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Beauty Tempts the Beast MINK © 2020 All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book only. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from MINK. This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Beauty Tempts the Beast Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Epilogue Also by MINK About the Author



Revenge is my life’s work. I’m an artist in the subject. And there’s one masterpiece I’ve had my eye on for quite some time. Helen. She seems innocent and sweet, but she comes from a family that left me scarred and broken. Taking her will be the pinnacle of my vengeance. So I do. But once I have her … I can’t seem to continue with my plan. This has never happened. I’ve killed without remorse, taken revenge again and again on any who wronged me. But when it comes to Helen, I can’t bear to see her so much as break a nail, which happens with frightening frequency given her adorable clumsiness. So I keep her. And I protect her. And before I know it … I love her. But her family isn’t the sort to let anything or anyone go. I’ll have to fight to keep her, but will my beauty decide to stay with her beast, or leave and break my heart?



evenge is the only dish I’ve ever made to perfection. The mistake others so often make is that they serve it cold. Mine is never less than scorching hot. Take, for example, one Mr. Jaden Elliot, a man who once served as my accountant and now serves as fish food at the bottom of the sea. He stole from me. Now he’s dead. But not before I tortured him to tell me where every last one of my stolen pennies had rolled o to. Jaden had feared me at first—the way they all do. The scars on my face make me a macabre figure to any who see me. I don’t let their revulsion bother me, not even when it leads to long looks or fearful words. But then Jaden had become complacent. Then he’d become desperate for money to pay his gambling debts. He could’ve come to me and asked for help. I might have given it, if only to get my claws into him even deeper. Instead, he made a mistake, one he paid for with his life. It’s cold under the ocean, the currents bringing no warmth with them. But my revenge was served up hot, all the same.

He’s just one of many. Another casualty in my war against any who dare cross me. I turn in my chair and peer at my computer screen. The half of my face that can still smile does. She always has that e ect on me. Helen Carrigan is beautiful, the picture of everything a man like me could want. Young, smart, bright future, curvy body, and a smile that has turned plenty of heads. I’ve watched her for months, my cameras recording her every move. She studies calculus until late, sometimes falling asleep on her book. Two weeks ago, she brought a cat into her dorm. Against the rules, of course, but Helen has a big heart. “Fuzzy,” she chides him as he knocks a cup o her desk, then a pen, and finally he goes for her phone. “Hey! Come on, buddy. I’ve got to get this done.” She gently shoos him o the small desk and returns to her work. The flu y black cat simply rubs against her legs as he wanders to the window and jumps up. After rubbing her eyes, she returns to her work and chews on the end of her pencil. Darling. Utterly adorable. She’s so sweet that I can almost forget what happened. But then I close my eyes, and I see the flames. Always the flames. And when I open my eyes, I see her. Helen Carrigan. And whatever emotion was trying to surface--pity, mercy, perhaps something even deeper—I slap it away. Because she isn’t innocent, not sweet at all. She’s a Carrigan, her family is the cause of more su ering than I can even begin to measure. So I watch her. I wait. I stoke my fire until it burns hotter and hotter. Until it’s ready to consume this golden girl with

the blue eyes and the cursed name. Until there’s no room for softness or mercy in me. Until all I want to know is what her scream sounds like. I’ll find out soon enough. Reaching up, I run my fingers along the hardened scars. I can’t feel my own touch, can’t feel anything, really. It’s better this way. What happened to me wasn’t a catastrophe. The doctors tried to give me a truthful prognosis, their faces grim as they analyzed the scar tissue forming along my left cheek. They even attempted a graft to smooth the stretched and abused skin. But nothing could save my once-handsome face. Fire does that. It destroys everything it touches. And it doesn’t just bring destruction. It twists whatever it meets that’s strong. Metal, rock, and men like me. The fire may have scarred me, but now I’m stronger than I ever was. “Soon.” I sit back and watch her fall asleep at her desk, her blond hair falling into her face as she succumbs. My fire is almost at temperature, and very soon my revenge on the Carrigans will be served up in barrage of sparks and flames. That name will die in an inferno, my revenge served with all the fury my twisted heart can create.



et out of here, you little rodent.” I turn around in my chair to see Fuzzy darting across the room. My roommate Piper throws a high heel at him, but he’s already safely under my bed, and her aim is horrible. I still glare at her. I guess it isn't only people she’s a bitch to. “You need to get rid of that thing. It’s going to get hair all over my clothes.” She holds up a Supreme sweater. “This was five hundred dollars and it’s covered in cat hair.” She tosses it back onto the floor on her side of the room. Maybe if it was hung up and put away then Fuzzy wouldn’t have lain on it. The sweater must not mean a lot to her if the floor is where she keeps it, right? I turn around to go back to studying, not willing to engage her. It’s pointless. “I’m serious, Helen.” “If I can’t have the cat, then you can’t bring your strays back here either.” I don’t have to look to know she’s glaring at the back of my head. I don’t really care. I tried playing the nice roommate with her in the beginning, but I’m over her crap.

“Get the stick out of your ass, and get something in your pussy. Might loosen you up some.” I glance over my shoulder at her again. Did she really say that? She smirks. “Fine. The little shit stays, and I’ll be bringing someone home tonight.” She grabs her purse from o the bed before stomping out of our room, the door slamming shut behind her. I hate when she brings strangers over. Especially men. I can’t sleep whenever she has them here. It’s weird to have a stranger ten feet from you while you’re passed out on a bed. I guess I could crash at Lily’s tonight. I pull out my cell phone and send her a text. My phone rings in my hand seconds later. Her name lights up the screen. I answer it and put it on speaker. I stop what I’m doing and head over to my bed. “You have a date tonight,” she chirps right o . I close my eyes and groan. “I knew you’d forget.” “I tried to block it out in my mind.” Lily snorts a laugh. “Can you call and cancel?” “Nope. Mom learned that trick already. Now she won’t give me the numbers of the men she sets me up with. She only provides a time and place. If I need to relay a message I have to go through her.” Just when I thought my mom couldn’t get more controlling, she’d gone and proved me wrong. I shouldn’t be surprised by her behavior anymore. “Your mom doesn't have the worst taste.”

“I’m not dating someone prettier than me. The last guy's hair was better than mine.” I knew because he wouldn't shut up about it. If we passed a mirror he'd have to pause and look at himself. “Where does she find these men?” “Boys,” I correct her. “I’m guessing her socialite friends.” It’s been awhile since she’s made me go on one of these dates. My mom has this need to control every aspect of my life, and there isn't anything I can do right now to stop her. I still needed my parents' help. Not only to pay for school. Sure, I could get a loan, but my mom can be vindictive. I’ve never been on the other side of it before, but I’ve seen what happens to others that have. She’d find a way for the university to kick me out. So for now I’ll go on the dates and keep my head down. I glance at my watch. “We’re meeting at a co ee shop. I’ll text you after. I’m still coming over.” “Bring Fuzzy!” He jumps on the bed like he heard her, purring. “Of course.” I end the call and give Fuzzy a scratch on his head before I make myself get ready. I grab a pair of white wide leg pants and a pink knitted sweater that falls o my shoulder before slipping on my gold flats. It’s stylish but also comfortable. More than anything, it hides me so that Carter guy won’t get any ideas. I grab Fuzzy's leash and collar, putting it on him before I slip him into my bag. It’s a co ee shop so we can get a table outside. If I take Fuzzy with me I won’t have to come back and get him later. I only plan on staying as long as I have to in order to appease my mom. Fuzzy turns a few times in the

bag before lying down and closing his eyes. He can sleep anywhere. My phone rings again as I’m trying to head out the door. This time it’s my mom. I hurriedly pick it up, silently praying that the date has been canceled. I’m sure it's not, though; I wouldn’t be that lucky. “Everything good?” “It’s Facetime, dear.” I pull the phone away from my ear to see my mom’s pretty face staring back at me. “Hold it out further. I want to see what you’re wearing.” I fight not to roll my eyes as I do what she asks. “You have so many pretty dresses, Helen. Why did you choose to wear that? And flats? Really? Flats aren't doing anyone any favors.” She closes her eyes in frustration. My stomach churns. She can always turn me right back into the ten-year-old girl who can never do anything right. It only takes a few words from her to bring back those memories. The ones that remind me that nothing I ever do will be good enough for her. “It’s co ee.” “But what if he likes you and wants to get dinner or a movie?” I pray that doesn't happen. “I’ll call earlier next time so that I can help you get ready. You can’t be late, but remember, Helen, all those layers don’t cover up that weight you’ve put on. It only makes you look bigger.” With that, she hangs up the phone.

I try to not let her get to me, but it’s a waste of time. She’s the only person that can cut me like that. “Let’s get this over with, Fuzzy. We’ll get pizza and ice cream after.” He lets out a loud meow, approving my plan.



he listens to the bearded bu oon as he talks endlessly. I watch from across the street, the early evening shadows hiding me easily as I stalk my prey. He prattles on and on, his skinny jeans and ridiculous hair the exact opposite of what a woman like Helen needs. Not that I care what she needs, of course. That’s not what I’m here for. I flex my hands, my palms rough from all my time spent climbing or in the gym at my estate. Big, strong hands that can snu the life out of someone. Not the perfectlymanicured palms of the douchebag across the street. He’s soft. Weak. Helen sees right through him, knows that he could never satisfy her. Not like I could. I shake my head, trying to clear that ridiculous thought from it. I’m not here to satisfy Helen Carrigan, I’m here to end her. To make her su er the way her family made me su er. My fingers stray to the ruined side of my face. “—startup since my parents floated me the cash. But that was only like, a two million dollar investment from them, so really I’m a self-made man, you know? I pulled myself up by

my bootstraps to start my own company. It’s a big responsibility, but I’ve had a checking account and credit cards since I was like eight, so I can handle it. I’ve already paid my dues.” She tries to smile, but even her fake one can’t make it through his vapid nonsense. “That’s great.” She sneaks her hand beneath the table to stroke Fuzzy, her silly little cat. I’m glad she brought him tonight. It’ll make my plans even more fun. “Well, this has been fun.” She stands. “But you didn’t finish the vanilla soy matcha with no foam, green tea latte I ordered for you.” He rises, too. “Um.” She glances at her nearly-untouched drink. “I’m more of a co ee person, I guess?” “Oh, no, this is far better.” He gestures for her to sit back down. “I can explain it to you so then you’ll understand why you should like it.” I grind my teeth. Helen’s my target, the one I’m here to hurt, but the more I catch of their conversation, the more the bullseye seems to move to his side of the table. What the fuck is her mother thinking setting her up with a man like this? “Look, it’s got seven pumps of vanilla soy, which gives it a really strong taste, and then the Splenda…” He pauses and glances down at her body. “I mean, obviously you don’t need any more sugar in your diet, right? No foam, either. Not for you, anyway. But here’s the secret that makes this drink so —” He stops talking.

Perhaps because I have my hand on his collar as I yank him from his fucking seat, his perfectly-coifed hair barely moving as I pull him over the wrought iron rail separating the co ee shop’s outdoor area from the street. When he opens his mouth again, it’s to scream. But I ignore it and drag him down the sidewalk. I don’t know what Helen is doing behind me, because I can only focus on what I’m going to do to the sack of shit who’s screaming and writhing as I drag him into the wooded park beside the small Main Street area. “Hey, stop! Let me go! Someone help!” A few passers-by stop and point, but the area is already dark enough to hide my face from prying eyes. They don’t o er to save him, not when they see my hulking form dragging him away. They wisely realize that challenging me is like inviting Death into their home. I throw him o the sidewalk and into the park. He slides on the pine needles, then skids to a stop as I jump on top of him. My fists work in a symphony of violence. “Don’t—” Punch. “You—” The crunch of his nose breaking. “Ever—” His wheezing scream. “Speak—” I add a slap just to show him what a little bitch he is. “To her like that again.” I backhand him as he screams more. “In fact, never speak to her again.” I grip his throat with one hand and squeeze. “If you do, I’ll be back, and I’ll finish the job.” I keep squeezing as he claws at my hand, but after a few minutes he passes out from lack of oxygen.

I wish I had a razor on me. I’d cut his fucking pubey beard with it and do the world a favor. But I don’t. And I won’t dirty my knife on the likes of him. Once he’s out, I stand and brush myself o . I don’t even feel the pain in my knuckles. The only blood on me belongs to the shithead on the ground. I wipe them on his LaCoste shirt and stalk back to the street. No one stayed to help him, but I hear distant sirens. When I glance toward the co ee shop, my prey is long gone. Fuck. This isn’t going to plan. I lost my temper and blew my chance. But no one hurts Helen. No one except me. And there was no way in hell I was going to let that prick say another fucking word about her perfect figure. She’s a goddess, one I intend to ruin, and the moment I saw her eyes drop and shame dart across her face, I fucking snapped. Foolish of me. Damn stupid to risk everything to put that dickhead in his place, but I can’t deny the satisfaction that eddies and ripples through my blood. He’ll never go near my Helen again. I trot across the road and get into my car. With a squeal of tires, I get the fuck out of Dodge. Like always, my path veers toward Helen’s dorm. I may have missed my chance at the co ee shop, but I know her route home. I know everything about her. So I slow down as I approach the little shops near campus, and especially the spot where she likes to stop for pizza and ice cream. Slowing, I see her hurrying along the sidewalk, her phone in her hand. Probably texting her friend Lily. I crawl past and look at her face. I expect to see fear there, but I don’t. I see pink cheeks and a smirk. She likes what I did

to that piece of shit. My lips try to curve in a matching smile, but then I remind myself that of course she enjoyed it. She’s a Carrigan. Cruelty is in her blood. And now it’s in mine. I flex my fists on the steering wheel as she strides into the pizza place and likely puts in an order for a side salad with extra ranch and a slice of pepperoni. Then she’ll go to the ice cream shop and pick up a cone with a scoop of Oreo Crunch on top. Maybe I’ll even let her enjoy it. Her last meal. The last thing she’ll ever enjoy. Because when she’s done? She’s mine.



stretch and roll over. I gasp when I start to fall, but Lily grabs me.

“How do you do that every time?” she says through her laughter. I wiggle back onto the bed safely. “It’s not my bed. There should be a wall there,” I grumble, not wanting to get up yet. We stayed up far too late watching classic horror films. They aren’t my favorite, but Fuzzy loves them, and he wins out most of the time. “We have class soon.” “Don’t remind me.” I let out a giant yawn and roll onto my stomach. I pull the pillow over my head. I want nothing more than to fall back asleep. I was in the middle of a very good dream. One that included my mystery man from yesterday who had come to my rescue. He had been about to kiss me before I jerked awake. I may not have gotten a good look at his face, but I could never forget his hulking frame. “You get dressed; I'll make breakfast.” Lily breaks me from my thoughts.

“You’re going to cook?” That sounds scary. She smacks my butt. “Ahh!” “Get up, and you’ll eat the breakfast I serve you.” “You’re so controlling.” I pull the pillow o my head, making sure I smack her with it in the process. She dodges it, jumping from the bed. She takes the sheet with her. I sit up and watch as Fuzzy follows her out of the bedroom. “Traitor!” I call, but he just flicks his tail and keeps going. I crawl out of bed and head into the bathroom to get myself together. When I’m done, I go into the kitchen to see what kind of mess Lily is making. Her place is small. The stove only has two burners, and the fridge isn't a normal sized one. I’m so jealous she has her own place. I hate being stuck in that dorm room with Piper. “Breakfast,” she singsongs and hands me a plate. I look down at the warmed-up pizza from last night and laugh. I pick it up and take a bite. “Best breakfast I’ve had in a long time.” She smacks my butt again, making me jump. “Stop doing that.” “I can't help it. You scream like a little girl. Jump like one, too.” “You're lucky you made me breakfast.” “Eat. We got shit to do. I’ll get dressed.” She heads back down the hallway toward her bedroom. “We have an hour until my first class starts,” I remind her. She doesn't respond, probably already in the bathroom. It will only take ten minutes for us to walk back to campus. I

finish my pizza and toss the paper plate away, then grab some water. Fuzzy circles around my feet trying to pretend he hasn't eaten breakfast yet, but I know Lily fed him. He’s clowning to get a second helping out of me. In his defense, it worked a few times before until we picked up on it. Lily reappears. “Are you going to do something with your hair?” I reach up and tighten my messy bun. “I’ll have you know it took me six times to get this messy bun thing right.” “At least do this.” She hands me two tubes. One is mascara and the other lip gloss. I notice she’s only in yoga pants with an oversized shirt and flip flops. She’s got her black hair in a ponytail. “That ponytail took less time than my bun.” “I’m not the one trying to find Mr. Hottie.” I bite my lip, thinking about him again. He stood up for me in a way that no one else has ever done. I couldn't explain the barrage of emotions that hit me the moment he yanked that self-involved punk up. One thing’s for certain: my mom sure does know how to pick them. At first I had felt a bit of panic, not understanding what was happening. Then I heard him talk. I went from being scared to instantly being turned on and excited. A rush of energy hit me, and I’ve never felt more alive than in that moment. It was nice seeing a jerk get put in their place for once. But then I’d jetted, too scared to investigate further. Ugh, I should’ve stayed. “You think he goes to the university?”

“Yeah. Why else would he be around here? Not like the food is great over on the Old Town Plaza.” That was true. Unless you have a car, your only choice of food around here is either the plaza or the cafeteria. Neither one of those are good options. “I don’t know what I’m looking for. I really couldn't see his face. It all happened so fast. He grabbed him and started pulling him down the sidewalk the other way.” “You said he’s the biggest man you’ve ever seen. So the only thing we have to do is look for giants. Should be easy to spot.” She pops a Skittle into her mouth. “What if I’m remembering it wrong and making him bigger in my mind than he actually was?” “Are you trying to get out of this, or do you want to find him? Last night you talked through most of the movies, going on and on about him.” I did want to find him, but today is a new day, and the excitement has started to settle, giving my shyness room to wiggle to the forefront. I wish I could be more like Lily. She’s bold and can talk to anyone. Me? I spout o random crap and run instead of standing my ground. “We can go look around.” “Yep. We can act casual.” I glare at her. “I know that face.” “What? I’m not going to do anything.” She gives me a limpwristed wave. “Lily.” Her nose wrinkles. “Okay, I promise I’ll be good... today.”

“Thank you.” I call for Fuzzy, helping him get into my bag before we head out. I grab my phone out of my back pocket when it starts to buzz and see my mom's name. “Oh crap.” I show Lily the screen. “Do you think she knows about last night?” Lily cringes. “Maybe?” I groan, not answering it. I put it back into my pocket, but it keeps on vibrating. After a few minutes it finally stops. The anxiety that built up with each call starts to settle. It doesn't last long though. When I look this time, I see the texts from her. “I notice that our school has a lot of short men.” As we walk to campus, Lily is looking everywhere for Mr. Hottie. She named him that last night. I can’t pay attention. My stomach drops as I scroll through the text messages from my mom. “She said she’s going to come here.” Lily gasps. “No!” I nod. “But she doesn't even come here for important shit. How many awards have you gotten? Three? Yet, she’s never stepped foot on campus to see any of those ceremonies.” “Four,” I correct her. “God, I want to punch her. If we find your man, maybe he’ll do it for me. He doesn't let anyone talk shit to you.” My lips twitch even though I’m upset about my mom. Thinking about my mystery man standing up for me the way he did has me smiling.

“I’ll avoid her. I’m not sure she knows where my dorm is honestly.” “I mean, you can if you want, but how long can you really do that for?” “You’re right. I’ll suck it up and call her after class.” I check the time. “Which I need to get to.” “I’ve got another twenty minutes. Going to grab a co ee and keep looking.” “Don’t follow anyone.” I point my finger at her. “I would never.” She pretends to be hurt. I keep staring at her. “Fine. But how is it that I’m the controlling one?” I kiss her on the cheek before heading to class. I can’t help but look around myself, trying to find him. I’m not sure what I would do if I saw him. Would I get over my shyness and walk up to him? Doubtful. I give up when I enter the Manning Building. I should let this go. Why am I obsessing over this? I don’t obsess over boys. Well, I don’t think he was a boy by the looks of him. Still I don’t get wrapped up in the opposite sex. I think that’s my problem. He’s the first man to ever get my attention. He made me want more of him. He even turned me on. I lick my lips thinking about it as I pull the door open for Professor Kane’s classroom. I turn my head when something catches my eye. I watch as a man darts around the corner. My heart rate picks up. He was big enough. “Ms. Carrigan. Are you coming to class?”

“Sorry!” I rush in and find a seat. I think I’m going crazy. I’m not only dreaming about him, now I’m seeing things, too.



he sits through her class like a good girl, her cat asleep in her bag. She even takes notes and seems to pay attention, a model student. I didn’t go to college. My path was set the moment her family killed mine and left me to die. Though I don’t have the education, I’ve certainly made my way in this world just fine. It’s easier than most people make it out to be. The simplest logic makes the most money--if I see something I want, I take it. By any means necessary. With a violence as scorching as it is swift. Her time is up, class over, and she strides out of the classroom toward her dorm. From here, she’ll spend a couple of hours preparing for her next two classes. But she won’t make it to her dorm. Not today. Night doesn’t hide me, but I’m done waiting. She needs to break under my hands sooner rather than later. I made a mistake last night. My rage got the better of me. Now, though, I’m back on track. I keep my pace slow as I follow her across the quad, the old oaks shading her path as she reaches into her bag to pet the

stray cat. Her hips sway and the smooth line of her neck pulls my gaze along its curve. Her hair is up in a messy tangle, cute and casual. I wonder how soft her hair is, how finely it will sift between my fingers. I grit my teeth--these are not the thoughts I should be having. As she approaches her dorm, she has to go throw a narrow passage, only a car-width across, between two older dorms. After that, her building has a small parking area and a double door across the front that is the sole ingress from the outside. There’s even a check-in desk for visitors. I smirk. My men had no problems getting in and installing my surveillance equipment. She crosses into the narrow lane. The shadows are deeper here, and fewer students are around. I speed up my pace. She turns her head just a little, as if she senses me, and I turn into the nearest doorway, a locked side entrance to the other dorm. I only wait for a moment, because then she’s walking again, her steps a little faster. I bet her heart is pounding, the adrenaline dumped in her bloodstream as she realizes she’s being followed. That she’s prey. My smirk reappears, and I move more quietly, stalking her as she clutches her bag and breaks into an almost-jog. Fuck, I love the chase. Love the way her hair is coming loose and floating against her soft neck. Just the look of her is making my cock steel hard in my pants. I’m about to take her down when someone turns into the alley up ahead.

Slowing, I move closer to the wall, hiding the ruined side of my face as a boy rushes past, his rapid gait a sure sign of him being late to class. Shit. By the time he’s out of earshot, Helen’s almost out to the sunny parking lot behind her dorm. I was too mesmerized by her to grab her when I should’ve, and now my chance is fading away. I fist my hands and give up the cloak and dagger routine. With heavy steps, I rush toward her. She speeds up again and clutches her bag to her chest. Like a deer sprinting to safety, she flees from me. But I won’t be denied. My vengeance has been simmering for far too long. Her steps lead her out into the sunshine, into safety. But she’ll never be safe, not from me. With a lunge I grab her and slap one hand across her mouth as I drag her back into the shadows. She fights, her body writhing against mine, and I get even harder. The sweet scent of her hair and the warmth of her skin isn’t helping, and I find myself wanting to press my lips to her neck. Maybe to lick, definitely to bite. I want to taste her. She makes a mmph sound against my hand, her legs still flailing as I close my other arm tight around her waist. My hand remains clamped around her mouth as I turn to the right and stomp to my car. With a grunt, I lay her in the trunk. A scream meets my ears, but it’s distant. Someone trying to save this sweet little damsel in distress perhaps? I smirk again. She tries to surge up and escape, but I press my hand to her chest and push her down. “Get o !” Her scream echoes o

the dorm beside us. Then she gasps. Because she’s seen me. The real me. The burned, scarred monster that her parents created. And the next scream that rips from her is full of fear, a sound that’s cut o when I slam the trunk closed. “Stop!” A harsh cry has me turning. And it’s as if the clouds have opened and God himself is smiling down on me, blessing my revenge with a perfect execution. Because not only do I have Helen in my trunk, but her mother is running toward me, wobbling on her heels as she screams. “Don’t touch her!” “I’m going to do a lot more than that, Cass.” I grin as I get into the driver seat and slam the door. She’s still running toward me, her eyes wild as she tries to save her daughter. It’s almost touching. Or, it would be, I suppose, if I were a di erent person. But I’m not. I’m the monster she made me, and like any good monster, I’m going to destroy the thing Cass Carrigan holds most dear. I pull away and make sure I turn so she can get a full view of my ruined face. So she knows her sins have come back to haunt her. And most of all, so she knows that she will never see her precious daughter again.



scream and try to push the trunk back up. It’s pointless, and I know it. Then I remember the emergency pull. I move my hands around trying to feel for something, anything, but my hands are shaking. I can’t find the pull. I keep trying to reach the other side to see if it’s down there. I stretch my hand out as far as I can this time. My face hits something sharp, which makes me cry out. I reach up to touch my cheek, but I already know I cut myself. I can feel the blood begin to trickle down my skin. I suck in a breath and roll to my side. I hear the hum of the car and know it’s moving. My breathing picks up, and I start to gasp for air. I instantly know I’m having a panic attack. It’s been years since I’ve experienced one, but there’s no mistaking the signs of it. Oh God, please. I can’t do this right now. I scream louder and hit and shove everything I can. My heart pounds so hard that I’m sure it’s louder than my screams. My hands go numb, and my whole body starts to tremble. “Please,” I whimper, pleading with myself to calm down. This isn't helping. I try to breathe slowly in and out. I repeat

the steps I was taught so long ago. I try to focus on each breath. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t get my breathing under control. I can’t let myself pass out right now. I jerk, letting out another scream when something brushes against me. It’s then I remember Fuzzy is here. I grab him and pull him into me. It gives me a second of comfort to know I’m not completely alone. “We just need to breathe. To try to keep calm,” I say. It’s not working, no matter how hard I try. Why is this happening to me again? My mind races, a flood of memories come rushing back. Ones I always try to forget. The only thing di erent about this time is that I’m in a trunk instead of in the back of a van. Still kidnapped, nonetheless. “Stop it,” I hiss at myself as I try to remember what I’m supposed to do, but my mind isn't cooperating. A burst of laughter spills from me when I remember I’m supposed to focus my eyes on an object. That’s not possible in the lightless trunk. Something wet tickles my skin. I’m not sure if I’m crying or if it's more blood. My face starts to throb. It’s so damn hot and stu y in here that it could be my own sweat. I try to convince myself that it’s anything besides blood. I know I’m lying to myself, but I’m doing whatever I can to maintain some sort of control in this situation. I gasp for air, feeling myself get light-headed. I’m losing this battle. That last thing I want to do is pass out. Maybe it’s for the best if I do. At least then this would be over. I close my eyes tightly and try to think of my happy place. I’m shocked when my mind brings the man from last night into

focus. I could use a hero right now. I roll to my back, still trying to suck in air. Fuzzy rubs his face against mine. “I won’t pass out.” I don’t know if I’m talking to myself or Fuzzy. My whole body tingles. I breathe so fast and hard my back rises with each gasp of air. “I’m sorry.” My eyes fall closed for a moment before bright light floods the trunk. I open them immediately when I feel the wave of fresh air hit me, but I’m unable to see. I try to focus, but it’s too bright. I know the person is talking, but I can’t make out the words. My eyes start to adjust to the light, letting me see the outline of the person standing in front of me. It’s him. My mystery man. How is that possible? I must have passed out, and I’m dreaming. I don’t care. I sit up and try to get out. He doesn't stop me as I launch myself at him. He grunts but catches me. I bury my face in his neck as I wrap myself around him as tight as I can. “You came back.” I can’t believe he’s here to save me. How did he know? He lets out a groan. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” He moves, not answering my question. “Let go,” he orders gru


I shake my head. “Let the fuck go,” he bellows. I release my hold instantly and almost fall to the ground. He grabs my chin and turns my head. “What did you do?”

I blink at him. My stomach drops. “You're not him,” I say as I take in the scars of the same man that shoved me into the trunk. This isn't my hero but my captor. My body begins to shake. “Please don’t put me in the trunk,” I try to say, but my voice is so low I don’t know if he heard me or not. He glares at me for long moments, his gaze burning through me. Then he seems to come to a decision. “Fine. Behave, or you go back into the trunk.” I nod. “Get in.” He pulls open the back door to the car. I glance around but only see trees and nothing else. “You can’t outrun me.” “I know.” I get in. A moment later, he drops Fuzzy into my lap as he’s getting into the driver's seat. I look at the screen on his dash. It's dark, but all green as though you were looking through a pair of those night goggles that I’ve seen in movies. It takes me a moment to realize the view is of the trunk. My purse is still lying in it. He flips the screen o before pulling back onto the road and flooring it. We sit in silence, and all I see is endless trees. I have no idea where we could be or where we’re going. “Is this my parents’ fault?” I finally ask. “Yours, too. You're one of them.” I nod. He’s right. I am one of them. I look down at Fuzzy and pet him. I know I’m finally calming down. Well, as much as one can when they’ve been taken against their will. My breathing has evened out, and my hands are no longer tingling. The only things hurting now is the cut that’s throbbing on my face and my chest.

“I know how this works.” I keep petting Fuzzy. “I’ll be good. I’m not going to fight you.” He can call and get whatever ransom money he wants. “I’m sure my parents will pay you.” If for no other reason than so they don’t look bad. “I don’t want your money.” “I don’t understand.” He pulls up to a massive black iron gate. It swings open, reminding me of one of the scary movies Lily and I watched the other night. “You will.”



he hurt herself. It must’ve been when she was freaking out and rolling around. I should’ve filed down the metal where I’d removed the emergency pull. But I didn’t, and now she’s got a cut high on her cheekbone. Fuck. I run a hand through my hair and try to get a fucking grip. I’m going to hurt her. I’m only angry she has a self-inflicted wound. That’s all. I’m just mad I didn’t get to cut her myself. “What do you mean?” I can barely hear her voice. “I mean I’m not here for money.” I lift my gaze to the sweeping estate that fans out before us. “I have plenty.” “Then why take me?” She gives me a confused look as she pets her cat absentmindedly. Revenge. I say nothing. “Who did you think I was?” I ask. She turns away as I enter the wide garage. “Someone else.” “Clearly. Who?”

She pulls her cat closer to her chest as the automatic door lowers behind us. “No one.” Someone. I grit my teeth. Another man. Who would she so willingly cling to? What man has turned her head? I’ll kill him. I cut the engine and get out of the car. She’s fumbling with the door handle as I pull it open for her. Stepping out, she wobbles, and I grab her elbow to steady her. Under the garage lights, I see the cut on her cheek clearly. It’s small, but I’m certain it will leave a scar. That’s one thing I know a lot about. “Come on.” I let her go once she seems stable. “Where are we?” “Doesn’t matter to you. All you need to know is how to keep me happy.” “Wh-what?” She takes a tentative step. I don’t turn around. “You heard me. Questions piss me o . So stop asking. I won’t tell you shit anyway.” I push into the house, and I hear her scurry to catch up. My footsteps echo down the thick wood floor. I should grab her and drag her down the stairs to the basement. I have her cell set up, the walls bare except for the chains, and her bed nothing more than a sti cot. Not that I intend on her being here long. At least, not in one piece. I grunt as I turn the corner and, instead of doing what I should be doing, I lead her to my bedroom. It takes up the entire first floor of the east wing, my own personal retreat. No one comes in here unless I allow it, and I rarely allow it.

Only Jacques so he can clean. It’s the only way to shut him up. “This house is huge. Bigger than anything I’ve ever seen.” Her voice has a tinge of wonder to it. “Don’t get used to it.” I stalk past my bed and into the marbled bathroom. “Okay.” She follows me in as I dig through my cabinet for medical supplies. “Whoa, this bathroom.” She sets her cat on the counter and walks over to the mirror. “Oh my God.” She lifts a hand to her cheek. “Don’t touch it.” I’m on her before she makes contact. “Bacteria.” She swallows hard and looks up into my eyes. Not at my scars. I thought she’d be cringing and begging for me to leave her alone as she looked at my wrecked visage. Instead, she seems to warm under my touch, her eyes going soft and her lips parting the slightest bit. It confuses me and does more than that. My cock thickens. It seems to be just as confused about the plan as I am. Fuck. I let go of her wrist like it burns, then grab her chin and wrench her face up to mine. “Hey!” she protests, but I don’t let go. “Keep me happy, beauty. That’s all you have to do.” Her pupils dilate as I growl the words. My cock tries to wage a war against my zipper, and something inside my mind stretches to the point it almost snaps as I look down at her.

I let her go and retreat to the cabinet, then grab my supplies. When I return to her, she’s looking at me with a healthy amount of worry and distrust. Good. I can deal with that far easier than the way she was before. I understand fear in all its guises, intimately familiar with the damage it can do. I can work with it, mold it with my hands into something terrifyingly wonderful, and wield it to destroy my enemies. Just like the beauty in front of me. Helen Carrigan. My enemy. “This is going to hurt.” I wipe her cut with alcohol. She winces and whimpers. I should feel a surge of delight. Instead, I make my next swipe gentler. She relaxes just a hair as I finish cleaning it. “What’s that?” she peers at the tube of ointment in my hand. “What did I say about asking questions, beauty?” I squeeze some of the antibacterial scar cream onto my finger and dab it along the thin cut. “My name is Helen.” “I know who you are.” I finish with the ointment, then ease a Band-Aid onto her cheek. Once it’s smoothed down, I assess my work. “If you know who I am, then you know my parents will pay you handsomely to release me.” Her eyes flash with challenge. “So just call them.”

I lean into her and place my palms on the marble counter at her back. She shrinks away from me, but there’s nowhere to go. Just me looming over her as she seems to reconsider her tone. “I’m the master of this house, beauty. Everything here is mine.” I glance at her lips. “I will do what I want when I want. And none of that involves speaking to your godforsaken parents. You will not question me. You will not speak of them. And you will accept right here and now that you will never leave these grounds.” “Never?” she asks, breathless. Her breasts are pressing against me, the tips hard. In fact, everything about her seems to be warming, practically glowing. Her cheeks flush, her heartbeat stampeding through the delicate vein at her throat. I want to taste her there. Everywhere, in fact. Leaning closer, I test her. She doesn’t move away. Instead, her lips part again, her tongue darting out to wet them. No fear. Just need. One that matches my own. I move even closer, our breaths mingling, but then I jump away from her and look down. Her cat stares up at me, rubbing himself against my leg and purring. This isn’t the plan. Not the Band-Aid or the cat or any of it. Fuck. “Out.” I take Helen by the elbow and pull her—gently, fuck me—out of my room and into the hallway. Her cat follows. Once they’re outside my room, I slam the large double doors and turn to rest my back against them. My heart is

pounding, my palms sweaty, my ears burning, and my cock raging. Jesus, what is this hell? “Um, what am I supposed to—” “Just go!” I yell. The house is locked up tight. There’s nowhere she can escape. Hell, maybe she’ll do me a favor and grab a knife from the kitchen, then sneak back here and end my torment. This should’ve been easy. She should be naked, chained, and hurting right this second. Instead, I’m the one in pain. I stare daggers down at my cock as it pushes the front of my pants out. I bite o another curse and reach for the grandfather clock beside me. With an easy yank, I shove it to the ground and watch it shatter into a million shards of glass, wood, and springs. The cacophony clears my head. Helen runs, her feet slapping on my floors as she retreats. She won’t go far. I take a deep, steadying breath and remind myself of my plan, of my life’s work. Revenge. The next time I have her in my grasp, it will be to hurt her, nothing more. . . But maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow to begin.



uzzy sits in my lap purring away without a care in the world. I think he just had the best day of his life. I’m sure he thinks this is some big adventure and has no clue we’ve really been kidnapped. We’d been all over this maze of a house. I’ve learned from my previous experiences that it’s best to stay out in the open. There’s no use in hiding. They always find you. I look around again. I’m pretty sure I’m lost. I think I’ve gone this way a few times already. There’s no need to hide from the beast that lurks the halls. You can’t find anyone around here to begin with. I keep petting Fuzzy because I’m not sure what to do next. I have no clue how long we've been here, but my head is pounding and my body is starting to ache. I had to sit down for a second, not caring if it's in the hallway. I’m going to feel the e ects of being stu ed in that trunk soon. My muscles are already sore. The last time we walked past one of the giant windows and I pulled the curtains back, the sun was starting to set. I’m sure by now it’s dark out.

Fuzzy lifts his head and lets out a meow I know well. He wants dinner. The thought of food only makes my stomach turn. I’m not sure I want to move. At this moment, I don’t feel much of anything. I take comfort in the quiet, knowing that it could be a lot worse. There’s no one shouting at me or grabbing me. My captor hasn’t come looking for me or hurt me. Who knows what I’d find if I went wandering around more? I've been lucky so far. I intend to try and stay that way. At one point, I was starting to think I was actually being ignored by the beast. Fuzzy lets out another meow that has me moving. He jumps o my lap to allow me to get up. I let out a small yelp as I stand, bracing my hand on the wall when a wave of dizziness hits me. I take a moment to catch myself so I don’t fall. Fuzzy weaves himself in and out of my legs, rubbing against me. “I’m fine,” I tell him. “Why don’t you lead the way? You know where the kitchen is.” We’ve been there twice already. Not to eat, but as we were wandering around. Yet I still don’t know how exactly to get back there. So when Fuzzy starts to walk, I follow, letting him lead the way. If anyone can sni out food it’s him. I know I’ve been down this hallway three times at least, and each time I see something di erent. My parents have money. Big mansions are nothing new to me, but this place is crazy big. I’ve grown up around fancy things and money my whole life. It’s nothing new or exciting to me. It was always there. In fact, I think it makes people a little meaner, if you ask me. It’s one of the things I’ve learned from living at college. Getting away from the world my parents controlled every

aspect of and getting to have some of my own experiences with people from all over the world has opened up my eyes. It’s made me look at things di erently than I used to. I was never one of those stuck-up rich kids. I hated a majority of the girls I went to high school with. I was a prime target often enough. I know firsthand that money doesn’t make anyone a good person. My parents are a prime example of that. This house doesn’t scream money, though. Not in the life of the rich and famous kind of way. This sort of opulence runs deeper, likely built on a very wealthy family’s money. The people that live in homes like this one are the ones who cut the checks to the regular rich people like my parents. He said all of this belongs to him. If my theory about money making people mean is correct, then I guess that would explain why my captor is the way he is. He has a shit ton of meanness based on this place. If this is all his, then why am I here? Wait, unless he got this house because he kidnapped someone else? The people who really owned it? No, I don’t see how that’s possible. I think that might be noticed rather quickly. “Ouch!” I scream when I run into one of the fancy long tables in the wide hallway. It’s too wide for me to be running into anything. That’s what I get for being lost in my thoughts. I look up to see a beautiful white vase with light blue and gold vines painted up the side. It starts to wobble on the table. It seems as if everything is happening in slow motion. I try to reach for it before it falls, but all I do is fall right along with it. I hit the floor hard, letting out a grunt of pain.

A second later the only sound I hear is of the vase shattering all around me. I feel some of the glass pieces hit me. I stare up at the intricate crown molding that frames the room until I feel warm blood run down my arm. I’m sure this little spill didn’t help my headache. “I can’t leave you alone for ten minutes?” A deep voice bellows so loudly that I could swear the beast must be standing mere feet from me. I roll over, getting to my knees so I can see what’s going on. It’s then I notice he’s all the way at the other end of the hallway. I jump to my feet. I don’t know why. If anyone knows better, it’s me. I know what happens when you run from your captor, but I find myself turning and taking o in the opposite direction. Another bellow sounds from behind me. Fuzzy darts in front of me, leading the way. My head pounds, and I know immediately that I’ve made the wrong decision. I don’t make it far before he’s on me. It’s no surprise. I mean, the man is huge. Two of my steps equal one of his. It was inevitable he would catch me, but I had to try something. His hand wraps around my waist and pulls me back against him. I feel the moment I hit his big broad chest. It’s only seconds before he pushes me into the wall. How is his hold both gentle and firm at the same time? His big body crowds me until I can feel his warm breath on my neck. Both of our breathing is labored from our e orts, or at least mine is. Having him so close should make me scared, but there’s something about this that is turning me on. It’s wrong. Then I feel it. Or at least I think I do. With his body pressed into mine, I’m sure I feel the outline of his cock against me, and it's hard. Very hard. “Are you done?” he grates.

I nod my head, unable to say anything but letting him know that I’m not going to run again. His hold on me loosens some more as he steps back. I slowly turn to face him. He brings my wrists up to inspect them. I think he’s checking to see if he hurt me. He didn't. I hurt myself yet again. The cut on my forearm burns. “Can you go a few hours without hurting yourself?” Every one of the marks on my body was made by something I did to myself. He hasn’t really harmed me in any way. I mean, he may have kidnapped me, which led to these things happening, but he hasn’t done any physical harm to me himself. I guess I could blame him for the cut on my face even though he fixed it. He seemed to be upset that it happened. It was an accident. I mean, these things tend to happen when you stu people in your trunk. “Generally?” I squeak out. I really can go days for the most part. I blink up at him, and my vision starts to blur as I try to get a better look. There’s something so familiar, yet not. My head pounds harder. I shouldn't have run. I’ve done this to myself again. “Sometimes I think you’re him.” I lean into the wall behind me. “Who?” “My hero.” I smile. I reach out and grab his shirt. “Who?” “Did I mention I hate blood?” I ask before darkness takes me, but in the darkness of my dreams I get to see my hero.



pace beside the bed. My bed. Where my prisoner shouldn’t be. She belongs in my basement, chained and bloody.

Instead, she sleeps peacefully under my blankets as I check her cuts yet again. They’re clean and healing. I run a hand through my hair and resume pacing. This is madness. It has to stop. I should yank her from her sleep and carry her kicking and screaming to her cell. Pausing, I stare down at her. Her pink lips are slightly parted, her body hidden but the curves perfectly visible. My cock tries to bust free of my pants again, and so I return to pacing. It’s all I can do. I can’t do what I need to do, and what I want to do… I brush a hand down my erection. “Fuck,” I hiss. She stirs but doesn’t wake. Her cat sits at the foot of my bed and watches me, his eyes sleepy as he hunkers down comfortably.

I know what I need. Motivation. It shouldn’t be lacking, not after what her family did to me, but somehow it is. So I stride to my bathroom and stare in the mirror. I take in the lines of my ruined face, the marred skin, the tight, shiny stretches where there should be stubble. Ruined. Wrecked. But even though I stare and remember that night—the screams, the fire, my pain—I can’t seem to link it to the girl lying between my sheets. I fist my hands and lean closer to the mirror. Still, I can’t work up the rage. It’s always there, burning inside me. Except… except when I look at her. I rear back and slam my fist against the glass, shattering it in a burst of fury. When I pull my hand away, warm blood trickles between my fingers, but even that can’t stop what I’m feeling. What I’m fucking feeling. I turn and stalk to the shower, flipping on the water. “Are you … okay?” Helen peeks into the bathroom, her eyes scared. “Fine.” I strip out of my shirt, then reach for my pants. She makes a strangled sound. I look at her over my shoulder, showing her the good half of my face. As if that half won’t scare her. Fuck, I’m such a fool. All of me should scare her. The handsome half even more, because it hides a monster underneath. At least the ruined side is honest. “You’re um, just going to—“ Her breath catches when I shuck my pants and boxer briefs o , then toss them aside. “Get naked,” she finishes breathily. “This is my house. My bathroom. Get out.” I stalk to the shower and walk in, the cold water battering my hard cock

but failing to defeat it. “But I’m a prisoner. I can’t get out until you get your ransom.” I throw my head back and let the water sluice down my chest and stomach. “No ransom, little one. Not for you.” “Then why am I here?” I don’t turn, but she sounds closer, as if she’s moving toward me. But she can’t be. She’s seen me. The ruined face and the vicious nature. There’s no way she wants to be anywhere near me. I let the water wash away the blood on my hand. “You should clean that. Check for splinters.” Fuck, she is closer. A pleasurable tingle runs down my spine. I wrap my battered hand around my cock, the little sparks of pain adding to the pleasure. With a squeeze, I run my palm down my shaft and back to the tip. Still, I don’t turn around. “I should go…” Her voice falters as I grunt and stroke myself again, root to tip. I imagine it’s her hands on me. The delicate ones I’ve watched endlessly as she’s done her homework or petted her cat. The fingers I’ve seen slip beneath her covers at night when her roommate is out. The sounds she makes when she touches herself—my head lolls back on my shoulders. My eyes are closed as I imagine her. Only her. I stroke faster, harder. I’m under some sort of spell. One I can’t break. And beyond the sound of the water and my tortured groans, I hear her. Her pants. Almost the pounding of her heart.

It’s wrong to want her, but I can’t stop. And when I imagine her on her knees before me, I come with a low growl, my seed spurting on the tile as I groan low and long. When I’m spent, I lean against the wall, the water cascading down my back as I catch my breath. This was wrong. Doing this in front of her—a mistake. I should be hurting her, not pleasuring myself while she watches. But … she didn’t run. If anything, she drew closer. I can feel her behind me. But if I turn to her, I don’t think I can control myself. So I stay where I am in the cold water, confusion and need and anger all warring inside me. “That was…” Her voice trembles. She’s so close I could grab her, drag her in here, and have my way with her. “That was so hot.” She sounds almost surprised. A virgin, one who hovers so near I can almost taste her. And what harm would that be? Me feasting between her thighs wouldn’t stop my plans for her. It would be a separate torture. Di erent than what I’d intended, but still part of me breaking her. I’ve almost decided to take her right here on the bathroom floor when a knock comes at my bedroom door. She jumps, and I finally glance at her. Fuuuuck. Pink cheeks, hard nipples, and I bet if I reached between her legs, I’d find her wet for me. “Dinner for two as requested,” Jacques calls in a surly voice. “Not that you’ll let me meet your guest. Like I’m just a lowly servant. Like trash unworthy of rubbing elbows with visitors. May as well keep me in the basement at this rate. But that’s

neither here nor there. Enjoy,” he snips, then slams the door.




hat is wrong with me? I stand there, unable to move. He told me to leave, but I stayed and watched him touch himself, my eyes glued on his large rough hands as he stroked his hard cock. He knew I was watching, but still he continued. I had to fight the need to do the same. It was the most erotic experience I’ve ever had. Not that I’ve had many before now, but my body has never felt the way it did as I watched him bring himself pleasure. I swallow when he steps out of the shower and grabs a towel. Finally I move, but it’s only one step back. He hasn’t hurt me, and if he was so turned on, he could have tried to force himself on me. He didn’t do that. A small trickle of disappointment that I don’t understand runs through me. I shake away the thought. My beast keeps getting more fascinating and confusing by the second. Still, I have no idea why I’m here. “Don’t move.” He levels me with a stare. My heart starts to pound again. Maybe I was wrong about his intentions toward me.

He clears the space between us, moving so close to me that I can feel the heat of his body. He leans in close, and I remain frozen in place. Is he going to try to kiss me? My mind is telling me to run, but my body has other ideas. I let my eyes fall closed as my breaths come quicker. A mix of fear and excitement courses through me as I anticipate what he’s going to do. The only sound I hear is that of my breathing and rapid heartbeat. Until a door opens, causing my eyes to fly open. His large hands grab me by my hips as he lifts me. I let out a small scream of surprise, thinking this is the moment he’ll make his move. The bathroom now seems smaller with the door shut behind me and his big hulking body taking up so much space. He keeps part of his body turned, only showing me the unscarred half of his handsome face. My eyes roam over him, taking in how the scars go all down his torso. I wonder what happened. Whatever it was had to be painful. A sudden feeling of sorrow threatens to overwhelm me at the torture he must have experienced. I think it’s still causing him pain now. The broken mirror was evidence of that. I know I shouldn’t feel anything for him since he kidnapped me, but I can’t help it. “There’s glass on the floor. You’re going to hurt yourself again.” “I don’t understand what’s happening,” I say. I should have taken o the minute I heard someone else’s voice. I could have run and asked for help, but I’m sure the e ort would have been fruitless. “Did you like what you saw, beauty?”

I lick my lips. I’m still openly staring at him. My whole body still hums with desire. I know I’m wet between my thighs and have this urge to move closer to him now. “If I slipped my hand into your panties would your cunt be soaked for me?” His vulgar words should upset me, but they do the exact opposite. “I—I—” I stutter; no words come out because he’s right. I’m turned on, and I don’t understand why. He reaches out and runs a finger down my jaw. His touch is gentle. “Who is the man you keep speaking of? You called him a hero before you passed out on me.” His nose flares in apparent anger. “Someone who came to my rescue and defended me.” He gives me an annoyed look. “Do you think this hero is going to save you from me?” I shake my head. “I’m starting to think I dreamed him up.” All of this really feels like a dream. It’s too crazy to be real. I’m waiting for the moment I wake in my dorm room. “When was this?” He grits out between clenched teeth. “The other night when I was on a date with this awful—” He jerks back at my response. “That’s the hero you’re talking about?” I nod. He grabs me by the chin. Again his touch is soft yet forceful. “Say it.” “Yes.”

His thumb sweeps over my lips as he leans down closer to me. “That was me.” “You're not my hero.” He drops his hand away. “No, I’m not. You’d do best to remember that, because the things I’m thinking about doing to your body are far from heroic. They would have you running from this room in fear.” I wonder if he’s talking about causing me pain or if he means sexually. Maybe a bit of both? I don’t have the courage to ask. I’m still surprised he’s the man from the other night, but it all makes sense now. They had the same build, and the man had hidden his face. The beast has been stalking me. Why else would he have been there? “You need to leave this room before I do some of the things I’ve been thinking about.” I glance down at the towel now wrapped around his waist. The outline of his hard cock is very evident. “Do you want to kiss me?” I ask. His eyes drop to my lips, giving me an idea. He doesn’t answer me, but his eyes never leave my mouth. “I’ll kiss you if you tell me why I’m here,” I say, trying to strike up a bargain. He grabs me so fast, pulling me into his giant hard body, and his mouth comes down on mine before I realize what he’s doing. My eyes fall closed as his big hands dig into my hair. “Open for me,” he orders against my mouth. I part my lips for him. He greedily ravages me and gives my hair a tug, tilting my head back more as he deepens the kiss. A moan escapes me,

and I push my body into his, needing friction. My veins fill with an uncontrollable lust. Suddenly he jerks back, an angry look in his eyes. I reach up and touch my lips. The tingle and the taste of him still lingering there. No one has ever kissed me like that. That was the kiss of a lover filled with passion. My body aches, and my nipples are harder than they’ve even been in my life. But more than anything, I can feel my pulse in my clit. It wouldn’t take much to send me over the edge to have my own release. “Will you tell me why I’m here now?” I somehow get out. “You didn’t kiss me. I kissed you.” He’s right. I just parted my lips for him and let him do as he pleased. I was too shocked to do anything but feel him. “But I told you already you're here because of your family.” That isn’t surprising, but I want to know more. “Are you going to let me go if you get what you want?” “I already got what I wanted, but if you don’t leave this room, Helen, I’m going to throw you onto the bed and take it all.” I whimper, but I step back. I don’t trust my body right now. His eyes narrow on me like a predator. “Run.” This time I actually move, running from the room down a long hallway. I pull open a random door and step inside. I shut it behind me, pressing my back against it as I slip my

hand into my panties, my fingers going straight to my throbbing clit. I begin to rub myself in circles, needing to come so badly so I can’t think straight. At the moment, lust is ruling me. I got what I wanted, he said. Me. My eyes fall closed, and I think about being in the shower with him. My hand wrapped around his cock. I think about him coming. The grunts he’d made as he found his release. Then I find my own. The orgasm hits me hard, and I cry out, my body shaking as I slide down the door until my ass hits the floor. The pleasure doesn’t last long as I come back to reality. The thought of what just happened makes me more confused than ever. I don’t think he plans on ever letting me go.




ignore my cock as I get dressed, irritation bubbling along my skin as I remember how she looked at me, the way she made me feel.

All I should feel for her is revulsion. Instead, I was only a breath away from taking her right there in my bed, fucking her until we were both covered in sweat and my cum leaked from her virgin cunt. I rub a hand over my face at the mental image of it. “Fuck.” That’s not why she’s here. I slam my closet door and storm toward the hall. I’m going to grab her and drag her to the basement, chain her there and—I run into the food cart. “Shit.” I reach down and steady it before everything Jacques prepared falls to the floor. Saving it, I peer down and inspect his selections. Prosciutto, Brie, crackers, smoked salmon, wine, and some sort of jam—and a lot of it. My stomach grumbles. If I’m hungry, then Helen is starving. “Good,” I tell myself. That’s only a miniscule portion of the torture I have reserved for her.

Fuzzy appears from beneath the bed and rubs against my leg, his purr like the motor of an old beater. “You’re after the salmon, then?” I ask. He keeps purring and looking up at me with green eyes. “I’m going to skin you in front of her.” I grab a piece of the smoked salmon. “You know that, right?” I lean down and o er it to him. He sni s, then licks, then bites. “I’m going to hurt you something terrible while she cries and begs me to stop.” I take another piece of salmon and give it to him. After all, he’s my prisoner. Nothing wrong with fattening him up before I strike the death blow. After two more pieces, he jumps onto my bed and curls up at the foot, tucking his tail under his chin as he closes his eyes. ‘This is my bed.” I point a finger at him. He doesn’t look at me. “Cat,” I say in a warning tone. “Get out of here.” His only reply—a faint kitty snore. I put my hands on my hips and look up at the dark ceiling. What a fucking mess. How many men have I killed with my bare fucking hands? I can’t even count. Anyone who tried to cross me when I was taking and taking and climbing to the top of the mountain--I had their blood on my hands. A river of it. That’s who I am. That’s who I’ve always been, ever since … I blink as I remember the flames. But still, I can’t seem to

focus on what I need to do. Instead, I grip the cart and roll it into the hallway. With a sigh, I push the dainty thing along the shiny wood floor, the wheels creaking as I lean on it only a hair. I don’t know how I know, but Helen is hiding in the fourth bedroom on the right. Nothing looks amiss, the door is shut tight just like all the others. Even so, I know she’s in there. It’s as if I can feel her. The same way I could feel her eyes on me as I jerked myself o in the shower. My hands grip the wooden cart so hard it groans and threatens to splinter. She didn’t blink, didn’t breathe, didn’t do anything except watch as I imagined her mouth on my cock, her pussy in my face, her cunt squeezing my cum out of me. She watched every filthy second, and when I looked at her, I didn’t see fear. Far from it. I saw a woman who wanted me. Me. A man just as twisted on the inside as I appear on the outside. But she wasn’t looking at my scars, and the ruined skin, she was looking at me. And she wanted what she saw. My cock pushes against my zipper at the thought. Her willing body beneath mine. Her eyes seeing right through to the heart of me and not looking away. It’s something I’ve never dared dream. Never even thought possible. But when she looks at me, she sees…everything. I don’t bother knocking. With a push, I open the bedroom door and roll the cart in. She scoots away from me, her eyes wide. “Eat.” I push the cart closer to her. “Wh-what?”

“Eat.” I stand to my full height and cross my arms over my chest. Her stomach growls as she takes a shy step closer. “Is that cheese?” Her tone sounds almost reverent, and the oddest sensation tickles along my lips. I don’t smile. Not then, not ever. “It’s food. You’re hungry. So eat.” I lean against the door and watch her lick her lips. “Who was the guy that brought it?” She raises a brow. “Afraid it’s poisoned?” I smirk. That’s an expression I’m perfectly fine with making. A smirk. But a smile? No. Not happening. “Just curious.” She shrugs and reaches for the cheese knife and a cracker. When she scrapes the Brie along it, she licks her lips again. I stifle a groan. But when she takes a bite and moans low in her throat, I go tense. That fucking sound. I need to hear it again. “More.” I gesture to the food. “You want some?” She takes another bite and gifts me another sultry moan. “I want it all.” I grit my teeth. She swallows hard. “Oh,” she says softly, a blush creeping into her cheeks as she takes my meaning. Fuck, I need to stay strong. This isn’t the plan. Despite that knowledge, I itch to feed her, to press that sticky jam along her lips with my fingers, then share the taste with my

tongue. Another kiss. Another piece of her shared with me. I want it so badly my mouth waters. “I’ll just um …” She doesn’t finish her sentence, just samples the jam and makes a little meal for herself. Her shyness falling away, she follows the demands of her stomach as she eats and drinks. She wrinkles her nose at the wine. “I don’t drink.” “I know.” Her gaze shoots to mine. “How do you know that?” Good question. Maybe this is the way I can regain control of this situation. Of myself. I need to scare her. This is going to work. I move closer and lean over the cart, my big hands resting on either side as I meet her eye to eye. That goddamn tongue darts out again, wetting her lips and sending a shaft of desire straight to my cock. But I stay the course, dropping my voice as I hold her gaze. “Because I have a camera in your dorm, beauty. I watch everything you do. I watch you sleep, eat, shower, touch yourself when your roommate isn’t home. I know you. Every part of you right down to the fact you prefer light pink cotton panties and aren’t a fan of underwire bras. I know every-fucking-thing because I watch you like a fucking stalker.” Her breath hitches, and I know I’ve done it. I’ve finally terrified her. Got her running scared. About time. I’m back in the game. She’ll be screaming and crying in no time.

But then I glance down and see her hardened nipples. And when I look back up, her mouth is on mine. And when I feel her tongue on my lips, I shove the cart out of the way and sweep her into my arms and pin her to the wall while I grind my cock against her heat and ravage her fucking delicious mouth.




moan into his mouth as I wrap my legs around him. Or at least I try to, but he’s so freaking big that I barely get my ankles to lock around him.

Realizing how big he really is does nothing to lessen my desire for him. If anything, it only makes me wetter. Each time he grinds his hard-on into me, it brings me closer to the relief I know only he can give. I’d tried to take the edge o earlier, but it didn’t work. “Fuck,” he grunts, pulling his mouth from mine. I let out a whimper, not wanting him to stop. He doesn’t. His mouth goes to my neck, giving it the same treatment he had my mouth. He licks my skin before he sinks his teeth into me. I gasp as my fingers dig into his shirt, and I enjoy the slight amount of pain mixed with pleasure. The thought of him leaving his mark on me only ramps up my desire more. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. Never have I felt so out of control that I threw myself at someone before. I kissed him. I was unable to stop myself once he listed o all the things he’d done in order to watch me. The thought of

him watching me should frighten me. It should upset me and make me mad, but the only thing I continue to feel when he’s around is turned on. Finding out all the things he had discovered about me lit a passion inside me that spread like a wildfire. I should be trying to get away, but instead I threw myself at him, and he caught me. I’d already been second guessing myself when I ran from his bedroom earlier. I was attracted to him in a way I’ve never been with anyone else before. There was no doubting that. What would be so wrong with taking a little pleasure for myself for once? My life had been controlled by my parents for so long that some part of me is looking at this as an opportunity to do something that’s my own choice. Lily is going to flip when she finds out I’ve found my mystery man. Though he says he’s not a hero. I guess that would make him the anti-hero then? My body would have to disagree with that. He’s good. So freaking good that he’s going to give me the orgasm I need. “You’re so soft. Your skin feels like the petals from a rose.” He gives my neck another nip. “I want more. Lose the shirt,” he orders. I do it without question. His mouth travels down my body until he gets to the slope of my breast. I move one of my hands to his short hair, gripping him there. I giggle when he pulls at my bra and starts to get frustrated. I reach behind me and undo the snap, letting it fall away. No sooner is it gone than he’s sucking my nipple into his mouth. I cry out at the sensation. The feeling goes straight to my sex, making me wetter. I have no doubt that I have a wet

spot on my panties. I didn’t know it was possible to get this wet. To get this turned on. “Beast.” I whimper out his name. Even his name is getting me o . To think of him as my beast. “Don’t tell me to stop,” he growls, and I feel the rumble through my whole body. He releases my nipple and goes for the other. His voice sounds as desperate as my own. “Please don’t stop.” I rock against him, finding the friction I need. His hard cock hits the perfect spot. I’m so close that I can feel myself teetering on the edge. I touched myself only minutes ago, yet I’m about to go o again. I know this orgasm is going to be di erent. I feel it in the pit of my stomach. He does the same thing to my nipple as he did to my neck, giving it a small nip before he jerks against me with a loud groan, calling my name. That’s all it takes, and I’m coming. My grip on his hair tightens as I keep rocking against him to drag the pleasure out. I never want it to stop. I never want to leave here. That’s the last thought I have before my eyes fall closed. I drop my head back against the wall, trying to catch my breath as the orgasm hums through my body. “You came?” he asks, sounding like he doesn’t believe it. My face blooms with heat at how easy I got o . I simply nod my head because I can’t seem to form words at this moment. I open my eyes to see a confused look on his face. He slowly puts me down. When he takes a step back, I feel cold and unsure of myself. I reach down and grab my shirt and bra. I freeze when I feel his fingers trace down my back. “Who did this to you?” His voice is filled with anger. So much so it has a chill running through my body. The marks

on my back are faint. They haven’t always been, but with time and all the doctors my mother threw at me, they were barely noticeable unless you were close enough to see the faint white lines. Sometimes I forget they’re there. I wasn’t allowed to speak of them. My parents forbade it. I rise and turn to look at him. I lift my hand to touch his scarred face. I don’t find it ugly. If anything, I’m in awe of his strength. The scars only add to the beast appeal I was having. He snags my wrist before I can touch him. “Who gave you your scars?” I ask. His hold on my wrist tightens for a moment before he jumps back accidentally hitting the food cart. Dishes go crashing to the floor before he storms out of the room, leaving me alone. I don’t think my beast is too happy to find out we both wear scars. If he won’t tell me his story, then I won’t tell him mine.





My beauty has scars I never noticed. The cameras in her room never could’ve detected those small lines, the marks of pain faded over years. Why would anyone mar such an innocent creature? What am I even thinking? She’s a Carrigan. The furthest thing from innocent. It doesn’t matter that she’s never raised a hand against anyone; her name is coated in blood. She’s just as guilty as the rest of them. So why did they hurt her? My mind whispers that question on repeat as I stalk away from her. Even now, I feel the pull to return to her, to trace those lines with my fingers, my tongue. To show her that, if anything, they only heighten her beauty. Perfection is a mirage. Her realness is what makes her so vibrant, raw, and pure. They hurt her. This time, the thought is dark. Her parents had a hand in it. I’m certain of it. They’re monsters. They don’t care who gets hurt or what it takes to stay on top.

I storm back to my room and find Jacques cleaning the broken mirror. “Leave it,” I growl as I stalk past, stripping down and showering o again under the cold water. Her body, the sounds she made, the warmth between her thighs—all of it combined to form a perfect storm of desire. I wanted her so badly that I came in my fucking boxer briefs. Like a bumbling teenager. “I said leave it,” I bark as I rinse o


Jacques ignores me. As usual. Petulant little shit of a man. But he cooks, cleans, and keeps this place running, so I let him live. “Not showing your guest to the basement, I see.” Jacque raises a sculpted brow as he dumps the shards into a pail. “She’s none of your business.” “Everything around here is my business.” He sighs and gets to his feet. “Did she like the food at least?” He twirls one side of his ridiculous mustache. “She ate it.” I open my door. “Go.” He sco s. “Someone’s in a mood.” “Jacques, if you don’t—“ “Get the hell out of here I’ll skin you alive,” he says in a voice to mimic my own. “I know. You’ve been threatening me for two years. I get it.” He grabs the pail, his skinny jeans looking as if they might burst at the seams as he bends for it. Fuzzy is still sleeping on my bed, now rolled on his back, his limbs stretched out and his stomach to the ceiling.

“She’s in the green bedroom.” I gesture into the hall. “Go see what she needs.” “What about what you need?” He purses his lips. “I need you to do what I say. That’s all.” He rolls his eyes. “Did you really believe you’d get that beautiful girl into your clutches and torture her? I knew from the second you saw her that pain wasn’t the true plan.” He glances down. “That dusty cock of yours could use some moisture, and since you’ve never had an eye for me—“ He shakes his head. “Which is ridic since I’m gorgeous. Anyway, point is, I’ve seen the way you’ve looked at your creepy surveillance shit. She’s di erent.” I grip the back of his shirt and haul him out of my room. “Rough, yes, Daddy,” he purrs as I toss him away. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He straightens, somehow managing to keep all the glass in the pail. “I so do.” He runs one hand through his blond hair, perfecting the swoop along the top. “The only thing di erent about this girl is that I want her blood more than anyone else’s.” “Blood? Is that what you breeders are calling pussy these days?” I grind my teeth. Jacques is walking a fault line, one that’s ready to shatter. “Look. You want her. And not for basement time. That’s okay. You need to let yourself have these sorts of pleasures. Love is in the air.” He grins.

I glare. “Love? You’re mistaken.” “Am I?” He does a little jig. “I think not. I think you’re smitten.” I advance, and he breaks up his dance and dodges back. “Now, Ajax, calm that temper. There’s no way you can woo the girl if you’re always threatening to skin people or flay people or gut people or any of those other things you say.” “Those are all true. I’ve done those things.” I pull up my fists and flex. “With these hands.” He seems unimpressed. “Right. Your enemies. But not innocent little girls with big eyes and curvy, tempting bodies.” Jacque is as gay as the day is long, but it still doesn’t sit right with me for anyone to comment on Helen’s body. In fact, it makes a new emotion rear its ugly head. Jealousy that’s tinted with possessiveness. “Don’t look at her.” I grate. He pops o a high-pitched laugh and twirls just outside my reach. “See? Just what I thought. You’re a goner for the girl.” I press my palms to my face, the ruined side too flat and slick beneath my hand. Ruined. Half of me is ruined because of her. Because of her family. When I drop my hands, I stare straight at Jacques. “I’m not a goner. Once she’s regained her strength from the food you sent, I’m going to drag her down into the basement, lock her in, bleed her slow, and get every ounce of payback I’m owed. She can scream and cry and beg, but I won’t stop. I deserve this. I’ve been simmering on it for years. And now it’s my

time to make the Carrigans pay. Helen will su er and die by my hands.” A strangled gasp catches my ear, and I turn. My stomach drops to the floor when I see Helen behind me, her skin blanching white as she puts a hand to her mouth. The horror in her eyes is like poison in my veins, and for the first time in a long, long time, I feel remorse. I feel…wrong. Even when I was saying the words, I knew they were a lie. But I want them to be true. I want to feel nothing except my need for vengeance. But the moment I look in her eyes, I know all my words are empty. I can’t hurt her. Won’t hurt her. And God help anyone who ever tries to. “Helen.” I step toward her. She shakes her head, her entire body trembling as she turns and runs from me, her hair flying back and her retreating back like the wisp of a ghost disappearing down the long, dark hall.




sprint down the long hallway, and my lungs start to burn as I get to the end. I veer to the right and continue on until a set of stairs comes into view. I slow down, looking behind me to see if I’m being followed. The coast is clear as far as I can see. No beast. I don’t know if my heart is pounding from fear or from the sprint I’ve just done. I head down the stairs. When I get to the bottom, I find a door leading outside. I pull on it, but it doesn't budge. I try again, hoping that something has changed within the last second but still, nothing. I run my finger over the panel next to it. I’m guessing you need the number code to open it. I smack the door, only hurting my own hand in the process. I’m not sure if it even matters. When I looked out the window earlier, it seemed as if we were in the middle of nowhere. I know it’s night out already, which would limit my options even if I did get out. I give up on the door, knowing it’s fruitless. I pull on a few more doors and pop my head into the rooms that open. Until I get to one that’s an o ce. I enter that one, closing the door behind me and locking it. I rush over to the

desk and look through the drawers for anything I think I’ll be able to use to get out of here. I guess I need something to protect myself, too. My eyes start to sting with tears as I replay what he said. His words had been like a dagger to my heart. It’s my own fault though. I should have known better than to believe he was a good guy. He doesn't only want to kill me. He wants to make me su er. What has my family done to him to make him hate me so much? It feels as though I’m always paying for the sins of my parents. That I’ll never get out from the shadow my family name has cast upon me. Maybe I’m as bad as them. To the rest of the world they look polished and put together, but I know better. If walls could talk and if people could see what goes on behind closed doors, everyone would know what dysfunctional people they were. I had the pleasure of growing up with a mother who drank too much and a father who burned through women. They cared about no one but themselves, and they would do anything to keep their shortcomings and dirty deeds a secret. I know they got some of their money from shady deals, but I didn’t know they’d resorted to having people physically harmed. I’d put most of this together over the years by seeing the people that would come and go from the house. Oftentimes, there were stacks of money that would fill up a whole table as machines counted it out. Still I took the money without question when they gave it to me. What kind of person does that make me? I slam the drawer closed, finding nothing I can use.

This is bullshit. I already wear scars because of them. I wipe the tears away from my face. How could he kiss me like that and still want to do all those horrible things to me? He truly is a beast. I tried to fantasize him into something he wasn't. I slip out of the o ce as I continue my search. For what, I’m not sure. I freeze when I enter the kitchen and see the man the beast had been talking to in the hallway earlier before I’d interrupted them. He gives me a smile. “Are you still hungry?” he asks. I stand there and stare at him. Is that really what he’s asking me right now? “Ajax gave me a list of foods you like, and I stocked the pantry as well. I have to admit those frosted animal crackers are wonderful, but I draw the line at cheese in a can. I mean, I got it, but do you really eat that? I can get you fresh cheese from anywhere in the world. All you have to do is say the word.” “I like all cheese. I don’t discriminate,” I find myself saying. Why would the beast have all my favorite food stocked here if he was only going to murder me anyway? What if that was part of his plan? Maybe he planned to make me fall in love with him and then break my heart. He would make me feel comfortable, make me lower my guard, and then he would end me when I least expected it. He sighs. “I guess you got me there. I’m a cheese snot.” I let out a small laugh. “Cheese snot sounds terrible. That is a cheese I would not eat.” I turn when I hear the sound of thunderous steps coming. I know it has to be the beast with how heavy each one lands. I take o again. I try to stop at the first door to slip inside before he can see, but I slide past it,

falling. I scramble to my feet and rush inside while ignoring the burn on my knee. “Have you seen her?” I still at the sound of Beast's voice. “Who?” the nice man asks. “Jacques.” he growls. My heart pounds at the tone of his voice. Would he hurt him, too? “You lost her, so you find her.” Beast lets out a few curses. It’s only seconds until I hear his steps drawing closer to me. I search around the dark room wondering what the hell kind of closet it is that I stepped into. I bump into something and feel something hit me. Then something else falls. I let out a small scream and the door swings open, filling the small room with light. It takes me a moment before my eyes adjust to it. Beast is standing in the doorway staring at me. I shift over, not sure what to do, but I let out another scream at the loud pop sound that almost causes me to come out of my skin. Maybe he won’t have to skin me after all. It’s then I realize I stepped on an unopened chip bag. I have been hiding in a giant pantry. “Come out. I’m not going to hurt you.” “No. You’re a … a …” “Asshole? Hideous?” He supplies for me. “Meanie head” is all I can think of. I hear Jacques laugh. Beast turns his head to look towards him, and I steal that moment to make my move. I run

towards him, hoping to knock him o balance so I can run away. Instead I collide with him and bounce o . He grabs me before I can fall and pulls me into him. “Did you hurt yourself again?” His voice is rough, loud. My knee still burns from when I fell on it earlier. “What? Are you sad you didn't get to hurt me yourself?” I shout back at him. “Helen. Watch yourself. I won’t be responsible for my actions when you take that tone with me.” I swallow hard. “You’re already going to kill me. Torture me. Make me pay for the sins of my parents. What does it matter?” “Killing you isn't what I want to do right now,” he growls out before he pins me to the wall, and his mouth is on mine again. The beast taking what he wants from me. The only question is, how much am I willing to give him?




tear myself away and put her on her feet. It takes every thread of self-control I still possess, but I have to do it. To show her I can control myself.

When I put her down, she looks up at me with big, dazed eyes. “I’ll fight you, you know.” She tries to step back and almost knocks her head against a pantry shelf. I manage to wedge my hand in there before she makes contact. “Back!” She raises her fists. Like two little peeled potatoes, soft and smooth. “I may not win, but I’ll hurt you!” “Better back up, boss.” Jacques sniggers behind me. I grab her shoulders and pull her from the pantry before she hurts herself again. But she’s scared and lashing out, hitting me with those tiny little fists. It almost tickles. “All right.” I close the door behind her, set her against it, then back up. “You’re all right.” “Stop manhandling me!” she snaps.

But I see her hard nipples, the flush in her cheeks, the glassy look in her beautiful eyes. “I think you like it when I manhandle you, beauty.” “That’s my cue.” Jacque sidles up to her and hands her a long knife. “Just poke him with this if he acts up.” “Jacques.” I glare at him, but he doesn’t even turn around, just gives her an air kiss on one cheek and saunters away into the back hall. I take a deep breath. “Put the knife down.” She thrusts it toward me, though she’s nowhere near making contact. “Stay back.” “You’re going to hurt yourself.” “No, I’m going to skewer you.” She brandishes it again, but then the door behind me creaks. I spin and find Fuzzy jumping onto the counter and sni at the snack tray Jacques left for us.


“Rude,” Helen scolds and steps forward. But when I turn back to her, she raises the knife and tries to move away. Except this time she dodges left. Right into the open cupboard door. “Whoa.” I rush up and take the knife right before she flails. “Get o


I steady her, then give her space again. “You would’ve sliced your arm to the bone.” I throw the knife in the sink across the way. It lands with a clang that makes her flinch.

“Sorry.” “Sorry?” She crosses her arms over her middle and backs into the open spice cupboard. “You’re sorry? You brought me here to torture me and murder me, and you’re sorry?” Her voice takes on a high pitch. “I can explain.” I hold my hands up, palms to her. “You can let me go is what you can do. Fuzzy and I don’t want to be here.” I glance over at the cat. He’s making a nice little meal of the goodies Jacques prepared. “Fuzzy!” she hisses. He ignores her and keeps chowing down. “Fuzzy, get over here, you chubby little traitor! He’s going to hurt us!” He looks up, then dives back in. “Ugh!” Her eyes travel the kitchen, and I have no doubt she’s looking for another weapon. “You can’t keep me here. I won’t let you hurt Fuzzy, and I’ll fight you. I’ll do everything I can to—” “A fire.” I say it quietly, but somehow the words are heavy, sinking to the ground at my feet and hovering there like a choking fog. “Wh-what?” She blinks. I swallow hard, my palms suddenly sweaty, and then I do something I’ve never done. With a swipe of my hand, I pull the hair back from the ruined side of my face and turn so she can see the entire wreck.

She stares. It’s silent ... other than the sound of Fuzzy chewing. “Fire?” Her voice is softer now. The fear still echoing but not so sharp. “When I was younger. Eighteen.” I pause for a long moment. “I’ve never told anyone this. Not even Jacques, though he’s plenty clever enough to have pieced it together.” I drop my hair and return my gaze to hers. What I see there slays me. It’s not disgust like I expected. Not the fear I deserve. There’s something in her eyes that pummels the jagged rocks around my heart. Sorrow. This beautiful creature pities me. Even though I brought her here to hurt her. I have to go on, to keep telling the story or it might die on my lips. “It was my birthday.” I lean on the counter, needing the support. She steps closer. “We had a small family dinner at my father’s restaurant. Then we drove home. I’d planned on sneaking out later that night to have some fun with my friends. After my parents were in bed, I crept down the stairs, and that’s when I found them. Three armed men. One of them used the butt of his gun and pistol whipped me until I fell. I can’t say if I passed out or was just, I don’t know, dazed. They tied me up. The next thing I saw was my mother.” I swallow hard, the scent of blood in my nose. Her blood. “She’d been killed, her body tossed beside me.” “No,” she whispers. I don’t know when Helen got close enough to touch me, but she grabs my arm, holding on to me. “My father is next. I can still see his eyes. Open. Not closed like in the movies.” I close my own eyes. “Can you smell it?”

“Hmm?” She presses her cheek to my arm. “The gasoline? I can. I can still feel the heat of that first whoosh of flames, the sizzle of my skin.” I reach up and touch the too-smooth surface. “I’m so sorry.” She reaches up and wipes a tear from my cheek. I hadn’t realized I’d shed it. “I barely survived. But I did. And I grew strong. And I promised vengeance on the people who hurt me and killed my parents.” “Did the police catch them?” I turn to her, meeting her watery gaze. “No. But I did. I hunted down those three men and took pleasure in their torture. And they gave up the name of the one who ordered my family’s death. You see, my father had refused to pay protection money for over a year.” “Protection?” she asks so, so sweetly, her brow wrinkling in confusion. “Right. If you don’t pay, then your business gets busted over and over again instead of protected. But if you do pay, well, your business is safe. My father got sick of paying, and he fought o anyone who tried to come in and strong-arm him. So, eventually, the protection racket wanted to make an example of him.” “You killed them. The protection men?” Something in her voice tells me that maybe somewhere inside her, she already knows. Not a conscious knowledge, but the feeling that maybe her kidnapping wasn’t random, my scars aren’t random, and our inexplicable link isn’t random, either.

“I killed the men who killed my parents. But before they died, they gave me the name of the family that ordered it.” “No.” Her eyes widen. That knowledge is rising to the surface. I can see the exact moment understanding blooms inside her. I rest my hand at her throat, then say the cursed name. “Carrigan.”




drop my head in shame. It’s something I’ve grown used to with my family name, but this time it hurts more than ever. His words of what happened to him had sliced through me, making my own scars seem as if they were child's play compared to his. I can’t look the other way this time or pretend that what my family has done didn’t happen. I can no longer ignore the reality of who they are. Not when it feels as if his dark eyes are not only looking at me but seeing inside my soul. I knew what he was going to say. That my family name would roll o his tongue. I could feel it. That somehow the truth would reveal my family’s involvement. His thumb rubs back and forth across my throat as I will myself not to cry. The tears wouldn’t be from fear. I’m not afraid of him. They would be to mourn the life that my parents had taken away from him. For the loss of his parents, his scars, and for every other thing that the Carrigan name had done to him. “I’m sorry.” I lick my dry lips as a tear finally escapes. “I know my words will never be enough. That they can’t bring you the revenge you seek or change what happened. But I am

sorry. It’s all I have to give.” His thumb stops drifting back and forth as his eyes drop to my mouth. The same mouth he’d kissed earlier. Did he hate himself for that? Was he mad because he was attracted to me even though I carried a name that he swore to destroy? Is that why he’d really stormed from the room? “It’s not all you have to o er.” I suck in a breath at the suggestiveness of his rough words as they leave his lips. He brushes my tears away with his soft touch. He looks pained at the sight of my tears. None of it makes sense. How can this be the same man who had such a horrible plan for me? When he looks at me as though he cares for me? I don’t believe he would have ever really gone through with it. He’s hurting, and he’s trying to make the hurt stop the only way he can think of. Right now, I want the same. To ease the hurt for him that I’m sure never goes away. One that he’s reminded of each day when he sees himself in the mirror. “You still want to kiss me?” I lean into him. I can feel his desire for me. It presses into the softness of my stomach. “Kissing you was…” He trails o , but I wait. I want to know what it was like for him. “Like nothing else mattered. It gave me something I haven't known in a very long time: peace.” A million butterflies take flight inside me. My whole body buzzes with excitement and something else I don’t quite understand. “Wow.” I rest my hand on his chest. “I really make you feel that way?” It excites me that I could have such power over someone. No, not someone. Him. My beast. I want it. I think I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything else.

“You’ve been an unexpected light in the darkness. One that I hadn’t even known I needed. Once I got a taste of you, I knew I’d never be the same. I had to have more. I tried to resist. I tried to hate you. But I wanted more. Needed it. Needed you.” His arm wraps around me, pulling me more into him as my feet leave the floor. He easily holds me to him as if I’m as light as a doll. “I need more of your light. Your beauty.” I wrap my arms and legs around him. “Okay. You can have me.” His eyes widen. “I mean, I guess you already have me, but I'm on board with it now. Like I was earlier before you said you wanted to skin me alive and go all Texas Chainsaw Massacre on me.” I shiver. “I hate those movies.” “I will have them all removed from the house and blocked on the televisions,” he says with a straight face that makes me let out a small laugh. He moves with me in his arms and sets me down on the kitchen island. I notice he doesn't say anything about me o ering myself to him. I try not to let my insecurity get to me. This isn’t about me right now. It’s about a man, this man hurting. “That’s sweet of you.” I give him a soft smile. “Sweet?” He repeats the one word like it’s foreign to him. His eyes drop to my knees, and he lets out a curse. “Eat,” he barks at me before stomping around the kitchen island and pulling open some of the drawers loudly. He rummages through one of them for a second before he finds whatever he’s looking for. I can’t pull my eyes away from him. I bite my lip to keep from laughing. He finally hits some button on the wall and

demands to know where the first aid kit is. Jacques tells him, but not before beast threatens to kill him a couple of times. I’m starting to think he doesn’t remember how to request or ask for things without barking them out like orders. “I told you I’m fine.” I sigh when he rounds the island with the first aid kit in hand. “And I told you to eat.” He goes back to barking yet another order at me. We have a mini stare o before I break and pop some cream-filled pastry into my mouth. He gives me a firm nod, pleased that he’s won this round before he goes to work on my knee. “For a man who is going to skin me alive, you go to great lengths to make sure I’m not hurting myself or getting upset when I do.” I grab another pastry. The cream melts in my mouth. It has a hint of vanilla bean in it. My favorite. “Stop saying I was going to skin you alive.” He gives me a look that I’m guessing makes others go running. The only thing it does to me is make me want to run my fingers through his hair. One of his hands rests on my thigh as he puts an unnecessary Band-Aid on me. His hand drifts back and forth like he’s petting my skin. I’m noticing he does that a lot when he touches me. I’m not complaining, because I’ll take his hands on me any chance I can get. He looks up at me from his knees. My legs part on their own. I feel myself growing wet again, my body wanting another orgasm that it knows he can give it. “I can’t hurt you.” He admits what I already know. “But I also can’t let you go.”



I fingers.

tell her the truth. It’s as if my tongue can’t form any more lies. Not with her. I will never hurt her. My plans have dissolved like water through my

It’s foolish and completely unlike me. Then again, every step I’ve taken with Helen has been out of character if I truly think about it. I’ve watched her for so long. Scrutinized every bit of her life. My other victims? I gave them no thought except vengeance, no time except what it took for me to end them. I may be di erent for my sweet Helen, but my enemies will receive no mercy. If anything, I’ll do much, much worse to them to protect Helen. “What are you thinking?” She runs her finger along my good eyebrow. “You were here with me, and then you went away and got all broody.” I peer down at her luscious lips, a streak of cream at one corner just begging to be licked. “I’m not broody.” She inhales so hard she snorts, then laughs. A beautiful sound, one never heard by these walls. “You are the

absolutely most broody person I’ve ever met.” I grunt my response and lean closer, the cream and her skin a dare. Her breath speeds up, the pulse at her throat fluttering wildly. I want to taste it, to lick up her neck and down, down, down to the secret place between her legs. Feasting on her is a dream, a desire that stokes heat low in my stomach. I want to ruin her with my mouth, wreck her with my tongue in all her delicious places. Leaning closer, I stare at her lips. “Wait. We need to talk about—“ I take her mouth, tasting the sweet cream and her. She melts for me, her arms going around my neck as she sighs against my lips. Then she sti ens and pulls back. “Hey, quit trying to distract me.” I lick her from my lips. “I’m not distracting you.” With a pull, I lift her into my arms and turn to the hall. “I’m taking what’s mine. I want all of it, down to the last fucking drop, and I want it now.” “That’s…” She swallows hard. “You, um…” She seems lost in my words, but then she sti ens her chin. “As I was saying,” she says petulantly, but I can hear the breathiness underneath. “We need to talk about things. Like what happened to you after my parents—“ She frowns when she mentions them. “I mean, I need to know what happened after,” she says softly as I carry her to my bed. “Did you su er terribly? You must have.” She nods to herself. “But now you have all this, so I can’t connect the boy who lost everything to this enormous mansion. Connect the dots for me?”

There’s no way to sugarcoat it, not now. This house and its grounds, the accounts full of zeros tacked onto large numbers, the wealth that seems to spring from my fingertips like a Midas touch—it’s all dirty. “I’m a bad man, beauty. The worst, if I’m being honest.” I lay her on the bed, then reach back and pull my shirt o . Her teeth worry her lip as she stares up at me, her gaze wandering down the muscled expanse of my abs to the waistline of my pants. My face may be ruined, but I’ve made a monument of the rest of me. No weakness. Only strength. And the way she’s looking at me right now? The work is more than worth it. But I can’t let her think I’m some sort of white knight, though when she refers to me as her hero, something tightens in my chest, and I feel … I feel a warmth that is as out of place as it is pleasant. Even so, she needs to know what she’s getting into, because I intend to be balls deep in her tonight, and once I claim her, she’s mine forever. “I built this empire on the blood of my enemies. I do dirty deals. I hurt people. If anyone crosses me, I end them.” I pull her to a sitting position and reach for the hem of her shirt. She lets me take it from her and lift it over her head, and then I’m staring at soft skin and hard nipples trapped behind a white bra. “You do bad things, but you’re not a bad man.” She blinks up at me. I smirk at that. “Oh, beauty, I am utterly wicked. Like a demon from the depths of hell sent here to torment the living. I rip and tear and destroy, then I take what I want. I’ll show you just how deep the darkness goes once I’ve got you wet and wanting beneath me. Once you beg me for my cock.” She gasps and presses her thighs together, but not to hide from me. Because she moves her hips, as if she’s trying to

find friction to ease her. I lick my lips. “O .” I reach behind her and unclasp the bra, then toss it aside. When I push her back down to the bed, I step away and marvel at her beauty. I want to fuck those round tits and cover them with my seed. Just the thought of it sends a jolt to my cock. “More.” I hook my fingers in her bottoms and strip them o along with her panties. She makes a high-pitched sound in her throat, and her cheeks redden. Her hands move toward her breasts, but I gently set them away. “No shame.” I gaze down at the wet curls between her thighs. “Not from you, Beauty. Never hide this body from me. This perfection.” “I’ve never—” She takes a shaky breath as I shuck my own pants and boxer briefs and toss them aside. “You’ve never what?” I stand, and her eyes go straight to my cock. “I’ve never seen one in person.” Her mouth opens and she rolls onto an elbow to look closer. When her warm breath ghosts across my swollen head, I groan. “Never?” “No.” Her eyes feel like a touch as she takes in my length. I reach for her hair. “Remember when I told you I’m a bad man, my little one?” She looks up, her innocent eyes already glazed with lust. “Yes,” she whispers, her lips so close to my cock.

“Do you want me to show you just how bad?” I stroke her cheek. She darts her tongue out and tastes my pre-cum, and I groan low in my throat. I may be bad, but when my beauty takes me into her mouth with an eager tongue? It’s then I realize I’m not the only one with a wicked streak.




don’t know what comes over me, but all I can think about in this moment is tasting my beast. My tongue swipes across the head of his cock, stealing the drop of cum that had been teasing me. The sweet salty taste hits my lips, causing me to moan. I’m instantly greedy for more, so I suck the head of his cock into my mouth. I don’t exactly know what I’m doing, but based on the grunts that are coming from my beast, I figure I’m doing something right. I suck while trailing my tongue around the head, trying to find more. I realize that the harder I suck, the more turned on the both of us seem to get. His cum leaks into my mouth as though he can’t control it. I double my e orts, taking him as deep into my mouth as I can. “Fuck,” he growls out before he begins to thrust himself in and out of my mouth. His fingers caress my hair as he slowly pulses forward and back. His grip tightens in my hair, almost to the point of pain, as he begins to pick up speed. I open my eyes to look up at him. Wanting him to see how much I’m enjoying this. Needing him to know how much I want him.

His face is contorted. He almost looks as though he’s in pain. I start to pull my mouth away, but the groan that leaves him lets me know he’s enjoying every second of what I’m doing. A thrill runs through me at the pleasure I’m giving my beast. A man whose life has been filled with so much pain. What if I was meant to be here? He thinks he took me for revenge, but what if I’m the only thing that can heal him? To make him feel something more than pain and hate? “I need to taste you,” he says. Before I can protest, he’s on me. He lifts me, tossing me to the center of the bed. I bounce once before I feel his massive body over me as he pins me down. One arm rests over my stomach so that I can’t move as the other grabs my thigh and spreads my legs wide for him. My face warms as he stares down at my sex as if it’s a piece of art and he wants to catch every single detail. I know I’m embarrassingly wet for him. My shyness gets to me, and I try to close my legs and cover myself, but the look he shoots me has me stopping. “Are you trying to hide this from me?” I shake my head. “I think this pussy needs me.” “Yes, it does. We need you. I need you.” His fingers that are gripping my thigh dig in deeper with a hold so tight that I know I’ve bound myself to him with those words. I don’t think he ever plans on letting me go. That should scare me, but all it does is make me grow wetter. “It’s starting to ache so badly.” I try to lift my hips, but I can’t move. “I need you.” I plead with him to give me the

relief that I know only he can. My sex throbs, anticipating the pleasure. “I better fix that then. I told you I’d never hurt you.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, he buries his face between my thighs. His mouth devours me. He holds nothing back, taking away the hurt within seconds. The orgasm hits me so fast I’d be embarrassed if he wasn't already pushing me toward another. I cry out in pleasure as the second hits me harder than the first. The pleasure is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. I try to tell him I can’t take anymore, but the only thing that comes out of my mouth are moans. So he doesn’t stop. He eats at me like the starved beast that he is. Feeding on me to fill the emptiness inside him. I let him, wanting to be the thing that nourishes him and brings him back to life. “Nothing should taste that good. No one besides me will ever know how sweet your little cunt is,” he growls before kissing my clit one last time, then he crawls his way up my body. I’m not sure if I’ll move ever again. My eyes flutter open to look up at him. I lift my hand, and my fingers trail down the scars that mark his skin. The same scars that brought us to this moment. “Nothing should feel that good.” I smile up at him. That wicked mouth of his glistens with the remnants of my orgasms. He leans down, taking my mouth in a possessive kiss. Marking me in a way that is deeper than any of the scars on our bodies, this one goes to my soul. I feel his cock start to push into me. Again, I know this is fast. I barely know this man. Some of the things I do know should leave me shaking in fear and not in need. He stops.

“Please.” I beg for more of him. I want to be connected in every way. “I said I wouldn’t hurt you.” His whole body is tight as I run my fingers up and down his back. “I want this. I’m asking you to hurt me this one time. To give us both what we want.” He closes his eyes like he’s in pain. I dig my fingers into his back. “Take me. I thought I was yours.” His eyes fly open and lock with mine. “You are.” He groans as his mouth falls to mine, and he pushes the rest of the way inside me. I feel the sharp pain for a moment, but the overwhelming sensation of finding what I’ve been looking for overrides everything. I wrap my legs around my beast and kiss him back. He thrusts in and out. His eyes never leave mine as he makes love to me. It’s so sweet and filled with need. It makes an array of emotions bubble up in my throat. I have to fight not to cry, but when he sends me over the edge, there’s no controlling the tears that break free. They spill down my cheeks, but my beast kisses each one as he spills his own release inside of me. I’m not so sure my beast is a beast anymore. At least not to me…




o?” Jacques waggles his brows as I enter the kitchen.

“Mind your business.” “You’re my business. All I do is haunt this mansion and keep you fed.” He rolls his eyes. “I pay you well.” “Not arguing.” He shrugs. “I just figured you’d want to share some details with me. You know. Man to man.” I open the fridge and peer at the neat rows of food. “I’m not telling you anything. Where’s the Brie and crackers? She likes that. And grapes. Maybe some of those little things with the flaky, you know, the flaky stu on the outside and there’s something in the middle. I don’t know if it’s cream or--” “Move.” He waves a hand at me. “I’ll handle it. You must’ve worn her out to the point of starvation. Well done.” I back away from the fridge and let him do his thing. Jacques may be a pain in my ass, but he’s the closest thing I’ve ever

had to a friend. Not that I’d tell him that. It would go to his head just like everything else. No thank you. “How was your first time, by the way?” He throws out the question as if it isn’t a ten-ton bomb covered with barbs. “I’ve never told you I haven’t …” “Had sex?” he fills in for me. “You don’t have to say a word, boss man.” He gives me a wink and keeps arranging a plate of food. I don’t respond. I don’t have to. He knows me too well. Even though I berate him, threaten him, complain at him— Jacques knows me. And though my smile only works on half my face, he sees it and matches it. “That good, eh?” “If my face wasn’t already melted o , that would’ve definitely done it.” His eyes widen. “Saints preserve us, I think he just told a joke.” “Don’t get used to it.” I try to school the half of my face that works, to tame the errant smile. But I can’t. Because I can’t stop thinking about Helen. And that just brings the smile right back full force. “Love will do that,” he sighs as he watches me struggle. That word has a ring to it. A ring of truth. Love. My feelings for Helen, bottled up for months as I’ve watched her. And now that I’ve tasted her? Yes, I believe I’m in love with every last bit of her. Her quick mind, clumsy ways, curvy body, and innocent eyes. How could I not love a beauty like her?

I drop my gaze to the counter, the shiny stainless steel giving me an even more distorted view of my face. My stomach churns as I glimpse the truth in that reflection. I may love the beauty, but she will never love the beast. Even if she looks at me with tenderness in her eyes, she still sees me. The monster. The hideous burned thing that should’ve crawled into a hole and died. Not lived. Not thrived. “That’s the bad face. Why are you making the bad face now?” Jacques slides a perfectly-appointed platter across the counter to me. “None of this is any business of yours. I pay you to cook, clean, and—” “Follow your orders.” He gives an exasperated sigh. “I know. I know. I thought getting some pussy would lighten you up, but—” He squeaks as I wrap my hand around his throat and lift. “Don’t call her that,” I grit out. He shakes his head, and I lower him to the floor. With a cough, he leans against the counter and feels his throat. “Jeez. I was just trying to be a bro. Talk like one of you breeders.” He coughs again and gives me a betrayed look. For once, I actually feel … Bad. Wrong. Sorry, even. “I’m …” I can’t get the word out. “You’re what?” He folds his arms across his chest, hurt still flashing in his eyes.

I try again. Running a hand through my hair, I mumble, “I apologize.” He jolts. Literally jolts straight up, and if he were a dog, his hair would be standing on end. “Did you just say you’re sorry? Holy shit you’ve never said that in the entire time I’ve known you.” He bounces on the balls of his feet. “You know what? Let me put some extra prosciutto on the plate. That darling girl deserves it and more.” He turns and gets back to work, the hurt gone. Maybe I’m losing my touch. Maybe she makes me soft. Or maybe … she makes me better.

“I can’t go again. I think I strained my vagina.” She flops back onto the bed, her perfect body covered in a fine sheen of sweat. “Strained vagina?” I roll over, caging her between my arms. “That sounds like something I should kiss and make better.” She smacks at my cheek, then kisses me. I’ll never get enough of her. We’ve been together for a week, always touching, fucking, doing all the things I’ve dreamed about doing with her. I hand feed her when she lets me. She reads from her textbooks to me while she studies. She was embarrassed at first, but I told her I could happily listen to her read the obits. Her voice is angelic, sweet, and soothing to my dark soul.

I had Jacques fetch all the things from her dorm. There was no police tape, nothing awry when he visited in the dead of night. The Carrigans would never dial 911, never do anything to bring attention to their missing daughter. They’d learned from the many ransom attempts to keep a low profile. More than that, her mother saw me. She knows who I am, which means she likely has a damn good idea right where her daughter is. Even so, no one would dare darken my doorstep. “I swear if you put your mouth on me again, I may have a seizure,” she groans into my neck and runs her tongue along my skin. “Keep doing that, and I won’t be able to stop myself, beauty.” “Ajax.” She nibbles my bottom lip. “My beast.” I love it when she calls me that. Because it’s perfect. I’m a beast. Wild and destructive to our enemies, but protective and loving to my mate. I roll over and pull her on top of me. “Rest.” I wipe her hair from her forehead and trail my fingers down her back. “Will you tell me today?” She sti ens almost imperceptibly. “You don’t have to,” I add quickly. I’ve been asking, but I won’t push her. Not on that score. I know all too well how hard it is to talk about scars, and not just the ones on the outside. Whatever happened to Helen left marks I can’t see. When I find out what happened to her, I intend to make the responsible party pay in blood. But I have to be patient. Helen’s already shared so much. Her dreams of living her own life free of her parents, of how badly she wanted to pretend her life was normal when she was younger.

I shared, too. About the loneliness. The darkness. And the need for vengeance that still thrums through my veins with every pulse of my heart. But she doesn’t fear me. Never has. Not really. She still thinks I’m her hero. I smile at that. “What was that for?” She kisses the corner of my mouth. “That devastatingly handsome smile?” “For you.” I run my hands down to her ass and squeeze. “Always for you.” I thrust my hips against her. “Now about me kissing it better, how about I start—” “Boss!” Jacques knocks on my door so hard that Fuzzy goes skittering across the floor with his ears down. “What?” I call out, but I’m already moving. The tone of his voice tells me there’s trouble. “A package came for you.” He clears his throat. “Hold the delivery person.” “Can’t.” “What?” “A drone dropped it on the front steps.” “Wow. Amazon is really stepping it up.” “Not that kind of delivery.” I pull her from the bed and wrap the blanket around her. “Hide in the closet until I return.” “What? Why?” “Just stay there. You’re safe, but I need to handle whatever this is. Okay?” I kiss her forehead. She frowns but nods. “Okay.”

“Keep Fuzzy company. I’ll be back.” I hurry her to the closet where I grab some pants, then close the door. Then I’m in the hall and dashing toward the front door with Jacques at my heels. “Careful, boss,” he cautions. Though I can’t be certain, an alarm blares in my mind that this is about Helen. About us. And it won’t be good. I get to the door and swing it wide. Maybe they have a drone, but they sure as fuck don’t have a sniper that can get onto this property without me knowing. Assholes. I swipe the box from the steps and bring it inside. “What is it?” Jacques dances around, nerves vibrating in his voice. “If it’s a bomb, we’re fucked.” With rough hands, I rip open the package. The only thing inside is a single red rose, the petals crisscrossed in scars that look eerily similar to the ones on my beauty’s back. Beneath the rose is a note. I pluck it from the box. “Is it Valentine’s?” Jacques scratches his chin. If I were the sort to roll my eyes, I would. “No, idiot.” I unfold the note. In a flowing hand, it says simply, Return her now or she will su er the consequences.




hold Fuzzy close to me, burying my face in his fur. Everything is going to be okay. It has to be. I’ve never been this happy in my whole life. To get a taste of this life and have it ripped from me would be the same as ripping my heart right out of my chest. I won’t let anyone hurt my beast nor will I let anyone take him away from me. I think my beast believes he needs me. He has no idea how much I need him too. Time slowly ticks by, but I wait. No matter how much I want to open the door and see what might be going on, I do as my beast asked and remain hidden. If anything I’d end up hurting myself or getting Ajax hurt. I wish I could help, could fight, could call my friend Lily, could do anything at all to somehow change whatever badness is about to go down. I feel it in my gut—dread. Something’s not right. The wait feels as though it’s an eternity. When the closet door starts to open, I put Fuzzy down and spring to my feet. When I see my beast I throw myself at him, needing to feel his body against mine.

He catches me easily. I wrap myself around him tightly, kissing him all over his face. His eyes fall closed for a moment as he relishes my a ection. It's something I’ve noticed he does. No matter how much a ection I give him, he always wants more. It makes me feel loved and wanted. I’ve never felt as though I was truly wanted until him. “Are you okay?” I ask, kissing the corner of his mouth, but I don’t give him a chance to answer before I slip my tongue past his lips. The only response he can give me now is a groan as he presses me up against the closest wall. He takes my mouth as though we’ve been apart for months instead of minutes. I start to pull at his clothes, needing him inside me in order to reassure myself that everything is fine. He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against mine. “I can’t think when you do that.” “Do what?” I wiggle against him. Why the heck are we stopping? “Anything.” I laugh. “Even that giggle.” He maneuvers so that I reluctantly let my legs drop as he puts me on the ground. He takes a step back. “Don’t give me that look.” He tries to level me with a stare that I’m sure scares everyone else. I’m not everyone else, and I sure as hell am not scared of him based on the constant throb I have between my legs when he’s around. “What? This is my face.” “The pout.” Oh. I suck my bottom lip into my mouth.

“Not helping.” He runs his hand down his face, keeping the space between us. Something must be really wrong if my beast isn’t trying to touch me. “Who was at the door?” “Someone looking for you.” I scrunch my nose, not really feeling scared. I don’t think Ajax will let anything happen to me. “My parents?” Who else would be looking for me? “Do you think your parents would hurt you?” I look down at the floor, not sure how to answer that question. I don’t really want to try to, either. His hand comes to my face, tilting my head back to look up at him. Maybe I should be worried. For the first time I see fear in my beast’s eyes, and that causes me to feel unsettled. “I don’t know what else they could be capable of anymore. Not after what you said they did to you and your family.” I never thought it had gone that far with them. Or maybe I didn't want to believe they could do any worse than they already had, so I lied to myself. “How about whoever did that to your back? Are they still out there?” “No.” I shake my head with certainty. “How can you be so sure?” I turn my head so his hand drops away and I make my escape. “I just know.” I walk over to the end of the bed and pick up my sandals. I kicked them o earlier and put them away. Ajax watches me closely.

“Helen.” He grabs my hand to stop me from starting to straighten up the bedroom. He knows I’m trying to change the subject. “I’m a mess.” I let out a small laugh. “I’m surprised you haven't kicked me out.” I try and tease, but my own words hit me right in the stomach. “Helen.” He says my name even softer this time. “Who hurt you? I’ll make them pay for what they did.” He pulls me into him. “I thought you said you’d never hurt me.” “Never,” he growls out. “I made those scars.” I reach up and touch his. “Those marks are of my own making,” I admit. He searches my face. I try and push at his chest, needing space, but he doesn't give me any. “You’re not the first to kidnap me in hopes of getting something from my parents.” His nostrils flair. He wants to know. I’ve seen it in his eyes for days now, but he’s been trying to be patient for me to tell him. I think being patient is something new to him. I find it sweet that he was trying for me. It looks like time’s up, though. He’s not going to let me avoid the question again, and I don’t want him thinking the worst, so now is as good of a time to tell him as any. “I was thirteen when I was grabbed outside of school. I’m not sure how long they had me. A week maybe? They locked me in a closet.” I close my eyes, remembering the small, tight room I was in. I was so sure I was going to die. Small, dark places still haunt me. I think they always will. I open my eyes and continue, wanting to get it all out.

“I’m guessing they wanted money. My parents never got into the details with me. I mean, what else could it have been? The only thing I never understood about it was why my parents hadn’t paid and come for me.” I was so sure they’d come for me. They hadn’t. “I thought it was all about the money back then. Now I’m not so sure with all I’ve learned.” His hold on me tightens. “They forgot to lock the closet one day. I got out and made a run for it, climbing out a window. I had no idea where I was, and it was pitch black, so I did the only thing I could think of and ran. I came to a fence covered in wire. I couldn't climb it. It was impossibly high. But I could try and go under it. I thought I was small enough.” I reach back and run my fingers along the scars as I think back to that night. “I got away. Not without wearing the scars of that fence, but I did it.” I try not to think about the pain, about the patchwork of scrapes and cuts that only grew deeper the more I struggled to pull myself out on the other side. Sliding back and forth, grunting in the dirt, and feeling each stabbing sting as tears rolled down my cheeks. I shiver. “You saved yourself.” I nod, a knot forming in my throat. My parents never came. Now I’m not even sure if they ever would have. They haven’t come for me this time either, but for that, I’m grateful. “The scars don't bother me,” I admit. “I did what I had to. When I look at them, I feel proud of myself. I know that might sound crazy, but I do.” My eyes fill with tears. “But it still makes you cry?” “My mother hates them. Like I ruined myself that night, marred her beautiful rose with blood and scars.”

He looks at me, the knowledge in his eyes deep enough to drown me. “I’ll never forget the pain of the dozens of surgeries and procedures my parents made me have to try and rid those scars from my body. They had to put their beauty back together. That was all that mattered to them.” A tear escapes. My beast quickly wipes it away. I look up at him. “It’s never me people are trying to get their hands on. Not really. I’m just the thing people use in their vendettas. I think the better question is who wants to hurt you?”




have more enemies than I can count. Each one of them would like nothing more than to get their hands on my Helen. But none of them know about her. It’s not possible. The only person who saw me take her, who knows what I’ve done, is her mother. Would she threaten her own daughter with additional scars? I don’t think so, not after what Helen just revealed to me. Fuck, my heart aches when I think about what she went through. I felt her words like a punch in the gut. Each surgery on my face was a disaster, each attempt to fix me only making the scars that much worse. This entire time I’ve been thinking we’re opposites, when in fact, we have far more in common than I could’ve ever imagined. “Why couldn’t you tell me before?” I ask her as I run my fingers down her back and feel the pain written on her skin. Her chin trembles. “I didn’t want you to think I was weak.” That response knocks me on my ass. “Why would I ever think you were weak?” I stroke another tear from her cheek.

“Because here I am crying about a few cuts on my back when you had your face and your future ruined by my family. You’re so strong. You don’t take any shit about your scars, and I wish I could be like that instead of some weak crybaby who wasn’t strong enough to escape without hurting myself, who wasn’t strong enough to tell my parents no when they forced me to have surgeries and procedures, who wasn’t strong enough to—” I kiss her before she can spew any more lies. I tell her just how much I respect her, how strong I think she is with each stroke of my tongue. Palming her ass, I lift her and carry her to the bed. The blanket falls away, right along with her sandals, as I lay her down and crawl on top of her. Pulling back, I stare into her eyes. “You are strong.” She shakes her head. I grip her chin and hold her steady. “You are, beauty. You saved yourself. You didn’t wait for your family or some white knight to show up. You’re like the wolf caught in the trap that chews o its own leg to escape. You took your freedom, no matter the cost. Don’t you see? That’s strength.” She reaches up and runs her fingers down my scars. “It’s nothing compared to what you went through.” That brings a smirk to my lips. “It’s not a competition.” She smiles back, her cheeks heating. “I know.” “And those scars are nothing to be ashamed of.” She shrugs. “They aren’t exactly my best feature.” I grin, my cock already harder than stone. “I’m certain I already know what your best feature is.” I press against her

warm, wet pussy. She rolls her eyes. “Oh yeah? I bet I know what you’re thinking.” “You should.” I lean down and press a soft, chaste kiss to her perfect lips. “It’s your heart.” Her eyes pop open. I grin and kiss her again. “Your heart, my beauty.” I trail kisses down her chest and stop over her left breast. “Right in here, the most beautiful part of you.” I kiss her soft skin. She runs her hands through my hair. “How are you so sweet?” I bark a laugh. “I’ve never in my life been called sweet.” Before she can respond, I grip her hips and turn her over, then swipe her hair away from her back. “Ajax,” she gasps as I press my lips to the biggest scar, then make my way along the jagged marks, kissing each one. She squirms beneath me, need rising up in her. My desire for her already consumes me. All day, all night—my beauty is my obsession. Her scars don’t take away from it. If anything, they’re battle wounds that show the depth of her strength. “I love your scars,” I whisper against her skin and watch as chill bumps race across her pale flesh. I kiss lower, my mouth hovering at the top of her luscious ass, and then I delve lower. When I spread her cheeks and tongue her tight asshole, she jolts. And when I press two fingers inside her soaked pussy from behind, she moans my name.

My tongue plays a symphony on her ass, licking and caressing the sensitive skin. With a pull, I lift her onto her knees, then move between her legs. With a steady shove, I fill her, and she moans as her toes curl. Gripping her shoulder, I pull her up to me. “Perfect.” I bite her shoulder and pump inside her with steady strokes. “Fucking gorgeous.” She reaches behind her and grips my hair. I can’t resist her tits, so I grip them and squeeze her nipples as I shove myself inside her tight walls. Her moans grow quicker, her body tightening around mine. I want to make this last, but when she starts to hold her breath, I know she’s so close. With a groan, I reach between her legs and stroke her clit. She comes apart, her breath releasing in a howl of delight as I push myself inside all the way to the hilt. Then I come, spurting my seed in her tight cunt as she milks me, her body greedily taking everything I have to o er. I want it to be like this always. “I love you,” I sigh as I lay her gently on the bed and kiss her neck. “I love you, Helen, and I always will.” She turns her head, her eyes meeting mine. “I love you, too.” I kiss her, claiming her for always. But in the back of my mind, I know there’s someone out there who wants to take all this away from me. I’ll find out who, and when I do, my basement chamber will finally see some use.




jax shifts on his feet, ready to get the hell out of here. He’s been itching to leave since the second we first stepped foot back on campus. The last two months have been magical, but we can’t stay locked away in his castle forever. No matter how much he believes that we can. “I think that was the last of it,” I tell my beast who stands in front of my dorm room. The moving company already left with the final box. Ajax has his arms folded over his chest. He’s been on edge all day. I know this is the last place he wants me to be, but he knows how important school is to me. I agreed to him coming with me today because I knew it was the only way. He needed to know I was safe and him being here gave him that. He stood outside my class while I took my final, which I’m pretty sure I aced. A final he said I could’ve taken at home on the computer. Somehow, he’d managed to get all kinds of strings pulled for me and my course work. I won’t be shocked if a building pops up on campus with his name on it. I know the only way people get this kind of treatment is by throwing money at something.

I look around the room, wondering if I’m forgetting something. I have to say I won’t miss anything in this room. Especially not my roommate, Piper. If I were a petty person, I’d allow Fuzzy to leave her a little going-away present, but I decide against it. “You have taken the test, gotten your things, and seen your friend Lily. I think we can leave now,” he says, answering the unspoken question I’ve asked myself. I guess he’s right. I’ve covered everything. “You’re lucky your grumpiness turns me on.” I point a finger at him. “You could have taken the test at home; movers could have done all of this.” He motions his hand around my small dorm room. “And your friend could have come to us. I would have sent a car.” I walk over to him and put my hands on his chest. I feel some of the tension leave his body now that I’m pressed against him. “We can’t stay locked away forever.” He starts to open his mouth, but I keep going. “As much as I love being locked away with you, there’s still a whole world out here. One I’d like to see from time to time. With you by my side, of course.” He lifts his hand and brushes a piece of hair out of my face before his fingers trail down my jaw. “They want to take you from me, and I don’t only mean my enemies.” “Yeah, about that, I don’t think my professor was trying to take me from you. He was o ering me a pencil.”

“That’s not all he was o ering you.” His body goes right back to being full of tension again. I think this is enough for one day. I’m ready to get home, too. It’s time for me to work all the worry out of his body for him. “Let’s go. Try not to shove me in the trunk this time.” I give him a cheeky smile as I open the door to leave my now-old dorm room. I take one last look and start heading down the hallway. I’ve made it all day without having to run into my roommate Piper, and I don’t want to push my luck. He gently grabs me by the wrist and pulls me back to him. “Must you always bring that up?” I swear his face pulls into a pout. I giggle. “It was the most interesting first date I’ve ever had.” His face grows darker as he leads me out of the building. “I mean, don’t knock the whole trunk thing. Not only did I give it up pretty quick, you even got me to fall in love with you.” He spins me around, his mouth crashing down on mine. I forget for a moment where we are, and I kiss him back with the same need. I get lost in the moment until I start to hear a few cheers and someone telling us to get a room. I knew that was going to happen. He can never not kiss me when I tell him I love him. He starts walking toward where we parked. This time I have to run to keep up with him. He opens the passenger side door, and I slip in. He looks around before jumping into the driver's seat and taking o . He truly is scared that someone will try to snatch me away from him. It’s been over two

months, and nothing else has come of the letter and rose that were delivered. We’d stayed hidden away where the rest of the world couldn't touch us. As much as I love it there, we have to face whatever this is. I have faith that my beast would never let anything take me from him. Each mile we get closer to home, he starts to relax. I feel myself doing the same. I smile, thinking about how this is my home now. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like I’ve had one before. One that really felt like it was mine. That I was happy to go home to. That’s what my beast has given me. I reach over, resting my hand on his thigh. If anything, I worry more about my parents. They have been strangely quiet, but I guess there isn't a way for them to get in touch with me. Today was the one and only time I’ve been back to the school. I think if they had reported me missing, that would have come up at some point with me still turning in schoolwork. It makes me think my beast has ordered them away. I don’t ask. I’m not sure I want to know. I think any answer will leave me feeling hurt. Life has been nice without them around. I had no idea how much darkness hung over me with them in my world. I almost laugh thinking about the only thing I have with my beast is light. He thinks I brought him into the light, but he’s done the same for me. Ajax starts to slow as we grow closer to his giant gate that looks so ominous. I suddenly realize it’s not the gate that’s creeping me out. It’s the fact that Carter is standing in front of it. The man I haven’t seen since our disastrous date. Since my beast saved

me from him. That felt like years ago now. I’d all but forgotten about him. From the look on his face though, it doesn't seem as if he’s forgotten about me. At all.




tay here.” I grip her hand for only a second.

“Give Helen to me, and we won’t have a problem,” the idiot calls. “The girl is mine.” I jump from the driver’s seat and rush him. Breaking his neck in front of Helen isn’t ideal, but I have to do this to keep her safe. Right when I get within striking range, he pulls a gun. I almost charge into him anyway, but Helen screams behind me. “Don’t!” She’s out of the car. “Stop!” I roar. I don’t want her coming any closer to the clown wielding the gun. “You aren’t taking her.” I hold my position but turn my body so I’m blocking his view of Helen. When I do it, the one dim light atop my fence illuminates my face. Carter gasps. “You really are a fucking monster. Her mother wasn’t lying.” He raises the gun to my chest, his hand trembling.

I bet he’s about to wet his skinny jeans. “Give me the gun.” I slowly raise a hand toward him. “Get back!” His voice has a tremble now, a quaver of fear that stokes the rage in my feral heart. “Give me the gun, and I won’t gut you.” My o er is reasonable. “I came to save Helen. I’m not supposed to kill you but—” “That’s a mistake,” I growl low. “Wh-what?” His eyes widen, then he shakes his head. “Not supposed to, but I will if I have to.” He backs up another step. “Helen?” he calls. “Come on. Get in the car.” “No way!” She’s too close behind me. Why didn’t she stay in the car? “I’m here to rescue you. Now get in the car, and we can escape from—” “I’m not going anywhere with you!” she yells. “See, Carter? She doesn’t want to go with you.” His gaze shoots back to mine, horror growing in the twist of his lips. “What did you do to her? Some sort of torture and brainwashing?” I shrug. “I’m going to do much worse to you.” “Stop taunting him!” Helen smacks my back. “He’s just dumb enough to shoot you.” I love it when she gets a little sass in her tone. I reach behind me and grab her hip, keeping her tight to me. If he fires that gun, I’ll take the round for her. There’s no way I’m letting him hurt my Helen.

“I’m warning you, mister.” He lifts the gun to my face. “I’ll blow you away, you fucked-up freak.” I smile at his pathetic threat and even more pathetic insult. “You have no idea just how fucked up I am. The monster on the outside isn’t half as bad as what’s in here.” I thump my chest. “Let me explain. I have a special room in my basement I use for my enemies. You are now my number one enemy in the entire world, which is saying something because there are so, so many who want me dead. But you, you get the special treatment of being the person I want to hurt the most. And I will. Slowly. Painfully. Drawn out for days. One time I had a guy last a month. I starved him and bled him, took his fingers for prizes, had the bones made into a necklace, and sent it to his father. What will I send to your parents, do you think?” “Jeez Ajax,” Helen whispers behind me and presses her forehead to my back. The shake in Carter’s hand ratchets up, and I glance to the shadows near the gate. When I meet his gaze again, I tsk. “Not alone? Can’t gun a man down all by yourself, Carter?” His eyes narrow. “She said you’d give me trouble.” “She?” Helen calls. “My mother? She doesn’t know what she’s doing. Whatever lies she’s told you are just that. Lies. You need to leave now, Carter. I promise you, if you don’t, you will regret it for the rest of your life.” “Your short life,” I amend. Helen pinches me. “What is this called? That Styrofoam Syndrome? Helen, this guy is a fucking monster. Just look at him! He’s brainwashed you! Probably tortured you this whole time, and God only

knows what else. But your mom promised me you’re mine. We’ll get married, they’ll make me the head of their operations, and then you and I can start a family.” “I’m definitely going to gut you.” I can’t stop the rage that cascades through my veins. Every muscle on my body is pulled tight. I want to spring at him and rip him to pieces, but I can’t move when I’m the only thing between Helen and a bullet. He raises a hand toward the shadows. “Come on.” Some goon steps out, and he’s dragging someone behind him. “Is that …” Helen peeks around my side, but I push her back. Jacques’ hair is all out of place, one of his eyes is already turning black, and fresh blood runs from his nose. He can’t speak with the gag in his mouth, but his eyeroll tells me plenty. “Let him go.” “Caught this little shit on a—” The goon hauls him upright. “What did you call it?” Jacques tries to speak, but only mmeph mmmun comes out. “Right.” The goon drags him closer to Carter. “A prosecco run.” Jacques rolls his eyes again. “Let him go.” “No.” Carter swings the gun and points it at Jacques’ head. “I’m not supposed to kill you. She said if I did, others would come for me. But this guy? He’s no one.”

He’s someone to me. And that’s the problem, isn’t it? Because there’s no way I’ll give up Helen. Not even for Jacques. Fuck. “Your face healed up mostly. Nose looks di erent, though.” I smirk and try to buy time. Carter sputters, his hand dropping only minutely. Not enough. “That was you?” He lifts his fingers to his nose. “That set me back fifteen grand. They had to reconstruct my perfect nose. Again. You motherfucker!” “I’m going to do much, much worse than that if you don’t drop the fucking gun and walk away.” I’m being perfectly honest. Carter won’t see another sunrise, but I can make it quick for him if he’s smart. If he’s not ... “I’ll kill him.” He shakes the gun, and I wonder if he’s going to fire the goddamn thing on accident at this point. I don’t respond. The tension grows thicker with each passing second. The goon gets worried enough that he shoves Jacques out in front of him, either to avoid being shot himself or getting brains spattered all over him. “Don’t do this. Jacques has never hurt a soul!” Helen cries. “These people aren’t your people,” Carter yells. “I’m your people!” “I’m not giving her to you.” “Ajax.” She grips the back of my shirt. “I’ll never give her up. Not to you, her parents, or anyone. Never.” I grate out the words.

“Fuck. Fuck!” Carter turns toward Jacques and squares up his shot. “I guess I’ll have to do it.” I squeeze Helen’s hip. Jacques gives me a pissed-o


When the idiot with the gun takes a deep breath, trying to work up his pathetic nerve to end a life, I lunge forward. A lot happens at once. But the main thing that sticks out to me is the pain in my stomach and the blood blooming on my shirt. Helen screams as I fall. “Oh, shit!” Carter shrieks. “I didn’t mean to—” The rest is lost when the goon’s boot comes down right on my head.




y hands shake as I stare at the blood on them. We left him there. Wounded and pretty much alone. I left him there. History seemed to be repeating itself. All of his pain was once again caused by my family. That thought almost breaks me. I tried to fight for him, but it didn’t matter how much I struggled and screamed, it hadn’t been enough. They’d easily gotten me into the back of the car. “Do you think he’s dead?” Carter asks, his voice shaking as he speeds down the road. He’s going to get us all killed if he doesn’t slow down. I open my mouth to say that, but no words come out. Is this how it feels to go into shock? I feel numb. I suppose it’s better than me having a panic attack. “I don’t know. Looked like he lost a lot of fucking blood. You should have shot him again. Made sure he was taken care of.” My stomach turns with the need to throw up.

“Fuck fuck fuck.” Carter hits the steering wheel over and over. “He’ll come after me if he’s not dead. Should we go back?” I can hear the tremble of fear in Carter’s voice. He should be scared. “Too late,” the other man says, glancing back at me. His eyes roam up and down, assessing me. “She’s hot. I thought she’d be ugly since they’re making you marry her.” My mind starts to shut down, not wanting to listen to their crude words about me. He has to be alive. Today was nothing compared to what my beast has been through. He’ll come for me. I know he will. Death would be the only thing that would stop him. To be honest, I’m not sure even that could. Even from the grave I know he’d save me somehow. Though I’m not sure I want to be saved by someone from the grave. I’d rather lie down with him. “Are you crying for that monster?” Carter’s eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror for a moment. The disgust is clear on his face. A humorless laugh leaves me. “You call him a monster.” I lift my hands still covered in blood. The car jerks, and horns begin blaring when Carter goes into the other lane, not paying attention to the road because his eyes are on me. “He hasn’t hurt anyone that hasn’t given him a reason to. You’re the one that showed up brandishing a gun, shot an innocent man, and took me against my will. Who’s the real monster here?” All of this was set up by my parents. That thought makes me sick. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I think Carter is the one who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but there’s no point explaining it. He’s a dead man. It doesn’t take long for me to realize where we’re headed. Eventually, we enter my parents' neighborhood. My eyes go back to Carter. Have they really sold me o to him? No wonder my mom was so flustered over the date. I’m not even shocked by this. Not after everything I found out about them. When we pull up to the front of the house, I think my parents will rush out to see me. They don’t. Carter has to actually knock before the door opens. My mom stands there wearing white slacks and a cream colored blouse looking put together as always. She doesn’t seem anything like a parent who thought their child had been kidnapped. No tears, no joyful reunion. She lifts her hands, then steps back with her eyes wide. “Helen. Do not get blood on anything.” “Don’t get blood on anything?” I repeat her words. Carter nudges me inside the door, then closes it behind us. “Yes. This sweater is vintage.” My mother preens. A smile spreads across my face. “But I’ve missed you.” I grab my mother, pulling her in for a hug. She screams and pushes at me to get free, almost knocking us both on our asses. “What is wrong with you?” she hisses. “She didn’t want to leave. I think she has Styrofoam Syndrome.” My mother doesn’t look shocked by this. Of course not. I’d still been doing my schoolwork and talking to Lily over the past two months. I’m sure she knew those things.

“You mean Stockholm Syndrome, you idiot,” she mutters, looking down at the sweater. “I wouldn't think a little blood would bother you, Mother.” I can’t keep the disgust out of my voice. When Ajax told me what my family had done to his, it had been a freeing moment for me. I had to stare into the face of what they’d done. There was no more hiding. And in that moment, I knew that I wanted nothing to do with any of them ever again. The last two months have been the best of my life. For the first time, I feel truly loved. I wasn't a pawn to Ajax. I was his everything. “Why all the blood?” She finally asks a reasonable question. “I had to shoot him.” Carter shrugs. Mother puts a hand to her temple. “I specifically told you not to kill him. No, you know what? All of you into the o ce. Your father can deal with you.” Carter pushes me down the hall. I have no choice but to go. My dad’s response to seeing me is the same as my mother’s. His mouth turns up in disgust at the blood all over me. I’m not the beauty they want me to be. I’ve been dirtied up in their eyes. The beast has left his mark on me in more ways than one. My father looks like he’s aged five years since the last time I saw him. His suit is a wrinkled mess. I don’t miss the scotch sitting on the corner of his desk. Mother follows us in, one hand still rubbing her forehead. “Is he dead?” is the first question out of my father's mouth. “I think,” Carter answers.

“Think?” Mother screeches. The fear is clear in her voice. It’s also written across my father's face. They’re terrified. Knowing that warms all my insides. They should be. “He’s not dead,” I finally say, drawing everyone’s attention to me. I think I’d feel it if he was. There would be a hole in my heart. “You’re going to wish he was, though.” “This is all your fault,” my dad hisses at my mom. They both launch into a screaming match. I slowly start to back out of the room when Carter joins in the fighting. They’re all making plans on how to fix this. How our lives will change. I stop when I back into the grunt that’s been with Carter this whole time. He shakes his head at me, letting me know I’m not going anywhere. I stare up at him. His eyes go wide for a moment before he opens his mouth to speak, but the only thing that passes his lips is blood. I let out a scream, jumping back just as his body hits the floor. Standing behind him is my beast. His eyes are a hurricane of rage and vengeance. He looks every bit of a beast. My beast.




he goon falls at my feet, and that’s when all the screaming starts.

I grab Helen and pull her behind me, then move quickly. Carter gives me an utterly surprised flick of his hipster moustache as I jam my blade into his gut, then yank the knife upward and twist. “Told you I’d gut you for touching her.” I grin as he looks down with horror, his insides now on his outside. He drops, his hands clutching at his stomach as he screams. I turn on Helen’s parents. Her mother backs away, and her father pulls a pistol from his drawer. Reaching out, I grab Helen’s mother and yank her in front of me. “Gerald!” she shrieks and tries to scramble away, but I keep her tight in my grip. “I’ll break her neck. Easy.” It’s not a threat. Just a simple fact, one Gerald seems to understand by the way his bloodshot eyes widen.

“What do you want?” He asks the question like a man who’s used to buying people o . And I suppose he is. But I’m one man he’ll never be able to repay. “Vengeance.” I grip her throat. “I know you think we did something to you. But whatever happened—” He swallows hard as he looks at the scarred side of my face. “It wasn’t us.” “Isn’t it a little late for lies?” “Call an ambulance,” Carter slurs from his spot on the floor. I kick his hand away from his destroyed gut. “Not long now, asshole.” “At least let us help him.” Gerald does impersonation of someone with a conscience.



“The way you helped my parents? The way you helped me?” I turn my head to the side, giving him the full view. He winces. “Ajax,” Helen says softly. I keep my eyes on Gerald and his pistol, but I’ll always answer my beauty whenever she calls. She’s going to beg me not to kill her parents. And what will I do then? When justice is completely denied to me? I’ll shove my revenge down deep and hope it never festers and rots, hope that the love I have for Helen can overcome the pit of rage her parents created inside me. “Yes, my beauty?” I ask. “If it gives you peace—” She takes a deep breath. “Kill them.”

Her mother gasps, and her father lifts the gun again, his finger already teasing the trigger. The worry that started eating away at me only moments ago begins to dissipate. Helen cares more about me than these vipers she calls parents. I want to pull her into my arms, to drag her to the nearest bed in this godforsaken place and make her mine all over again. I blink hard, trying to get rid of the spots filling my vision. Carter groans, but he’s not the only one bleeding out. His bullet is still inside me, lodged and doing more damage. But I have to see this through. Until Helen’s parents are dealt with, she’ll never be safe. “Darling, please, tell him you didn’t mean it,” Cass whines. “I do mean it. You took his whole life away from him. And you tried to do the same to me. I leave it up to Ajax.” “Helen!” Cass cries. “Please. I’m your mother.” “You left me to die. The scars you hate so much? You caused them when you abandoned me to my kidnappers. Your money was more important to you than I ever was. A wolf would’ve been a better mother.” The pain and anger in Helen’s voice steadies my nerves. She may not be able to voice it, but she wants this, too. An end to the vipers she calls parents. “Gerald—” Cass turns her entreaties to her husband. “Do something.” He looks at her, then up at me. I see it in his eyes before he does it. The bastard. “Gerald.” She gasps, surprise and rising fear in her tone. “What are you—”

He pulls the trigger. Not once. But again and again. Cass’s body jolts with the impacts, and I feel two slugs slam into my shoulder. When his mag is empty, he throws the gun at me and his dead wife, then tries to run from behind his desk. I let Cass drop, then reach out for him. He tries to sidestep, but I grab his shirt in my fist and yank him back. “This is my revenge,” I bite the words out as I grip his head on either side and twist until I hear and feel that satisfying pop. Then I let him go, his limp body dropping at my feet. When I turn, Helen is staring up at me with a look I can’t read. We stand there as Carter breathes his last gasp, as her mother and father grow colder, and we look at each other. When the room is deadly silent, I whisper the most fervent prayer of my heart, “Please don’t be afraid of me.” Her eyes well, and she takes a step toward me, but her foot slips on blood--I don’t even know whose at this point. I dart forward and catch her, then pull her close. When her arms go around my neck and she wraps herself around me, I’m home. “I love you,” she says on a shaky breath. “I love you so much.” “I love you too.” I carry her from the room and out of the house. She tries to free herself. “Don’t carry me. You’re hurt. We have to get you to a hospital.”

“I’m never letting you go.” I clutch her even tighter to me. She’s my heart. My life. “Car’s ready.” Jacques gives me a half salute. “I’ll be your getaway Uber for the evening.” He smiles at Helen. I’m almost to the car when my legs finally give out, and I sink to the ground. Careful to make sure Helen lands softly, I lie back and stare up at the dark sky. No stars. Not a one. Her screams pierce me, and I try to get up, but I can’t. All I can see are her eyes and that midnight sky. I focus on her. She’s here. My beauty. With her I’m whole. With her, I’m home.




snuggle in close with Ajax. I need to feel him against me. The doctor sits in a chair across the room watching us. I was surprised when Jacques didn’t take us to a hospital but back to the house. Where my beast has his own hospital room and a doctor who was already there when we arrived. “You better not leave me,” I tell him. He’s been out for twelve hours now. “You hear me?” I gently squeeze his hand. “I love you more than anything in this world. You have to come back to me.” I close my eyes, unable to get the tears to stop. The doctor said he’s going to be fine. I won’t believe it until he opens his eyes and looks at me. I can’t lose him. I’m not sure I’d survive it. It wasn't until my beast that I really understood what love was. He owns my heart. All of it is his. “Helen. You should eat something.” I open my eyes to look up at a very concerned Jacques. “No. I’m not hungry.” “Helen. He’s going to wake up and he’s not going to be happy that we haven't been taking care of you. Please eat

something.” I sit up to look at my beast. “You’re not supposed to be the one taking care of me. He is. So if Ajax wants me to eat then he better wake up and tell me to do it, or it’s not happening.” I know I’m being ridiculous, but I can’t help it. I’ll try anything to get him to open his eyes. Jacques lets out a long sigh, knowing he’s not going to win this one. I lie back down and bury my face in Ajax’s neck, needing the comfort that only he can give me. I don’t miss Jacques bringing in a tray of food and setting it down anyway. I breathe him in as I whisper to him that I love him. I describe what our life could be like together. Tell him how handsome he is, how lucky I am to have found such an amazing man like him. Tell him that I could be pregnant. It’s not like we've been using protection. Neither one of us talked about it. I knew what the chances were. I’m sure he did, too. So I tell him names that I favor. His parents' names are amongst those. I also remind him that we have to get married, because we all should have the last laugh. I talk until my throat is dry and sleep tries to take me. I miss my beast and long to hear his voice. “How is she?” My eyes flutter open. A hand rubs up and down my back. My mind is fuzzy. “She hasn’t eaten?” The growl of his question rumbles through my body. I sit up with a gasp. I would know that growl anywhere. My beast has finally awoken. I burst into tears when Ajax’s eyes lock with mine. I throw myself at him. He makes a grunting sound. “I’m sorry.” I try and pull back. What is wrong with me? He's hurt and here I am throwing my weight at him. His

arms lock around me quickly, not letting me get away. “Shh.” He rubs his hands up and down my back, trying to get me to calm down, but I only cry harder. Fuzzy lets out a loud meow, not liking my crying either. I sni e, trying to get myself together. Reminding myself that he’s okay and we’re no longer in danger. All the emotions I've kept pent up inside since I was a child seem to be flowing free now. “You’re okay. I’m okay.” He continues to soothe me, even though he’s the one that’s just woken up from a coma. “I love you,” I get out with a hiccup. I lift my head, needing to look at him. He gives me a soft smile. “If you loved me you’d eat.” I roll my eyes. “Please,” he adds, and I give in. I’ll feed him too, while I’m at it. Jacques brings the tray over and sets it on the bed. I watch as the doctor comes over and checks Ajax’s wound. He was lucky the bullet hadn't hit an organ or a major artery. I try to pepper the doctor with questions, but Ajax makes everyone leave the room. “Kiss me,” he orders as soon as the door closes. I lean over him, making sure to be extra careful and give him a tentative kiss. He’s not having any of that. He grabs me, pulling me more into him as he takes my mouth in a soul-shattering kiss. I want to burst into tears again, but I keep control this time. Barely. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Me? You’re the one who got shot! But I knew it wouldn't stop you. I never doubted you’d save me. I knew nothing would keep you away.” “Nothing could have stopped me,” he says against my mouth before he takes another kiss. “How are you feeling about—” He trails o . “Free.” I have no doubt my parents hurt others, too. Ordered plenty of deaths, not just Ajax’s parents. The world is a better place without them. I watch as relief crosses his face. “You’re not losing me. I’m all yours, Ajax. I just hope you feel free, too. That you can start to try to heal from all this. I know nothing will ever bring your parents back, but we have each other.” “You’ve healed me.” His hand cups my cheek. “Did you mean the things you said?” “What?” “I could hear you when I was sleeping. I was coming in and out.” “Oh that.” My face warms. I bite my lip. I pretty much told him he has to marry me. “I meant it all.” Life is too short to not go after what you want, and I want my beast. “I want us to have a life together. A marriage like your parents had, full of love. For us to start our own family.” His hand slips to the back of my neck so he can pull me down to him again. We break away from the kiss when there’s a knock on the door. Jacques comes walking in a few moments later. He gives me a wink before handing Ajax something and disappearing out of the room. I think they must’ve talked

while I was sleeping, because they seem to have given each other knowing looks. Or maybe I’m imagining it? Ajax scoots up to lean against the headboard, despite my protest. “I’m fine.” I give him an annoyed look that falls away when he opens his hand to reveal a blue velvet box. My breath hitches. I know what it is. ”Helen.” “Yes!” I blurt out before he can finish. I kiss him all over his face. I feel him push the ring onto my finger. I look down at the beautiful antique. It’s a square sapphire surrounded by diamonds on a platinum band. “It was my mother’s.” “Ajax.” Tears form in my eyes. “That makes me love it even more.” “She would have loved you. Both of them would have adored you.” “I love them, too. They gave me you. My Ajax, my hero, my beast.” He closes his eyes, relishing my words. “I don’t know what I did to get you to love me, but I’ll never let you go.” “I don’t want to be let go. The best day of my life was when you shoved me into that trunk.” I smile. He smiles. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?” I shake my head. Because I will never forget how our journey started. It may not have been the most romantic beginning,

but it led to both of us finding ourselves and our happily ever after.




his is torture. Acute, painful, direct torture.

“Be patient,” Jacques snaps as he paces past me. He’s worried his thumbnail to the quick. “I should be in there.” I pace past him, both of us running in a circuit in the hallway outside my bedroom. “The doctor said no.” “I know!” I bark at him. “Calm down.” He goes to work on his other thumbnail. I try to wrestle down my emotions. I can’t. I can’t stand being out here while she’s in there. I stop in front of the door and reach for the handle. “Don’t,” Jacques warns. “If you bust up in there and things go south, you’ll be in the way.” “We should’ve gone to the hospital. That’s what she needs.” I run a hand through my hair, my teeth on edge. “Helen knows what she needs.” Jacques puts a hand on my shoulder as Fuzzy stalks down the hall toward us, his tail

twitching. He’s been pacing right along with us, just in longer sweeps. The doctor murmurs beyond the door, and I wish I could make out what she’s saying. “You have the best doctor in the state, her full sta , and every piece of equipment they need and probably ten more they don’t.” I flex my fists. “I should be in there.” “You’re a bull in a china shop. And you know what happened when you were in there last time. Come on, relax. When it’s safe for you to go in, she’ll let you know.” “I need her.” I rest my forehead on the door. “What if something goes—” “Everything is going to be fine.” He squeezes my shoulder then resumes his pacing. Fuzzy sits to the side of the door, his big eyes on me. “It’s been fifteen minutes,” I tell him. “Fifteen minutes. That’s forever to a cat. Forever to me, too.” He blinks. Something inside the room clatters, then Helen’s cry grips me like a fist, and I can’t stop myself. With a push, I rush into our bedroom. The doctor turns and gives me a frown, but quickly returns her attention to my beauty. “I’ve almost got it. One more push.” Helen’s eyes meet mine. “Ajax!”

I rush to her and take her hand. “I’ve got you.” She gives me a worried look, then takes my hand in a death grip and squeezes hard. Sweat is beaded across her forehead, and I reach out to wipe it away. “Push now. Come on, do it with this contraction,” Dr. Swan calls. “Deep breath.” I look into my Helen’s eyes. “I’ll count.” She nods and breathes in. Holding it, she scrunches forward, her entire body tense as she gives it all she’s got. “There we are!” the doctor coos. And then I hear the cry of our baby, and the family I never thought I would have becomes a reality. “Genevieve.” Helen smiles and lies back, her gaze euphoric as they wrap our child in a blanket and bring her to us. I stare into the perfect little face, and for the second time in the past half hour, the world goes woozy. “Here we go again,” Jacques says from behind me. Helen glances up at me. “Ajax, you look pale. Are you going to faint agai—” And then I’m out. Just like I was when they gave her the epidural.

“You little scamp!” I chase Genny around the yard. She crawls like a champ, her perfectly diapered bottom bouncing up and down as she romps.

“I’m going to eat you up!” I creep along behind her as she giggles. Fuzzy runs out ahead of her, encouraging her to keep up. When she looks back at me with a big, drooly grin on her face, my heart melts all over again. “You three are having fun.” Helen wraps her arms around me from behind and buries her nose in my back. “You always smell so good.” I rub my palms over her arms. “Good nap?” “The best, only thing missing was you when I woke up.” I pull her around to my front and kiss her forehead. “Genny woke up early, so I figured we’d come play while you got your rest.” I run my hand over her round belly. “Her brother is wearing me out.” She yawns and nestles against my chest. “He’s going to be trouble.” Genny giggles and flops onto her back as Fuzzy takes o after a grasshopper. “If he’s anything like his mother, then yeah, a lot of trouble.” She smacks my arm, and I laugh then kiss her hard and long as the sun shines and Genny plays in the warm grass. When I finally let her go, she looks up at me, a devious look in her eyes. “You’ve got some nerve calling me trouble. If you care to remember, on our very first date, you kidnapped me and threw me into your trun—” I groan and kiss her again, swallowing her complaint and showing her just how glad I am I stole her that day, trunk and all.

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Chrissy Darling

There’s a new sheri in town. Okay, yeah. It’s me. I never intended to become the chief law enforcement o cer for the small town of Newberry, but here I am with a badge and a job. I also have a few deputies and some small-town troubles, but nothing I can’t handle. At least that was the case until a tall, handsome, besuited man shows up and things begin to fall apart. Stolen chickens, broken glass, and retired mercenaries are just a few of the problems Declan Smith’s brought with him. But the biggest problem of all? My attraction to him, the man who’s the number one suspect in all the strange goings on in my town. Declan Smith

I’ve come to Newberry to do my job, and I’m damn good at it. Disrupting governments and multi-billion dollar corporations has long been my specialty, but I decided to take a job in a tiny town for a little slice of the quiet life. I assumed the local sheri wouldn’t care for me, but when I get a look at Chrissy Darling, I realize that taking this small job will have huge consequences. Not only is she on my case, she’s on my mind. Constantly. But when she realizes I’m the root of all her town’s troubles, will she send me packing or cu me to her for life? Stu ed Kent She set me up. This cute little woman with the big eyes and the sweet words framed me. Now I’m serving a jail sentence thanks to her tricks. But I’m no fool. Layla is clearly a highly trained operator who decided to take me out of the equation. My contract to eliminate Graham Tucker—owner of the Fill-A-Friend stu ed animal chain—hangs by a thread, and I have to get this kill before Layla steals it out from under me. The day I’m released is the day I’ll take my vengeance on that cunning assassin with the innocent eyes. And then I’ll take out Graham Tucker and close my contract with the Brotherhood. Layla Pandacorns are my bestsellers. Seriously. I can make a pandacorn, post it on Etsy, and it’s gone within an hour. Working at Fill-A-Friend pays the bills so I can work on my real passion—one-of-a-kind stu es that have my own personal flair. But Fill-A-Friend can be demanding and sometimes intense, especially since I’m accident prone (one time I left the cotton stu ng machine on. Whoops.) Or like that time when I got rid of a bunch of ugly stu ed dogs and some random guy stole them and went to jail over it. Yikes. Anyway, things are going okay until Kent shows up in my life. And then they get so much better. He’s kind, caring, and supportive of my stu e-making. The only issue is that he says weird stu about “our line of work” when we don’t even do the same thing, but he’s handsome and amazing, so I don’t mind. In fact, I think I’m falling for him. My stu e business and my personal life are headed in the right direction . . . Until Mr. Tucker comes to inspect the store and things go terribly, horribly wrong. His Sweetest Sin

God has led me to a life of service. I never thought being a priest would be a career path for me, but here I am giving Mass and leading a flock toward salvation. My way is clear until a red-headed distraction begins to visit my services. Eyes wide and giving o innocence like a burst of e ervescence, Lily is a temptation that I must overcome. But the more trust she gives me, the more confessions she reveals, I soon realize that the Lord brought her to me. I’m the only one who can ease the deep ache inside her and lead her into the light. When I see Father Niall standing on the steps of his church, his open smile and welcoming arms are just what I need. Even though I’m not a Catholic, I attend his services and soak in the sound of his voice, the warmth in his eyes. I don’t think he notices me. Until one day, he does. And then I confess to him about the ache I feel every time I see him. Father Niall is merciful and helps me in every way I ask. But when he learns who I really am, his own dangerous past comes to light. Father Niall isn’t what he seems … but then again, neither am I. Read Now Locking Her Down Did I break into an animal shelter? Yes. Should it be a crime? Absolutely not. After all, I’m just trying to save these darling kittens from being sent to a lab for experiments. They deserve a loving home, and I intend to give them one. Well, that was the plan, but then I ran into some complications. Several of them. And they all have badges, guns, and handcu s. So, o to jail I go, but I make my one phone call to the only man who can help me. Benton. I just hope he doesn’t tell my father what I’ve been up to. Penelope is in trouble, and I’m the only one who can help her. I make it to the jail almost before she does and save her from a night in the drunk tank. But once I get her to my house, I have a hard time letting her leave. After all, she’s been on my mind since the first moment I met her. And this little run-in with the law is just what I need to convince her that I can be her everything. House arrest has never seemed so appealing. My plan is so close to working out, but Penelope always brings something extra—could be stolen kittens, could be dangerous family ties. With my Penny, life is always a surprise. Read Now Marco’s Girl Going to high school as the heir to a mafia family isn’t as easy it seems. The prep school lifestyle leaves me cold, and I don’t want to be a part of the lacrosse crowd or make time with the silly girls who think being with me is taking a walk on the wild side. I’m fine in my bubble until I see the new girl through the window. Shy, smart, and with curves that make my mouth water, Evangeline is an unexpected

good girl in my bad boy world. Her innocence should make me back o , but I don’t. After all, I’m a Davinci. When I see something I want, I take it. A chance at going to college is all I need, and this new prep school is the way to do it. Grams took a maid job at a local estate just so I could attend prestigious Brightwood Prep, and I won’t let her down. I’m focused and determined … until I meet Marco. He’s got bad boy written all over him as he sits at the back of the classroom, his eyes eating me up. And that’s only the beginning. Marco isn’t just bad, he’s determined to make me his no matter the cost. Read Now Pop-up Love Sam A quiet life as a clock tinker. That’s what I need. And that’s what I have … until her--the woman in the pop-up shop across the street. The shop that’s invaded my tranquil life and turned my town into a movie set. I want nothing to do with any of it. But then I hear her voice. And I can’t think about cogs and tick tocks. All I can think about is her. And I when I find her? I’m never letting her go. Fawn A pop-up shop is the perfect idea to publicize our Kitty Cat Valentine premiere. I may not be the star of the movie, but I can certainly be the MVP of the shop. But when my friend tells the long line of people that I’m giving away a kiss to one lucky shopper, I don’t know if I can do it. Until he walks in. Sam. The stoic man who’s built like a freight train and kisses like he means it. I want to be his Valentine, but when his dangerous past finds him, will we be able to give love a chance? Read Now Beauty and the Boss Liam Baxter is my new boss, and he’s not so bad. I mean, he does require that I knock before I walk into his o ce. And he doesn’t want me to bring my cat to work. Then he tells me if I don’t follow his rules, there will be discipline. On top of that, others say he’s cold and calculating. Hmm, maybe my boss is a little bit bad? But the more I work for him, the more things change. He shows me his true self in delicious glimpses. Perhaps underneath the stern, handsome boss, there’s a man who needs love even more than he needs an assistant.

Georgia Lavine is a means to an end for me. Her father’s business is one I intend to destroy. What better way to strike at a man than to take his daughter? That’s just what I did, hiring Georgia as my assistant to spite him and also to gain more leverage. But this acquisition isn’t without its pitfalls. Georgia is too sunny, too beautiful, too fun, too naïve, too everything-I’m-not. She treats everyone so kindly. So much so that I begin to find that I’m the only one who should get her smiles, her attention, and everything else she has to o er. After all, I’m her boss. And though the assistant position is temporary, I have a much more permanent one in mind. Read Now His Virgin Queen I knew I was going to be sold by my father. A bride o ered to forge an alliance or seal a deal. Even so, I still held onto the hope of living free of the families. But when I’m given to Antonio Tuscani, I realize my thin dreams of escaping this life were just that—dreams. Giving up, I accept my fate … Until a fierce-eyed boss, Nick DaVinci, shows up on my wedding day to exact lethal vengeance. I came for Tuscani blood, and I took it. The doe-eyed bride in her white dress and veil of innocence doesn’t bat an eyelash when I do what I was born to do. I’m the head of the most powerful mafia family in the city, and I didn’t get here by sparing enemies. But Sophia’s demeanor intrigues me, and soon I realize she is far more than a mafia princess. She is a queen, and I will stop at nothing to keep her by my side. Read Now His Deadly Darling Luke Knight thinks he can own me, can hurry me into a wedding and then into his bed. He seems to know everything about me. But he’s missed the most important point—I’m dastardly. He thinks he’s my one and only? Not a chance. But I like his estate and all his money, so I’ll bide my time. I don’t obsess over his good looks and the way he makes me feel. Not a bit. Once he’s dead, I’ll be more than happy to be the grieving widow … on a yacht … in the Seychelles … drenched in diamonds. Cassandra truly believes I’m the bad guy in her world. She’s wrong. I can show her how much she means to me. It will take time and coaxing, but I’ll prove to her our love is deep and true. If she tries to knife me a few times along the way, what of it? After all, a spirited woman is exactly what I need, and Cassandra Carlisle was made for me. Read Now

Hitman’s Prey He’s up to something. I know it. No man can be that handsome and mysterious. He’s probably a spy. I can’t say for sure, but I’m going to find out. Watching Heath is easy, but wanting him is the part that’s going to get me into trouble. Lena peeks from her windows and tries to catch me doing something, though I’m not sure what she thinks she’ll see. What sort of an assassin would I be if my sweet neighbor figured me out so easily? Besides, I’m here to watch over her. The only problem is that she’s irresistible and far more alluring than my work. Choosing between them may be the death of me, but Lena is more than worth it. Read Now Snow Angel My house may be small, but its Christmas lights are the best on the street. Perfectly coordinated each year, my holiday display can’t be beat. I reign supreme. At least I did. Until he moved in across the street. Brendan. Who does he think he is? Just because he’s handsome and makes my parts tingly doesn’t mean I’ll let him beat me. This Christmas, he’s going down. Ariadne waits for the clock to tick over to December 1. She’s poised over there, ready to spring into action with her curvy body and Christmas spirit. She goes all out for the holidays. This Christmas, I intend to go all out for her. Read Now


MINK writes sweet and salty romances that always satisfy with a happily ever after. www.MINKromance.com Click here to sign up for MINK’s newsletter. Click here to join MINK’s Reader Group, Smitten Kittens, on Facebook!

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