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Contents Free Books O er Double Daddies Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Epilogue Featured Content Also by Madison Faye Mailing List Bossed Three Times Breaking Her Innocence Twice Driven About the Author Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2018 Madison Faye Cover: Coverlüv Photography: Sara Eirew Models: Mike Chabot, Alex Bovin, and Rachael Baltes


Looking for obsessed alpha heroes, steamy-hot insta-love, and romance with a dirty mind? Sign up for my newsletter and grab these TWO kindle-melting, bestselling steamy shorts for free! Great books. Hot deals. Zero spam. www.madisonfayeromance.com/newsletter Check out the whole catalog, only on Amazon and always FREE with your Kindle Unlimited subscription!


Two older men who want to share, To punish, and train, and make me theirs. Four firm hands to spank and tease, Two big daddies are what some brats need…

She’s o

limits in too many ways to count.

Too young. Too untouched. Too much my deadbeat sister’s step-kid. Five-foot nine and one-hundred and eleven pounds of pure. Fucking. Temptation.

She’s got no business living in this big old house with me and my best friend – two rough, hardened ex-marines more than twice her age. But she’s here, under my roof and under my rules. …and she’s breaking every one of them. Staying out late, flirting with boys, acting out, and being a royal brat every chance she gets. She’s been pushing her luck and getting away with murder the last month but that all stops now. Because in this house, we have rules, and it’s time Kenzie Gates learned what happens to bad girl who break the rules. This brat might need more than just a firm hand of discipline. Good thing there’s two of us…

Buckle up and hold on tight, because we’re about to get filthy. This is quite possibly one of if not the dirtiest little book I’ve ever written. In fact, it’s the kind of book where you’d be mortified if your friends found out you were reading it. Trust me, I’m not gonna judge, but I thought you should be warned ;). Alpha as fuck, completely over-the-top, and sweet enough to make you melt. This mfm romance is all about her - no m/m. Safe, no cheating, and a HEA guaranteed.


THE GROWL CAUGHT low in my throat — a deep, primal, animalistic sound that rumbled through my broad, muscled chest. She was late. And we’d been over this. In this house, there were rules, and when rules were broken, there would be punishment. So far, I’d — we’d — been lax on that front, and that was what the root of this problem was. We’d allowed her insubordination and rebelliousness to grow, unchecked and unpunished. Not anymore. But then, this wasn’t just about “punishing” her, or keeping her in line, and I fucking knew it. Lincoln and I both knew it, even if at that point, we hadn’t spoken it out loud, even to each other. This was about lust. This was about wanting her willing obedience and her sweet submission. This was about wanting to claim and dominate every single square inch of

her sweet young body. I’d been hiding it away since the day she’d fucking arrived, but no longer. I couldn’t take anymore. I doubted any other red-blooded man could’ve taken what I’d held strong against for an entire month. No way. No man could resist temptation like that. Not with Mackenzie. Kenzie had arrived at my house a month before that day, dropped o by the Child Protective Services from two states over, even thought she’d already turned eighteen. Just. She had a full ride to the state school here — paid for in advance by a rich aunt or grandmother or, fuck, I don’t even know who, before they’d passed. And after CPS had taken her away from my deadbeat sister and Kenzie’s deadbeat father, they’d decided it was in her best interest to remain with family until she started school. That’d be me. You could call her my niece, but she wasn’t — not really at least. I wasn’t really “family” to her — not in the blood relations way, thank fucking God. Kenzie was my sister’s dipshit boyfriend’s kid. Her dad and my sister were never married, and she was his kid from some other chick anyways, before he and my dumbass sister had gotten together like a match made in hell. Those two were like Syd and fucking Nancy, without the rock music or the fame. They were junkies, and when they’d been busted a week before Kenzie’s eighteenth birthday trying to rob a pharmacy for Oxy, that’s when CPS had stepped in. The dickbag boyfriend had no family, and the only family my sister had left was me. Since I also happened to be, for one, not a fucking junkie, and two, very very wealthy, I guess the

state just made the decision that family or not, I was a far better choice than “the system” for Kenzie. I’d said yes over the phone, glancing at the picture they’d emailed over of the gawky little ten year old I’d seen maybe twice, and probably not since the picture was taken. Big. Fucking. Mistake. Because if they’d sent a picture of her the way she was now? Yeah, hell no. I’d have taken one look at eighteen year old Kenzie Gates and seen how monumentally stupid it would be to invite a girl like that to live with a guy like me. Because Kenzie Gates had grown the fuck up. Hard. Because the girl who’d been standing on my front porch next to the social worker when I’d opened the door was five-foot nine inches and one-hundred and eleven pounds of pure. Fucking. Temptation. Long, auburn hair, pouty, coy pink lips, and big, sultry blue eyes that screamed “bait.” All legs, small, perky tits, and a tight little ass that was begging for someone to take a bite out of it. Curvy hips, and a flat, supple little tummy that’d been peeking out from under a belly-shirt that first day and hadn’t actually stopped ever since. She’d been here for one month, four days, and eleven hours. And I’d been hard as steel for her for one month, four days, ten hours and fifty-nine and a half minutes. Constantly. I gritted my teeth and glanced at the Cartier watch on my wrist.

Late. I growled again, feeling the blood roaring like fire inside of me. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I couldn’t deny myself any longer. That night, I wouldn’t be denying myself any more. I knew it was wrong — so very wrong — but I didn’t give a shit. Not anymore. Not after swallowing back the lust, and need, and the raw desire to make her mine for so long. Her tight, hot little body made me crave her, and the teasing, flippant, bratty way she sashayed her way around this house had had me living on edge for a month. And she fucking knew it. This wasn’t some innocent girl who didn’t yet understand the e ect she had on men. Nope. Kenzie was a grade-A, flirty, bratty, barely-legal little cocktease, and she fucking knew it. And on top of all of this, it wasn't just me she was teasing… Lincoln was my best friend in the world — a man closer to me than a brother. We’d served together way back. We’d started Hammer and Spark together afterwards, and when we’d sold the mercenary contractor outfit we’d built with our bare hands to another, bigger, company and cashed out, we’d both gotten filthy rich together. I’d bought my enormous house immediately, but Linc was in the middle of custom building his dream home. And since it was close to mine, and since my place was almost literally a castle, he’d spent the last few months living with me. …Including when Kenzie had shown up. So, yeah, the whole thing would’ve been bad enough if it was just me that she was fucking with, and flashing her tight little body to while wearing next to nothing all the fucking time. But it was Lincoln too.

And like I said, the little cock-tease knew exactly what she was doing, to both of us. She was pushing her fucking luck because she knew I was hesitant to act because of how hard she made me. And she knew it was the same damn thing with Lincoln. Staying out late, missing curfew, fucking o on all the summer workload she had before she went o to college in the fall — she’d gotten away with murder the last month. But the buck was going to stop that night. No more of me being a pussy pushover, and no more of her getting away with it. The little brat had pushed me too far. And that night, I was going to take matters into my own hands. There was the rattle of keys in the front door, and I glanced at Lincoln across the kitchen island, seeing the hard, heated look on his face, which mirrored mine. “Easy, Wild,” he growled, his jaw tight. I shook my head, hearing the front door kick open. “No.” I tensed, my muscles bunching, my hands clenching to fists, and my cock throbbing rock fucking hard between my thighs. “No more easy with her. Tonight, we’re doing it the hard way.”


I KNEW I was in trouble the second I got home. Good. My pulse hummed in my ears, my skin prickling with the unknown of what might happen there that night. My core tightened as I jammed the key in the lock, ignoring Justin’s honk in the long driveway behind me and the squeal of his tires as he drove o frustrated, pouting like the little boy he was, and probably nursing a serious case of blue balls. Also good. I wasn’t going to put out for a whiny jerk like Justin Carson. I never was going to, even if I’d let him take me out that night. But going out with the rude, douchey quarterback from the local college that night hadn’t been because I wanted to go out with him, it’d been because I’d pretty much exhausted every single other idea I’d had. …It was because I’d already done everything else to try and push the man — or, really, if I was even ready to admit to myself yet, the men — I’d been lusting over for over a month into doing something.

Anything. I’d never been like that before he’d opened the front door that day a month before. I’d never lusted over a guy before. Actually, I’d barely ever been interested in any guys before. Because guys my age were dicks. Or nervous, stammering wimps. Or petulant, immature, handsy, clumsy assholes. Or all of the above, mostly. I knew there’d been times when I could have just “gotten it over with.” I’d considered it — just going to one of the asshole jocks in school, or even one of the fumbling awkward guys and just getting it out of the way so it wouldn’t be hanging over me like this big neon “virgin” sign. But I never did. I’d made out with two guys — horrible experiences both of them. One of them had tried to get a hand up my skirt, but that’d stopped pretty quickly once I’d decked him in the face. I’d spent most of high school fending for myself anyways — finding my own food, and clothes, and money any way I could, since Dad and Stephanie were basically MIA most of the time. I hadn’t had time to get all goo-goo over boys like other girls might’ve, because I was too busy making a counterfeit cafeteria card to get a second lunch to sneak home for dinner, or too busy stealing tampons from the drug store. Or, somehow, studying and working my ass o so that I could actually get in to the college that Nana had apparently set up a trust for me to attend. But, all that had changed when my father and Stephanie decided to up the ante and go full Bonny and Clyde. I’d just graduated, and I was just about to turn eighteen when CPS had showed up with the cops and taken me away. I wasn’t sad to leave — I’d already done that part, over and over and

over again, over the years of my dad basically pretending I didn’t exist. The CPS lady had told me to pack a bag, and then we’d jumped in a car and driven eight hours straight, to here. Stephanie had a brother, apparently, and he was apparently rich. The CPS lady hadn’t said much, aside from that he’d been in the military and that he’d owned some sort of company that worked with the Government. Wilder Banks. I’d rolled my eyes — he sounded so boring, and I imagined some weird, nerdy-looking accountant type shut away in some big house like a weirdo. And the place we’d finally pulled up to eight hours later hadn’t helped my impression very much. I mean, it was beautiful — this castle-like stone mansion surrounded by gardens and a forest. But still, all I imagined was the weirdo cooped up inside I was about to live with until college started. …And then he’d opened the front door, and everything changed. Wilder Banks wasn’t some nerdy, pasty, agoraphobic weirdo. Wilder Banks was a fucking hunk. He was gorgeous — like, movie-star gorgeous, with dark eyes, dark hair with just a hint of silver at the temples, and a chiseled jaw covered in dark scru . His crisp white buttonup shirt was open at the neck and rolled up over his forearms, pulled tight across bulging, rippling, tanned muscles and gorgeous swirls and lines of tattoo ink. And he was huge. I mean, I was pretty tall for my age, and for being a girl, but Wilder towered over me — his broad shoulders stretching that shirt tight. His eyes had trailed over me, his jaw had clenched, and his hand had tightened

fast on the doorknob. And something fierce had flashed behind those dark eyes. Something hungry. It’d lasted one second, and then suddenly, it was gone, and he’d spent the next month pretending it’d never happened. But I remembered. God did I remember. Wilder wasn’t the only surprise that day. My heart racing and my whole body tingling with the very real, very adult feelings raging through me, I followed this insanely gorgeous man into his insanely gorgeous home. And then I’d met him. Sandy-brown hair, piercing blue eyes, a clean-shaven, squared jaw like some sort of cowboy, and a look of pure heat on his face the second I’d stepped into the living room. But then, just like with Wilder, it was gone — blanked from his face as if it’d never been there, even though I knew what I’d seen. He was just as tall, and just as perfectly built as Wilder, too. Broad, muscled shoulders, a hardened chest, and thick biceps that bulged at the corners of the plain black t-shirt he wore. Tattoo ink swirled down one arm, and I felt an exact repeat of the thrilling sensation I’d just felt at the front door slam through me all over again. “Mackenzie, this is Lincoln Reece, my business partner and best friend. He’s staying in my guest quarters over the summer while they work on his house. Ms. Smith, I believe your o ces have already okay-ed the arrangement based o his credentials.” The CPS agent had just beamed at this insanely attractive man and nodded, blinking quickly as she fawned all over him

and told him that yes, of course, CPS was already aware of Mr. Reece living on the premises and saw no trouble with the arrangement. Holy shit. Yeah, there were two of them. One the uncle who wasn’t really my uncle, and the other his equally and absurdly good looking friend. And I was going to spend the next three months living here with them. Somehow, CPS had decided that a ragingly hormonal, extremely curious, and redblooded eighteen year old girl was totally fine living with two extremely good looking, extremely single, extremely notrelated-to-her men was a good idea. …I was not about to correct their thought process on that. And then she’d gone, and suddenly, this was my world — living with two staggeringly good looking, rough, sexy as sin men for the next three months. The sass — my sass — had started almost immediately, even if I wasn’t even really sure why I was doing it. It would have been so easy to just be normal around Wilder and Lincoln, or at least it should have been easy to. But somehow, it was impossible for me to be “normal” around them. I mean, Jesus, how the hell was I supposed to be normal around that? So instead, I’d put up my walls and my armor, and retreated into my back-talking, question-authority attitude. They’d taken it in stride — I mean, I guess they both knew my backstory. And I guess we would have spent the next three months in that little stando , if it hadn’t been for that day — the day I’d told them I was going out, but then hadn’t. …The day everything changed for me.


HE’D BEEN panting and sweating when I’d bumped into him that day — every muscle on his gorgeous body bulging at his workout clothes as he stepped out of the home gym. I could smell the manly, intoxicating scent of him, which did all sorts of insane things to my body and my hormones. But I’d pushed all that back, swallowing thickly as I’d given him the same attitude I’d been giving him and Lincoln since I’d arrived. “Going out?” he’d growled, his eyes sliding wickedly over my cut-o jean shorts, hiking boots, and tank top. Wilder’s estate occupied like thirty acres of woods, and I’d come to really like going out for hikes on some of the trails. I’d shrugged, hoping to God he couldn’t see the way he made my body shiver or made my cheeks flush. “Yup. See ya.” I’d turned on my heel, but suddenly, I’d felt his hand grip my arm tight and tug me back around. I gasped quietly, my heart jumping into my chest as I’d whirled to come face to face with the gorgeous, brooding man who’d occupied every single piece of my fantasies since I’d arrived. He’d never

really touched me before, and the feel of that strong, powerful hand on my skin had me melting for him. “How about a little fucking respect, Kenzie,” he’d growled, his jaw tight as his eyes had burned right into me. I’d shivered, swallowing the heat from my face. “What, I’m just saying I’m going out. Do you need it in writing?” “I need it nicely,” he’d growled, and suddenly, he stepped right into me, making me gasp as he backed me right into the wall behind me. His eyes burned fiercely into mine as he moved close. His hands went to the wall next to my head, like he was pinning me to it, and it took everything I had to stifle the whimper caught in my throat. “How about ‘I’m going out for a walk’?” “I’m going out for a walk,” I mimed back, rolling my eyes. “I’m going out for a walk, what?” he’d growled. “You’re not my dad, you know.” I don’t know why I decided to say it, but it was what he said back that set the entire thing in motion. A dark look flashed across his face — the same dark look I’d seen all the other times I’d sassed him or Lincoln, and the same dark look that sent a jolt of pure electricity directly between my legs. “No shit,” Wilder growled under his breath before he suddenly lowered his face to mine, making me gasp quietly. “Trust me, Kenzie. We would not be having this conversation if I was your daddy.” Daddy.

Just like that, for the first time ever, the word hit me like a blaze of heat right through my core. It hit me like a teasing, wicked touch right between my thighs, and suddenly, I was more turned on, more turned around, and more wet than I’d ever been before. He’d moved away from me, turned, and stormed right back into the gym, leaving me breathless, and aching for more. …Yeah, I never made it out for a hike that day. Instead, I’d run back to my room, through the huge, castlelike home. And I guess my mind was still squarely on Wilder mentioning being my daddy as he all but pinned me to the wall, because I didn’t realize I was walking past the doorway to Lincoln’s quarters until I heard the shower running. I stopped, my heart still hammering in my chest and my pulse still roaring through my ears as I suddenly heard something I’d never heard before. …Rough, growling, manly groans of pleasure. My entire body shivered with heat, and I came to a stuttering stop outside the open doorway. I could feel my pulse hammering inside my veins as I turned and looked inside. And there it was again. “Oh fuck yeah, baby.” Lincoln’s deep voice growled out the words, and my whole body tingled with forbidden heat. Did he have a girl over or something? Actually, the entire time I’d been living there so far, I hadn’t seen either of them even go out, let alone bring someone home. I trembled, listening to his rough growls and feeling the things those sounds were doing to my body, until slowly, I started to move.

I stepped towards the doorway, the thump-thumping of my heart beating like a drum in my ears as I pushed the door wide and glanced inside. Lincoln’s huge guest chambers were empty and immaculately clean but for some of his clothes draped across the king size bed. The groan came again, and my eyes darted across the room to the wide open door to the ensuite bathroom. And my whole world froze. I could see him. Barely, and clouded through the steamy glass of the shower-stall, and the heat instantly pooled between my legs. I could see Lincoln’s gorgeous muscles rippling under the shower spray, his skin had glistening, the noise of the water not quite able to contain his quiet groans. And he was alone. He didn’t have a girl over or anything like that. His muscles rippled and clenched as he groaned, and when my eyes dipped lower, and when I realized what I was looking at, my thighs clenched tight, my nipples hardened under my loose tank top, and my entire body shivered. He was stroking his cock. The groans rumbled through the bathroom and into his empty bedroom, and his biceps clenched as he stroked his hand up and down his shaft. The glass was blurry with steam, but I knew what I was looking at. And even with the steam partially hiding what my eyes were staring at, I knew it was huge by the way his hand moved up and down it. “Fuck, baby girl,” Lincoln groaned to whoever the fantasy girl was in his head. “Take that big cock, angel. Take it like a good girl and let me feel that little pussy slide down every inch.”

The pulse between my legs had me gasping. Slowly, I stepped into his empty bedroom, moving as close as I dared and leaning against his dresser as my eyes drank it all in. One of the two men I’d been completely fantasizing about since I’d gotten there was now naked, ten feet away, and jerking his big dick while I watched. …The button to my jean shorts popped before I could even think about it. My fingers pushed inside, slipping under the elastic of my panties and making me whimper as they slipped lower and lower. I'd leaned against the dresser, mouth hanging open and my face screwed into a mask of pleasure as I'd slipped my fingers easily into my hot wetness. I'd moaned quietly as I'd fingered myself hard with my thumb against my clit, watching Lincoln grunt and stroke his erection under the shower spray. “Swallow my cum, baby girl,” he groaned, making me gasp into my hand as my own pleasure threatened to pull me under. “Swallow every drop of daddy’s cum, Kenzie.” The orgasm hit me like a bomb. I all but screamed into my hand, almost falling over as I slumped against dresser. My dripping wet pussy clenched so tight around my fingers, and as my thumb rolled over my aching clit, I came harder than I’d ever come before. Lincoln roared, and when I saw the splash of thick, milky whiteness against the shower stall glass, my whole body tumbled right into another leg-quaking orgasm that almost really did bring me to the ground that time.

The shower turned o , and I was barely conscious of darting out of his room and running all the way back to my own as my whole world burned around me. …He’d said my name. Lincoln Reece had said my name as he stroked his big, thick cock in the shower, and it was me in his head that’d made him come. Daddy. That was twice now, from both of them, that I’d heard the word and felt the way it made me shiver and gasp. There was something so freaking sexy, in this dirty, bad-girl way that teased through my body like nothing else ever had. …And I’d been craving that feeling every since. I’d tried everything to get back to the naughty, wicked thrill of that day, from both of them. I craved the feeling I’d felt when a sweating, gorgeous Wilder had basically pinned me to the wall and mentioned being my daddy. And I needed the intensity of watching Lincoln stoke his cock while thinking of me. Swallow every drop of daddy’s cum, Kenzie. I’d acted out, hoping that would get them to react to me like Wilder had that day. I dressed skimpier and skimpier, until I was practically prancing around the house in my underwear, hoping to tempt them into breaking. But they never did, no matter how much I pushed or hoped. That is, until that night. I knew something was di erent the moment I walked into the house that night. It was just a feeling — like this invisible heat pulsing through the air and

teasing over my skin the instant I stepped inside. And slowly, as my pulse raced and my skin tingled, I wondered if it’d worked. I wondered if staying out far past when I was supposed to be home had done it. Or if being dressed the way I was, with a way too short skirt, and a skimpy tank top which pretty clearly showed I wasn’t wearing a bra had done it. Or if being out with the sports-car driving, quarterback jock, boyishly good-looking Justin who had “sleazy intentions” written all over had done it. …I wondered if I’d finally pushed them over the edge. I bit my lip as I opened the door to the dark, quiet house. “Get in here.” I gasped loudly as the strong, powerful hands grabbed me tight, pulling me into a firm, muscled body. “What the hell do you think you’re—” “No more bullshit, little girl,” Wilder’s voice growled into my ear. My hands fell against his hard chest, and as I looked up into his dark, piercing eyes, my whole body trembled. “It’s time to learn what happens to bad girls in this house.”


“GET IN THE HOUSE,” Wilder growled lowly. I felt my pulse beating hard beneath my chest at the powerful and commanding tone. “You can’t boss me around, you know,” I threw back. “You’re not my real—” “Get inside,” he hissed, and I shivered at the heat in his voice. “Fine!” I spat back, my whole body tingling with raw want. I pushed him aside and strode into the large entryway. “What are you gonna do,” I threw over my shoulder. “Punish me?” I sauntered in, storming right into the huge living room that I loved, lined with shelves and shelves of leather books. But the little grin on my face dropped when I realized Lincoln was sitting calmly on one of the large, opulent, leather sofas, and I blushed fiercely. The two of them had both been the focus of every single dirty fantasy and dream I’d had for the last month. But I’d seen Lincoln, even if it’d been blurred and steamy. And looking at him now, sitting back nursing a drink in dark jeans and a crisp white button-up, with his stupidly

handsome cowboy chin and gorgeous blue eyes locked right on me brought it all back. “Maybe I am.” Wilder’s rough, firm voice was suddenly right behind me, and I gasped under my breath. I turned, trapped against the back of the sofa opposite Lincoln as I faced Wilder. “You wouldn’t dare,” I whispered quietly. Wilder’s fierce gaze burned right into me, and I swear I could feel Lincoln’s eyes doing the same behind me. And caught between the two of them like that, I could feel my whole body tingling with raw heat. “Where the fuck were you?” Wilder growled. “Nowhere.” His eyes narrowed. Goddamnit. I wanted the response. I wanted the reaction. “I was out, on a date.” I said matter-of-factly, setting my jaw as I stared right back at him. I could see something dark and fierce flicker across his eyes, but he was silent. “Yeah,” I sassed with more bravado this time. “A date.” I swallowed, cocking my hip to the side. Provoking him. “You're playing a dangerous game here, Kenzie,” he growled. “Or maybe you’re just being a puss—” I gasped as he suddenly spun me around and pressed me against the couch.

SMACK. With a sharp crack, his hand came flat against the soft, yielding skin of my ass right through my skirt, setting a fire through my core. “You can’t just spank me,” I whispered quietly, panting. “You’re not my—” “Dad?” Wilder growled into my ear, making me shiver. “No, Kenzie, I’m not. But in this house and under this roof, for all intents and purposes, I sure as fuck am. I care for you. I feed you. I give you money for clothes which you apparently spend on skirts so short I can see what color fucking panties you’re wearing.” “You can not—” “Red,” he growled, his fingers teasing across the short hem of my skirt, flicking it with his fingertips and letting the air tease over my bare thighs. “This last month? Yeah we’re not going to play that little game anymore. We’re done with your bratty little attitude. And to make things easier, I’m going to make it simple for you. In this house, since your real one fucked o with my shitty sister, and since I’m the one caring for you?” I gasped as I felt his lips right against my ear, his hand resting on my ass, still tingling from the spank. “In this house, from now on, I’m your daddy.” Oh God… Raw heat exploded through me, like every single naughty fantasy I’d been bottling up over the last month was finally coming rushing out.

“Bend over.” “Wha—” I gasped as Wilder’s firm hands bent me over, pushing me over the back of the sofa. I whimpered, feeling my tiny skirt pulled up high over my ass and knowing he could see my little red thong pulled tight between my ass cheeks. I blushed just as red as I looked up and locked eyes with Lincoln. Wilder’s hand slid up my thigh, making me gasp before suddenly, he pulled back and then let his palm connect with my skin again. SMACK. I yelped — the sound a mix of shock and basically a moan as his strong, powerful hand spanked my little ass and spread the heat through my whole body. “You’ve been a bad girl, Kenzie,” Wilder growled in my ear, spanking me again as Lincoln just watched, his eyes blazing heat. SMACK. With a low growl, Wilder brought his hand down across my upturned ass again, hard. I cried out with a high mewling squeal and a moan, but my eyes stayed open and locked onto Lincoln. Because if it wasn’t dirty enough that here I was, eighteen years old and getting spanked by my gorgeous, dominant guardian, the fact that my second gorgeous dominant guardian was watching made it all the, well… Hotter. So, so much hotter.

Wilder’s hand down again, and this time, when the gasp left my lips, I could see Lincoln’s jaw tense. His eyes blazed raw heat across the divide between us, and I swear I could see the front of his jeans bulging up. Oh my God, he was hard. Like, really, really hard. I whimpered as I felt Wilder move right against me, his body hot against my thigh as one open hand pressed into the small of my back and the other spanked down on my ass. I gasped as he tugged my skirt up, flipping it over my ass and completely baring my thong to his eyes. I thought I’d seen the front of Lincoln’s pants pulsing, but when I felt something big and huge throb against my ass, I moaned softly, knowing what it was. They were both hard from this — Wilder from disciplining me and spanking my ass, and Lincoln from watching him do it. “Who the fuck was this date with?” Wilder growled. I shook my head. “No one! Just this guy.” “What guy?” Lincoln muttered. “He plays football for the college.” I could heard Wilder growl slowly under his breath, muttering something I couldn’t quite hear. “Yeah? And what exactly happened on this date?” “Nothing,” I panted, swallowing and feeling my face burn as his hand slid over the curve of my ass, soothing where he’d just spanked. “Don’t lie to us, Kenzie,” Lincoln growled.

I shook my head, the heat blazing through me as I saw Lincoln’s jaw clench, his hand tight on the arm rest of the sofa. I could feel Wilder’s thick erection pulsing against my thigh, and between the two of them, it felt like I was melting right there against the couch. “Nothing happened, I swear,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I mean, he—” “He what?” There was this edge to Wilder’s voice that wasn’t really anger, but I couldn’t quite place it. “He what?” he snarled again, and this time, I knew what I was hearing in his voice. Jealousy. The thought made me gasp and made every cell in my body tingled. I’d made him jealous. Or both of them. “He wanted me to…” I shut my eyes, my cheeks burning hot as I felt Wilder’s cock strain against his jeans into my skin. I heard movement, and when I opened my eyes, I gasped at Lincoln standing right in front of me. He reached down and cupped my jaw, his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched tight. “What the fuck did this little piece of shit try, Kenzie?” I blushed scarlet. “Tell us.” I swallowed thickly. “He wanted me to…to, you know.” “What?” “He wanted me to suck his cock,” I finally blurted out.

Both big, gorgeous men growled — the sound primal and animalistic. “I didn’t,” I said quickly, shaking my head. “I really didn’t.” “And yet,” Wilder’s voice was low and gravely, and the sound of it rumbled through me like a wildfire. “And yet, since you’ve decided to wear a skirt so short I can fucking see it, I can also see that your naughty little thong is fucking wet.” I swear, I could’ve come from those words alone. Even after how insane that night had turned out, with Wilder putting his hands on me and spanking my bare ass right in front of Lincoln, nothing could’ve prepared me for hearing that. …And nothing had ever set o so fierce.

a spark inside of me so hot or

I closed my eyes, taking a shaky breath and trying to find the courage to say what I wanted to say — to tell them out loud that it was them I wanted, not some frat douchebag. “Kenzie—” “They weren’t like that when I got home.” The words blurted out before I could stop them, and suddenly, I felt the whole room go still. Wilder sti ened, his hand leaving my skin and body moving away from mine. No, no. I didn’t want to not feel him against me, and I didn’t want to not feel his hands on me. I turned, taking shaky breaths and feeling my whole body buzz with the raw need for him — for both of them. And

slowly, I opened my mouth. “That—” I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced myself to look right up into Wilder’s deep, dark, brooding, sexy eyes. “That only happened after I got home, daddy.” The room froze. I swear you could’ve heard a pin drop. And I’m not sure what in the world I ever thought was going to happen when I said it — what insane porno-scenario my dirty mind thought might just happen when I said it. But when Wilder opened his mouth, it was nothing I’d expected. “Go to bed, Kenzie,” he growled quietly, his face and his eyes so full of heat and this raw desire that it almost sucked me right into him. But he took a step back, his broad chest heaving. He glanced past me, and I looked over my shoulder to see Lincoln standing there with his jaw clenched tight and his eyes wild — the same frozen, hard look on his face as he shook his head and downed the last of his drink before turning away. “Go to bed,” Wilder said again, quieter this time. And just like that, the raw heat of the room cooled, and the two of them put their walls right back up. Wilder gave me one last, long look, before he and Lincoln stepped from the room, leaving me alone with my pounding heart, my bated breath, and my very wet panties.


I SLAMMED THE BOURBON BACK, hoping the glass of fire would somehow quench the one inside of me. …No fucking luck. Next to me, Wilder did the same, growling as he set his glass back on his desk before rubbing his face with his hands. After we’d left Kenzie back downstairs, we’d both wordlessly come directly here, shut the door, and gone right for the bottle. I reached for it again as Wilder groaned into his hands, pouring myself another splash before sinking back in my chair. “That went too far.” Wilder’s hands slid down his face, giving me a look. “Oh, you fucking think so?” “Goddamnit,” I muttered, grimacing as I looked into my glass. “We’re stronger than this. Or, we fucking should be.” “Yeah?” Wilder glared at me. “And how’d that work out for you back there?” he spat sarcastically.

Not well. The thing was, I was stronger than this — we both were. Both of us were men who should have been capable of the kind of discipline and restraint most men didn’t possess. They were skills we’d honed in the Marines, in Kabul, where we’d met. Later, after the service, we’d sharpened those skills when we’d founded Hammer and Spark together — the military contracting outfit we built from the ground up with our bare hands and sheer willpower. We’d done well with our company, and trained some damn fine soldiers. But when the o er came to buy us out, we both knew it’d be foolish to ignore it. Soldiering, and training others to fight had been a major chapter in our lives, but we both knew it was time for another one. So we’d cashed out, and we’d cashed out big. Wilder and I had walked away with a cool $500 million…each. We were set for life. Fuck, our great-grandchildren were set for life, unless they totally fucked it up. So, we had the money, Wilder had his dream home out here in the country, and I was building mine not far away. Other than that though, we weren’t exactly sure what our “next chapter” was. …That is, until Kenzie had showed up at his front door. Barely appropriate. Fuck, entirely un-appropriate. But tempting as fuck, like goddamn original sin in daisy dukes and a crop-top. We hadn’t said anything to each other — not directly at least. But I knew my friend well enough to know he was thinking the same very inappropriate things about our little house guest that I was. The same hungry, craving, possessing thoughts for the totally o -limits eighteen year old who’d come barreling into our lives.

My cock throbbed at the memory of her — eyes wide and fierce as they locked with mine while Wilder had spanked her bratty little ass. Fuck, that look was burned into my damn brain for life. That look was hunger, and want, and my balls tingled at the memory of it. There was jealousy there too — at least a little bit, if I’m being honest. I was jealous that my friend had gotten to put his hands on her like that — to feel her warm, soft, supple skin ripple under his palm as he spanked that tight little butt. But it was just a little jealousy, and nothing more. Now, any other man, and it’d be fucking rage I was feeling. If it’d been any other man putting his hands on her like that, or touching her like that, well fuck, we’d be in a very di erent place in this study. If it’d been anyone else but my best friend in the world who was basically a blood brother to me, I’d be lunging across this desk and wrapping my hands around his fucking neck. I sighed, glancing at my friend. This was as close to “talking about it” as we’d ever got. And even now, even after what had just happened downstairs, we were avoiding it. Neither of us was going to be the first one to just come out and say “I fucking want her,” even if it was plain as day on both our faces. “We went too far,” Wilder growled, pouring himself another splash of obscenely expensive bourbon. Hey, it was a vice we could a ord. “With the discipline,” he added quickly, frowning. Right, “discipline.” Not “putting our hands on the girl we most certainly should not be putting our hands on.” We were going to phrase it that way, I guess. Fine. I just nodded, my jaw tight.

“She needs to know we’re in charge, and we can’t have her thinking she can just run out whenever she wants, as late as she wants, with whoever she wants.” My hands closed to fists at the thought of the who she’d been with that night. “You don’t think…” Wilder shook his head, his eyes fierce. “No. If that little punk had actually gotten anything from her, she’d have told us. If only just to spite us.” “Brat,” I growled. “No shit. But c’mon, we dealt with all sorts of bullshit Marine arrogance and unruliness over there. We can handle this.” “We, huh?” Wilder’s jaw twitched as he nodded. “You and me both, man. Don’t put this all on me.” I arched a brow. “You’re saying I’m in charge of disciplining your niece—” “Not my niece,” he muttered, far too quickly, like maybe he was reminding himself that little but important fact too. “And yes,” he added. “You’re in charge around here too. She’s out of control. Maybe she needs two firm hands of discipline. Or four, fuck, whatever, you know what I mean.” I nodded. “But I think we went too far tonight,” I muttered. “Same.”

“We can’t let it—” I almost said “go there with her,” but I stopped myself. “We can’t let things escalate like that.” My friend nodded curtly. “I’ll say something tomorrow, I guess. You know, apologize for, you know.” For spanking her. For punishing her naughty, tight little ass like I knew both of us had been dying to do since the second she’d stepped into our world. “But for real, man...” Wilder eyed me. “You know I’m gone tomorrow. Just keep her out of trouble while I’m gone.” My buddy was o to the city to settle some final accounting stu from a few of the auxiliary branches of our business. And it looked like I was in charge. Of her. My job to keep her out of trouble. My job to keep my eye on her. My job to discipline her should she try and act out again. …I’d be lying if I said my cock didn’t throb rock-fuckinghard at the thought.


I CAME three times that night. After what happened in the living room, and after feeling Wilder’s firm hands on my body and Lincoln’s heated gaze locked on mine, my entire core was on fire. I barely made it to my room before I slammed the door, locked it, and tore my clothes o . I didn’t even get my panties o before I fell into bed — ass up, face down into my pillows, and both hands buried between my legs. I came the first time in about thirty seconds. The second I took my time with, panting into my sheets as I imagined Wilder spanking me again, and this time pulling my panties to the side and running his fingers up and down my slippery, sticky pussy. I imagined Lincoln doing more than watching. I pictured him stroking himself the way I’d seen in the shower that day. I imagined him moving closer, his hand wrapped around his big, thick cock, touching me while Wilder did the same. The third time I came, my mind went to a place I’d barely ever gone before. That time, I fantasized about them doing more than touching me. I imagined them forcing me to my

knees, and unzipping their pants. I imagined their hands in my hair, and cupping my jaw and touching my body while I wrapped my lips around their cocks. I imagined sliding down onto Lincoln, and then Wilder. I imagined the two of them taking me together, and when I went there, my whole body exploded in the dark of my bedroom, and my cries drowned in my pillows as the orgasm shattered through me.

THE NEXT DAY, I padded downstairs in a sort of hazy glow. I was nervous, and if I’m being honest, a little ashamed. I mean, Wilder had spanked me last night. He’d seen how fucking wet my panties had gotten. And he’d said something. My face reddened as I walked towards the big kitchen, and when I remembered what I’d said back, I blushed even deeper. But I took a big, shaky breath, let the air out slowly, and then stepped into the kitchen for breakfast. They were both there, but aside from two curt, stony nods, neither of them said a word. Lincoln’s eyes lingered a second longer than Wilder’s maybe, but he too turned back to his co ee and paper, clearing his throat as I stood there awkwardly in the doorway. This, I hadn’t expected. Coldness. They were both sitting there like the night before hadn’t even happened. I bit my lip, screaming on the inside for something. But all I got was silence. I poured myself a co ee and sipped it sulking, chewing on my lip as I tried to figure out where we went from here. Suddenly, Wilder cleared his throat and stood.

“Alright, I’ve gotta run.” For the first time, I realized he was dressed up entirely — not just the button up shirt and jeans he usually wore, like Lincoln was. He was in a full suit — dark that only made his dark eyes blaze even hotter as he leveled them at me. “Where are you going?” “The city. Business stu to settle. But look, Kenzie, about last—” He frowned, narrowing his eyes at me before he looked away. “Do me a favor and try and stay out of trouble today, alright? Lincoln’s in charge.” He nodded at his gorgeous friend, who glanced up at his paper and looked right at me. Fuck, it was almost the same heated look as the night before. “Be good, Kenzie.” I shrugged nonchalantly, an even when I looked away, I knew the move had gotten a scowl on his face. …Because even after the night before, or maybe because of the night before, I couldn’t stop trying to get under his skin — both of them. “Mackenzie.” His rough, growly voice snapped my head around, and when his eyes caught mine, I shivered at the heat there. Wilder opened his mouth to say something, but he slowly closed it, shaking his head instead. “I’ll be back tonight.” He nodded at Lincoln, grabbed his car keys, and strode from the room.

WILDER MIGHT HAVE LEFT the house, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t still thinking about the night before nonstop. And worse, now I was alone in the house with Lincoln. Lincoln who’d watched me get spanked, who’d held my gaze. Lincoln who’d had that hungry, fierce look on his face. I thought again about the huge bulge I’d seen in his pants, and felt the heat bloom inside of me. I was the farthest thing from “experienced,” but I knew what it was I’d seen. I knew he’d been as turned on as I’d been, and I wanted more of that. I wanted more of that heat in his eyes, and the hungry, powerful look on his face when he looked at me And so I decided to tease. I think in my head, it started as almost a self-dare — like I was egging myself on to “do something.” My skin tingled as I shut the door to my bedroom and shrugged out of my clothes. My heart thudded in my chest as I swallowed and opened my dresser drawer, pulling out the skimpy, light blue bikini. It was insane, and I knew it. It was playing with fire, and probably messing with something I had no business messing with. Lincoln was so much older than me, and so much more worldly. Not to mention, he was Wilder’s best friend. Part of me felt torn, knowing that it was both of them that set the fire blazing inside of me, and not really knowing how to act on that. There was a part of me that thought teasing and tempting Lincoln would be almost a slight to Wilder, even if I knew how ridiculous that sounded. He’d spanked me, not asked me to marry him, for crying out loud. Given, the spanking he’d given me had moved way past

“discipline,” and I think we both knew that, but still. They both had my body aching in ways it’d never ached before, but it was Lincoln who was at the house that day. I shivered as I stepped out of my room, clad in just the tiny bikini that barely covered much of me at all. An intoxicating mix of not knowing what the hell I was doing and knowing exactly what I was doing roared through me as I padded back to the kitchen. “So,I guess you’re in charge of me today, huh?” Lincoln glanced up from his paper, and his eyes instantly flickered with some unseen heat as they locked onto me. I trembled a little as I felt the power in his gaze as his eyes teased over every inch of me from top to toes, and then right back up again. His eyes narrowed and I could see the twitch in his chiseled, clenched jaw. “Put some fucking clothes on, Kenzie.” I shrugged, looking away and prancing to the fridge for a bottle of water. “To go swimming?” “You’re not swimming,” he growled, his voice low. I could hear him get up from his chair behind me as I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge, and I swallowed thickly. “Not yet I’m not.” I turned around, and gasped instantly as I came face to face with him. Lincoln’s cool, gorgeous blue eyes burned right into mine, his frame towering over me as he stood barely a foot from me. The look on his face was hunger, but he kept

his mouth shut tight and thin, and his hands clenched into fists by his sides. I took a shaky breath, my eyes tracing over the open top buttons of his dress shirt and the defined muscles and ink I could see under it. His sleeves were rolled up over his forearms — and God those forearms. I shivered again, inhaling the scent of him and feeling the heat of his body with him so close to me like this. “No games, Kenzie,” he growled quietly, his eyes firmly holding mine. I forced myself to shrug. “What games, Lincoln?” “You can’t just walk around like this,” he muttered, his gaze breaking as his eyes dropped down to my bikini again. I trembled, feeling that heated gaze tease over my skin and leave electric tingles in its wake. “I’m just going swimming,” I said quietly. “Of course you are,” he purred back, and I swear he moved even closer to me. “Just going swimming, huh?” I nodded, swallowing thickly and feeling my pulse roar inside my head. “Yup.” Lincoln’s jaw clenched tight, and suddenly, one of his hands raised. My breath caught a he reached for me, and for one second, I thought for sure that he was going to just grab me and yank me against him right there in the kitchen. But his hand froze. His eyes blazed pure fire at me as his hand moved right past my hip to press into a fist against the fridge behind me. His whole body tensed, muscles clenching and rippling, like he was barely containing himself.

“Go swim, Kenzie,” he growled, his voice tight. “Now.” He spun, pulling away from me and striding from the room. And I didn’t even realize I’d been holding my breath until it came out in a whoosh the second he was gone. Holy shit. And just like that, I knew I wasn’t confused anymore. I knew I wasn’t “not sure what I was doing” anymore, either. After that moment, I had a new goal: I was going to break that iron resistance of his. I guess I didn’t fully know what I was doing. But all I did know was that cracking Lincoln was a challenge. Game on.


MY WHOLE BODY TWITCHED — restless, on edge, and hungry — through the whole fucking meeting. I was sharp, and short with the lawyers, even my own, as I finished signing over some of the auxiliary account and existing contracts to the new owners of Hammer and Spark. You’d have thought I’d be sad to be selling the company Lincoln and I had bled for, but we were both glad to be out. Were both glad to be out of the job of soldiering, and all that came with it. And besides that, the guys taking over were good men — also Marines, and also with the training and discipline to make good leadership moves. Our employees would be in good hands. But fuck if I could even think about that, even as my hand moved the pen across dotted lines. Because all I was thinking about was her. Kenzie. About her skin, and how fucking tight and warm and supple that little ass was. About how her skin had turned pink under my hand, and how she’d gasped so sweetly you’d have thought I was stroking her pussy not spanking her ass.

After Linc and I had polished o a solid half bottle of the bourbon the night before, I’d gone on the fucking prowl. Lincoln had gone to bed, but me, I couldn’t sleep. I was too on edge. Too fucking roaring and on fire from what happened. I knew it was taking things too far, but fuck, I couldn’t get it out of my head. And she’d called me daddy. Something about Kenzie brought out the need to protect, and to take care of her in ways I’d never felt before. And something about her brought out something raw inside of me — something filthy and dark and fucking roaring to get out. I was thirty-seven years old. There’d of course been women over the years, though nothing in easily a year. But, none of them — not one, ever — had gotten my blood roaring as hot as it had when Kenzie Gates had called me daddy. That one word from her sweet lips was like pulling a fucking trigger. It’s snapped something inside of me, and made me hungry for her in ways I couldn’t even describe. I hadn’t just wanted to fuck her after she said it, I wanted to possess her. I wanted to claim every fucking piece of her — to make sure the whole fucking world knew that every damn inch of her skin, and every soft curve and crease of her body was mine. That only happened after I got home, daddy. Kenzie calling me daddy the night before had gotten me rock fucking hard. Harder than I’d ever been. I’d stormed quietly through the huge, dark house, like an animal stalking for prey. And it wasn’t until I’d found myself up in her wing of the house and standing right in front of her goddamn bedroom door that the red haze had cleared.

Fuck, what was I doing there? My heart raced, and my cock throbbed harder than a piece of steel, thinking about her sleeping just a few feet away behind the door. My jaw clenched, and my hand had twitched, like it was aching to reach out and turn the doorknob. Get the fuck away. The voice inside my head had screamed at me, halting my hand and forcing me a step back. What the fuck was I doing? And I swear I’d started to turn to get the fuck out of there, when I heard it. It. I froze, my pulse jumping through my veins like liquid fire as I heard it a second time. And then I knew there was no way I was walking from that door. I’d heard Kenzie gasping, and moaning. And I knew instantly what it was. My cock lurched in my pants, my balls tingling as they boiled full of hot cum. I’d just heard the sound of Kenzie touching herself. I’d heard Kenzie touching her fucking barely legal, o -limits pussy, and making herself moan from it. I groaned, and my cock turned to fucking steel between my thighs. I turned again, my breath coming ragged and my pulse pounding, trying to force myself to get the fuck away before I kicked her door down, pushed her legs wide, and tasted her little cunt for myself. Get. Out. I stumbled, half blind with my lust as I turned to leave. But as I did, my eyes landed on the door to Kenzie’s bathroom,

half open with the moonlight coming in through the bathroom window. And there, hanging on the doorknob, was a pair of little, black, lacy thong panties. Fuck. I moved before I could even think it through, snatching the tempting, teasing little piece of lace from the door knob. I growled lowly, bringing them up to my face and inhaling the sweet, intoxicating smell of her. I could smell her cunt on them — sweet, mouth-watering, and innocent. My balls tingled with lust, my head swam, and my cock threatened to literally tear a hole right through my pants, and maybe even her fucking door. The sound came again of Kenzie moaning alone in her bed, and the last shred of my control burned away. My belt was undone, and my fly down before I even knew it. I groaned, reaching in and wrapping a fist around my aching cock before pulling it right out. My thick shaft trembled — rock hard with the blood rushing through my body and my desire for the barely legal temptation right on the other side of the door from me. I groaned quietly, stroking my fist up and down my throbbing dick. Sticky, white precum beaded at the swollen crown and then trickled down my shaft, making it slick and glistening in the moonlight. Slowly, listening to the sounds of her pleasure through the door, I brought Kenzie’s little black thong down and wrapped it around my cock. And then I started to stroke it. I grunted in pleasure, half slumped against the wall next to her room listening to the

sexy, totally wrong and forbidden sounds of her touching her tight, wet little pussy. I could hear her soft moans and aching whimpers, and when I heard the fucking wet sounds of her fingers on her cunt, I almost came right there. I jerked my cock faster with her lacy little panties wrapped around them. My swollen head bulged obscenely at the delicate lace, leaving a dark stain where my precum leaked into them. Kenzie’s moans grew louder, and faster, and so did my strokes, until I knew the both of us were past the point of no return. Filthy, wet squelching sounds came through the door, and I heard her start to pant faster and faster until suddenly, she came. And Kenzie coming was the single hottest fucking sound I’d ever heard in my life. The sound of her panting out her orgasm, and gasping out her pleasure sent me reeling, and pushed me right over the edge. I groaned deeply, every muscle in my body tightening and rippling as the orgasm blasted through me. My cock lurched in my hand, my balls twitching as rope after rope of my thick, hot cum blasted from my cock right into Kenzie’s tiny little lacy panties, until they were soaked with my sticky seed. …That’s all I could think about as I signed legal documents and nodded at lawyers all afternoon. Finally, I was done with the first part of the day, freeing me to storm from the room before my erection made a scene. I stormed through the corporate o ces, my mind whirling until I found an empty conference room. I staggered inside, slamming the door shut and falling into a chair as I took out my phone and called up the cameras.

Yeah, cameras. No, it wasn’t to spy or creep on the teenage temptation living in my house. I didn’t have any in her room or the bathroom or anything fucking weird like that. But they were all over most of the house, for security, and being able to remotely watch them from my phone was a nice perk. I swiped through the screens, my jaw tightening as my eyes glanced across feed after feed, until finally, I found her. Oh fuck yes. Jesus, there she was — my forbidden temptation, my totally o -limits fantasy. She was strutting out to the pool in this tiny little bikini that barely contained her body in any real way, showing so much skin that I wasn’t sure if I was furious or if I wanted to pin her to the ground and fuck the shit out of her. My cock ached and throbbed, my eyes following her as she sauntered out to the pool. Part of me wanted to drive home right then, and claim her, damn the consequences. But, I had one more meeting. One more meeting and then I could get back and see this with my own eyes. Fucking Lincoln, you lucky bastard. On my screen, Kenzie found a lounge chair by the pool and draped a towel across it. She lay back in it, not realizing she was facing right at one of my cameras. She slipped a pair of sunglasses on, and as she lay out, her legs fell apart, and even through the small phone screen, I could see it. Her bottoms had pulled tight as she sat, and there, facing the camera like that with her long, soft legs spread wide, I could see her bikini bottoms pulled tight across her pussy lips.

…My resolved crumbled. I lurched to my feet, drawing the blinds in the conference room and then locking the door before I sank back down. My muscles twitched as I went for my zipper, tugging it down as I reached in and wrapped my hand around my thick cock. Slowly, I pulled myself free, feeling my balls twitch with need as my eyes went back to the screen. My hand slid into my suit pants pocket, and slowly, I pulled them out. …The panties. The ones from the night before. I’d fucking kept them. My cock lurched as I wrapped Kenzie’s sticky, messy panties around my shaft. I watched her stretch out by the pool, her legs spread and her little tits pressed up against the fabric. My balls ached for release as my eyes followed the soft lines of her belly and her lips, up to those juicy little tits with her rock-hard nipples poking through the thin material of her bikini. I growled, stroking my cock faster and faster as I imagined her pulling the little pieces of fabric to the side and showing me everything. …I wondered if her pussy was as pink, and tight, and slippery wet, and glistening as I imagined it was. Fuck, I wondered if it tasted as sweet as I thought it would. I groaned, imagining how sweet and sexy and perfect she’d taste as I ran my tongue from her clit to her asshole and then back again. I groaned, feeling my balls tightening as I watched the little nymph on the screen in my hand. I stroked faster and faster, rubbing her messy panties up and down my shaft until suddenly, I couldn’t hold back any longer.

With a grunt, I came, hard. My hot, sticky cum splashed against her panties, soaking them all over again as I sank back in the chair and gripped the arm-rest so hard I thought I’d break it right o . Slowly, panting, I came back down to earth. Fuck, this was a problem. Kenzie was a problem. But then, the more I dwelled on it, tucking my cock back into my suit pants, something switched inside my head. And slowly, one thing became very, very clear to me. Kenzie wasn’t the problem. The fucking problem was that I was here, and she was there. That only happened after I got home, daddy. The wet spot on her panties. My blood ran hot like fire, searing through my veins as I stormed o for my last meeting. Naughty little Kenzie had gotten wet when she’d gotten home… …As soon as I could get the fuck out of there, we were going to see how wet that little pussy would get when daddy got home…


THE SUN BLAZED down onto my bare skin, but it was nothing like the heat pulsing between my legs. Filthy, naughty daydreams swirled through my head, mostly involving some porn-movie version of Lincoln coming out to the pool and just taking me any way he wanted to. Or then, my fantasies would switch to one where Wilder didn’t stop at just spanking me. Instead, in my head, he pinned me against the couch, pulled my panties to the side, and fucked me hard. My skin buzzed with electric heat, and I could feel my nipples straining against the thin fabric of the bikini top. Between my legs, I could feel the slippery heat soaking into my bikini bottoms, wetting them and making them cling to my pussy. I squeezed my thighs together, panting quietly at the sensations as I gripped the arm rests of the pool chair. The dirty sensations teased through me, made all the hotter by being right outside in the open, where anyone could see me. Something tingled down my back at the thought and I slowly opened my eyes under the sunglasses, as if to glance around and see if anyone was somehow watching, despite the walls and lands around Wilder’s house.

I was about to shake my head at my own silliness, when suddenly, something caught my eyes. They darted up to one of the upstairs hall windows, knowing I’d seen something but not seeing it anymore. I shivered, feeling the thrill of being out here and hoping Lincoln would come out tease through me, when suddenly, the curtains moved aside again. …And that time, I saw it. I saw it and I gasped, out loud. Lincoln was watching me — standing upstairs in one of the big windows overlooking the pool, and only half hidden in the shadows. His eyes were right on me, but then, it wasn’t his eyes that caught my attention. …It was the fact that he had his powerful hand wrapped oh so tight around his huge, thick, swollen cock. I almost moaned out loud, my eyes locked on his gorgeous dick as he slowly pumped his hand up and down it. It was like what I’d seen before, in the shower that day a month before. But there wasn’t any steam hiding my view this time. This time, I could see him clearly, and my body reacted accordingly. My nipples hardened to points, and the wet heat between my thighs suddenly grew hotter, and wetter until I knew was probably leaking right through the bikini. I moaned quietly, shifting in my seat and letting my sunglass-hidden eyes trace over every pulsing line of his beautiful cock. Lincoln Reece was watching me, and I think it was fair to say he liked what he saw. …So, I decided to show him more.

The bikini top came o with the smallest tug on the side strings — I just wish I could’ve seen the look on Lincoln’s face when I tossed it aside. I shivered heatedly, the sun teasing over my bare breasts and making my nipples ache as they hardened. I glanced back at the window and saw Lincoln’s eyes burning into me, his hand moving faster and faster as his jaw clenched. Looking back, I know it could have stayed what is was that day — just an insanely hot memory I could hang on to, seeing my gorgeous, sexy as sin older guardian jerking his thick cock while he spied on me. And that in itself would have been one of the hottest memories of my life. But I wanted more. Whatever this attraction to Lincoln — and to Wilder — was, it wasn’t enough to just tease and be teased. Whatever it was about them that drew me, it drew me in hard, and it wouldn’t let go. And laying there, feeling his intense gaze moving over my skin, I knew I needed more. I stood, ignoring the fact that I could see Lincoln pull back from the window, and marched right for the house. It was cooler inside, and my skin tingled into goosebumps as I padded, topless, right through the house in just my bikini bottoms. “Hey, Lincoln?” The front door slammed. I ran to the windows at the front of the house, just in time to see Lincoln in shorts and a t-shirt and trainers, jogging away down the driveway for one of his runs. Damnit.

I scrunched my face up as I watched the object of my fantasy jogging away, and with it, my chance to make fantasy reality.

FORTY-FIVE MINUTES LATER, I was on the couch, aimlessly watching TV. I’d thrown a tank-top on, but I was still in my bikini bottoms as I looked up out the window to see Lincoln jogging back up the driveway. My pulse skipped, and I could feel the heated flush from before teasing through me as he jogged around the house to the back door. I was in the kitchen when he stepped inside after stretching, and the sharp look in his eyes when he saw me sent a thrill through me. “Get too hot out there for you?” he murmured, avoiding my eyes as he moved past me to the fridge. He opened it and snagged a bottle of water, turning half towards me and sipping it, but still not meeting my eyes. His muscled, hardened body heaved from his run. There was a manly, sweaty smell to him, but it wasn’t the gross kind of “guy sweat” smell, it was this intoxicating, masculine scent that was driving me insane. “Yeah, it did,” I said quietly, feeling my heart racing. It was now or never. It was say something, and deal with the fallout, or chicken out and keep it inside forever. “That’s why I took my top o .” Lincoln sti ened, his jaw twitching as he took another sip of water. “You took your top o

outside? C’mon Kenzie, you can’t—”

“I’m pretty sure the closest neighbor out here will be you, and your house is a mile away.” Lincoln didn’t say anything. “Didn’t seem like you minded.” He froze, his jaw tightening and his arm muscles rippling as he gripped the water bottle tightly. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I swallowed thickly. “You know what it means,” I whispered. “I saw you, upstairs.” “You’re imagining things Kenzie.” “I liked what I saw,” I said quietly, stepping towards him. Lincoln turned and looked at me then, and his blazing hot eyes burned right into my core, making me melt. “You don’t know what you saw, Kenzie,” he growled fiercely. “Don’t I?” “Watch it,” he groaned, his eyes ablaze with heat. “I did,” I said quietly, my cheeks flushing. “Fuck, Kenzie,” Lincoln looked away. “You don’t know what you saw.” He turned and started to walk out of the kitchen, and my heart sank almost as much as the frustration bloomed across my face. I knew what he was doing — I knew with me being so young, and with his best friend being “in charge” of me, that in his eyes, I was totally o -limits. But I knew what I wanted.

I walked over to the fridge, yanked it open, and took out a beer. The cap made a hissing sound as I twisted it o and then chucked it across the marble countertop. That got his attention. Lincoln stopped in the doorway and turned back, and when his gorgeous blue eyes landed on the beer in my hand, they narrowed fiercely. “The fuck do you think you’re doing?” I shrugged, taking a small sip and forcing myself not to wrinkle my nose. “What, it’s hot out. Just trying to cool o .” And with that, I turned on my heel, and marched right out of the kitchen, feeling his eyes burning into my skin as I did.

“KENZIE.” The growl from the doorway to the living room pulled my eyes up, and I shivered as they locked with Lincoln’s. “What the fuck has gotten into you, huh?” he growled, stepping into the room. “Life so fucking hard here that you just have to act like a spoiled little fucking brat every goddamn minute of the day?” His voice rose, this commanding power behind it that sent electric teases through my body. “Goddamnit, Kenzie,” Lincoln growled under his breath. “Put the fucking beer down, and—”

I snapped, furious that he was still ignoring what I was telling him. “You can’t tell me what to do—” “Watch me,” he hissed. “Like you watched me?” We both froze — him at my words, and me at not quite believing I’d actually said them out loud. “What?” My chest rose and fell heavily with my breath, and my tongue darted out to wet my lips. “I— I know I saw you, upstairs in the window. I know you were watching me out by the pool.” His jaw twitched, and his eyes blazed right into mine as his shoulders heaved. “Goddamnit, Kenzie…” “The same way you watched me last night, when Wilder was —” “Stop, Kenzie,” Lincoln growled. “I think you liked what—” “You want to play big girl, huh?!” I gasped sharply as Lincoln suddenly closed the distance between us, striding right over to me. He yanked me up by my elbows, making me tremble and gasp as he towered over me, his gorgeous blue eyes captivating mine. Oh God, this is it.

I could feel the heat exploding through the room around us, the both of us panting and trembling this close to each other. “You want to play bad girl?” he hissed under his breath. “You want to pretend you’re all grown up and can play with a grown man like this?” “I am grown up,” I panted. “You’re eighteen,” he growled, leaning down so he was inches from my face. “Yeah, I am. I’m an adult, you know!” “Barely!” “But legally.” Lincoln groaned, and I took a quiet breath as I felt the thick, throbbing bulge in his gym shorts pulse against my tummy. “Fuck, Kenzie,” he growled, his jaw clenched so tight and his hands holding me even tighter. I whimpered at his powerful, possessive grip, and when I looked up into his eyes, I knew he’d heard it. “Lincoln—” “Fuck, Kenzie.” It came out as a hoarse whisper, and suddenly, his lips were searing to mine. I moaned into that kiss, the breath stolen from my body as every single nerve exploded with heat. My body came alive as he grabbed me in his powerful hands and yanked me right against his gorgeous, muscled body. Lincoln growled into my lips, and I moaned back, willingly opening them for his

tongue. His hands slid over my body, his fingers teasing my skin as he gripped me so tightly. Suddenly, I was falling as he pushed me back onto the couch behind us. I whimpered, panting as I watched him yank his shirt o and toss it away before moving over me. His tanned, tattooed, chiseled body rippled as he stalked over me, his muscles straining tight as he pinned me to the couch with his body over mine. His lips crushed to mine again, and this time we both moaned loudly as we drowned in that kiss. My legs spread around his muscled hips, and when he started to tease a hand under the hem of my tank top, I shivered. His fingers moved lower, down over my tummy to tease against the edge of my little bikini bottoms. “You like being a dirty girl, don’t you, Kenzie?” he growled into my lips, his body so hot and so hard against me. I could feel his huge cock throbbing against my pussy through his shorts and my bikini, making me so freaking wet I was sure he could feel it soaking into his gym shorts. “You like being a bad little girl, and being a little fucking brat, don’t you?” I whimpered, nodding and biting my lip as I looked up into his eyes. “Apparently, you didn’t learn the lesson last night,” he growled, kissing me hard. “Apparently, some bad girls just need to be disciplined twice.” “Maybe I do,” I panted. Lincoln growled before he slid o of me. I gasped as he pulled me up, and then suddenly flipped me over, right across his knees.

“Since last night didn’t teach you, it looks like it’s up to me to show you how bad girls get punished in this house.” Oh God… “That what you’re looking for, you little brat? Looking for someone in charge to punish this bratty little ass of yours?” I whimpered, moaning and feeling my face get bright red as I looked at the floor, bent over his knees like that. My ass was up in the air, and I could feel his hand move over the small of my back. I could also feel his huge cock, throbbing right against my tummy and twitching as I squirmed on his lap. “Yes,” I gasped, panting. He leaned down, his lips brushing my ear. “Maybe you just need daddy to teach you a fucking lesson.” I cried out as his hand came down with a sharp spank across my little ass. I moaned, feeling the heat and the sting teasing through my body as he pulled back and did it again, and then a third time. “Count for me,” Lincoln growled. “Starting with this one.” His hand came down on my ass again, and I cried out. “One!” “Uh-uh,” he murmured into my ear, his hand soothing over the skin. “One, what?” I hesitated for a second, but then I knew what he meant. I knew what he meant and my whole body trembled with lust. “One, daddy.” Lincoln’s cock throbbed against me, and he growled.

“Good girl.” His hand spanked my ass again, and I whimpered in pleasure “Two, daddy!” SPANK. “Three, daddy!” I cried out, my whole body on fire and the heat between my legs so hot and so wet I was sure I was leaving a wet spot on his shorts. I thought he was about to bring his hand back down, but suddenly, his fingers hooked into my bikini bottoms, and with one strong pull, he yanked them right down my legs to my knees. I moaned, feeling his eyes on my bare ass and knowing he could see my little wet pussy glistening between my thighs. “Fuck, Kenzie,” Lincoln groaned, his cock throbbing so hard. His hand slid up my thigh, making me whimper and moan as he gripped one cheek of my ass tight in his hand. “Fuck your ass looks so fucking sweet all red and pink like this. So punished like this. It tells me you’re a bad little girl who needed daddy to spank her bratty ass to show her how to behave.” I cried out as he slid his hand to other cheek, grabbing me and spreading me wide for his eyes. “Jesus,” he growled. “So. Fucking. Wet. Maybe my little bad girl is enjoying this too much.” I started to shake my head, panting as my whole world spun around me, but Lincoln stopped me with his hand sliding between my legs. I cried out as his fingers slid over my slippery pussy lip, sending heat exploding through my body.

“Good,” he growled lowly into my ear. “I want my baby girl to get wet like this when daddy spanks her. I want to feel how wet this bratty little pussy gets when I touch you.” His finger eased inside of me, making me moan as he started to stroke the thick digit in and out of my soaking wet pussy. “You saw me watching you outside, didn’t you?” I nodded, panting. “So you saw what you do to me, didn’t you, Kenzie?” I moaned, knowing what he meant, but when his cock throbbed against my tummy, there was no doubting it. “Yes,” I whispered. “Have there been other boys?” He growled the question out, his voice tight with barely contained heat and warning. There hadn’t been. Like I said, boys my age had always been either fumbling and lame, or else way too pushy and demanding, and not in the good way. I shook my head. “No.” “No? No other boys who’ve put their hands on this tight little pussy?” I shook my head again. “No one,” I whimpered. “Good girl,” Lincoln purred into my ear, and when his thumb brushed my clit, I moaned loudly. This is what I’d been waiting for — why I’d waited, I guess. I’d wanted this — the mix of tender and yet firm. A real man to make me squirm and beg for it.

“Spread your legs for me, baby girl,” he growled. “Spread your legs for daddy.” I moaned, spreading my thighs as far as they’d go with my bikini still tangled around my knees. Lincoln’s hand stroked my pussy faster, his finger easing in and out of me as he played with my clit with his thumb. He reached up with his other hand and pushed my tank top up high, up over my breasts before he tugged it o and tossed it aside. I moaned, lying there naked across his lap. Slowly, he moved out from under me, until my head was by his thigh. I watched, panting and wide eyed as he hooked a thumb into the waist of his shorts and started to tug them down. “You want to see more, angel?” he growled. “You want to see more of what you were spying on up in the window?” “Yes,” I panted, licking my lips and feeling my pulse thunder in my ears as he started to tug his shorts and boxers down. The base of his cock came into view — so thick and gorgeous and throbbing. Then he pulled the waistband lower, and lower, and lower — more and more of this huge cock revealed to me. Suddenly, he pulled the shorts all the way down, and his big cock sprang up. I gasped, my mouth falling open at the sight of his thick, swollen, enormous cock, standing up rock hard against his chiseled abs. His finger plunged into my slippery, tight pussy, curling deep inside and hitting this perfect spot that made me gasp out loud. He wrapped his fist wrapped tightly around his cock and slowly started stroking it up and down his thick shaft. A thick drop of something clear and sticky beaded at his swollen head, before trickling down his shaft,

over his fingers, and down to his big, heavy balls between his thighs. “This is how fucking hard you’ve made me since the second you walked through this front door, Kenzie,” he growled, looking down and meeting my gaze. He reached down and cupped my jaw, tilting my head up as he leaned down and kissed me fiercely. I moaned into his lips, my whole body melting into him as his fingers played with my clit. “Now lay back,” he groaned, sliding his fingers from my pussy and turning me over again. He pushed me back into the couch, pushing my legs wide as he moved to his knees in front of me. “Lay back and spread those pretty legs, baby girl. Because I’ve been dying to taste your sweet little cunt since the second I saw you, and I’m not waiting anymore.” I moaned as his hands slid up my thighs, pushing my legs wide and up as he moved in. His breath teased across my pussy, making me shiver and moan. My eyes went wide as I stared down, mouth open as Lincoln moved in, his gorgeous blue eyes flashing fiercely and his chiseled jaw clenched tight. When his mouth touched me, I cried out. His wet, warm tongue dragged across my pussy, moving up my whole seam until his tongue bumped across my clit. I cried out, my hips bucking against his mouth as he growled and moved his mouth right against me. I could feel the slight stubble of his jaw on my skin, sending shivers up my spine as he dragged his tongue over me again. “Fuck, baby girl, you taste like fucking cotton candy,” he growled, his tongue pushing deep against my opening and

making me cry out again. “I could lick this little peach all fucking day, and I just might.” He groaned into me, the feel of it rumbling through me. His hands gripped me tightly, and his powerful shoulders rippled as he pushed my legs back and dragged his tongue over my pussy. He pushed deep, tonguing my opening and making my hips rock o the couch as the pleasure rolled through me. He moved up, and when his tongue swirled over my clit, I threw my head back and screamed in pleasure. His tongue moved faster, his hands so tight on my skin and his moans rumbling through me. His lips sealed around my clit, sucking on it as his tongue swirled in slow circles. He did it over and over and over, and the pleasure burned hotter and hotter until I was sure my whole body might explode. “I want to taste this little virgin pussy when it comes for me, baby girl,” he growled. “Come for me. Come all over daddy’s tongue.” Oh fuck. I screamed as the orgasm hit me like a bomb, my whole body tensing and then shattering as the intensity of it slammed into me. I moaned, twisting and bucking against his mouth and his wicked tongue as I came again and again, one orgasm tumbling into another one as his tongue swirled over my clit. I collapsed into the sofa, panting and gasping and trying to find reality again, when he suddenly stood. I moaned as he grabbed me, pushing my legs back as he stood and moved into me, pressing me back into the couch. My legs spread around his muscled, grooved hips, and when I felt his length nestle against my sticky, hot pussy, my eyes went wide.

“I’m not going to take you, baby girl — not like this, and not here,” he rasped into my ear. His hands slid down to cup my ass as he ground his shaft against my clit. “But I will feel that bad girl pussy come all over my cock.” He rocked his hips, letting his shaft slide between my lips and glide up and down. He didn’t push inside, but instead he let his swollen head graze up through my lips, bumping over my clit. He growled, and I moaned deeply as he started to move faster, his big, fat, thick cock squelching between my dripping wet, sticky pussy lips and hitting my clit on every thrust. Thick, white, sticky liquid trickled from his swollen head, dribbling down across my tummy and covering my pussy, making us both slick and glistening as we moved faster and faster. “I can feel your sweet little cunt trying to suck me inside,” He growled. “Trying to suck my cock inside your greedy little pussy, baby girl? That what you want? For daddy to plunge his cock deep inside of you and claim that cherry right here on the couch? That what you want?” I cried out, throwing my head back and raking my nails down his muscled, tattooed arms as his thick cock rubbed against my clit again and again. “Yes!” I moaned, gasping as the pleasure started to burn hotter and hotter, threatening to explode through me all over again. Lincoln chuckled darkly, leaning down to kiss me hard and rough. He sucked my bottom lip between his teeth, sucking it as his hands gripped my ass like it belonged to him.

“Greedy little girl,” he growled. His hips rocked against me, and this time, I knew I was about to crash over the edge. “Make this bratty little cunt come for daddy, baby girl,” he rasped into my ear. His heavy balls slapped against my ass, and I could feel his big dick throbbing and swelling up even bigger. “Make this little pussy come all over my cock, and then daddy’s going to give you every drop of his cum. Come for me, baby girl,” he groaned. “Come for me, Kenzie.” I screamed as the orgasm rocked through me, blazing through my body like a wildfire and igniting every inch of my skin. Lincoln roared, his thick, throbbing cock rocking against me once more before he suddenly tensed and then groaned. His fat cock pulsed against my little pussy, and I suddenly gasped as a thick, white spurt of cum pumped from his swollen head and landed in a streak across my tummy. He groaned again, his cock pumping rope after thick rope of hot, sticky cum across my belly, my thighs, and my pussy, until I was soaked in him. I panted, whimpering as he pulled back and growled. Lincoln wrapped his hand around his cock and stroked, pumping a few more spurts of cum against my pussy as I shivered in ecstasy. “Kenzie…” And then he kissed me — hard. He kissed me hard enough to make my toes curl and my whole body tremble. I could feel his still-hard cock pushing against me, and slowly, he nudged the thick head between my sticky pussy lips. “Fuck, Kenzie—”

“Please—” Suddenly, headlights flooded the living room. “Oh fuck,” Lincoln hissed, his eyes darting up to meet mine. And suddenly, I realized what it was. Wilder. The two of us sprang part, lunging for clothes as Wilder’s Bentley roared up the driveway. “Kenzie—” “I have to go!” I jumped into him, kissing him fiercely and passionately, letting my tongue tease over his before I pulled away, grabbed my clothes and darted from the room, up the stairs, and into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I panted, sinking against the door and feeling my whole body trembling and throbbing with the heat of what’d just happened. I wasn’t sure why I’d run from the room so fast. I guess because I didn’t want Wilder to “catch” me like that, with Lincoln’s cum still hot on my skin and trickling between my legs. What’d just happened with Lincoln had been everything I wanted. But then, I also had these confusing feeling for Wilder — feelings that were just as intense and heated as the ones I had for Lincoln. I bit my lip, sitting there in my room feeling my heart still racing and trying to make sense of the whirlwind of feelings I had for two men…


I HAD TO TELL HIM. It wasn’t even a fucking question. Wilder was my best friend, and we were closer than brothers. Lying to him, or not telling him about what’d happened with Kenzie was just o the fucking table. I felt like an asshole though. Not for what’d happened with her — that had been incredible. What had happened when Mackenzie and I had crashed together had been something that’d been brewing for months — an unstoppable force of nature that I knew then neither of us would’ve been able to stop anyways. I felt for her. Yes, there was the physical — the way her tight, untouched little body made my cock harder than it’d ever been. The way she moaned so fucking sweetly, or the way she gasped like she was coming when I spanked that little ass. Or the way pussy her tasted like candy and felt like heaven when I’d felt it coming against the underside of my cock. But it was more than that. It was a lot more than that. Something about her sparked something inside of me I’d never felt before. There’d been women in both our lives

before — I mean, Wilder and I were both thirty-seven. But it’d never felt right. Nothing had “clicked” or made sense, and the few relationships both of us had had never really lasted. With Kenzie, I felt the “click,” and I felt it hard. It wasn’t just her age either — it wasn’t me fetishizing her being “barely legal,” though I wasn’t going to deny that the thought made my cock fucking hard as steel. She was much older than her years, in a way. Yes, she had the “brat” act down, but I knew “rough background” when I saw it, and I knew Wilder did too. Hell, we’d both come from that ourselves. Kenzie had a worldliness about her that she hid away, but I’d seen it in her eyes from time to time since she’d arrived. I’d definitely seen it when we’d crashed together. I wanted her. I lusted for her. But I was also head-overdamn-heels for her, in a way I’d never felt before. And that was why I found myself taking a breath outside Wilder’s o ce before knocking. “Yeah, come in.” I stepped inside, my body tense and my face hardened. Me wanting to tell Wilder was one thing. Him wanting to hear it was another thing. Because even if we’d never talked about it that openly, I knew how we both felt about her. I knew he had probably the same damn thoughts about her that I’d been having — that intoxicating and confusing mix of forbidden lust and feelings we’d never had before. I hadn’t stolen her from him — shit, it wasn’t like she was “his” to take. But I knew telling him might hurt him, and that felt like a knife in my gut to think about.

“How was the city?” Wilder glanced up. He looked tense and worn out. “Eh, it was fine.” “The signing that rough?” He smiled grimly and shook his head. “Not the reason I’m all tensed up, man.” He cleared his throat, started to say something, but then just shook his head. “Speak,” I growled. “C’mon, talk to me man.” Wilder sighed. “Kenzie, man.” I tensed. “I…” He frowned and swore under his breath. “Fuck, I heard her last night, Linc. After what happened, after I spanked her, I walked by her room. She was…” He groaned, his jaw tight. “She was making herself come.” My cock throbbed at how fucking hot it’d be to hear Kenzie playing with that tight little pussy. “She made herself come and I fucking stood there and did the same listening to her. I’m over the fucking edge, Lincoln. I could barely concentrate today at those meetings because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Then I goddamn called up the security cams for the house on my phone and watched that little tease laying out in that tiny little bikini by the pool.” I looked away. “I mean, fuck, dude, I fucking jerked o in the goddamn bathroom at the lawyers o ces watching her. I’m fucking losing it.”

He sighed heavily. “Wilder.” He glanced up, and his brow creased as he saw the look on my face. “What’s up?” “It’s about Kenzie.” He started to open his mouth, when suddenly, he saw it written all over my face, and he froze. We knew each other so well after the Marines and what we’d been through together, that I almost didn’t have to say it. But I was going to anyways, because he deserve to hear it. “Something happened today, while you were gone. Between her and me. Fuck, man, I didn’t plan it like that. And I know neither of us have said shit about it, but I know the way you look at her.” I grit my teeth, my hands tightening to fists as I shook my head. “Look, I’m gone tonight, alright? I’ll move out, I just—” “Did you fuck her?” Wilder’s voice was edged, his hands tight on the edge of his desk like he might flip the whole fucking thing. I shook my head. “She’s a virgin, isn’t she?” “Yeah,” I nodded. “And no, I didn’t go there. I—” “Tell me,” he growled fiercely, his eyes blazing.

“She was trying to provoke me, walking around the house without a top on and giving me attitude. Then she cracked a beer and I snapped.” I swallowed, my cock throbbing at the memory. “I took her over my knee, and I spanked that little ass of hers. Things kind of went o the rails from there, man.” “And?” I met Wilder’s gaze. “Do you actually want to hear this or are you just saving it up to fucking murder me or something?” Wilder didn’t blink. “Just fucking tell me what happened,” he growled. “I put my hands on her. Felt her pussy, how fucking tight and wet she was. Like goddamn velvet. I took my cock out, I spread those legs, and I licked her pussy until she came for me.” Wilder groaned, and suddenly, I realized it wasn’t furious anger on his face, it was furious lust. “How’d she taste?” he hissed. “Like fucking candy,” I growled back. “Wilder—” “She make you come?” I clenched my jaw, my cock achingly hard thinking back on it. “I teased her clit with my cock. Didn’t fuck her, but I made her come on my cock until I came all over her pussy.” Wilder swore, lunging from his chair and whirling to pace behind his desk. “That little fucking tease,” he hissed under his breath.

“Fuck, man, you have a right to be pissed.” He stopped, and slowly, he shook his head, snorting a short laugh. “No, Linc, I don’t. And I’m not mad — not at you, I just…” “You want her too.” He turned to look at me. “Is that all it is for you?” he growled, his look edged in steel. “You just want her?” My face hardened. “Fuck no.” “Don’t patronize me, Lincoln,” he growled quietly. “I mean do you just want to fuck her, or—” “No!”” I snarled. “I’m in—” I stopped, catching my breath and realizing both my hands were clenched into fists. “No,” I said again. “I’m pretty sure I’m in love with her, man.” The room was silent for a second before he finally spoke. “Same,” he said slowly. “Looks like we both fell for the girl neither of us should’ve been thinking about like that.” I sighed, shoulders slumping. I went over to Wilder’s bar cart and poured us both a bourbon, passing him one as we both sank down into chairs and drank slowly. “Linc, you’re my best friend,” he finally said quietly. “You’re like the brother I never had. Fuck, you’re closer than a brother. You’re blood to me.” “And you know you’re blood to me too,” I said fiercely back. “And you know you just say the word and I’m gone. She’s

yours, because no girl is ever going to tear our friendship apart.” Wilder smiled thinly. “She’s not mine, though. She’s her. And you’re right, she can’t and won’t tear us apart as friends.” “So what the fuck do we do?” Wilder was quiet a second, his eyes twitching like he was thinking before finally, he went still. He knocked back the rest of his drink and looked up at me. “Anyone else in the world, and I’d be furious right now. You know that. If it was any other guy, I’d be losing my fucking mind right now. But, not with you. Maybe it’s cause we’re who we are, and because of how close we are. I’m not mad at you for today, Linc.” “So what do we do?” I sighed. “I mean we can’t both have her.” “Says who?” Wilder’s words made me freeze, my glass halfway to my lips. Slowly, I lowered it, and looked over at him. “What?” “I said who says we can’t both have her.” And slowly, he started to smile. “Like I said, any other guy and I’d be considering murder right now. But there’s no jealousy with you. Look, I know the way she looks at you. Just like I’m not blind to the way she looks at me, or how I know her bullshit ‘brat’ attitude is just to get under our skin. I know the sounds I heard her make the other night when I put my hands on her.” Wilder took a deep breath.

“So who says we can’t both have her?” Slowly, I nodded, my cock throbbing rock hard. “She does look at you the same way she looks at me.” Hell, I’d noticed it too. “She can be a real handful,” Wilder said lowly. “Little brat like that,” I made a tsking sound with my teeth as the hungry grin spread across my face. “Might be she needs twice the discipline.” Something sparked in Wilder’s eyes as he started to nod. “Might be, she needs twice the daddy.”


“C’MON, babe. Quit being such a fucking tease.” I jerked away from Justin’s hand, swearing at him at I slapped it away. “Stop it,” I spat, moving as far against the passenger door as I could. Yeah, the ride had been a terrible idea. It’d all started the morning after Lincoln and I had come crashing together. I’d holed up in my room the rest of the night — scared of what we’d done meant and scared of running into Wilder and having him see the truth all over my face. I loved what’d happened with Lincoln, but I felt weirdly terrible, for it not having been Wilder I was with. …Considering I’d never had a boyfriend, the whole thing was beyond confusing. That morning, I’d ducked out earlier, grabbing a small pack with some snacks and water, and my hiking boots, going out for a long trail walk in Wilder’s acreage. I had to clear my head, and also, I had to get out of the house I shared with the two men who I had such conflicting and uncontrollable feelings for.

But a small hike had turned into a much longer one, and that had turned into me taking back trails and side roads all the way into the small little downtown area of our town. It was there that I realize that, for one, I was miles from home, and two, my feet were absolutely killing me. That’s also where I’d bumped into Justin — college douchebag quarterback Justin — who’d o ered to drive me home. I knew the risk involved, and I knew from the way he talked to my tits that his whole “what, just a ride” bullshit was, well, bullshit. But I took him up on it anyways. Well, the ride had turned into a forced date. First, he insisted on getting food, but that I was “welcomed to go hitchhike if I didn’t want to wait.” I’d sat there glaring at him as he’d wolfed down a burger and a beer, and then a second beer, before he’d finally agreed to drive me. But then, we’d bumped into a bunch of his douchebag friends in the parking lot, and another hour had gone by, until suddenly the day was gone, it was dark, and I just wanted to get the hell home. I was also technically past my curfew at that point, but I wasn’t worried about it. I was too worried about Justin keeping his damn eyes on the road, and his damn hands away from my thigh. “Jesus, Mackenzie, anyone ever tell you how fuckable you are?” I wrinkled my nose and turned to look out the window, when suddenly I felt his fingers on my leg again. “Goddamnit!” I spat, shoving his hand away angrily. “I said no, didn’t I? Like ten fucking times?”

Justin muttered something about me being a “tease” and floored it, yanking the wheel when we got to the huge front gates of Wilder’s estate, roaring up the driveway. Great, I was late and they’d see me getting dropped o the guy they knew I’d been out with the other night.


…For a second, I wondered if I’d get “punished” again, and my cheeks burned at the thought. “You know, some girls would like suck a dick or something. You know, show a little fucking gratitude?” I narrowed my eyes at Justin. “I hope you drive o

the road.”

“Cock-tease.” “Douchebag.” I slammed the door, ignoring Justin’s incredibly lame and rushed apologies and that he’d “totally go down on me after.” Yeah, uh, no thanks. I flipped him o as I walked away, smiling when I heard him swear some more and then peel out back down the driveway. I sighed as I headed around the side of the huge house to the back entrance by the kitchen. It’d been a long twenty-four hours, and I was just glad to be home. Also, there was a heat burning inside of me. It’d been there all day, lingering under the surface and hiding behind my confusion about how I felt for both Wilder and Lincoln. But now that I was back, the confusion was starting to fade.

The plain truth was, there wasn’t one of them I wanted more than the other. And that was what was so freaking confusing about the whole thing. I couldn’t “pick” one, because, well, I just couldn’t. I wanted them both. I wanted them both, in a way that made me feel alive, and sultry, and sexy and dirty all at once. They made me feel protected, and comforted, and really if I thought about it — and even if I’d been such a brat to them since I’d arrived — they made me feel like part of a family in a way I’d never really felt before. …Was that part of the fantasy with them? Them swooping in to save me and take me away and make every shitty part of my life better? I guess I’d always wanted someone to protect me like them — someone to be that firm hand to guide me and watch me. I’d never had a dad — not a real one at least. I had a biological father who never wanted me anyways and who’d barely ever acknowledged me. Something burned hot in me as I stepped up to the back deck. Maybe a daddy was what I needed. …Maybe I needed two of them, to make up for all those years of never having one. I shivered, the naughty heat bubbling up inside of me and teasing through my body. I fished for my keys in my bag. I was late, but screw it. I doubted either of them were exactly going to do— The door yanked open in front of me, making me gasp as I jumped a step back. Wilder.

His shoulders heaved, and his jaw was set hard — those piercing, fierce dark eyes of his burning right into me. “You’re late,” he growled lowly, his gaze darkening as his eyes slid over me. “Yeah, well, get over it.” He’d dismissed me the night before, and flat out ignored me the next morning. Then he’d disappeared all day without once talking to me about what had happened the night before. …Yeah, you could say I had a little bit of a chip on my shoulder about it, which is why the sass came out like that. Wilder’s eyes blazed. “The fuck did you just say to me young lady?” I swallowed — he’d never sworn like that at me, and there was something so fierce and wild in his look that it had me shivering. “Where the hell were you?” “With Justin,” I spat out. It was petty, and childish, but I wanted to wound him like he’d wounded me by completely pretending the other night hadn’t happened, and completely pretending it wasn’t what both of us — all three of us — knew it’d really been about. I started to push past him, when suddenly, his hand shot out and grabbed my arm tight. I gasped as he yanked me inside, slamming the door and spinning me to pin me against it. The roughness, and barely contained heat in his touch was electrifying, and so fucking hot that my body trembled. I

could feel the heat pulse between my legs, my heart pounding in my chest. “I know what you’re doing, and I know what you’ve been up to, you little fucking tease,” he snarled, moving right against me and pinning me to the door. “Get your hands—” “And now you’re in trouble, little girl.” The rough growl in his voice both shut me up and set the fire burning inside of me. I panted, every inch of my skin on fire for him as he leaned in close, both of his hands pinning mine to the door at my back. “Now you’re in big trouble.”


THE BLOOD ROARED in my ears, my whole body on fucking fire as I yanked her into the house. Something came alive inside of me when I touched her — like there were electric sparks buzzing between where my hand gripped her arm. The fire blazed inside of me — fire fueled by lust, by my obsession with this girl, and by having denied myself for so long. There’d been one second — one flash of pure green jealousy when Lincoln told me what’d happened earlier. But then, it’d turned into something else entirely, and it only became fuel for the fire inside. I wasn’t jealous of Linc, or of what he and Kenzie had done. Fuck, how could I be? Another man, sure, I’d be burying him in the backyard for laying his hands on what was mine, but when it came to the man who was basically my brother in everything but blood, there was no “mine.” If she was mine, she was ours. Period. We’d never gone down the road I was pretty sure we were going to go down. There’d been a few women where one of us had dated her and then the other had later, but it’s not like we roamed around “sharing” girls or anything.

…We’d never had one at the same time. The thought sent the fire into an inferno inside my chest. My cock throbbed in my pants, pulsing and twitching against my thigh as the thought of the two of us both taking little Kenzie at once exploded through me. The thought of our big, muscled bodies against her small, lean one full of soft curves had the pre-cum leaking from my swollen head and leaving a sticky wet spot on my boxers. This was new territory, but this was happening. There was no denying it anymore, and there was certainly no denying myself anymore. Kenzie didn’t say a word as I stormed through the house, pulling her into the big living room. In there though, she gaped quietly as she saw Lincoln already there, sitting back on one of the big sofas in front of the roaring fireplace. Oh, this was happening alright. We were done pretending what we felt for her wasn’t there. And done pretending it wasn’t totally obvious that we were both feeling it. Forget the rules, forget jealousy. There couldn’t be any of that here — not with us, and not when it came to Kenzie. “I know what you did.” The words were heavy and thick as they left my mouth, and I turned as I stopped her in front of the fireplace. I leveled my eyes with her as I sank down into the couch opposite Lincoln, with her standing there between us. Fuck, she was just wearing this tiny little pair of daisy-duke jean shorts with the frayed ends, this too-tight t-shirt with a plunging neckline, and a pair of white sneakers with little lace-edged pink socks.

Jesus, it was like she was trying to make my cock burst out of my pants. She stood there, her chest rising and falling and looking every inch the girl next door tease as the blood roared through my veins. “I know what you did, Kenzie,” I said again. She looked away, still trying that bratty defiance with me. “Out late with a boy, wearing slutty little clothes like that—” “What’s wrong with my clothes?” she snapped. “Nothing and everything,” I growled. I crooked my finger at her, and I could see her hesitate, but slowly, biting her lip, she moved closer to me. “What’s wrong is I can see your damn bra under that top.” “So?” My jaw tensed. “And I can practically see your fucking panties with those shorts being so short.” She blushed, chewing on her lip as her eyes flicked over my hardened face. “We don’t wear slutty clothes like that in this house, Kenzie,” I said softly. She chewed that over, her eyes locking on mine. “Fine,” she finally said. “Take them o .” Her cheeks went red, and her big blue eyes opened wide as she stared at me. “What?”

“Take. Them. O .” She shivered, the flush in her cheeks creeping down her neck. “Or do I have to do it for you?” She gasped quietly, her eyes going wider as she realized how serious I was. And slowly, she nodded. “Fine.” She reached down, and with a shiver she couldn’t quite hide, she tugged the hem of her t-shirt up and pulled it o , pulling it over her hair and tossing it aside. I groaned inside, the sight of her perfect little tits encased in the lacy white, almost transparent bra getting my cock so hard I could have driven fucking nails with it. My jaw twitched, my hand tightening on the arm rest of the couch as I let my eyes drink in her soft, supple skin. “Now the shorts.” “Wilder—” “Now, Kenzie.” And slowly, her cheeks red and her eyes wild, she nodded. The button popped silently, the zipper almost as quiet as she peeled them open. Lacy white panties that matched her bra were revealed to me, only making my pre-cum pump hot and freely into my pants as my eyes took them in. She wriggled her hips, slipping the shorts o over her soft ass before letting them drop to the ground. She kicked her sneakers o without me telling her to. Holy fuck.

She was a fucking goddess — all soft curves, young, blushing, innocent skin, and with a wild look on her face as she stood there in just her bra, panties, and socks. I could hear Lincoln full-on growl behind her, and I know I probably did the same. She bit her lip, trembling slightly and looking so fucking tempting I almost pounced on her right there. “Turn around,” I growled, shaking my head. “This is very grown up, bad girl underwear you’re wearing. Is that a fucking thong?” “Yes,” Lincoln growled from behind her, his voice tight. I leveled my eyes at Kenzie. “Turn around. Show me.” She swallowed, and you might have thought it was nervousness on her face, until you saw her eyes. And it was that raw hunger in her eyes that told me everything I needed to know. …She was as hungry for this as we were. “You can’t tell me what to do,” she said softly. “I just did,” I growled back. “You’re not my dad, you kn—” “Except I think a little brat like you could use a daddy,” I purred quietly. Her cheeks went bright red, and I swear I could see her nipples harden through the thin lacy material of her bra. She gasped quietly, swallowing as my eyes blazed into her. Fuck I was harder than I’d ever been, standing on the edge of diving into the unknown to see where this went. But I couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Lincoln told me.” Her jaw dropped, and the flush turned downright scarlet across her face. “Wilder—” “So,” I growled, my hands clenching to fists and my cock throbbing hard as fucking steel inside my pants. “So you think it’s okay to be a dirty, bad little girl while I’m gone?” She stammered, her mouth opening but no words coming out. I grinned. It wasn’t that I enjoyed watching her blush and stammer like this, it was that I knew what was coming next was all three of us stepping over that line we’d told ourselves was forbidden. “So, you showed him your little pussy, huh?” Kenzie whimpered as I growled the words out, the heat in the room almost pulsing around us. “You showed him your tight little virgin cunt and let him taste how fucking sweet it is? Oh, he told me everything, baby girl,” I growled. “He told me you taste like candy.” Kenzie gasped quietly, her body trembling and her nipples rock hard under her bra. I could see the way her panties were growing more see-through — wet and clinging to her little slit. I could barely fucking control myself. The urge to just tear her panties o and claim her right fucking there nearly did me in. But I wanted to draw this out. I wanted her begging for it before I took her. “He showed you his big cock too, didn’t he?”

Kenzie moaned out loud, her thighs clenching together as her breath caught. “Tell me,” I growled. “Yes,” she whispered back. “I’m betting you’ve never seen a man’s cock like that before, have you?” She shook her head, her eyes wide and her cheeks bright red. “Only those little boys from school?” She shook her head again. “I’ve never, I mean…” The heat inside of me roared even hotter. She wasn’t just a virgin, she’d never even seen another cock. Good. The thought seared it’s way into my brain. Fucking good. Ours would be the only cocks she’d ever know. Because when we claimed her as ours, and we would, she’d be ours and only ours. Always. No other man would lay a hand on this fucking angel. No other man would even look at her the way we did, unless he wanted an arm broken. It’d be us that claimed her, and made her ours, and kept her safe, and protected, and taken care of, always. “Kenzie,” I purred, my voice tight and my cock almost tearing its way right out of my pants. She looked up and met my eye, her whole body trembling and her eyes so full of hunger. “Turn around.” She panted softly, but she did as I said, turning towards Lincoln. I groaned, my eyes feasting on her tight little ass

with the naughty little white strip of thong pulled tight between her soft cheeks. I’d be pulling that down with my fucking teeth later. I nodded at Lincoln, and slowly, his hands moved to his belt. Kenzie gasped quietly as he opened it and tugged his zipper down, and when he pulled out his thick, pulsing cock, she fucking moaned. “I told you we’d have obedience in this house, didn’t I?” She whimpered, nodding. “Yes.” “Yes what?” She gasped quietly, and slowly, she turned to look at me over her shoulder. “Yes daddy.” I groaned. “I want you to walk over to Lincoln. I want you to get on your knees. And I want you to suck his cock.” Kenzie’s mouth fell open, the heat blazing across her face as my words washed over her. She panted, her shoulders rising and falling and her little pink tongue darting out to wet her lips. Slowly, I nodded. “Suck his cock, baby girl. I want to watch you on your knees with your sweet little lips wrapped tight around his dick.” She whimpered quietly, swallowing thickly as I nodded past her at Lincoln. “Now, baby girl.”

She turned back to him, her fingers twisting at her sides. And slowly, she started to approach him. The blood boiled in my veins like hot lead as I watched, my hand drifting to the huge bulge in my pants as she approached my friend. Slowly, obediently, she dropped to her knees in front of him, and I could see the raw lust on his face as he wrapped a hand around his cock. And slowly, she leaned forward.


MY WHOLE WORLD blurred at the edge, the heat of the entire moment threatening to engulf me completely. And I loved it. I knelt on my knees in front of Lincoln my eyes glued to his thick, huge cock as he slowly stroked it, feeling my pussy get wetter and wetter until my panties were totally soaked. I could feel Wilder’s eyes on me, burning into me as Lincoln groaned lowly. “Open those lips for me, Kenzie,” he growled, his voice making my whole body melt. “Open wide for daddy.” I panted, doing what he said as he reached out, tangled his hand in my hair, and gently pulled me closer to him. He stroked his cock inches in front of my eyes, more of that sticky clear liquid running down his shaft and making it glisten. “Open that sweet little mouth for me.” I moaned, opening for him as he pushed the throbbing, swollen head of his huge cock against my lips. I whimpered, tasting the salty-sweetness of him and feeling how hot his

cock was against my mouth. And slowly, I opened wide as he pushed into my mouth. Eagerly, hungrily, I swirled my tongue around and around his head, sucking gently and feeling my pulse thunder inside of me. He began to tear at his button-up shirt, letting it fall open as his muscled, gorgeous body was revealed to me. Lincoln growled, his ab muscles clenching tight and rippling as I lowered my mouth onto his cock. “Good girl.” Wilder’s voice from behind me had me moaning around Lincoln’s cock. Knowing he was watching me like this, on my knees with his friend’s cock in my mouth and my ass out towards him had my panties soaking through. As if reading my mind, I felt Wilder’s hand slid down my back, teasing over my skin as he pushed down towards my ass. His big hand grabbed me, fingers inching under the lacy edge of my thong as he pushed deep. He slid the thong to the side, and I whimpered, knowing Wilder could see all of me. Lincoln’s thick finger pushed between my ass cheeks, teasing over my asshole and making me moan around his cock. He moved lower, reaching right over me as I swirled my tongue over his thick cock. Suddenly, his fingers pushed right between my pussy lips, spreading me open as he eased one thick finger inside. “Fuck,” Wilder groaned from behind me. I could hear the sound of his belt coming undone, and my whole body trembled. Oh God, this was really happening. Lincoln groaned, gently pulling me from his cock. I pulled away, my eyes locking onto the glistening, pulsing shaft,

slippery with my spit and his precum. He wrapped his hand around it and started to stroke right in front of my eyes as he gently pulled my mouth lower to his big, heavy balls. “Open wide, princess.” Dutifully, I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out as Lincoln let his ball sack slip over my lips while he stroked his thick cock. I moaned as I opened my mouth and let my soft wet tongue dart out, gently licking and probing at his sack. He groaned, and slipped his thumb over my clit, bringing a moan to my lips as well. Gently, I sucked one heavy ball into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it, loving how naughty this was. Lincoln groaned and pushed another finger against my wet opening, making me moan into his balls as he slipped it in alongside the first. He began to slide his hand up and down his shaft, right above my eyes as I suckled on his balls. I whimpered and moaned, listening to Wilder growl behind me as I sucked one and then the other of Lincoln’s heavy balls. I swirled my tongue over them, bathing them in my spit as he stroked his cock faster and faster. His thumb on my clit and his fingers squelching wetly in and out of my soaked pussy were driving me crazy, and I could feel the stirring of my own climax begin to rumble inside my belly. He began to finger my clenching pussy faster and faster, curling his fingers up inside me and rubbing up against that sweet spot just inside as his thumb flitted over my aching clit. I could feel his heavy balls begin to draw up as he fisted his cock faster and faster, leaking pre-cum down his shaft. “You’re being such a good little girl for daddy, princess.” Lincoln grunted. “And I’m going to give you a special treat very soon.”

He groaned and pulled his spit-soaked balls out of my mouth, pushing the throbbing head of his huge cock against my lips. “Open wide, baby girl. Open wide and take my cock deep in that hot little mouth.” I moaned, wrapping my lips around him and sucking hard as his fingers plunged in and out of my sticky, slick pussy. I bobbed my head up and down as his thumb brushed my clit, moving faster as he did and feeling the edge start to rush up to meet me. “I’m going to come, baby girl,” Lincoln groaned. “I’m going to fill this sweet little mouth with every fucking drop, and I want you swallow every drop, okay?” I moaned, whimpering as the pleasure roaring through my body started to erupt inside. His thumb rolled over my clit again and again, until I knew I was going to come any second. “Now be a good girl and come for daddy. Make this little pussy come all over my fingers, and then I’m going to fill your mouth with my cum.” His fingers curled deep inside and when his thumb rolled over my aching clit, I suddenly went crashing over the edge. I screamed around him, moaning deeply around his thick cock as the orgasm thundered through me. Lincoln groaned, his hips pumping against my mouth and his big dick sliding over my tongue as he started to swell up so big inside my small mouth. “Take my cum, baby girl,” he groaned. “Take every drop and swallow it like a good girl.”

With a throbbing pulse, his big dick erupted, jetting thick streams of hot cum across my tongue. I sucked eagerly, swallowing as fast as I could as the thick salty-sweet load filled my mouth. My pussy clenched around the two fingers stretching me wide, and as his thumb strummed across my buzzing, throbbing little clit, I felt another climax explode through me. I moaned loudly around the fat cock in my mouth, coming hard as Lincoln emptied his balls into my mouth. Slowly, panting, I pulled away, my whole body trembling in the aftershocks of my orgasms. I looked up and gasped at the ferocity in Lincoln’s gaze as his eyes held mine firm. His jaw clenched tight, and I could see his muscles rippling and straining as his powerful gaze capture me entirely. “Fuck, baby girl,” he groaned. His hand cupped my jaw tenderly, his thumb brushing over my lips. “Such a dirty girl.” Wilder’s growl of a voice behind me had me whimpering as I turned to look at him over my shoulder. He was shirtless now, and I gaped, watching as his muscles rippled and clenched while his hand stroked his enormous cock. My jaw dropped. My other gorgeous, dominant guardian was just as big as Lincoln — every bit as thick and as huge. He groaned, his eyes blazing raw heat into me. “Did you swallow like a good girl?” I whimpered, nodding as the heat flushed through me. He crooked his finger, and I knew what he wanted. …Because I wanted it too.

I turned, and slowly, I crawled the few feet across to where he sat on the opposite couch. I sat up on my knees, looking up at him. “I did, daddy.” “Show me.” I trembled, my skin tingling and my core tightening as I nodded. And slowly, I opened my mouth. Wilder groaned again, his gorgeous eyes flashing fire. “You were a good girl, Kenzie.” “Thank you,” I whispered. “Thank you what?” I trembled. “Thank you, daddy.” “Come here, baby girl,” he groaned, stroking his cock and beckoning me closer. I panted, my pulse racing as I moved closer. I could taste Lincoln’s cum on my tongue, making me feel so fucking dirty and slutty and sexy all at once. I’d never done this before with any boy, and here I was having just done it for the first time, on my knees crawling towards the second man, to swallow his cum too. My entire body trembled with lust and anticipation, especially when Wilder’s eyes held mine and blazed across the divide between us. This is what I’d always wanted, and what I’d never found or felt with boys my age. I’d always wanted to be taken, and claimed like this. To feel that intoxicating mix of power and protection — of knowing they were totally in control, but knowing without a doubt that they’d never let anything in the world hurt me.

“Open your mouth.” I did, panting as I did so and feeling the heat throbbing between my thighs all over again. His powerful hand gripped his big dick, stroking it up and down and making it slick and glistening with his pre-cum. I whimpered, my pulse skipping a beat as his hand slid into my hair, tangling in it. He eased the big, swollen head of his cock against my lips. “Swallow my cock and take my cum, angel.” I opened my lips willingly, moaning deeply as I wrapped them around his thick, throbbing cock and took him as deep as I could. He groaned, his hips pumping and his cock swelling up thick against my tongue. I whimpered around him, bobbing my head up and down and feeling the heat of it all explode through me. I whimpered as I felt hands slide over my bare ass, and I knew it was Lincoln. He growled as he knelt behind me, his fingers slipping into the edges of my panties and tugging them down over my hips. He pulled the sticky, clinging lace away from me, letting it drop to my knees. His hand slipped between my legs, and when I felt his big finger drag through my lips, I moaned deeply around Wilder’s throbbing cock. His lips trailed down the small of my back, and suddenly, I felt his mouth move over my ass. He kissed and sucked his way down lower between my legs, making my whole body tremble. His hands gripped my ass, and as he pulled my hips up in the air, pushing me down onto Wilder’s big, swollen cock, I felt his breath on my pussy. His tongue dragged through my soft, wet lips — like he had the day before. And like then, my whole body came alive, like it’d been struck by lightning. I cried out around Wilder’s shaft, moaning deeply and slurping on his thick dick as

Lincoln’s tongue dragged up and down my pussy. He swirled it around my clit, making me shiver and buck against him as I bobbed my lips faster on Wilder’s cock. I could feel myself falling all over again, knowing I was so close to coming again. Lincoln’s tongue pushed deep in my pussy, sliding in and out as his thumb rolled over my clit, and I knew I was about to explode. Suddenly, Wilder tensed and groaned. “Swallow my cum, baby girl,” he growled. “Swallow daddy’s cum.” His cock exploded against my tongue, thick, sticky streaks of his cum filling my mouth as I moaned and eagerly swallowed. He roared, throwing his head back as more and more of his hot cum pumped down my throat, until I was sure I might come again just from feeling him take my mouth like this. But as I felt Lincoln’s lips fasten around my clit and his tongue swirl over it, I did just that. I screamed around the throbbing dick between my lips, shuddering as the orgasm rolled through me. I whimpered, sucking and slurping and licking at Wilder’s still rock-hard cock as my own climax exploded under Lincoln’s tongue. Slowly, Wilder pulled away, groaning at the long, sticky strand the lingered between his thick head and my swollen lips. “Was that okay, daddy?” I whispered, panting and feeling my body ache. I wanted more. I wanted so much more, and I wanted them to show me everything. I felt Lincoln kneel behind me, and my pulse thundered in my ears.

This was it. This was them taking me. But he paused, and I heard him clear his throat. “Not yet,” he murmured, his hands stroking my skin as he moved away. Wilder pulled me to my feet, wrapping his powerful arms around me and pulling me into him as his mouth found my neck. I moaned, feeling Lincoln move in behind me — his mouth teasing over the back of my neck and my shoulders. “First,” Lincoln growled into my ear. “First we’re going rock your world.” “And then,” Wilder purred into my other. “Then we’re both going to pop that sweet cherry and make you ours, baby girl.”


I’D NEVER BEEN in Wilder’s bedroom. I mean, why would I have been? I’d snuck into Lincoln’s that one time when I’d spied on him, but as to the man whose house this was, no. Until that night. Upstairs, the two of them lay me out across his huge bed, before they stripped down completely on either side of it. My pulse thundered through my body, my skin tingling with this raw sensual need that I’d never felt before. God, I’d never done this, or even been naked before with one guy. And here I was with two men, with it all about to happen. The two of them were so much older than me — a little more than twice my eighteen years at thirty-seven each. But that alone had the heat throbbing between my thighs. There was something so dominant and sexy about them being so much older. They were men, with strong, muscled, men’s bodies. And it was all for me. They slipped on to the bed on either side of me, laying against me. I whimpered as hands slid over my skin both of them pulling me towards them, which ended up with them

just each moving closer and tighter to me. I could feel the heat from their bodies against mine, the two of them almost totally enveloping me with their muscled, gorgeous bodies. Four hands slid over my skin, teasing over my belly and my breasts, one sliding down between my legs to stroke a finger through my slick, wet pussy lips. Two mouths found my neck and lips, each of them taking turns kissing me while the other teased my skin. And two, thick, very hard, very big cocks pulsed hot, twitching against my thighs. I could feel them growling into me, making me gasp and moan. And as they ground their big cocks into me, I could feel the sticky wet drops of their precum trickling over my skin. They started to kiss their way down my body, hands and lips and tongues sliding over me. Mouths found my nipples, making me cry out before they moved further down. I whimpered as Wilder moved between my legs, his powerful hands spreading my legs wide and letting him see all of my pink, slick pussy. He growled as he moved in, his eyes blazing heat as he let his tongue drag wetly up my seam. “Fuck, baby girl,” he groaned deeply, his jaw clenching tight and his eyes closing. “You taste like fucking candy, baby girl. This sweet little pussy tastes so fucking good.” I moaned as he moved back in, pushing his tongue deep inside before dragging it up and letting it bump over my clit. He was di erent than Lincoln — though I couldn’t quite place how. But the feel of his tongue on me was every bit as hot and mind-blowing as his friend’s had been. He groaned into me, fingers sliding up to tease across the seam of my thighs and over the soft petals of my pussy as he tongued my clit. Slowly, I was aware of Lincoln kissing down

my side as well, and when the two of them slowly moved me onto my side, I gasped. Lincoln kissed lower, teasing over the small of my back. Wilder held one of my legs up, spreading me wide for him as his tongue swirled over my aching clit. I whimpered as I felt Lincoln move even lower, and then lower still. His big hands grabbed my ass, and when he spread me wide and moved lower, my eyes shot open. “Wait, what are you—” “Making you feel good, baby girl,” he purred lowly. “There’s going to be nothing held back from your daddies. Nothing o limits. All of you is for us now. Now lay back and spread those legs, angel. Let us show you how good we can make our baby girl feel.” His hands spread my ass open, revealing my most private place. And when his tongue dragged across my tight little asshole, fireworks went o across my whole world. “Oh God…” I gasped for air, writhing in pleasure as the two of them both started to lick and suck and taste me, from both ends. Wilder’s wicked tongue drove in and out of my dripping, sticky pussy, teasing my clit with deep, slow circles. Behind me, Lincoln’s tongue swirled over my tight little ring, making me shiver at how dirty it was. He pushed against my opening, sliding the tip of his tongue in and out of my ring and making me scream in pleasure. They moved faster, and harder, and it was everything I could do to hang on to my sanity. Four strong hands held my body firmly, while two mind-blowing mouths licked and sucked and teased every millimeter of my most private places. I

cried out, clawing at the sheets and feeling my entire world blur at the edges as the two gorgeous, dominant, sexy as sin older men drove my body wild. Their tongues swirled over my clit, and my asshole, and when I felt them both start to growl into me as their tongues pushed and tasted deeper and harder, I started to fall. Lincoln’s hot, wet tongue drove right against my tight, naughty little ass, and as Wilder wrapped his lips around my clit and sucked, I shattered. I screamed — full-on screamed my pleasure into the dim light of the room. My whole body thrashed o the bed, but the two of them held me firm, pinning me to the bed as they tongued me right through my climax, until I was panting for air. The two of them moved up, pinning me between them and letting my body tremble into theirs. Four hands skimmed my skin, turning my orgasm into one long, seemingly endless wave. “Are you ready, baby girl,” Wilder purred quietly into my ear. “Are you ready to give us that sweet cherry? Are you ready to be ours and let us claim all of you?” I gasped, moaning and feeling the heat explode through my body as I seared my lips to his and kissed him fiercely. “Yes,” I whispered heatedly, feeling my body writhe between theirs. “I want to watch you with him first,” Lincoln growled into my ear. “I want to watch your tight little pussy spread so wide around his big cock. And I want you to take every inch, baby girl.”

I nodded, panting, my head swirling as I turned my head to kiss Lincoln deeply. I could feel Wilder’s hands sliding down to my hips, his lips on my back before suddenly, he pulled me on top of him. I moaned, my legs spreading astride his muscled, grooved hips. His thick cock stood straight up, pulsing and leaking slick white pre-cum down his shaft as it rested against my tummy, making me sticky with him. “I’m not going to hurt you, angel,” he said quietly. His big hands slid down to grab my ass, lifting me up as he positioned his cock. I whimpered, feeling his big, swollen head ease against my soft, eager lips. “I know,” I whispered. “I’m never going to hurt you, and nothing in this world ever fucking will,” he growled lowly, meeting my eyes as his cock pulsed against my opening. “Not with us. Not when you’re our little girl,” he hissed fiercely. “Yes, daddy,” I moaned quietly. “Good girl. Now sit on daddy’s cock.” I swallowed, shivering in ecstasy as I started to push down on the huge cock poised at my opening. I gasped, feeling his thick head ease between my soft, slippery lips, dipping just inside. I trembled, panting and feeling the electricity of the moment tingling through my body as I slowly pushed down. When his head slipped through and entered me, I cried out — a little out of pain, but mostly at how fucking good he felt. My eyes went wide, and my jaw went slack as I started to sink down on him — more and more of his beautiful cock stretching me so good and filling me like I’d never even imagined before. Inch after thick, hot inch eased into my

slippery, dripping wet pussy, until I could feel my clit against his base. I threw my head back, panting and rocking my hips as I got used to the feel of him filling me. Taking me. Claiming my virginity in his big bed with his powerful big hands holding me oh so tight. “Just like that,” Wilder groaned, his eyes blazing fire as he looked up into my face. “How does that feel, angel?” “So good,” I gasped, trembling as I slowly felt myself getting used to his size. “It’s so big inside, it feels like you’re filling me up all the way.” “Baby girl,” he purred, leaning up to brush his lips against mine. “We’ve only just started.” I gasped as he rolled us over, his big powerful hands and strong arms holding me tight as he flipped us onto my back. My legs spread around his grooved hips, and I moaned as I felt his thick cock throbbing so deep inside of me. His lips crushed to mine, kissing me fiercely as he slid his hands up my arms, pinning them to the bed above my head. Slowly, he drew back, my pussy lips gripping and clinging to his thick shaft so tightly as he slid out. When just his swollen head was nestled inside, he paused, looking down into my eyes and letting the heat between us crackle and spark. “Spread those pretty thighs wide for daddy, baby girl,” he growled. I whimpered, spreading them as much as I could around his muscled hips as I felt his cock head throbbing right against my opening, ready to plunge inside. I whimpered, looking

down at his pulsing, huge cock — so slick and glistening from my arousal and ready to take me all over again. “Do it,” I gasped, looking up at him. “Make me yours.” With a low groan, Wilder rocked his hips forward. I cried out as half of his cock slid back inside, stretching me so good and sending fire coursing through my body. He drove in further, and this time, he buried every last inch deep inside of me. I moaned in pleasure, and Wilder growled lowly, his face clenched tight and his muscles rippling as he held himself inside of me. “Like heaven and velvet, angel,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss me. “Your sweet little pussy feels like heaven stretched around my big cock. You feel like you were made to take every inch of me — to milk the cum from my balls until it takes every fucking drop.” He groaned, flexing and letting his cock throb inside of me, making me whimper. “And now, baby girl,” he growled, leaning down to let his teeth rake across my ear. “Now I’m going to fuck you like a good girl deserves to get fucked.” I gasped as he slid out, and when he drove every last inch deep inside of me, I cried out in pleasure. I moaned, arching my hips o the huge bed to meet him as he started to drive in and out of me, his fat cock pumping me so full on every stroke and rubbing against my clit. The filthy wet sounds of my tight little slit taking his big cock filled the room, making my head swim in lust. I could feel my slickness coating my thighs and trickling down my ass as he plunged in and out, and when he reached

between us with one hand and started to rub my clit in slow circles, I screamed in pleasure. “Just like that, angel,” he growled, driving his cock ballsdeep inside. “Moan for daddy. I want to feel this little princess pussy squeeze my cock so tight. I want to feel your greedy little cunt milk the cum from my balls.” I threw my head back, my whole body arching o the bed to meet his thrusts. My legs wrapped around his muscled hips, pulling him into me as he filled me to the brim on every thrust. I glanced over and whimpered, seeing Lincoln kneeling right next to us, watching me. His fist was wrapped tight around his gorgeous cock, stroking it slowly up and down as his eyes pierced into mine. Thick, white precum dribbled from his swollen head and leaked down his shaft to drip from his heavy balls. I moaned, feeling the heat of his gaze and feeling so naughty with him watching Wilder fuck me like this. Wilder started to move faster, and deeper, giving me every single inch of his cock on every thrust. His big, heavy, cumfilled balls slapped my ass with every drive, and as his thumb rolled across my clit over and over, I could feel myself start to fall. “I can feel your little cunt squeezing so tight around me, angel,” he groaned. “I can feel your juices running down my balls, and I know you want to come so hard for daddy. I know you want to feel this little pussy come with a man’s cock filling it for the first time.” He drove in deep, making me scream in pleasure. “Come for me, princess. Let go, and come all over this big cock. Make this pretty little pussy come all over it.” He

groaned into my ear as his cock plunged in and out of me and his thumb rolled over my clit. “Come for daddy, princess. Come right fucking now.” I screamed as the orgasm thundered through me like a storm. My whole body arched o the bed, my hands clawing at the bedsheets and twisting in them as the biggest, hardest, most explosive orgasm of my life erupted through me. Fire exploded through my body, and I felt like I was falling, even with his arms holding me so tight. I could feel his cock swelling up even bigger inside of me, and when he roared and drove all the way inside, I felt it. His cock pulsed as he came. I gasped, moaning as I felt the thick, hot jets of his sticky cum pumping deep against my womb and coating me inside. He growled, his big cock throbbing over and over as he came again and again, filling me to the brim with his sticky, hot seed. I shuddered, clinging tightly to him and gasping for air as we slowly came to a stop and sank into the bed. Wilder kissed me slowly, taking his time with it and letting me cling to him tightly as the aftershocks rumbled through me. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he said quietly into my ear, kissing me there. I shook my head, holding him tighter. “No,” I gasped. “You could never hurt me.” “And I never will,” he growled. He pulled away, and slowly, I felt hands turn my face. Suddenly, it was Lincoln kissing me, and I sank into that kiss as the whole world spun around me. “My turn,” he growled lowly into my lips, sending a bolt of heat right through me. I moaned quietly into his kiss, opening my lips for his tongue and letting it dance with his.

It felt so hot to be kissing him like that with his friend’s cock still buried inside of me, and suddenly my whole body felt like it’d caught on fire. I wanted more. Wilder’s fingers traced over my skin, and he kissed my neck as he pulled away. His cock slid out of my tight, tingling pussy, and he moved from between my legs, making me feel empty for a second. But Lincoln was there, moving between my thighs, his hands skimming up my legs as he moved in. “My turn to make this little pussy sing, baby girl.” I whimpered as I felt his fingers slide into my slick, messy pussy. I could feel Wilder’s cum leaking out of me as Lincoln’s fingers curled deep inside, and the thought was so dirty that it made me cry out loud. Lincoln slid his fingers from between my legs, teasing over my clit before bringing his hand up to my lips. “Open wide, angel,” he growled. My pulse skipped a beat, the naughty, filthy command blazing through me. I gaped, opening my lips and trembling as he slid his fingers between them. I sucked on his fingers, whimpering as I tasted Wilder’s cum. I moaned, sliding my lips up and down his fingers as I felt his thick, swollen head ease against my opening. He pushed inside, making me cry out as his gorgeous, thick cock slid inside. He drove slickly inside, Wilder’s sticky cum leaking out around where we joined and making me feel so fucking dirty that it felt like my whole body was on fire. Lincoln drove in, giving me every inch until he was buried to the hilt inside. He pulled back, going slowly as he drove back in.

I’d gone from virgin, to having a second man take me while the sticky cum of the first still filled me. And that naughty, dirty thought alone almost made me cum right there. Lincoln leaned in and kissed me hungrily, growling into my lips as his hips rocked into me. His big dick drove in all the way, making my whole body shudder in pleasure. He started to fuck me in slow, deep thrusts, when suddenly, his hands grabbed my ass, and he rolled us over. I gasped, finding myself perched on top of him with my thighs spread wide around his muscled hips and his cock buried deep inside. “Show me how your can ride this big cock like a good girl, Kenzie,” he growled, his eyes fierce and his jaw clenched tight. “Bounce on my cock and show me how you can take every inch in that tight little cunt.” I moaned, gasping in pleasure as I started to rock my hips on him. My hands fell to his muscled, powerful chest, my nails raking over his inked skin as I slowly started to slide up every inch of his fat cock. “Just like that, angel,” he purred, groaning deeply in pleasure. “I can feel that tight little pussy clinging to every inch of me, like you don’t want me to ever not be inside of you.” “I don’t,” I gasped, moaning as the feel of his shaft dragging across my clit had me shivering in pleasure. “Then I better fill that pretty little pussy up again, shouldn’t I?” His big hands grabbed my ass, and I suddenly cried out as he pulled me right back down to the base of him, plunging every inch of his cock deep inside. I screamed in pleasure, rocking against him and feeling him pulse so deep inside.

“Now ride me, angel. Bounce on the dick like a dirty girl.” And I did. My fingers scratched down his chest as I raised my ass up o of him, only to drop back down. My whole body rippled in pleasure, my moans and his growls filling the room as I started to ride him. My ass bounced up and down, feeling his thick shaft stretch me so good on every thrust. Wilder stood up on the bed beside us, and when I turned my head, I moaned as I watched him stroke his thick, rock-hard, slick cock. “Suck his cock, baby girl,” Lincoln groaned under me, his hands gripping my ass tight as his cock drove in and out of me. “Open those pretty lips and taste yourself on his cock.” I whimpered as I did what he said, opening my lips as I felt Wilder move in. His fat, swollen head slid between my soft lips, stretching my mouth open wide as he slid across my eager tongue. Lincoln groaned under me, his hands tightening on my hips as he rocked his hips to meet mine, giving me every inch of him. I started to ride like that, rocking up and down on Lincoln as I bobbed my mouth up and down Wilder’s cock. The sounds of their deep, masculine growls filled the room, drowning me in the filthy, naughty fantasy that’d become my reality. Two gorgeous, powerful, dominant older men taking me together and making me theirs. Two men who not only had my body, but my heart. Two men who made me feel so protected, and loved, and cared for, in ways I’d never really known. …Two daddies to treat me like their princess.

I shuddered, moaning and rocking faster as the two of them ran their hands over me and growled in pleasure. Wilder’s hand tangled in my hair, and his other slid down to tease my nipples. He rolled one between his thumb and finger, making me moan deeply around his cock. I slurped on him wetly, tonguing his thick head and bobbing up and down as my spit and his pre-cum leaked down his shaft. Between my legs, Lincoln’s gorgeous cock drove in and out of me, sending me higher and higher. His one hand gripped my ass possessively, rocking me up his big dick while the thumb of his other hand rolled over my clit. I wasn’t going to last long. Fire and raw pleasure erupted through me, sending my whole body reeling and pushing me headfirst towards the edge. The two of them moved faster, growling and moaning as they gripped my little body tight between them and gave me every inch of both their cocks. Wilder’s hands on my breasts and Lincoln’s thumb on my clit started to drive me crazier and crazier, until I knew I was going to explode for them. “I think baby girl wants to come for us,” Lincoln groaned, his hands sliding over my hips and teasing my skin. “I think she wants to feel this little pussy come so good for her daddies.” I moaned deeply around Wilder, whimpering and nodding as the pleasure started to build and build inside. “You want to come like a dirty little girl with two men giving you every inch of their big cocks until you come like a greedy little girl?”

I started bouncing faster at Wilder’s words, rocking my hips up and down on Lincoln and swallowing as much of Wilder as I could take. I could feel the fire igniting inside, and building, and building, until it was about to consume me entirely. “Come for us, princess,” Lincoln growled, groaning as he drove his hips up, driving his cock so deep inside of me. “Be a good little daddy’s girl and come all over that big cock,” Wilder hissed. “Come for your daddies.” I screamed, my entire body shattering between them as the most powerful feeling I’d ever felt exploded like a bomb through me. Every muscle tensed and spasmed, shaking me to my core as the orgasm blazed through me. I could feel Lincoln roar beneath me, and suddenly he was yanking my hips to his and grinding his thick cock so deep inside of my little pussy. I could feel him throbbing, and when his hot, sticky cum blasted out of him and pumped deep inside of me, I shuddered right into another orgasm. Wilder roared, pushing his cock deep into my mouth until I suddenly felt him explode. Thick ropes of his sticky sweet cum splashed over my tongue and down my throat, and I hungrily swallowed as much of him as I could. The two of them keep moving, and kept coming, giving me every drop as my body came again and again, until I was barely aware of tumbling to the bed. I shivered, panting, gasping and sucking down air as the two of them slid on either side of me and held me so tightly. Hands stroked my trembling body, calming me and bringing me back to reality as I shuddered against them.

“That was…” Lincoln groaned, chuckling deeply. “Holy shit, Kenzie.” I whimpered, snuggling into the two of them as their hands traced over my skin. “C’mon, angel,” Wilder purred quietly into my ear. I moaned as he slowly picked me up into his arms and stood from the bed. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” I was barely aware of the two of them running the hot, sudsy bath for me, and barely aware of them settling me down in the water when it was full. They washed me gently, both of them soaping me up and cleaning my aching, sore, satisfied body. Lincoln washed my hair, his fingers massaging my head and almost sending me into dreamland before Wilder chuckled and said that was enough. They dried me o , and carried me back into Wilder’s room. “You want to sleep in daddy’s bed tonight, princess?” he murmured into my ear. I nodded, turning and kissing him slowly. “And every night,” I whispered. “Good,” he growled quietly. Wilder found me a matching set of plaid pajama pants and button up shirt, which were hilariously huge on me, but made me feel so snug and warm. The two of them pulled back the covers, tucked me under them, and the slid in on either side of me. It was perfect. It was everything I’d always wanted.

It was unconventional, and I knew that most people would gasp in shock and horror at the idea of what this was, but I didn’t care. I knew what this was, and that’s all that mattered. This was me finding my heart was held by two men, and being very okay with that. This was love, like I’d never known before. I slid into sleep with the two of them holding me so tight. Perfection.


I WOKE the next morning to heaven — her hair in my face, the scent of her filling my nose, and her warm, soft little body so tight against mine. I inhaled deeply, feeling her body stir against mine as she slept. Her soft curves molded to my hard, world-tested muscles. Perfection. We’d taken her the night before — claimed her as our own. And now she was ours. No man, and no power on earth would take this angel away from us. It wasn’t just the thrill of having this younger, gorgeous little nymph warming our bed. Fuck, if we were just after that, either or both of us could have made that happen a long time ago with the money we had. It was the heart inside of her that drew us both, and connected us to her. It was the way she’d clicked so perfectly with the both of us, in a way I knew neither of us had ever felt. I looked past her sleeping form to see that Wilder was up too, and he grinned at me, chuckling quietly.

“So, yeah…” He shook his head, smiling. Fuck, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen the guy this…well, giddy. Maybe never. And it was the same with me. I chuckled back, also shaking my head and grinning. Any other guy, and this would be fucking weird, but not with my best friend. We’d shared too much, and even if it’d never been a woman — not like the night before at least — we’d shared enough that it wasn’t weird. She was the glue between us. It’s not like I was going to swap teams and fall for my buddy or anything like that, and I knew it was the same with him. But we both loved her, and that brought us together. Between us, Kenzie slowly woke, her eyes opening gently and the grin spreading over her face as she seemed to remember where she was. “Hi,” she said softly, her big blue eyes darting between us. “Morning,” I murmured, leaning in to kiss her softly. Wilder did the same. She glanced between us, grinning. “Why does it feel like you two were having a serious discussion that I just interrupted?” “We weren’t,” I chuckled. “But we were thinking it.” She arched a brow. “Oh, so you’re mind readers too?” “Basically,” Wilder winked at her before he sighed, pulling her close. “Listen, Kenzie.” He shook his head.

“Here’s the bottom line. We can’t ‘choose’ who gets you. We both want you, totally and unequivocally. Hell, we’d never make you choose, and neither of us would ever want to be the winner of that, because it wouldn’t be a win. We both want you, we’re both fucking crazy about you, and you’re all both of us has and will ever want.” He shook his head. “That’s all I can say.” There was a moment of silence, and I didn’t realize I was holding my damn breath until she slowly smiled. “You’re all want too,” Kenzie said quietly. “This is all I’ve ever wanted, even before I knew it myself.” I ran my thumb across her jaw, shaking my head. “We’re serious, baby girl. We can’t make you choose—” “I don’t want to choose,” she whispered. I raised a brow. “You know what the means.” She nodded, her face glowing. “Both of us, with you. No favorites — both of us with you equally.” “I know what it means,” she said quietly, heatedly. “And you like that?” She nodded eagerly, her eyes blazing as she glanced at each of us. “Yes.” “Yes what?” I growled, the raw heat of being near her like this sparking inside of me, and bringing out the need to claim her again.

Kenzie whimpered. “Yes daddies.” “Good girl,” I purred, my hands sliding across her body and holding her close. “I like how you make me feel so protected, and so loved,” she said quietly. “You are,” Wilder whispered. “And how you make me feel alive. And I love how real it is.” She blushed, biting her lip. “And how dirty you talk to me.” “You like when we talk dirty to you,” he growled. “Yes,” she panted, her body warming under my touch. “Yes daddy.” Wilder groaned, moving into her. His mouth found her neck and her ear, his hand sliding up to cup her breast and tease her nipple. “You like when I talk to you like a little slut,” he hissed, making her whimper and my cock throb with need for her. “Take his cock out,” I growled, nodding at my friend. Kenzie gasped quietly as she reached into sheets, pushing them down. Her small hand slid over Wilder’s abs and slowly curled around his thickness, stroking him. I groaned, my own cock swelling to full size and my balls tingling. My fingers moved over her hip and slid between her legs, and when I found her pussy nice and wet, I groaned as I buried my face in her neck. “Clean his cock o with your tongue, princess,” I growled, my finger easing through her lips and teasing over her clit. Kenzie whimpered, panting as she moved lower. I grabbed

her hips, helping her onto her knees as she leaned over Wilder, stroking his cock. She bent, and he groaned as her hot little mouth closed around his thick head. I growled, slipping my fingers into the waist of her oversized pajama pants and tugging them over her hips and ass. I pulled them down to her thighs, groaning as I caught her sweet little pink pussy, nestled between her legs and glistening with her arousal. I ran a finger over her dewy lips, making her moan around Wilder's cock. My eyes moved up to her ass, and when I zeroed in on her enticing little asshole, the fire blazed inside of me. Fuck, I wanted it. I wanted every fucking part of her. My hands gripped her ass, spreading her wide for me, and I moved in. Kenzie jumped as my tongue dragged over her naughty little ring, shivering and pulling away from Wilder to glance back at me. “Lincoln—” “Shhh,” I purred, holding her firm and dragging my tongue back over her little ring. This time, she whimpered. “Let daddy lick this naughty little asshole.” I growled as I swirled my tongue over her ass, loving the way she melted under my touch. She brought her mouth back down to Wilder, swallowing his cock and moaning deeply around him while I slowly tongue-fucked her ass. I pushed deeper, fucking her little hole with my tongue as I used my thumb to roll her clit. Kenzie went wild, moaning like a woman possessed around Wilder’s shaft and pushing her ass back to meet my mouth.

My cock ached between my legs, and my balls were so full of cum for her that I needed to take her. I moved up, keeping my thumb easing over her ass as I lined my cock up with that sweet, juicy little pussy, and slid inside. Kenzie cried out as I drove in, pushing all the way inside until my balls were right against her pussy lips. I gripped her ass tight, pulling back and then driving in again, fucking her deep and hard as she bobbed that hot little mouth up and down my buddy’s cock. I groaned, fighting back the urge to come right there as her tight, velvety pussy gripped me so tight — milking me up and down my shaft. Wilder growled, his hand tangling in her hair and the other sliding under her to cup her soft little tits. He rolled a nipple under his fingers, making her moan deeply around him. I gritted my teeth and drove in again and again, fucking her deep and hard until all three of us were gasping. I pulled out, flipping her over onto her back before moving back between those soft thighs. I slid the head inside of her pink slit, driving in and groaning as I watched her lips spread so tight around me. Wilder knelt by head her head, groaning as she turned and eagerly sucked him back into her mouth. The two of us growled, muscles tensing and cocks throbbing as we took her from both ends. Kenzie squealed and moaned between us, her whole body trembling and bucking as we demanded the pleasure from it. My thumb rolled over her clit, and Wilder’s hands cupped her breast, teasing her nipples as we both pumped in and out of her tight little body. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and aching to for release. And when I saw her body start to tense and tremble,

and the flush creep across her chest and neck, I knew she was close. We didn’t have to tell her to come this time, we just made her come. I drove in balls deep, rubbing that little clit hard with my thumb, and suddenly, she exploded between us. She screamed around Wilder’s cock, her orgasm shattering through her and seizing up every muscle in her body. Her hips bucked o the bed into me, forcing every inch of me so deep inside of her, until I lost it completely. Wilder roared, throwing his head back as his cock lurched between those soft, pouty lips. I could see her throat moving as she moaned in pleasure, his balls twitching as he pumped his cum deep into her mouth. I groaned, driving in deep and letting go, feeling my hot cum erupt deep inside of her tight little pussy. I growled, muscles tensing as rope after rope of my my seed splashed inside of her, filling her up so much it leaked out around us and trickled down her thighs. Wilder pulled out, stroking his cock and sending another few sticky ropes across her heaving chest, making her nipples glisten with his cum. I slid out of her, fisting my cock and milking more of my cum across her gorgeous little pussy, until she was covered in us. Drenched in us. Marked by us. The three of us collapsed, gasping for air as we tumbled together on the bed “I think I’m going to be taking a lot of showers with you two…” Kenzie murmured, grinning as she curled into the both of us.


AFTER THE THREE of us showered together, Lincoln kissed me softly and murmured he’d be back. He had to go check in with his contractor over at the construction site that would eventually be his house. One kiss sort of got drawn out until he had me pressed against the wall with his lips sealed to mine, but eventually, he managed to pull away. “Until later,” he murmured, kissed me again before he left. And then it was just me and Wilder, alone. We slid back into bed, me in his arms and resting against his chest as he held me tight. “You’re okay with this?” I nodded. “Yes.” I smiled and looked up into his eyes. “I’m more than okay with this, if you guys are. This is…” I shook my head. “I’ve never had a family — I mean, not really. Not one that made me feel like a part of something good. I think I’ve always wanted this. Well, maybe not specifically this arrangement…”

Wilder chuckled and I giggled as he kissed my neck. “But I can’t imagine it not being like this now.” “People will say things, Kenzie. Hell if it was just you and Lincoln, they’d talk, with the age di erence. If it was just you and me, they’d talk about that too, and the fact that I’m your—” “My pervy uncle?” He glared at me, grinning as I snickered and buried my face in his neck. “Kidding.” “You know what I mean. I’m not really, but with your dad and my sister, they’d talk. And now with both Lincoln and me with you? It’ll be a fucking scandal and a half. People will talk.” I scowled. “Well, I don’t care about that.” “You say that because you’re young, and it’s you against the world.” “You won’t be there?” He grinned. “I’ll always be there, Kenzie. I’m just saying, you need to decide if this is what you want. For us you’re it. Period. This is it for us, and everything we could ever want. We want this with you, and to be your daddies,” he winked at me. “But you might not—” “I do.” I said it without a second’s hesitation. “I don’t know how I could want anything else.” “We’ll never hurt you, princess,” he murmured. “But we will discipline you.”

“Yes please,” I whispered heatedly, feeling his cock stirring at my back. “You do have a bratty streak.” “I’m not sure it’ll ever go away,” I said sweetly, biting my lip. Wilder growled hungrily. “And I’m pretty fucking sure I never want it to.” His hands slid around my waist, teasing over my hips and pushing between my thighs. My legs spread for him, and I leaned back into his chest, whimpering as I felt his fingers tease over my pussy. He growled into my neck, his lips teasing my skin as his finger eased inside, making my moan as he curled it deep inside. “On your knees, baby girl,” he growled, easing his finger in and out of me. “Get on those knees right in front of me, bend over, and let me see that tight little ass of yours.” I panted, nodding and moaning and doing as he said. I got up, getting onto my hands and knees and arching my back. I blushed, knowing all of me was so open for his eyes, and I could feel his hot breath across my bare, dripping wet pussy. Wilder’s hands slid up my thighs and held my ass tight, kneading the soft skin there and making me shiver in anticipation. He moved in, his tongue dragging over my pussy and making me cry out. He moved higher, and when I felt his tongue swirl over my asshole, I whimpered. “You like when we lick you there, don’t you baby girl?” I whimpered again, nodding and feeling my face flush. “It’s — it’s so dirty.”

“But you love it, don’t you?” “Uh-huh,” I moaned, closing my eyes and letting my mouth hang open as his wicked tongue teased across my most private place. “You like when I lick your naughty little ass, like a dirty girl.” “Yes daddy,” I whimpered, moaning as I nodded. “I love it when you lick my ass.” “You want more,” he growled darkly. “Don’t you?” I paused, my heart racing, before my mouth slowly opened. “Yes,” I croaked out, barely a whisper. More. He was right, I wanted everything with them. It made me feel dirty, but in a way that made me feel so alive, and with them, nothing scared me. “Relax, angel,” Wilder purred into my skin, stroking my pussy with one hand. He slowly teased over my ass with his other hand, his finger teasing around my tight little ring, wet from his mouth. He growled and pushed a little harder, his tongue dragging across my ass again and getting me nice and slick before he pushed again. This time, his finger started to ease inside, and I moaned deeply. Oh fuck that was good. His thick finger slid in and out of my little ass, making me whimper and moan as he rubbed my clit with his other hand. His tongue kept teasing me, licking around his fingers and making my whole body shudder with pleasure. And then, he pulled away. I panted, feeling him move up behind me. He dragged his swollen head over my pussy,

letting me feel how fucking hard he was and making me moan as he let it tease over my clit. He dragged the thick head higher, his precum dripping down my lips, until suddenly I realized where he was going. “Oh God…” “I’m not going to hurt you, princess,” he growled, his thick cock head resting against my tight little asshole. “But you’ve been such a dirty little girl, letting two big men fuck you like a little slut all night and all day.” I moaned, arching my back and clawing at the sheets as I felt him press his big cock against my ass. “And I think you need to be taught a lesson. I think baby girl needs to know just how much of a bad girl daddy can make her be.” I gasped, looking back at him over my shoulder. Our eyes locked, and I could see even through his filthy words and rough touch that he was looking into me, to make sure. And I nodded. I wanted this. I wanted him — them — to have all of me. “I’ve been so bad, daddy,” I whispered. “Please fuck my ass?” Wilder groaned, pressing in and adding pressure. I shivered, forcing myself to relax as his thick, throbbing cock head pressed into me. Slowly, ever so slowly, the enormous head slipped inside my ring, making me cry out as he popped inside. I groaned deeply, feeling so fucking dirty as his big dick slowly pried open my ass.

“Fuck, Kenzie,” Wilder groaned, his hands tight on my skin as he gripped my hips and pushed his cock into me. “So fucking tight,” he hissed. I whimpered, pushing back and feeling him slide another few inches into my ass. “You like my ass, daddy?” I whimpered, my face pressed into the sheets and my back arched as I pushed back into him. He only growled and pushed forward, burying the last few inches of his big cock deep in my ass. I moaned deeply, feeling so full and feeling the pleasure roar through me as he took my ass. He pulled back, keeping the throbbing head inside and letting me miss his size before he slowly filled me up all over again. I could feel his heavy balls resting against my pussy, and when he reached under me and started to tease my clit, I melted for him. Wilder kept one hand on the small of my back as he started fuck my tight little ass — driving into me with deep, slow strokes and letting it build and build. I screamed in pleasure, arching into him and clawing at the sheets as my big, powerful, gorgeous guardian fucked my ass like it was his to claim. His fingers teased over my pussy, making my arousal drip down his hand and my thighs. He drove into me harder, and deeper, making me feel every inch of him. We moved faster, and faster, his big cock claiming my little ass until I was whimpering and moaning and begging for him to fuck me harder. The first orgasm hit me totally by surprise, coming out of nowhere and making me scream as the climax erupted

through me. My ass clenched tight around him, making him groan as he gripped my hips tight and drove so deep into me. “You like daddy’s cock nice and deep in your ass, you bad little girl?” “Yes!” I moaned, pushing back to meet his thrust and writhing under him. My face pressed into the bed, my teeth biting at the sheets as my body trembled and shook for him. He drove in harder, his balls slapping my pussy on every thrust. His hand slid into my hair, tugging on it enough to make me scream in pleasure as his beautiful cock fucked my ass again and again, until the whole world blurred around me. “Take my cum, princess,” he groaned, his hips slamming into mine as his thumb brushed my clit again and again. “Take my cum deep in your naughty little ass.” His fingers rubbed my clit hard and as he drove balls-deep inside of me, I let go all over again. I screamed his name as I came again, my whole body tensing up and shattering for him. My ass spasmed and clenched at his thick cock, and when he drove in all the way and roared behind me, I gasped as I felt him throb so deep inside. His hot, sticky cum filled my little ass, pumping rope after thick rope deep inside as the two of us tumbled to the bed. Wilder groaned, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me tight to his body, his cock still deep inside of me. I could feel him twitch, a few more hot spurts of his cum emptying inside of me as he stroked my trembling body. I turned my head, and he cupped my jaw as he kissed me fiercely. “Linc’s going to be pretty fucking pissed at himself for leaving today,” he chuckled, kissing me slowly.

I grinned, biting my lip and feeling this new heat they’d kindled in me buzzing through my body. “Well, maybe we’ll just have to do that again when he gets back?” Wilder growled and pulled me tight. “Good girl.”


A WEEK LATER, and it felt like I’d somehow won the life lottery. I had two men who adored me, and doted on me, and made me feel like a freaking princess every single day. And somehow, it worked. The three of us were a team, and there wasn’t any sort of macho jealousy between Lincoln and Wilder, which I’d been worried about. After all, they were best friends, and had been since way before me. The last thing I’d ever want is to be the end of that. But, there was none of that. We laughed, we went out on walks together, we cooked dinner together. And mostly, we fucked — a lot. Sometimes it was both, other times it was just one of them. And it wasn’t always this epic screw-fest either. Sometimes, it was just something small. But somehow, even those small little encounters made my toes curl and my whole body tremble with pleasure, especially when they made it as hot as they did. For instance, I’d loudly barged into Wilder’s o ce while he was on a business call. I’d quickly gone to scamper o , but he’d held my gaze with a firm glare and beckoned me. Then,

with his phone muted, he’d told me to get under his desk, take out his cock, and show me how a good girl apologized for being so rude. …I’d done so gladly, touching myself under my panties as I’d sucked his big cock under his desk while he’d finished his call. Another time, Lincoln had caught me totally blowing o the afternoon and watching mindless television instead of working on some of the summer pre-course work I had for the university. I’m not sure how much of a punishment it was to make me sit on his face while he tongued my pussy until I came screaming his name, but I wasn’t going to complain.

IT WAS gorgeous out as I stepped outside, breathing in the country air and loving that we were so alone out here. Wilder’s estate was way out from town, and he had so much land that you couldn’t even see his closest neighbors. Of course, that would change when Lincoln finished his place over the next hill, but even that would be pretty damn far away. The guys were busy, and it was so nice out that I decided a long hike was exactly what I needed. I bent down, lacing up my hiking boots before taking a deep breath and heading into the woods by one of the marked paths on Wilder’s land. The woods were quiet, and peaceful and beautiful, and I couldn’t help but smile as I traipsed along. Things were good. Life was good. I’d be going to the school in just a month, but Wilder and Lincoln and I had already discussed me just continuing to live with them. Lincoln was teaching me to

drive, since I’d never learned, and Wilder promise that once I wasn’t grinding the gears between “park” and “drive,” I could use anything from his garage to get around. And really, the whole thing was perfect. Yes, I’d be annoyed at having to spend most of my day away from them at school, but I knew what I could look forward to every night when I came home. Oh did I know. Two perfect, amazing men who’d be ready to pounce on me. Too bad I wasn’t majoring in that. I took a side trail that I knew would take me down by the road that led to the gates of the estate. Thinking about the two of them had me aching for them, and I grinned, knowing full well that no matter how busy they were, they were going be pulled away from it the second I got home. I stepped out of the woods, biting my lip and grinning in anticipation as I headed for the big iron front gates. I could almost already feel their hands on me, and I could feel the heat throbbing between my thighs as I imagined what they might do to me. I knew they were both “for real” busy with work stu , and I knew me barging in and teasing them for attention would get their blood running hot. …Hopefully hot enough to punish me. Then of course, there was the promise they’d made me a few nights before. See, we’d done all sorts of things together so far. They’d both taken my ass, they’d shared me between them. And they’d made me come in ways I’d never even dreamed of, with both of their hard, gorgeous bodies pressing into me. But there was one thing we’d never done yet.

I’d never felt them both fuck me at the same time — one taking my pussy, and the other in my ass. I’d asked shyly, but they’d both been afraid of hurting me, or pushing me too hard. But a few nights before, after they’d made me come in the shower with both their mouths on me, I’d pushed for it again. And this time, with fire blazing in their eyes, they promised that we would, soon. …I was hoping that today might be the “soon.” I stepped to the gates and flipped open the security code pad on the wall next to it. I could hear a car approaching, mixing with the sound of the birds and the slight breeze, but I paid it no mind. I knew the code by heart at that point, and I’d started to punch it in, when suddenly, the sound of the car braking sharply behind me caught my attention. I whirled, and my jaw dropped. The crappy, beat-up white Honda looked like it was held together with duct tape. And I actually knew for a fact that it was, because I knew the car. …It was my dad’s. My actual, real, biological dad’s. The man who’d basically abandoned me time and time again. I tensed as the engine shut o with a clang, and when the door swung open on rusty hinges, I took a step back. “Heeeey there! There she is!” His eyes were glazed over, his skin sallow and pale as he leered at me. Behind him, the passenger door swung open and Stephanie, Wilder’s drugged out sister and my dad’s partner in crime, staggered out.

“Well fuck me, looks like my brother’s living pretty good these days, huh?” I said nothing, pursing my lips and taking another step back. My dad glared at me. “What, no hug?” “What are you doing here?” He scowled. “What, I can’t come say hi to my girl?” “Not when you’re supposed to be in jail.” My dad and Stephanie both snickered. “Nah, they let me out!” His eyes shifted from side to side. He looked dirty, and his hand came up to scratch his arm in that junky way I recognized from having grown up with one. Bullshit. “They, uh, they let Steph out too.” Stephanie giggled this horrible, screechy laugh like it was some sort of inside joke. “So, how’s living with my rich brother?” My dad shot a look past the gates. “That who’s buying you all those nice clothes? Who bought you that nice—” I gasped as he lunged, his arm shooting out and snagging the phone Wilder had got me from my hand as I tried to pull it out of my back pocket. “Who bought you this fancy fuckin’ phone?”

I trembled, taking a step back and shaking my head. “Dad, you guys are in jail. What the hell are you doing here?” “I told you!” he snapped, his eyes looking wild. “They let us out!” Stephanie tittered again. “Oh, yeah, they let us out.” Everything about her lame sarcasm said otherwise. I didn’t know how they’d managed to get out, but there they were, and there I was, feeling more and more trapped, without a phone and without any help. We stood there for a second or two, my eyes darting between them and them glancing at each other in that sketchy junky way. “Why don’t we go for a drive, huh?” I shook my head. “No thanks.” “What, you don’t want to hang out with your dad?” “No,” I spat. “I don’t.” My dad’s eyes narrowed. “Get in the car, Mackenzie.” “No,” I hissed, backing into the iron bars of the gate. My hand crept up next to me, blindly looking for the code box and wondering if I could punch it in without looking. “I said get in the car!” “No!” “Listen to your father, you little bitch!” Stephanie screeched, looking more manic than I’d ever seen her. “I have to go, okay? They’ll be looking for me?”

My dad scowled. “They?” I pursed my lips, but Stephanie hooted. “Jesus, does he have his little boyfriend Lincoln living here too?” My dad swore. “You’re living here with two men, huh? That who’s buying you all this fancy shit?” His face grew red. “And just what fuck are you doing for all these fancy toys, huh? You some kinda whore now?!” He lunged for me, but I screamed and kicked out. “Get the fuck away from me!” “Get in the car!” I screamed as he grabbed me, stronger than he looked as he dragged me away from the gate. “Let go of me! Are you insane!?” “Quit being a bitch and listen to your father!” Stephanie spat, yanking the rusty back door of the car open as my dad dragged me towards it. I screamed again, kicking and lashing out, my heels digging into the dirt. But Stephanie jumped in too, grabbing me and helping my dad yank me towards the car. “You can’t just take me like this!” “I’m your father! You’re goddamn right I can!” I roared, lashing out and catching him in the shin with my heel. He bellowed, swearing up a storm before suddenly, his hand came smacking across my mouth. I gaped, blinded by shock and pain as the stars danced through my vision.

“Stupid little girl,” Stephanie hissed, helping my dad shove me, stunned, into the backseat. They slammed the door and then jumped in front, the rickety engine choking to life. I started to lunge for the door, but suddenly, Stephanie whirled, brandishing a shiny, gleaming, wicked looking blade. “Sit your ass down, and be quiet!” she snapped. “You think you’re the only one who’s gonna get some free shit from that brother of mine?” She smirked, waving the blade at me. “Well, you ain’t.” The car sputtered to life, peeling out of the driveway outside of the gate and racing away from the only good I’d ever known.


I GLARED at the phone in my hand, feeling my pulse quicken as the call disconnected. “Right to voicemail, again,” I muttered. Lincoln’s eyes narrowed, his hand clenching the kitchen counter tight. “Fuck.” Fuck was right. It’d been six fucking hours since Kenzie had left for one of her walks in the woods. I knew she’d brought the phone I’d bought her, but the damn thing was going right to her voicemail on every call. It was starting to get dark outside too, and my nerves were starting to fry. It wasn’t that I didn’t think Kenzie was capable of taking care of herself. And it wasn’t like I thought she’d gotten lost on the clearly marked trails that she’d walked on a bunch of times before. And it also wasn’t like we lived anywhere dangerous. This country town was safe as could be. …None of that stopped my heart from racing or my mind from playing out every single worst-case scenario. I mean how could I not? This was Kenzie we were talking about. This

was the girl I loved, who captivated me in so many ways. I’d sworn to her and to myself to protect her, and now here we were with darkness approaching, her cell not answering, and a million questions blazing through my head. I glanced up at my friend, seeing the exact same fear and tenseness on his face. “I’m going out looking,” he growled, whirling and storming for the door. “Lincoln.” He paused, shoulders heaving as he glanced back at me. “This property is thirty fucking acres, and that’s before the trails cross into the public lands and your damn property.” His jaw clenched, and I could relate that shitty feeling of helplessness I knew he was feeling too. “Let’s get smart about this.” I jerked my head for him to follow, storming out of the kitchen towards my o ce. There, I woke up my computer, my jaw tight and my eyes focused as I called up the security cams for the house. Lincoln paced behind me as I scrolled back to a shot from the back deck from six hours before. “Alright, there she is.” Linc whirled back, leaning over my shoulder. There on the screen, we could see our angel lacing up her boots, stretching, and then stepping into the woods down the path from my back gardens. “Don’t suppose you’ve got any fucking cameras hanging from trees do you?”

I growled. “I wish. Fuck, I’m going to call Sheri Watkins and get him to get his guys out there looking for her. You and I can—” “Where’s that trail lead?” I frowned, glancing back at him. “Like five di erent places.” “Yeah, well, think like her. C’mon, we know her. We know how she thinks. Where would Kenzie go?” I chewed on that, my blood running hot as the minutes without knowing where she was ticked agonizingly by. “Think, Marine,” Lincoln growled. “Remember how she tried to pull us out of work earlier?” I smiled grimly, thinking back regretfully how I’d promised her “later” and “after work” when she’d tried to coax Linc and I back to bed earlier, before her hike. Suddenly, I glanced up at him. “She could’ve tried to come back here.” I whirled to the screen, scrolling through the cameras until I found the one by the front gate. My blood raced in my veins as I fast-forwarded through the time log, until suddenly, we saw it. There was Kenzie, opening the security pad. And there was a car, slowing behind her. A sinking, cold feeling gripped my heart. And as the car pulled up behind her, and the door swung open, I could tell Lincoln knew too as I heard his breath hiss. It was her dad, along with my fucking sister.

We watched, the cold rage building and building as he grabbed her, and as Stephanie helped. When he slapped her, I roared, lunging out of my chair. I didn’t need to see the rest. “Let’s go.” I stormed from the room, my vision red with fury and every muscle in my body tensing and readying. Lincoln ran after me, right there with me, and not even asking questions until I barreled into the garage and jumped behind the wheel of my Bentley. Lincoln wordlessly jumped in next to me, his face grim as I gunned the engine, hit the button for the garage door, and roared down the driveway. “I know where they are,” I growled under my breath, both of us heaving and seething in the tense silence. “Well I didn’t think you just wanted to go for a drive,” he muttered back. “My sister and that dipshit are supposed to be in jail. In fact, the DA we know swore he’d call me first thing if they somehow got early release.” “No call, huh?” I shook my head. “What, they fucking broke out?” I glanced at my buddy. “Either way, they’re out.” “And they’ve got her.” I gritted my teeth, the fury raging through me.

“They’re going to call, and they’re going to want money,” I spit. “I know my goddamn sister, and that’s their play here. Probably looking to score more drugs or some shit.” “But you know where they are.” “Yep.” The small town where I’d built my house, and where Lincoln was building his wasn’t just some random town. Back when I was young, when things were simple and before our parents died young, they used to bring Steph and me here. The small little country house we used to rent for a few weeks in the summer was gone by the time I’d decided to move here, but it was that land that I’d built on. Back then, with no tv or internet or bullshit like that to capture our attentions, Steph and I had gone exploring instead. Specifically, the old Peterson Mill out by the edge of town. And instantly, I knew two things as I gunned the engine, blasting down the country roads as the blood pounded through my veins like diesel. One, Steph and her dipshit boyfriend were out for cash, and they’d grabbed Kenzie to do it. They hadn’t called yet, but I knew they would, and I knew for certain where they were. I knew that and one other thing: if they’d harmed one single hair on Kenzie’s head, there’d be fucking hell to pay. The car screeched around a bend, kicking up dirt as I slammed on the gas. Suddenly, my cell chimed over the bluetooth, and I glanced at Lincoln, who clenched his jaw grimly. “Right on fucking time,” he muttered. “You fucked up, Stephanie.”

I didn’t even let her talk before I spoke, my voice cutting through the phone like a jagged blade. I could hear her stammering, caught o guard by me knowing exactly who it was before she even spoke. “Listen, Wilder—” “No,” I growled, my voice like cold ice. “You listen. We’re coming for her, and if you have any fucking sense left in you, you and that piece of shit who calls himself her father will leave her, and get the fuck out of dodge, now.” “Fuck you, Wilder, if you want to see this bitc—” “If you hurt her in anyway, I will bury you, both of you,” I said quietly, every muscle in my body clenched tight. “Do you understand?” There was silence before suddenly, he came on the phone. “Alright you rich prick,” he mumbled. “We’re gonna need one million bucks, today, in cash. You fucking got that, moneybags?” “No deal,” I growled. He laughed. “Fuck you, man. You wanna gamble with her life?” “She’s your daughter,” Lincoln hissed, his hand balling into a fist like he might put it through the dash speaker. “Yeah?” the man snickered. “Well it sounds like she’s your whore, so—” “You’re a dead man,” Lincoln said quietly, his eyes narrowed and looking straight ahead. “You’re a fucking dead man.”

“One million, you pricks!” Kenzie’s dad spat into the phone. “We’ll call you back in one hour to tell you where to—” I ended the call abruptly. “You bring a gun?” I shook my head, glancing at Lincoln. “You?” “Nope, but it doesn’t matter,” he growled. “Just get me in that room, and I’m going to put your sister and that piece of shit in the fucking ground.” The rage exploded through me as my hands gripped the wheel tight. My foot brought the pedal to the metal as the car thundered down the backroads. It was time to take back what was ours.


I SCREAMED into the gag in my mouth, kicking out and trying to break free, even if I knew it was hopeless. I was tied to an old wooden chair, with an old t-shirt or something stu ed into my mouth. The rope dug into my skin, burning and cutting me, but I kept struggling anyway. No way was I going to just sit there and let them try to do this. I could hear my dad on the phone with what had to be Wilder and Lincoln, and slowly, I could feel my heart sinking. It wasn’t like I had any love left for my father — not after the life I’d had and all the ways he’d abandoned me and neglected me. But the fact that my own flesh and blood would kidnap me and try and barter me for ransom still hurt. I glanced at Wilder’s sister, watching her pace the floor and chain-smoke cigarettes. She’d been talking on the phone first, but when she’d stuttered to a stop and turned white, my dad had yanked it out of her hands. “One million, you pricks!” he yelled into the phone. “We’ll call you back in one hour to tell you where to—”

I blinked, his face turning red as he pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it. “Fucking assholes hung up on me!” He whirled, snarling as he glared at me. “Looks like your little boy-toy sugar-daddies gave up on you, huh? I mention money, and they hang up?” He shook his head, glaring at me. “Looks like I raised you to find some real prizes, huh.” I glared at him, muttering through the gag before he marched over and took it out. “What?” “I said you didn’t raise me at all,” I hissed. “I did.” He rolled his eyes as he looked way. “Well, either way, they ain’t fuckin’ coming, so we need a new plan.” He and Stephanie stormed away, lighting cigarettes and pacing around muttering and trying to come up with a plan. But I wasn’t worried. I knew Wilder and Lincoln would come for me. …I knew it, in my heart. The man holding me hostage like this — tied to a chair in this old mill building — was not my family. They were. Lincoln and Wilder had become the family I’d looked for my entire life. And I don’t just mean they were my “daddies,” as hot as that dynamic was. But they protected me, and took care of me, and listened to me. And loved me. With them, I became a part of something bigger than just me, and that’s what a family was supposed to be, right?

“Well call them back!” my dad shouted at Stephanie, shoving the phone back into her hands. “You fucking call them! You’re the one who just blew the deal, asshole!” She screeched back. “Dammit, we need that money! Rico said he’d have a whole package for us in a few days. We need that money to get it! C’mon, think about it! We could do as much of it as we wanted and sell the rest and be set!” For one second, my dad glanced at me, and there in his eyes, I could see the hesitation. “C’mon,” Stephanie whined. “I wanna get high!” And just like that, his attention snapped away from me, and he grinned as he grabbed the phone. Just like that, my own father chose drugs over me. Again. And just like that, I knew there wasn’t any single doubt about who my real family was now. …I just need them to hurry up and save me. My dad snatched the phone up, punching the buttons and bringing it to his ear before he swore. “Fuckin pricks just picked up and then hung up on me!” He muttered under his breath, dialing again and listening before he swore even louder. “They just did it again!” “Maybe you ain’t dialing it right!” “They’re picking up, Steph!”

The two of them bickered back and forth, yelling so loud that they didn’t even hear the sound of the engine approaching. But I did. “Well maybe they’re just fucking with you! Keep calling!” “Goddamnit, bitch, let me handle it!” “Well maybe they’re trying to get the money together first.” Or maybe they’re just stalling and keeping you preoccupied. “Fuck you! Give me the phone, I’ll call—” With a thundering roar, the big wooden barn door on the side of mill building exploded. I screamed, turning my head as wood splinters showered the room, and as the roaring Bentley came to a screeching stop. The doors slammed open, and the two huge men came roaring out, hurdling the smashed wreckage of the door and charging at Stephanie and my dad. The two drug addicts went white, their jaws dropped in shock and horror. Stephanie just sank to her knees right there, and while my dad tried to make a run for it, Lincoln’s hand caught him by the back of the neck and yanked him to the ground. “Watch them,” Wilder growled, shoving his sister into Lincoln’s other hand before he ran across the room to me. He slashed the ropes from me, scooping me up and kicking the chair away before he kissed me fiercely. I threw my arms around him, hugging him so close like I never wanted him to stop. He sat me down, and I gasped as Lincoln came barreling into me, scooping me up and kissing me too.

“Fuckin knew it.” We all stopped, turning to look at my dad, there on his knees next to Stephanie. “I knew you were slutting it up with these two fuckin—” He choked on his words, his face going white as the hand slammed into his neck, knocking him to the floor and clenching tight around his windpipe. My hands. “You listen to me,” I hissed, my blood roaring in my veins and my eyes narrowing on the man I’d never call father again. “Listen to me and don’t you fucking forget what I’m about to say to you.” He swallowed, his eyes wide. “You abandoned me. Over and over and over again, you let me down, you left me to raise myself and fend for myself, and you did all of this without even a second’s hesitation. You don’t get to speak to me that way.” My eyes burned into his empty, vacant ones, and I shook my head. “You’re not my father. Not anymore.” I stood, backing away and into Lincoln and Wilder. He and Stephanie started to stand, but my two guys growled as they moved forward, between me and them. “Sit,” Wilder snarled, his shoulders heaving. He pulled his phone out. “Wilder, c’mon,” Stephanie whined. “What are you doing?”

“Calling the fucking cops. Because I’m willing to bet money there are jails that are currently looking for you.” She and my dad looked at each other with white faces. “Hang on, hang on, Wilder. C’mon, we’re family! You can’t just—” “Family would never do this, Steph.” He shook his head, stepping away with the phone. Lincoln pulled me tight, holding me in his arms as Wilder made the call. “Mackenzie, honey—” “Don’t ever talk to her again,” Lincoln growled, pointing a finger at my dad. “Not ever.” His hand tightened on my waist, and I felt Wilder move in behind me. “Sheri Watkins and his boys are on the way.” He nuzzled my neck. “You okay?” “I am now,” I said quietly, feeling the two of them wrapped around me so warm and tight. We could hear sirens, and when the Sheri and his o cers pulled up, Wilder and Lincoln took me away. Lincoln helped me into the car as Wilder shook hands with the Sheri and promised to make some statements later. And then we drove home. Home. Because that’s what it was. A house is just a house, but it’s love and family that make it a home. And that’s exactly what we had. Love, a home, and two daddies as the only family I needed.


Six months later “UGH, that class. I swear, Professor Jameson gets o punishment.”


I grinned, looking away to hide the blush from my face. Well he wouldn’t be the only one… Cora sighed, thankfully missing the heat on my face as she shook her head. “For real though, if he wasn’t so fucking gorgeous, I’d have dropped that class like a brick by now.” I snickered. “Well, that and it’s part of your major and you have to take it.” She groaned. “Don’t remind me.” We both laughed as we headed across the quad, backpacks slung over shoulders and hot to-go cups of co ee in our hands. Cora and I had become fast friends after being paired for a first week assignment in the aforementioned Professor Jameson’s class. She, like me, didn’t live on campus, but where she lived in the apartment above her grandmother’s

garage, I lived with my two boyfriends in an insanely expensive castle-like mansion on an estate’s worth of land. …I hadn’t exactly given her all those details yet. As far as Cora knew, I lived with my boyfriend a little drive away from campus. She knew he was older, but she didn’t know he was that much older. And she certainly didn’t know there were two of them. I was trying to build up to that though. This was college life for me. Yeah, it was a little di erent than most freshman college kids, I’ll admit that. No dorms. No lame keg parties at frat houses. No sweating it out at some part time barista job to pay for books. Trust me, having been on the other side of the tracks, I was well aware of how good I had it. And it wasn’t that I had no social life or anything — it’s not like Lincoln and Wilder “kept me” at the house away from all people. Though, if they had their way, I’m sure they’d want to personally vet any guy who so much as looked my way. But they knew there was nothing to worry about. I didn’t have eyes for anyone but them, and I never would. …Hell, who the heck could possibly even compete with them? I studied my ass o , but when I wasn’t, I was living a dream with the two of them. After the whole thing with Wilder’s sister and my dad, we’d all gotten even closer. So close in fact, that it was decided that Lincoln would move into Wilder’s place permanently. He put a hold on the construction over at his place, and instead, they ended up breaking ground to basically double the size of Wilders. It was an insane move, seeing as the house was basically already a freaking castle, but I think Lincoln put it best, even if he was joking.

“You, we can share. But I want my own bedroom from time to time, and I’m sure as fuck not sharing a bathroom with that guy.” Fair enough. Instead, they were turning what was going to be Lincoln’s place into a headquarters for their new business. No, no more soldiering for my two Marines. And besides, they already had all the money they need. No, the new venture was going to be coordinating with Veterans A airs across the country to get vets with addiction problems stemming from PTSD the help, guidance, and support they needed. I guess seeing how far from the drugs had taken his sister had sparked something in Wilder. And the two of them knew enough vets who were struggling that it just made sense. As for Stephanie and my dad? Well, they did go back to the jails they’d broken out of. Okay, “broken out of” makes them sound a lot smarter than they actually are. What’d actually happened was that a maintenance worker left a door ajar at the minimum security holding jail where my dad had been kept, and he’d literally just walked out the door. He’d gone across the street and basically done just that to the women’s jail there where Stephanie was being held, and the two of them had gone on the run. …Not exactly criminal masterminds. But yeah, they went back to jail, and they’ll be there a little while. None of us pressed charges, even though we could have added kidnapping and extortion to their crimes. At the end of the day, they might have been shitty people, but addiction is a rough collar. They’ll serve their time for the pharmacy hold-up, and then they can go do whatever they want. But Lincoln, Wilder, and I will have nothing to do with

them. Actually, there’s a lifetime restraining order for both of them by us, so, I doubt we’ll be seeing them again. Suits me just fine. “So, what are you doing tonight? Feel like coming over? Bottle of wine and a Gilmore Girls marathon?” I grinned. “Very tempting, but I sadly have plans.” She rolled her eyes. “Oh, right, with your mysterious oldman boyfriend.” “Har har har.” I poked her in the arm as she laughed. “Seriously, when are you going to let me meet him?” “Soon, I promise,” I shrugged. “And he’s not old, he’s just old-er.” “And yet you won’t give any details about—” “Thirty-seven.” Cora turned, her brow shooting up. “Well then!” She grinned wickedly. “Hot I assume?” This time, it was my turn to grin. “Extremely.” “Lucky.” I blushed, feeling the smile creep across my face as we headed back to the parking lot. “Alright, well enjoy your night with Mr. Mystery Man.” Men. “Thanks. Enjoy Gilmore Girls.”

She laughed. “Thanks for rubbing my singleness in.” “You know, there’s also Professor Jameson. Good looking, older, and you did say he probably got o on punishment.” I winked. “Hey, it could be fun.” This time it was Cora’s turn to blush. “Okay, now I really want to meet your mystery man, because I think there’s a side to you I have no idea about.” Correct. I grinned as I gave her a hug and then headed for my car. Well, Lincoln’s car, but I’d pretty much made the vintage Mustang mine at that point. “See you tomorrow. Text me if you end up getting dirty with our professor.” She hooted out a laugh. “Try not to get punished too hard by your old man boyfriend!”

THE GATES to our estate opened automatically as I drove up to them, a sensor in the car letting the security system know it was me. As I drove up the long, winding drive, I felt the heat creep through my body. What did they have planned for the night? They’d both been busy with their new business for the last few weeks, and with finals approaching for the semester, I’d been buried in my studying. So, our chances to do our favorite thing in the world — them putting their hands and mouths all over me before fucking me senseless — had been slim. I had a feeling that night was going to change that.

The house was empty when I stepped in, but beautiful. Candles flickered in every room, turning the whole place into something out of a dream. Bouquets of roses lined the rooms, and when I saw the trail of rose petals leading up the stairs, my breath caught. Up in our room — well, what had been Wilder’s — the petals stopped at the bed, and there, lying across the comforter, was a note. Enjoy the bath, baby girl. Take your time. Your daddies will see you soon. Love, W&L I undressed quickly, almost as excited for a bath as I as for what might come after. In the huge master bathroom, more candles turned the room into a flickering wonderland. The bath was already drawn — bubbly and hot, and I moaned as I sank into it. I sighed, easing back and turning my head to see the champagne flute of sparkling water with an elaborate lemon twist. I grinned. They were still sticklers about me not drinking yet, because of my age. I mean, I really didn’t even like the taste of alcohol anyway, but it amused me that they were so firm about it. I took my time, soaking in the hot soapy water and drinking my chilled sparkling lemon water, until the wicked, filthy fantasies in my head about what they might have planned for later become too much. I was too turned on, and my little pussy was aching far too much to stay in the tub without letting my hands go exploring.

I toweled o quickly — I’d kept my hair up in the tub, so I patted dry, let it down, and then stepped out of the bathroom. And I gasped. The two of them were naked, sitting in the two chairs by the fireplace in the enormous bedroom. They sat back, their hard chiseled bodies illuminated by the candles and the fire in the fireplace as it flickered around the room. Their eyes flashed as they took me in, both of their cocks rock-hard and standing straight up flat against their grooved abs. “Come here, baby girl,” Lincoln purred, crooking his finger. I trembled, feeling the heat of both their fierce gazes tingling over my bare body. I could feel my nipples hardening to little pink points under those gazes, and I squeezed my thighs tight together, feeling the wet, slick heat of my pussy throbbing between my legs. Slowly, I padded across the candle-lit room towards them, until I was standing right in front of them, swallowing heavily. “We need to see if our little princess is clean everywhere after her bath, like she should be,” Wilder growled, his eyes sliding over my skin. He reached out, tracing a finger over my bare hip and making me whimper. God they were beautiful. Two bodies carved out of marble, their muscles bulging and clenching in the firelight. Lincoln’s sharp blue eyes, and Wilder’s dark fierce ones flickered as they devoured me, and two perfect, chiseled jaws clenched tight with lust. Two perfect — and I do mean perfect — cocks throbbed rock-hard against their grooved abs. Thick, huge, and

swollen. I could see wet drops of sticky precum beading at their heads, trickling down the veined shafts and making them glisten in the low light. “Did you wash everywhere?” I nodded as I locked eyes with Wilder. “Yes, daddy.” “Behind your ears?” He winked, and smiled, blushing as I nodded. “Yes.” Lincoln’s hand reached out, trailing over my hip. He slid between my thighs, teasing higher until his fingers dragged slowly over my slick, aching pussy. “Did you wash this pretty little pussy?” I whimpered as his fingers slid between my lips, feeling how wet I was and dragging it up over my clit. “Yes, daddy,” I whispered, my voice shaking. “Not too much though I hope,” he growled. “Daddy likes the taste of this sweet little cunt.” I whimpered, gasping as his finger rolled over my clit. “Turn around,” Wilder purred. I nodded, panting as I did what he asked. “Spread your legs. Good girl.” His deep voice rumbled through me, making me shiver. “Bend over.”

I moaned quietly, doing as they asked. Slowly, I bent over at the waist, blushing as I did. “Spread your ass, baby girl,” Lincoln growled. I whimpered, reaching back, gripping my ass in my hands, and spreading myself wide for them. I could feel their breath on my skin, and their hands sliding over my hips and inner thighs, making me tremble as their gazes burned into my most private places. “So nice and clean for your daddies,” Wilder purred. I felt his hand slide up, fingers spreading my soft, pink, wet lips. “Fuck, baby girl,” he groaned. “So nice and fresh for daddy.” I felt them stand, and I moaned as their hands pulled me around, turning me into them. Lincoln kissed me first, his mouth hungry and demanding as I melted into him. Four hands stroked my skin, cupping my breasts and sliding between my legs as his tongue swirled with mine. Wilder took his turn next, gently pulling me to his mouth and then crushing his lips to mine. His finger eased into my slick pussy, teasing my opening and making me moan for him. Hands grabbed me, lifting me and carrying me to the bed across the room. I whimpered as they lay me back across the thick comforter, my hair spilling around me as my two men stalked onto the bed over me. “Lay back,” Wilder groaned, his hands skimming up my leg with his lips following. “Daddy wants to taste you.” I moaned, sinking back into the bed as he kissed his way up one thigh. I could feel Lincoln doing the same on the other side, the both of them spreading my legs wide as they pushed them up high.

I cried out as Lincoln’s tongue found my pussy first, dragging wetly through my dewey lips before letting it flick over my clit. He growled into me, the rumbling feeling trembling through me and making me shiver. His tongue pushed deep into me, making me squeal before he drew back, swirling it over my clit until I was panting and bucking my hips. He pulled away, and Wilder took his place. I moaned as he slid two fingers inside of me, curling them deep against my g-spot as he sucked my clit between his lips. I gasped in pleasure, mewling sounds falling from my lips as he tongued my clit in slow, deliberate circles as his big fingers slid in and out of me, until my juices were running down his hand. Lincoln moved in again, kissing my thigh before moving lower. I felt him lift me, and slip a pillow under my lower back and ass before settling me back down. His lips and teeth nippled at my thighs as Wilder tongued my pussy, and then he went lower. Oh God… Lincoln’s tongue teased over my ass, swiping across the little ring and making me cry out as his friend teased my clit. He moved back, swirling his wicked tongue over my asshole as I melted into the bed, both of their mouths on me, demanding my pleasure. Wilder started to fuck me with his tongue then, pushing it in and out of my opening as he rubbed my clit with this thumb. Lower, Lincoln’s tongue formed a little point, and he started to fuck my ass with it at the same time. I screamed, my hands clinging to their hair and my hips bucking against them. The pleasure roared inside of me hotter and hotter, until I there was no turning back.

I screamed again as I came, my ass and my pussy clenching around their tongues and my slickness coating Wilder’s chin. I moaned, writhing as they kept licking me, their tongues swirling and teasing and tasting until I was begging for mercy. I gasped for air, my whole body shivering in the aftershocks as they groaned and moved up my body. “I fucking love how good you taste when you come,” Wilder purred into my lips before he crushed his to mine. I moaned, tasting my sweetness on his tongue as he moved between my legs. “Feel how hard you make me, baby girl,” he growled. “Feel how hard you make daddy’s cock.” I gasped as I felt him ease the thick, swollen head of his big dick against my dripping wet lips. He rocked his hips, nudging the head inside and letting me feel his thickness, before he started to drive right inside. I moaned, clawing at his back and rocking my hips to meet his as he gave me every thick inch, until his big, heavy balls were resting on my ass. Lincoln moved to the bed above me, stroking his cock and he teased my neck and my breasts with his other hand. He rolled my nipple between a thumb and forefinger, making me whimper as Wilder ground his cock so deep inside of me. “Fuck do you look sexy like that, princess,” Lincoln groaned, fisting his cock. “So fucking sexy taking his cock like that like a good girl.” I moaned, rocking back and forth on the bed as Wilder drove in and out of me. His big, heavy balls slapped my ass with every thrust, his hands gripping my hips tightly.

“Fuck, just like that, baby girl,” he groaned, his jaw clenching as he started to fuck me hard with that big dick. I moaned wildly, throwing my head back and reaching for Lincoln. “More,” I whispered heatedly. He growled, moving forward and pushing his swollen head against my lips. “Open wide, princess. Suck my cock and show me how dirty you can be, getting fucked by two of us like this.” I whimpered, wrapping my lips around his cock and sucking him deep as Wilder’s big thick cock drove deep inside of me. Lincoln groaned, pulling his cock from my slurping mouth and stroking it as he moved to kneel above my head. I moaned, craning my mouth up and sucking his balls between my lips. I slurped on them, tonguing his balls as I reached up to stroke his thick shaft. Wilder growled, driving his hips against mine as he gave me every fat inch again and again. “We have a surprise for you tonight, angel,” he groaned, his thrust slowing. He reached down, letting his thumb brush over my clit like he knew I loved, and making me whimper for him. “Oh?” I gasped, pulling my mouth from Lincoln. The two of them pulled away, moving to slide on either side of me. Their hands teased over my body, one kissing me and then the other as I melted into the bliss of having them both so close to me like that. “Yeah,” Lincoln purred. “A surprise. Something you’ve wanted for a long time…”

I bit my lip, looking at him quizzically before turning to do the same to Wilder. “What do you—” And suddenly, with the hungry looks in both their eyes, I knew exactly what they meant. Oh God yes… “We’re both going to take you, angel,” Lincoln growled. “Together.” “Both of us, in your tight little asshole and your sweet little pussy,” Wilder groaned, reaching down to tease my clit. I moaned, the very thought of both of them taking me like that sending raw heat blazing through my body. “Are you ready for that, baby girl?” Lincoln purred. “You ready to feel both our cocks stretching this tight little body out for us until you come so fucking hard for us?” All I could do is whimper and moan, nodding eagerly as they both started to kiss me hungrily. We rolled, Wilder moving onto his back and pulling me on top of his. I gasped, my legs going astride his hips as he centered his cock against my eager, slick pussy. He pulled me down, making me moan as I felt every beautiful inch of his big cock slide deep inside. He grabbed my ass tight, pulling me hard against him as he ground his cock deep inside. I watched, panting as Lincoln rose, moving behind me with his hand fisting his huge cock. Wilder slowed as Lincoln crouched behind me, and when I felt the huge, swollen head of his cock press against my tight, sensitive little asshole, I whimpered.

“Nice and easy, baby girl,” he purred into my ear. One hand held his cock firm, the other pulling my ass open as he eased the head against my ring. “Open that ass for daddy, princess. Let daddy put his big cock in this tight little ass.” I moaned, trembling between them as Lincoln slowly pushed harder. “You're going to feel both of us inside of you, angel,” Wilder growled, reaching up to cup my breasts with one hand. His other slid between us, rubbing my clit and making me whimper as Lincoln slowly started to pry my ass open with his enormous cock. Slowly, ever so slowly, I felt his swollen head slip inside, making me cry out at the sudden feeling of being so filled. He growled, gripping my ass tight as he pushed forward, inching the head inside my hot, clenching little asshole. Holy fuck did he feel good. It all felt good, and I didn’t even realize it was me whose moans were filling the room until Wilder pulled me down to swallow them in a kiss. Lincoln keep easing in, pushing inch after thick inch deep into my ass, until I was totally filled by him. They both held me like that, letting me gasp for air and tremble between them — letting me get used to the feel of being completely filled by two hard cocks. And then, they started to move. Both of them pulled out in unison, easing their thick cocks out of my body until just their heads remained inside. And then they both drove in, giving me every single inch of both of them, and making me scream in pleasure as they filled me to the brim. I moaned, clawing at the bedsheets as the two

big, powerful men held my body tight and fucked me like I’d never even dreamed I could get fucked. They moved faster, driving in and out of me, and making my whole body erupt in pleasure. Their hands were everywhere, stroking my skin, gripping me tight, pinning my body to each other as they fucked their big, thick cocks into me over and over. Wilder kissed me hungrily, swallowing my moans as Lincoln drove in and out of my clenching, tight ass, his lips on my neck. I felt like I was drowning in pleasure, sandwiched between these two amazing, powerful, rough and yet tender men. Their hands and mouths moved over my body, holding me tight as they both drove into me again and again, until I was sure I was going to explode from the pleasure. “Come on our big cocks,” Wilder growled into my lips, his cock pumping deep into my slick, dripping wet pussy. I could feel my juices and his precum leaking down my thighs and coating his balls “Be a good little slut for your daddies and come with that big cock in your ass and mine filling this tight little pussy up.” “Come for us, princess,” Lincoln groaned, his cock swelling up so big inside of me. “Come for daddies.” The orgasm hit me like a tsunami, crashing over me and shattering everything around me. I screamed in pleasure, my entire body seizing up and spasming and my whole world melting around me as the biggest orgasm of my life thundered through me. The two of them kept moving, fucking me faster, and harder, and roaring into my skin as they both came crashing over after me.

I could feel them both come at the same time, Wilder driving his cock deep in my slick little pussy and letting go. Hot, pulsing ropes of his cum pumped deep inside of me, filling me up and leaking out around us. Lincoln roared as he grabbed my hips and buried his cock to the hilt in my hot little ass. I could feel his heavy balls jumping against my skin as he emptied them into me, his hot, sticky cum coating my ass until the three of us came to a gasping halt. We collapsed onto the bed, rolling sideways with the two of them still inside of me. I trembled against them, clutching them so tightly and just letting the whole experience sink into me. Gently, they pulled out of me, cum leaking out of my pussy and my ass. They’d made a mess of me, and I loved it. They pulled me close, letting me catch my breath as they stroked my body, kissing me tenderly until I could finally try and speak. “That was so freaking good,” I moaned quietly, still panting as my body trembled. “There’s one more surprise for you,” Wilder said quietly, kissing me slowly. He nodded at Lincoln, who reached over to one of the bedside tables, plucked something o of it, and then rolled back. They each sat up on either side of me, propping themselves up as they looked into my eyes. “This is for you, Kenzie,” Lincoln said quietly. The little box was dark and velvet, and my heart jumped in my chest as I took it. I swallowed, glancing at the two of them before opening it, and that’s when my whole world froze.

The ring looked like someone had taken two other rings, cut them in half, and then taken one half of each and melded them back together as one new ring. One half was silver, studded with diamonds, and the other half gold, set with red stones that had to be rubies. “Oh my God…” my breath caught, and I brought a hand to my heart as I held the ring in trembling fingers. I looked at each of them, my heart racing and my eyes wide. “This is both of us, for you,” Wilder said slowly. “What— what is this?” “Kenzie,” Wilder leaned over me, looking into my eyes. Lincoln did the same, kissing me softly. “Will you marry us?” “Marry us, baby girl,” Wilder purred. “Be ours forever,” Lincoln said quietly. I wish I could say I everything froze, or that time stopped. But the truth is, I answered so fast I could barely get the word out. “Yes!!” I screamed, lunging o the bed and throwing my arms around them. “Yes, yes, yes!” Wilder kissed me, and then Lincoln, and then I just kept going back and forth between them as we all sank into the bed. I was theirs, always and forever. And they were mine.



Oh, you didn’t think I was done, did you? ;) Sometimes, I like to say thank you to my amazing readers for being so supportive with my new releases. You guys are everything to me, and it means the world that you keep reading my filthy little books! As a big thanks for being so awesome, and for your support of Double Daddies, I’ve included three other books of mine in this new release edition for a limited time. If you’re like me, you can never get enough menage romance, so let’s keep on that trend! Included here are Bossed Three Times, a MFMM menage romance, Breaking Her Innocence, a super-hot MFM/virgin romance, and Twice Driven, one filthy MFM biker romance. If you’ve already read these books, or don’t feel like giving them a try, then no worries - you’re done, and thanks for reading! But, if you’re not quite ready to head back to reality, scroll on for the good stu ;). Thanks again for your support, and happy reading! <3,


ALSO BY MADISON FAYE Standalones: Trick And Treat Sugar & Spice Five Card Studs Double Daddies Bad Medicine: Doctor Babymaker Doctor O-Maker (February 2018) Doctor Dom (Spring 2018) Men of Blackthorn Mountain: Claiming His Mountain Bride His Captive Mountain Virgin (February, 2018) “Dirty Bad Things” Series: Hard Core Pretty Dirty Rough Stu

(Spring 2018)

“Innocence Claimed” Series: His Little Bad Girl Tempting Daddy’s Boss Paying The Debt

“The Triple Crown Club” Series: Royally Shared Royally Claimed Royally Tempted “Possessing Beauty” Series: Beasting Beauty Stealing Beauty Sharing Beauty Hunting Beauty Possessing Beauty “Forbidden” Series: Flirting With The Law Breaking Her Innocence “Three Times” Series: Bossed Three Times Taken Three Times Paid For Three Times “Twice” Series: Twice Driven Twice Bossed Twice Tackled “First Time” Series: Legal Professor Freshman


Looking for obsessed alpha heroes, steamy-hot insta-love, and romance with a dirty mind? Join my mailing list and grab these TWO kindle-melting, bestselling steamy shorts for free! Great books. Hot deals. Zero spam. www.madisonfayeromance.com/newsletter Check out the whole catalog, only on Amazon and always FREE with your Kindle Unlimited subscription!



THREE TIMES THE FANTASY, three times the trouble. I’ve got a dirty secret. A crush. Specifically, on my boss. Well, bosses. All three of them. Not one, and not two, but three. Three huge, dominant, possessive, gorgeous men. And you want to know the really dirty part?

They want to make me theirs. They want to make me submit, and make me feel things I’ve never felt before. Things I’ve never dared to dream about. Three men with an o er of a lifetime – the chance to fulfill the dirtiest, filthiest, most forbidden fantasy a girl could ever imagine. There’s only one question. Do I dare? They say two is a party and three’s a crowd, but I don’t think that’s right. Three is perfect. The filthiest, hottest, most mind-blowing type of perfect imaginable. That is, if I can handle it.

BOSSED THREE TIMES IS A HOT, steamy read involving a mfmm menage romance with three utterly obsessed alpha heroes. This is all about her – no m/m. If you love over-the-top, slightly unrealistic, and wildly dirty romance with plenty of steam, this one’s for you! HEA with NO CHEATING!


Warning: This book is HOT. It's really dirty, and it's really naughty, and it’s really going to melt your kindles (among other things…). Please know that this book is a MFMM romance, which is to say, it's all about her - no MM action. This book is sort of a continuation of another book of mine Twice Bossed, but, not really. It is a completely standalone story - you DO NOT have to have read Twice Bossed first, at all.

Copyright © 2016 Madison Faye All rights reserved. Editing: Sennah Tate Cover: White Rabbit Creative

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used for review purposes. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, actual events or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademark status of products referred to in this book and acknowledges that trademarks have been used without permission. This book is intended for mature, adult audiences only. It contains extremely sexually explicit and graphic scenes and language which may be considered o ensive by some readers. This book is strictly intended for those over the age of 18. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older. All acts of a sexual nature are completely consensual.


THE DOOR to the garage slammed shut, startling me from the book I was reading at the dining room table. I’d heard the familiar sound of Jason’s car pulling into the garage a few minutes before, followed by the familiar sound of the automatic garage door grinding back down. But the fury in the door-slam and the mutterings down the hall told me something was up. It also told me he was drunk. I sighed and dropped the book to the table, rubbing my temples. I glared at the time and at then at the dinner I’d made, now sitting cold on the table. “Everything alright, honey?” “It’s fine,” came the sharp response from the hallway, followed by my boyfriend’s stomping steps to the kitchen. Another sigh escaped me as I glanced down at the copy of Honing Your Resume I’d been paging through while waiting for him. I wasn’t working these days, since Jason had insisted that it was his job to “provide” ever since we’d moved in together

the month before. I’d gone along with it, because you do things you never thought you’d do when you think you love someone. I wasn’t so sure of that after a month of playing second fiddle to Jason’s career — “career”, or rather, his propensity for going out to drinks after work and leaving me bored and stir-crazy back at home. I had a damn masters degree, for crying out loud, and here I was playing housewife all day while my boyfriend was out half the night getting wasted. I’d thought about getting back into the workforce, but the number of job o ers I had before we moved in together dwindled, until there was nothing but an empty inbox waiting for me every day. “The hell are you reading, Arianna?” I glanced up to see Jason swaying in the doorway, holding a fresh beer from the fridge and reeking of whiskey even from across the room. My eyes dropped to his collar, and suddenly my blood was boiling. Lipstick. There on his shirt collar, like the most ridiculous cliche out of a movie. “Where were you,” I said evenly, ignoring his question. “None of your damn business.” I stood and felt my hands ball into fists at my sides, glaring at him. “Well it is my business, actually, because I’ve been sitting here with dinner waiting for you.”

“Such a fuckin nag,” Jason muttered, swigging from his beer. My gaze moved from the lipstick on his collar to his messed-up hair, the smug look on his face, and I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t even shocked at this point, just mad at myself for staying this long. Of course this was how this debacle of a relationship was going to end. The zero communication and all his secrets, the fact that he had all the time in the world to go out with “clients” but no time for me, and the fact that after three months of no sex or any intimacy at all, I was starved for some physical attention And he came home with the lipstick of some other woman on his collar. “Oh fuck you, Jason, you think you can just—” The slap came hard, knocking the wind out of me and leaving a stinging heat across my cheek. The room went silent and still for a second before I whirled back at him, hand on my cheek and my jaw dropped in shock. “Are you fucking serious?” Jason suddenly paled, as if suddenly sobering enough to see clearly. “Shit, baby.” His eyes were wide and he shook his head. “Baby, I’m just drunk is all,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry, baby, you know I lov—” “Don’t.” My voice was ice cutting through his words.

“Don’t even say that, Jason.” Because that moment right there in that dining room was like a puzzle piece clicking into place. Right then, everything made sense. “Actually,” I hissed, shaking my head at him. “Don’t ever say it to me again.” I stormed o to our room before he could even say anything else. I grabbed a suitcase from the closet, half expecting him to run in and stop me, and not at all surprised when he didn’t. Five minutes later, I was stalking towards the front door with a suitcase rolling behind me. Jason laughed when he saw me. “You’re leaving?” “Yeah,” I hissed, jabbing a finger at him as I snatched my resume book o the table. “Yeah Jason, I’m leaving.” He laughed again. “Over one little slap? Jesus.” He rolled his eyes and slugged his beer. “I bet I’ll see you tomorrow.” “No, you won’t, asshole.” He narrowed his eyes at me, sitting at the table and picking at the cold dinner I’d made. “Bitch, yes I will.” This time, I only flipped him o as I whirled and stormed away. I grinned wickedly seeing the keys to his Porsche laying on the table by the door to the garage. Fuck him.

The engine roared triumphantly and I pulled out the garage. The front door to the house opened a second later as Jason recognized the sound of his prized car, but I only flipped him o out the window as I roared away, watching the image of him shaking his fist at me get smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror.


“I THINK you’ve got a great shot.” I took a big gulp of my wine and raised a brow at Sasha. I’d been staying with my friend for almost a week now, and while it was amazing to have such a great friend to take me in, I knew myself, and I knew I needed my independence. Luckily, I’d just landed a job interview for a secretary position. “It’s just a secretary job, you know.” My best friend — seven months pregnant — shrugged and grinned wickedly as she poured lime seltzer over ice and took a sip. “You really want to go there?” I blushed as I looked down, grinning. Sasha had, after-all, started in this very position. Broke, looking for work, and leaving her asshole of an ex, Sasha had found “secretary” work with Stone and Steel Holdings. Of course, that’s not all she’d found there.

What started as probably the hottest, dirtiest, most inappropriate o ce fling in the history of workplace flings had turned into so much more. I knew just enough of the details to go red in the face whenever I thought too much about it. Hey, you would too if your best friend was involved in a relationship with two gorgeous, protective, dominant men who had at one point been her bosses. I say “used to be,” because as their relationship had bloomed into what it was now, Sasha had moved from secretary to actually co-running the biggest corporation in the city with Luke and Jordan I could only imagine what board meetings were like. People have all sorts of ideas in their heads about what a relationship should be, but Sasha, Luke, and Jordan proved them wrong. Was is nonconforming? A little di erent? Apt to make people blush and whisper in public when they noticed how close the three of them were? You bet. Did any of that trio really give much of a shit? Nope. “That was di erent,” I said primly, sipping my wine. Sasha laughed. “Oh really? Why, because I slept with them?” “Because they’re hot!” I turned red the second I said it, rolling my eyes at myself as Sasha burst out laughing. “Well? Maybe the guy running — what’s the name of this place?” “Camelot Holdings.”

Sasha paused, furrowing her brow, looking like she was thinking it over before she shook her head. “I’ve heard of the company but I know the CEO stays pretty private. Anyways, who knows? Maybe he’s gorgeous?” “And maybe usually sleeping with your boss gets you fired.” Sasha winked at me. “Gotta take chances, lady.” “I gotta take employment, first,” I grumbled. “You know I’ve got a job for you, right?” Sasha put down her soda water and gave me a look. “I mean, you don’t even have to ask; it’s done.” I smiled as she reached out and squeezed my hand. “Thanks, honestly. But you know that’s a little too close to home.” “Too close to home, or too much for your A-type personality that just has to go find her own way?” Sasha winked at me, laughing as I flipped her o


“Both,” I said, grinning. “It’s enough that you’re putting me up in the insane house, you know.” When Sasha had first gotten together with Luke and Jordan, they’d all lived in the guys’ penthouse on the top floor of Stone and Steel Holdings. Eventually though, they’d moved out and into this sprawling, gorgeous place. She grinned. “Hey, it’s not that selfless of me. I get lonely and spooked being in his place all alone while Luke and Jord are o in London.” “How’re the acquisition negotiations going?”

She shrugged, waving her hand. “Oh, fine. You know them; they get what they want.” I winked at her. “Apparently.” “You’re a pessimist.” My friend sighed as I glanced over the job description again on the laptop in front of me. “I’m a realist,” I said indignantly, sipping wine. “Why the heck would a secretary and personal assistant job that pays so well be up for grabs?” “Well,” Sasha sighed. “Guess you’ll find out tomorrow at the interview, dummy.” She was right. For all my bitching, I had landed a callback for an interview. “I’m still grossed out by the headshot, you know.” She smirked. “How is that even legal?” “Eh, there are loopholes. And hey, you’re cute.” “I’m not a model or anything, though.” She groaned. “Girl, you got the interview, didn’t you?” I frowned and she laughed and poured me some more wine. “Vicarious drinking,” she said with a wink as she pushed the glass towards me. “You want me to send a personal recommendation on Stone & Steel letterhead?” I frowned and shook my head. She sighed. “Didn’t think so. You are one stubborn girl, you know that?”

I grinned at her. “Yup. It’s why you love me though.” “Luckily,” she snorted. I turned back to the laptop. “The guy I’m reporting to is probably an old rich asshole.” “Yeah, he probably is, Ari, but that rich asshole is going to pay you like you’re a Wall Street trader.” “Yeah,” I mumbled, taking a sip from my glass. “It’s gong to be fine.” “I guess.” I tried to take her words to heart, but I still slept fitfully that night. I tossed and turned half the night, wondering about my interview with the rich old asshole who’d hold my future in his hands.


HOLY SHIT. The foyer of Camelot Holdings was all steel and silver trim with rich, marbled mahogany wood finishes. I took a seat in the modern, yet deeply rich lobby with four other women, all quite pretty and dressed identically to me in shades of gray and black skirt suits and formal blouses. I swallowed, feeling my pulse race. Why was I so nervous? Okay, it was a job interview — a job interview I needed pretty desperately. Yes, Sasha had made it quite clear that she had more than enough space, not to mention finances to basically have me stay with her, Luke, and Jordan indefinitely, but I knew I’d go nuts if I didn’t at least try to do something job-wise. But I shouldn’t have been so nervous. I glanced up at the silver-inlay lettering above the receptionist’s desk. Camelot Holdings. I rolled my eyes, imagining the old dork who thought that up.

A soft metallic clunk of a door made me glance back to the boss’s o ce besides the receptionist’s desk. A pretty, young woman about my age left the o ce looking flustered, breathless, and pink in the face. She looked scared. I swallowed. “Ms. Holloway?” I stared, blinking at the scared girl as she got into the elevator. “Ms. Holloway?” I blinked again and turned back. “Yes?” The older receptionist glared at me from her desk. “They’ll see you now.” A shiver ran up my back. “They?” She gave me an exasperated look. “The bosses.” I frowned. Bosses? As in plural? “Bosses?” She all but rolled her eyes at me. “Yes, dear. Mr. Black, Mr. Caldwell, and Mr. Harlow.” She frowned at me. “The men you’re interviewing with in order

to personally assist, Ms. Holloway.” I felt that shivering chill creep down my back again. Jesus there were three of them? Three old assholes I was going to have to report to? God, no wonder the position paid so well! “Can’t keep them waiting, dear,” she said thinly, gesturing at the door. “Through there.” I swallowed heavily as I rose and smoothed down my skirt and blouse before slowly stepping to the thick wooden door. The long hallway past the door from the reception area was lowly lit and endless. My heels clicked loudly on the marble floor as I slowly made my way closer and closer to the o ce. Their o ce — the o Harlow, apparently.

ce of Mr. Black, Mr. Caldwell, and Mr.

I suddenly wished I’d done my homework a little better before coming to the interview. “Enter.” The deep voice resonated through the door as I knocked. I took one final breath before I placed my hand on the silvered knob, turned it, stepped into the room… …And promptly almost tripped over my jaw. I’d been picturing three stu y, crotchety old men — three bent-over, grey-haired senior citizens with bifocals and walking canes. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

The three men waiting for me in the room were simply gorgeous. Young, ruggedly handsome, built men. One stood by the window, the other leaned against a thick wooden desk facing the door, and the third sat to one side on a sofa with his feet up on a small co ee table. But all three of them stared right at me with intense, burning, hungry stares. I swallowed again, feeling the heat pulse to my cheeks under their gaze. “Close the door, Ms. Holloway,” the man leaning against the front of the desk murmured, his voice smooth like leather and dark wood. I did as I was told, shivering as I shut myself into the room with these three intense men. “Sit,” the man on the sofa said sharply, gesturing at a chair in the middle of the room between me and them. I nodded quickly and made my way to it, smoothing my skirt down nervously as I took a seat. “You seem surprised,” the man by the window growled out, his sharp blue eyes flashing and only accentuated by the dark, slightly curled hair on his head. The man leaning against the desk — blonde and also blueeyed with a chiseled jawline — chuckled darkly, crossing his arms across his chest. I took a shaky breath, and started to open my mouth when the dark-haired man on the sofa shook his head, holding a hand up. “You aren’t the first woman we’ve met with today who was expecting to meet with perhaps somewhat older interviewers.” He smirked, his dark eyes flashing at me.

“We keep ourselves and our company out of the media light, Ms. Holloway. We prefer to keep things personal.” He purred the last word in a way that only warmed the flush in my cheeks more. God, they’re so attractive. I mentally admonished myself for the thought that crept into my head — well, that and the other highly unprofessional ones that followed involving the men in front of me. And yet, it couldn’t be helped. The men were stunningly good looking, in that unfair, biological way. They were attractive in that magnetic way that pulls at you on an evolutionary level, and they were certainly pulling at something deep inside of me. Something hot, something dark, and something forbidden. I quickly took a sharp breath and centered myself inside, trying to will the heat from between my legs. I forced myself to smile politely and professionally instead of letting the sudden dirty thoughts inside my head get ahold of me. “My name is Hunter Black, Ms. Holloway,” the man by the window said in his smooth, yet gru voice. “And these are my partners in Camelot Holdings, Damien Caldwell and Sean Harlow.” I nodded, and I was just opening my mouth to respond, when Mr. Caldwell — the man leaning against the desk, spoke sharply. “You’re aware of the duties involved with the position?” I nodded quickly, feeling the raw power in that voice of his take ahold of me. “Yes, Mr. Caldwell.”

“Sir.” My eyes drew back to his. “Pardon?” A shadow crossed his face. “I said sir; as in, you will refer to us as ‘sir’ or ‘sirs’.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. “Of course, sir.” His eyes sparked, and I could see a slight grin pull at the corners of his mouth at my use of the word. “It’s just that you’re…” Sean, sitting on the sofa, steepled his hands in front of him. “How to put this delicately — you’re overqualified, Ms. Holloway. In fact, you’re educated enough to basically be in charge of a division here, rather than running co ee errands and scanning documents for the three of us.” I tried to smile, but it quickly fell from my face. On the one side, it was nice of them of them to acknowledge my qualifications — or over qualifications as the case may have been. But on the other hand, I really did need a job, however overqualified I may be for it. And if I was going to not get it because of my higher education level than the other applicants, well, that would suck. Damien seemed to see the look on my face, as he quickly shook his head. “Nothing like that, Ms. Holloway, we’re just surprised to see a resume like yours in the pile.” His eyes narrowed at me. “That said, the job does have duties that need being done, however overqualified you may be.”

He arched a brow at me meaningfully, and I nodded quickly. “Oh, absolutely,” I said quickly, smiling. “I’m perfectly aware of the position, sir, and I’m willing to start wherever I can.” He smiled darkly, his eyes flashing at me again, and I could have sworn I saw his eyes momentarily slip down over my bare, crossed, knees beneath the hem of my skirt before darting back to my face. “Are you married, Arianna?” I jerked my head toward Hunter, still standing by the window, quickly blinking at his question. “I’m aware that you’re a ‘Miss’, but I know many women don’t take a last name these days.” I shook my head. “No, sir.” “Boyfriend?” His quick follow-up threw me even more o center. Wasn’t this an oddly personal question for a professional interview like this? But still, I shook my head again. “No, sir.” “Good,” he said, smiling darkly at me as his eyes flicked over me. The fact that he didn’t follow it up with any sort of explanation left me hanging on the reason. “Would you stand for a moment, Arianna?” Sean’s smooth voice from the sofa had my eyes darting to him, and then

finding themselves being held by that steely gaze. “Stand, Ms. Holloway.” His voice was darker this time, and slightly edged with irritation, as if I hadn’t followed through quick enough. This is some sort of mind game they’re doing with all the interviewees, I thought to myself. It was strange, but I knew it had to be some sort of test to see how potential applicants reacted to demands and pressure. Well, that I could do without a problem. I stood readily, smoothing my skirt down. Sean smiled. “Good girl.” The flush came roaring into my cheeks at the words, a shiver tingling down my back at the velvety way he’d said it almost under his breath. He nodded, smiling at me as his eyes very obviously dipped over my body. And yet, it wasn’t creepy, and I didn’t feel like he was being inappropriate, despite how very inappropriate this was for an interview. His eyes moved over me again, and all I could think of were those words. Good girl. Yeah, I wasn’t creeped out at all. In fact, I found myself excited by his lingering looks; almost proud that he seemed to approve of what he saw. His eyes moved back to mine, locking my gaze for another minute, sending a shiver through me before a cough brought my attention back to Damien.

“Turn around for us, Ms. Holloway.” I felt the pulse of something wicked throb inside of me at his words. Turn around for them? I knew I should have been incensed, or that I should have walked out. But I didn’t. Looking back, I’m still not even sure why I didn’t. There I was, alone in a room with three gorgeous, dark, domineering men, asking me to turn for them, and yet I stayed right where I was. Maybe it was the same reason Sasha had stayed in her o back then when she first met Jordan and Luke.


My face went red at the implications of what that meant for me here and now with these three men. But then, I did as I was told. I turned for them; slowly. I shivered as I did so, feeling their eyes on me, and feeling this thrill from it being so wrong coursing through me. Wrong, perhaps, but at the same time, I felt a strange urge to please them. Not just because I wanted a job, but because I wanted to do well for them. It was a strange feeling. When I’d made a full circle on my heels, I brought my gaze back up. They were all grinning at me. Hungrily.

“Very good, Arianna,” Hunter murmured, no longer at the window but standing beside the desk his partner leaned against. “Very good indeed.” “Do you skype, Arianna?” I turned back to Sean, my eyes following his hand as he pushed it through his thick hair. “Video chat? Yes sir, of course.” “We’re all three away on business for a few days, but we’d like to hold follow-up interviews via video so that we can have the position filled for our return. Are you available tomorrow evening?” I felt my heart jump up into my throat. A follow-up interview? I’d made it? I quickly nodded as I remembered to speak. “Absolutely, sir!” “Excellent,” Damien said darkly, nodding. “We appreciate you coming in, Arianna.” “Of course, thank you for having—” “Just so we’re clear,” Hunter cut in. “You are clear on the duties of the position?” My brow furrowed for a minute. I mean, it was a secretary position. Yeah, I think I could handle photocopies and Starbucks orders. “Absolutely,” I said quickly, smiling at them and clasping my hands in front of me.

“Excellent.” Damien held my eyes another second. “We’ll be in touch then.” He raised a single brow at me. “You can leave now.” I nodded again, smiling as calmly as I could at the three of them as I collected my bag and walked out of the room. And I swear I could feel all three of them looking at me as I did.


“THEY DID WHAT?” Sasha gave me one of her arched-brow looks. “Yeah.” I chewed on my lip and looked down at my glass of wine. “Stand and turn?” I slowly nodded my head and she grinned. “Well well well…” “No it wasn’t like that.” “How could it not be?” “Because they’re gorgeous?” I covered my mouth immediately as her eyes went wide. “Oh really?” I avoided answering with a big gulp of wine. “So, let me get this straight.” She leveled a look at me. “You’ve got three bosses.”

I shook my head. “I don’t have the job yet.” “Whatever. There’s three of them. They’re young, hot, rich, and they wanted you to stand and turn around at an interview?” I nodded. “Sounds hot.” “Sasha!” “Well look who you’re talking to, girl!” I blushed even darker, as I always did when I thought of my friend and the two wildly attractive, completely dedicated men who I’m sure worshipped her like a queen in the bedroom. I couldn’t even imagine what having two sets of strong hands, two sets of perfect lips and two huge…. Well….all I’m saying, I knew there was a very good reason Sasha basically had a permanent smile and glow about her. “What, I’m just saying?” “Sasha, I’m not going to have an a air with one of my bosses.” “What about with two or three of them?’ My face turned bright red. “Sasha! Oh my God, please. I’m not like—” “Like me?” She gave me a sharp look. “That’s not what I mean and you know it. I mean I’m not like you as in I’m not brave enough for that.” “You might surprise yourself.”

I blushed and quickly shook my head. “Oh my God, why are we even having this discussion?” She laughed as she put her arm around me and hugged me close. “I’m just teasing you, you know. And hey, congratulations on the second interview!” I made a face. “What?” “I might need some help with that.” “How so?” “Video conferencing. I sort of lied to them. I have no idea what I’m doing there.” “Seriously?” “What? I’ve never done it.” Sasha laughed. “Oh my poor technological stunted friend. Don’t you worry, I can show you. When is it?” “Tomorrow night.” “I’ll help you set it up.” Tomorrow, I’d be seeing them again. **** I saw them again that night though, in my head. As I lay in bed, the interview from earlier replaying through my mind, but this time, it played out di erently. Colored by wine, and thinking more about my friend and her two men than I probably should have started to lead my thoughts to di erent places.

This time, the inappropriateness didn’t stop at having me stand and turn. It went way further. This time, in my fantasy, they had me turn, but then they were asking more. I panted as I closed my eyes and let my fingers play across my skin under the sheets of Sasha’s guest room. In my fantasy, they asked — no, demanded — that I take my clothes o . Piece by piece. In my dreams, their hands were on me, touching me, toying with me, driving me higher. My hands slipped under my panties, and I moaned into the pillow as I felt how wet I was. This was crazy. I’d never in my life had these sort of thoughts about someone like a boss. Heck, I’d never had thoughts like these involving more than one man! When Sasha had first told me about Jordan and Luke, I remember feeling something pull inside of me. It was so… naughty and so dirty when first hearing about it. But it was also so hot. The idea of two men manhandling my friend, and worshiping her with their hand and their mouths. With their cocks. I couldn’t even imagine being in the middle of that kind of pleasure. But oh my God, adding a third man? It was almost too much — something just shy of wrong. Or maybe just wrong enough that it got something going inside of me. Just wrong enough to get me dripping wet there in my bed.

It was so dirty, and so wrong, and I felt so wicked even having it as a fantasy. But the more I thought about it, the hotter it got and the wetter my pussy got as I slowly rubbed my fingers over my clit. I reached for the bedside table, slowly opening the drawer and pulling out the slim, purple vibrator. I moaned as my fingers slipped inside of my pussy, sliding in and out. For a moment, I was about to bring the vibrator down to join, until another absolutely filthy thought came into my head. In my fantasy, I was back in that o ce, with my bosses surrounding me — taking me. In my head, I was across their desk, and the finger in my pussy was one of them, slowly fucking me with deep even strokes. I could feel my heart jump into my throat as I brought the phallic shaped vibrator to my lips instead, feeling my pussy tighten around my fingers as I slowly opened my mouth for it. I moaned as I wrapped my lips around it, sucking it and swirling my tongue around the head as if I were sucking a cock. I closed my eyes, pretending I was taking one o my bosses in my mouth while the other drove in and out between my legs. It was so fucking hot, and nothing I’d ever even fantasized about before, let alone experienced. But it wasn’t enough I needed more. I needed all three of them in that fantasy. I rolled onto my knees, pushing the toy in-between two pillows in front of my face and wrapping my lips back around it. This time though, I brought both hands back down between my legs. I moaned into the fake cock as two fingers sank deep inside my wet slit, my thumb brushing across my

clit. But this time, I was too deep into the raunchy fantasy to stop there. This time, I needed to feel dirtier. I moaned again as my other hand slide down across my lower back, over my ass. I let a single fingers slide down the crevice of my ass, and then felt my whole body shiver in forbidden pleasure as I let it circle lightly across my asshole. Fuck this was so dirty. I was fantasizing about three men — my potential bosses nonetheless, taking me all at once, and I was loving every second of it. I bobbed my head, sucking the fake cock between my lips harder and deeper and I fucked myself with two fingers, played with my clit, and let another finger tease across my ass again and again. I was getting so close, so tantalizingly close that my toes started to curl and my eyes squeezed shut. And that's when the knock on my door came. I almost jumped through the ceiling, feeling my heart lurch into my throat as I scrambled under the covers, shoved the toy under my pillow. and sucked in a deep breath of air. “Ari?” It was Sasha, of course. “Hey, you asleep yet?” “No?” I managed to croak out, praying my voice didn’t sound like I’d been doing what I’d just been doing in my friend’s guest room. “Sorry, I just remembered I’ve got an early morning meeting tomorrow at the o ce, so I can show you how to use the

video conferencing first and then the place is all yours for your hot date with those three hunky bosses.” I felt my cheeks burn as the heat throbbed between my legs. “Uh, okay!” I squeaked out again, still feeling my pulse racing. “You alright?” I swallowed, feeling mortified suddenly about what I’d just been doing. “Yeah, I’m tomorrow.”








“Alright then, night!” she called through the door “Night!” But the moment was gone even after she left. After that, I padded to the private ensuite bathroom and took a long look at myself in the mirror. God, what had just come over me? I shook my head before splashing water on my face, taking a drink, and cleaning o my toy. I slipped back into bed, hiding the toy back in its drawer before fading into a fitful sleep, wondering about the next day. But also wondering about my roaring fantasies involving three men…


THE NEXT DAY, Sasha showed me how to use the webcam on my laptop in order to video conference, including how to connect it to my email to receive the call. “Thanks,” I said, forcing a smile even though I was exhausted. I’d been up half the night tossing and turning after leaving myself so on edge. I was pretty sure my friend didn’t know what she’d interrupted me doing the night before, but I still hadn’t been able to meet her eyes that day. “Alright, well, I’m out for the next three hours or so, so the place is all yours for that interview.” “You’re the best.” She grinned. “You’re welcome, of course.” “Sash, honestly, thanks for letting me mooch here like this.” She laughed. “Hey, I’m the poor, lonely women drifting around a big house while my two men are o in a foreign country.” “Poor, right,” I said with a grin, arching my brow at the huge house and gorgeous furnishing around us.

She laughed. “Well I could be stone broke and I’d still be happy with those two.” I grinned, feeling a small twang of jealousy. Here I was not able to even hold onto one guy, apparently, and my best friend had two that would kill for her. “Thanks again for the help.” “No problem, and hey!” She winked. “Good luck with your hot bosses.” ***** An hour and a half later, the call came through, and my laptop started pinging. I took a deep breath and checked my hair and my makeup in the bathroom mirror before I quickly made my way to the desk in my room where I’d set the laptop up. I checked my hair and my outfit one last time before sitting up straight, taking a deep breath, and answering. “Good afternoon, sir—” I stumbled, my eyes going wide at the image on the screen in front of me. The three men had told me they’d be traveling, which was the reason for the video call. I’d assumed they meant for work. But if what I was looking at on the screen was “work”, I think Camelot Holdings is a job I could certainly get into. They were shirtless, all three of them. Shirtless, wearing nothing but tight swim trunks, and lounging in what looked like a tropical cabana on a beach somewhere. My mouth hung agape as I stared at their chiseled, perfectly sculpted muscles, and sun-tanned skin. I followed the lines of tattoos

that snaked across skin that had been covered by expensive suits at our last meeting. “Hello, Arianna,” Hunter purred. He wore a smirk on his face, as did the other two, actually, as they saw the stunned look on my face. “Maui,” Damien said o -hand, pushing his fingers through his thick blond hair and waving a glass of what had to be champagne around at the vista behind them. He shrugged. “We needed a little break from the o


“Work hard, play hard,” Sean said quietly, sipping a glass of what looked like scotch. I nodded. “Of course. Well, it does look lovely there.” “Looks lovely over there too,” Hunter said with an easy smirk on his face. I blushed instantly, chewing at my bottom lip as I realized what he meant. “Listen, Arianna.” Sean leaned forward, his rippling shoulders bunching as he steepled his hands in front of his lips. “We’ll make this brief.” My heart sank. Fuck. After all this hype in my own head, and all this expectation, I was about to be told I didn’t have the job. I looked at the screen as I steeled myself, ready to thank them for their time and close it before finding Sasha’s wine supply.

“The job is yours, if you’d like it.” My eyes jolted wide. “Pardon?” Damien smirked. “It’s yours, Ms. Holloway. That is, if you think you’re up for the challenge of all three of us.” I blushed before instantly trying to push it from my face. I may have still been crazy on edge from the night before, but that didn’t mean I needed to let my dirty imagination run wild during an video interview with them. “You’d be with all three of us, quite intimately,” Hunter said quietly, his eyes leveling right at me through the screen. I knew he didn’t mean it that way, but that’s of course where my mind went after my interrupted fantasy of the night before. I could feel the heat on my face, and by the hints of smirks on their faces, they could see it too. Great, my new bosses can tell I’ve got my mind in the gutter. Wonderful. Sean interrupted my mortification. “So, what do you think, Arianna?” I swallowed quickly. “Yes, absolutely! Thank you!” I gushed. Sean grinned this smug, steely smile at me. “Excellent. You’ll start promptly on Monday. In the meantime, please forward your measurements to the o ce, and your attire will be waiting for you when you come in for your first day.” My brow wrinkled.

“My attire?” Hunter nodded, lounging back in his beach chair, his abs rippling like steel as he waved his glass dismissively. “We expect an employee working in such close proximity with us to be dressed to our tastes, Ms. Holloway.” His eyes locked on mine. “Especially one with your natural beauty.” This time I know I blushed, my face turning bright red for all three men as they grinned at me. “I can promise you, you’ll thoroughly enjoy what we have for you,” Damien growled out, his eyes flashing at me again. I could feel this throbbing tug inside of me, wicked thoughts from earlier bubbling back up. You’ll thoroughly enjoy what we have for you. Instantly, I was reliving my fantasy from the night before, where “what they had for me” were three beautiful cocks and three arrogant, dominant men taking me at the same time. The blush turned crimson on my face. “Absolutely, sirs,” I said quickly, nodding authoritatively. “Wonderful,” Sean said quietly. “Now, unless you’ve got any more questions for us, we’ll be seeing you on Monday.” I smiled widely, feeling my hands ball into excited fists on my lap. “Thank you so much again, Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Black, Mr. Harlow,” I said, looking at each in turn. “I look forward to working with you all!”

“The pleasure is all ours, Arianna,” Hunter said darkly, grinning hungrily at me. That throb pulsed between my legs like this little itch I could barely ignore anymore. “Until Monday.” And then the screen went dark. I instantly slumped in my chair, throwing my head back and pushing my fingers through my hair. I’d done it! I’d actually landed the job! I jumped from the chair and whirled, making my way to bed behind me. I felt like I was buzzing with excitement, my whole body tingling with the thrill of getting the job, but also with so much more. It was them. I wasn’t just buzzing with excitement about the job, I was buzzing with burning, aching, unchecked desire for them, after the abrupt stop to my fantasies the night before. My whole body was tingling, and I could feel my blood pumping through me, making me sizzle with every pulse. And I was soaking wet. I could feel electric shivers radiating out from between my legs as the fantasy of the night before mingled with the images of my three hot new bosses lounging shirtless and gorgeous on a beach. I glanced at the time, biting my lip and feeling the tantalizing thrill of the illicit throb through me. I still had over an hour before Sasha was coming home, after all… Fuck it.

I reached down and pulled my shirt o before I knew it, letting it drop as I reached behind for my bra. I sank onto the bed, sighing and moaning quietly to myself as I let my fingertips trail up over my thighs. I brought them higher, pulling the hem of my skirt with them until the material was bunched around my hips. My fingers slid between my legs and ran over the soaked material of my panties. A moan tumbled from my lips as I started to rub myself there, feeling my aching clit roll between my fingers under the cotton. I panted and hooked my thumbs into the waist and slid them down, arching my hips o the sheets and pushing my panties down to my ankles. I sank back and moaned louder this time as my hands moved back to my body, trailing across my thighs again. This time though, when they pushed between my legs, they found me bare and slick, my hot little pussy throbbing with need. I needed to get back to the fantasy I’d had the night before. It was there, burning in my head like a hot little spark and driving me wild. Wildly, I reached for my drawer again. But this time, I didn’t just pull my vibrator out. This time, I dug deeper for the box I’d buried in the back. I’d barely ever used this toy, having only purchased it towards the end of my time with Jason when I was being completely ignored. My hands trembled as I pulled it out, and I could feel my body shiver with excitement at the thick, flesh-colored fake cock. Yeah, I’d only half used it once or twice before, but I knew there was no stopping me this time. I lay back in the bed, whispering as I turned the vibrator on and started to tease it over my clit. I spread my legs wide, sighing softly as the vibrations sent shockwaves through me.

I gripped the much bigger, more realistic toy in my other hand, and slowly brought it to my mouth, feeling dirtier and wetter with every second. I pressed it to my wet lips and moaned as I slipped my tongue out to lick at the head. I felt so slutty and so wicked as I slowly began to tongue the one toy while I began to slip the vibrator inside my pussy. I closed my eyes again, imagining it was two real men again as I slowly pushed the one toy inside my slit. I moaned as it vibrated deep inside, pretending it was a man. And not just any man. In my head, it was Damien. Damien with the gorgeous blue eyes, the perfect blond hair and the dangerous grin. The little nub by the base of the toy came to rest against my clit, and I shivered at the naughty feeling of imagining it was my boss. I groaned as I parted my lips and let them close over the thick head of the other toy, moaning as I slurped at it like it were another man — Hunter, perhaps. Hunter with the slightly curled, black hair and the icy blue eyes. Hunter whose piercing gaze watched me in my mind, those eyes flashing as I took his cock deep in my mouth. God it was hot. It was horribly inappropriate, and wickedly dirty, but I couldn’t remember being more turned on. I started to pump them in and out, bobbing my head on the thick toy between my lips and feeling the other one go deep in and out of my dripping pussy. I could feel myself start to fall as I tumbled toward that sweet release. I closed my eyes and started to moan their names — Sean, Damien, and Hunter — as I slowly fucked myself towards release. But I needed just a little more.

I turned my head, resting the toy against a pillow and still moaning with my lips around it as I brought a hand down between my legs and rubbed my clit. I moved the fingers lower, pushing them over my slick lips before I suddenly gasped as I felt a single finger press against my ass. In my head it was Sean of course. Sean with the chiseled jawline and the dark hair and eyes, the shadow of something fierce in his face. I moaned wildly, the fantasy taking over and the image of all three men taking me rushed through me like a drug. I could imagine them, hot, muscled, with three thick cocks fucking me and making me theirs. In my head, they made me call them sir as they made my body start to crumble, pushing me to that edge. And I was just crashing over it, just about to fall into that wonderful abyss, when I could hear one of their deep, growling voices. “Come for us, Arianna,” the voice purred, tight with pleasure, growling a demand. “Be a good girl and make that tight little pussy come.” With a cry, I exploded, my orgasm tearing through me as I threw my head back and gasped. I writhed on the bed, my legs clamping shut on both hands as my body twisted and shivered with orgasm. Slowly, I came to, panting, my muscles slowly unclenching as I melted onto the bed. Holy cow. I sucked in air, feeling my face break out in a huge grin as I lay there, panting and staring at the ceiling. God that was hot.

“Fuck that was hot.” I gasped as I sat up bolt-upright, and that's when my heart about leapt out of my throat. Because the voice of my bosses telling me to come hadn’t been in my head at all. They’d been on my laptop speakers. Because right there, grinning three big, smug, very hungry smiles at me, were all three of them, still on the video call. I was frozen, staring at them in horror. They were still right where they’d been, lounging on the screen in their open-air cabana in their bathing suits. And they were rock hard. All three of them were staring at me, smirking, with huge bulges in their swim trunks. “You have to hit ‘end’ on your side of things to stop the call, Arianna,” Hunter said with a grin, his eyes burning right into mine. “I— I— !” I was going to literally die of embarrassment, right there. I wanted to melt into a puddle and just evaporate, or I wanted a sinkhole to open beneath the house and swallow me whole. “Sirs, I was—” “Not another word, Arianna,” Sean growled, leaning forward as his eyes sparkled. “I’m so sorry! I was only—” “Not another word,” he commanded sharply.

I went silent, hands feebly covering myself and not even daring to move. “You will, be at the o ce first thing Monday morning,” Damien said darkly. “On time, and ready to do your job, is that understood?” I could only manage to nod. “Yes,” I said meekly. “Yes what, Arianna,” Hunter purred. “Yes sirs,” I whispered back. “Monday,” Sean growled again. “Be in our o o’clock sharp.”

ce at nine

“And Ms. Holloway?” Damien leaned forward, a fire in his eyes and that thick bulge pressing against the front of his swimsuit. “Don’t forget to send the o

ce your measurements.”


I FIDGETED as I waited for the elevator to rise to the top floors of the building. I glanced at my watch for the tenth time, feeling butterflies turn to pure terror the closer I got to the floor that housed Camelot Holdings. The last two days had been a blur. I’d only managed a quick report to Sasha about getting the job, and then proceeded to spend the rest of the weekend hiding in my room feeling mortified. I came in front of my bosses. Not even a little thing, I came with a vibrator in my pussy, my lips wrapped around a fake cock, and a finger teasing my ass — all while moaning their names. I mean, it literally could not be a worse scenario. Stupid fucking technology. I groaned in the elevator, thinking about it. Sasha had filled me in about not “ending” calls correctly after I’d made up some fake story to about not hanging up correctly after the interview — skipping the part about what I was doing, of course.

“Oh, yeah, it does that. Sometimes the other person just closes their laptop, but if they open it and you’re still there, it’s back up.” She’d said with a nonchalant shrug that night. “At least they didn’t see you changing or something.” Yeah, that. God, at this point, I’d almost prefer if they’d just seen me changing instead of acting out my super-slutty fantasy involving them. I cringed a little at the thought as the elevator doors opened to the reception area of the o ce and I stepped out. I almost didn’t come today. I’d almost made up some terrible story to Sasha about the o er being rescinded for some reason, and gone on with my search. I mean how the hell was I ever going to work for these men after what they’d seen? Or heard? But then, there was the other thing. There was that commanding tone in their voices when they’d told me to be here sharp on Monday morning. There was something in the way they’d demanded it that made me want to say yes. Something in their voices and in those captivating looks made me want to say yes to a lot of things for them. “Ms. Holloway?” The older, grouchy looking receptionist nodded at me as I stepped o the elevator. “They haven’t arrived yet, but they asked that you wait for them in their o ces.” I nodded quickly, feeling the color leave my face. “O you go,” she said sharply, nodding at the door that led to the hallway down to their o ces.

The hallway felt even cooler than the first time I’d walked down it, even though I knew there was no one waiting to interview me at the other end. Then again, I’d have taken any interview in the world at that point over whatever conversation I was going to have with the three of them when they did get there. The o ce was quiet, and seemed emptier without the dominating, commanding presences of the men who were now my bosses. The door closed silently behind me as I moved into the room. It smelled like them in there. That was a weird thought, I remember thinking, since I’d only met them all the once. But still, the smell of expensive, masculine cologne, and polished leather, and fine linen filled the room. I stood, fidgeting for a few minutes, before I began to explore the room a little. There were two other desks on either side of the room, more than just the one I’d noticed on my first visit. I strolled around them, running my hands over the the mahogany wood, across the shelves of books lining the walls, almost wanting to take my shoes o to feel the luxury of the fine carpet beneath my feet. I moved behind one of the desks and found myself sinking into one of the chairs. It smelled like man, and power. I’d missed that with Jason. Even before the cheating and his being an asshole, there’d been a lack of feeling like I was needed or protected that had gone on for a long time. I considered myself a fully self-su cient type of woman, but it was still nice to feel possessed by a man sometimes! And I’d missed that feeling. The feeling that I was experiencing there in that chair that belonged to a man I barely knew. My boss.

I thought more about what might happen here. Were they bringing me in just to fire me face-to-face, like some sort of power move? Were they planning on cutting me down to size for being some sort of creep and deviant for masturbating right in front of them like a total psycho? But then I remembered the look on their faces when my eyes had snapped back to that screen. I remembered the tenseness in their hard, chiseled muscles and jaws. And I definitely remembered the thick bulges in their swim trunks. God, those bulges were basically all I’d been thinking about since. Yeah, no, they hadn’t been mad or put o at all by seeing me. They’d been just as turned on as me, which made summoning me to their o ce like this even more… something. Intriguing? Scary? Hot? I’d dressed that morning in a sexy, but not at all slutty outfit — a skirt that really showed o my legs and my ass, and a button-up, short sleeved blouse that was light and yet demurely “o ce-friendly”. And there I was, sitting in one of their big leather o ce chairs behind a huge, imposing desk, just waiting. Waiting for what though, I still wasn’t sure. They just wanted to talk, of course. I kept saying it to myself over and over, but I still wasn’t sure I believed it. What didn’t help was that I was still on edge from the fantasy of the three of them. So there I was about to have a damn sit-

down meeting with three men who’d seen me naked playing with myself on camera, and even if I was a little scared, I was turned on. It felt a bit like going grocery shopping when you’re starving. Barely a minute later, there was a formal-sounding double knock at the o ce door. My pulse jumped, and I felt a nervous chill, not entirely unlike the feeling you might get when you’re about to walk out on a stage, or before a job interview. I swallowed heavily, my hand going to grip the desk in front of me. The door opened, and in they walked. No, not walked. Walked would be a normal start to business meeting. These men prowled, like wild animals. God they’re handsome. There it was, the first stupid thing in my head. Here I was half scared to lose my job, and all I could think of was how damn good they looked. Hunter with his icy blue eyes, Damien with that gorgeous blonde hair I just wanted to push my fingers through, and Sean, with that dangerous, dark look to him. They glanced at me sharply, still sitting there in one of their chairs. I stood quickly, nervously pushing at the fabric of my skirt as they approached the desk. Damien and Sean grabbed the thick, rolling leather chairs from behind two of the desks and began to pull them towards the one I stood by. Hunter picked up one of the smaller chairs from around the co ee table, which meant I was at his desk. “Oh, I’m sorry sir, let me—”

His sharp eyes caught mine and he shook his head. “Stay right there, Ms. Holloway,” he growled. I swallowed quickly, feeling my breath catch. The three men brought their chairs in a semi-ring facing the desk I stood behind and sat. They said nothing. A full half-minute went by before I finally set free both the breath and the question I’d been holding in. “Am I fired?” They said nothing, though all three smirked. I swallowed. “Well? Am I?” The hell with this. If this was the end, fine. It was mortifying, and somewhat crushing to lose a job this fast and in this way, but hopefully ten years down the road, I’d be able to laugh about that time I got fired for masturbating in front of my bosses. Hopefully. When they didn’t respond, I stood quickly. “Well, if that’s the case, I’ll be leaving then. Fire me or don’t, but I’m not going to sit here stewing in it!” The room went silent at my outburst, and I could feel this tingle of, well, power running through me at the way I’d just spit it out like that! My hands were clenched into fists, and I realized I was scowling at the three men. They smirked back. “Fine, fuck this.”

I shoved the chair back and I was just about to stride around the desk towards the door when Hunter’s hand shot out and gripped my arm. “Hold on.” I froze, instantly shivering at the feel of his warm hand on my bare skin. And it wasn’t a dangerous or demanding grip, he wasn’t stopping me from leaving at all. It felt tingly, and safe, and oddly intimate. I glanced down and swallowed quickly as I caught his icy blue eyes burning right into mine. “You’re not fired, Ms. Holloway, not by a damn mile.” Damien grinned. “We might come o that fucking cold-hearted.”

as stern but we’re not

“Besides.” Sean eased back in his chair, clasping his hands behind his head. “We’d have to be Goddamn insane to let you go after that little show.” “I— it was…” I trailed o , my face going red. “That was an accident,” I whispered out, feeling my pulse beat through my face. “Clearly,” Hunter growled. His eyes slowly narrowed at me and his grin turned hungrier. “This time won’t be.” Um, what? I blinked rapidly, sucking my lip between my teeth as I slowly took a step back from him. “This time?”

The room suddenly felt warmer, the walls closer together. “Why don’t you stand over here, Arianna?” Damien purred, nodding at a spot between their three chairs and the front of Hunter’s desk. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion as I found myself nodding; I put one foot in front of the other, moving to stand where he’d asked me to. And I had no idea what I was doing. “Did you enjoy yourself the other day, Arianna?” Sean said darkly, his hand coming up to stroke his jawline. “I— I don’t know.” “You don’t know or you’d rather not say?” Hunter growled. “The second,” I whispered. “We demand full honesty from our employees, Ms. Holloway,” Damien said, his eyes narrowing. “Especially one working so intimately with the three of us, such as yourself.” His eyes flashed at me as the corners of his mouth turned up. “So I’m going to ask ask you again, and I want you to tell the truth, Arianna.” His hungry grin widened. “Did you enjoy yourself?” And before I could stop myself, before I could question any of this and go running from that o ce… I nodded. “Yes,” I said quietly, my face going red. “Yes, sir.”

The three of them grinned, and I swore I heard one of them groan. “You enjoyed thinking about the three of us, didn’t you?” Sean’s dark eyes bore into mine. I nodded. “Yes.” God, what was I doing? This wasn’t a dirty late-night fantasy, this was real life. This was me standing in front of all three of my gorgeous, impossibly attractive and imposingly dominant bosses and telling them that I’d enjoyed fantasizing about all three of them while I’d made myself come. Oh, right, in front of them. Hunter nodded, clasping his hands in front of him as his gaze slowly moved over my body, leaving a heated trail in it’s wake. “We’d very much like to see that again, Arianna.” My heart jumped into my throat as my whole body shivered. “You— I’m not sure I under—” “I think you understand perfectly,” he said. Suddenly, he stood and moved right in front of me. I gasped as his hand slid up my bare arm and up over my shoulder. His fingertips trailed over the soft skin of my neck before tracing over my jawline. “We...” His voice was rich and deep, right next to my ear, and I could feel the heat of his breath teasing across my skin. “We would like to see you play with that tight, wet, sexy little pussy again for us,” he growled the words into my ear, and I

found myself panting and shivering against him before I could even stop myself. “Right here, and right now.” He stepped away suddenly, leaving me almost tripping over myself as I sucked in a breath and tried to stop my spinning head. An electric pulse jolted through me as what my boss just said to me slowly sunk in. I mean, talking about all this was bizarre enough, but here they were asking me to do that. And God help me, I wasn’t running from the room. I wasn’t running screaming from the building. In fact, leaving was the last thing on my mind at that moment, even if I wasn’t sure I could actually take the step that dark part inside of me wanted me to take. My bosses wanted to see me touch myself, and I was honestly considering it, like I was under a spell. I remembered Sasha telling me about Jordan and Luke for the first time, and just smiling when my jaw had hit the floor at the mention of her two lovers. “You only get one life you know, Ari,” she’d said, grinning at me, her cheeks flushed and her eyes shining after telling me about the whirlwind romance that swept her up with her two bosses. “Sometimes you just have to stop worrying about it all and just JUMP IN, because one day, you might regret just waiting on the edge while the opportunity drifted by.” Damien seemed to sense my hesitation, as he stood and moved towards me. I whimpered quietly as I felt his hands

trail up my arms, as I felt his breath tease across the hollow of my neck. “You can say no anytime you want, Arianna,” he growled into my ear as his hand started to lightly trail across my hips. “You can say no, and you can leave whenever you want to.” His lips brushed delicately against my earlobe, and I moaned softly. “But something,” he growled right into my ear. “Something tells me you’re not going to, because I think you’re dying to have us watch you touch yourself.” He stepped back, leaving me panting and ragged, and feeling like I was clinging to the last hand-hold of a cli ’s edge. “One day, you might regret just waiting on the edge…” Slowly, I found myself nodding. And though it was the smallest of movements possible, in that moment, it felt like the biggest jump I’d ever made. The men grinned at me as they took their seats, the three of them watching me with hungry, intense eyes. Slowly, I reached up and began to unbutton my shirt. Every button felt like another jolt through my body; every button undone made my pussy wetter and wetter. The shirt fell open at the last button, and I shrugged it o my shoulders, letting it fall down my arms to my elbows. It felt like I was in a dream of some sort, and yet I’d never felt more awake and more alive. I wore a white lacy, see-through bra that cupped my breasts softly and knowing they could see the pink of my nipples through the sheer material had the pulsing heat growing stronger between my legs. It felt so slutty to be stripping like this, to bare myself to these

powerful, dominant men. I blushed again, my breath catching as their eyes drank me in. Sean nodded. “Keep going, Ms. Holloway.” I took a deep breath and bit my lip, glancing at the three of them before continuing. I let the shirt drop from my arms and started to reach behind me when I stopped, and instead went to the zipper at the side of my skirt. A wicked thrill went through me, like the inner goddess inside of me was slowly taking over and wanting more. I wanted to live this moment, not just let it happen. Slowly, I turned and leaned over Hunter’s desk a little. I pulled at the zipper, and then pushed the skirt over my hips and then over the creamy skin of my ass, split right down the middle by a lacy white thong to match my bra. I gave the skirt a push and let it slip down my legs to pool like a puddle at my feet as I let the men look at my barely covered ass. I heard all groans and a hiss of approval behind me, and it only got my pulse pounding even harder. I stood and turned slowly, letting my bosses really take a look at my body. They were smiling and nodding, their eyes roaming over me hungrily. But I knew they wanted more. I reached back and unclasped my bra before bringing my hands to the front again. Keeping one arm across my chest, I used the other to pull the skimpy bra from my full breasts and toss it to the side. Almost subconsciously, I felt my hips sway slightly as I grinned wickedly at the men. God, I was loving the way all three of them looked at me like that. There was something so fiercely sexy, so hungry and erotic about feeling like the center of attention and the object of desire for three men all at once. It was like the rush of a

drug I’d never even imagined before, and that feeling pounded through my veins. I started to turn to pull o my panties, when Damien — sitting between the other two — suddenly put his hand out and hooked his fingers into the thin string-waist of panties and pulled me forward. I gasped, and almost dropped my arm from covering my breasts. His face was right in front me, eye-level with my barely covered pussy. I could feel his breath, hot across my belly and across my slit, and I almost groaned at the feeling. He looked up at me as he brought his other hand up to the other side, and then slowly, began to pull the fabric down across my pussy. I gasped as I felt the fabric peel away from me, and felt the air on my bare skin. As he pulled, the gusset stuck to my lips, clinging to my wetness before it too pulled away. He let the wet panties slip down my slender legs to my feet. Sean reached out and pulled my arm gently away from my body, letting my full breasts come into view. And then I was totally naked for all three of my bosses. Bare, exposed, and feeling more sexually on fire than I’d ever come close to feeling before. I felt a wave of embarrassment rock over me, but at the same time, felt the tingling excited rush of adrenaline at being so exposed for these men! Without any warning, Hunter suddenly reached out and put his hand right on my pussy. I gasped and jumped a little, but as his big fingers slid down through my folds, I started to moan. “You’re quite fucking wet,” he growled, looking up at me with an intensely hungry look. “Is this making you excited?”

I groaned, biting my lip. He was right, I was fucking soaking wet. I nodded as he grinned at me wolfishly and started to slide his finger back and forth through my wet folds. “I— I’m not sure this,” I mumbled, trying not to moan at the way he was touching me. It was the last of my reservations, the last of me holding on to that “good girl” inside before I let myself fall. “Bullshit,” Hunter growled, his finger teasing against the opening to my pussy and making my eyes drift half-shut in pleasure. “You’re as sure about this as we are.” He began to slide his fingers back and forth between my bare lips, drawing my wetness out and making me moan. “This isn’t something I’ve—” I shook my head. “I’ve never done this.” “Done what?” Damien’s voice suddenly reverberated in my ear, and I moaned as I felt his body move against mine. His hands trailed over my sides, leaving goosebumps and heat in their wake before they slid down down to cup my ass and grab my hips. I could feel his thick bulge pressing into me through his suit pants. “This,” I gasped. “Your bosses, or do you mean three of us sharing you at once.” I literally moaned out loud at Sean’s words as he stood and moved to my side. His hands began to pull my bra from my shoulders before flinging it across the room. I let my eyes close as I sank back into Damien, feeling Sean’s hands on my

breasts, and rocking my hips against Hunter’s finger still teasing my opening. “Both,” I gasped as I felt Sean’s thick cock pressing into my thigh while his fingers rolled my nipples. Hunter leaned forward, and I whimpered as I felt his lips and his tongue start to trail over my belly and down lower. Damien groaned as he rocked his hips against me, grinding his erection into my ass. “You can walk away right now, Arianna,” Sean’s voice husked into my ear. “We want you to know that. No one’s keeping you here against your will, and if you choose to walk away right now, we’ll pay a full year’s salary right here and now.” My eyes flew open as I turned my head to stare at him. “You’re serious.” The men all stopped, their hands lingering on me, but not moving. “Absolutely,” Sean said evenly. “We’re not savages, and for the record, this isn’t something we do often.” “But ever since that damn video conference,” Damien growled into my ear. I could feel his cock throb against me. “Ever since then, you’ve been impossible not to think about.” “This can be whatever you want it to be, Arianna,” Hunter said, looking up at me. “You can walk away, be paid handsomely, and let this go right here and now.” He grinned wickedly. “But I have a feeling that’s not what you want to do right now.” He slid his finger across my slick opening again, my moan seemingly driving his point home.

He stood then, his hand staying between my legs but the other cupping my jaw. “Or you can stay here, and let every single filthy, dirty fantasy you’ve ever wanted to explore come to fruition. Nothing held back, nothing o the table. Just you and the three of us, and I promise you, you’ve never experienced anything like it.” Time seemed to stop for a second. For a brief moment, it felt like everything around me was paused, on hold, and waiting for my response. And what a decision! I could walk away with enough money to start a new life doing whatever I wanted. I could step away right now, take a deep breath, and let this moment being in the powerful, teasing hands of these three men with what they were o ering stay as just an “almost” memory. I could look back later and think of that time I almost let go and let myself fall into my wildest fantasies. Or… Sasha’s words came to my mind again. “Sometimes you just have to stop worrying about it all and just JUMP IN, because one day, you might regret just waiting on the edge while the opportunity drifted by.” And of course, right then, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere. Right then, I knew there was no way I was walking away from this. “What’s your decision, Arianna?” Sean whispered into my ear. I felt the three of them pressing into me, their lips brushing my skin, their hands skimming lightly across my body, and the pulsing bulges in their pants throbbing hot against me.

“I want to st—” “Before you finish that sentence,” Hunter spoke suddenly, his lips just brushing mine. “If you stay, you will submit to us. We won’t hurt you, but you’ll do exactly as we say.” My pulse raced as I nodded. “We won’t hold back, Arianna,” Damien growled deeply into my ear. This time, when I nodded, it was with conviction. “Good,” I said almost breathlessly. “I don’t want you to.” And before anything else, I tilted my head up and pressed my lips right to Hunter’s. The world roared around me as I felt them all move as one, hands suddenly coming to life and moving across my skin. I was pulled from Hunter, a hand twisting in my hair and pulling me insistently to Damien’s mouth next. Lips sealed around a nipple, and I moaned as I felt a hand slide deep between my legs. Time to jump.


I GASPED as the men moved on me, hands stroking my body, a finger curling deep inside my pussy, and lips kissing and sucking across my skin. I moaned wildly, my head spinning as I let myself melt into the three of them, letting myself be the center of all of their attention. I heard a zipper, and my heart skipped a beat as Sean moved against me, the heat of his bare cock pressing into my leg. He reached up and took my hand, bringing it to his cock.I trembled a little as my fingers touched it’s silky hardness. Glancing down, my eyes went wide; he was enormous! Jesus, I mean it was like nothing I’d ever seen before — not even close. My body shivered as I curled my fingers around the thick, pulsing shaft jutting out from his suit pants. It throbbed hot and dangerously against my skin, looking absolutely gigantic in my small little hand. “Holy shit,” I murmured in awe, stroking it slowly as I began to hear the other men start to pull their zippers down as well.

“IT’S ALL YOURS, Arianna,” he growled into my lips. He kissed me hungrily then, his tongue demanding entrance to my lips and then wrestling with mine as I stroked him. “I’ll bet you like feeling that big cock, don’t you Arianna?” he husked as my small fingers wrapped around his thick girth. His hand closed around mine, tugging my hand down his silky, pulsing shaft, and I felt a little charge jolt through me. “Yes,” I whispered. “Yes what, Arianna.” I groaned, curling my fingers tighter around his big dick. “Yes, I love how big you are.” He chuckled and let me stroke him, bringing his hands back to my chest. Hunter continued to push his finger in and out of my soaking pussy, but now he stood as well on my other side, pulling his own zipper down. I gasped as I felt the hot weight of his cock touch my other leg. I looked down and moaned at the sight of his equally thick shaft as he brought my other hand down to him. I could feel Damien behind me, and I trembled as I felt what seemed like a massive hot shaft press against my bare ass. Suddenly, hands urged me down, and I found myself dropping to my knees. My head spun, and I looked up and moaned at the sight of the three of them holding their thick cocks in their hands as they moved close. Damien’s hand slid into my hair, and he pulled my head forward towards his shaft. I could feel my pussy pulse, just seeing that monster bob in front of my face like that! This was so filthy, and so slutty, and I loved it.

“Tell me you want this cock, Arianna,” Damien said, slowly stroking his length. “Tell me how much you want to suck this big, fat cock.” I moaned, feeling almost dizzy as I felt his fat head brush across my lips. “Yes!” “Beg me for it.” I bit my lip, feeling my pulse pounding in my ears with his hand in my hair and his cock brushing across my lips. “Please,” I panted, feeling the fantasy exploding out of me. “Please let me suck it.” With a grin and a grunt, he pushed forward and slid his cock between my lips. I moaned as I felt my mouth stretch wide — much wider than anything I’d ever felt before — as he pushed into my small mouth. I tasted his sweet pre-cum as he eased into my mouth and over my tongue. He pulled back slightly, throwing his head back in pleasure, before I dipped forward and sucked him deep back into my mouth again. I moaned hungrily and swirled my tongue around his head, feeling him pulse in my mouth, his hands tightening in my hair. The men began to pull shirts and jackets o , dropping them to the ground as they stepped out of suit pants. My two other bosses pumped their cocks on either side of my head, and I suddenly felt the poke of something thick as Hunter pushed his heavy dick against my cheek. Damien pulled me o of him, and I gasped as spit trailed from my lips to the wet, fat head of his cock. I turned, feeling Sean’s hands in my hair, urging me towards him. My mind whirled as this second cock pushed past my pu y lips and sank into my mouth.

Hunter pulled me around as I came up from Sean’s shaft and brought me almost impatiently to his erection. I grinned, feeling the rush coursing through me that I had this power over these three men. I loved the feeling that I was making them need and crave me like this — men who were professionally so in charge and so collected. “Holy fuck, your mouth feels so good, Arianna,” he groaned, throwing his head back and pushing his hands through my hair. Damien pushed forward again, pulling me from his friends cock and abruptly pushing his own between my lips. He growled as I slurped at him wetly, his jaw tightening as his muscles knotted. I was pulled away again, and then suddenly, the men yanked me to my feet. Damien abruptly swept Hunter’s desk clean of everything that’d been on top of it. “Asshole,” Hunter growled, glaring at his friend. “You seriously worried about your fucking desk right now?” Damien shot back, grinning as he slid a hand over my ass and pulled me tight against him. “Fair point,” Hunter grinned. I yelped, giggling as Damien picked me up and slipped my bare ass down into the desk. They lowered me back until I was lying across the big, heavy desk, my legs o of one side and my head hanging o the other end. Sean stepped forward, and I quickly wrapped my lips around his cock, making him groan. Hands pushed my legs up and wide, my heels on the edge of the desk as lips brushed across my thighs. I whimpered around the big dick in my mouth as I felt a tongue drag across my pussy lips and brush over my clit. It repeated the

motions a few more times, until I was trembling and bucking my hips. Damian chuckled from between my legs. “Eager girl.” I pulled away from Sean, craning my head to look down my torso at Damien. “Well you’re the one teasing me.” He grinned darkly. “Get used to it.” I cried out as his mouth moved back to my slit. His tongue pushed deep, swirling around my opening before moving back to drag across my clit. I let my head drop back down, opening my lips as Sean pushed deep into my mouth. Another pair of lips traveled up my thighs, and before I knew it, I suddenly felt my body shiver in pleasure as a second tongue slid against my asshole! I moaned wildly around Sean’s cock as Damien and Hunter tongued my clit and my ass, making my pulse pound in my ears, pushing me right towards that edge. Sean leaned over me, his fingers pinching my nipples as his friends licked and teased me closer and closer towards my release. Damien suddenly wrapped his lips around my clit and sucked, his tongue batting back and forth across it. At the same time, Hunter swirled his tongue around and around my ass, and it was more than I could take. I pulled my mouth from Sean and cried out as the orgasm slammed into me, the three of them holding me down to the desk as my hips threatened to buck o of it. It felt like I was falling, like I was drowning in sweet pleasure as I exploded and then slowly came back together.

I lay there panting while Damien and Sean ran their hands over my skin and teased over my breasts. Hunter stood between my legs and I could feel the thick head of his cock teasing my pussy. I looked up to see him clenching his jaw as he started to tease me. “I thought you said you weren’t going to hold back,” I said saucily, grinning at him. “Careful,” he growled. I grinned. After all, if I was going to dive into this fantasy, I was doing the whole fantasy. I wanted to live out the wicked, dirty daydreams I’d had of the three of them claiming me, and making me theirs. I wanted them to take me. “I don’t want to be careful,” I said evenly, licking my lips and letting my eyes lock onto those of the man standing between my legs with his cock teasing my pussy. “I want to be taken.” Something dark flashed over Hunter’s eyes, and I could hear the two other men groan deeply. “You want to be taken, huh?” Hunter growled. His hands slid up my thighs to my knees, and he suddenly pushed my legs wide apart. “So you don’t want me to go easy on you, is that it? You want me to fuck you hard with this big cock?” I felt my heart flip flop at the sudden dark edge in his voice, and found myself panting as I slowly nodded. “You want me to fuck you like my own little slut, right across my desk, while my friends take turns on your

mouth?” As if on cue, Damien and Sean moved to either side of my head, stroking their throbbing cocks close to my lips. “Yes,” I whispered. “I can’t fucking hear you, Arianna,” Hunter rasped. He pushed the thick head of his cock right against my opening, making me shiver with anticipation. “You want all three of us to make you ours and fuck you harder and better than you’ve ever been fucked before, all at the same time?” “I do!” I moaned, opening my mouth as Damien slid his shaft against my lips. “Think you can handle all of us?” Sean said with a glint in his eye. “I think I— Oh!“ My words were lost as Hunter suddenly drove in deep, burying half of his huge cock in my dripping wet pussy with one stroke. “Oh my God,” I moaned, clawing at the table as I felt myself get used to his size. I’d never had anything close to him filling me like this, and he wasn’t even all the way in. Was I seriously going to take on all three of these men? Hunter’s hands spread my legs wide and he pushed forward. I cried out, loudly, as his thick shaft stretched me wide, buried to the hilt inside me. Yes. The answer was hell yes I was going to take on all three of them.

Damien’s hand twisted in my hair, mu ing my moans as he eased his cock back between my lips. Sean’s hands roamed my breasts, teasing my nipples and even reaching down to slap my ass while Hunter began to fuck me. Yeah, fantasy realized. Big time. There I was laying across my boss's desk letting all three of them take me from both ends. It was almost too dirty and too crazy for words, and I could feel my body writhe and my pussy throb at what I was doing. In spite of, or more likely because of how slutty and used I felt, I could feel my body tensing up with the aching pull of another climax about to smash through me. Hunter’s strong hands spread my legs wide, and he pulled them up to his shoulders giving him even more depth as he started to fuck me hard and deep. He started pounding into me, his heavy balls slapping my ass as I hung o the edge of the desk. I brought one hand down to my pussy, spreading my lips open to allow him better access. With the other hand, I stroked Damien as I moved my wet mouth onto Sean. Hunter started to groan louder, his thrusts becoming more powerful and harder as he fucked me with his huge cock. Finally, he threw his head back and started to moan. “Oh fuck, Arianna. Shit, I’m going to fucking come.” All I could do was whimper and moan as Sean started to pump his hips, fucking my eager mouth as Damien eased his cock against my cheek while I stroked him. The sensations rolling through me were too powerful, too amazing to stop or say anything as Hunter pounded my pussy hard. With the other man’s cock fucking my mouth, I could only nod and moan loudly, feeling my own climax about to burst around me.

Suddenly, Hunter threw his head back and grunted, and I could feel his big cock jump and pulse deep within me. His thick, hot cum erupted inside, filling me up entirely and pushing me crashing over the edge. With two cocks buried deep in my young body, and my finger rubbing my clit, I came hard, wailing mu ed cries of ecstasy around Sean’s cock. Hunter pulled out of me, and suddenly, I felt my body being pulled around and maneuvered until I was on my knees, spread wide on his desk! Damien suddenly climbed up onto the deck, his fist pumping up and down his pulsing cock as his hands moved over my ass. Sean moved in front of me, his hand in my hair as he guided me back down to his cock with my ass up in the air for Damien. I groaned loudly when he filled me with one powerful thrust, making me push forward onto Sean’s shaft. My alreadyfilled pussy opened easily for him as he slid wetly into me, his balls slapping against my clit as he bottomed out. His hands went to my ass, his fingers digging into the flesh there hard enough to leave marks as he started fucking me wildly — animalistically. I moaned like a mad woman around my other boss’s cock, feeling my body shiver in pleasure as Damien fucked me from behind and Sean used my mouth, sawing me back and forth like their own personal play thing. And I was loving it. “Oh fuck, I’m going to come in this hot little mouth, Arianna.” Sean’s fist went tight in my hair and he pushed his enormous cock deep into my throat. He pulsed and his salty sweet cum filled my mouth, so much so that it leaked out of the corners and dripped down his shaft. He pulled wetly out, and I gasped for air as Damien fucked me from behind.

I tensed suddenly as I felt his wet finger tease around the tight ring of my ass, but before I could say anything, Hunter was suddenly back in front of me, pushing his still rock-hard cock into my slutty mouth. I could taste his cum from earlier mixed with the sweet tang of my own pussy as I wrapped my lips around him. Behind me, Damien pushed his finger against my asshole, and I groaned as I felt his cock slide in and out of my pussy. I could feel my body begin to tense again, ready to explode and come once more as these two dominant men, my bosses, pushed my body to places I’d never felt before. Behind me, Damien started to fuck my pussy harder, grunting as he filled me again and again while his fingers fucked my tight little asshole. “Ah fuck, I’m gonna come!” “Yes!” I gasped out, loudly, feeling a final orgasm about to clench and seize its way through my body as Damien invaded both of my holes. “Do it! Fuck me hard fill me up with your cum!” My own words sent me reeling over the edge, and I moaned loudly as I came, my ass and my pussy clenching at Damien. With a grunt, he thrust in deep and I suddenly felt the hot jets of his cum erupt into me, filling me up. Without a word, Hunter pulled me onto his cock, stroking himself as I swirled my tongue around the head. With a roar, he exploded, throwing his head back and filling my mouth with cum. Holy. Shit. I was dimly aware of the men easing o the desk and then scooping me up. I felt arms encircling me, my face pulled

against a strong, warm chest as I was carried across the room. We all collapsed on the couch, me draped across all three of their laps as hands slowly stroked and calmed me as I caught my breath. “That was…” I trailed o , grinning like a dope as I looked up into Hunter’s grinning, gorgeous face. “That was intense.” “That was beyond anything, Arianna,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss me. Hands stroked me, and I felt myself being moved away from him as another mouth — Damien this time — covered mine with a deep kiss. Between the stroking hands, the tender kisses, and the three men holding me close like that, not to mention what I’d just done, I could feel my eyes getting heavier as sleep started to creep up on me. “What—?” I yawned. “What time is it?” Sean chuckled as he rubbed my calved. “Time to relax. Hell, take a nap if you’d like to.” “I should get up, or... I don’t know, I should work or something?” It was like the fantasy was slowly evaporating around me, and the reality of what I’d just done began to dawn on me. Jesus Christ, I’d had a four-way with all three of my bosses. I was their secretary, and on day fucking one, I’d turned into a world-class slut right there in their o ce. “I... need to go.” It felt like everything was happening in a daze as I quickly sat up and slid out of their laps.

“Hey, you okay?” Hunter stood, his brow furrowed as he took a step towards me. “Look, that whole thing about us taking you and ‘making you ours’…” he trailed o and frowned. “That was just part of the whole thing, you know.” “This doesn’t have to change anything, Arianna,” Damien said, also standing. “This is whatever you want it to be. We all…” He nodded at Hunter and then at Sean as he stood as well. “We all just wanted to make you feel like a fucking goddess. We wanted you to experience the fantasy we all watched you have.” I bit my lip, holding my clothes up in front of me, as if suddenly and oddly taken my bashfulness after what we’d all just done. “I know…look, I just—” I took a deep breath. “This is sort of a lot to take in, okay? Maybe you all go around having four-ways with girls all the time—” “Arianna—” “No, look.” I pointed a finger at Sean, stopping him as he stepped forward with a look of worry on his face. “It’s a lot, okay? I’ve never done something like this before, and I’m supposed to be your fucking secretary! Fuck, do you know what that makes me feel like?” I could feel myself start to take big, panicky breaths as I quickly pulled my underwear on and yanked up my skirt.

“I’m happy to fire you.” I looked up sharply to see Hunter grinning at me mischievously. “Not funny.” He grinned wider. “You know what I mean. If that’s what's taking away from the fantasy for you, consider it done. We’d still pay you—” He cringed the second he said it. “Nice, dickhead,” Damien muttered. Hunter quickly looked at me. “You know that’s not what I meant.” “I think what Hunter is failing to get across is that we just want you to feel good,” Sean said in his deep, honeyed voice. “You’ve been stuck in all of our heads since that first interview, and after, well, after seeing you on camera…” I blushed dark red and he grinned. “Su ce to say, you’re all we can think about. And no, for the record, we don’t go around ‘having four-ways’ with girls, because it gets messy, and because most women can’t handle that — physically or emotionally.” He stepped closer to me and put a comforting hand on my arm. “You just seemed like the kind of girl who could. And I still think you are.” “Look, we get it,” Damien said, also stepping close to me. “It’s a lot, it’s new, and maybe we were a bit harder than we should have been for your first time.”

“Thanks,” I said quietly, nodding as I brought my eyes up to his. “Look, it’s not—” I sighed. “You guys were great, and that was hot, okay? Like, insanely hot.” The three men grinned roguishly at me, and I had to bite my lip to hide my own. “But, it’s just a lot to process, with you being my bosses and just…all of it.” Damien nodded. “We understand. Look, take the rest of the day o and do what you need to do, okay?” I nodded, slowly buttoning up my blouse. “Thank you.” I started to turn, but then I whirled back and kissed him. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me tight as I let my lips part for his tongue. He let me go as I pulled gently back, and I turned to Sean, kissing him the same way, before moving to Hunter and doing the same. “I…” I blushed. “I really had an amazing time.” Hunter winked. “Hope it lived up to fantasy.” “Definitely.” I started to turn for the door before I stopped again, frowning as my hand went to my hair. “How do I look?” Damien grinned. “Like you just had a great day at work.” I rolled my eyes as the heat rose in my face. “I mean for—” “For Ms. Sourpuss?” Sean said with a wink. Hunter laughed and turned back to me. “It’s Southpass, and don’t worry about her.” He leaned down and kissed my cheek. “She’s just jealous. Go enjoy the day, Arianna. Hell,

enjoy tomorrow if you want, too. Let us know what you need from us.” I smiled as I nodded. “Just time to think, that’s all.” “We’re here when you need us,” Sean said, folding his arms over his chiseled chest. “I know,” I smiled at them. “And thanks.” And then I turned, and walked away from the three of them and single wildest scene of my life.


I MULLED it over back home later. What did all that back there in their o ce mean? Was it just sex? I’d had “just sex” before, and this didn’t feel like that. Was it more intense because it’d been with three guys? …I mean, yeah, obviously. But at the same time, it’d been like nothing I’d ever felt before. Three big, gorgeous, insanely sexy, and totally hung men putting me at the very center of their attention. Three powerful, dominant men that wanted to dominate me, but also treated me like a queen, worshipping my body like I’d never imaged before. But again, it’d felt like more than just sex. “Just sex” wouldn’t have been so worried about me being okay with everything afterwards. Just sex wouldn’t have told me to take all the time I needed, and to let them know if I needed anything. And the funny part is, it wasn’t just sex to me either.

I’d felt something with the three of them that I’d never felt before. I’d felt safe, and protected, but also part of something that was more than me. It was like somehow, I’d had this insane connection with all three of the guys, and again, on way more than just a sexual level. I just needed to figure out what that was and what it all meant. I was sitting on Sasha’s back deck drinking a glass of wine after a long hot bath when she got back home that night. “What's eating you?” “Hmm? Nothing.” She eyed me, and then the glass of wine in my hand hungrily before sighing and cracking her lemon-lime soda water and slumping down into the chair next to mine. “Rough day at the o


“Yeah,” she sighed, wincing and reaching down to rub her calves. “It’s a whole company, and I usually have Jordan and Luke to help.” “Right, and you’re pregnant.” She laughed. “Right, that.” “When do they get back again?” “A few days,” she grumbled. “Good thing you’re a superwoman who can handle anything then, right?” She rolled her eyes. “Hey, nice dodge by the way.”

“What?” “I asked what was up with you, and you totally just put it on me instead.” I grinned. “I’m wise to you, Holloway. So how was the first day? Those guys turn out okay?” “They…yeah.” I quickly hid my face in my glass of wine to hide the red bloom. “They’re young!” I looked up sharply. “I did some poking around since Camelot Holdings is so damn secretive.” She shrugged before winking at me. “Young and hot.” “Hey, you are a taken woman, lady,” I teased. “By two adoring men, I might add! How many do you need?” Sasha laughed along with me, but deep down, all I could think was one thing: How many did I need? “Doesn’t mean I don’t have eyes.” She stuck her tongue out at me. “So how was your first day working for those three hunks?” I turned scarlet before I could hide my face again. “Oh do tell.” Sasha’s eyes went wide as she learned forward. “Noting, it was fine,” I said quickly. She held my gaze, like she was trying to peer inside my head. “Stop it.”

She laughed. “What?” “You’re doing that thing where you act like you’re reading minds.” “Maybe I am.” I rolled my eyes. “They were fine, just…” “What?” “Okay, I’m going to ask you something, but it is strictly hypothetical okay? Do not look into this, please. Nothing is happening, and I’m not saying anything by this, I’m just curious.” Sasha laughed again. “Whoa, easy there. What is it?” “The work thing, with you and Jord and Luke.” I frowned. “How does that work?” “How do we all work together you mean?” I nodded and her face went serious. “You really want to know?” I nodded. Sasha took a deep sip from her soda water, her face serious as she held my eyes. “Lots of o

ce sex.”

I groaned as she snorted and laughed. “I’m being serious!” “So am I! I’m telling you, if they ever brought a black light into any of our private o ces? Oooh, or the conference room?” Sasha fanned herself as I went bright red.

“Oh, and oral. Tons of oral.” My face went an even deeper shade of red as I perked a brow at her. “On them or you—ugh, God, never mind.” She laughed. “You really want to know?” “Not my business.” “Well, I’ll tell you anyways. Both. But those two love driving me crazy together with those mouths of theirs.” “Oh my God, Sasha,” I hissed, mortified as I buried my face in my hands. She laughed again. “You did ask.” “Not really.” “So does that answer your question though?” “And then some.” “So, first day was ‘just good’ but now you’re asking questions about o ce relationships with bosses?” “I told you not to look into it like that,” I mumbled. “Ari, honestly, it works because it isn’t just a work thing. They made sure of that when we first got together. It’d never have worked if I was just their underling who happened to be their girlfriend. We had to be equals, and find that equal footing.” I nodded, looking away and drinking my wine. “You’re not going to tell me what happened today are you?” I shook my head, doing my best to hide my grin.

“Fine, be a brat like that. But that’s my advice, for the issue you aren’t having. Find equal ground.”


I WAS at work promptly the next morning. Actually, I was there twenty minutes ahead of time, and when Hunter, Damien, and Sean walked in, I was already sitting there in my desk at the side of their o ce. The three of them definitely stopped mid-step and exchanged glances before turning my way. “Before you say anything.” I stood abruptly, facing them. I’d practiced this in the mirror a hundred times the night before, but my voice still faltered and my heart still fluttered when I saw the three of them looking at me like that. I cleared my throat and started again. “Before you say anything, yes, I know you told me to take the day o . And I don’t know what yesterday meant to all of you, and I hate to come o as that girl, but I’m not exactly schooled on— on…” I stammered, dropping my gaze for a moment. “On sleeping with three men at once. So, if yesterday was just —” “Yesterday meant more to us than you can possibly believe, Arianna,” Hunter said softly, taking a step forward. I glanced up into his sharp blue eyes, momentarily losing myself again as I found myself smiling.

Damn, how did he do that? “Yesterday.” Damien shook his head, throwing his briefcase on a chair and moving towards my desk. “Yesterday wasn’t something we ever really do. And I mean ever. And yesterday was fucking incredible,” he murmured, stepping closer to me. “Certainly not in this o ce, and certainly not with an employee,” Sean added, rubbing his chiseled jaw as he stepped forward as well. “Well.” I blushed, looking away before back up to them. “That’s just it. I agree, yesterday was, um, mind-blowing.” The men grinned as I bit my lip bashfully, the raw energy from the day before rushing through me. “But, it’s the o bothers me.”

ce thing and the employee thing that

“You’re fired.” Hunter reached out and punched Damien hard in the arm as the blonde man laughed at his own joke. “He’s fucking kidding,” he said quickly to me before turning to the other man. “Tell her you’re kidding, asshole.” Damien grinned at me, shrugging. “I’m obviously kidding.” “I think I understand what you mean,” Sean’s gru voice cut through the other two. “It makes things…di erent with us being ‘in charge’ of you.” “Yeah, that,” I said quietly, nodding. “Well,” Hunter said, scratching his square chin thoughtfully. “So let’s take it outside the o ce. Let’s all go do something,

show you this isn’t just three assholes taking advantage of the new secretary.” I grinned, wagging a finger at him. “Hey, I did not say that.” He grinned back. “So you don’t think we’re taking advantage of you?” “No,” I said quietly, holding that gaze of his and shaking my head. “What about just plain taking you?” I gasped and turned, not realizing Sean had moved so close to my side. I met that dark look of his and nodded, feeling the thrill rush through me. “Yeah, uh, yeah that I’m pretty much on board with.” “So, let’s do something,” Damien said with a nod. “What, like me go on a date with all three of you?” I said with a curious smile. “Exactly you going on a date with the three of us, actually,” Sean murmured, a hand trailing down my back. I swallowed and quickly turned back to him as I nodded. “I think I’d like that. When should—” “Fuck it, right now,” Hunter said with a casual shrug. “It’s a slow day, we’ll call it right now. Let’s take o .” I laughed. “Must be nice owning your own company.” “It’s looking pretty good right now,” Damien said with a wink and a grin. “Okay, well.” I shrugged. “I guess my bosses just gave me the day o , so it looks like I might be free.”

The men laughed. “Where are we going?” “I think I’ve got a place in mind,” Hunter said. “It’s a great beach.” I blinked. “The beach?” “Exactly. Do you by chance have a passport on record?” “What? Where—” “Yes or no, Arianna?” There was Hunter’s commanding tone, suddenly sending a shiver through my body. I nodded quickly, feeling the desire suddenly throb between my legs. “Yes.” I bit my lip. “Sir,” I added, feeling the desire throb again. “Good girl,” Damien murmured, making me shiver. “There’s a changing room through those doors,” Sean gestured across the o ce to a large wooden door. “I think you’ll find a bathing suit and any clothes you might need in there.” I blinked in surprise as I turned to him, the question on my lips before I paused. “My measurements.” Sean just grinned.

“We’ll go ahead now and make the arrangements, but a car will be here in fifteen minutes to take you to the airfield.” **** And that’s how I found myself at private airfield outside the city stepping out of a Rolls Royce town car. The three of them stood there in tailored suits, shirts open at the collars and looking fucking gorgeous. Their eyes hungrily roamed over the strappy white dress I’d found in the changing room back at the o ce — which of course fit me perfectly. “Damn,” Sean growled as he helped me out the car. I blushed. “What?” “You, that’s what. Damn you.” I grinned. “Well damn yourself.” “Fuck, you look good,” Damien murmured into my ear from behind as we stepped towards the waiting jet. “Shall we?” Hunter gestured towards the plane as I shook my head in disbelief. “Look, I meant ‘we should go out’ like, go catch a movie, or lunch or something.” “This is better.” I glanced at the plane with “Camelot Holdings” stenciled on the side of it. “It appears so.” “Come on up, Arianna,” Sean whispered into my ear, his lips brushing my neck. “And we’ll show you how much better it



WHAT HAD I STEPPED INTO? A week ago I’d been crashing at my friend’s house, hunting for a job and trying not to look at my bank account. Okay, so technically I was still living at my friend’s house. But now? Now I was at thirty thousand feet in a private jet, wearing a dress that probably cost more than my first car, and sipping champagne with three insanely gorgeous, sexy men in casual suits. Oh, right, three gorgeous men who’ve all taken me at the same time and made my body ache and crave and orgasm like nothing ever had before. The same three men who were eying me the same way they had the other day — that day they’d commanded me to strip. The day they’d had me on my knees moaning around all three of their thick, amazing cocks. The day they’d fucked me in ways I’d never imagined before. …Was it getting hot on this plane or was it just me? The thing is, no man had ever spoken to me the way they had that day. There’d been something commanding, something dominant, and something dark in the way they’d told me what to do. On the one side of things, here we were

having a “date” outside the o ce in order to tear down that awkwardness of the dynamic — them being my bosses and me being their employee. But on the other side, the side of me I’d never opened up before, there was something else. It was the part of me that liked the way they spoke to me like that, like they controlled me. Again, no guy had ever talked to me like that, and here I had three of them talking and looking and touching like I belonged to them. It was hotter than anything I’d ever imagined. “And what might we be thinking about, Arianna?” I quickly shook the dirty thoughts from my head as I looked over at Damien. Damien who was looking at me like he knew damn well what I’d been thinking about. “Oh, nothing, just about how surreal it is to be on this plane right now.” Damien shot a glance at Sean and Hunter, something exchanging between the three of them I couldn’t quite decipher, before he turned back. His look was darker. “I asked you what you were thinking about, Ms. Holloway.” God, there it was. There was that demanding, edged voice that instantly had me shivering. It was like a switch, sending a shock of need right between my legs. “Now, Ms. Holloway.” His blue eyes glinted as he smiled wickedly at me. “I’d like to know what you were thinking, and do not lie to us.” I took a shaky breath, my eyes blinking rapidly as the power of these men took hold again. I squeezed my legs together,

feeling the raw heat pulsing in my pussy as I met his eyes. “Yes, sir.” “Good girl,” Hunter murmured from across the aisle. I shivered. “I was thinking about the other day.” “What about the other day?” I licked my lips before continuing. “I— I was thinking about the three of you, and me, and when we…you know.” I blushed, looking away. “When we fucked you, you mean,” Sean growled. I looked up, my face hot as I nodded. “You mean when you got to your knees like a good little slut and sucked all three of our cocks before we fucked you like a good girl across our desk? I moaned. I literally moaned out loud when he said it. It was quiet, but there it was, and they’d definitely heard it. “You like being told what to do, don’t you, Arianna?” Hunter said quietly. I turned to him, my eyes wide. And before I knew what I was doing, I found myself nodding. A sort of quiet heat descended over the plane cabin. “Spread your legs, Arianna.” I blinked as I turned quickly back to Damien. “Excuse me?”

“I said spread your fucking legs.” That throb of heat teased through me, flooding my panties with wet heat. They were right, I did like this. I liked it when they spoke to me like this, when they controlled and commanded me like this. I loved it, actually. “Yes, sir.” I nodded again as I set my champagne flute down, and slowly began to open my legs. The thin, expensive white sundress slid up my thighs, and I watched the three of them as their eyes drank in every inch of my skin. It moved higher until finally my legs were spread wide, the dress pulled to my waist and my panties boldly on display for them. “Take your panties o , Arianna.” I didn’t even hesitate this time. “Yes, sir,” I said quietly to Hunter. I hooked my fingers into the waist of my thong and slowly peeled it down my legs, lifting my butt and then raising my legs to pull them all the way o . Immediately, I moved right back to position from before, with my legs spread. This time, their eyes fell hungrily to my bare, glistening wet pussy. The men stood and began to move towards me, and my pulse spiked. I was dripping wet for them, wanting this like nothing I’d ever wanted before. Jackets were shrugged o , zippers pulled down. I moaned as they slowly pulled their gorgeous cocks from their expensive

suit pants, my hand dropping to my pussy to tease over my clit. Hunter began to stroke his shaft as he approached me, and I felt my pulse jump just knowing that he was stroking his huge cock for me. Damien and Sean also began to stroke themselves as they moved closer to the plush swivel chair I sat in. Damien moved behind me, his hand circling around to cup my breasts through the thin top of the sundress, his fingers teasing my nipples to points and bringing a moan to my lips. Sean immediately dropped to his knees in front of me, his hands skimming up my bare thighs, his breath hot over my skin. I looked up into Hunter’s eyes as he moved closer, his big cock throbbing right in front of me. Behind me, Damien pulled the top of my dress down, exposing my soft breasts, before moving to my front. I groaned as he and Hunter both started to pump their shafts right in front of me. I cried out suddenly as I felt Sean’s tongue press hotly to my pussy and slide up through my wetness. His finger spread me wide as he pushed his tongue deep, making me gasp and moan and toss my head back. Damien and Hunter moved closer, looking at me with hunger and lust, and I knew what they wanted. And God did I want the same thing. I opened my mouth eagerly as Hunter pushed forward, and he hissed as the head of him slipped over my lips. I sucked him inside, moaning around him as Sean’s mouth did magical things my pussy. I brought my hands up and wrapped one around Hunter and one around Damien, stroking them both as I sucked slowly.

I let Hunter’s cock slip from my lips with a pop before I turned and threw myself onto Damien, moaning as his hands went to my hair, coaxing me onto his incredible cock. Both of their hands moved to my breasts, teasing my nipples as I moved between them with my mouth. The sounds of their deep moans mixing washed over me and I whimpered at Sean’s mouth between my legs. Suddenly, he stood, and I felt an even bigger thrill rush through me. Yes. I wanted this. I’d been craving this since last time. I groaned as I felt the thick, throbbing head of Sean’s cock ease against my tight slit. With a grunt from his lips, he pushed forward, sliding his throbbing cock deep into pussy and stretching me wide as he slowly filled me with his girth. His hands moved up my thighs, spreading me wide as he ground in deep. I moaned around Damien and then pulled o with a cry as Sean filled me to the brim with thick, hard cock. God, what was happening to me? I’d never in a million years thought about being with two men at once. Well, no, I suppose I’d thought about it when my best friend announced that she was in a relationship with two. But it was only fantasy inside my head. And now I was there and so much past it. There with three of them. Three big, hard, dominant men all taking me at the same time and making me writhe and moan like nothing ever had before. Hunter eased forward, easing his wet cock between my lips. He groaned as my head dipped down and my mouth opened wide for him, letting him sink in deep. His hands went to my hair, and he ran his fingers into it as he slowly fucked my

mouth. Next to him, Damien groaned as he reached down to play with my nipples, stroking his cock against my cheek. Between my legs, Sean started to fuck me harder and harder, his finger brushing my clit as his cock perfectly hit the right spot inside. Between the heavenly feeling between my legs and two men using my mouth, I could feel myself start to tumble over the edge. The cry started low in my throat, a whimper that slowly built and built until I suddenly pulled o of Hunter and screamed as the orgasm thundered through me. “Good girl,” Damien murmured, stroking my panting lips with a finger. Between my legs, Sean pulled his slick cock from my pussy, and I started to tell him I wanted more, when suddenly Hunter took his place. He dropped down, his mouth moving to my thighs, and I shivered as I felt his lips against my skin. He moved higher, and before I knew it, I cried out as I felt that devilish, hot tongue of his center right over my asshole. I whimpered, clutching at the arms of the plush chair as his tongue swirled over my forbidden place, sending dirty, filthy, mind-blowingly erotic shivers through my whole body. Sean approached me, and I didn’t even think twice as I looked up, met his eyes, opened my mouth, and wrapped my lips tight around his slick cock. I could taste myself, and I found that I loved it — moaning wildly as I sucked at him hungrily. I brought a hand up, wrapping my fingers around Damien and stroking him as Hunter’s tongue teased at my ass. Suddenly, he was standing between my legs, his firm hands pushing my legs wide as he eyed me hungrily.

“I want your ass, Arianna.” I moaned, pulling away from Damien now and locking eyes with him. “I’ve— I’ve never—” “And I’d never hurt you.” He slid a finger deep inside my pussy, curling it and gathering my slickness before pulling it back out. He trailed it lower, and I shivered as I felt it press wetly against my tight little ass. I’d never done this before — well, aside from my fantasy the day they’d watched me with my toys. Part of me resisted; the part that was still holding onto the idea that sex couldn’t possibly involve more than two people. It was the part of me still struggling to make sense of what was happening to me, and struggling to catch up to the raw desires these men had awoken in me. But the other part of me craved this. The part of me that thrilled at them dominating and worshipping my body wanted this more than anything. That part won. I wanted to try this with them. I wanted to give this to Hunter — to all three of them, actually. Something about being with them made me feel so alive. I loved that being so controlled and dominated by them actually made me feel so free. “Please,” I whispered, nodding at Hunter. “I want you to.” He growled, fisting his cock as he began to coat it with a little bottle of lubricant from somewhere behind him. His cock shone slick and wet as pumped it in his hand before

reaching forward and rubbing some of the slickness over my tight little asshole. “You want me to what, Ms. Holloway?” I whimpered as the two men by my head reached down to tease my nipples. “I want you to take my ass,” I whimpered out, moaning as Damien pushed his cock back towards my lips. Hunter eased the head of his cock against my ass, and I moaned deeply as I felt the head push against the tight ring. Slowly, he added pressure, until suddenly, I gasped as I felt his thick head slide inside. He groaned loudly, gripped my thighs tight and pushed my legs up and out, opening me entirely for him. He eased forward, his throbbing cock sliding deeper and deeper as I cried out in pleasure. Fuck, did he feel good. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced, and the pleasure both shocked me and spread quickly through my body as he began to pump in and out of me. I started to stroke Damien and Sean, panting as I moved my mouth between them, all while Hunter slowly but deliberately fucked my ass for the very first time. He reached down, his fingers slowly circling my clit in time with his slow pumps. My body writhed in pleasure. I gasped for air, feeling the blood pounding through my body and feeling the utter thrill of how dirty this was pushing me towards an explosive climax. Sean suddenly reached down and took the place of Hunter’s fingers. Hunter moved back to my thighs, spreading them wide as he slowly drove his cock in and out of my clenching ass, and Sean pushed two fingers deep inside my pussy. I moaned loudly as he curled them inside, rubbing his palm

against my clit. Damien grunted, his fingers slipping into my hair as my mouth slurped hungrily at his cock. And then slowly but surely, the feeling of the inevitable began to grow inside me. Slowly, I felt the heat and that explosive feeling of release start to build, until I realized there was no going back. They were going to make me come, and come hard. Hunter groaned, his cock throbbing and swelling inside my ass as he drove in deep, and as Sean’s hand ground against my clit and Damien’s cock pushed deep into my mouth, I exploded. The orgasm hit like a tidal wave, sending me screaming over the edge as the climax exploded through me. My whole body tensed and shook as I moaned and screamed, feeling like every single cell in my body was both exploding and melting at the same time. Hunter rocked his cock in deep, and suddenly roared. I moaned again, feeling him explode deep inside where no one ever had, his cock throbbing and pulsing deep in my ass as he filled me with his cum. Damien groaned, and suddenly, I felt his cock erupt inside my mouth. I whimpered, hungrily swallowing his cum as he filled my mouth with spurt after spurt. He’d barely finished when Sean suddenly pulled me away from him and eased his cock right between my sticky lips. I swirled my tongue over his cock as he exploded, gasping as he filled my mouth as well. His fingers drove in deep between my leg, and suddenly I was coming all over again.

What felt like either a second or a year passed as I felt my body come back to reality. Slowly, Hunter withdrew from me. The three of them gingerly picked me up as one, all three of them cradling me and soothing me, and stoking my shivering, pulsing, deliciously aching body as they moved to an alcove in the back of the plane. There was a bed there, and for a second I almost laughed at the fact that we’d just done all that in a swivel chair when there was a bed back here. Damien chuckled, as if sensing my thoughts. “Spontaneity is sometimes better.” I grinned sleepily as they laid me down and all crawled in around me. This, I realized, is what made being with these men so incredible, and so perfect. It was the fact that they could utterly dominate me, and fuck me harder and more intensely than I ever had been before, and then turn right around and soothe and comfort me. Again, like I’d never been before. The three of them stroked my skin, nuzzling me and kissing me as I slowly let my heartbeat move back to something resembling normalcy. “Okay, that was intense.” Damien chuckled. “I think that’s becoming a favorite saying of yours.” “That is your fault.” I grinned back, poking him in the chest. “That’s all your faults.” “Guilty,” Sean murmured into my ear. “You bring it out in us, Arianna,” Hunter said gru y, his eyes flashing as he looked deeply into my eyes. “I don’t

think we can explain it but…” “We’ve never felt like this about anyone,” Damien finished. “Same,” I said softly. “Look, we’ve still got another hour or so of the flight, why don’t you sleep?” I only nodded, my eyes already fluttering shut as I eased back against Hunter with Damien and Sean on either side of me. Holding me. Protecting me. My eyes closed.


THIS WAS PARADISE. The tiny, private Caribbean island resort was like nothing I’d ever seen before. We had an enormous open-aired cabana to ourselves right on the beach. Total privacy, total luxury, and totally gorgeous. The first thing I did — at the insistence of all three of them — was soak in a bath. I eased myself into the steaming hot water of the deep marble tub, letting the wonderful soreness of earlier melt away as I closed my eyes. What was happening to me? The same thoughts from before came rushing back, clouding my head. Yeah, this was way more than just crazy, intense, kinky sex with three guys at once. This was far beyond that, and I had an idea what it was, but part of me was still scared to even think it. After all, what did it mean if I was falling for three men all at once? Three amazing, attentive, protective, gorgeous men. Three men who dominated me in bed, and made my body scream and shake and explode in ways I’d never conceived of.

But then, I’d had a hard enough time in life keeping a relationship with one person running smoothly. How the hell could I possibly think I could be in one with three people? “How’s the soak?” I opened my eyes and grinned seeing Damien, by himself, standing in the doorway grinning at me. “I was beginning to think the three of you went everywhere together.” He laughed as he stepped into the room. “Shocking, I know.” He moved behind me, and I sighed as I felt his hands move to my shoulders. His powerful fingers dug into my skin, easing the tension there and making me coo softly as I closed my eyes. “You guys are pampering me.” “Good.” I grinned. “And what did I do to deserve this exactly?” Damien chuckled. “Wait, no I’m serious.” I frowned as I turned in the tub, resting my arms on the side as I met his eyes. “What makes me so special?” His eyes met mine as he nodded slowly. “I have no idea, Arianna, but whatever it is, it’s got ahold of me,” he said softly, reaching up to cup my face. “It’s got ahold of all of us.” “I think I get that.” He smiled. “I’m going to be honest with you. There’ve been women. With the three of us, I mean.” His eyes held mine,

something intense burning there. “But it has never felt like this. It’s never worked, and it’s never a ected all three of us as intensely in the same way like this. Sean and Hunter and I—” He looked away. “We’ve been through alot together — the kind of things that make us closer than brothers. Back in Afghanistan, we saw things and did things…” He trailed o again, his face going tight. I leaned forward, resting my hands on his arms and squeezing as I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “I didn’t know you guys fought.” “Marines,” he said, turning back with a thin smile. “It sucked. But it made us close and made us what we are today. We came back, started investing, figured out what we were good at, and turned the whole thing into Camelot Holdings.” I stroked his arm. “Why Camelot, by the way?” Damien grinned. “It’s a stupid inside joke. We called ourselves the knights of the round table when we were over there. It was the first thing we thought of when trying to come up with a company name.” “My knights,” I said softly, kissing his cheek again. “I’m sorry for what you had to go through.” “I’d say the payo

was worth it.”

I grinned. “Yeah I think you’ve all done pretty well for your —” “I meant meeting you, actually.” I blinked, my heart flip-flopping suddenly as I met his gaze. “I mean it when I say we’ve never felt like this, Ari. I don’t know what this all is yet, but I know none of us ever want it

to stop.” He kissed me then, before I could say a word, and I let myself melt against him. “Look, why don’t you soak a little longer, and then go change?” “Into?” “There’s a dress on your bed.” “What’s the plan tonight?” Damien stood and grinned. “Tonight, we wine, dine, and take you dancing.” “All for me, huh?” “Tonight, Arianna, we treat you like the queen you are.” He winked as he started to move towards the door. “Hey, Damien?” He turned back. “Thanks. For telling me, I mean.” He held my gaze another second and smiled before ducking from the bathroom. *** And wine and dine me they did. Dinner was fresh caught seafood overlooking the very ocean it’d been fished from, washed down with phenomenal wine, and topped o with laughter and lingering touches and kisses from all three of them. A live island band took the stage as dinner was cleared, and before I knew it, I was being brought out on the

dance floor to be twirled, dipped, and swung by all three of them. I couldn’t remember being this happy. I couldn’t remember ever feeling as close to perfect as I did surrounded by them — laughing, kissing, and just having the time of my life with the three of them. My knights. *** Later, we were back at the cabana, all of us lounging on the big open deck that jutted out over the water. I was laying draped across the three of them, watching the moonlight and stars flicker across the waves as we sipped cold beers and just sat there in perfect silence. “This is pretty good,” I said finally. Hunter, who’s lap I had my head on, grinned as he leaned down and kissed me. “Agreed.” Damien’s strong hands rubbed my feet. “Look, Ari, this is…” “This is uncharted ground for us. For all of us,” Sean butted in. “Nothing that came before felt like this.” I swallowed, feeling my pulse skip. “Like this, huh?” “You know what we mean, because you’re feeling it too,” Hunter murmured. I nodded. “Maybe.” Sean chuckled, leaning over me to press his lips to mine. And then he lingered. Slowly, my lips parted for him, his tongue slipping inside as the kiss grew fiercer. That familiar fire started inside of me — the fire just being around them

seemed to kindle. I moaned softly as Sean kissed me deeper and harder. Hunter shifted, moving out from underneath me and letting me sink back into the big lounger we rested on. With feather touches and teasing kisses, the men slowly began to pull the clothes from my body. My dress slipped up, over my head and dropped away, panties sliding down my legs. I moaned as I lay back in the lounger, watching the men strip down bare, tattooed muscles on full display. I started to sit up, but Sean stopped me with a finger to my lips. “No. Tonight’s all about you, baby.” “What do you—” The words fell away, and I moaned as I felt the tongue sliding right up the center of my pussy. Sean moved away, and I gasped as I looked down to see Damien between my legs, his tongue teasing up my slit. I eased back, panting as Hunter joined him between my legs, his lips sucking at the skin around my thighs. Strong hands spread my legs and lifted my ass o the cushions, and I cried out as I felt the second tongue slowly move towards my ass. Sean knelt beside me, his hands skimming over my skin and his lips trailing over my breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue across it, somehow completely in time with Damien’s tongue on my clit. “Close your eyes, Arianna,” Sean whispered in my ear, his hands moving over my body. “Just close your eyes and let us do this.” And I did. My breath stuttered as I fell back into the soft cushions and closed my eyes. The waves crashed , and my pulse beat like a drum in my ear as the three mouths moved

over my most intimate places, teasing, tasting, and coaxing the pleasure from me. Damien’s tongue swirled over my clit, his fingers teasing my inner thighs, and Hunter’s insistent tongue teased slow circles around my ass. Sean’s hands massaged and teased over my torso as his mouth and lips and tongue kissed and sucked and worshiped my breasts. I was falling. I was spinning wonderfully out of control and barely holding onto my sanity as the three men slowly, slowly pushed me higher and higher, until I was gasping and begging for release. I pleaded with them, begging them to let me come as my hips bucked o the lounge chair. But they kept it up; that same deliberate, slow, intense pace until my eyes suddenly squeezed shut. I went o like a bomb, the orgasm exploding from my throat as my whole body shattered. It felt like I was being thrown into the stars, sent into orbit, and the world blurred at the edge as the three of them tongued and fingered and teased me right into a second climax before I finally collapsed. I was only dimly aware of the three of them scooping me up and bringing me to the bedroom. I remember just grinning and babbling nonsense as they slipped under the covers with me and pulled me against them as I closed my eyes. This was better than anything I’d ever felt before, and I never wanted anything to intrude on this moment. But then, it did.


IT WAS the phone that woke us later. I stirred, frowning at the sound and raising my head from Hunter’s chest where it’d been resting. The phone went o again as I turned in the sheets and reached for the beside table. “What's that?” Sean mumbled. “It’s my phone.” “Party foul,” a very sleep-voiced Damien chuckled. I answer without looking. “Hel—” “Ari!” Sasha’s voice was chilling and half screaming over the phone. “Sasha?” The panic in her voice and the way she sounded like she’d just been running had me awake instantly. “Sasha, what’s going on?”

“Ari! Ari, I need help! I need help!” She was screaming then, and I immediately sat bolt upright. “Sasha, breathe, honey, tell me what’s going on!” The three men in the bed with me instantly sat up as well, hard looks on their faces. “They’ve got them!” My heart skipped a beat. “Who has—” “They’ve got Luke and Jordan!” It was as if time stopped for a second. Sasha kept going though. “I don’t know who they are, but they want money, and... and…” she trailed o . “Hang on,” she said tightly. “Sasha, who has them!?” Without warning, there was suddenly a crashing sound on the other end of the line — the sound of shattering glass mixing with Sasha’s blood-chilling scream. “Oh my God!” She screamed. “They’re here! Oh my God, they just smashed their way in the front door! Arianna!” I screamed as I lurched from the bed, my whole world spinning. “Sasha! Sasha, run! Sash—” The line went dead, and the phone dropped from my hand. I was spinning, the room tilting and my whole world crashing around me as I lunged for something — anything to

hold onto. It was Hunter that caught me, pulling me tight against him as I shattered. “What is it,” he said tightly. “What do you need?” I pushed him away before I could stop myself, lurching for my clothes. “We need to get back to the city.” My voice felt like it was outside my own head — mechanical and on autopilot. “Ari, whats—” I whirled, shaking Sean’s hand from my arm, knowing he was just trying to soothe me, but not knowing what else to do but lash out. “My friend Sasha—” I swallowed the horrible lump in my throat. “I think someone just took her. Her and her boyfriends.” Damien frowned as he stood from the bed. “Boyfriends?” I shook my head quickly, yanking a pair of shorts up my legs and stu ng the rest of my clothes into my bag. “Yes, boyfriends. She’s with Luke Steel and Jordan Stone at —” “Wait, your friend Sasha is Sasha Reed of Stone and Steel Holdings?” I pulled a t-shirt down over my head and paused. “You know them?” Hunter shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. What the hell is going on?”

“Someone’s kidnapped them,” I said, the cold feeling sinking into my chest as I said the words out loud. “Someone’s kidnapped them, for ransom or something, and they just broke into their house while I was on the fucking phone with my best friend and took her—” And then I lost it. All three of them surrounded me then, comforting me with their warmth and their soothing touches, and propping me as I was about to fall entirely. The tears came hot as I dropped my face into one of their chests, feeling three sets of arms circle around me and hug me tightly. I looked up into Damien’s eyes. “She’s pregnant,” I whispered, tears falling down my face. “Let’s go,” Hunter growled as he and Sean pulled away. “Already on it,” Sean growled, a phone in his hand. “Yeah, it’s me. We need the plane ready,” he barked into the phone. “Fucking now.” My eyes locked with Damien’s. “She’s preg—” “And we’re not going to let anything happen to her,” he said fiercely. “I swear it.”


I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE for her. It was the only thought going through my head as the plane rumbled towards New York; a very di erent plane ride than the one before. The three of them were on cell phones, making calls with stony faces and terse voices, trying to assess the situation. Finally, Hunter put his phone down, walked towards me, and wrapped his arms around me. “We’re going to handle this, I swear.” “I should’ve been there,” I murmured into his chest. “What exactly would you have done? Stopped them yourself?” “Yes.” “I don’t doubt you would have tried,” he said tightly. Sean’s phone rang and he snatched it up. “Yes?”

His eyes went wide. “Shit, hey, hang on, I’m putting you on speaker.” He looked up. “It’s Luke and Jordan.” I lurched to my feet. “What?!” “Ari?” Luke’s voice came on through over speaker, his voice jagged and harsh. “Luke! What’s—” “They have her,” he growled. “They’ve fucking got Sasha.” “She called me,” I sobbed. “Right as they came, she called me. She said you two—” “They called her and told her that so she’d panic. No, no one fucking has us except we’re Goddamn grounded in London.” “Luke? It’s Hunter Black,” Hunter said suddenly. “Whatever you need, we’re here.” “Hey, Hunter. Hang on, I’m putting Jordan on too.” There was a beat before another line clicked in. “Hi, guys.” “Tell us what you need, man,” Damien growled. “We’re being kept right now by London police. They’re not letting us leave.” “What?” I hissed. “Why the hell are they keeping you?” “Liability,” Jordan said, his voice like gravel and ice over the phone. “We’re fucking suspects.” “You’re kidding me.”

“I wish I fucking was.” “Ari,” Luke addressed me. “We know who it is. It’s fucking Mark.” My eyes went wide in horror. Mark, as in Sasha’s shitty ex boyfriend who’d ended up shooting his way into Steel and Stone Holdings to try and rob the place after she’d hooked up with Luke and Jordan. He’d wound up winging Jordan with a bullet before Sasha had shot him herself. Last I’d heard though, he was in jail for a very long time.” “There was breakout — we heard about it, but until it was too late.” The emotion was raw and bitter in Luke’s voice, the same bitter rage I could feel inside my own chest. When I looked around the plane cabin, I saw the tightness in the faces of my three guys. “He has demands, Ari.” I couldn’t respond. All I could think about was that asshole Mark getting his hands on my friend. My friend and her unborn baby. “Listen,” Jordan growled. “We’re suspects right now, and they’re fucking keeping us at the hotel right now. But if we give them what we know and tell them it’s Mark behind this, you know they’re going to fuck it up. We can’t chance this, not with Sasha and sure as shit not with our kid.” The cabin started to spin around me, and Sean took over as Hunter helped me sit. “What the fuck do these clowns want, guys? Cash?” “That’d be easy, man,” Luke muttered. “He wants revenge.”

I listened in stunned silence as Luke filled Hunter, Damien, and Sean in on what had happened that time back at their o ces with Mark trying to rob the place. “He fucking called, us, Arianna,” Jordan said, his voice tight. “He wants revenge, he wants to hurt us, and he’s going to do it by hurting her.” “That not going to happen, guys,” Damien growled with steel in his voice. “It’s not.” He took a deep breath. “What do you know about me and Hunter and Sean?” There was a moment of silence before Jordan spoke up. “We did our homework,” he said evenly. “Marines, huh?” “Hoorah,” Hunter muttered under his breath. “Look, we can’t ask you guys to—” “Ask whatever you need,” Sean said fiercely, his eyes locked on me. “Mark’s got her at our lodge, in upstate New York. He’s got a lot of guys with him.” “We’re on our way,” Hunter said, before moving to the front of the plane to knock on the door to the pilot’s area. “Guys, could we talk to Arianna for a minute?” Sean nodded, took me o phone.”

speaker, and handed me the

“I’m here,” I said quietly. “Are you okay?” My breath hitched as I shook my head, trying to blink back the tears. “Am I okay? Jesus, Luke, I feel like I should be asking you that.”

“We’re fine, just…” “We’re scared, Ari,” Jordan said quietly. “Look, the guys you’re with.” He paused. “Do you trust them?” “Yes.” I didn’t even think before the word came out, but it was true — utterly and completely. “No hesitation,” Jordan mused. “I like it.” “Look, I know they’re your competitors, but trust me when I —” Luke barked out a laugh. “We don’t give a fuck about them being business rivals, Ari. The point is, you trust them, and that works for us. We only did a little research, but it seems they’re good men. And if you vouch for them—” “I do.” “Good,” Jordan finished. “Are they keeping you safe?” “Definitely.” “Look,” Luke whispered. “Truth be told, we’re going to break out of this fucking hotel and fly home right after we get o the phone with you. Fuck these guys. But you’re going to get there before us.” Jordan sighed. “Put the guys on speaker again.” I looked up at my three men, all staring at me with hurt and pain and fierceness in their faces. “They want to talk to you guys.” I put the phone on speaker. “Guys? We need to ask you something big—”

“We’re already on it,” Hunter said evenly. “We’ve already got parts mobilizing on the ground for when we land. “Thank you, really,” Jordan said tensely. “Look, I don’t need to tell you—” “You don’t need to explain a thing, we understand more than you know,” Damien growled, looking right at me. “Do not let him hurt her,” Luke said, his voice almost breaking. “That’s not going to happen,” Sean said, looking right at me with the same intense look on his face as his two friends. “We swear it.”


IT FELT like I was walking in a dream by the time we landed in the private airfield outside Albany in upstate New York. The magic of what I’d just experienced down on the island, the warmth and the swirling emotions — all of it was put aside for one thought. My best friend was in mortal danger. She had to be okay. She had to make it out of this okay, or I didn’t know what I’d do. Sean, Hunter, and Damien had spent most of the rest of the flight on the phone coordinating with Jordan and Luke, with at least one of them sitting by my side the whole time. And it was a comfort, but it wasn’t everything. I still felt like something horrible was going to happen - something even more horrible than what had already occurred. A black, military grade SUV was waiting for us as we quickly left the plane. The three of them walked to the back of the SUV and popped the trunk, making my eyes go wide at what was inside.

Guns, mostly. Guns and an array of military looking tactical gear. “Is…” I bit my lip. “Whoa.” “Look, Arianna.” Hunter turned to me, his icy blue eyes flashing over me. “There are some things about our past you should—” “I told her,” Damien said quietly. Hunter and Sean turned to him, but he held his stern look. “I told her about us, about before the company.” The two other men stared at him, and for a moment, I could see emotions flare across all three of their faces. I understood then that Damien had acted alone in telling me about their military pasts, hinting at the horrors they’d seen and endured, and I was suddenly worried that having done so would drive a wedge between my three men. “Good.” Sean’s sudden and gru

y spoken word shattered that fear.

“Good, I’m glad you told her.” He turned and smiled at me, nodding. “We, uh, we don’t talk about that much,” Hunter mumbled quietly, turning to me as well. “I didn’t think you did,” I said quietly, putting both hands out and resting them on Sean and Hunter’s forearms. “I’m glad Damien told me, for what it’s worth. I think I just…” I trailed o , not sure how to put it into words. “I like knowing you,” I finally said, looking at each of them in turn. “And you don’t have to worry, I’m not going to—”

“We know,” Sean said with uncharacteristic softness. “We trust you, more than, well, more than we tend to trust pretty much anyone.” The sound of Damien chambering a round broke the silence. “I’d hate to break the moment, but—” “Right, we gotta roll,” Hunter said with a growl, whirling and grabbing a flak jacket from the trunk. I started to move towards the trunk as well, but Damien stopped me with a hand on my arm. “I think it’s best if you stay here, actually.” “The hell I am,” I shot back, my blood pounding at the thought of my best friend being held captive by her psychopath ex. A hint of a smile crossed Damien’s face. “Arianna—” “I’m coming, and that’s final.” The other two turned, crossing arms over broad chests, eyeing me. Damien finally nodded. “Something told me you were going to insist.” He turned back to the trunk, grabbed a smaller armored jacket, and passed it to me. “You’re staying behind us,” Sean muttered. “That part is not up for discussion.” “Here,” Hunter said darkly. I turned as he pressed the grip of a gun into my hands. I shivered at the feel of cold metal in my palm. “I really think this is a terrible—”

“I’m coming,” I said flashing a scowl at Sean before my look softened at what was clearly just huge concern on his face. I reached out and squeezed his hand. “I’ll stay behind you, I promise. But there’s no scenario where I don’t come with you.” Hunter nodded at the gun in my hands. “That’s a forty-five millimeter. Ever used one of these?” Right, like I’d held a gun before. I swallowed the lump in my throat, slowly shaking my head. Hunter nodded as he moved behind me and wrapped his arms alongside mine. “I got it,” I said breathlessly. I turned in his arms and kissed him, before turning again and doing the same with each of them, holding their equally passionate and yet wholly di erent kisses in turn. Hunter looked at the other three and nodded solemnly. “Alright then. Let’s roll.”


THE LODGE WAS QUIET, but I knew the silence was deceiving. I followed my three men through the footpath from the mountain road, the shadowy outline of Luke and Jordan’s lavish mountain retreat looming against the starlit sky. I felt a hand on the small of my back, and felt lips against my ear. Damien. “When I say hang back I mean hang way back, got it?” I nodded, shivering in the night air. “I got it.” “Nothing can happen to you, Ari,” he said softly, all of us stopping by the dark tree line. “I mean that.” He cupped my chin, raising it as he leaned in and kissed my mouth hard, as if to convey the things a hardened man like that couldn’t put into words. “If...” I pulled back, my face crumbling. “If something happens to Sasha, or the baby—” “It won’t,” Sean said quickly, shaking his head. He put a hand on my hip, rubbing me softly. “I promise.”

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