acquiring. My head of security, John, appears behind his wife. They got married two years ago. They met right here at work. Both of them have played giant roles in keeping me sane when it came to Ro. I’m not sure if they have caught on to my obsession or believe I see her as a little sister. That’s what I believed everyone thought around here. According to Ro I am way o on that, which is weird, because I am never o . It has to be because it involves her. She’s the only person that throws me o my game. “Knox is watching her,” John says before I can ask who has eyes on my girl. She might have felt lonely but I always have someone watching her. It is the only way to keep me in check. If I didn’t know she was okay I couldn’t concentrate. I don’t know how I ever thought I would make it through her going to college but it is looking like maybe it is something I don’t have to worry about. She has my ring on her finger now. That was way easier than I thought it was going to be. She let me slide it right onto her delicate finger. Then I almost got my first real taste of her. Almost being the operative word. The moment was stolen from us. I’m really considering firing Cindy. I give a nod to John. I shouldn’t have asked him about Ro because he is always on top of his job. I can’t help myself when her safety is at hand. Hillary steps more into my o ce. John closes the door behind them. I don’t have many friends in my life. I spent my early years with Colden and Ro growing up. I had my grandma until she was taken too soon from me. Then my father died. I’ve spent my time fixing all the fuck-ups he made and the rest with Ro and Colden. I wouldn't let the mess my father left ruin our family name because of my grandma. What her and my grandpa built together won't go down because my dad was a spoiled

asshole who only ever cared about himself and whatever woman he could get into his bed next. I vowed to myself I would never be like him. I decided I wanted to be like my grandpa. My grandma said such wonderful things about him and that’s the type of man I strive to be. I was too young to remember much more than bits and pieces of him but they had a love for each other that I longed for. One that I want with my Ro. I think my grandma knew even before I did that Ro was meant to be mine. I’d caught her many times telling Ro about the ring. Ro knows how special it is. I know that it’s finally where it belongs. “Leo!” Hillary snaps my name. She’s a few years older than I am. I know the tone means she’s not fucking around and when Hillary gets pissed it is best to stay out of her way. Normally, her wrath is hurled at someone else in my favor but right now I can tell it’s locked on me. “What I’m talking about is Cindy has been crying in the bathroom all afternoon. Rochelle’s father has been blowing up our phone lines all day and I saw the ring.” I don’t give a shit about Ro’s dad. I never did and I don’t now that I see how much his absence has hurt her. I’ve never given it much thought because I enjoyed when my father was gone. He was an asshole that the world wouldn't miss. I still have no idea who my mother is but I wouldn't blame her from running from my dad. I might have held resentment for the woman if I hadn't had my grandma. “Cindy?” I ask. Hillary closes her eyes, giving a small shake of her head. I know she’s doing it so she doesn't shout. John fights a laugh from behind her. “The women who brings you your co ee,” she supplies when she gets it together. “Oh, that Cindy. I fired her.” I thought she was talking about a di erent Cindy. I do have a rather large sta . I can't

keep track of everyone. That’s why I hire people to handle those things. Why would the Cindy I fired still be here? “I know you did. You have fired her four times now.” “She can’t follow simple instructions.” Generally I don’t care if Hillary goes above me on some things. I can get on edge and I know I am bad with assistants. “That’s fine. I’ll find someone else but that’s not really the issue here.” She walks farther into my o ce. “You hurt that girl.” She lays her hands on my desk. I lean back to look up at Hillary. “We’re going to have a fucking problem.” I know she’s not talking about Cindy. Hillary loves Ro. It’s why Ro spent most of her morning in Hillary's o ce. How can you not love her? She is so bubbly and full of life. Well, she was, but something is o recently. I am going to figure that out and fix it. “I’d never hurt my Ro.” I smile, enjoying how protective Hillary is over my girl. “Rochelle is a sweet girl, Leo.” She adds, “And you.” I know what’s she’s going to call me. I’ve heard the words muttered about me before. Cold, ruthless, lacking of emotion. Pick one. “I’m always sweet with her,” I counter. I might be a dick but I am never that way to Ro. Maybe some of the things I do behind the scenes are but that is only to keep her safe. I guess selfish could be added to the list of things people call me too. “You are. I know that, Leo, but something is o with her and I worry.” Hillary's eyes soften as she talks about my Ro. “I knew this day was coming but you better follow through.” She leaves me at a loss. I guess if anyone knew how I felt about Ro it would be Hillary. We’ve worked side by side for a long time. I’m sure it can’t be missed with my obsession with checking on her. Constantly asking John what Ro is

doing probably sent up a red flag. They aren’t stupid. That’s for sure. She turns before I can respond, leaving my o ce. “An hour?” John asks. I nod before he follows his wife out of my o ce door. I call to him. He turns to look at me. “Her things.” “It's all been handled.” I nod in satisfaction. One less thing to handle. My email dings again and this time I see it’s Colden reaching out to me. I’ve been ignoring him and Ro’s father’s emails all day. They started pouring in when I decided to ignore their calls. Either Cindy did her job and got word out that Ro and I are engaged or someone alerted them about me moving her things from her room. Either way this is happening. Hillary didn’t have to worry about that. I am following through. Once I slid that ring on her finger I knew there was no going back. The wait is over. Ro is mine. Now I have to convince her of it.



I fidget in the dress, wondering if this was the best idea. I picked a dress that I thought fit my style but is a touch sexier than I normally wear. I typically choose flats but I am trying heels tonight. Now I am really out of my comfort zone. It doesn’t help when Leo keeps touching every inch of exposed skin. The whole ride here his hands were everywhere. I’m not sure if he’s doing it on purpose or not. I try to remember if he’s always touched me this much. I feel as though I would have noticed it before. Maybe the almost kiss and sitting in his lap has my mind running wild. “You’re going to have to get used to my touch,” Leo reminds me. He pulls me more into his side as we enter the giant ballroom. People turn to steal glances at us. Of course everyone knows who Leo is. As for me, I’m more known by name than anything and mainly because of Leo and my brother. I wonder what my brother is going to think when he hears about this. Colden has never said much about me dating, nor had he gone around threatening boys who did try to date me. When I think back on it there wasn’t anyone to

threaten. I was either getting through school or hanging around Leo as much as I could. That’s all I wanted to do even if it sounds pathetic. God, am I pathetic? Leo’s mouth brushes my bare shoulder, causing me to jerk from my thoughts. “You can’t pull away.” He kisses my shoulder again. If only he knew how hard I am trying not to get closer to him. There is no way that I would deliberately try to jerk away. I only had that reaction because he surprised me. This time I lean in to him as he places a few more lingering kisses. I’m happy I went strapless, leaving my shoulders bare for his mouth. I know this isn’t real. We’re only faking it but I am going to enjoy every second of it. “You look beautiful.” he adds. I smile up at him. The nervousness I felt about the dress melts away. I spent my afternoon getting pampered. From my hair to my nails and everything in between. Leo had a mini spa set up in a room down the hall from his own o ce. When I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and felt like a woman. I worried that Leo would only look at me like a girl playing dress-up. The way his eyes heated when he saw me, I knew he wasn't looking at me like the ten-year-old little girl who was always trying to hang out with him and my brother. He’d always let me against my brother’s protest. No, the heat in his eyes had been di erent. I swear something was there lingering under the surface. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” He’s still in a suit but he’s changed his shirt and tie. He always looks good. It doesn't matter if he’s in his gym shorts or jeans. He could wear a sack and still look handsome. “This dress is lower cut than the pictures alluded to.” Leo’s fingers drift across my collarbone and down to the valley of my breasts, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

“Mine are bigger than the model’s,” I try and tease. His touch lingers, making my breathing pick up. My breasts rise and fall under his touch. “That they are.” He shifts so I’m pressed to his front now and not his side. The hold is intimate. My hand goes to his chest, wanting to stay this way with him. “Everyone is looking at us,” I whisper to him. “Like I give a shit.” I laugh because I know he doesn't. I don’t really either but this feels real with people seeing us like this. That we aren’t faking this. To think of Leo really having a girlfriend. I could never see him as the PDA type. I don’t want to think about that at all. “I know you don’t but it’s just—” I trail o . It’s so hard to get a read on Leo. It has been for the last few months. All of this, tangled together with the ring now on my finger, has me second-guessing what I’m doing. I am playing with fire and I’m probably going to get burned. I can feel the lick of the heat on my skin now. Leo must see the uneasy look on my face as he pulls me from the ballroom. “Where are we going?” I ask as I try and keep up with him in these freaking heels. “You’re uncomfortable.” He leads me back into the lobby of the hotel where the event is being held. I’m pretty sure Leo owns the whole place. I often forget who he is at times. To me he’s just Leo. The boy I’ve been in love with my whole life. Well he’s no longer a boy. He quickly turned into a man right in front of my eyes. He spots a set of chairs o in the corner and guides me over to them. Once again he sits down, pulling me into his lap. I mold against him, putting my face in his neck and allowing his scent to calm me. This is definitely not something I’m supposed to be doing. I know that. I am in over my head. I’m terrible at being a bu er for him. Instead he’s here comforting me.

“I think I’m supposed to be your bu er,” I remind him. “Making you feel comfortable.” Gosh, I really am a mess. If anything, me being at his side is causing more attention to be drawn to him. Everyone in this place is trying to steal looks at Leo and me. No one has come up to us yet, but we’ve only been here for a little bit. I’m sure the vultures will circle soon enough. “You’re uneasy. I don’t like it.” He says it almost in a pout like a little boy, making me giggle. Leo can fix anything. Money can do that for you. You tell someone to do something and they do it. With me it’s not so easy. If I could flip a switch and make everything better, I would. I pull my head from his neck to look at him. If I could, I would stay buried there for the rest of the night. I would, but I know we have to go back to the event. Leo has to make more than a one-minute appearance. The charity is, after all, his grandma’s. I run my thumb along the band of the ring. I know it’s there but I keep touching it to remind myself it’s real. The commitment behind it might be a lie, but the material part is real. “You keep touching me.” I lick my lips. “We almost kissed,” I add. The kiss that Cindy interrupted. I think it got her fired. I’d feel bad but she sort of had it coming. She had a thing for Leo. I can’t blame her for it but I’d be a liar if I said I was sorry to see her go. I can help pick up any slack at the o ce. I’m not really doing anything during the day anyway, but Leo insisted I be there. I swear he just wants me to lie on the sofa all day so he can steal looks at me. That’s what my imagination has me believing anyway. “You should be comfortable with my touch.” He leans in. I watch as he sucks in a deep breath, breathing me in. He often does it. I once asked him about it and he said the smell of me calmed him. That it reminded him of home. “I am but this is di erent.”

“It is,” he confirms before he presses his mouth to mine.



Di erent is the biggest understatement of my life. I press my mouth against Ro’s. She’s soft and sweet and the little sigh that comes from her has my cock begging to be released from my slacks. My hands dig into her hair, wanting more. I want the sounds again but louder this time. I want to hear them when I’m buried deep inside of all her sticky sweetness. I want her to tell me that I’m her first and last all in one breath. I push my tongue past her soft, pillowy lips, needing a better taste. My hands grip her hair tighter as I deepen the kiss, afraid she could pull away. This way I know I have control. With Ro I never feel that way. It’s both terrifying and exhilarating all at once when it comes to her. It is a breath of fresh air. It’s what she is for me. The safe place where I know I can be myself and she’ll accept me for who I am. She doesn't hold back. Her small fingers dig into my suit jacket as she slips her tongue into my mouth. I groan at how her kiss is both tentative but filled with want too. She’s

giving as good as she gets. It’s so much like her. I get lost in her. I forget about the event and how this is supposed to be fake. This is anything but fake. It is me showing her how I really feel. That this bu er thing is bullshit. It’s me finally getting a taste of something that I’ve wanted for so long. The wait, which was agonizing at times, has been worth every second. This kiss has to show her that because it’s shaking everything inside of me, making me feel bare. It’s exposing me in ways that I’ve never shown to anyone before. She’s the exception. She always has been and always will be. She’s my everything. “Oh my,” I hear someone saying. Ro jerks back from the kiss, her mouth swollen from what I’ve done to her. Her hair, which was all perfectly in place moments ago, is now a little wild. She looks ravished. She has been and I want more. I want to strip her bare and taste every inch of her. The small sampling she gave me is not enough. That was an appetizer and I want the full five-course meal. “Mrs. Walker,” she says. Her words are breathy as she tries to get herself together. She goes to hop o my lap but I stop her by gripping her hip with my hand. She shoots me a look that tells me to let her go. Her cheeks turn pink. Yeah, we’ve been busted making out like two high school kids. I don’t give a fuck. Not like I was making out with chicks in high school. I was too busy keeping my grades up and learning every inch of my father's business because I knew I’d be taking it over and cleaning up his mess. Even at a young age I knew what I’d be getting into. Now I'm making up for lost time but still I can’t tell my Ro no so I relent, letting her go. “How are you?” she asks the woman. The older woman looks familiar but I can’t place her. People are always coming and going. They want one thing or another. It all starts to blend together. Ro remembers everyone. She’s sweet and caring like that. The

only person I care to remember things about is her. The rest of the details I pay people to handle for me. I lean back and watch her. I would be annoyed that someone else is stealing her attention from me but Ro can talk to anyone. She’s good at it and her soft voice is calming the rush of anger I’d felt when we were interrupted. I can be a moody bastard. I think part of that stems from frustration. I’m not very patient and now that I have the chance to show her a ection, people keep interrupting us. I let them keep on talking while I try and get my hard-on under control. That’s also not helping my mood. It takes me a minute but finally I stand, draping my arm around Ro. “You’re engaged.” The woman’s eyebrows almost go up to her hairline. “So the rumors are true.” “Sure,” I agree. “No!” Ro elbows me. “This is new, of course.” Oh yeah. Her age bullshit. She was right. It is new in that I am touching her now. I would be doing more of it if we weren’t having this useless conversation. My face must show my displeasure with this woman because Ro gently elbows me. I look at her and she gives me one of those beautiful smiles. It instantly changes my mood. “Congratulations. I’m sure your father is excited.” Ro pales a little. She hasn't told anyone about the ring. She still thinks this is all show. “Of course he is.” I kiss the top of Ro’s head. I’m really not sure how her father would react to the news. I don’t really care, but I do know he loves money and if he thinks he has a chance at getting his hands on mine, he’ll be more than happy. From the way Ro has been talking, it doesn't sound like he gives a shit about what she’s really up to. Only that she is following the guidelines of what a good daughter should be doing. Now that I think of it, I don’t even

remember seeing the man at her graduation. I’ll have to do some digging. I need to know if I’ll be kicking her father to the curb or playing nice. Time will likely tell. “That's wonderful. While I’ve got you—” Mrs. Walker starts. “Leo was just going to take me to get a drink but I’ll fill him in about your Renstone idea.” Ro smiles sweetly at the woman. Mrs. Walker’s eyes go back to Ro, smiling. She thinks she has an in now with Ro. Maybe she does. If Ro wants me to do whatever this Renstone idea is, then sure. I don’t care. I’ll do it for her. I give Mrs. Walker a nod as I follow through with what Ro said I’m doing; getting my fiancée a drink. God, it feels good to say that. Even as we move through the event she holds true to why she is here. She easily cuts people o from talking business with me. She changes the subject and makes small talk. I enjoy keeping her close and listening to her. I even find myself laughing a few times. Oddly the night flies by and before I know it, we’ve had dinner and it’s time for me to go give a quick word up at the podium. I know everyone is looking when I lean down and brush my mouth against Ro’s before heading to the front of the room. There is no way I am passing up the opportunity to let everyone know she’s mine. Ro was made to be at my side and I am going to make sure she stays there.



I watch as Leo makes his way to the front of the room. I’m still in shock with how much money was raised tonight. His grandma would be so proud of him. My eyes go to the ring that sits on my finger. I wonder what she’d think of me actually wearing it. I know in my heart she’d be happy. She and I shared a special relationship and I used to pretend she was my grandma too. I look back up when Leo starts to talk. Like always, he’s quick and to the point. Giving a sweet remembrance to his grandma and thanking everyone for coming. I’d be so proud to really be his wife. Tonight has felt so natural. We really did balance each other out. While I want to be alone with him to have more of that kiss we shared, it is also nice being out with him like this. I’ve never been with anyone in this way before. It’s surreal to be out together, as if we’re a real couple. I’m starting to think we actually are. If that kiss was any indicator. There isn't a word for what that was. It’s impossible that all kisses feel that way. I want to ask Leo but I’m not sure I want to know his response. We also haven’t

had a moment alone together since the kiss. I’ve been tucked into his side all night with someone always trying to talk to us. Leo even relaxed at one point and I knew he was having a good time. I could see it in his eyes. I know when he is giving his fake polite smiles and when they are genuine. “And Ro—” My attention snaps back to Leo as he says my name into the microphone. I’d gotten lost in my head for a moment. I give a bright smile. Everyone has turned to look at me. “We are both thankful for everyone’s congratulations on our engagement.” My cheeks heat. People have been whispering and asking about it all night. I’m sure Mrs. Walker spread it around. She is always one for gossip, but most are around here. This, though, is definitely making it public. It will be in the freaking newspaper tomorrow for sure. It’s probably already on all of the online gossip websites. One of the city’s most eligible bachelors is o the market. “It will be a short engagement so don’t be expecting invitations. I won’t be able to hold o calling her my wife to plan a big wedding,” he adds. People laugh and clap. My stomach flutters at that. That kiss was real. I know it in this moment. I also have a suspicion that Leo didn't care for me saying I’d go on to get married one day. “Thank you all,” he says again before leaving the podium. He makes his way right to me. His eyes never leave mine as his long strides clear the distance between us. His hand reaches out and I take it. He pulls me from my seat. “I showed my face and made my speech.” “You did.” I laugh in agreement. “We can go.” I’m not sure if it’s a question or not, but he doesn't wait for a response as he pulls me from the ballroom and out of the hotel. I’m not sure if he wants to get out of here so he doesn’t have to talk to anyone again or if it’s the need to be alone with me. I don’t hesitate to find out. I’m

practically running in my heels so that we can get to our destination quicker. Before the door to the town car even closes, he’s all over me, his mouth coming down onto mine. I hold nothing back as he pulls me into his lap. This time I straddle him, my hands digging into his hair as our mouths make love. “Leo.” I say his name when I pull my mouth from his, trying to catch my breath. My whole body is on fire with a need I can’t control. I rock against him, needing friction. My nipples are so hard and tight they ache with need too. How would it feel for him to suck on them? “I know.” He digs his cock into me and I know he's having the same problem. “Where are we going?” I ask but seal my mouth to his before he can answer. We get lost in the kiss until I’m breathless all over again. “To the estate,” he answers when I pull back from his mouth again. He doesn't stop, though. His mouth goes to my neck as he kisses and sucks. My dress feels too tight now. There are too many clothes between us. I rock against him, making him groan. The sound goes straight to my clit. I love how badly he wants me. I don’t realize we’ve arrived until Leo is pulling me from the car. He lifts me from my feet. I wrap my legs around him, burying my face in his neck. I know his driver. Heck, I know practically everyone in his life. I wonder if they are all shocked or if they expected this. While there might have been whispers about us, before today no one had actually had a confirmation. I didn’t even have one before today. “They’ll get used to seeing us together,” Leo says, reading my mind. I nibble at his neck as he enters the estate. He stops for nothing. I even hear the butler call out to him but stop mid-sentence when he likely sees me wrapped around Leo.

We enter his bedroom. Leo immediately brings me down onto the bed. I let go of him a little so I can look up at him as he hovers over me. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he tells me before kissing me again. My heart flutters with excitement as I let him have his way with me. His mouth leaves mine to travel down my neck and lower. I have no idea what I’m doing but I know Leo will guide me. He always does. The man has been at my side all of my life and now he is going to make me a woman. He pulls the dress from my body, leaving me in nothing but a pair of silk panties. I can feel the moisture that’s collected on them from how wet I’ve become. I’d be embarrassed but Leo has done this to my body. He stands at the side of the bed pulling at his own clothes. His eyes never leave my body as he traces every inch of me. And I know he’s going to fix the ache he’s caused inside of me. I only pray that he fixes the one that’s in my heart too. I know I should worry about that but I want him in this moment and I’ll deal with any consequences later.



As long as I live I’ll never forget this moment. It takes everything I have in me to turn and walk away from her, remembering that I haven't locked the bedroom door. I don’t think anyone is dumb enough to try and come in here right now but I’m not chancing it. No one can ever see my Ro like this. This will forever belong to me and me alone. “Leo.” She half cries my name. When I turn around I see she’s sitting up. She sees that I’ve locked the door. Her eyes are filled with excitement as I make my way back to her. I’ve made a public claim on her tonight. It felt good to finally be able to let everyone know Ro is mine and she will always be mine. I wasn’t fucking around when I said the engagement would be short lived. I already have things working to make it happen. If I was a better man I’d wait to take her virginity but we’ve both waited long enough. She’ll also be taking mine tonight. “Take the panties o , Ro.” I want to snatch them from her body. They are hiding her sweet little pussy from me, but I want her to give herself over to me as badly as I want to

take her. I watch her breath pick up. I’m only standing in front of her in my boxer briefs. I am a little worried to take them o and let her see all of me. I am a big man and I don’t want to scare her. I want her shaking with need and begging me to put myself inside of her. Still, my briefs don’t do much to hide my hard-on. There is even a small wet spot from when I’d come a little in the car ride here. She was straddling me, rubbing her body against mine while I got to taste her skin. There was no controlling myself at that point. She hooks her delicate fingers into the panties, pulling them down her slender legs and tossing them away. “Lean back and spread your legs,” I command. “You’re bossy,” she teases me, but does as she's told. I love how she’s not shy right now with her body. I can only think it’s because of how close we are. That what we had, started as a friendship and grew into more as we got older. There is a trust between us. One that I will forever handle with care. She parts her legs, showing me all of her. I fall to my knees like a starving man, gripping her hips and pulling her to the side of the bed. Her ass almost falls o as I feast on her. I can’t take it slow like I should. Savor her as I should. I’m starved and I devour her cunt. She really does taste like cotton candy everywhere. I lick and suck at her, enjoying the sounds of her calling my name out. The first orgasm she gives me is quick and helps sate some of my need, but I keep on eating her, needing more. I want her as wet as I can get her. To have the pleasure I’m giving her body coat her pussy and thighs. To know that I’m worthy of it before I push inside of her and take what’s she’s kept for only me. “Leo!” Her fingers that are buried in my hair give a pull. Her clit is so sensitive that her whole body jerks from the slight touch of my tongue now. I’ve lost count of how many

times she’s come. “I want more.” She doesn't have to beg me. “Anything for you,” I remind her. I pull down my briefs as I move up her body, lifting her as I go to put her in the center of the bed. Her legs spread wide, making all the room I need. “You know I love you,” I say against her mouth. I’ve said those words to her before. A few times she’s said them to me in response. She’s always said them to her brother and long ago I got lumped in with the I love yous when she was doling them out. Then it was a natural thing for her to say to me. I always said it back instantly. This time it’s me that says it first. It’s not that I haven’t meant it the times I’ve said it before. I’ve always loved her in some way or another. But I want her to understand the weight of the words now. For her to understand that this isn't like any other I love you we’ve said before. This is our two souls finally coming together. “I love you too.” She smiles up at me. The head of my cock presses into her. She gives a small gasp. “You’ll love me as my wife,” I add. She wraps her legs around me. “Yes, as your wife,” she agrees with a small moan. “As my everything,” I finish as I push inside of her. She lets out a gasp. I press my mouth to hers, kissing her softly as I try and stay still inside her tightness. She returns the kiss, her fingers digging into my back. Her hips try and thrust up, but I have her pinned to the bed, her small body caged under mine. The thought makes cum leak from my cock inside of her. She is finally mine. I pull back a little and thrust back fully inside of her. The moan that comes from her mouth into mine lets me know she wants more and I give it to her.

Thrusting in and out of her. Pleasure tingles in my spine as I fight not to come. “Oh, Leo.” She calls out my name again. “I love you.” She cries as her pussy clamps down around me. There is no holding back now. I come inside of her, groaning her name. I bury my face in her neck, breathing her in as I keep making small thrusts inside of her. I’ve come but I can’t stop. I’m not sure I ever will. I make myself roll us over, thinking maybe that will get me to stop, but she only sits up. Her hair falls all around her as her hands come to my chest. She looks down at me with those green eyes. I feel the metal of her ring against my chest and it about makes me come again. My hand goes to her hip, gripping her tight as I thrust up, making sure I come inside of her as deep as I can. I don’t know if my orgasm triggers another for her but she’s coming right along with me before she falls to my chest. I wrap my arms around her tightly. “Love you too, baby girl,” I tell her before we both drift o to sleep.



I really should get up. My body feels heavy and I know I need more sleep but another part of me screams to go find Leo. We spent the whole weekend making love. It is now Sunday night and I don’t want Monday to come. We’ll have to get back to real life. I should probably go looking for my phone too. I sit up, realizing I haven't talked to anyone but Leo since Friday night at the charity event. Not that there is really anyone to notice. Except my brother and dad. I’m sure they’ve already heard about Leo and me. Then again, maybe they chalked it up to the normal gossip. Never have they brought it up to me before, so maybe they didn't pay attention. My brother is states away and to be honest, I have no idea where my dad is at the moment. He randomly shows up at home and is never there for long. I’d once heard he had a bachelor pad somewhere. I didn't ask because I sure as heck did not want to know about that. It did make me wonder at the time if Leo had one too. He never brought anyone home and he was always there so I’d discounted it. In fact I’m pretty sure I might have been

his first too. I didn't ask but the way he keeps exploring my body you’d think I was the first woman he’s ever touched. I know the feeling because I’ve been doing the same to his. I don't have the courage to ask him. I’m too scared that the answer may eat me alive inside. I never saw him date like my brother did. Oh, I watched but never caught wind of anything. “I’m going to ask,” I say to myself as I throw my feet over the bed. It will only bug me until I do it so I might as well get on with it. I usually talk about anything and everything. I might as well get this conversation over with. I look around the room for the robe Leo wrapped me in after we’d soaked in the giant tub this afternoon. It hadn't stayed on long but I don’t see it anywhere. I settle for one of his discarded shirts. I laugh when I try and button it up and see a few are missing. Oops. Pretty sure that happened yesterday when we started to get ready to go out to dinner. We didn't make it far. I’m sure he’s tucked away in his o ce. Leo is a workaholic even on the weekends. He hasn’t been this weekend, though. His phone has been as MIA as mine has. I descend the stairs. I love this estate. I took great pride in helping him update it. Everything I suggested he’s done. It’s beautiful and peaceful. I pause at his o ce door when I hear my father's voice. “You think you can just marry my daughter?” My eyes go wide at his question. Leo practically demanded I was to be his wife. My heart filled with so much happiness. He is finally going to be mine. That’s all I cared about in the heat of the moment. That, mixed with his words of love, is everything to me. My father can't stop this. I can be with Leo if I want to. No one else has a say in this. “How much do you want?” My hand freezes on the door handle to his o ce. The door is already ajar. He is going to pay for me. What the hell? Why would he pay for me? “This

is no di erent than any other deal. How much do you want for her?” My eyes fill with tears. The lingering worry I had about what a marriage with Leo would be like comes full force to the front of my mind. This is just another deal to him. He needs a wife, a bu er. So he got one. Of course he loves me. We’ve been friends forever. I just thought it was di erent when he said it to me as we made love. I can't help but think he is settling. To me he’s my everything. I know he does generally love me. That we would make a good husband and wife. We fit together and there is a love there but I need more. I know thinking that I don’t have him on the deepest level will slowly eat me alive over time. I let my hold go of the door. The only reason I don’t step back is because I wait for my father's response. “I had her lined up to marry—“ “Don’t finish that sentence,” Leo all but growls at my father. “I wanted the Brooks land. You bought it out from me. I had big plans for it.” “It’s yours,” Leo says easily enough but I can hear the tension in his voice. I step back from the door, heading upstairs to find something to wear. I know I can’t wear the dress I showed up here in but there has to be something else. I open Leo’s closet door and pause when I see all my clothes on one side of it. The same clothes that had been in my own closet Friday when I’d been getting ready. Not only them but more. I want to take this as an act of sweetness but I also know how Leo is. When he’s made up his mind on something he goes full force. There is no standing in his way. He decided I’d be his wife so he was already taking the necessary steps to make that happen. I think Leo forgot one thing. He can

buy almost anything, my father included, but he can’t buy me.



“You tell Rochelle nothing of this.” I stare into Jonathan’s eyes. It’s taking everything I have inside of me to not go flying over my desk and knock the fucker out. That said, I had a feeling this day might come. A lingering one in the back of my mind that I hoped wouldn’t be true. I’d bought the Brooks land because of it. I knew the man would want it, and I also knew it was something I could always use in my favor. “Going to go into this marriage with a lie.” Jonathan says with a laugh. This isn’t fucking funny. “No. I’m going into this trying to protect my wife. I don’t want her to know her own father would sell her o like a piece of property.” Jonathan looks shocked for a moment. He starts to open his mouth but I keep on going. “I don’t have to give you shit for Rochelle. She’s eighteen and a free woman. I’m giving you this so you don’t throw a fit. So you put on a smile and pretend to be a good father to your daughter so she doesn’t get hurt. Trust me. I don’t want to lie to my wife but as her

husband my vow to protect her comes first. She always comes first.” I watch some form of remorse pass over his face. He doesn't tell me I don’t have to give him the land, though. “You’ll be excited for her,” I tell him. He nods, standing. “I shouldn't tell you this because I feel like you should have asked but I’ll take care of her. I do love her.” Jonathan looks down at the floor for a moment before turning to leave. I know her brother won’t be so easy to handle. He loves her; he just is lost in work. He’s driven and I knew that when I’d sent him o to New York to run my o ce there. I’d held him o by telling him to trust me. He said he did. He probably shouldn't with the things I’ve done to make sure his sister’s path always led to me. I think I’ve been doing it long before I was even aware of it. I debate calling him now to tell him my intentions. That Ro is going to be my wife by the end of this week. One way or another. I’d do it today if I could. I only need to find out if she wants some family or friends, or only the two of us. Did she want her father to walk her down the aisle? I don’t want that man hurting her any more than he already has. It’s why I’ve done what I can to make sure she’s always protected. Even if it’s from her own family. Ro is sweet and soft and I don’t want that bastard’s greed and ugliness touching her. I know what it’s like to have a father like hers. Mine might have been worse but hers is coming in at a solid second. I’m more mad at myself for not seeing her dad for who he really is years ago. That he was more than absent. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to her. I’ll also show her we’ll never have a family like the ones we grew up in. We’ll be a part of our children's lives. We’ll love them with everything we have because that’s how we love one another. Some of the sourness her father left in my mouth fades away as I think about the possibility that our family could

already be growing. I’ve spent all weekend inside of her. There is definitely a good chance that she’s pregnant. I worried that I’d go too far with my lust for her. Her body told me otherwise. It welcomed every inch of me when I slid inside of her. We are a perfect fit. I jerk my head up when John practically throws my o ce door open. I stand from my desk knowing something must be wrong. “You weren’t answering your line,” he says. I grab my phone, clicking it back on. I didn’t want to be disturbed while doing what I needed to do with Ro’s father. I see all the missed calls from John. “We are under strict orders that no one touches Ro. We couldn’t stop her and we couldn’t reach you.” I hear what he’s saying but I’m not putting it together in my head fast enough. “Where is she?” “I have someone following the taxi she got into.” “Motherfucker.” I wait for nothing, heading for the front door. “Sir. Please let me drive you. You’re in no state.” “No,” I tell him, putting my hand out for him to give me the keys. “Not really asking, sir. I’m a better driver.” He’s not trying to be cocky. It’s the truth. “I don’t care about the rules of the road.” He nods in silent understanding as I get into the passenger seat. I pull out my phone, trying to call Ro, but it goes straight to voicemail. “It’s dead. You need a tracker on her that can’t die.” I grit my teeth because he’s right. “I have Hall on her. She’s heading to the airport.” “What the fuck?” I mumble to myself. Why is she running? I’d left her happy in our bed. My phone rings in my hand. Colden, Ro’s brother’s name, fills the screen. I answer.

“You said I could trust you.” He doesn’t sound mad. More disappointed than anything. “You can. Always with Ro.” “I thought that. It’s why I knew I could go to New York. She had you but now she calls me half in tears asking me if she can come here.” “I’ll fix this,” I vow. “You better. You also better be fast, Leo. I already have a ticket for her.” “You think I can’t have that whole airport shut down with one call?” Colden laughs through the phone. “Just get there. Do what I know you’ve been planning to do since we were kids.” I’m not used to being shocked but that caught me o guard. He hangs up before I can respond. “Faster,” I tell John. I have a feeling why my girl is running. I thought keeping her in the dark about some things would be good for her. That I was protecting her. Still, she’d gotten hurt. She must have heard her father and me talking. I’ll fix this. There is no other option. I’ve wanted Ro for so long and I’m not going to fuck it up now. Having spent the weekend making her mine, I now know I’ll never be able to last another day without her.



I see Hall the moment I step out of the taxi. He gives me a nod with a half-smile that says sorry. He’s only doing his job. I need to get away to clear my head. That’s what I kept telling myself when I called my brother and left Leo’s estate. Even though I am actively running from him, the idea of being far from him scares the crap out of me. I don’t know what else to do. It’s why I’d picked a local college to further my education. I never wanted to be far from where he is. Now I’m skipping out on him because of a conversation he had with my father. Although it’s not right, I know in my heart Leo always has good intentions when it comes to me. It’s always been the same way since we were little kids. I always found security in knowing he was near. It always settled something inside of me. I know that I can call him and tell him I need him and he’ll be there as quickly as he possibly can. He always drops what he’s doing when it comes to me. It dawns on me in this moment that he always puts me first. He’s treated me the same way all along. Way before I even came up with this bu er idea.

“You going to get on the flight with me?” I try and tease Hall but my voice comes out sad. I know Leo had Hall follow me. What I do find odd is Hall isn’t trying to physically stop me. But when I think back on it, never once has any of Leo’s sta ever touched me besides his assistant Hillary. “To be honest, I don’t think you’ll get that far.” He’s being more than honest. He knows I won’t. I already want to go running back to Leo. This weekend has been my every dream come true. “He’s coming?” I ask. Of course he is. My eyes start to water. Deep inside of me I knew he would chase me. I think I was counting on it. “I think we all knew this was coming, Rochelle,” he says in a way that alludes to many other things. “What do you mean?” I turn to fully face Hall as the taxi I was in pulls away from the curb. “Rochelle. This has all been coming.” He shakes his head at me. “What do you mean?” I step closer to him. I want to know what he’s talking about. His eyes grow soft for a moment. “You and Leo.” He looks around and I know he’s debating telling me something. “Tell me,” I push. “Please.” “Shit,” he mumbles under his breath. “Think about it. That man treats you di erently than anyone else. We don’t have a security detail on anyone but you.” “I have a security detail?” This is news to me. Leo has one. “We don’t just watch Leo.” I’m not sure if I should be upset or happy about this new discovery. It doesn’t surprise me. This is typical Leo. I’m curious what his reasoning is. To make sure that I am safe or to watch my every move. My brain quickly decides it doesn’t matter what the reasoning is. My heart knows that whatever he did, it was for me. He

always puts me first. Plus, I’m not going to lie, I like that he’s watched me so closely all of this time. The sound of screeching tires breaks me from my train of thought. When I turn, I see Leo swing the car door open and immediately lock eyes with me. He looks disheveled and stressed but yet still so freaking handsome. I bet I look a mess compared to him. My eyes are still likely red from the tears I shed in the car on the way to the airport. “What are you wearing? Is that my shirt?” He nearly growls out. Now that pisses me o . He practically bought me from my father and he’s worried about my outfit. “What concern is it of yours? Oh, that’s right. You’ve paid for me so now I guess since I’m your property you can tell me what I can and can’t wear.” I’m just getting started because now I’m pissed again. “Guess again, you big jerk. I can’t be bought and I don’t belong to anyone.” I choke a little on the last word. A tear slips down my cheek. Before I can wipe it, Leo is in my space. His hand comes up and his thumb gently swipes the tear from my face. “You are right about everything, Ro. Except for one thing. You’ll always belong to me. Not because of what you think happened with the conversation with your dad, but because I love you. I always have and I always will.” “Love me?” I ask. I need more than that. We’ve said I love yous before. “Yeah, Ro. Love you more than anyone in this whole fucking world. Love you in ways I shouldn’t have until you’ve had time to experience life but I couldn't help it because we were always meant to be.” I fling myself at him. He catches me, easily pulling me into his embrace. “I love you like that, too. Forever,” I say into his neck. I feel him moving. I don’t have to look to know he’s gotten us back into the car.

“Look at me, Ro.” I lean back, not caring that I probably look a mess, with tears leaking down my face. He cups my cheeks in his big hands. “You gotta stop crying, baby. It’s killing me.” His words come out pained. “I did what I did so something like this wouldn't happen. Now I’ve really fucked this up.” He kisses my cheeks and it makes me cry harder. I’m putting things together now. “My dad’s an asshole.” He stops kissing my cheeks to pull back and look at me. I’ve known this for a while but haven’t wanted to admit it out loud to anyone. “I know I can’t buy you, Ro, but I was trying to buy you some peace of mind when it came to your father,” he admits. “I should have seen how he was treating you long ago. I was trying to fix it so he couldn't hurt you anymore. Even if I had to buy it from him.” I reach my hand up to caress his face, knowing in my heart that he would never do anything to hurt me. Realizing that Leo will do anything in his power to make me happy and keep me safe. He always has and I know he will continue to forever. I should have known better. I think deep inside of me, I did, but I still had a fear that this was all too good to be true. “I love you,” I tell him, leaning in to kiss him. “Love you too, Ro.” He digs his fingers into my hair and kisses me. His hold on my hair tightens when he pulls back for a moment. “Take us home.” My face flushes because I know he’s talking to his driver, who I’ve forgotten all about. “Don’t ever run from me again.” “I think sometimes it’s good for you to have to chase something. Most things come to you easily. You get everything you want. I’ll have to make sure to keep you on your toes. It’ll be beneficial for you,” I say tartly. He fights a smirk. Then he pulls my mouth back down onto his.

“You can try but I promise you won’t get far,” he growls against my lips. Good, because I don’t ever want to be far from him again. Since I can remember he’s been my everything and after all this time, he will finally be my husband.



“I love it!” I spring up from the bed, throwing myself at Leo. He drops the dress he’s holding to the floor to catch me. “Ro,” he warns. “We’ll never get out of here if you don’t put clothes on.” It’s then I remember I’m naked. “I thought you liked me naked.” I wiggle in his arms as I wrap my legs around him. He lets out a small groan. We’ve spent the last couple of days together locked away from the world in Leo’s home with no interruptions. My phone is again MIA. It’s been the best few days of my life. While our bodies did most of the talking, our late night conversations about our past, present and the things we’re looking forward to in the future have settled me. I can’t wait to start our journey together as husband and wife. I’ve fantasized about this life for so long that it’s surreal that it’s actually coming to fruition. That we’d both been waiting for the other. “Do you really want me to get dressed?” I reach my hand down to grab his rock-hard cock that’s pressing against me. “It sure doesn’t seem that way.” He groans into my neck and

slaps my ass in warning. “I need you,” I moan, causing Leo to shift us. “You need rest. I know you must be sore after all the times I’ve taken you these past few days.” I continue to try to rub myself against him. He smiles at how worked up I’m getting. “Don’t worry, Ro. I’ll never leave my girl hanging. I’m going to eat your little pussy until you’re screaming my name. Then I’m going to watch you take my cock in that gorgeous mouth of yours and swallow every last drop of my seed that I give you.” He walks over and gently places me on the bed. My legs immediately fall open for him. He stands at the edge of the bed, his eyes roaming over every last inch of my body. My hips lift, trying to entice him. “Reach down and spread yourself open for me. Show me what belongs to me.” I reach down and do exactly what he’s asked, showing him what has and always will belong to him. He groans before climbing onto the bed. The first lick of his tongue almost sends me over the edge. He sucks my clit into his mouth and works me until I’m about to climax and then he stops. I try to lift my hips to get what I need but he has me pinned to the bed. “How many times have you made your pretty little pussy come while thinking of me? Did you rub yourself at night thinking of me?” His filthy words almost bring me to climax. “Did you fantasize about me taking you even though you were forbidden?” I can’t take much more. My body is aching for release. “Every night. I brought myself to climax thinking of you sneaking into my bed. It was always you. It will always be you that I want.” He sucks my clit into his mouth and that’s the last thing I remember before I see stars. The orgasm is long and hard, leaving me exhausted after. When I open my eyes, I see Leo stroking his rock hard cock above my pussy. I

reach down wanting to give him the same pleasure he’s given me but he stops me. “I’m not going to make it to your mouth but I am going to come all over your pussy and watch you rub it in.” I watch as his strokes get quicker. His gaze holds mine as he shouts out my name. I feel his warm seed coat my pussy and I reach down and rub it all over. Leo groans when I take my fingertips with his cum on them and push them inside of me. “Fuck!” he says as he leans down and lines up the tip of his cock with my entrance. “Sorry, baby. I’ll just put the tip in,” he says before gently entering me. His hand reaches up and begins to stroke my clit. “I’ll always give you what you want, Ro.” Those are the last words I remember before my climax hits and I feel his hot seed fill me. Leo leans forward until his body is looming over me. “Well, that didn’t go as you planned.” I begin laughing and Leo cracks a smile before taking my mouth. “I don’t care how the plans go today as long as you end up my wife.” I smile at that because he’s right. That is all that matters. He pulls me from the bed and toward the shower. “Shower and put a robe on and come downstairs.” He pushes me towards the bathroom as he picks up the dress he dropped o the floor. I can’t believe I’m getting married today. I do as I’m told, making my way downstairs after the shower. I stop when I see four women standing in the living room area. “They are going to get you ready. We leave in an hour,” Leo says, coming up behind me. I turn to look up at him. “I want to get married here.” I’m not sure where he was taking us to get married. “This is where we’ll raise our family. Where we’ll have our lives together.” “Our lives have always been together.” He gives me a kiss. “Consider it done.”

“Thank you.” I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss me again. We stop when one of the ladies here to help me get ready clears her throat. I laugh and feel my face heat. “Still only an hour,” he tells me before turning to head o . I’m to pull o the world's fastest wedding. But knowing Leo, he’s had this already in the making and only has to make a few calls. I turn back to the four women, ready to get this started. As much as I love the idea of being pampered for the next hour, it is still going to be one of the longest of my life. I want nothing more than to become Mrs. Ridgeway.



“You know that’s my job.” Ro’s soft voice has me turning her way. She’s standing in the doorway to our bedroom as I try and get the top button of my suit right. All the air leaves my lungs when I see her in her wedding dress. Of course I’ve seen the dress. I’d picked it out knowing she’d love it but seeing her in it—Fuck me. The dress she wore to the charity event was sexy but this is di erent. I think it’s because I know what this dress symbolizes. This is really happening. “I don’t know why I try.” I stop messing with the button as she glides over toward me. At least that’s the way the dress makes it seem. “Fuck you’re beautiful.” I tell her as she fixes my suit for me. I want to kiss her so badly but her pink painted lips have me holding back. I know my girl will want pictures and I don’t want to mess anything up for her. I’ll have a lifetime of all the kisses I’ll ever want after today. “Is it just you and me?” she asks, her hands dropping away.

“I thought that best.” Shit, maybe she wanted something big. I didn’t think she would but maybe I'm wrong. “We can throw a reception later. I can have one planned while we’re on our honeymoon.” “Honeymoon?” She perks up. “Where are we going?” I can see excitement dance in her eyes. “Everywhere.” That was the plan. “We’ll start in Italy and more from there. You can even choose your path. I’m sure we’ll be gone a good six months.” Her lush lips part in surprise. “Six months? I’m supposed to start school.” “We can come back sooner if you want. I didn’t think you wanted to go to the university but if you do we will make it so.” She shakes her head no. “Six months sounds perfect. I don’t care how long we’re gone as long as I’m with you.” I can work from anywhere. I don’t need to be at the o ce as much as I am. I go in mostly to keep busy. I’ve been biding my time to have my girl. “We’ll have to see how things progress.” Her eyebrows furrow together in confusion until my hand comes to a stop over her stomach, where I let it drift back and forth. Her eyes widen more in understanding. She places her hand over mine. “I guess you’re right.” The smile that comes from her has my heart ache with happiness that I put it there. Too long has she been hiding in sadness that I hadn’t noticed because I’d been swallowed by my own grief of wanting her so badly and thinking I had to wait. It was selfish and I’ll never make that mistake again. She will always come first. I’m thankful that I can fix it. That I can make sure that smile is always on her lips. “And for the record. I don’t want some big reception or wedding. It being the two of us is all I’ll ever need.” All of me aches to push her onto the bed that is too close and have

my way with her but more than anything I want her as my wife. I take her hand, leading her out of the bedroom before the bed becomes tempting. It’s going to be hard enough to make it through the ceremony, which I made sure will be short. We both come to a stop when we reach the bottom of the stairs where I see Colden, Ro’s brother, standing there with a beautiful tiny woman standing next to him. He has his arm around her holding her close but the look he is shooting me would kill a lesser man. Too bad. I’ve known Colden most of my life. To be honest, I’m not sure who would win if we went to blows, but I have a feeling it’s not going to come to that or he would have been here days ago when Ro hadn't gotten on the plane to go to him. “Rochelle.” Colden calls to her. I reluctantly let go of her because it is her brother after all. The woman next to him steps back a little to make way for them to hug. Colden picks her up, holding her tightly. I can’t make out everything he says to her but I do hear an I’m sorry. I come up behind them, placing my hand on Ro’s back as he places her back onto her feet. “I should punch you in the fucking mouth.” Colden flicks his gaze over at me. Not caring that I’m his boss. We both know I won’t fire him. The man is good at his job. I need him and he knows it. Especially now that I want to take more time o . I think he might be doing the same too. I know he’s hired more people to help out at his o ces in New York. I have a feeling it has to do with the woman he has with him and the matching wedding rings I see they both have on. Ro hasn't noticed yet. “You were going to marry my sister and not invite me?” The woman next to Colden wraps her arm around him, seeming to calm him. He might relax some but he still has more to say. I let him because I have it coming. “You sent me

away to have her to yourself. I get that. I even respected it because I knew it was coming. I saw the way you looked at her. I knew you’d be good for her, but this—” “I’m sorry,” I say. Colden looks surprised by my confession. “I went about this wrong but I’m fixing it.” “I’m happy,” Ro adds in my defense. “And you’ll walk me down the aisle.” She gives her brother a soft smile. I watch something pass between them and I know they are good. It reminds me that I want to have a handful of children. I want them to have that bond so that they’ll never be left alone like I was. I know Ro feels the same. A family is what she wants. I should have seen that from the start. It is in her blood. In everything she does. She was always looking after her brother and me. She is a natural caregiver. I’ll give her the family she has always wanted and I will make sure I take care of her. “I haven't been as good of a brother as I should have been these past few years but If you’ll let me, I’d love nothing more than to walk you down the aisle.” “Then you’ll tell me about why you have a ring on your finger,” Ro throws out there. The woman with him blushes, dropping her head. I wonder if I’ve seen her before but I can’t place her. Women tend to blend together for me. Except Ro; she has always been the exception. She always stood out. Everything about her is unforgettable. “Yes, after.” I agree. I’m itching to make Ro my wife. “I’ll have a few things moved around. We’ll all have dinner after. I guess we all have some catching up to do. Then Ro and I are o on our honeymoon.” “Sounds good to me,” Colden agrees. “We got sidetracked from ours to come here.” “So, I have a sister.” Ro beams at the idea. The woman blushes more. It’s hard to see Colden with someone so shy. I’ve seen the man in action. He is a force to be reckoned with.

It’s why I hired and promoted him so quickly. Well, part of the reason. I’ve also never seen him give another woman more than a glance before growing bored rather quickly. If the ring is any indicator of things then this one he’s keeping. “Are we ready?” Judge Burns asks. He’s come over as a favor for me to perform the ceremony. “Been ready for years,” I answer. Friends to lovers some might call us. I don’t believe in such things. Ro was always meant to be mine. She was my love first and my friend second. We were never friends to lovers. I’ve loved her from the first day I met her. We might not have understood love then but our souls always knew we were meant to be.



“Girl, you got this,” Penny tells me as I tie the front of my coat jacket. I had no idea what I’d been missing all of these years without a sister. Leo was always my best friend growing up but having a girlfriend is completely di erent. She’s the sister I never knew I needed. I am loving every second we spend together. It definitely helps that we work well together. She is a little more shy than I am; I can talk to a wall if need be. Our personalities complement one another. She is always the one pushing me out of my comfort zone. I appreciate it because I need a little nudge sometimes. “I’ve got the babies.” She motions to our babies, who are swinging in their chairs side by side. I think getting pregnant was another thing that made us closer. We have over the top protective possessive husbands to deal with so we often need each other for backup. Our little ones are a little over eight weeks old now and I had to push my husband out the door to go to work. Oddly, I am only doing this so that I can show up at his work naked. It is silly. We made love this morning but I know we need to

get back to somewhat of a routine. He doesn’t need to be in the o ce every day but he should pop in from time to time. It helps that my brother moved back home. They got someone new to run the New York o ces. It allows Colden and Leo to share the workload here with holding down the fort at the o ces. They know what they are doing and do not need to be so hands-on with work anymore. They’ve hired a good team of people. We could all walk away from the company and still be more than well o . Leo has built the company from the ground up and Colden added to it. The company is now our family legacy. We want to keep it alive and thriving for our children one day if they want it. If we've learned anything from our own parents’ mistakes it is that family is first above all else. This is an unspoken rule that we all abide by. “Still holding on to like ten pounds of this baby weight.” I sigh. I haven't been trying to lose it but it’s still there. Leo doesn’t seem to mind it in the least. I think he is enjoying my hips being a little fuller along with my boobs. “That ten pounds is all in your tits?” Penny teases. I look down at the coat I have on over my lingerie. The top button is straining not to burst. “Maybe.” I laugh. “I even pumped them.” I shake my head. It took me an hour to fill up those bags of milk to store away. Every drop felt like liquid gold. “Go before he comes home before you can get there.” She pushes me toward the front door. We’re staying in the city tonight. We try to stay here about twice a week. We are always switching between here and the family estate. I enjoy being close to Penny and my brother, who only live one floor down from us here. Their place is still being built. Right next to ours, of course. I might have played a small part in making that happen. I am keeping my family close because I know it is only going to grow with the way our husbands

can’t keep their hands o of us. I want our homes to be filled with love and laughter. We all deserve that after the way we grew up. Our children will know that we love them and we have each other to make sure of that. I walk over to our babies, giving them both kisses on their sleeping heads, knowing they are in perfect hands with Penny. I love so much that our little ones will grow up together. That they will share a special bond like Colden and I do. I give myself a last look in the mirror, feeling sexy with my hair done up and makeup on. It’s been awhile since I donned heels but I am doing it like a champ. I head out the front door and down to my husband’s o ce. I give small hellos as I walk past everyone straight to Leo’s desk. I give Mark a wave. He’s Cindy’s replacement and I couldn’t be happier about that. Jealousy is a bitch and I know she could never have my Leo but I still didn’t like her close, and my husband sent her packing the second he knew I didn’t care for her. “Mrs. Ridgeway.” He stands, opening Leo’s o ce door for me but not alerting him that I’m here. He immediately lets me in. I am free to come and go. He is only opening the door for me in politeness. Leo looks up from his computer when he sees me enter. Mark closes the door behind me. “We’ll speak later on the issue. I expect the deal to be done.” No clue who he is talking to because he ends the call before the person can respond. I quickly turn around and walk toward the door to lock it. After I click the lock into place, I turn to get down to business. Leo is already standing and getting his first glance of my getup. “Are you okay? The baby? Why didn’t you call…” Before he can finish that statement, I lift up the bottom of my coat to reveal the lace garters that I have underneath. Leo visibly

swallows and his eyes burn with lust. I begin to unbutton my coat but before I can go any further, he’s on me. He kisses me deeply as his hands slide up my leg and over the garters that I’ve worn for him. He breaks our kiss and begins to unbutton the coat. “You’re so fucking sexy, it’s going to be the death of me. Knowing that you walked through my o ce with only this coat covering what’s mine is going to be my undoing.” He has my coat unbuttoned and on the floor in seconds. “Fuck, look at your gorgeous tits. I love your body, baby,” he says before he pulls down the cup of my bra and sucks my nipple into his mouth. He releases it and goes for the other. His hand dips into my panties, causing me to let out a moan. “You’re already so wet.” His hand continues to stroke my clit. “I need you inside of me, Leo.” I grasp his shoulder to keep my balance as he pleasures me. “Walk over to my desk, take your panties o and hop up on it.” He gives me one last kiss before he watches me walk to his desk. I unhook my garters and slide my panties down my legs, all while he watches me from behind. “The bra too,” he says, his voice strained before I can turn around. I do as I’m told. Before my bra can hit the floor, Leo’s on me. His hands slide up, cupping my tits from behind as he kisses my neck. “These are mine,” he says as his fingers work my nipples. My head falls back onto his shoulder and his hard cock presses me from behind. His hand slips down from my breast, cupping my pussy. “This is mine,” he says possessively. “Tell me.” “It’s yours,” I let out on a moan. He flips me around so that I’m facing him. My body is laid out on his desk. “For my eyes only,” he says as he continues to rub my clit. “You came here looking for my cock and I’m going to

give it to you.” He undoes his belt, freeing himself from his slacks. “I came for you.” I lick my lips. “You’ll definitely be coming for me, there’s no doubt about that.” And I do, multiple times as my husband has promised. Leo always lives up to his word. He is everything that I could have wished for. He’s a doting husband, outstanding lover, the best father to our baby and most of all, he’s still my best friend. Unbeknownst to the both of us, our hearts made a promise to one another the day we met. We had to grow and come into our own before our love could flourish, but it has blossomed into what it was always meant to be.








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Copyright © 2019 by Lucy Darling All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Created with Vellum

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