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Copyright Become Obsessed with OTT Come and join my private Facebook Group! Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Epilogue Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me… Audiobooks Bare for the Alpha

Copyright© 2019 by Olivia T. Turner. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email Olivia@oliviatturner.com Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks! This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Contains explicit love scenes and adult language. 18+ www.OliviaTTurner.com Edited by Karen Collins Editing Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner


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When I look out my o ce window and see her in the next building, I know I have to have her. I buy the whole damn company she works for just to be near her. She’s going to be in my o ce working under me. Under, over, sideways—we’re going to be working together in every position. This young innocent girl is going to find out that I work my employees hard. And that her new rich CEO is already beyond obsessed with her. This dominant and powerful CEO will have you begging for overtime! Is it just me or is there nothing better than a hot muscular alpha in a suit and tie! All my books are SAFE with zero cheating and a guaranteed sweet HEA. Enjoy! Click here to get your free copy!


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For my ex Adam who I swear was a vampire. He was cold, cryptic, and always managed to suck the life out of me. #AdamSucked



“I S IT A … NORMAL TO BE COMING OUT HERE SO LATE AT NIGHT ?” I ask as we drive into the dark forest. My eyes flitter over to Dustin’s big hands as he grips the steering wheel. “I thought studying castles would be easier during the day.” “Not this castle,” he grunts as he stares out the windshield. The Jeep is flying down the dirt road through the forest and every few seconds, he yanks the bouncing vehicle around a pothole or a fallen branch. I grab onto the handle on the door as my heart picks up. I don’t like this. All of this feels… o . It’s October and outside is cold and dark. The biting wind is swirling around us as my new boss barrels into the forest that right now, looks seriously haunted. From the corner of my eye, I quickly look him over. He doesn’t look like an archeologist. He’s wearing big black boots with a weird looking knife strapped to his ankle. Cargo pants, a long leather jacket, and

a hat that looks stolen from Crocodile Dundee, only instead of being studded with crocodile teeth, it’s studded with a strange kind of fang that I haven’t seen before. He looks intense and focused. A mean-looking weathered face with lots of scars, but still attractive in its own way. I thought he was hot when he interviewed me for the job last week, but now, he just looks scary. I studied archeology at University and was thrilled to get a job as a research assistant for an archeologist. Dustin Jones said that he studied old castles and I couldn’t have been more excited. I love castles and I’ve always dreamed of living in one. The big open rooms full of stone, history, and enchantment. It would be like living in a fairy tale. “What’s your favorite castle?” I ask him, trying to lighten the mood. I’m on edge, but it’s probably just first-day jitters. He shoots me a look and the annoyance in it is unmistakable. “What?” “I just… um… asked… what your favorite castle is?” He squeezes his hands on the wheel and curses under his breath. “Pot-holia Castle,” he says, right after we swerve around a pothole. “Where’s that?” My voice has a tremble in it. He totally just made that castle up. “Germany.” “Right. Near Hamburg, isn’t it?” “Yeah,” he grunts. My stomach tightens with nerves as I look out the window, wondering if I could escape into the dark scary forest. Would it be better to gamble my life with the wolves or with this obvious bullshitter? I know every castle in Northern Germany (in fact, I wrote a paper on them) and Pot-holia Castle is not one of them. He clearly made it up.

“I love Neuschwanstein Castle,” I say just to make sure. “Have you ever been to Romania to see it?” “I have,” he says as he starts driving faster. I stare out the windshield and gulp. Neuschwanstein Castle is in Bavaria, Germany. This guy is a fraud. A shakiness hits my limbs as I wonder what else he is. Serial killer? There’s a weird vibe in the Jeep now and I just keep my trembling mouth shut for the rest of the way. Finally, we emerge from the forest road into a vast opening. “Wow,” I whisper when I look up and see a stunning old castle lit up by the full moon in the sky. I’m in awe as I stare up at the stone towers. They’re massive and in such fine condition. I’ve studied and visited castles all over the world. How could I have not known that a castle like this was in my own home state of New York? It’s so beautiful with the huge towering keep and high battlements that I almost forget I’m locked in here with this strange man. At least he brought me to a castle and not a creepy shack. Maybe he is an archeologist after all and I’m just being paranoid. He gets out of the Jeep without a word and I unfasten my seatbelt and hurry after him. I keep one eye on him and one eye on the castle as he opens the trunk. The cool biting wind is whipping my blonde hair up as I run my eyes along the stunning curtain wall that’s constructed with old stone. This must be the largest castle in North America. How come I’ve never heard of it before? “What is this castle called?” I ask. “Shhhh,” Dustin whispers with a fierceness in his eyes. “No talking.”

I choke down a gulp as I watch him. He has a crossbow in his hand and a quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder. None of the arrows have metal tips, they’re all just sharpened wood and the points are covered in a sticky purple paste. Dustin has a sword strapped to his waist and he has a determined look on his face. I’ve never met an academic like this before. He quietly closes the trunk and comes up to me. “What are those for?” I ask as I glance down at his weapons. I know I’m not supposed to talk, but I have to know. If he was planning on killing me, he wouldn’t need all of that. So, what is he planning on killing in there? “Nothing,” he mumbles as he surveys the castle. I swallow hard. “That’s a lot of pointy things for nothing.” He rolls his eyes. “It’s just in case.” “In case of what?” “In case the old myths are true.” I feel my blood start to go cold. I want to get back in the Jeep and get out of here, but he grabs onto my bicep with a firm grip. I let out an involuntary squeak as he starts pulling me toward the castle. Dustin creeps past the main entrance and pulls me around the exterior stone wall. I can’t help but drag my fingers along it, loving the feel of the cool stone. The dry leaves are crunchy under my feet, but seem to be silent under his. At least six times, he turns back with a snarl and tells me to be quiet. I’m seriously thinking about running into the forest and risking an arrow in the back when Dustin stops at a random place in the stone wall.

He looks it over for a minute and then grabs ahold of a dark stone. He pulls it and a secret door appears out of the wall. With a groan, it slides open. “Wow,” I say as I stare in amazement. That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Dustin grabs my arm and pushes me inside. I was so amazed that I forgot to be afraid, but the fear is back now, especially when he holds the cocked crossbow over my shoulder and points it into the darkness. He pushes me down the long pitch-black corridor, using me as a human shield until we emerge behind a large rug that’s hanging on the wall. We slide out from behind it and I gasp when I see the enormous room. It’s incredible with high vaulted ceilings and thick wooden beams running across it. Three massive chandeliers each the size of a swimming pool hang down in the ballroom and I can’t help but imagine what they would look like when they’re all lit up. There must have been fabulous parties with hundreds of guests in this room. I can picture them dancing below the beautiful paintings that still hang on the walls. “Keep moving,” Dustin whispers harshly from behind me. He’s got a wooden arrow cocked in the crossbow and I gulp as I look at how sharp the wooden point is. “We’re not here to study castles are we?” I whisper. His grip on my arm tightens. “No. We’re not.” There’s one supporting beam in the middle of the vast room and he pushes me straight to it. I’m terrified now and things are moving too fast for me to process. He slings the crossbow over his shoulder and then pulls out a roll of duct tape. He tapes up my wrists and then ties me to the post with a thick rope. “Please don’t do this,” I plead with him. “Please. I just wanted a job. I don’t want this.”

He yanks one more piece o the roll of silver duct tape and then rips it o with his teeth. “No, don’t. Pl—” My voice turns into a murmur as he places it over my lips. I’m pleading to him with my eyes, but he doesn’t care. He just looks up the intricately carved post that I’m now tied to and then at the wooden beams along the ceiling. “Mmnnmnn mnngghm nnmr,” I say to him as he takes a step back and then leaps onto the post. I watch in shock as he climbs up it as agile and graceful as a wild cat. He gets to the wooden beam and then sprints along it until he’s beside the wall. My eyes are wide and full of disbelief as he crouches down and points the crossbow at me. I squeeze them shut and hold my breath, expecting an arrow to sink into my body, but it never comes. With a breath of relief, I open my eyes and see him surveying the room as he points the arrow at me. Okay, the arrow is not for me… …but then, who or what is it for?



I SIT BACK AND SIGH AS I READ V OLTAIRE ’ S C ANDIDE IN THE LIBRARY . I still remember reading it when it first came out in 1759. I was a young boy of only seventeen years old. Warm blood ran through my veins back then. Before I was turned. Before I joined the walking undead. I’ve read it at least a dozen times over the past couple of centuries, and I’ll probably read it another dozen times by the time my bones turn to dust… whenever that will be. The fireplace is roaring in front of me as I read. The swaying orange flames are the only light in the room and they cast my shadow onto the stone walls. Everything about the fire makes my kind uncomfortable. The heat. The light. The ash. It’s a reminder of what we no longer have and what we will eventually become. The heat irritates my skin and makes it feel raw. The light burns my sensitive eyes and makes my blood feel thick. I prefer the darkness. The sweet coldness that permeates this castle. That’s comfort. That’s where I belong.

Every so often, I burn a fire to keep myself from forgetting the old me. The human version that came into this world all those years ago. I can’t forget what I was and how good the warmth used to feel. The fire reminds me. It prevents me from completely succumbing to the bitter cold. From fully becoming the monster that I am now. A part of me longs for the past. For my old body. It’s not so much my feeble bones and fragile heart that I miss, but the touch of another. The humanity is what I miss. The loving touches, eye contact from across a crowded room, a hug, a kiss, holding another warm hand. That’s what I miss. Vampires can’t be around humans and almost all of my kind are dead. The Czarina Coven has taken care of that. I’ve been on my own for decades, but I’ve been lonely for centuries. Sometimes, I wish that the vampire who turned me had just left me for dead. I would be in the blissful quiet nothingness now, instead of su ering in pain. I shift in my seat and feel my bones aching. I try to focus on the words in the book, but my stomach is growling. It’s angry. Snarling and demanding nourishment. The blood of a human can sustain a vampire for five years, but after that, he must eat. It’s been six years since I’ve tasted the blood of a human, and it feels like I’m dying. When I first turned, I fed on criminals. Murderers, rapists, any evil person I could find. I would sink my fangs into their necks and drink them dry. I was addicted. Obsessed with the metallic taste of the blood. Possessed with the way it felt as it flowed through my veins, making me stronger, making me faster. I fed weekly back then.

And I started to lose my grip on humanity. I became a bloodthirsty monster. It was only when I began thirsting over the innocent that I changed. It was Christmas Eve almost two hundred years ago. I remember it vividly. The young girl looked so warm all wrapped up with a smile on her face. She was excited for Christmas and singing a song about Santa Claus. My mouth watered as I imagined sinking my teeth into her innocent flesh and drinking her warmth. I took a few steps toward her when I caught myself. That’s when it all changed. She smiled at me and it all came crashing down. I realized what I had become and I didn’t like it. The human side of me had vanished, drowned in the blood of every person that had nourished me. I vowed to change. To eat only when absolutely necessary and only o the most evil of people. I left Europe and came to America. I had this castle built in the middle of the forest and kept it hidden from everyone I could. And here I’ve sat for longer than any being on this planet should sit. Wasting away with nothing to live for. I finish the fourth chapter of Candide and then watch the flames as they lick and curve around the logs. My body is reacting to the fire in a strong way this evening. Instead of making my insides feel all thick and sluggish, it feels warm and comforting. I stare at the flames in confusion. My body has been cold for centuries and now it’s starting to warm up… I don’t understand. With my mind racing, I stand up and walk around the room. An unfamiliar energy is surging through me. I feel like

I could punch through the stone walls and sprint up a mountain. My teeth extend into fangs and start aching. Oh… It’s then that I realize why my body is reacting so strongly. It’s not the fire. There’s someone in the castle. My body wants to eat. It wants nourishment. It’s giving me the last of its strength so I can take down my prey and feed from their innocent veins. The pull is irresistible and I find myself opening the door and walking out into the hallway. The smell hits me hard and my legs nearly buckle. Blood. But not just regular old blood. Virgin blood. My stomach groans as I place a hand on the cold stone wall. Everything narrows in focus. The blood is all I can think about. My senses sharpen as I head in the direction of the smell. Down the stairs, through the kitchen that hasn’t ever been used, and into the grand hall. The scent becomes overwhelming. It fills my lungs and leaves a trail of warmth burning through my cold body. I step into the room and gasp when I see her tied to the beam. My stomach growls for her virgin blood as my mind spins and races for explanations that aren’t coming. What is she doing here? Why is she tied up? Those are the questions I should be asking, but all I can do is stare at her in awe. Her long blonde hair falling onto her slim shoulders is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. Her face is petite with delicate features and wide blue eyes that are looking around in panic.

She hasn’t spotted me yet. I’m standing in the shadows, staring intensely at her. My fangs are on fire. They’re burning with need. Six long years since I’ve tasted blood and they’re making me pay for every day I made them wait. The scent of her virgin blood is filling the room and swirling around me. My mouth waters and I can almost taste the thick velvety metallic warmth of it. But there’s another hunger stirring inside me. It’s not just her virgin blood that I crave. It’s her. Her helpless body with the deadly curves is tempting me in a big way. She looks so alive. Those rosy red cheeks. Those fertile hips. She looks so warm. So soft. My cock starts to harden as I imagine tearing her jeans and sweater o and seeing the beautiful body she has hidden underneath those ugly modern clothes. I want to taste her blood while I sink my hard cock into her tight little pussy. The thought shakes me to the core. It stuns me as I lean back against the wall and stare with my body trembling. Almost three centuries on this planet has not prepared me for this moment. Nothing could. How can you prepare yourself for the moment you lay your eyes on perfection? How could decades of endless boredom ready you for the thrill of seeing the most stunning creature ever created? I’m disoriented and dizzy as I try to memorize every blonde curl and gorgeous line in her face. If I live another thousand years, I’ll be dreaming of her image for every single second of it. I have to memorize it all. Every breathtaking detail. Every stunning feature.

She makes some mu ed sounds as she looks up at the ceiling. The protective instinct in me that has been dormant since I was turned comes raging back with a vengeance. I need to have her in my arms. I need to shield her, shelter her, guard her from harm. But how can I do that when I’m the most dangerous thing in the world to her? The cruel conflicting thoughts spiral through me as I squeeze my hands into fists. I’ll have to be strong for her. I’ll have to fight my primal urges every second. It will be torture. It will be agony. But being without her will be even worse. So, I know that I have no choice. I must have her by my side. A tear emerges from her bright blue eye and snakes down her cheek over the duct tape that’s covering her mouth. Strong urges begin to fill me. The urge to survive, to live, to thrive. They all come racing back like rough ocean waves crashing on the rocks of my despair. I didn’t realize how empty I was until now. How much I was longing for more. For love. For a ection. For someone to share the burden of existence with. Now existence doesn’t seem like a burden. It feels like a gift. This is why I’ve been alive and kicking for almost three centuries. To bring me to this moment. The moment when I first lay eyes on her. In this moment, I know I could live another ten thousand years with this beauty by my side. I shake my head, clearing my mind as I survey the situation. She’s tied up. It’s probably a trap, but I don’t care.

I could fight through an army to keep her safe. The smell of her warm innocent blood is giving me more strength than I know what to do with. With my body tingling, I step out of the shadows and go to her. My girl’s gorgeous blue eyes widen when she spots me. She locks eyes on me and doesn’t blink as I go to her. Her tears stop and the fear in her eyes vanish as I step up to her. Her intoxicating smell swirls into my nostrils and warms my frigid body. I’ve never felt so alive. My cock is as hard as the stone walls around us as I gently run the back of my hand down her cheek. Her eyes widen in shock. Probably from the cool hardness of my skin. I feel warmer than I have in a long time, but I’m still a coldblooded monster. At least that’s what I must feel like to a human. I take the corner of the tape between my thumb and index finger and slowly pull it o . My body stills in excitement as her sweet lips come into view. There’s another presence in the room. The awareness of danger is tingling through my body in warning, but I can’t stop myself. Not when these thick luscious lips are almost free. I should be more careful. The Brotherhood are always hunting. But right now, focusing on anything other than seeing this virgin beauty’s mouth is beyond my ability. I pull o the rest of the tape and suck in a breath when I see how sexy her plump pink lips are. “Watch out!” she cries as I drop the tape to the floor. Before I can turn, an arrow comes whooshing through the air and sinks into my shoulder. I shake o the pain at first, but then the venom starts surging through my body and I drop to my knees. The pain is

excruciating and I barely have the energy to turn around as another arrow comes flying at me.



I GRUNT AS I PLUCK THE INCOMING ARROW OUT OF THE AIR . T HE TIP of the wood has a sticky purple substance on it. Vampire venom. It comes from a rare flower that only grows in the Himalayas and is deadly to my kind. The arrow that’s planted in the back of my shoulder is searing like lava as the venom makes its way into my veins. Every inch that it travels is pure agony, but I can’t give up. Not now that I’ve finally found something worth living for. I reach up and take her hand. The feel of her soft skin is helping me fight through the pain. “Are you okay?” she asks, looking worried. Her blue eyes flitter to the arrow sticking out of my back and then back to me. Another arrow comes whooshing past me and sinks into the old wooden floor between us. That’s when I see the movement in the vaulted ceiling. I fight through the pain and launch the arrow in my hand back at him.

He’s fast and rolls out of the way a split-second before the arrow sinks into the thick oak beam with a thud. My whole arm is burning as I grab the second arrow out of the floor and throw it at him as he leaps from beam to beam. The venom searing its way through my veins is making my arm heavy and it throws my aim o . The arrow flies past his head and sinks into the mural on the ceiling. The bounty hunter flees through the vaulted ceiling, running along the beams, and swinging on a chandelier. When he reaches the far side of the banquet hall, he jumps down onto the floor and disappears through a doorway. He’s probably waiting until the venom does its work. He’d rather take me out the easy way rather than face me. Coward. I should pull the arrow out, but my only concern right now is her. She’s tied up and it’s killing me to see her like this. “Put your hands out,” I say in a shaky voice. The venom is moving faster than I thought it would. She o ers me her hands and I rip the tape o them. I move to the rope as she rubs her wrists. The thought of her pure innocent skin being tarnished by that fucker fills me with rage. I start to get all twitchy and with my jaw clenched, I rip the thick rope in half. My girl hurries away from the beam and looks around the vast room. It’s dark with only the light of the moon coming in through the high windows and I know she probably can’t see a thing. Vampire eyes are made for the darkness and I can see everything, but I’m only staring at her. She’s stunning up close and I can’t seem to focus on anything else. I’m completely taken with her. I’ve never been so tempted in my entire life. I don’t know how I survived all these years without her. It seems impossible to me now that I know she exists.

“Where do we go?” she asks with her voice racing in panic. “What do we do?” “We don’t go anywhere,” I answer. I want to lock every door and window in this castle and keep her trapped with me forever. I glance down at the shredded rope, knowing that there’s nothing I won’t do to keep her here. I’ll tie her back up if I have to. I’ll lock her in the tower all day just so I can be with her all night. I’m a selfish monster and I know that I must have her at all costs. “But he’s going to come back,” she says, looking around into the darkness. “I hope he does. He owes me his life for what he’s done to you.” She looks at my face for a long moment and I can see in her eyes that she’s noticing that I don’t look like the humans in her world. Pale face, dull reddish eyes, long black hair, fangs that are pressing up against the inside of my lips. I must look like a monster to her, but for some reason, she doesn’t look frightened. She looks more intrigued than anything. Her breathtaking blue eyes move from my face to the arrow that’s sticking out of my shoulder and she winces. “We have to get you to a hospital.” “No. I can pull it out.” “And then you’ll bleed to death.” The feistiness in her voice brings a smile to my lips. God, when was the last time I smiled? I don’t even remember. It’s been decades. “Let me see it,” she says, moving to get behind me. I flinch away from her. “No!” Her face hardens as she stares me down. “I’m not going to let you bleed to death! Let me see it!” I start to move again when she does, but the determined look in her eyes makes me give up. She’s going to find out

the truth about what I am eventually. I let her tear away my shirt and she gasps when she sees what’s underneath. “There’s no blood. That’s impossible…” I turn and look at my shoulder. The arrow is sunk into my pale skin and there are cracks snaking away from the puncture wound like wet earth that’s drying in the hot sun. Not one drop of blood is spilling out. My blood is all used up and I badly need a refill. I wrap my fingers around the wooden arrow and yank it out with a grunt. She watches in disbelief as I toss it on the ground and pull my shirt back up. It was a venom-tipped arrow, but there wasn’t enough to kill me. Only enough to weaken me. Although, if the hunter would have gotten my heart, I’d be nothing but dust floating in the wind right now. This morning, I wouldn’t have minded that. I probably would have even welcomed it, but now everything has changed. Now that she’s in my life, I have something to live for. “What’s your name?” I ask her. I need to know. I need to repeat it over and over again like a mantra until the day I die. “Alice,” she says in a voice so beautiful that it fills my cold body with warmth. “And yours?” “Roderic Blackburn.” “It’s nice to meet you.” She o ers her hand for a handshake and I take it. My fangs burn and ache when I feel her soft warm skin. The thirst is unbearable. The hunger too… I want her. Every part of her. Her mind, her soul, her blood, her tight warm cunt. I want it all. I need it all. “Are you okay?” she asks when she sees me struggling.

“No…” I’m so far from being okay. I’ll never be okay again unless I have her. “It’s the arrow,” she says as she pulls me up to my feet. “We have to get you to a hospital and call the police.” She pulls out her cellphone and curses when she sees there’s no reception. I don’t need a hospital to cure my wound, I need human blood. It’s the only thing that will cure the venom. The hunter is part of the Brotherhood, an international group of assassins who specialize in hunting and killing vampires. The myths call them Warlocks, but they’re not magical. They’re human, even though they have extra abilities. They’re masters of herbs and potions, which turn these humans into something much more. They crush their mixture of rare herbs into potions that harden their skin and tighten their muscles. They’re faster, stronger, and much more resilient than everyone else. They’re mortal at least, but they’ve been hunting vampires for generations going back to before I was born. In the middle ages, the Kings and Queens of the area hired them to hunt and exterminate my kind, but now things are di erent. We got so decimated in the 1800’s that our existence is now in question. We joined the myths and legends. We went into hiding and never came out. Kings and Queens no longer finance the Brotherhood. The Czarina Coven does now. In the ultimate betrayal, the largest coven in the world turned on its own kind and started murdering us one by one. Any of us who refused to give fealty were excommunicated and had a price put on their head. That was over a hundred years ago, but the contracts are still open. Last time I checked, it was a million dollars a head, but that was in the 1970’s. It’s probably more now.

They turned to the Brotherhood to execute the contracts and they were wildly successful. My kind is mostly wiped out. Only a few dozen remain scattered around the world and I’m one of them. I haven’t seen another vampire since the 1800’s. I’ve been hiding for centuries. I don’t know how they found me, but it doesn’t matter. There’s a hunter loose in the castle and now I have something to fight for. I have something to protect. Alice’s arm is wrapped around mine as we start moving toward the door. I look at her and every protective instinct in me begins to grow and take over. No one is ever going to hurt her. I guide her out of the banquet hall, past the kitchen, and then up the stairs. There’s no sight of the hunter as we head to my bedroom. “What are we doing?” she asks as I pull her inside. I close the door and lock it. She’s looking nervous and unsure as I hurry over to the massive wooden armoire and use the last of my strength to pick it up. With a grunt, I slam it down in front of the door. The hunter isn’t getting in. But more importantly, Alice isn’t getting out.



I STARE IN STUNNED SILENCE AS I WATCH R ODERIC PICK UP AN enormous wooden armoire and place it in front of the door. He shouldn’t be that strong. His body is hard and muscular, but no human should be able to lift anything that heavy, especially when they’re injured. It’s impossible. His eyes fall closed as he stumbles backward and leans against the wall. He’s not doing too well. We should be heading toward a hospital right now. That arrow wound is going to kill him. I should be moving, but all I’m able to do is stare at his flawless face. On paper, he shouldn’t be good looking. His skin is deathly pale, his eyes have a reddish tint to them, and his black hair is long and slicked back. I’ve never liked long hair on men, but on him, I can’t imagine anything else. Every inch of his face is stunning. His nose is carved to perfection, his mouth looks sensual and wickedly sexy with his large canines pressing against his full lips, his cheekbones are sharp and defined, and his eyes… fuck his

eyes… I can’t stop staring at them. They don’t even look human. Every inch of me is being drawn to him and I don’t know why. He doesn’t look like the guys from Hollywood that I’m used to drooling over. He’s on a whole other level. I want to touch him so badly. A warm shiver erupted through me in the banquet hall when I felt how cool his hard skin was. It was like shaking hands with a marble statue, and ever since, I can’t stop wondering what the rest of him feels like. I want to run my hands over his muscular chest and down his sculpted abs. I want to feel the curves along his strong arms and see if his cock is as hard as his hands are. “Take your shirt o ,” I say as I roll up my sleeves. I have to fix that wound somehow or he’s going to die. Seeing his naked torso is just an added bonus. He makes his way to the bed, but he’s looking more sluggish, like the arrow wound is starting to have an e ect on him. I rush over and catch him as he stumbles onto the mattress. He sits down with a wince and slowly takes his shirt o . My mind is racing and my eyes are wide as I see his gorgeous pale torso come into view. He has a strong wide chest and hard defined abs. My fingers tingle with the desire to touch him, but I hold myself in check. “Let’s see the wound,” I say as I cross to his other side and look at his back. I cringe when I see it. The hole is still there, but there’s no blood. Why is there no blood? “You can’t fix me,” he says in his smooth sensual voice that feels like silk in my ears. “Not with bandages anyway.” “Then how?” I ask. “How can I fix you?” I’ll do anything. “I don’t want to put you through that.” “Put me through what?”

He just stares at me with those ravishing eyes and I feel my insides turn to jelly. Waves of warmth start swelling inside me and flowing down between my legs. I’m a virgin who’s never even been kissed before, but my pussy is aching with need. I don’t understand the strong reaction and it shakes me to my core. My cheeks start turning pink and I swallow hard as he notices. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that Dustin was going to hurt you. I didn’t know what he was planning. I came here thinking we were going to study the castle and then…” “You have nothing to apologize for,” he says, making my heart start to pound. “You can do no wrong as far as I’m concerned.” His gaze is so alluring. I’m captivated by it. I feel like a minnow staring mesmerized at the light of an angler fish right before she gets devoured. My body starts moving on its own and I sit down next to him. He turns to me and looks at my lips. Every part of me is aching for him. I feel his breath on my arm. It’s cold and sends goosebumps shivering up my skin. “Why did he hurt you?” I whisper as I feel myself leaning toward him. His captivating eyes lock onto mine and my pussy throbs with lust. I’ve never wanted to touch myself so badly. I feel like I’m going to burst into flames. “It doesn’t matter. All I care about is him using you to get to me. He’s going to die for that.” I can sense the danger of this man but instead of being afraid or repelled by it, I’m lured in even more. The idea of having a man by my side who is willing to kill for me is a tremendous turn on. My gaze falls to his mouth and I swallow hard when I see the two bumps in his lips caused by his large canine teeth.

He has a sweetness to his scent and it smells so good as it tingles my nostrils. I find myself leaning in even closer as the air between us charges with heat. I don’t stop myself or him when I see his lips coming toward mine. Our lips connect and I moan when I feel his tongue slide against mine. His lips are softer than the rest of him and I hum as he kisses me deeper. My body melts and my blood starts to boil as his hands come around me, tugging at my waist and pulling me closer. He tastes like sweet honey and I open my lips wider so he can slide deeper into my mouth. My hands start to explore his naked chest and arms. His skin feels like cool stone under my fingertips and it makes every nerve ending in my body come alive. I moan as his protective arms wrap around me, holding me close to him as he gives me the first kiss of my life. I could get used to this… He tastes so good as I start to shyly press my tongue into his mouth. I lick the seam of his lips and then press in deeper, but the side of my tongue snags on something sharp and I gasp at the taste of blood. He yanks his head back and leaps o the bed. I immediately feel a sense of loss now that I’m no longer in his arms. He crosses the room so fast that he’s a blur. I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head, unable to believe what I just saw. “Did I do something wrong?” I ask, feeling like my heart is breaking. He’s leaning against the wall on the far side of the room, turned away from me and trembling. I gulp when I see his hands digging into the wall so hard that they’re leaving fingerprints in the stone. “Just stay back,” he warns in a growl.

I glance at the armoire covering the only exit. I’m stuck here. And even if I could leave, Dustin is still prowling the halls with a crossbow. It doesn’t take long before my attention falls back on Roderic. I’m confused and I don’t know what’s going on. The kiss was nice and romantic before my tongue snagged on his tooth. And it’s not like there was a lot of blood. Only a drop or two at the most. It’s then that it hits me. His teeth aren’t over-sized canines… They’re fangs. The pale skin, the lack of blood in his wound, the incredible strength—enough to pick up an armoire, the superhuman speed, the reddish tint in his eyes… he’s a vampire. I glance at the open window that must be at least four stories high, but I don’t consider jumping out. I’m too intrigued. I’m even more captivated by him now. Roderic is still across the room, trying to restrain himself. He’s going through that pain to protect me from himself. I go to him, slowly, carefully. His body is trembling as I reach him. His eyes are glowing a golden-red. He’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. “Roderic,” I whisper as I reach out and gently touch him. He flinches away from me and I pull back my arm as my heart breaks. “It’s okay. I know your secret.” I studied all about vampires in a class I took in University. I wrote a paper gathering all of the evidence that proves their existence and my teacher still gave me an F. Even worse, he ridiculed me in front of the whole class. Even though he made me feel like an idiot, I still believed I was right. For weeks, I studied their history and the entire time I wished I could meet one. I dreamed of becoming one. There’s something so romantic and beautiful about living for centuries in an old stone castle like this one.

“I know all about your kind,” I whisper to him. “How long have you been in this castle?” He turns back to me and looks at my face for a long moment. “Decades?” I ask. “Centuries?” His gaze turns into a challenging stare. “What do you think I am? Exactly?” I swallow hard and raise my chin. “A vampire.” He flinches at the word, but he never breaks eye contact. “You want to leave now?” I shake my head. “No. I want to stay.” He tilts his head as he watches me curiously. “Why?” I don’t know why. I just feel… compelled to stay. “You need my help.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Every second is agony for him. The taste of my blood must be what’s doing this to him. He’s trying to restrain himself. I don’t want him too. I want him to use me. I want him to take whatever he wants from me. I’m his completely. “What can I do to fix the wound from the arrow?” I came here with Dustin so I feel partly responsible for the pain he’s in. “I want to take your pain away.” “It’s not the arrow that’s hurting me,” he says. “Any other arrow would just bounce o my skin.” His skin is so hard that I believe it. “It was dipped in venom. A special venom that is deadly to my kind.” “Can we take it out?” Even as we talk about life and death, I still can’t stop admiring how gorgeous he is. The light from the full moon is

cascading into the room, making him look unworldly. He’s so beautiful it hurts. “It can’t come out,” he says as he leans against the wall. “It has to be overpowered.” “With what?” “Blood. Human blood.” He looks at me and a shiver trembles through my body. “Then drink.” I o er him my wrist and he turns away with a wince. It must be taking everything he has not to take what I’m o ering him. He shakes his head as he squeezes his eyes closed. “I haven’t drank in nearly six years,” he says with a shakiness to his voice. “I wouldn’t be able to stop. You’d die.” “You’ll be able to stop. I know it. Take what you need from me.” He puts up a hand, holding me back. “I can’t risk that. If you die, I’ll die. I can’t live without you now.” I’m about to ask him what he means when I spot an old empty vase on the dresser. I rush over and scoop out the cobwebs as I look around for something sharp. A painting hangs on the wall and my jaw drops when I see that it’s an original Rembrandt. There’s no time for that, so I just take it down and locate the nail that was holding it up. Holding the vase under it, I drag my forearm along the nail, crying out and tearing up as it slices my skin. Hot blood drips into the vase and when there’s two shot glasses worth and I’m feeling dizzy, I bring it over to him. “Is that enough?” I ask as I o er it to him. His eyes shine a golden-red as he sees it. He’s practically licking his lips in thirst. “You did that… for me? Why?” “Drink it,” I say as I thrust the vase into his arms. He takes it and I wrap up my cut arm with my sweater. The cut

is shallow so it won’t take too long to heal. It stings like a motherfucker though. A small price to pay to save his life. I watch as Roderic lifts the vase and drinks from it. His body straightens and I can see the strength returning in him as he licks the last few drops up. His back shoulder is exposed and I can see the wound from the arrow closing. It seals and disappears before my shocked eyes. Roderic takes a deep satisfied breath as he puts the vase down and licks the blood from his lips. It leaves them a bright red and for some reason, that turns me on even more. I’ve always had an interest in the dark, mysterious things of the world, and Roderic seems to fit both of those. There’s pure gratitude in his eyes as he watches me closely. “Feel better?” I ask. He nods. “Much. That should take care of the venom.” His movements come easier now as he walks across the room and puts the painting back up. He runs his finger along the inside of the vase, trying to get any last drops before he puts it back on the dresser and turns around. “So, how long have you been living in this castle?” “Over two hundred years.” “And how long have you been alive?” He stares at me with such intensity that the throbbing between my legs returns. “A few minutes. That’s it.” I scrunch my forehead up in confusion. “What do you mean?” “I came alive when I saw you, Alice,” he says with a heaviness to his voice that makes my heart do a little flip. “Nothing I’ve done mattered up until that beautiful moment. I’ve been alive for centuries, but this is the first day of my life.”

I stare at him in disbelief, feeling the same exact thing. He comes to me, moving lithe and agile like a panther now that my blood is flowing through his body and giving him strength. I gasp as he scoops me up in his arms and carries me to the bed. My eyes never leave his as he stands before me and places his hard palms on my knees. I’m wearing jeans and a sweater, but he’s eying me hungrily as if I’m already naked. There’s pure lust and desire in his sexy golden-red eyes and I feel my body reacting to his hungry gaze in an unstoppable way. I’m a virgin, but I’m ready to give my cherry to him. I’m ready to give it all to him. I want him to have it. My eyes wander down his hard ripped torso to his black pants and the huge throbbing erection that’s pressing out against it. I moan as he comes down on top of me.



I TAKE A FEW SECONDS TO ADMIRE THE VIEW OF A LICE ON MY BED with her gorgeous body squirming. Her blonde hair is spread around her, her sexy lips are parted as she takes heavy lustful breaths, and her innocent blue eyes are looking anything but innocent as she gazes up at me. My cock is aching inside my pants. It’s burning. I don’t remember the last time I was this hard. I need the relief that can only come from sinking into her tight warm pussy. The sweet taste of her virgin blood is still on my tongue and it’s heightening everything. Smells, sounds, sight— everything is amplified now that my body has gotten a taste of the sweetness that’s flowing through her veins. My body is craving more of her blood, but I’m only craving her. I want to sink my head between her legs and taste how sweet her pussy is. The uncontrollable, overwhelming need to have her is ripping through me and it feels like it’s eating me alive. She’s way too perfect to be with a monster like me.

But I’ll make sure I’m worthy by worshipping her completely and fucking her as often as her pussy can handle. Obsession has already taken root in my soul—if I have one—and it’s growing like a rabid monster through every inch of me. Every cell, every atom, every particle that belongs to my body is now singularly focused on protecting Alice, on loving Alice, on fucking Alice. It’s all I can think about. The intense need terrifies me. I want to protect her and make her happy, but I know that I won’t be able to stop myself from locking her in this castle and keeping her forever. I know that I’ll never permit her to leave. “Roderic,” she whispers as she blinks at me with her long lush lashes. “I’ve never done this before.” “I know,” I whisper back. I tasted her virgin blood. I know that her cherry is still in there, waiting for me to take. “I’ll be gentle.” “I don’t want you to be gentle,” she says as her legs open a bit wider. “I want you to take whatever you need from me. Whatever you need.” Fuck, this girl is perfect. I can’t even handle it. I lean over her and kiss her soft lips, trying as best I can not to knick her mouth again. When a drop of her blood made its way into my mouth, I nearly lost it. It lit my whole body on fire. If I get any more, I don’t know if I’ll have the restraint to stop. I’m afraid I’ll latch onto her neck and suck this beautiful angel dry. Her warm hands start sliding up my sides and I wince, knowing I must feel so odd to her. My skin is hard and cool, but she seems to like it with the way her hips are squirming under me. I press my hard cock against her spread pussy and she moans into my mouth as her back arches o the bed. She feels so good. Everything about her.

A growl of irritation rumbles out of me when I slide my hand down her hips and feel nothing but her rough jeans on my palm. I want to feel her hot skin. There are way too many clothes between us, but I don’t want to stop kissing her to take them o . She whimpers when frustration wins and I finally pull my mouth away. My nimble hands work quickly, unfastening buttons, pulling down zippers, and yanking down fabric. In seconds, she’s lying naked in front of me and the breathtaking sight almost brings me to my knees. Her body is beyond beautiful. I take another moment to admire her. Her squirming hips, her soft tits with her hard nipples that are begging for my mouth, her long blonde hair, and sexy legs. They’re closed but when my eyes make their way down, she opens them and gives me a peek of her hot little pussy as it glistens and throbs with need. The sweet smell hits my nose and my mouth begins to water as I stare at her pink lips. Her wet cunt is open and ready. It’s pulling me in and begging me to take it. She closes her eyes and moans as I slide my hands down her inner thighs. Her body trembles before me and I feel my own heart pounding away as I reach her soft pink lips. She’s wetter than she looks and my fingers get coated in her sticky syrup as I slide them through her delicate folds. “Ohh, Roderic,” she moans when I find her hard clit. I start rubbing it in tight little circles to help loosen her up. It works because she seems to be melting into the bed as she writhes around and moans like a dirty little whore. For the first time in decades, I can feel the pleasing sensation of warmth. Any heat has been uncomfortable since I turned, but this heat—her skin, her blood, her breath, her cunt—it feels so fucking good that I can barely handle it.

I slowly slide a finger into her tight wet hole and a rush of warm clear juice oozes out onto my hand. She opens her mouth and holds her breath as she watches me with lustfilled blue eyes. When I reach her tight hymen, I pull back out, bring my finger to my mouth, and suck her juices clean. Her pussy tastes as good as her blood if that’s even possible. My achingly hard cock feels wet and sticky. When I undo my pants and pull them down, I see a mess of pre-cum all over my thick swollen head. Alice sees it and darts up to her hands and knees. She looks at me with a mischievous grin and then wraps her warm little fingers around my thick shaft and starts sucking. For a virgin, she’s doing a good job. Her greedy little tongue licks up every drop of cum on my big cock from the base all the way to the tip. I hold my breath as I watch her soft pink lips wrap around me, bringing her head back and forth along my shaft. Her ass looks perfect, all curvy and wiggling in the air as she sucks me o . I can’t help but grab a cheek and then let my hand glide down between her crack. She moans when my fingers slide over her asshole and down to her hot swollen cunt. I start teasing her by dipping my fingertip into her ripe young hole and then dragging it back down to her clit. She pulls my cock out of her mouth with a slurping sound and my eyes are back on her lips as she drags her slutty little tongue around my thick head and then digs it into the tiny slit, trying to get any last drops of pre-cum hiding inside there. This is the first time I’ve ever used my cock with a girl. I was a virgin when I was thrown from my horse and he ran o to leave me dying on the side of the road. My eyes were blurry and I was barely conscious when the beautiful

stranger came along and turned me. She bit my neck, drank my blood, and then let me live. She left before I woke up minutes later, feeling stronger than I’d ever felt before. Feeling thirstier than I’d ever felt before… “Look how hard you’re making me with your sexy little mouth,” I growl at her as I sink my hands into her thick hair. “How does my cock feel?” “So good,” she moans as she plunges it into her mouth once again. “This cock is yours now, dirty girl. You want to feel it pushing deep inside you?” Her blue eyes dart up to mine as she pushes my cock in as far as her throat will allow. “You want me to fill your virgin pussy up with every drop of my hot cum?” She gasps as she pulls my cock out. A stream of saliva is hanging from her bottom lip to my dick and the sight is so goddamn sexy that my core clenches. “Yes,” she moans. “I want to feel you inside me. So fucking badly.” “Then lay back down,” I command as I push her hand o my cock and replace it with my own. She whines as she watches me stroke my long hard shaft up and down. Her saliva is still on it, making it nice and slippery. “I want to taste you first.” “Taste what?” she asks with a grin as she lies down. “You can taste whatever you want.” “I’m starting with this ripe juicy pussy,” I say as I drop to my knees in front of her. “Do you have something else in mind?” She lifts her chin, showing me the slender curve of her exposed neck. My cock throbs and my fangs ache as I look at her soft flawless skin and imagine thrusting my teeth into

her veins and sucking her blood. It makes my breath quicken and my body shiver. I push the tempting thought out of my mind as I grab her legs and spread them apart as far as they’ll go. With my body aching, I kiss a sensual trail down her thighs. She gasps and convulses on the bed when the tip of my fangs accidentally touches her skin. I’m about to apologize when I realize she liked it. She seems to be attracted to my vampire features, not repelled by them. Just one more reason that proves she’s the one. I pull my lips back, revealing my fangs, and gently, carefully, with all of the control and restraint I can muster, I drag them along her soft inner thighs without breaking the skin. She starts moaning and grinding her hips with every inch they travel closer to her cunt. I grin when I see a trickle of fresh clear juice oozing out of her pink hole and dripping down to her ass. I grab the front of her thighs with a firm grip and continue dragging my fangs closer and closer. “Oh, fuck!” she cries out as she grips a fistful of her hair. “Fuck! Yes!” She’s already nearly cumming when my mouth reaches her warm pussy. I slide my lips back over my fangs and dive in, devouring every inch of her sweet ripe cunt with my lips and cold tongue. Her hips start bucking against my face as I lodge my tongue into her tight little virgin hole. I look up and see her gorgeous tits swaying back and forth as she grinds and moves on the bed. She gasps as I reach up with both hands and grab them. Her warm tiny hands immediately land on top of mine, holding them in place. Her hard little nipples are pressing against my palm as I suck on her engorged clit.

I lick up every drop of juice she gives me and I can feel it sliding down into my chest, warming me up from the inside and cutting the bleak coldness out of my life. I could get used to this. I could feast on this delicious cunt every day for another few centuries. She doesn’t stop whimpering and crying out as my mouth works her soft glistening folds. My tongue parts them and I release her breasts to spread her pussy lips apart with my thumbs. I groan in disbelief at how fucking pink her cunt is. More warm juice comes leaking out and I drink it up with a ravishing thirst. “This is my pussy now,” I tell her between heavy licks. “Understand?” “Yes,” she moans as she covers her eyes with her hand. She’s breathing heavily with a nice pink flush on her cheeks. I can tell she’s close to cumming. “I mean it, Alice. I’m going to fuck this tight little virgin hole with my raw cock. I’m going to coat your womb with my hot cum.” She moans as she squeezes her tits and pinches her nipples. Her hips are grinding against my chin as I warn her of what’s to come. I know myself—three hundred years will do that—and I know that I’m not going to be able to let this girl go. Not after this. “You’re still human, which means I can breed you.” Her eyes dart up to mine and she stares at me with a serious look. “I’m going to fuck my baby into you,” I warn her. “I want to see this belly rounded with my child.” I kiss her hard clit and it’s enough to set her o . She throws her head back and screams out loud as her orgasm overtakes her. It’s all-consuming as she thrashes around and curses under her breath.

Her legs are shaking as I throw them over my shoulder and give her pulsing pussy soft slow licks. When her body finally settles down and she’s gasping for air, she looks up at me with warm loving eyes. “Are you serious?” she asks. “About the baby?” “I’m serious about the baby and I’m serious about you. I want you to stay here in this castle with me. Forever.” “Forever?” “If I take you, I’m taking you. In every way.” “I’ll be a vampire?” I stare at her as the sweet smell of her pussy fills my nose, making my head swirl and my cock ache. “I’ll breed you first. Vampire women can’t get pregnant, but once my seed is growing inside you, I’ll turn you. And we’ll spend an eternity together. Just like this.” None of this is optional but I still want her approval. I want her to want to stay with me. I want her to want to be mine. So, I start to lick her pussy once again and I don’t stop until she’s cumming on my mouth again and again and again…





Roderic’s cold tongue slides into my hot pussy as I cum again. I think my body was made for him. That’s how it feels. He’s given me more orgasms than I can count. They’re all just blurring together now into one long one. “Roderic,” I groan as I rub my heavy eyes. The lustful heat flowing through me is making it hard to think. All I can think about is the feeling of his hard cock filling my pussy. Stretching it. Taking the virginity I saved for him. I’m obsessed with the thought. “What is it, dirty girl?” he asks as he climbs over me. His golden-red eyes are over my face, his fangs are in view, but I feel no fear. Only arousal. His cool hard cock touches my spread pussy and I gasp as I grab his big round bicep. “I want it. Inside me.” It’s not just his cock that I want. I want everything he just mentioned. His baby. To become a vampire. Immortality. To live here with him forever. To do this every night for the rest of my life. I want it all.

I know these feelings are reckless and dangerous, but I’m done with my boring life and my adopted parents who no longer care about me. I want to leave all that behind and feel alive like this every night. Roderic has ignited feelings in me that I didn’t know existed. Feelings that I’m not ready to let go. I don’t know how to control them. I don’t know what to do. I feel like a hot mess, but for once in my life, I’m following my heart and going wherever it leads me. “You want my thick cock to stretch out that little cunt of yours?” he growls as he stares into my eyes. Fuck, he’s mesmerizing. “Yes…” I lift my head and watch as he grabs his big dick and drags it up my folds. My eyes close and my head falls back to the pillow as my body trembles. It already feels so good. I can still feel his cock in my mouth. It was cool to the touch, but rock hard. I can’t wait to feel that coolness deep inside me. His firm head presses up against my opening and I shiver with anticipation as he looks down my naked body. His eyes are locked on his cock entering me, but I’m only looking at his gorgeous face as he starts to slide inside. It’s so big and fills me up completely, making me moan and whimper with every inch that he pushes in. The cool feel of it is incredible and makes my toes curl. “Fuck, Alice,” he grunts through clenched teeth. “You’re so damn tight, baby. It feels so good.” He suddenly stops when he comes up to my hymen and his eyes meet mine. I get lost in them for the hundredth time tonight and am distracted until he thrusts in hard, breaking my cherry and sinking all the way inside me. “Oh, God,” I cry out as I wrap my arms and legs around him and pull him into my embrace. I hold his cool body

against me, just enjoying the feeling of his big dick inside me. I don’t let him move until I get used to his size. My heart is pounding and my breaths are coming out fast and hoarse. Finally, I ease up my grip on him and he starts to slowly rock his hips back and forth. “My raw cock is in you, dirty girl,” he says with a grin as he begins to slide out. “That means you’re mine now. I’m going to breed your young womb and then you’ll really be mine.” Uncontrollable moans start falling out of my lips as he begins to move his hips back and forth, fucking me with his big cock. The pain is mostly gone and I’m getting into it by moving my hips and meeting every thrust that he gives me. He grabs my tits with his hands as he thrusts in and out. I arch my back to give him more of me as he starts to lick and suck on my tingling nipples. I must have lost my damn mind. Having sex with a vampire? What the hell is wrong with me? But I couldn’t resist him. Every cell in my body was screaming to let him take me. He grabs one of my hips and pulls me closer. “Oh, fuck!” I cry out as he pushes his cock in deeper. “Your pussy is so warm,” he says before kissing me on the mouth. “It’s so tight. I could be in here forever.” “Then do it,” I moan as I cup his cheeks with my hands. I turn his face until he’s staring into my eyes. His hips never stop moving. He starts thrusting faster with longer, deeper strokes as he stares into my eyes. “Let’s do this forever. Turn me. Make me immortal like you so we can be together forever.” He looks torn and conflicted and it just tells me that I’ve made the right decision. He wants to, but I can tell he’s thinking of what’s best for me.

Well, I’m not going to give him a choice. I know how to tempt him. I lift my chin and turn my head, exposing my neck for him. He groans as he stares at it, his hips moving faster than ever. His cock slams into me over and over and another orgasm begins to build and then unravels through me. My body starts shaking under him and my face twists up as the orgasm tears through me. “Oh, Roderic,” I cry out as I writhe on the bed, my hands gripping his powerful arms. How can he make me feel so good? He begins to kiss my neck and I slide my hands through his long hair, holding him there as I whisper words of encouragement. “Yes,” I whisper. “Do it. Drink from me. Take what you need. You’ll be able to stop. I know you will.” I feel his fangs come out and gently scrape along my helpless skin. The lethal danger and primal urge of the situation is just heightening my lust. It’s driving me crazy. I shiver in anticipation as he relentlessly drives his hard cock into me over and over again. “Don’t you want to be with me for an eternity?” I whisper in his ear. “Don’t you want me to be yours?” I must have said the right thing, because he sinks his fangs into my neck and I scream out in pain. It burns, but it turns me on so much as I grab ahold of him while he drinks from my veins. He thrusts in hard as he sucks my blood and his whole body tenses for a second right before he cums deep inside me. The feel of his hot cum filling my pussy as I feed his thirst sends me spiraling and I cum again. Harder than ever. My pussy clenches around his thick cock as I unravel to pieces. Everything shakes as I scream out in bliss. Roderic is still fully inside me, making sure every last drop of cum is out and on its way to my ripe womb.

He pulls his fangs and his cock out at the same time. I moan at the loss, but truth be told, I’m spent and need a few seconds to recover. I stare at the ceiling while taking heavy breaths as he collapses on the bed beside me. His hand finds mine and our fingers intertwine. I turn to him and stare in shock when I see some color returning to his face. He’s gorgeous. His flawless features are perfect in every way. “How long is it going to take before I turn?” I ask as my pussy starts to ache with need again. I’ve just had half a dozen or so orgasms and I already want another. He takes a deep breath as he turns to me. “I don’t know. About half an hour, I guess. I’ve never turned anyone before.” My lips curl up into a grin. “What should we do until then?” He looks down at his cock that’s still rock hard. “I can think of a couple of things.”



I HAVE MY HANDS ON A LICE ’ S PERFECT ASS AS I DRIVE MY HARD COCK into her tight little pussy. She’s on her hands and knees in front of me, and I got my eyes locked on her pink puckered asshole. Her sweet innocent blood has given me endless energy and I’m making the most for all of the centuries that I didn’t have her. She’s moaning and dropping her open mouth to the bed as I fuck her doggystyle. I’ll have to give this warm tight pussy a break eventually, but it’s not going to be right now. This feels too fucking good. A banging on the door has us both whipping our heads to the side. The armoire shakes as another heavy thud hits it. The bounty hunter… I forgot all about Dustin being in the castle with Alice distracting me. “Dustin!” she says, looking just as taken o guard as I am.

We’ve been locked in our own little universe where only we exist. I curse myself as I pull out of her tight warmth and put my clothes back on. I should have known better. She’s mine to protect now and I have to be more vigilant. I pick up her clothes o the floor and toss them to her. “Stay here,” I tell her as I head for the open window. “I’ll be back in a minute. Let me take care of him.” “Are you going to be okay?” she asks as she clutches her clothes to her gorgeous breasts. “I just drank a pint of virgin blood,” I tell her with a grin. “I could take on Superman right now.” I take one last look at my beauty and then climb out the window into the night sky. The drop is far down, but I can easily climb along the stone walls. There are countless footholds and places to grab on and hang from. Within seconds, I climb over to the next window and slip back inside the castle. I’m in the library and I quietly creep out into the hall. A growl rips from deep inside me when I see Dustin slamming his shoulder into my bedroom door, trying to get in. Dustin whips his head around and spots me. In a blur, he yanks an arrow out of his quiver, places it on his crossbow, and fires. It sails right at me, but I easily move out of the way and catch it. His face drops as I snap it in two. “You’re going to have to do better than that,” I say as I feel Alice’s virgin blood flowing through me, making me almost invincible. He tosses his crossbow onto the floor and draws his sword. “How much is the bounty on a vampire’s head?” I ask him as he swings the sword from side to side, warming up his wrists.

“Ten million,” he answers as he stares me down. “Wow.” I’m impressed. I didn’t think the Czarina Coven was that motivated to get rid of us. I guess I was wrong. “That’s right, wow,” he says as he begins to walk forward. “Time to get paid.” He raises his sword in the air as he sprints toward me. With a roar, he swings the sword down, but I easily move out of the way. “You’re going to need more than a sword for this bounty,” I say as he swings again and tries to take my head o . I bend backward and he misses. “You’re going to need a miracle.” He tries to swing the sword back around, but I catch his hand and hold him in place. He punches me with his free hand, but it’s like punching a rock and hurts him more than it hurts me. I slam him into the wall and he drops his sword. It hits the ground with a clatter as I pick him up and throw him into the library. He crashes into my chair by the fire and then climbs up to his feet, looking panicked as he tries to grab anything within reach. He grabs my book o the co ee table and throws Voltaire’s Candide at me. It bounces o my chest as I walk toward him. The co ee table quickly follows and I duck out of the way, grinning as it crashes into the wall behind me. “You grabbed my girl,” I hiss as I stare him down. “You tied her up. You left her to die.” “She was bait,” he shouts as he walks backward toward the open window. “To get you.” “She’s mine alone to look at,” I snap back at him. “Mine alone to touch. You’re going to die for laying those dirty hands on her.”

He covers his face and cries out as I kick him hard in the chest. The impact sends him flying and he tumbles out of the window, disappearing down below. I take a deep breath as I roll my head from side to side and then straighten out my shirt. He’s dead now. It’s all over. Alice is in the other room and now we’re free to continue where we left o . I pick up the co ee table and my book and return them in front of the fireplace. The fire is only embers now, but the warmth reminds me of what’s waiting for me back in the room. Alice’s sweet ripe pussy. With a grin on my lips, I leave the library and walk back down the hall. “It’s me,” I say as I arrive at the door. “Stand back.” I turn the door handle and use my shoulder to move the armoire. I feel stronger than ever and I move it easily. My cock is already hardening as I walk into the room. “We don’t have to worry about—Shit.” Somehow, Dustin is in the room. He’s hiding behind Alice and has a knife to her throat. He must have climbed up the stone wall. This fucker is more powerful than I gave him credit for. “Let her go,” I warn him. “You let go and I’ll let you walk out of here.” “I’m not walking out of here without your head,” he hisses. Rage and fear are twisting through me, making my pulse race as I glare at him. “I’ve been searching for you for seven years,” Dustin snaps. “I’m not leaving without my bounty.” I’m stronger than ever, but I feel so helpless as I look at Alice’s face. She looks scared, but there’s something

di erent about her. Her face has lost that pink hue. It’s looking deathly pale. She’s stunning in a di erent, deadlier way now. She’s beginning to turn. A minute or two and she’ll be there. “I knew you’ve been holed up here for a while so I thought you’d be thirsty,” he says. “That’s why I brought her. To tempt you out of hiding.” “So, what’s the plan now? You kill a girl I care nothing about?” It hurts to say those lies, but Alice knows I’m only saying it to save her. “I spill her blood and you become single-minded obsessed with drinking it. Your kind is so predictable. That’s how I made my first ten million in Mongolia. I spilled human blood in front of him and he forgot I was even there. That’s when I drove one of my venom-tipped wooden arrows through his heart.” Alice’s gorgeous blue eyes begin to fade and bright red irises take their place. I grin as I watch her straighten up in his arms. Her hands are squeezing in and out of fists as she looks around, unable to believe how much detail she’s seeing and how powerful she feels. I know because I remember feeling the same thing. The dagger is still pressed against her throat, but it’s not going to do a damn thing. Not anymore. “So, go ahead,” I tell him. “Spill her blood.” His face twists up and he grunts as he tries to slit her throat with the dagger. A flicker of confusion crosses his face when she doesn’t fall. He tries to cut her again, but the blade harmlessly bounces o her hard vampire skin without leaving a mark.

“Impossible,” he mutters as he raises the blade once again. This time Alice turns around and stares into his eyes. He shrinks before her when he sees the lethal red irises staring down at him. “No… you turned her…” I grin as Alice leaps onto him and sinks her teeth into his neck. She’s so beautiful. I watch in awe as she drinks her first meal. Long after Dustin’s legs stop shaking, when Alice has gotten her fill, she lets him drop to the floor and turns around. My heart swells in my chest as I see her staring at me. Her lips and chin are coated in thick red blood and I swear, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. She comes up to me and wraps her arms around my neck. We stare into each other’s eyes for a long moment before we start to kiss. As I hold her close, I know that I’ll never be alone again. Even if we live to see the sun burn out and the earth grow cold, I’ll walk the frozen landscape with my baby by my side. Forever.



Two hundred years later…

T ONIGHT IS MINE AND A LICE ’ S TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY AND I’m in love with her more today than I’ve ever been. Every day is like heaven with her by my side. We’re celebrating by recreating the first moment we met. Our daughter Harlow has long left the nest and is somewhere in Argentina living in a coven of vampires. We were very lucky that Alice got pregnant before I turned her, otherwise, we would never been able to have children. Harlow was another blessing into my dark life and one more reason why I owe Alice everything. “Help!” I hear her scream. “Help!” I grin as my cock starts to harden.

We did this on our one hundredth anniversary and I still remember it vividly. I’ll probably still remember it on our third and fourth hundredth anniversary as well. “Help! Please!” she calls out in her sexy voice. I rush down the steps and race into the grand banquet hall with my body tingling in excitement. I spot her in the light of the full moon. She’s tied to the beam and looking ravishingly sexy in the clothes that she first came to me in. Jeans and a sweater. Simple and plain on their own, but on her, spectacular. “Oh, thank you, sir,” she says in a sensual voice. “An evil bounty hunter tied me up.” I grin as I watch her. Her face is di erent now that she’s a vampire. Sometimes, I miss her pink flushed cheeks and rounded curves. Her skin is pale like mine now and her curves have all sharpened to hard muscle, but she’s still the most beautiful thing in the world to me and I’ll never get sick of looking at her. We live in the castle and hardly ever leave. Why would we when all that we need is here? Each other. Plus, I don’t like to share her with anyone. Even though she’s deadly enough to rip out any man’s throat who would dare touch her, I still like to keep her all to myself. “Will you save me?” she asks, pleading to me with her eyes as a sexy grin hits her lips. I grab her shirt and rip it open, sending buttons scattering across the wooden floor. She’s not wearing a bra and her naked tits are heaving up and down as her breath starts to quicken. “Who’s going to save you from me?” I ask as I lean in and lick her neck. She shivers as I drag my fangs along her hard cold skin.

“I smell virgin blood,” I say as I thrust my hand into her jeans. Her mouth opens and her eyes dart to mine as I slide my hand through her wet warm folds. Her pussy is already soaked and ready for my big dick. “I am a virgin, sir,” she says in a baby girl’s voice. “I’m innocent and untouched. What do you have planned for me? Nothing too wicked I hope.” She gasps as I slide two fingers into her tight little hole. I’ve touched her down here every day for the past two hundred years, but it still makes my cock rock hard. Every time. “You’re trespassing in my castle,” I tell her in a deep commanding voice. “And now you’re going to find out what the master of the castle does to sweet young virgins.” I curl my fingers inside her and drag my fingertips over her G-spot. She melts against my arm and purrs. “Your eyes,” she says in gasps as I press the base of my palm against her clit while I finger her. “Your teeth. You’re a… vampire.” I grin as I pull my hand back out, grab her jeans, and yank them down. Her hands are tied to the beam behind her as she stands there not quite naked, but showing all the best parts. “I am,” I say as I unfasten my belt and then pull my hard cock out. Her eyes are brimming with lust and excitement as she watches me stroke myself. Drops of pre-cum ooze out and drip down my hand. I can tell that her mouth is watering at the sight, so I lift my cum coated fingers to her mouth and she licks them clean with a moan. “Innocent, are you?” I ask with a grin. She drops her eyes, still playing the virgin role. “I’ve always had a thing for… vampires.” I rip the rope to shreds, turn her around, and bend her over. She holds onto the beam and looks at me over her

shoulder with challenging eyes. “The price of entering my castle,” I say as I slide the thick head of my cock up her silky folds. “Is that I now enter you.” She moans deeply as I thrust all the way in with one hard pump of my hips. Fuck, she feels good. I’m the only man who’s been inside her and her soft pussy curves to my cock. I spend the rest of the night moving inside her and making her cum again and again. It will definitely be an anniversary we’ll remember in another two hundred years. Maybe even a thousand… The End


Olivia T. Turner’s complete list of books can be found at: www.OliviaTTurner.com amazon.com/author/oliviatturner


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I’m new in this Montana shifter town and no one will even so much as glance in my direction. My father has made sure of that.

He’s the Sheri and he’s got three rules: 1. Don’t talk to my daughter. 2. No fighting between crews. 3. See rule #1. I’m all alone and wishing for someone to look my way. And then someone does. A mean looking grizzly bear shifter named Damon Ridge, and once he sees me, he refuses to look away. This rough, wild-looking man keeps telling me I’m his mate. He keeps saying he’s going to claim me. That I belong to him. I didn’t realize how possessive a bear shifter could get. If I knew how obsessed these huge men could be, I never would have come here. But now that I know how it feels, I’m never going to leave… Get it on Amazon

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