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Possessive Stepbrother MINK © 2021 All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book only. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from MINK. This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Possessive Stepbrother Chapter 1 Torino Chapter 2 Alessa Chapter 3 Torino Chapter 4 Alessa Chapter 5 Torino Chapter 6 Alessa Chapter 7 Torino Chapter 8 Alessa Chapter 9 Torino Chapter 10 Alessa Chapter 11 Torino Chapter 12 Alessa Chapter 13 Torino Chapter 14 Alessa Chapter 15 Torino Chapter 16 Alessa

Chapter 17 Torino Chapter 18 Alessa Chapter 19 Torino Chapter 20 Alessa Chapter 21 Torino Chapter 22 Alessa Epilogue Also by MINK About the Author



Alessa is the innocent stepdaughter of one of the most powerful mob bosses this city has ever seen: my father, Carlito Rossi. She’s been groomed for one thing—to help the Rossi family gain even more power through a favorable marriage. The only thing is, when the time comes for her to walk down the aisle, I can’t let her go. Not when I’ve always known she should be mine. When I want something, I won’t be denied. And though she’s my stepsister, I want Alessa more than anything in my entire life. But when her intended groom finds out and alerts the other families, will we be able to weather the impending storm?



he’s in the shower. I love it when she’s in the shower. The water falling down her tight body as she stands under the spray, completely unaware I’m watching. Humming, she lathers up her loofah and starts sudsing her smooth skin, the bubbles sliding down her neck to her high, round tits, then lower to that patch of dark curls between her thighs. Alessa. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, the jewel in the crown of our joined families. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. She’s also my stepsister. My phone vibrates, a message from my father, no doubt. He’s the head of our family. The king of this city’s underworld. His wife, Allegra, is the veritable queen. They formed an alliance a few years ago by combining our families. It made sense. He was a widower, she a widow. And together, they crushed their enemies in a relentless grip. I didn’t mind the arrangement. It was just one business deal in a long line of deals. At least, that’s what I thought until I

saw her. Five years younger than me and with an innocence I doubt I ever possessed, Alessa is everything I’m not. My mouth waters as she rinses away the soap bubbles, her long dark hair flowing down her back in an ebony waterfall. I want her so badly. Doing this to myself is torture, but I can’t stop. So I ignore my phone and keep my eyes on her. Following every single movement, tracing the lines of her body as if I’m the water running along that warm, smooth surface. My gaze lingers on her face. She closes her eyes, enjoying the water. Her lips part as she slips one hand down her throat, between her tits, along her stomach, and then to that secret spot of pleasure between her creamy thighs. My cock, already about to burst free, kicks against my zipper when she spreads her pretty little lips and starts touching herself. I groan and reach for my zipper. My phone vibrates again. I ignore it. Again. She lets her head fall back as she strokes herself. Fuck, I’ve never seen her do this before. She needs me, needs my cock desperately. I want to give it all to her, but I can’t. Her sweet little noises are like fire in my veins, and I free my cock and give it some long, sure strokes. Then I time it with the way her hips are moving. Little thrusts of her body that jolt through me, ending in my balls.

I move with her, wanting so badly to be inside that pretty little pussy. Each stroke is agony, each look at her a taste of delight. I can’t stop myself, not when she’s panting so roughly, her nipples hard, her body taut. Fuck, I can’t hold out. Then she says the one thing that sends me over the edge. “Torino.” My name leaves her lips, and she’s moaning. I watch her come apart on her fingers as she repeats my name. I let go, spraying on the door jamb like a horny teenage boy. But I can’t stop, not when I know she burns for me the same way I do for her. When she lets out the last little moan, I finally take a breath. Quickly, I grab a hand towel from just inside the bathroom and clean up my mess. All that cum should’ve been inside Alessa. I should’ve fucked a baby into her, should’ve given her every bit of me. But, again, I can’t. The scandal would ruin our families. Our duty is to our parents, to being the people they want us to be. They fought and scraped to get to the top, and we have to honor their sacrifices by following their lead. I know that watching Alessa and shadowing her every move dishonors my father and my family. But I can’t stop. I never could. Not from the first moment I saw her. Then, though, she was young. Too young for me. So I stayed away. I couldn’t be near her. Instead, I went o to college. But I still watched. And waited. Now I’m back. As the family’s attorney, I do all sorts of dirty work to keep us on top. I don’t mind it. I’d much rather be cracking skulls and enforcing with my fists, but I still get to

do plenty of that when our men get out of line. Not to mention, I take great pleasure in fucking up the Perths. Those Irish bastards think they can go toe to toe with us. Not a chance. The water turns o and brings me back to myself. Fuck. I have to get out of here before she sees me. Turning quickly, I rush to the door right as my phone vibrates again. With a practiced ease, I slip out of Alessa’s room and adopt a nonchalant stroll down the hallway. When my father turns the corner ahead of me, his dark eyes narrow. “Where the hell have you been?” “What’s got you in a twist?” I answer with a question. “The Perths, that’s what.” He sighs and motions for me to follow him. “What have those assholes done this time?” I smirk. “Is this about me beating Finnegan’s ass two weeks ago? I told you, he was on our turf. Practically asking for it.” I hate that motherfucker more than any other Perth. He acts like he’s king shit, when really he’s a big pussy who went crying to Daddy after I roughed him up. “No.” He turns into his o ce and slumps down into the chair behind his desk. He looks older than ever. “Holy shit. Is it that bad?” I run a hand through my hair. “The worst.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Tell me what you need me to do.” I do a mental rundown of all my weapons, then reach for my phone to text Lou and Anthony, my right-hand guys. If things are about to get bloody, I’ll want them by my side.

“What I want you to do?” He shakes his head. “Nothing. This is what’s best for the family.” “Pop, you’re worrying me here.” I stand just across the desk from him. “What are you talking about?” “Alessa. They want Alessa to marry Finnegan.” Over my dead fucking body. My blood goes cold, murder tearing through my heart on a rampage. He sighs heavily again. “And her mother already said yes.”



omething is up. I eye my mom as she puts a few white chocolate chip cookies onto a plate and brings them over. She sets them down in front of me. It's my favorite snack and pretty much the only thing she can make without burning the house down. Yet, I know that her making them for me means she’s about to drop something on me that she thinks might upset me. “What’s going on?” I pick up one of the cookies and take a bite. I let out a small moan as the sweetness hits my tongue. They’re still warm in the center. She hasn’t even told me why she’s buttering me up, and I’m already forgiving her. “You’re getting older.” She pulls out the chair next to mine, sitting down at the kitchen island with me. “I am. So I should get more freedom.” I smirk. I love my mom and even my stepfather, but they are ridiculously overprotective. I’ve never been allowed to leave the house without a guard in tow. Even throughout high school, I was taken to and from school by security. It was embarrassing.

I’m not sure why that was necessary, especially since it was an all girls school. I think they were trying to protect me from boys, but I’m pretty sure there were some girls in my school that could have ripped apart any boy that crossed their paths. “Honey. I’m sorry, but you’ll never have total freedom, and you know that.” Unfortunately, I know that all too well. I sigh. It’s the way of our lives. “I also can’t stay locked away forever. I need a life. I was thinking about college again.” Her perfect eyebrows pull together in confusion. “You said you didn’t want to go to college.” I shrug. I had said that. I’d gotten this crazy idea in my head that when I turned eighteen, Torino might change the way he looked at me. But that hadn’t played out the way I thought it would. My eighteenth birthday came and went and still no reaction from Torino. So I convinced myself that I needed to graduate from high school. That once I was done, he might see me as something more than an annoying little stepsister. One he avoided for the most part. That had been another bust. It was silly and stupid. It was a fairy tale I’d made up in my head about the two of us. One I needed to let go, because obviously he doesn’t have any of the same feelings toward me. Torino is going to take over for his father one day. Everyone knows that. He’s driven. I’m sure a wife will be picked for him. That’s how things always go between powerful families. My mom might not have gotten lucky with her first husband and my real father, but she and my stepfather are truly in

love. I’ve always yearned to have a love like theirs, but I don’t think I’ll be getting that. Instead, I’m left in this rut and need to figure out what I’m going to do with my life. “I have to do something. I can’t keep roaming the halls of this place.” I take another bite of my cookie. “You’re an artist.” Mom comes to my defense, making me laugh. “You’re the only one hanging my art up.” She puts my paintings all over the place. “Well, you should put it up for sale. You might be surprised.” “Mom. Out with it.” I try to steer her back to whatever is going on. “It’s time for you to marry,” she finally says. I stare at her, wondering if I heard her right. “I want you to give this a chance and trust I know what I’m doing.” She reaches out and grabs my hand. I’m getting married? If anything, I would think Torino would be the one getting married. He’s older. I hate that thought almost as much as me getting married. “Who am I supposed to be marrying?” “Finnegan.” Ugh. Just a strategic match, nothing more. We’ve been at odds with the Perths for a long time. I haven't really heard much about Finnegan. I’d seen him out a few times. I’m not even sure if we’ve ever spoken before. I do recall him being somewhat handsome. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Mom repeats, giving me a skeptical look. “It’s what I’m supposed to do, isn't it? My duty to the family?” I’m fighting tears trying to stay strong, but my heart is breaking because I know this means Torino and I will never be. My marriage will close the door and lock it. That might be a good thing for me. It’s time to move on and grow up. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and fall in love like you did with Carlito.” She gives my hand a squeeze. “You will have love. I know it.” I wish I could have the same faith she has in that. “Can I ask you for one thing?” I lick my dry lips. Of course Mom and I had the sex talk years ago, but it still feels a bit awkward talking about it with her. “You can ask me anything, sweetheart.” “Can I get on birth control? I don't want to have a baby with someone I barely know,” I plead. I’ve always wanted to have a child, but I don’t want to have one with a stranger. And that’s exactly what Finnegan is to me. I know to most people it may seem strange that I’m agreeing to all of this so quickly and without putting up a stink, but my loyalty lies with my family. Some people may turn their noses up at me, but I will always do whatever I need to for the people I love. “Birth control?” A masculine growl raises my hackles. My whole body goes sti at the tone of Torino’s voice. My face flushes with heat at the realization that Torino overheard the conversation I was having with my mom. I didn’t think this could get any worse.

I turn my head and see him standing in the doorway of the kitchen. His short, dark hair is a bit unruly, as if someone has been running their fingers through it. That thought sours my mood even further. My fingers have always itched to touch his hair. Not that I’ve ever gotten the chance. Torino never gets that close to me. I have no clue how I ever thought that we could be anything more than stepsiblings. “Cookie?” Mom o ers, ignoring his outburst. “She’s not getting on birth control.” He folds his arms over his chest. I roll my eyes at him. Torino might not get close to me, but he still somehow manages to always boss me around. “That’s not up to you.” I tilt my chin up. “You’re still a Rossi. That means I have a say.” I slip o my chair, needing to get out of here. I will not cry in front of him. I want to be strong and not the little girl that he sees me as. “For now.” I move to walk past him. “Soon, I’ll be a Perth,” I say when I’m next to him. The anger in his dark eyes is clear. I know he doesn’t care for the Perths. This has nothing to do with me and more to do with them. I’m finally getting married. I’ve wanted it for so long. Too bad it’s not to the man I love: my stepbrother.



won’t let this happen. I can’t. Just the thought of that piece of shit Finnegan touching my Alessa sets my teeth on edge.

She leaves the room, her chin still high, her hips swaying. I want to chase her down, throw her to the floor, and fuck my claim right into her. There’s no way she’s going on birth control. She won’t need it, not when she’s my woman. She’ll want my babies inside her. “You can’t control her, Torino.” Allegra leans back and gestures toward the plate of cookies. “Have one.” “No, thank you.” “Suit yourself.” She shakes her head. “You have to let her go. This alliance with the Perths will end the bloodshed between our families. It’s a good thing.” I stare her down. Allegra has never bothered me much. She’s the typical mafia wife—all about power and appearances. But at least she seems to truly love my father. Not at first, of course. But they grew to enjoy each other after they sealed their strategic deal to marry.

Though she’s never rubbed me the wrong way before, right now I’d like to shake the shit out of her until she sees reason. I force myself to take a deep, calming breath. “She’s not marrying Finnegan Perth.” “She is.” Her gaze never wavers. “This is the way of things, Torino, and you know it. She’ll be a good wife and make babies that will further cement our position at the top of this family and this city. You need to see this for the opportunity it is. With this alliance, you’ll be set. You can take over the Rossi family when it’s time, and you’ll be able to choose a bride. By marrying Alessa to the Perths, we’re giving you your freedom and paving the way for you to assume the Rossi mantle.” She explains it with such logic. It really is a wonderful plan. Too bad I’ll never let it happen. What Allegra doesn’t understand is that I’ll happily stay at war with those asshole Perths as long as that means Alessa stays far, far away from them. “I don’t need an easy path, Allegra. I’ve never asked for anything like that.” “Then what do you need?” She blinks slowly. I need Alessa. Those are the words that dance on the tip of my tongue, but they’re also the ones I can’t say. After a while, she sighs. “You need to accept it, Torino. While I find your protectiveness of your sister very endearing, you can’t let it cloud your judgment. When you’re head of the family, you’ll understand that some hard choices have to be made sometimes.” I accept nothing.

A short staring contest ensues. I win, and when she drops her gaze, she does it with a slight shake of her head. “It’s done, Torino. Leave it be.” Turning on my heel, I stride from the room. The very last thing I’ll do is leave it be. I can see why Allegra thinks this is a good idea. I truly can. Her motives are in the right place. When I overheard their conversation earlier, I tried to put myself in Allegra’s shoes. It didn’t work. I could never accept a marriage between Alessa and Finnegan. I never will. Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m on the second floor of the north wing. Alessa’s room is just down the hall. I stop and stare at the door, the dark mahogany hiding her from me. I don’t do this. I don’t enter her room unless she’s asleep or in the shower. Letting her know that I’m here will only cause problems. Besides, I enjoy watching her when she has no idea. She’s so vulnerable then, so open. I swear sometimes I can almost hear her thoughts, feel her emotions. It’s like we’re having a silent conversation, one that’s been going on for years. Moving closer, I put my palm on her door. I can’t hear her inside, but I know she’s there. A bell pulls my attention down the hall. Tinker trots up, his chin wet with cat food or maybe some cream. He rubs against my pants like he always does, leaving a trail of fur in his wake. Before I can stop him, he stretches out a paw and scratches at Alessa’s door. He gives me a smug look before doing it again. Asshole.

Thinking quickly, I back down the hall, then start walking as soon as her door handle starts to turn. Hopefully she’ll think I’m just walking down the hall, not stalking her like a goddamn predator … Which is exactly what I’m always doing whenever she’s concerned. She opens the door, and Tinker darts in, then she turns and sees me. “Oh.” I come to a stop in front of her and stare down into her warm brown eyes. “Why do you care if I’m on birth control?” she blurts. I don’t answer. She shifts from one foot to the next. “Torino?” “Yes?” “Answer my question.” Because I want to fuck babies into you. Because when I claim your cunt, I want there to be nothing between us, not even something as small as a pill. I want all of you, every last bit, and I want you bare. “Why are you so keen on marrying Finnegan Perth?” She hu s out a breath. “You know I have nothing to do with that.” “Nothing to do with getting married?” I counter. “I mean, obviously, I’m the bride. But it’s not like I picked him.” “Would you have picked him?” The question is covered in all sorts of sharp edges. If she says yes… Fuck, if she says yes,

I’ll leave this house and go right to wherever that bastard is and put a bullet right between his eyes. “Of course not.” She bites her lip. I stow away my murderous impulse. For now. “Then why are you so quick to agree to marry him?” She rolls her eyes. “You know why. It’s for the family.” I step closer. So close that we’re almost touching. Her breath hitches, and her tongue darts out to wet her pink lips. “You’d do anything for the family?” She nods. “You know I would. Wouldn’t you?” “Yes.” It’s the only reason I haven’t taken her virginity, haven’t made her toes curl while I eat her pussy, haven’t spread my seed deep inside her again and again. “Then you understand. And you should also understand that whether or not I take birth control is my choice. Not yours. Why are you so interested in me having Finnegan’s kids, anyway?” That thought is so fucking vile it makes my stomach churn. “You’re not having his kids.” She blinks. “I know. That’s why I want the birth control.” Her nose wrinkles. “Wait, did we just go in a circle?” Yes. We did. We’ve been dancing around each other our whole lives. But here’s the thing, there’s no way in hell I’ll let Finnegan Fucking Perth cut in. Alessa is mine, and I’ll never let her go.



ou okay, honey?” Mom asks from beside me in the back of the SUV. We’re on our way home. Every other Saturday, we have a girls’ day. Today she took me to get our nails and hair done. Then we stopped and did a little shopping. I normally enjoy our girls' days, but there is this black cloud that’s been following me around since I found out I was going to be getting married soon. No matter how many times I tell myself that there is no other choice, my mind always seems to drift to Torino. “I’m great.” I force a smile. I don’t know why I try to fake it with her. She can see right through it. “I don’t care for lies. Especially from my own daughter.” “Sorry.” I smooth the wrinkles out of my dress. “Do you think Torino is going to see me as the enemy now?” “Is that what’s bothering you?” I shrug. “He’s been angry with me since he found out about me getting married.” I’m not sure which is worse. When he

pretends I’m not there or when he’s barking orders at me. I’m starting to get tired of it. “Give him time. You know how these Rossi men can be. He’ll come around soon enough.” She says it with such confidence. “Since you’re all dolled up, I thought tonight would be perfect to have the Perths over for dinner. It will give you and Finnegan time to get to know one another.” “Tonight?” I squeak. My heart starts to race. Why am I freaking out? I knew this was coming. But I hadn’t thought it would happen so quickly. “You’re not changing your mind on me, are you?” I shake my head. “Good. Hopefully, tonight the peace between the two families can begin.” I can feel my mom's eyes on me. “I understand, Mom. I know this is important.” “It is, but nothing is more important to me than you.” She reaches out and grabs my hand. I know she loves me. I can’t help but wonder what she would say if I told her I didn’t want to marry Finnegan. “Oh, I almost forgot.” She reaches into her purse and pulls out a small box. “Your ring was delivered this morning.” “My ring?” She opens the box. Oh no. This is the ring I’m going to have to wear every day? It’s a gothic style ring with a giant ruby in the center. I didn’t know a ring could actually look depressing, but I was wrong. “The Perths clearly have terrible taste in jewelry, but it will do for now.” She hands me the box.

“Isn’t he supposed to give it to me?” I ask. I can’t bring myself to pull the ring out and put it on. “You’re already engaged, honey. Just make sure you wear the ring tonight.” I close the box without putting it on. A lump forms in my throat. This is all becoming too real. I hold back the tears that threaten to fall, not wanting to upset my mother. Thankfully we pull up to the house. I open my door quickly and jump out. “They arrive at seven,” I hear my mom call out from behind me as I enter the house. I head straight for the privacy of my bedroom. I can’t breathe. I hate this. Why can’t I be strong like all the other women who went before me? Why can’t I do what I need to do for my family without all of these emotions? This is the way it has to be. I have to trust my mom knows what she's doing. Tinker lies outside of my bedroom door as though he were waiting for me to get home. I give his belly a scratch before I pick him up. I freeze when I step inside my room and see Torino standing there. My body heats at the sight of him. His back is facing me. He’s the last person I ever expected to see here. “Your room always smells of roses and something sweet,” he says as he continues to stare out the window. I put Tinker down on his cat tree. “Is something wrong?” At that he does spin around and hits me with that same pissed-o glare he’s had for the past few days. His suit is wrinkled, and he hasn't shaved today. He’s normally so put together. Still, he’s the hottest man I’ve ever seen. As much

as I hate him glaring at me, it only seems to turn me on more. There’s no stopping it. He does this to my body. I can’t control it. But I’m pretty sure Torino would have no problem controlling my body. “Is something wrong? Are you really asking me that?” He stalks towards me. I back up a few steps, only to further piss him o . The tick in his jaw gives away his growing anger. “Are you running from me?” His hands come down on either side of my head, caging me in between him and the wall. If he’s trying to scare me, it's not working. I grow so wet my panties stick to me. Torino sucks in a deep breath. My face flushes with burning heat. There is no way he can smell that. “There’s that sweetness I’m always catching.” He drops one of his hands as his foot pushes one of mine, making me spread my legs. I gasp when his hand goes up my skirt. He cups my sex, his palm pressing into my clit. The ache I have grows, causing me to whimper. What the hell is happening? “Fuck, you’re wet.” He presses his palm into my clit harder as his mouth comes to my ear. His heavy breathing tickles the baby hairs on my neck. “Torino,” I whisper. My body takes over, and I grind myself against his palm. I grab him, needing something to hold on to. “You want to come?” “Please,” I beg, closing my eyes tight. He pulls his palm back, making me whimper. “I’ve got you.” He jerks my panties down my thighs, exposing me to him. His fingers stroke the lips of my sex,

brushing against my clit, but he doesn’t stop there. He keeps going further down. The tip of his finger presses inside of me. I grip him tighter. “You saved yourself for the man you’re going to marry. I can feel your virginity.” His breathing grows even heavier. Or maybe that’s mine. I’m not sure at this point. “Yes,” I admit. I’d hoped it would be him. “I thought it would make it special, but I’m guessing my husband hasn't done the same.” Before I realize what he’s doing, his other hand is wrapped around my throat. I grow wetter, and I know he can feel it. “Alessa.” His tone is filled with warning and something else. “He’s not going to be your husband. Ever.” He lifts his head, his eyes locking with mine. “Say it and I’ll let you come.” His fingers go to my clit, and he makes small slow circles. “But—” His hand on my throat tightens. “No buts.” His fingers on my clit stop moving altogether. “I’m not going to marry him.” I give. I need to come so badly. My whole body aches. I know he’s the only one that can soothe it. “You’ll always be a Rossi.” He presses his fingers against my clit, firmer this time, but still he doesn't move them. He wants more, and I can’t help but give it to him. “I’ll always be a Rossi.” He releases my throat, and his mouth crashes down onto mine as his fingers start to move. His kiss is almost punishing. It’s all too much. He’s moving against me. My whole body is in overdrive. I moan as I start to come. Torino’s tongue swipes into my mouth, consuming my

sounds of pleasure. My knees try to buckle, but his hold on me doesn't let me budge. He continues to kiss me as he drains every last drop of pleasure from me. When I feel something warm splatter against me, I realize what the movement was. His cum hits my sex and thighs, spraying all over me. I stare down at his cock in his hands. Our heavy breathing fills the room. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. He surprises me when he presses soft kisses all along my neck. I watch as he pulls my panties back up before putting his cock back into his slacks. I stand there, not sure what to say. Torino’s phone starts to ring. He pulls it out. “Yeah,” he says, answering it. “They’re early,” he growls into the phone. All that anger comes rushing back to his face. I know he’s talking to Carlito. Torino’s eyes stay locked on me as he listens to whatever his father is saying to him. He lifts his hand to his mouth and silently licks his fingers. The ones he’d used to get me o . I press my thighs together, still feeling him there. That stupid ache of need is already coming back. I’m not sure it can ever be satisfied. “I’m on my way,” he says before he ends the call. “They’re here?” I ask. He nods. “I shouldn’t have done that.” His words are a punch to my stomach. “Don’t let him touch you, Alessa, and keep those panties on.” He doesn't wait for a response before he leaves my bedroom with me standing there with his cum still coating my skin.

He expects me to obey him. He clearly regrets what we did. Why else would he be saying sorry? I still can’t wrap my mind around what just happened. For so long he ignored me. Now he’s been angry and stomping around here. Then this. He’s messing with my head. Two can play that game. If he wants to play games then I’ll play. I suddenly don’t feel like being the good girl anymore. Not with him at least. I’ll break all his rules. Why shouldn't I? He’s going to break my heart.



uckling down and getting shit done has never been a problem for me. Until now. Until that worthless piece of shit Finnegan Perth thinks he can come here and take Alessa away from me. Never going to happen. Not a chance in hell. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, Allegra.” I stop her in the foyer as we both head to the dining room. “But I don’t like it.” Her eyes widen. “What game?” “Alessa,” I hiss. “This isn’t a game, Torino. This is the way of the world. She has to go to an important family, one that will solidify our holdings and give us an even bigger share of power.” When she says it, it sounds right. Matter of fact. Reasonable. But nothing inside me agrees with any of those assessments. Alessa should never be handed over to the likes of the Perths, especially not that piece of shit Finnegan. “She’s too young,” I counter. “She’s older than I was when I married the first time.”

“She doesn’t even know him.” “She’ll get to know him in time. That’s how these things work.” She pats my hand. “In time, you’ll see my plan was the best way for all of this to work out.” With that, she turns and swans toward the dining room, her designer dress flowing out behind her. I grit my teeth and try to calm the rampaging beat of my heart. Alessa is my world. Always has been. Just the thought of having her ripped away from me opens a vein inside me, one that I fear will bleed and bleed until I keel over and die. I can’t be without her. Licking my lips, I pick up her taste again. That hint of sweetness, a promise of more to come. No, that perfect spot between her thighs belongs to me and no one else. If Finnegan even looks at … My hands fist. I have to stop that thought. Because if I let it go on, I’ll walk into the dining room, grab a butter knife, and use it to saw o that asshole’s head in the slowest, most painful way imaginable. “You coming?” Dad stands at my elbow. I hadn’t realized he’d walked up. “What’s wrong with you? You look like you’re about to go on a murder spree.” He shakes his head. “Nothing. I’m good.” “Keep your cool, son. Until the wedding is done, the Perths are still our enemies.” “And after?” I ask. “After, we’ll all be drinking from the same bottle. We just have to get Alessa to the altar.” His eyes soften just a little,

so minutely that only I would notice. “You need to be strong for her, Torino. This isn’t easy for her, you know?” I swallow hard. There it is. My duty to my family. I’m selfish to want to keep Alessa for myself. My father has no idea the depth of feelings I have for her. If he did, he’d probably boot my ass o the property. After all, she’s my stepsister. I’m supposed to love her like a brother, not like a man who wants to rut into her cunt and fill her with his seed. Jesus, I want her now. All of her. That taste I got isn’t enough. “Son?” “I’m fine. All good.” I fix the lapels of my suit coat. “Let’s get this over with.” Schooling my face into a mask of indi erence, I follow my father into the dining room. Allegra is laughing at something Finnegan said, and he smiles at her with a wolfish look in his eyes. “Finnegan, welcome.” My father strides to him, and they shake hands. “Your home is lovely. I’ve only ever seen it through recon photos. But the real thing is much better.” Finnegan gives that fucking grin again. My father laughs. “The cheek on you.” Finnegan’s gaze flickers to me. “Torino,” he says coldly. I don’t respond. The tension in the room spikes as the silence continues. I stare him down, my mask of indi erence likely failing to hide the disdain curdling my blood. “Oh, I hear her footsteps.” Allegra takes Finnegan’s elbow and leads him past me. “Yes, here she is.”

Alessa walks in, her gaze on her mother and then me. She doesn’t even look at Finnegan. She’s wearing a dress. A di erent one from earlier. One that makes my fucking mouth water. It’s smooth and silky, clinging to her tits and hips. I know instantly that she’s not wearing panties. Not with a dress like that. And with the way her nipples are pointed through the fabric, she’s not wearing a single damn thing under there. My cock hardens like a fucking piece of granite, and I can’t take my eyes o her. “Oh.” Her mother clears her throat. “That’s … I didn’t realize you liked that dress. When I bought it, you said it was too—” “Sexy.” Finnegan reaches out and takes Alessa’s hand. I step forward, intent on breaking his fucking fingers. My father makes a warning noise in his throat. Finnegan glances back at me, then kisses her hand. Puts his filthy goddamn mouth on Alessa’s hand. I reach for my gun. My father’s hand comes out and grips my forearm. “Son.” His voice is a low warning. “It’s nice to meet you, Alessa. You’re just as beautiful as they said.” “Thank you,” she says demurely. “Did you not like my ring?” he asks. Just like a petulant little bitch, his tone is pouty.

Finnegan releases Alessa, and her gaze returns to me. “It’s very distinctive.” “But you aren’t wearing it?” he presses. “We had to get it resized for her,” Allegra cuts into the conversation. “We want a perfect fit.” “Yes.” Alessa nods. “It wasn’t quite right.” Her eyes cut back to me, and there’s a little challenge in her gaze. In her red lips, in the fucking barely-there dress, in the way her nipples push at the fabric, the way her hips bear no panty lines. My innocent little siren. She disobeyed me. Wiped my cum o panties.

and took o


She wants to be punished. And she will be. This dinner is going to be torture, but when it’s over … When it’s over, I’m going to rectify the situation. She’ll be wearing my cum inside and out before the night is through.



ow is it possible that no one else feels the tension in this room? It’s so thick, like swimming in jelly. Yet Mom and Carlito are acting as though everything is normal. Both of them are lost in their own little world at the moment. I watch as Carlito lifts his hand to feed her a bite of his dessert and then kisses the side of her mouth to clean o the cream that was left. What they have is what I hope to have in a marriage. I want to be hopelessly in love with the man I’m going to marry. Before we became part of the Rossi family, I never imagined I would get to see real love. That wasn’t the way things were done. I knew one day a husband would be picked for me. Then I watched as my mom and Carlito’s love grew. They made me want more for myself. They showed me that true love is possible. The way that Carlito respects her is so di erent from a lot of the families I’ve seen in the past. To him, she’s a partner, and he trusts her opinions. “Have you started preparations for the wedding?” Finnegan asks from beside me. I don’t have to look Torino’s way to

know he’s staring at me. I can feel his eyes on me. He’s been watching my every move since I came downstairs earlier. I could tell he was annoyed that I’d defied him. I have to admit, it thrills me to ru e his feathers a bit. Everyone might have thought I put this dress on for Finnegan, but the truth is that it’s for Torino. I read a blog online about how to get revenge on an ex. Torino isn’t my ex, but I can still show him what he’s missing. “Not really. It’s all been so fast, but I’m sure Mom and I will be handling it soon,” I o er. “I’m sure whatever you come up with will be outstanding. Your taste is impeccable.” His eyes sweep down my dress again. How did I go from never having attention from men to now having two interested at the same time? “Honey, what happened to those scrapbooks you made years ago?” Mom asks, jumping into the conversation. My face starts to warm. I do have a few scrapbooks of all sorts of things. Only a couple of them are wedding themed. There’s also a few baby ones mixed in there. Mom continues, “Alessa has always wanted to be a wife and mother. She takes her role within a family very seriously.” “She’ll make a perfect wife,” Torino says, drawing my attention to him. “I couldn't agree more.” Finnegan drapes his hand over the back of my chair. He starts to play with the ends of my hair. I don’t even look over at Torino. This is not good. Luckily, Mom saves the day. “Why don’t you go get them, honey, and meet us in the sitting room. I’ll get everyone a drink.”

“I’ll see if I can find them.” I push back my chair before Torino gets the chance to launch himself across the table and start a war. Why do I find the fact that he’d be willing to go to war for me so damn hot? I don’t really understand his anger, though. He’s the one who said we shouldn’t have done what we did. So none of this makes sense to me. Does he want to keep me in some box tucked away? One day he’ll be getting married, too. He’ll need heirs. I exit the room and head toward my bedroom. After a quick walk, I enter my room and immediately go over to give Tinker some love. I have zero intention of bringing down my scrapbooks. It feels wrong to do it. I made those when Torino was away at college. He’d been the one on my mind when I created them. I hated those years he was away. I was also so scared that he’d come home from school for the holidays and have a girlfriend or something. Luckily, I didn’t have to see any of the women he was probably sleeping with. Tears burn my eyes thinking about them. They all got something I’ll never have. I spin around when I hear my bedroom door open and then close. Torino strides toward me, pulling his belt o in the process. My heart starts to pound wildly. When he reaches me, he doesn’t say a word. He only spins me quickly so that I’m not facing him. Before I even know what is happening, he has my hands tied behind my back with his belt, and he’s spinning me again. “You disobeyed me.” His face is hard. “I can’t let your disobedience go unchecked, sister.”

Oh my God, he’s so filthy. I press my thighs together. His thumb rubs back and forth across my bottom lip. I open my mouth, stealing a taste of him. He sucks in an audible breath before he grips my chin. “You have no idea who you’re toying with.” “I know what I’m doing,” I challenge. “That so, little girl?” He releases his hold on my chin. “On your knees.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him to fuck o , but my body obeys him. I drop to my knees in front of him. He reaches down, undoing his pants and pulling his cock out. It springs free, and my mouth waters. Cum leaks from the angry red head. I lick my lips, wanting to taste him. “I’ve had to watch you all night in this fucking dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. You made me this way.” He strokes himself. I squeeze my unbearable.






“And now you’re going to fix it. Open your mouth.” His voice is a sexy rasp. I stare up at him, making sure not to break eye contact with him. I’m sure my face is flushed, but I hold his stare. He grips my chin. “I said open your pretty little mouth now.” He gives a small tug, and I open for him. My breasts start to ache along with my clit. Wetness from my arousal runs down my thighs. His hands go to my hair, gripping a handful of it while he guides his cock into my mouth. I whimper when he pushes all the way to the back of my throat slowly and pulls out.

“Suck,” he commands. I do as he tells me and suck him. He starts to thrust faster in and out of my mouth. The groans coming from him have me sucking harder, using my tongue to drive his pleasure. I want him to burn and ache for me the same way I do for him. “You’re so damn good at everything you do.” His hold on my hair tightens. “He’ll never see you like this. The only person you’ll ever get on your knees for is me. You understand that?” I moan my answer around his cock. “Fuck.” He grits out, jerking his cock free. I whimper, wanting more of him. He didn’t finish. “You want my cock back, little girl?” “Yes,” I plead. He grabs me, lifting me o the floor and putting me on the bed. He pushes my dress all the way up, exposing me to him. He grabs my thighs, pulling me to the edge of the bed. With him standing on the side, it’s the perfect height for his cock to line up with my sex. “Torino.” I gasp when he pushes the head of his cock inside me. “I told you to leave my cum on you.” I watch as he wraps his hand around his cock, stroking himself. A loud groan comes from him seconds before I feel his warm cum spill inside of me. He keeps stroking himself and more cum fills me. So much so that it starts to slip out, coating me everywhere. “This is how your pussy should always look.” He puts his cock back into his pants and zips up. “Torino.” I wiggle. “I need you.”

“And you could have had me, but you brought this on yourself.” He lifts me from the bed, putting me on my feet. He unties my hands from behind my back. His fingers massage my wrists before he rights my dress. “Now you will know how I felt all night while you walked around in this scrap of a dress. You’ll ache for me the same way I ache for you.” “You’re a jerk,” I hiss at him. “And you’re a disobedient little brat.” He grabs me around my wrist, leading me out of my bedroom. His cum leaks down my thighs. I can smell him all over me. I should be mad at how he acted. My body is aching with need. But honestly, I’ve never felt more alive. Who knew all I had to do was be disobedient to get what I wanted? But now that Torino has shown me his cards, I plan on going all in.



hank you for a lovely evening.” Finnegan stands at the front door and reaches for Alessa.

I grit my teeth as he takes her hand and squeezes it in his. “I’d always hoped I’d be matched with a woman even half as beautiful as you.” Allegra smiles and exchanges a look with my father. Is he buying this shit? “Good night.” She pulls her hand away and backs up a step. Good girl. “I’ll see you out.” I swipe past Alessa, my fingers brushing against her hip as I go. Finnegan frowns, clearly wanting to say more bullshit. But then he turns and walks out with me. Once the door closes behind us, he smirks. “Your sister is one hot piece of ass.” I turn, and before I even know what I’m doing, I have my hands around his throat.

He grunts and spins, then darts out of my reach. “You mad, Torino? Upset I’m going to be creaming in your sister?” Rage roils my blood, speeds my heart, and puts ice in my veins. “Shut your fucking mouth.” He laughs. “Whoa, are we in Alabama now? You want to fuck your sister?” “I said shut your mouth.” I advance on him. “Okay, okay.” He nods. “I get it. But don’t worry. I’ll treat her right. Give her my dick until she chokes on it, then blow my load in her cunt.” I let out an inhuman yell as I surge forward. He’s quick, but not quick enough to avoid my right fist. It slams into his nose with a deeply satisfying crunch. His yowl follows, and he staggers back. I don’t stop. It’s like my brain doesn’t control my actions anymore, only my anger does. “You aren’t going to touch her.” I jab him with my left, then come across his jaw with a haymaker. He can’t keep his feet. With a groan, he falls to his ass. “Torino!” my father yells behind me as Allegra dashes past and kneels beside Finnegan. “Get up, pussy. Get up so I can show you some manners.” I move forward. “Torino, don’t you fucking dare!” My father is behind me now, and I feel when he grips my suit coat and tries to yank me back. I don’t move. I hold Finnegan’s gaze.

“Oh, no.” Allegra shakes her head. “I think it’s broken.” “Good.” I want to kill him. It would be so easy. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Finnegan cries, his voice nasal. Playing victim. I can make him a real one. “Torino. Inside. argument.







But still, I hesitate. My instincts tell me to finish Finnegan, to end the threat to my woman. “Torino!” my father bellows. I finally turn and follow him into the house as Allegra babies Finnegan. He whimpers like a little bitch as she tends to him. “You broke his nose.” My father crosses his arms as he whirls on me in the foyer. “He should thank me for improving his look.” I don’t see Alessa, but I’m certain she’s listening to every word. “This is serious, Torino. Your temper is going to be your downfall.” “That wasn’t my temper. That was doing what I should’ve done a long time ago.” I beat my chest with my fist in one hard strike. “I’ll defend this family until I die. That includes Alessa.” “Son, that is her husband. You can’t get between a husband and wife. Ever.” “They aren’t husband and wife.” I grit my teeth. He sighs, and for the first time, I see the age in him, the tiredness in his face. “You have to be more mindful, son. You have to think before you act. The truce with the Perths is

already tenuous at best. This wedding is the way for us all to have peace. So I can retire and you can take over during a time of relative quiet.” “Maybe I don’t want it quiet.” I flex my fists. If I have to go to war to keep Alessa, I will. It’s foolish and rash and will probably get me killed, but I don’t give a shit. She’s the future of this family. The both of us together. “I’ve learned a lot over the years. A lot.” His dark eyes hold my gaze. “And the one thing I know for certain is that if you go looking for a fight, sooner or later one will find you.” “I’m not afraid of a fight.” “I know, and that’s what scares me, Torino.” He looks up as Allegra returns. “Is he all right?” “It’s broken, but the Perth doctor can set it. He’s driving back home now. I o ered our physician, but he wanted to use theirs.” “It’s probably for the best. We wouldn’t want any more accidents.” My father sends me a pointed look. His phone vibrates, and he pulls it out. “Shit.” “Perths?” Allegra asks. He gives a curt nod, then turns and strides away as he answers. “Gene, yes. . . Just a little misunderstanding. You know how these young men can be. Always trying to prove themselves to each other. . . Of course the wedding is still on. Just a hiccup …” His voice fades. Allegra comes to stand in front of me, her eyes so much like Alessa’s. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “He disrespected Alessa.” I shrug.

“Is that what happened? Or is it that you wanted to flex your muscle for the Perths?” She arches a brow. That’s what she thinks? That I give two shits what Finnegan Fucking Perth thinks about me? My reputation is solid. Everyone knows I’m more than willing to put down anyone who comes for my family or me. I don’t need to flex. “This isn’t about me, Allegra.” “Oh no?” she shoots back. “Then why is your father on the phone with Eugene Perth talking about the damage you’ve done instead of the upcoming wedding between our families?” “You’re giving away your only daughter to a pack of hyenas, and you expect me to stay silent about it?” “That’s exactly what I expect.” She glares up at me. “Loyalty to the Rossi name. Loyalty to Alessa. This is her future. She needs to marry well and secure her spot in our world. This is her chance, and you’re trying to ruin it. You need to fall in line, Torino. This wedding is going to happen, and now that you’ve gone and done this, we’re going to need to move it up as a show of good faith.” “Good faith?” I bark a laugh. “The Perths have none. They’re probably planning their backstab as we speak.” “Better from the outside than from within, Torino. We need you to remember your oath to this family.” She gives me one more sharp look, then storms away toward my father’s o ce. I stand there thinking about her words, her accusations. Am I making this about me? Am I hurting Alessa’s chances at a good future?

My eyes travel up to the second floor, to her room. I know she’s there with the door cracked, her ears catching every word that passes between Allegra and me. Does she think I’m ruining her life? Maybe I am. Maybe I’m a selfish asshole. Even as I think it, I start walking to the stairs, then climb them quickly. Because even if all that’s true, Alessa still belongs to me. That girl was mine from the moment I saw her. She’s had my heart in her hands for years. So yeah, I’m a self-centered dick for refusing to let her fall through my fingers. Because she’s mine, goddammit. And I’ll ruin her for any other man. I loosen my tie as I reach the second floor. If I have to fuck a baby into her virgin cunt right now, I will. That’ll bind her to me forever. She’s never going to marry that piece of shit Finnegan. Not when I can change everything by finally giving in to what I’ve wanted for so, so long. Claiming Alessa. Body and soul. When I open her bedroom door, I stop dead in my tracks. Is she trying to kill me?



look up to find Torino standing in the doorway to my bedroom. Our eyes meet for a brief moment. The look on his face is indescribable.

I drop my head. I don’t invite him in. I want him to come into my room because he wants to. Not because I asked him to. I pull the bed sheet up over my body. Since I’ve known Torino, he’s always either been distant or o somewhere else. He was still protective of me; he just did it from afar. There were a few times I’d wondered if he cared for me at all. Or if he only thought of me as a responsibility. I was always trying to get closer to him, wanting to crawl into his lap and hang all over him. “Are you crying?” He steps inside, closing the door behind him. I had peeled o the silly dress I was wearing and crawled into my bed. I’d had enough of the emotional rollercoaster for the night. I was being pulled in so many directions. I no longer knew what’s right anymore. I’m conflicted between

being loyal to my family name or finally having what I’ve wanted for so long. I’m not sure the latter is even possible. Torino walks over to the side of the bed and puts his finger under my chin to raise my gaze to his. “You confuse me.” He lets out a breath. “I’m sorry.” I know he’s not accustomed to saying those words. For him to use them carries a lot of weight. But what is he sorry for? Putting his hands on me? For getting in the way of my upcoming marriage? “For what?” I ask. Before today, I wouldn't have found the courage to ask him that. I’d be scared of what his answer might be. I don’t have that luxury any longer. Time is running out. “My lack of control when it comes to you. I’m fucking this all up.” He gently swipes at the tears that have fallen down my cheeks. I smile, loving that I can make Torino lose control. “Do you really think you can stop this wedding?” “You’re not marrying that asshole.” He drops his hand from my face. I instantly miss his touch. “I don’t think either of us can stop this.” “You doubt me?” I can see the determination in his eyes. As he stands before me, I have no doubt that one day he will lead the Rossi family. Power and authority surround him. But will I still be a Rossi then?

He puts his hands on the bed. His mouth is close to mine, but he doesn’t kiss me. “Do you want me to stop it, or do you want to marry him?” “I don’t want him.” I reach up, needing to touch him. When I brush my fingers along his jaw, he leans into my touch, silently asking for more. “I’ve only ever wanted you but—” He cuts me o , his mouth taking mine. This kiss isn’t rushed or dominating. It’s so sweet my eyes sting with tears. His fingers tangle in my hair, tilting my head to give him better access. My lips part to let his tongue in. I wrap my arms around him. He pulls me closer to him before he leans me back onto the bed, still kissing me. “You’re too damn sweet for this world.” “But you’ll protect me, won’t you?” “Always.” He kisses me again, pulling the sheet out from between us. “I need you, baby. Tell me I can have you.” My heart flutters. I’ve waited forever to hear those words from him. I pray it’s not too late for us. That he can stop this wedding somehow. “I’ve always been yours,” I say when his mouth leaves mine to travel down my neck. “You really shouldn’t say shit like that, Alessa.” The look in his eyes would scare most. Hell, the man I’m supposed to marry tried to hide his fear of Torino, but it was still evident. He doesn’t scare me in the least. Somehow, I know he would die to protect me.

“You want me to lie? To pretend I haven’t spent years wanting this? The two of us. You inside me. I can try, but I can’t stop my heart from wanting you. Even when I shouldn’t.” His hand on my hip tightens. “No lies between us. Ever.” I nod. “Now I’m going to claim what’s mine whether you want me to or not.” I whimper. His aggression turns me on more than anything else. “You like that, don't you? Me sneaking into your bedroom and taking whatever I want, whenever I want?” “Yes,” I admit. I lift my hips, trying to rub myself against him, but he has too many clothes on. “I’ve fantasized about it so many times.” “Fuck. I always knew you were perfect for me.” I whimper again. His words are going to be my undoing. He slips down my body and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. My back tries to come o the bed, but I get nowhere, being pinned underneath him. “Your body was made to carry Rossi boys.” All of the Rossi men are big. There is no doubt ours would be the same. His mouth goes to my other breast, giving it the same attention. “What about little Rossi girls?” I challenge. “I’d take anything you are willing to give me.” His mouth travels lower. “I’m just pleased to know this body can handle anything I put inside it.” He kisses my stomach.

Are we really talking about this? Him putting a baby inside of me? For all I know he might have already done it with how he pushed his cum into me. “I want that. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.” I’ve always known what my duty is, and I want to follow that path. To stand beside my husband and rule. The Rossi men treat their wives as equals. At least Carlito does with Mom. He trusts her. I want that from Torino, and I think I could have it. But I know other families aren’t the same way. Finnegan wouldn’t give me anything even close to that sort of respect. But I don’t want to think about any of that. I want to be here, in this moment with Torino. “I’m going to give it to you. It’s me and no one else. Understand, piccolina mia?” “Yes.” I feel high, the anticipation and desire mixing until I can barely breathe. His mouth hovers over my sex. I’m still on edge from not getting to come earlier. I watch as he lowers his mouth. His tongue slips out, going straight for my clit. “So fucking sweet.” His eyes meet mine. A wicked smile pulls on his lips. “And all fucking mine.” He buries his face between my thighs, devouring me. I’m so on edge that the first orgasm hits me fast, but Torino doesn’t stop. He licks and sucks every drop up until I’m coming again. My sex clenches, needing more. “I need more,” I beg. “Inside me. Please.” Torino lifts his head, coming to his knees. I watch as he strips himself of his clothes. His muscles flex with each movement. He has to be three times bigger than me. My heart starts to pound at the thought of what is about to

happen. Once I give myself to him, there will be no going back. Not that I want to. “Are you ready for me, piccolina?” “Does it matter?” I ask as he comes down over top of me. I spread my thighs wider, welcoming him. “No. I can’t wait any longer.” The head of his cock starts to push inside me. “No one will ever take you from me. No one will ever see you like this but me.” I cry out as he pushes inside all the way. He kisses me, mu ing the sounds. His cock stretches me. I feel completely full. It’s as if he’s everywhere. As much as it hurts, it’s perfect too. “Piccolina mia.” He kisses my cheeks and anywhere else his mouth can reach. I can feel the strain of his muscles. As if he’s fighting for control. This big powerful man is over me, but the reality is I’m the one with the power. “It’s better.” I try to lift my hips. His cock slips a little deeper. Slowly, he pulls out and thrusts back in. “Fuck. Nothing has ever felt this good.” I dig my fingers into his back as he starts to thrust in and out faster. Another orgasm is starting to build as he hits just the right spot. This one is deeper than all the others. “Torino.” I whisper. “It’s…It’s…” “Everything,” he finishes for me. “Let go, piccolina mia, I’ve got you. Always.” I scream his name as the orgasm hits me. It rips through my whole body, cascading through every inch of me. Torino lets out a groan. My name comes from his lips like a prayer.

He thrusts all the way inside of me as he starts to come. My sex clenches around him as his warmth spills inside of me. I wrap myself around him, his cock jerking inside of me as he keeps coming. “Fuck,” he grits out, burying his face in my neck. “You will be my wife,” he vows. To hear those words is everything to me. But the reality is, we could end up destroying our family in the process.



he fuck is up with you?” Lou asks as we walk into the warehouse with the busted dock. “You’re being weird.” “Yeah.” Anthony nods his agreement. “Nothing’s up with me,” I lie. “For the past week, you’ve been just staring o , and sometimes you get this smile on your face.” Lou stops in front of me, his dark eyes squinting. “When are you going to come clean?” “Come clean?” I ask. “Who are you banging?” Anthony translates. “Fuck o .” I push past Lou. “Man, we only want to know what’s going on. Things are tense right now, especially with the Perths. This wedding has our world on edge, and it won’t settle down until it’s done.” I spin and point my finger in Lou’s face. “There isn’t going to be a wedding.”

Anthony and Lou exchange a look. The two of them have been by my side since we were kids. Their fathers were trusted soldiers who worked for Carlito, so it made sense for them to become close to me. But they aren’t just soldiers, not to me. They’re friends. And I know they’d die for me if it came to it. Friends like those are hard to find in this world. I should tell them, lay it all out. But I can’t. It’s too new, too precious. This thing with Alessa has to stay a secret. She’s scared to go against our parents’ wishes. I get that. I’m not afraid, even though I know it’s going to cause a major shitstorm, but I want her to feel comfortable, to know that I’m never leaving her side. I need every last bit of her trust before we jump o this cli together. So I have to keep it secret until— “It’s Alessa, isn’t it?” Anthony smirks. “Has to be,” Lou agrees. I stare at them. “How the fuck did you—” “How’d we know you’ve been in love with Alessa for the past …” Lou scratches his chin. “How many years has it been, Anthony?” Anthony shrugs. “Let’s just say since she was 18, for legal reasons, eh?” Lou snorts. “Right. Let’s go with that.” I try to keep a poker face, but I fail. Because, holy shit, if they can see it so plainly, who else has noticed? “Don’t worry, Torino. We’ll keep your secret. Always have.” Anthony claps me on the shoulder. “Is it that obvious?”

“No.” Lou shakes his head. “I mean, we know you, man. You’re like a brother. A big, asshole-ish, bossy brother.” “With a bad attitude,” Anthony adds in. “Enough.” I try to keep my voice stern, but my mind is going fifty miles a second. Worry eats away at me, but there’s also … relief. Anthony and Lou are trustworthy, and they don’t seem the least bit fazed. “Who else knows?” “No one.” Lou straightens his suit coat. He’s almost as tall as I am, and just as broad. “If anyone said shit, I’d know. But, like I said, Anthony and I know you better than anyone, T.” I take a deep breath and let it out. “You could’ve told us.” Anthony crosses his arms over his chest. “What are you going to do about Finnegan Perth?” Lou gets right back to business. “I’ve thought about killing him,” I admit. Just the thought of him touching Alessa makes my blood boil, but I have to be smart. Calculating. My family comes first. If I strike against Finnegan, the repercussions would come back on my father, and worst of all, might hurt Alessa. I won’t let that happen. “So let’s kill him.” Anthony cracks his knuckles. “No, we need to be smart. Dad wants peace. That’s why he agreed to this marriage in the first place.” I sigh and look up at the darkening sky. “The wedding would cement a truce between us. Not that I’ll let it happen. I’ll never let Alessa go.”

“Seems like you’re stuck, then.” Lou reaches out and opens the warehouse door for me. “Seems like maybe you need your two best soldiers to help you out.” We stride in and look over our operation. Pallets of drugs and smuggled goods line the walls and form neat rows. Along the very back are some high-powered servers and cooling rigs where we mine for bitcoin and other dodgy investments. My thoughts stray back to Alessa. For the past week, I’ve been spending every free moment with her. In her bed. Between her thighs. Kissing her lips until I don’t know whose breath is whose. She’s everything I ever wanted, and I can’t get enough. But after what happened with that twat Finnegan, the wedding is only two weeks away. Hell, she’s out dress shopping right now. Alessa and I are making love on borrowed time, and I can’t see a way out. But she’s depending on me to fix this, to make our happily ever after come true, and I’ll be damned if I let her down. “I just need a plan. One that keeps Carlito happy but also keeps Alessa as a Rossi.” I lower my voice so our workers don’t hear our conversation. Money counters and chemists all work together in this space, and I’m in charge of every last part of the operation. Dad has already given over plenty of control to me, but he’s still the head of the family. The one who decides what happens to Alessa. I stop walking so quickly that Anthony bumps into me. “Maybe that’s it.” “Maybe what’s it?” he asks. “Maybe it’s time for Dad to finally retire.”

Lou’s eyes widen. “Seriously?” “Yeah.” I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this sooner. “He’s been talking about it for years.” I pull them to the side where I know no one is listening. “What if I take over the family now? Take Alessa as my bride. My father is the one who promised her hand, not me. I won’t be breaking any agreement if I take her for myself.” Lou’s forehead wrinkles, and Anthony doesn’t look sold on the idea. “Maybe?” “Not maybe. Definitely.” This is the way to keep her a Rossi, to make her my wife. Hell, she may already be carrying my child. Damn, why does the thought of Alessa holding our baby in her arms give me so many feelings? I can’t hold back my smile. Lou and Anthony exchange yet another look, then Anthony shrugs. “Man, you look giddy. I like it. Not all brooding like usual. I’m in. If she makes you happy, then let’s do it.” “Me too. I always like some family drama, maybe a little war, bloodshed, shit like that.” Lou grins. “Now you’re going to pick me as your best man, right?” Anthony glares at him. “Fuck you, Lou.” For the first time, I see a way through this. A way that keeps Alessa safe and by my side. Now I only have to sell the plan to the most powerful, most feared, and most long-lived mob boss in this city, maybe even this part of the country... my father.




t’s not right,” I hu . Tears sting my eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. What the heck is wrong with me? I’m never one to focus much on what I wear, but today is di erent. It’s not that I can’t pick something, it’s that nothing feels right because I’m not choosing it to walk down the aisle toward Torino. “Then we’ll keep looking, honey. It will be fine. We’ll find something eventually.” Mom comes to stand behind me. “But you’re right. This dress isn’t you either.” Her eyes meet mine in the giant mirror in front of us. I can see the salespeople scurrying around behind us trying to find me something else to try on. They probably think I’m a brat. I hate being rude. “I’m sorry.” “Nothing to be sorry for. You only get one wedding. Well, unless he kicks the bucket.” She smirks. There was no love lost when my father died. If anything, I was happy. The way he treated my mom made me hate him. But I knew to keep my mouth shut because opening it would have only made things worse for her.

For the first time I wonder if she did something to help him kick that bucket... Which in turn makes me think if I could do the same thing with Finnegan. He could die on our wedding night. No one would ever suspect me. My own thoughts actually surprise me, but I’ll do what I have to do in order to be with Torino. The girls have me try on a few more dresses, but they don’t work either. Honestly, I have no idea what I’m looking for. But if I want this to end, I'll have to pretend in my head I’m not planning my wedding with Finnegan but with Torino. I decide that’s the only way I’m going to get through this. It’ll make it a bit more fun if I picture doing all this for him. That way I’ll be able to enjoy the wedding planning, trusting that Torino will come through with his vow to me. “You know I wasn't sure how pink on pink would look, but really it’s perfect.” Mom shows me a picture on her phone that the wedding planner sent over for the table settings. We’re in the back of the limo headed home. It’s an explosion of pink, but she’s right, it fits. “I think my groom can pull o pink.” The men will be in all gray suits with pink ties. I have no doubt that Torino’s men can make pink masculine. “I’m not so sure about that,” Mom says, responding to the email. No, Finnegan couldn’t pull it o . He’s a pussy, though. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at myself. I’ve been hanging out with Torino too much because I’m now calling Finnegan a pussy, too. I gaze out the window, my mind going back to Torino. The past few weeks have been more than I could have ever

expected from him. He wants me. The man can’t keep his hands o me. Even the nights he comes home late, he still slips into my bed and wakes me with his mouth between my thighs. It’s a crazy change from how he used to be. I mean, before I could barely get him to stay in a room with me for more than a few minutes. He made sure to always keep some space between us but still had this way of hovering over me. I don’t know how he pulled that o , but he did. Now I wonder how long Torino might have wanted me. Is that why he’s always been so protective? When I think back, I’m starting to think some of his outbursts about me weren't from being overprotective but from him being jealous. The thought makes me giddy on the inside. God knows I’ve had my jealous moments over him. Especially those nights he’s come home late. It’s so ingrained in me not to ask questions about what the men might be up to and to trust that they will share what they see fit. With my real father it made me feel beneath him, but with the Rossi men it’s di erent. They do it to protect us. My phone vibrates in my purse. I pull it out to check it. My chest warms when I see it’s a text from Torino. It’s been fun sneaking around. As much as I want everyone to know about us, it’s nice having this special secret between us. I know it can’t last long, but I’m going to treasure it for now. Torino: Get home. I need you. His text is straight and to the point. I clench my thighs together, knowing what he needs. A small part of me fears this is only about sex. I can’t put that all on him, though. I’m jumping him the second we are alone. I can’t seem to get enough of him.

I don’t know about sex for other people, but I feel so close to Torino when he makes love to me. I’ve never had a connection like this with anyone else. And I never want to have it with anyone but him. I bite my lip, wondering if he’s had it with someone in the past. I don’t respond to his text. Partly because I know it will work him up, and because I’m being petty about my own inner thoughts. My mood is all over the place lately. “After your wedding, it might be time to find your brother a bride.” My heart drops at my mom's o -handed comment. She is too preoccupied typing away on her phone to see my reaction. “Stepbrother,” I tell her. She lifts her head. I’ve never corrected her before on it, but I can’t help but do it now. “Stepbrother,” she agrees, her eyes staying locked with mine. I don’t break the stare. This moment is important. I never want to challenge my mom, but this is di erent. I can feel it, like a charge in the air. “Okay.” She smiles. I swear I see approval in her eyes, or maybe that’s just a foolish idea. Not as foolish as her trying to find a woman for Torino, though. If that happened, Finnegan won’t be the only one I’ll think about o ng. That’s not only meant for the intended bride either. By the time I’m done with Torino for agreeing to such a thing, the possibility for Rossi heirs would be dead in the water. I smile to myself. Unless there’s already one inside of me.




er big eyes watch me as she takes me to the back of her throat. When she gags a little, her mouth compresses around my cock, and I have to grit my teeth to keep from coming down her throat. My hands tangled in her hair, I guide her along my shaft. She makes wet noises, her lips swollen as my fat head slips between them and slides along her tongue. Fuck, I’ve wanted this for so long. How did I manage to deny myself for so many years? She pushes forward, taking me deeper, her eyes watering. “Jesus, you trying to make me come?” I pull free from her mouth and lift her onto the bed. “I wasn’t finished,” she pouts. “Don’t give a fuck.” I spread her thighs and lick the wetness from her cunt, then delve my tongue inside her. She moans and arches, her body ready for me. But I want more of this, all of this. Reaching under her, I grab her ass and flip her over.

“Torino?” She looks back at me, confusion on her face. Spreading her cheeks, I run my tongue along her pink slit from the back. Her breath hitches, and I do it again, then go further and tongue her pretty little asshole. Her toes curl. “Torino!” “Shh.” I kiss her ass, then lick it again and again until she’s moaning and shaking. Sliding two fingers down her soaked cunt, I slip them inside her, finger-fucking her while I suck and kiss her asshole. “Torino, I can’t. I can’t …” She moans loudly, her body starting to freeze, her hips jerking. But she’s too loud. Someone might hear. I climb onto her, and she makes a frustrated cry when I take my fingers out. But then I sink them into her mouth as I plunge my cock into her from behind. Her body shudders, and she licks her taste o my fingers like a good girl. She squeezes me perfectly, taking my cock deep and drawing a groan from me. “My good girl,” I breathe into her ear. “Torino, I need you. Harder.” I turn her face to mine and kiss her mouth, tasting her cunt on her tongue as I slam into her. Our bodies jar and shake, our kiss becoming wild, but I don’t stop. If my Alessa says she wants it hard, then that’s what she gets. She breaks away and gasps in a breath. “Yes!”

I lift up and grip her shoulder, yanking her back onto my cock as I thrust into her. “Give it to me, piccolina mia. Give me every last bit of that sweet cunt. I want to feel you come all over my cock.” I use my other hand to grip her hip, steadying her as I ram into her. My balls are already drawn up, ready to release. But I won’t come until she’s calling my name, until she’s whimpering as her body milks me. “You like this? You want more?” I already know what she needs from me. “Please.” Her voice is a needy whine that turns my blood to lava. Reaching beneath her, I strum her clit. Her hips jerk, and then she moans. I use my other hand to cover her mouth as I surge into her again and again as she comes hard, her pussy bearing down on me, demanding my seed. So I give it to her, filling her up as I bite her shoulder, leaving my mark on her as I coat her in my cum. When it’s over and we’re lying in a pile of mussed sheets, I smile down at her where she lies on my chest. “You like it rough?” “I like it with you.” She shrugs, her eyes glinting. “Any way I can get it, as long as it’s with you.” “Forever.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “Forever?” “You doubt me?”

“Never.” She nibbles her lip. “I was just wondering …” “Yes?” I slide my hand to her ass and knead it. I love the way it fits in my palm. “I was wondering how long you’ve been, you know …” “In love with you?” I finish for her. Her eyes widen. “You’re in love with me?” “Isn’t it obvious?” I almost laugh. “I’ve loved you for years.” “You have?” “Oh piccolina mia, I wanted you the moment we met.” “But when we met, you were eighteen, and I was—” “Shh.” I stop her mouth with a kiss. “Doesn’t matter.” I knew when I saw her what she would be to me. I stopped playing games with other women, not willing to chance fucking up what we would have together. I knew we’d have enough problems to be solved. “Perv.” She giggles. “For you? Absolutely.” I squeeze her ass a little harder, my cock waking up and wanting more. “I’ve loved you, too, Torino.” She meets my gaze again, her eyes serious now. “I’ve always loved you, even when I didn’t realize what that feeling was. I knew it was you. You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.” My heart seems to swell to twice its normal size, and I swear to God I get chills all through me. “You mean it?” “Yes.” She cups my cheek and kisses me softly. “I love you, Torino. Forever.”

How does she manage to light me up like a fucking Christmas tree with those words? I don’t know, but she does. I want to hear her say it again and again—every day for the rest of our lives. “But we have a problem.” She sighs. “Just one?” I smirk. She smacks my chest. “Okay, maybe a few.” “I wanted to talk to you about that, but we needed to get your pussy handled first.” “My pussy comes first?” She arches a brow. “Always, piccolina mia. I want your kitty to purr contentedly at all times.” She laughs and playfully bites my chest. “She’s purring now, so you can continue.” “Excellent.” I love just being with her. I want to say that out loud, but I don’t want to jinx this, to change anything about how I feel in this moment. “So I think what we need to do is —” A knock sounds at her door. “Alessa?” Fuck, it’s Allegra. Good thing I locked the door. “Go!” Alessa hisses and jumps from the bed so fast she startles Tinker from his catbed near the bathroom. “Alessa, the door’s locked,” Allegra calls. “Coming!” Alessa rushes to grab her clothes from the floor. I sit up and grab her, yanking her into my arms and kissing her as she wriggles in my grasp.

“Alessa, we need to talk.” Running my fingers up her thighs, I slide them along her pussy. She moans and tries to push away. “Alessa, what’s wrong?” “Nothing!” The panic in her voice is adorable as she pulls herself away from me and throws her dress on over her head, inside out. “Get in the bathroom, you maniac!” She takes my hand and pulls me to my feet, then shu es me into the bathroom. “Go through to the other room. Don’t get caught in this wing of the house.” I lick my fingers, then kiss her once more before she slams the door shut in my face. Pressing my forehead to the door, I can only think one thing. I fucking love that girl.




hate this. I’ve been dreading today since the night my mom almost caught Torino and me together. She’d come to my room to tell me that we were going to a party at the Perth home. Now I’m all dolled up and walking into the gaudy, overdone mansion. The place screams of money but not in a good way. I already know my mom thinks this place is tacky. I can’t believe she and Carlito want me to marry into this family, because they hate everything about them. A bitterness I wasn’t expecting hits me suddenly. Why would my mom do this to me? I know it’s my duty, but did it have to be this family? One they clearly despise? I almost can’t believe that she is willing to shackle me to them in order to solidify our family’s future. I hate that train of thought. Mom has never done anything that wasn’t for the best. She’s always telling me to trust her. And that things will work out as they should. They usually do in most cases. I should trust in that, but I’m finding it hard right now. It doesn't help that my mood was soured when I saw Torino. He, too, is dressed up. His suit fits him perfectly, showing o

his big build. No suit could ever hide that. Even his hair is styled. He looks so damn handsome. I wanted to reach over the whole ride here and run my fingers through his hair and ruin it. I had to control myself, considering my mom and Carlito were in the car with us. This hiding our relationship thing is really starting to get old. It was fun at first. Not so much anymore. Especially now that we’re heading into a party, and he’s going to be the most handsome, and likely the most powerful, man in the room. I’m sure every single woman and even the not-sosingle ones will fall at his feet, begging for his attention. I clench my teeth, knowing there is nothing I can do to stop that. I’ll have to stand on the sidelines all night and watch these vultures hit on my man. I snag a glass of champagne when a server walks by, then chug it down. I don’t normally drink, but I’m thinking I might need it tonight. My phone vibrates in my little clutch purse. I already know it’s Torino. I ignore it, grabbing another glass of champagne, trying to melt into the crowd of people in an attempt to delay Finnegan finding me. A hand grabs my elbow in a firm hold. I don’t have to look to know who it is. I know Torino’s touch. It’s always possessive. He pulls me close to him, his mouth going to my ear. “You need to slow down with the alcohol.” His tone is curt. I smirk and raise my fresh glass of champagne to my lips and take a big drink. His jaw flexes. I can’t tell from the heat in his eyes if he’s mad or turned on by my rebellion. “I will punish you.”

I suck in a breath, my face warming thinking about what he would do to punish me. Would he bend me over a table and pull my dress up around my waist before ripping my panties down my legs and spanking me? Would he lose control and end up taking me hard against the table? I clench my thighs together at the thought. “Alessa.” He growls my name. My face gives away everything I’m thinking. Torino always knows how to read me. “Torino. There you are. I’ve missed you.” I turn at the sultry voice. “You haven’t been around lately.” The beautiful woman pu s out her overstu ed bottom lip in a pout. She’s all done up. From her skintight red dress and five-inch heels that I would kill myself in, to her impeccable makeup. I hate her instantly. “Natalia.” He greets her. The woman’s dark eyes flash to me but quickly dismiss me. I jerk my elbow out of Torino’s hold. “Oh. Is this your little sister?” “Yeah. I’m his little sister.” I don’t give Torino a chance to grab at me again. I want to claw the woman's eyes out, but more than that, I want him to shut her down. Who the hell is she? They must have some kind of past. I hate the hurt that builds up inside my chest. All these years I’ve dreamt of nothing but him while he was out there fucking every other woman, killing time. Bullshit. “Alessa,” Torino calls after me. His tone is filled with warning. Anyone else would stop in fear of his wrath, but I’m not everyone else. I slip through the crowd easily and make

my escape. I’m not going to stand there and watch some woman fawn all over him. I down the rest of my drink, already feeling that warm fuzziness that drinking gives me when I indulge. I know that I can’t say crap without giving myself away as the jealous lover. But this does make me wonder if this will happen often when I can finally be at Torino’s side. Will di erent women always be coming on to him? My stomach starts to turn as my thoughts try to get away from me. Mistresses. Most men have them. I knew my father had a handful of them. Mom was actually happy about it. I don’t think she’d be the same about her new husband. He can’t keep his hands o her. “Alessa.” Finnegan steps in front of me. I force a smile onto my face. “My beautiful bride to be.” He grabs my hand. I try to tug it free, but he doesn't let go. I have no choice but to go unless I want to cause a scene. “I’ve been wanting some time alone with you.” He grabs me another drink o a tray. “That’s not proper.” I try to pull on my hand again, but still I get nowhere. “Who wants to be proper?” He smirks, pulling me into his side. “You’ll be mine soon enough anyway.” I don’t miss the smell of perfume on him. Or the lipstick smudge on his neck. Men. I’m starting to think they’re all the same. I’ve been naïve to ever think otherwise.




he’s disappeared. I pull at the neck of my dress shirt.

“Calm, son.” Dad hands me a champagne flute. “We’re swimming with the sharks, in their grubby little sea for the moment.” I take the champagne and down it, but I don’t stop scanning the room for a glimpse of Alessa. She shouldn’t be here. Not at this overdone shithole. Not when there are predators and fake smiles all around us. “So good to have you here.” Elaine Perth smiles, her toowhite teeth gleaming. “I hope you enjoy yourselves at our little impromptu engagement party.” “Thank you for throwing this.” My father gives her a nod. Despite his cool demeanor, he’s on edge. Enemy territory is never a good place to be, even if we’re supposed to be forming an alliance with this family. They aren’t blood, and the wedding hasn’t happened. It will never happen. Elaine leans closer, so close I can smell the hard booze on her breath and see the little dab of white powder inside her nostril. “I think the love birds have flown the coop together. Perhaps getting a head start on a little Perth heir.”

Without a word, I turn on my heel and push through the crowd. I can hear my father making apologies for me to Elaine. Like I give a shit. If her dickhead of a son has touched my Alessa, there will be consequences. Ones that will make a little rudeness from me seem like a sweet dream. I push out into the hallway, then hurry down the corridor, passing Perth soldiers who stare but don’t make a move. They know my reputation, and I’m certain they’ve been told that this party is supposed to be violence-free. What they don’t know is if one of them tries to stop me right now, I’d drop him with a bullet between the eyes without thinking twice. Taking the stairs two at a time, I hurry to the residence part of the home. A guard stands waiting just in front of a long hallway. He steps in front of me and crosses his arms. “Party’s downstairs.” I reach for my gun. That’s when I hear her cry. Alessa. The guard turns his head toward the sound. I take the opening and clock him with a vicious right. He falls hard, lights out. Running down the hall, I stop when I hear her again, then aim a kick at the door where the sound is coming from. “—o me!” She’s fighting Finnegan, who’s wrestled her onto the bed. “Get o her!” I roar and lunge for him, yanking him up by his jacket. I wrap my forearm around his throat and squeeze as he struggles and slams me back against the wall, shaking some art onto the ground. Glass shatters, and all I can see is

the fear in Alessa’s eyes, the way her hands shake as she sits up. “Don’t you ever. Fucking. Touch. Her.” I punctuate each word with an even harder squeeze on his throat. “Torino.” She wipes away a tear and stands. His struggling lessens, and I walk him forward, keeping my arm barred at his throat. He’s getting woozy, no oxygen making it to his big dumb brain as I cut o his air. “Torino.” Alessa walks toward me. “Stay back.” I don’t trust him not to reach for her, to try and hurt her again. She nods and looks at him, then away. “I think you’re kkilling him.” Her voice is a whisper. “It’s what he deserves. I’ll kill anyone who hurts you, Alessa.” He drops, his full weight hanging on me as he passes out. Still, I keep squeezing, and I hold her gaze. “I’ll never let something like that go unpunished.” Pounding footsteps echo along the hall behind me. “You have to let him go. They’ll kill you.” She holds up a hand. “Please, Torino.” I want to do what she says. I really do. But I can’t. Not when I think about what this motherfucker was trying to do, trying to take from her when she was clearly unwilling. No, I’m not letting him go. “Put him down!” someone behind me yells. “It’s Torino. Shit,” another one says.

I don’t let go. Not even when I feel the touch of cold, hard steel to the back of my neck. “I said put him down.” Alessa’s eyes water and overflow, and she shakes her head at me. “Please, Torino. Let him go.” “I can’t. Not when he’ll just hurt you again.” “No, don’t!” Her eyes dart to something behind me, and then I hear a crack, feel a burst of pain at the back of my head, and my vision goes dark.

“—could be admitted, but I know that’s not what you want.” “If he needs to go to the hospital.” “Alessa.” I force her name out as I try to open my eyes. “Jesus, Torino.” My father’s voice, tense and hard. “What the fuck were you thinking?” “Where is she?” “She’s in her room with her mother, though it took a lot of convincing to get her to leave your side. She’s a good sister.” I open my eyes. “Stepsister.” He stares at me, his gaze inscrutable. “Now that he’s awake, I think it’s safe to say he’s out of the woods. I’ll leave some hydros for—” “Get that shit out of here. We deal in hard drugs, but not that garbage,” my father barks.

“Noted.” Our family doctor backs out of the room and closes the door. My father’s gaze returns to me. This time I can see disappointment in it. “You acted rashly. You almost killed Finnegan. Goddammit, son! That’s not something you have the luxury of doing when you’re in charge of a family like ours.” “I’d do it again.” I sit up despite the ringing in my ears and the vicious ache coming from the back of my head. “He was trying to rape her.” He rubs his temples. “It’s not that cut and dried. They’re engaged, Torino. He was drunk and just trying to get her to warm up to him.” “You really believe that?” I reach up and find a bandage wrapped around my head. He sighs. “It doesn’t matter what I believe. This wedding is going to happen. It has to. I don’t want a war looming over our future. Over your future. Something like that—it could end the Rossi line. Don’t you understand that? You’re the last heir. The only one who can continue our legacy, and if you take an assassin’s bullet because of some goddamn feud between our family and the Perths, that’s it. I can’t let that happen to you, son. Don’t you see that? This marriage will protect you.” I try to see it from his point of view. He’s worried about me. I get that. I really do, but it doesn’t make a di erence. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Alessa by my side. I should tell him. But I need to speak to Alessa first, make sure she’s ready to take the next steps.

“I know you think I’m young and rash. I’m not. I’m a man who knows exactly what he wants.” I grunt and swing my legs over the side of the bed. “Maybe you know what you want, but I’m the one who can see what you need. Lie down. Rest. I have to meet Finnegan and Gene to discuss what happened and repair the damage you’ve done.” “Take Lou and Anthony.” The room swims in my vision. “Rest.” He stands, his knees popping as he backs away. “Listen.” He pauses for a long time. “I’m glad you stood up for Alessa. I’m proud of you. Always will be. But I need you to understand that every action you take, it has consequences. Sometimes, those consequences can be unbearable.” “I’ll take whatever those Perth cunts throw at me.” My eyes go heavy and close on their own. His voice comes from far away. “I hope that’s true, son. I really do.”




stare out the window, thinking about everything that happened, trying to be strong. All I want to do is cry, but tears don’t solve anything. I don’t have to look to know my mom is watching my every move. She hasn’t really said much except to reassure me Torino is going to be okay. I try to erase the images of him crumpling to the floor after one of the Perth soldiers knocked him unconscious. As scared as I was, I somehow knew he would be okay. That there was no way Torino was going to leave me so that Finnegan could have me. He made a vow to me, and I know he’ll never break it. He proved he’ll protect me with his own life. I’m pretty sure death wouldn’t even stop him. God knows my mom isn’t going to save me. I’m barely able to look at her right now. I’m not sure if I am going to scream or burst into tears. My emotions are all over the place. My heart is being pulled in di erent directions. It’s only a matter of time before it shatters. “Alessa.” Mom says my name softly. I spin around to face her. “The doctor said he’s going to be fine. He needs to rest for now.”

“And then what?” “Honey.” Her face softens, and she takes a step toward me. I retreat. “Don’t honey me.” I shake my head and turn back around before I say something I might regret one day. “Alessa.” She tries again. “Am I still getting married?” I ask, cutting her o . The silence in the room grows. “There is nothing else to be said at this point.” “What’s changed?” she asks. “You were okay with marrying Finnegan and now you’re not.” “What’s changed with you? It’s always been you and me. Now it’s you and Carlito.” I turn back around to face her. “Finnegan tried to rape me. Is that what you want for me? To live a life with a man that would do that to me?” What if he had gotten me pregnant? The thought makes me want to throw up. I would never want to bring a child into this world with that vile man. I can’t even imagine what Torino would have done if that happened. He almost killed Finnegan for putting his hands on me. I’ve heard the rumors about how ruthless Torino can be when it comes to protecting his family, but I’ve never seen him in action. “Okay. I’ll get you out.” Mom breaks me from my thoughts. “Wait. What?” Her face is serious. Did I hear her right? “I’ll get you out.” She crosses the room to stand in front of me. “But there will be no coming back.” Her hand comes up, brushing my cheek. “It will be goodbye.”

A lump forms in my throat at the thought of never seeing her again. Of leaving the life I’m so accustomed to. “You’d do that?” “I’ve always had an out for you, Alessa. There's a passport and money hidden away in case. This life isn’t for everyone.” What exactly is she saying? Is she really suggesting that I leave everything behind? I could never leave Torino. What if us leaving was the only way for us to be together? I want to do what’s right for the family, but in saying that, it’s not right for my family. I hate that it feels like I’m not on my mom's team. We’ve always stuck together, but I have my own future to think about now. “I want this to be my life but not married to Finnegan.” Tears slide down my cheeks. “We can come up with another plan then. We have a little time.” I wipe my cheeks. “I want to be stronger.” “It’s these moments that make us stronger.” She wraps her arms around me. I hug her back. “Sleep. We’ll talk more about this tomorrow.” She kisses me on my cheek before she leaves my bedroom. I need to see Torino. I’m not sure if I should tell him about Mom saying she has an out for me or not. I don’t know how he might handle that. It could cause more problems. The reality is that’s our problem. We’re not all on the same page. Torino and I need to come clean. There really are no other options. Not if we all want to face this together. This charade can’t go on. I’d be showing up to my wedding night not a virgin. There is no way Finnegan would miss

that. Unless he was extra drunk. I place my hand over my stomach. It’s probably too early to know, but I could already be knocked up. The truth will come out sooner or later. It always does. After waiting a bit longer, I decide to slip out of my bedroom. I don’t get far, considering Torino is standing there as soon as I open the door. I grab him by the arm and pull him into my room before shutting and locking the door behind him. “You should be lying down.” Even though I’m scolding him, I couldn’t be happier that he’s here. I pull him over toward the bed. “Want to lie down with you.” His words are a bit slurred. I pull the blanket back, getting him into the bed. I crawl in next to him. “I’m sorry,” I say, cuddling close to him. “You didn’t do anything.” He pulls me in tighter to him. “I did. I was being a brat. I was jealous of the pretty woman who was pawing at you and talking about missing you. If I had stayed, this would never have happened.” “I have no idea who you’re talking about.” He nuzzles my neck. “You’re the only girl I ever see, Alessa. I promise you that. If you knew how true that was, you'd be running from me.” “I’d never run from you,” I whisper. “I’d find you if you tried.” He kisses my neck. What if running is actually the only option? At this rate, Torino is going to get himself killed.




he sleeps soundly against my chest, her lashes dusting her cheeks as she dreams. It’s morning, the sun peeking through her windows. I’ve been awake for a while. Thinking. After last night, I know I can’t let this continue. She won’t be safe with Finnegan. I flex my fingers. I should’ve killed him. The moment I saw the fear in Alessa’s eyes, I knew it was over. I won’t sit by and let her get hurt, not by Finnegan, not by anyone. It’s time to tell my father. “You’re awake.” She reaches up and swipes the hair o forehead. “Where’s your bandage?”


“Don’t need it. I’m good as new as long as you’re in my arms.” She smiles. A fucking angel tucked up next to me. “Does it hurt?” “I’m fine.” I pull her onto my chest, her legs parting as she straddles me. “What I want to know is if you’re all right.” I search her face. “Did he hurt you?”

“No.” She shakes her head, and I feel a shiver pulse through her. Pulling her down, I wrap her in my arms again. “I should’ve been there.” “It’s not your fault. I’m the one who ran o was being … jealous.”

like a fool. Ugh. I

“Right, you said something about a girl?” “Yeah,” she says sheepishly. “I swear to you, Alessa, you’re it for me. I don’t care about anyone else but you. Us. You never have to be jealous, though I must admit—” I slide my hands down her sides, feeling her warmth beneath her nightshirt. “I kind of like it.” She bites my shoulder. “Get used to it. You’re mine, Torino.” “I fucking love the sound of that.” I thrust my hips up, my cock rubbing against the heat between her thighs. Then I stop. Shit, Finnegan tried to hurt her just last night. I need to slow down. “What was that?” She peers into my eyes. “What?” “You sort of went sti .” She smirks. “But not in the good way.” I kiss her forehead. “I want you to feel comfortable.” “I am.” She moves her hips. I grip them, locking her in place. “Alessa, stop.” “What?” she asks innocently and bats her lashes. “Stop doing this?” She grips her shirt and strips it o , giving me a

view of her mouthwatering tits. “Does this upset you?” she asks and pinches one of her nipples. “Dammit, Alessa.” I roll her onto her back, pinning her beneath me. “I’m trying to be gentle with you.” “Why would you do something like that?” She licks her lips. “After last night …” “Last night just made me want you, us, more. Nothing’s changed between us. With you, I’m safe. With you—” She spreads her legs wide. “I can let go. I’m not scared, Torino. Not of you. Never of you.” Her words are like darts straight into my cold heart, making it beat only for her. I kiss her, claiming her mouth with a vengeance. She is safe with me. Finnegan’s already signed his death warrant for trying to force himself on her. When I finally come up for air, she reaches between us and unfastens my pants, then pushes them and my boxer briefs down. Without a word, I thrust into her, making that connection between us burn brighter than a lightning bolt. She arches, a moan rising from her lips as I start fucking her long and slow. Taking my time, enjoying her body, her sounds, everything she has to o er. I leave marks on her, hickeys and bites. She’s a woman who belongs to a man, one who’ll die to keep her safe. I don’t hold back, not when we’re together like this. We spend all morning in her bed. Half of it fucking, half of it talking. “I have to go.” I kiss her again, tasting all of her sweetness.

“I never want you to leave this bed.” She wraps her arms around my neck. “That makes two of us.” I kiss down her chest to her tits and suck each nipple. She runs her fingers through my hair, yanking the strands as I bite her lightly, adding to the marks I already left on her round tits. “Go,” she grumbles but doesn’t release my hair. “You have to go before you end up inside me again. Mom will probably be along any minute.” I palm her tit and squeeze it, then kiss down her stomach. “I can give you one more. Like a parting gift.” I keep moving lower. “Torino!” She tries to scoot away from me. “I’ll scream if you put your tongue there again.” “Good.” I smirk and move my head lower. The bed moves, and I look over to find Tinker sitting beside me, his feline eyes judging me. “What?” I squint at him. “See? Even Tinker knows.” She tries to pull her knees together. “If Mom catches us …” She shudders. “I can’t deal with that. I want to tell her when we’re both—” “Fully clothed?” I ask and lick her warm cunt. “Torino!” She pushes my head away and scrambles out from underneath me. I let her. This time, anyway, she’s right. “Fine. But I’ll be back later to finish what we started.”

She raises a brow as she reaches for her nightshirt. “I’m pretty sure we finished several times already.” I smirk. “Never enough.” “You need to see the doc, too. I know you want to act tough, but that bump on the back of your head has to hurt.” “Act tough?” I reach out and yank her back into the bed. “You think it’s an act?” I kiss her neck. She giggles. “Okay, okay. You’re tough. Now go see the doctor. Hey!” She smacks my hand when I try to reach under her nightshirt. “We just agreed for you to go.” “Did we?” I kiss her again. She melts for me, perfect in my arms. The door swings open so quickly I’m only halfway to my gun when I look up. Dad and Allegra stand there, both of them looking like storm clouds on a red horizon. Alessa makes a strangled noise and goes rigid. I stop reaching for my Glock. And then we just … stare. Not good. Fuck.




ou fucked your sister.” Carlito’s eyes are almost bulging. “You fucked your sister!” “Stepsister,” Torino corrects.

Carlito’s face is so red I wonder if he might have a stroke. I suppose the hard part of telling our parents about us is over. It might not be the way I wanted this to go down, but at least it’s done. “Turn the fuck around.” Torino’s tone is so demanding even I sti en for a moment. He yanks at the sheets, trying to quickly hide my body. Carlito sputters then spins around, giving us his back. My mom, not so much. Her expression remains unreadable. I’m not sure much can shock her anymore, honestly. I have no doubt she’s seen way worse things in this life. Yet, I can’t help but feel a little bit guilty for keeping this from her. “Mom,” I hiss at her when I realize Torino’s bare ass is on full display. She shakes her head, turning around too. Torino presses his mouth against mine in a hard kiss, letting me know we’re in this together. Then he slips from the bed and

pulls a pair of pants on. He tosses me my clothes, and I quickly get dressed. “You shouldn’t barge into people’s bedrooms.” Really? Is that the first thing he has to say right now? I glare at him as our parents turn back around to face us. “You should lock the door,” Mom tosses right back at him. I slip o the bed to stand next to Torino. It’s awkward having this discussion with them in my room, considering they caught Torino and me red-handed only a few moments ago. Oh God, does it smell like sex in here? I cringe inwardly. “Can we possibly take this downstairs or something?” “I could use a drink anyway.” Carlito runs his hand through his short, graying hair. The small gesture reminds me so much of Torino when he’s frustrated too. “Come.” He tries to take my mom’s elbow, but she sidesteps him to leave on her own. She cuts him a stare, and I know they are fighting. I’m guessing it has something to do with me marrying Finnegan Perth. Or the fact that I’m no longer willing to. “Crap.” I let out a long breath when they’re out of my bedroom. “They're already fighting about me.” What else could it be? I've never seen the two of them in a spat before. I don’t want to come between them, but what did I think would happen? Torino pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me. “I’ve got this.” I drop my head back to stare up into his handsome face that is filled with determination. For so long I’ve wanted this man to be mine. Little did I know he was mine long before I knew he belonged to me. Now that I’ve gotten a taste of the life we could have together, I’ll never be able to be without

him again. I’ve only had him for a short time, but I refuse to lose him. “We’ve got this.” He leans down, giving me another kiss. This one is slow and sweet. We both change again, getting out of our sleep clothes. When we make it downstairs, I can hear the hushed arguing of Carlito and my mom coming from inside his o ce. “I hope what we have doesn't ruin what they have.” That’s the only thing I feel truly bad about in this whole thing. I never wanted this to cause a rift between Carlito and my mom. But I’m not sorry that I’m following my heart. I will never be sorry for loving Torino. “If he loves her the way I love you, that will never happen.” Gah. When did Torino become this sweet teddy bear on the inside? I adore that only I ever get this side of him or know about it. I can imagine his softer side appearing much more frequently when we have children one day. “Get in here,” Carlito shouts from the other side of his closed o ce door. Torino takes my hand in his, tangling our fingers together before opening the door for us. I take a deep breath and push my nerves aside, knowing this is necessary. We step inside together, the same way we face anything we come up against. Together. A disheveled Carlito is pacing around his o ce while my mom sits calmly in his chair behind his massive oak desk. “Alessa will be my wife. I want to make one thing clear here and now. I will not tolerate any talk that says otherwise. Father or not.”

Warmth explodes through my whole body like a tidal wave. With that declaration, Torino has made it very clear to everyone that I come first to him. I squeeze his hand tighter. “Well then,” Mom says. “Then I suppose we should figure out how we’re going to deal with this.” I was not expecting her to be so receptive to the idea of Torino and me. But I swear I see approval in her eyes toward Torino. “No.” Carlito shakes his head. “You hid this from me.” He cocks his head toward my mom. “All of you.” Mom pushes back from the chair to stand, planting her hands on top of the desk. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so angry as she does at this moment. “I told you from day one Carlito that my daughter will always come first. You may call me not telling you that I was on to the two of them and me not clueing you in a ‘lie,’ but you knew what you were getting when you asked me to marry you. I warned you.” Her voice is strong and steady. Tears prick my eyes at her words. My mom is the true definition of ride or die. To see her stand up to Carlito, knowing the power he yields, fills me with so much emotion. Carlito drops his head but is still shaking it no. “That’s the problem, dear wife of mine.” Carlito's tone is filled with possessiveness. I now know where Torino gets it from. “There should be no secrets between the four of us. We’re stronger together. We’re about to have the biggest fight of our lives on our hands, and we’re divided.” “You’re right,” I agree. “I should have told you. That was my fault. I was scared and unsure. It’s hard to go against what you think is best for the family. It will never happen again.” “This is forever. Our family. Alessa will be my bride, no one else’s. And if any of the families take issue with her being my

stepsister, they can feel free to bring it up to me personally.” Torino pulls me into his side, wrapping his arm around me before kissing the top of my head. “I’ll deal with them. Decisively.” I shiver at the way he says it, and I have no doubt in my mind what he means by those words. It’s wrong how his aggression turns me on, but I know he’d never hurt me or the people I love. He’d die to defend us. “I’m sorry, Mom. I should’ve told you.” I hold her gaze. Carlito puts his hand on her shoulder, and she places her palm on top of it. “What’s best for this family is us being together, Alessa. The four of us would be unstoppable. We’d never betray each other. No matter what.” “That is never going to change. Especially now, when Alessa is staying a Rossi.” Torino squeezes me tighter. “It’s going to take me a minute to wrap my head around this.” Carlito waves a hand at us. “But perhaps I should’ve seen it coming. With the way you’ve always been so protective of her, so interested.” “I saw it coming, and I welcomed it.” Mom shrugs. “But I needed Torino to show me he was worthy. To fight for you. And he did.” My jaw drops. “This was all a setup?” Mom wrinkles her nose a little. “Not a setup. More like a test. The best man would win your heart. It just so happens I already knew Torino would be the best man for you.” I can’t even begin to understand her reasoning, but I have to let it go. Just like she has to let go of me not telling her. Together. That’s what we have to be.

Carlito sighs. “This is going to cause trouble, a lot of it, with the Perths. I take it you have some sort of plan?” he asks Torino. “Always.” A wicked smile pulls at Torino’s lips. “I think it’s time for a shift in power. For the Perths to be taught a lesson about how to treat a Rossi woman. I won’t let this go. We’re going to remind everyone who the Rossis are.”




hope Carlito doesn’t blow a gasket.” Alessa nibbles her bottom lip as she watches me strap my blades to my ankles.

“He’ll get used to it.” I pull another Glock from my weapons cabinet. The first part of the plan is steeped in danger. But this is the way it has to be. The Perths are sitting back now, waiting for us to make a move. My father’s meeting with them ended in a stalemate and accusations on both sides of breaking their word on this marriage. Now, they’re looking for a reason to blame us, to tarnish our name. I won’t let it happen. I’ll do to them what I do to all my enemies. Strike first, draw blood, and take no prisoners. “When he saw us, his face turned so red, and I thought his eyes were just going to pop out of his skull. I’ve never seen him like that. I didn’t know he could get so … I don’t know. Scandalized, I guess?” I pull her to me and kiss her hard. “I think you like being scandalous, piccolina mia.” She smiles and kisses me again. “With you? Definitely.”

I press her against the wall of my bedroom, taking more and more until I have my thigh pressed against her pussy. “You need to get o again?” I kiss her throat, sucking her skin between my teeth. “I—” She moans as I cup one of her tits and squeeze. I can feel the tension in her, the fear. I want to release it all, even if only for a moment. It’s worth it. “All I know is that I need you, Torino.” She clutches my shoulders as I move my thigh against her. I can’t get enough of her. I’ve opened the flood gates, and there is no stopping me now. I suck the spot below her ear, the one that makes her purr for me. She does, her body heating as she works herself against my thigh. “Get o on me, sweet angel. I want you to come.” I press harder against her, giving her the friction she needs. She rides me, her hips grinding as she strokes her clit in a frantic rhythm. “Come for me, Alessa. I want it. Give it to me, piccolina mia.” I lean down and bite one of her nipples through her shirt. With a shudder, she comes, her body tensing and releasing in waves as I suck her nipple into my mouth. It rolls on for a few moments, my name gracing her lips as she gives herself over to pleasure. I want it again and again. Fuck, I love it when she shatters. “Torino,” she sighs. “How do you do it so easily?” “Do what?” I return to her mouth.

“Give me exactly what I need.” She smiles as I take her lips one more time. “I’ll always give you what you need. You never have to ask.” I gently lower her to the floor. She doesn’t let go. “Do you really think this plan is a good idea?” Fear creeps into her voice now that the pleasure has stopped hazing her mind. “I think it’s the only plan. If we don’t come out swinging, the Perths might be able to turn the other families against us.” “Because of me.” She lowers her gaze. “Because I’ve broken the agreement to marry Finnegan.” “No.” I tilt her chin up until she meets my gaze again. “Because you were never his. And you were never going to be his. None of that matters. The Perths have already started stirring the pot after what happened last night. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if all along, they thought you’d break the engagement. Maybe Finnegan’s bullshit last night was part of their plan.” Her mouth drops open. “You—you think they’d do that?” “I think they’d do anything to try and bring down the Rossis, including using you to try and make it seem as though we’ve broken our word.” I have a flash of memory, of Alessa underneath Finnegan, of the tears in her eyes. “They’re the ones who are dishonored, not us.” She puts her hand on my cheek, calming the raging ruin in my heart. “You saved me.” With a soft touch, she runs her fingers through my hair to the still-tender lump on the back of my head. “And they almost killed you for it.”

“Takes more than that to end me, piccolina mia. A whole hell of a lot more.” At that, she gives me a small smile. “I wish you were bulletproof.” “Don’t worry about that.” I press my forehead to hers. “I don’t have to dodge bullets if I’ve already killed all the assholes with guns.” “Vicious.” She runs her lips across mine. “I like it.” “Good.” I bite her bottom lip. “Because when I get home, I’ll be covered in the blood of our enemies.” She rubs her thighs together. “It’s so wrong what you do to me. I swear there’s something wrong with me.” “Nothing wrong with you.” God, I fucking love this girl. “You were just made for me. Only me.” “Yes.” She finally releases my shoulders, though reluctantly. “I know you have to go. I just …” “You’ll be safe here with your mom.” I force myself to pull back. “I’m not worried about me.” “I am.” I stow my second Glock in its holster, then reach for my jacket. She leans against the wall and crosses her arms over her chest. “Mom said she could get me out of here. Out of this life. But if she can do it for me, she can do it for both of us.” I freeze, then turn back to her. “What?” “She told me she could do it.”

Blindsided. I can’t process what I’m hearing. She wants to leave? “There’s no way out, Alessa. Not for me. This is my life. Staying here and fighting this fight.” I don’t add that if she tried to leave, I’d find her. I’d bring her right back here and spank her round ass for even thinking of leaving me. “I’ll never leave your side.” She walks to me. “Never. I just wanted you to know about it.” I arch a brow. “I wonder if she told Carlito about her little magic trick of making daughters disappear.” “Oh, no.” She shakes her head. “I’m not coming between them. I know we said no more secrets, but that’s one for her to reveal. Not me.” “Wise.” I kiss her forehead. “Sit tight. I’ll be back in a few hours.” “Will it be over then?” she asks, hope in her eyes. I want to lie to her, to tell her that tonight will end the Perth threat. But it won’t. It’s just the opening salvo in the coming war. Instead of saying anything, I lift her into my arms and give her one last, long kiss. “I love you, piccolina mia.” “I love you, too,” she says as she tries to keep her chin up and her eyes clear of tears. I have to walk away, to meet my father in the foyer, and to stride out into the night in search of bloodshed. I do it with a glad heart, because I know when my sins are done for the evening, I’ll return to my perfect Alessa, to the woman who keeps my heart safe as I wreak vengeance on all her enemies.




hate this. All we can do is sit around and wait. I try to keep myself busy, but it’s useless. I’m restless, and my mind keeps getting away from me. I keep thinking the worst is going to happen. But I should trust that Torino will do what he has to and come back to me safely. “I suppose we don’t need to change much for this wedding. Maybe the date? Might be a bit much to use the wedding date you had set for Finnegan.” “You still want to have a big wedding?” I ask, surprised. If Mom’s trying to distract me it’s working. “Of course. We need to let everyone know that while this might be a bit taboo, Carlito and I still stand behind the both of you. We need to be a united front.” She pulls her glasses o and sets them down on the desk. “And you do fully support this? Really?” I ask and almost hold my breath as I wait for her answer. “If Torino will treat you as well as Carlito treats me, I more than support this union. I only needed to see if he was going to step up to the plate. To fight to have you. I needed to make

sure he was who I thought. And he proved to me that his loyalty lies with you.” It’s crazy to think she planned this whole thing, but the more I think about it, the more it all makes sense. She continues unbothered, “The only casualty are the Perths, and well, that's as good as any to have. They should have been put down a long time ago.” Mom is always a few steps ahead of everyone else. I’ve always known that. I just didn’t know she’d use her cleverness on me. “You knew how this whole thing would play out, didn’t you?” I ask. “Of course. Torino didn’t make it hard to see. I’ve always kept tabs on him. I figured he had to be either gay or in love with you. He doesn't dabble in the whorehouses as the others do. Nor did I ever see him date.” “That’s reassuring, I suppose.” I snort a laugh. Torino put my jealousy about him to bed. Literally. I trust him, and I know he’d do anything for me. Would never hurt me. He knows that would kill me. Him too, for that matter. “The Rossi men see the value of having a devoted woman by their side, and they know what it takes to keep that devotion. The respect they must give it.” My mom has changed so much since marrying Carlito. I guess that happens when you have a significant other that treats you as an equal and lets you flourish. I turn, bolting out of the o ce when I hear the back door bang open and Torino’s voice shouting my name. When I see him, I don’t stop running until I jump into his arms, even though he’s splattered with blood.

He catches me, his hands going to my ass as I kiss him. “Tell me none of this blood is yours,” I get out between kisses. I’m so lost in him I don’t even realize that he’s carrying me through the house. “It’s the blood of the people who think they can stop us from being together. Soon, everyone will realize the city’s streets will run red if they think they can break us apart.” I should probably be grossed out with all of this talk of spilling blood, but the only thing I am is turned on. “Torino.” My mouth crashes down on his in a needy kiss. The sight of him covered in blood shouldn’t make me wet, but it does. He looks as though he’s a warrior who came back from battle, and I’m his prize. I’m way too eager for him to claim me. The thought of him striking down our enemies to protect me has me trembling with need. His hand reaches under my dress, giving a yank to my panties. They rip, no match for my Torino. “Need inside of you.” “Yes.” I reach between us, going for his belt as he presses me up against the wall in his bedroom. He groans when my hand wraps around his cock, and I give it one long stroke before I pull him fully out of his pants. In one hard thrust he fills me to the hilt. I let out a gasp, my fingers digging into his shoulders. He groans. “So fucking wet and ready for me. Does seeing me like this turn you on?” He thrusts harder into me. “Do you get o on knowing that I killed our enemies so I could have you?” I whimper. My sex clenches around his cock in answer to his questions. “Piccolina mia is blood hungry.” He pulls out and thrusts all the way back in, hitting just the right spot. I’m already on the verge of coming undone.

“I’m hungry for you.” I rock my hips with him, matching his thrusts. And he gives me exactly what I need. He takes me hard and wild until my legs are shaking. “I’ll fight anyone who ever tries to take you from me.” His dark eyes meet mine. “Even you. Try and run from me, piccolino mia. I’ll track you to the ends of earth and drag you back here to me. Keep you chained to my bed if that’s what it takes.” Images of him tying me up to his bed and using my body however he wants flash through my mind. “Torino!” I cry out as the orgasm hits me. His teeth sink down on my throat as he comes with me. His warm thick cum spills deep inside of me, marking me in the most primal way. I melt into him, not sure if I’ll ever be able to move again. “I’ve got you,” he says, reading my thoughts somehow as he carries me into the bathroom. “Let me clean you, piccolina mia. I have plans to dirty you up all over again.” I know the war has only just begun, but I also know Torino will stop at nothing until he’s conquered it all to have me. I’ll be the only person to ever conquer him.




’m going to marry you.” I run my fingers down her soft cheek as she sighs sweetly.

“Good. I’m a fallen woman now, so I need someone to wife me.” Her eyes flutter open, and she meets my gaze, a wicked curve to her lips. “Fallen woman?” I let my fingers wander, caressing her throat and then lower to one of her hard nipples. She makes an “mmm” sound and leans into my touch. “See? Look what you’ve done to me.” “I’m going to do plenty more.” I roll her onto her back just as a knock sounds at my door. I groan and rest my head in the crook of her neck. “Yeah?” “Finnegan’s at the gate.” My father’s voice, strained and almost creaky, comes through the door. “He’s demanding his bride.” Alessa’s eyes widen, her body going tense. “I’ll never let him have you.” I kiss her hard, then spring from the bed and pull on my clothes.

She sits up and clutches the sheet to her chest, her skin pale as she watches me load up my weapons. “Last night … You didn’t—” “I didn’t kill Finnegan, no. I killed plenty of Perths, but not him.” I suspect someone may have warned him we were rolling onto his turf. Like the coward he is, he took o and left his men. My father, Lou, Anthony, a few more soldiers, and I—we left a bloodbath in our wake. A surgical strike, it took out the main artery of Perth power. Their meth empire died last night. And tonight? I have plans to destroy the rest of them. “He came here?” She swallows hard. “Isn’t that … stupid?” “Deadly stupid, yes.” I smirk and pull on my jacket. “He thinks he can bargain with us? After what he did?” I shake my head. “He’s an even bigger fool than I thought.” “You’re really going to wipe them out?” Her hand closes tighter on the sheet. “For me?” “I’d wipe them out ten times over if it meant you were safe.” I lean down and kiss her once more. “Wait for me, piccolina mia.” I slide a small pistol into her palm. “And protect yourself.” She takes it and doesn’t seem the least bit fazed. After all, she’s a Rossi. She would’ve learned how to shoot right after she learned how to walk. I take one last look at my love, my life—and then I meet my father in the hallway. His face is grim, and it looks as though he hasn’t slept. “He came right to us.”

The hackles on the back of my neck rise. “I want to think it’s a good thing, but I know it has to be some sort of trap.” “Stay frosty.” He heads down the stairs. Lou and Anthony are already waiting for us at the bottom, guns in hand. “Ready for more blood, boss. Just give the word.” Lou gives me a sharp nod. I return it. “Boss, eh?” My dad turns and stares at me, a strange look in his eyes. He stands there for a while, even as time ticks away with Finnegan waiting at our gate. “I’ve waited so long for this moment. For you to finally be the man I knew you could be.” He rubs his chest right over his heart. “I didn’t know if it would happen.” “I did.” Allegra strides into the hall, an assault rifle slung over her shoulder. “It was only a matter of time. And it couldn’t have happened a moment sooner. Retirement, here I come. Sun, sand, zero responsibilities.” She sighs and hangs on my father’s arm. “Paradise at last. I can’t wait.” “It was hard to accept at first, but—” Dad chuckles. “She’s right, and she spent all night convincing me she was.” Lou’s eyes pop wide open, and he and Anthony exchange an amused glance. Allegra clucks her tongue. “Sometimes it’s the only way to lead you. I have to grab you by your d—” “Did you see if Finnegan has company with him?” My dad interjects quickly and gives Allegra a stern look. She kisses his cheek, and I don’t miss the way he squeezes her ass. They’re nearly a perfect pair. Almost as perfect as

Alessa and me. “Now if you all could bring me Finnegan’s head, I’d appreciate it.” She turns and climbs the stairs. “Alessa and I have wedding planning to work on. Happy hunting.” Dad stares up at her until she disappears, and then he lets out a held breath. “Have you ever seen such a woman?” “Nope.” Lou shakes his head. “If I ever found a single one like that, you can bet your ass I’d snap her right up.” Anthony nods appreciatively. Dad turns to him, fire in his eyes. “Don’t even think about my woman, son. I’d hate to have to kill you.” “All I’m thinking about is handling the Perths.” He backs up and turns his gaze toward the door. “Good.” My dad clears his throat. “As I was saying, I’m proud we’ve reached this day. I know we talked about it last night, but now, after speaking with Allegra, I know it’s the right decision. From now on, Torino, you lead this family.” The pride that swells inside me is a perfect complement to the love I feel for Alessa. She’s the one that made this possible. Without her, I never would’ve become the man to carry on the Rossi name. But with her by my side, I know I can take the reins and never look back. Together, we’ll rule this city. I pull my dad in for a hug. He pats me hard on the back. “Proud of you.” My eyes start to sting, but I pull it back. We’ll celebrate once the hyena at the gate is dead. Until then, we have to keep ice in our veins.

He pulls back and pats my cheek. “Now let’s go and kill some motherfuckers.” I smirk and stride to the door, my men at my back. Whatever Finnegan has planned, we’ll get the better of him. After all, I have what he wants—Alessa. He’ll never take her from me, no matter what. We stride down the long driveway to the gate, soldiers falling into step behind us as we go. When we reach the front, Finnegan is standing beyond the bars. Completely alone. Like a fucking fool. “Came here to get slaughtered front and center?” I stop in front of him, only the cold metal separating us. “I came here for my bride.” He stares back at me. “Alessa isn’t yours.” “We had an agreement.” His gaze slides to my father. “Look at me, shithead. I’m the one you’re negotiating with.” His eyes widen a little. “You’ve taken over then?” He grins. “I thought your dad was getting too old for this. Practically senile to agree to giving away his only daughter to me.” “You’re never going to touch her.” I do my best to keep my wrath under control. “I already did.” He licks his lips. “I can’t wait to get a deeper taste.” I wrap my hands around the bars. “You brought this down on your own head. All those men we killed last night? You did that when you tried to force her.” He shrugs. “I can get more men.”

“You can’t get a second life.” I jerk my chin at the guard on the gate. “Open it up. I want to do this with my bare hands.” The gate moves on silent hinges, opening slowly. I’m about to pass through it and take Finnegan down when the first explosion rocks through the ground beneath my feet.




e are not doing that.” Mom actually sounds scandalized at my suggestion, snatching the invitation out of my hand where I’d scratched out the date and groom's names and penned in the correct ones. It felt good to cross the Perth name o . I’m totally not being serious, but I have to admit it would be an easy fix. And it always feels good to laugh with my mom. “What?” I shrug. “Saves money.” “If you want to save money let's talk about the cake.” I gasp. There is no way I’m compromising one bit when it comes to the cake. “We’re not changing the cake. I need all eleven of those tiers.” Even I have to admit that the cake is a bit much, but it’s beautiful. It’s the centerpiece of the reception really. The more cake the better as far as I’m concerned. My mouth waters thinking about all that pink buttercream icing. “That’s what I thought. So I’ll be ordering new invitations. This time I’m getting the ones that are personally delivered with the little chocolates.”

“Of course you are.” I shake my head at her before going back to flipping through the bridal book. I’m still in need of a dress. I’m actually excited about wearing one now. With each one I inspect, I wonder what Torino will think of it. This time I don’t have to pretend that I’m picking it for him, which makes selecting one so much easier. My mind drifts to him as it always does, and I start to worry again. The wedding stu can only hold my attention for a few minutes before I think about the danger my Torino is in right now. “I hate this helpless feeling. I wish there was some way we could help.” “This is how you help. You plan your wedding, and you stay where our men know we are safe. They don’t need to worry about us doing something stupid. They need to focus on what needs to be done.” “You’re right.” I hadn't thought of it that way before. It makes complete sense. “Of course I am. Now, on to the—” I let out a scream as the whole house shakes. The sounds of explosions fill the air. Fear like I’ve never known before fills me. “Go!” She snaps at me and grabs the assault rifle o the table she’d laid it on. I turn, rushing toward the door to get to the safe room. Mom falls in line right behind me. I round the corner and collide with a body. The person grabs me. I know without having to look it’s not one of our men. “Mom, no!” I scream, trying to give her a heads up, but it’s too late. She’s already rounding the corner behind me. The

man who’s holding me spins me around to face my mother, putting a gun to my head. “Drop it,” he orders my mom. She has the gun pointed right at his head. Without question, she tosses the gun away. She never could have gotten a clean shot with it. Not without hitting me too. And there is no way in hell she would take the chance. She glares at him, her gaze a bullet of its own. “I may not have killed you, but the minute you put your hands on us, you signed your own death warrant.” I’m surprised at how calm she is. “Get her.” The man holding me ignores her, sending one of the other men that's with him to tie my mom's hands behind her back. “This is the mom?” The man holding her whistles. “I would have guessed sister.” “Shut up and move your ass. We don’t have time for this.” He pulls the gun away from my head and starts to drag me along with him down the hall. I try to fight him at first. He grips a fist full of my hair, the other hand wrapping around to the front of me. “I’ll knock you out if I have to. Then you won’t know what’s happening.” His hand grips my throat. The warning is clear. The fight goes out of me. “He’s going to kill all of you.” I try to warn them, but the reality is there is no saving any of them at this point. Even if they let us go right now, there is no way that Torino or Carlito would let this go. They will hunt each and every one of them down. “The Rossis are over,” the man says as he shoves Mom and me into the back of a black van, slamming the doors behind

us. The van takes o and me alone.

as soon as the doors close, leaving Mom

“Untie me,” Mom whispers. I reach for her hands, and after a while of fidgeting with the fibers, I undo the rope around her wrists. “Stupid men.” She sits down calmly as if we weren’t kidnapped seconds ago. “What are we going to do?” I chew on my bottom lip. How did these men even get so close to us? They were in our home. “We stay alive until they come for us.” “What if all they want is to kill us as payback?” I hiss, glancing up to the front of the van where two men in all black sit. I have to brace myself as they take sharp turns so I don’t go rolling around. “No. Finnegan’s ego is at play here. Not to mention he’s infatuated with you. It seems you're a powerful man's catnip. They see you, and they can’t help but want you.” “Wonder where I got that from?” “You’re welcome,” Mom says smugly. If I wasn't so scared I’d laugh. It doesn't take long before the van comes to a stop. The back doors fly open, revealing Finnegan and a handful of other men standing behind him. His gaze lands right on me. There is no missing the lust there. “My bride has finally arrived.” “Barely! Those two tried to have their way with my daughter. She’s a virgin for God’s sake.” Mom points at the men that grabbed us in the house. Rage takes over Finnegan’s face at

Mom's lie. He pulls out a gun and shoots both of them right in the head. Their bodies drop to the ground, lifeless. Mom smirks. “She won’t be a virgin for long.” Finnegan grabs at me. I don’t fight him. Right now, it would be pointless. “The priest is waiting. Tonight, you become a Perth,” Finnegan declares, clearly thinking he’s won. I almost smile at his confidence, knowing there is no way in hell Torino will allow that to happen. I’d bet my life on Torino Rossi being the only one claiming victory tonight.




rush through the halls, blood already splattered across my chest and face as I killed my way through a wave of Perth soldiers. They infiltrated the house, took out my soldiers at the entrances, then went for what I value most. “Gone.” My father runs toward me, jumping down the stairs as he reloads his pistol. “Finnegan set this whole thing up.” “He’s clever. I’ll give him that. But he’s not half as clever as he fucking thinks.” I pull out my cell as Lou and Anthony join us on the way to the garage. “There.” I point at the map on my phone. “He took them to the old Rose property. They’re in the chapel.” I grit my teeth. “How can you track them?” Dad jumps into the passenger seat of a black SUV as I take the wheel. “I planted a tracker on Alessa before we went out to meet Finnegan.” I point at Lou. “You two, gather up as many soldiers as you can and bring them to the Rose estate. The one with the rusted bell out near the gate.” Lou’s eyes light with recognition. “Got it.”

I pull out of the garage and tear o

down the driveway.

“If he’s harmed my Allegra—” Dad opens the glove box and starts searching through the weaponry inside. “If he’s hurt a single hair on her precious head, I’ll gut him.” “You’ll have to fight me for that honor.” I turn the wheel hard as we pull out onto the main road. We careen down the lane until the car straightens out, and then we’re flying. I have to get to Alessa. I never should’ve left her side. Even though I suspected Finnegan’s arrival was a trap, I didn’t foresee him setting o a fucking bomb at the back of the house. “He destroyed Allegra’s orchid house. That’s what the explosion was. She’s going to be livid, just livid, when she finds out. She just got one of the rarest orchids in the world from Brazil. Had a place of honor in the greenhouse, right up front. If it’s dead, she’s going to …” He crosses himself. “Allegra’s flowers aren’t to be fucked with.” “Sounds like she’ll have to get in line to kill Finnegan.” I make a hard left onto the bumpy, unkempt driveway to the Rose estate. The gate is open on crooked hinges, and two cars are parked beyond it, blocking the way. We skid to a halt as gunfire erupts around us, the slugs thunking into the sides of the SUV and slamming into the bulletproof glass. Dad glares at the barrage of metal. “We can get out and take them down or—” “Ram them.” I back up, reversing almost to the road. The Perth men think I’m going to drive away, that we’re

running, because they walk out of the shadows and continue firing at us. Two of the tires have been hit, but their backup inflation will be enough to get us onto the property. “Ready?” I shoot Dad a look. “Take out as many of those fuckers as you can. I want to feel their bones crunch beneath the goddamn tires.” His face is fierce, blood in his hair, and murder on his mind. He’s like me—ready to commit any number of mortal sins for the woman he loves. I’ve never felt closer to my father than I do right here in this moment. “Let’s hit it.” I slam my foot onto the gas. At first, the tires spin, like a cartoon car with zero traction. Then it catches, and we rocket forward. I brace for the impact, but nothing can prepare you for slamming into two cars at high speed. It rocks me so hard my teeth fucking clack against each other, but we keep going as the cars spark and spin out of the way. After that, I keep my foot on the gas, and we surge down the lane, trees encroaching on each side. “They aren’t following.” Dad peers out the back window. “We fucked up their cars good.” “Lou and Anthony will handle cleanup. No Perth soldier is going to make it out of here alive.” I slow as we reach the stone chapel on the edge of the main estate. It’s old, falling apart, and probably full of ghosts. But tonight it’s lit up, and I know my heart is inside. If he’s hurt her, I’ll grind his bones into fucking dust after I send his soul to hell. No trace of the Perths will be left alive. “Keep that ice in your veins, son.” Dad puts a steady hand on my arm.

I palm my Glock and reach for the door. “Let’s get our women back.” He gives me a nod, and we both jump out at the same time. Gunfire erupts around us, and we hunker down next to the SUV. The muzzle flares are bright in the dark night, and I gun down three soldiers in one run. Dad is firing his assault rifle, taking out target after target with terrifying precision. He’s never lost his edge. A Rossi through and through. When the gunshots die down, he points to the chapel. “Go. I’ll cover you.” “You sure?” I ask. “I’m sure. Take him out, Torino. If you don’t, and I get my hands on him—” His gaze darkens, then he swings around and takes out another soldier who was trying to creep through the trees. “Some things can’t be unseen, and I don’t think I want Allegra to see me like that.” “I get it.” I catch movement at the chapel door, pull my gun up and fire. A Perth henchman falls onto the stoop and makes an excellent doorstop for me. Without another word, I jump up and run full speed to the door. Dad pops o round after round as I hurdle the dead soldier and land inside the chapel. A searing pain rips through my leg, but I shoot the two soldiers at the back of the small room. “Torino!” Alessa cries from her place in front of the priest.

“You’re too late! She’s mine!” Finnegan yanks Alessa to him and goes in for a kiss. When he screams and drops back, I grin. Alessa just raked her nails across his face, leaving a trail of blood. She looks fierce, like she wants to go for him again. “Fuck you!” Allegra yells and grabs Alessa, pulling her away from Finnegan. “And fuck the Perths!” “Couldn’t agree more.” I aim for him, but he ducks behind the front pew. “Come out, Finnegan. If I don’t pop you, and my dad gets his hands on you, it’s going to get ugly.” “Let it get ugly.” Alessa practically spits at him. “He has it coming.” “You fucking bitch!” Finnegan, gun in hand, lunges for her. I aim for his head and pull the trigger. He goes down in a heap, but not before he gets o

one shot.

“Torino!” Alessa yells, but then her gaze travels behind me. “No!” Allegra’s cry is piercing, almost haunting. I spin, gun up, and find my father there. He stumbles forward, his hand going to the bright red blood flowing from the gunshot wound in his stomach. “Allegra.” It’s the only word he says before he falls to the cold stone floor.




his is ridiculous,” I hu , pacing back and forth. “I can’t even believe this is happening with how Mom has been acting. I mean, I get it, but what the hell? She’s been all over me about this wedding, and now she’s not even coming out of her room to help me with it!” I make sure I shout the last part loud enough for her to hear through the door. She and Carlito have been locked away in there for what seems like an eternity. After everything went down with the Perths—or more like once Torino and Carlito took all of them out—we’d almost lost Carlito. It’d been touch and go for a few days. Mom stood at his bedside shouting at him that he better not leave her or she would kill him. When that threat didn’t work, she resorted to talking about who her third husband might be. That did the trick. I swear Carlito would have come back from the dead before he let another man have her. I’ve never seen such fear on my mom's face than when Carlito was shot. She’s always so poised that you would never know what might be going on in her head. But in this situation, she all but lost it.

Of course, her talk of a third husband was utter bullshit. The love she has for Carlito is so immense. It’s the same kind of love I have for Torino, one that will surpass death. It will only ever be him for me. “Maybe we should go back to bed too,” Torino suggests. I swear that man has a hunger for me that will never be satiated. Even though he’s hurt, he still can’t keep his hands o me. “You should be in bed. There was no need to follow me down here.” Torino’s leg is healing nicely. At least it is when I can keep him o the dang thing. “You Rossi men think you’re indestructible.” “I've been in bed a lot.” I roll my eyes at him. He might have been in bed a lot, but he sure as heck wasn't resting. You’d never know he took a bullet to the leg. Let alone the one he didn’t notice nicked his shoulder. Maybe they are indestructible, after all. “I guess I’ll…” The threat I’m about to issue to my mom about picking a godawful color for the mother of the bride's dress dies on my lips when their bedroom door opens. Both my mom and Carlito are standing there with wild hair and swollen lips. I can’t help but smile at them. “I’m here, honey. Something came up.” “Mom!” I hiss. I’m over their sex life at this point. Carlito lets out a deep chuckle, wrapping his arm around my mom. I didn’t know I missed the sound of his laughter until now as he holds my mom close. I couldn’t ask for a better man to love her. My eyes start to burn, the urge to cry hitting me. “You guys are so cute.” I burst into tears.

“The fuck? You made her cry.” Torino starts to shout, getting worked up on my behalf. He comes up behind me, pulling me into him. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Happy. I swear.” I sni e. I should ask Carlito if he's going to walk me down the aisle. I know he’ll say yes. The thought only makes me cry harder now. “She is fine. A bit emotional. It’s normal,” Mom informs him. “I don’t care if it’s normal. I don’t like it, and it’s going to stop.” I snort a laugh. Torino really does think he can control everything. “It’s going to be a very long nine months for you then, Torino.” Mom shakes her head. It takes a moment for her words to settle in. Torino’s hand slips around to rest on my stomach. Holy crap! “You mean….” I trail o , too scared to say the words out loud. I want them to be true so badly. So much death has surrounded us as of late that a new life is exactly what we need right now. I think back to the past few weeks. There have been a couple of times that my stomach bothered me and my breasts had ached. I hadn’t really thought anything of it. I chalked it up to it being my hormones. To be honest, I can’t even remember my last period, but I know I haven't had one since Torino claimed me. And there’s also the fact that we never used protection. So it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that a baby Rossi is now growing inside me. “I would say we’re about to have a shotgun wedding, but I think we should put the guns away for now.” Carlito smiles. More tears spill down my face.

“Alessa.” Torino leans down to kiss away every tear from my cheeks. I bet no one would believe how sweet my Torino could be unless they saw him at this moment. “You give me this?” “Us. I give us this.” His mouth presses against mine in a hard kiss as he lifts me o my feet. “Torino! Put me down. You shouldn’t be carrying me!” I shout, but it’s pointless. He’s already halfway back to our bedroom. Mom calls behind me about wrapping up the rest of the wedding plans. Torino kicks the door closed behind us, carrying me over and putting me down onto our bed. In seconds he has me stripped naked. “I’ve dreamed of this for so long. That you would be mine in all ways.” He comes down over the top of me. “Me too.” I wrap my arms around him. “This is everything I’ve ever wanted.” The Rossi legacy will be forever.



Two Years Later


to see you.”

iccolina mia.” I wait impatiently outside the changing room as she tries on dresses. “I want

“You just saw me.” She laughs. “I’m zipping it up. Just give me one more second.” I stand. “One more second, and I’m busting in there.” “Calm down! You know it’s too small in here for you to fit. It’s the only way you’d stay out there.” Her giggle is driving me mad. I reach for the door handle right when it turns. She wrinkles her nose at me. “Close your eyes.” “Why?” I do as she says, even though I don’t want to. When she slides her hand into mine, my heart finally stops pounding. Instead, all the blood goes straight to my cock.

“Oooh, Mommy looks like a princess.” Allegra’s voice wafts through the store. We have the entire designer boutique to ourselves for the afternoon. Baby Carlito babbles, and I crack one eye open to peek at him. He’s toddling around, his big eyes lingering on Alessa. Just the way he looks at her makes me smile. He’s too fucking cute. Dark hair and a killer grin, he’s going to be trouble when he gets older. Alessa’s warm hand leaves mine, and then she says, “Okay, look!” I open my eyes and stare. She fidgets with the skirt. “Do you like it?” “Mama!” Carlito runs to her, hugs her legs, then runs o through the store with Allegra on his heels. “Well?” Alessa nibbles her lip. “What do you think? I mean, I know it’s a little fancier than what you’re used to since I spend most of my days wearing mom clothes and—” I stop her mouth with a kiss, my hands roving all over the slinky silver dress that hits her in all the right places. A goddess, a woman who rules my heart with a steady hand. “Fuck, I love you.” I kiss her throat. She giggles again, her hands gripping my shirt. “So I take it you like it?” “You look good enough to eat.” I slide one palm between her warm thighs. “Torino,” she scolds.

I spin her and pick her up by her ass, then carry her into the tiny dressing room. “We can’t do this here!” She gives me a stern look that I kiss right o her perfect face. Sliding my hands higher, I don’t feel panties. My cock was already interested, now it’s at full fucking salute. I free myself quickly, then bury myself to the hilt. She gasps as I pin her against the mirror and thrust deep. “You are going to get us kicked out of here.” Her eyes roll back in her head as I grind on her clit. “But that’s … Unf, that’s okay.” I smirk and kiss her throat again, pounding her and making the mirror shake. She wraps her legs up and around me, moving her hips to my rhythm as I pull the shoulder of the dress from her and suck her nipple. A little drop of milk hits my tongue, and I suck harder. “Bad!” She moans. “So bad.” I lick the drop from the other nipple and suck it into my mouth. Spreading her wide, I pin one of her thighs to the wall and look down at where my cock slides into her slick cunt. I’ve never seen anything sexier. “Just look at that, piccolina mia. Look how perfectly your wet pussy takes me.” She looks down, then moans low as she comes. I kiss her and swallow the sound, then shove as deep as I can into her hot cunt and let myself go. I grunt, pumping in deep, slow strokes as I coat her with my seed. Feels so good, so fucking right. I’ll never get enough of this.

When we’re done, I pull out and lick the last drops of milk from her tits. “You’re so filthy.” She can’t hide how turned on it makes her. I can taste it. “You love it.” I straighten her dress. “I do.” She tucks my cock back in and refastens my pants. When she’s done she meets my gaze, and her brows draw together. “What is it?” I cup her cheek. “Nothing.” She shrugs. “Well, I mean …” A sly look crosses her face. Fuck, I love that look on her. Mischief. “Except I just hope you didn’t poke the baby with all that.” “He’s outside with Allegra and Carlito.” I hitch a thumb over my shoulder. Her eyes water. “No.” She takes my hand and presses it to her stomach. “I mean the baby in here.” I can only stare down at my hand on her. “You’re—” “Pregnant.” She nods. “I just found out this morning. I wanted to surprise you tonight at dinner, but I’m terrible at keeping secrets from you.” I drop to my knees and press my cheek to her stomach. So much emotion washes over me. Excitement and delight. And underneath all of it. Love. So much fucking love I think I might burst. She sighs and strokes my hair. “The ferocious Torino Rossi, brought to his knees by a baby.”

I look up at her and shake my head a little. “Not by a baby. By a woman. By you, piccolina mia, my everything.” “I love you so much.” I stand and claim her mouth in a passionate kiss, one that embodies all my joy and hope for our little family. All of it, I pour into her. She’s the light that shows the way forward. The reason why the Rossis will forever rule this city. When I pull back, she hitches up a leg, and I catch it in my palm. “I wonder if it’s too late to go for twins?” She nibbles her lip. I laugh. “No harm in trying.” I pin her to the wall again, more gently this time, and revel in her body, her heart, and her love.

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Claiming His Kitten Alana is the heir to a fortune she doesn’t even know about. But I do. I know it down to the very last penny, and I want it for myself. Problem is, I’m the one who created the security that keeps the fortune locked away. I should be able to break it, to undo the encryption. But I can’t. Not alone. I need Alana. I’ve watched her closely for the past few years. A woman with eyes that catch the sun and a heart a saint would envy. I have to get close to her. So I do. So close, in fact, that she thinks I’m her savior, her friend. I’m not, of course. All the time I spend watching her, talking to her, hanging on her every word— that’s all for show. Just for show, I remind myself. So why do I find myself more entangled in her than ever? So much so that I begin to think the real treasure has been right in front of me the whole time. . . Vetting His Kitten I don't have time for my mother's games or her menagerie of mammals, reptiles, and god knows what else. At least, I don't think I have time for them until I meet her trusted veterinarian, Amelia. Suddenly, it seems I'm extremely interested in the wellbeing of my mother's furry and scaly friends, so much so that I visit the vet's o ce on a daily basis. It's the least I can do for both my mother and the devoted vet. Amelia is a sweet, caring woman with a big heart. I couldn't be more di erent. I'm a crow with killer instincts and a thirst for power. But even crows need care, don't they? Even a rough beast can find love in the heart of an innocent, tender beauty. I intend to take that love for myself, right along with everything else Amelia has to o er. But when the truth about my ruthless life is exposed, will she see a wounded animal in need of her redeeming love or a predator that should be put down? Wrecked Fighting is my life. All I’ve known for the past few years is the sensation of using my fists to subdue my opponents. I’ve known pain, too. Enough for a lifetime. I’m paying o a debt, one that was never mine to begin with. But it’s mine now, and I won’t let my family down. I fight, and I’ll keep fighting, no matter the cost. Until she’s thrown into my arms. A princess who shouldn’t be in this violent, vicious world I inhabit. I’m supposed to wreck her, this innocent beauty who makes me feel things other than pain. Other than anger. In fact, she makes me weak, because when I look at her, I imagine a world outside my cage.

A woman like Petal was never meant to be mine. Not in this life. I was ordered to hurt her in countless ways. But once I get a taste of her, turns out I’m the one who’s wrecked. Utterly, completely destroyed by love. Nanny Tempts the Beast Finding a nanny for my niece and nephew isn’t something I ever thought I’d be doing. But now I’m all the family they have left. I can’t let them down, and I won’t. All I have to do is hire a nanny. I interview plenty, but I know the moment Charlotte walks in the room—she’s the one. Innocent and young, something about her pulls me in until I want to know every last detail about her. She’s amazing with the children, and she soothes the beast that lurks inside me. Her touch quickly becomes an addiction, one I won’t deny. Charlotte doesn’t know what sort of man I am or of the danger that follows in my wake. I should tell her the truth, but I can’t risk her leaving. So I show her what she means to me by visiting her room every night, by giving her more than me than I’ve ever given anyone else. But danger is part of my life, my business, and my dark world. When Charlotte and the children are threatened, I’ll stop at nothing to keep them safe, and I’ll tear apart anyone who tries to take them from me. Unforgettable Tonight’s the night. I’m going to propose to the woman who’s turned my whole word around. She’s everything I’m not. Warm and sweet, so creative and talented. I’m beyond lucky. I’m ready to pop the question. The only problem is, when I meet Stella at the restaurant, she has no idea who I am, who she is, or why she has a lump on her head. What’s worse, she’s terrified … of me. Stella’s injury wasn’t an accident. No, someone hit her with a lethal blow that, luckily, didn’t kill her. Instead, she lost her memory, but I intend to make her remember why she’s the most special woman in the world. I’ll never stop loving her, and I can only hope that eventually she’ll remember me. If she doesn’t, I’ll do everything in my power to make her fall for me again. And for the person who thought they could take her from me? I’m coming for you. Bodyguard’s Obsession

Nothing surprises me anymore. At least nothing did … Until she fell into my arms. Fiona is young, beautiful, and a superstar. It’s my job to protect her from her crazy fans and one particularly dangerous stalker. It’s not my job to watch every little move she makes, to hang on her every word, and to imagine what it would be like to get a taste of her. I tell myself to keep my distance and stay alert. It pays o when I save her life. But it also wakes me up to the fact that she’s not safe on the Vegas stage. So I seize the chance to take her for myself. . . For her safety, of course. I bring her home, to the vineyard where I grew up. The problem is, home has its own shadows, ones I’ve tried to outrun. But I’ll deal with them if it means Fiona is safe. But her stalker won’t give up, not until she’s his or dead. I won’t let that happen, and I’ll do anything to protect Fiona, no matter the cost. His Clever Kitten She intrigues me, this walking conundrum of a woman. A kitten sweatshirt, big glasses, and a trusting nature—she’s practically catnip for a man like me. So much so that I let her kidnap me at gunpoint. Instead of demanding money, she tells me of her troubles with a local mafia family. The Lucenzios want protection money from her, and if she refuses to pay, they’ll wreck her brand new kitty store, Pawsitively Perfect. Lucky for Maddy, I happen to be at war with the Lucenzios, and I’ll happily destroy anyone who dares tread on Maddy’s business or her heart. She needs protection. So much so that I find it best to keep her close. Very close. In my bed and in my heart, my clever kitten has dug in her claws. And maybe I like it that way. Besides, I have no choice but to love her. After all, she took me hostage from the moment I saw her. His to Keep A bodyguard’s work is never done, especially when he can’t keep his eyes o client.


119 Kitty Lane MINK takes a trip to Cherry Falls in this sweet romance. Santa Material A big bear of a Santa and the handy woman he loves. Spoiler Alert: He’s going to stu her full of Christmas cheer.

Taming His Bride Book 4 of the Blushing Brides Series. Stealing His Bride Book 3 of the Blushing Brides Series. Claiming His Bride Book 2 of the Blushing Brides Series. Knocking Up His Bride Book 1 of the Blushing Brides Series. Four brides, four rough men with a soft spot for the women they love. Under His Spell A haunted house, a ghost story of lost love, and a brand new love blooming under a full moon. This spooky sweet story is sure to get your blood racing for all the right reasons. Beauty Tempts the Beast Revenge is his life’s work, but when he finds his Beauty in the heart of an enemy, will he be up for a career change? Loan Shark’s Obsession He knows priceless objects when he sees them. So when he sees her, he knows. His Stolen Bride Her first husband never touched her. He’s dead. Now she belongs to Santino, and there will be much, much touching. His Stolen Princess They were meant to be … until they weren’t. So, he steals her. Logical. Also, there’s a cat. Stalking Her Sweetly Who’s stalking whom? Hitman’s Heart He’s a badass who kills without remorse. She’s a good girl who gets caught in the crosshairs. He saves her, but can he keep her?

His Secret Treasure He says artifacts belong in a museum. She says he stole an ancient box that belongs to her. Can they come to terms over her box? My Hero’s Secret Baby He’s a hero to her, the boogeyman to everyone else. Can they have a future together? His Tiger Queen She’s a princess in a heavily guarded tower. He’s the prince next door. Did I mention there’s also a pet tiger? His Virgin Heiress She’s a thief. He keeps her safe. But can she give up jewel heists for love? Cu ed Love MINK’s personal favorite. Seriously. I love this book. Stu ed Stu

es, hitmen, true love, and accidental homicide? MINK at her finest. His Sweetest Sin He’s a priest, not a sinner … Until he sees her. Locking Her Down

She broke into an animal shelter. He’s the only one who can help her, but this attorney knows what he wants in return (hint: it’s not justice.) Marco’s Girl Marco is the bad boy prince of a mafia empire, but his heart is set on a darling good girl. Pop-up Love Mobsters, mayhem, a Hallmark movie, and a pop-up shop full of love? Yes. Beauty and the Boss

She wants to bring her cat to work. He wants to bend her over his desk. Win-win. His Virgin Queen He killed her husband and took her for himself. His Deadly Darling She’s spicy. He’s determined. Together, they’re unstoppable. Hitman’s Prey He always seemed so nice … (and hot). Snow Angel She wants to beat him in the lights competition; he just wants her. This Christmas is lit.


MINK writes sweet and salty romances that always satisfy with a happily ever after. Click here to sign up for MINK’s newsletter. Click here to join MINK’s Reader Group, Smitten Kittens, on Facebook!

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