Burgundy: Walk amongst the Grands Crus

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

Holliday Packk Burgundy: Walk aamongst th he Grandss Crus Sellf‐Guided

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

Thaank you for choosing “One Foot in n France”. IIn these waalking notes, you will ffind all the informationn you need to com mplete yourr itinerary. We W write alll the walkin ng notes ou urselves for each trip, based b on ourr grou und recogniition & know wledge and d expert guiddebooks & maps. m Enjoy y your trip… …

Con ntents Burrgundy: Waalk amongsst the Gran nds Crus............................................................................. 1 Gen neral Inform mation ..................................................................................................................... 3  Introducction .......................................................................................................................................... 3  How to gget there ................................................................................................................................... 4  Emergenncy Phone Number N .................................................................................................................. 5  Difficultty & Walkinng Times ................................................................................................................ 5  Followinng the Itinerrary......................................................................................................................... 5  What to Bring ....................................................................................................................................... 6  Openingg Time & Seervices .................................................................................................................... 7  Climate ................................................................................................................................................. 7  Cuisine & Food .................................................................................................................................... 8 Burrgundy Win ne ............................................................................................................................. 9  Geograpphy and clim mate ...................................................................................................................... 100  Grapes ................................................................................................................................................ 100  Appellattion Contrôlée areas ............................................................................................................... 100  Domainee or Négociiant bottled?? ......................................................................................................... 111  Terroir! - The war-ccry of Burgundy ................................................................................................... 111  The greaat red winess ............................................................................................................................ 122  The greaat white winnes ........................................................................................................................ 122  The Côte de Beaunee ........................................................................................................................... 133  The Minnor regions .............................................................................................................................. 133 Itin nerary ........................................................................................................................................ 14 4  Dijon................................................................................................................................................... 144  From Diijon to Gevrrey-Chambeertin – 12km m – 3h00 .......................................................................... 166  Gevrey-Chambertinn ............................................................................................................................ 188  From Geevrey-Cham mbertin to Nuits N Saint G George ............................................................................. 199  Nuits-Stt-Georges ................................................................................................................................ 200  From Nuuits Saint George G to Beeaune .................................................................................................. 222  Beaune ................................................................................................................................................ 255  From Beeaune to Meeursault ................................................................................................................. 277  Meursauult ........................................................................................................................................... 288  From M Meursault to Chagny ................................................................................................................ 299  Chagny ............................................................................................................................................... 322 Farrewell ......................................................................................................................................... 33 3  Keepingg in touch ................................................................................................................................ 333  Loyalty discount foor returning customers .......................................................................................... 333

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

General G l Inform mation  Introductio I on Thin nk about Frrance. Villages nested in i pretty vaalleys, steeples of mediieval churcches pointin ng out to thee bluee sky, tradittional food fairs, green n hilly vineeyards, rich food and d of course, its prestigious wines. Burrgundy has it all, as yoou are abou ut to discovver! Ideally located at the t crossroaad of Westeern Europe, Burgundy has pplayed a huuge part in the t future o f France sin nce the Gallic times. A Add to this a sum up off all the French ““clichés” annd “raisons d’être”, d no w wonder it iss called the cradle of F France. For several cennturies, the fame and power of tthe Duchy of Burgundy broughtt wealth to the region. Now wadays, its amazing architectura a al heritagee can still be b seen everywhere ass the numerrous typicall Burgundy tiledd roofs testiify. Burgundy regionaal gastronomy has also o spread allll over the country c andd even n behind itss borders with w well-ap ppreciated ddishes such as beef bou urguignon, coq au vin n, and muchh morre. Burgunddy is also reenowned forr breeding tthe weirdest food one can think oof: snails! But B the famee of th he region has also beenn made by its i world-cllass wines, usually pro oduced in sm mall quantiities such ass Nuitts Saint-Geoorges, Pomm mard, Merccurey, Meurrsault and many m more. The walking hoolidays we designed d fo or you aim tto bring you u through th he heart of tthis incredib ble area andd to enjoy the wiide variety of landscap pes, architeccture, food, and of cou urse wines, B Burgundy has h to offer. The city of Beeaune is hoome to Fran nce’s finestt medieval hospital (L Les Hospicees de Beau une) but thee surrrounding viillages havee nothing to t be asham med of. Ind deed, villag ges like Poommard, Gevrey G andd Meu ursault willl seduce yoou not only y with theirr tortuous streets bordeered by stoone built ho ouses, food d marrkets, and cafés but thhey will allso ravish yyour palatess with theirr tannic Pinnots Noirs, refreshingg Cha ardonnay, or even thee local “Kir” aperitif, a regional blackcurrant cream m mixed with local whitee “alig goté” wine.. Over the days, d the chaarms of the different laandscapes will w bewitchh you and viisitors oftenn see their heart sank at the time of dep parture. Donn’t worry; we w are sure the memorries of walk king throughh this giant-size postcard addded to som me wine shoopping willl comfort yo ou in many w ways!

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

 How H to get there The itinerary sttarts in Dijoon, Capital of o the Côte d’Or departtment.

By road r Highways: Paris (A6)) Lille / Bellgique (A266-A5) Metz / Luxxembourg (A31) ( Strasbourgg / Germanyy (A36) Genève (A A40-A39)

t By train Daily TGV from m/to: Paris (1.355 hrs) Paris Charrles de Gaullle Airport (1.35 ( hrs) Lille (3.000 hrs) Lyon (1.455 hrs) Zurich (2.25 hrs) From m Decembeer : LGV Rhhin-Rhône Dijon - Mulhouse (1.05 hrs) Dijon - Strrasbourg (22.00 hrs) Dijon - Zuurich (2.25 hrs) h

By plane p Dijo on Bourgoggne Airport, 6 km south of Dijon's ddowntown. Eastern Airwayys daily direect flights: Dijon - Boordeaux (1.330 hrs) Dijon - Tooulouse (1.330 hrs) Dijon - Naantes (1.30 hrs) Dijon - Loondon-Southhampton (2.00 hrs) : N New!

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

 Emergency E y Phone Nu umber Pleaase make suure you havee the follow wing numberrs with you at all timess in case of eemergency.. 

Your In nsurance contact deta ails

We proovide an em mergency phone numb ber +353 87 7 970 19 22. You can uuse this num mber anytimee 24/7 in casse of any issues with thhe services we w provide. We are coommitted to solving your prooblem as efffectively an nd as quicklly as possible.

The telephone num mber 112 is the internaational emeergency telephone numb mber telephone number for bothh mobile andd fixed-linee telephoness.

 Difficulty D & Walking Times Wallking times exclude brreak and arre based onn real time assessmentt as per a nnormal wallker (4km/hh and//or 300m/h ascent and//or 400m/h descent). P Please allow w yourself sufficient tim me considerring breaks, picn nic, nightfalll, transfer, etc…On e thiis basis; we decided to grade the trrip “Easy”  Following F tthe Itinerarry We follow welll marked and a signpostted paths. T The marking gs of these paths are ggeneric to GR G (Grandee Ran ndonnée), G GRP (Grandde Randonnée de Payys) and PR R (Petite Randonnée). R . In additio on to thesee marrkings used everywhere in Francee (and moree and more in the who ole of Europpe), we som metimes usee som me regional m marked pathhs. All these markings can be seen n on landmaarks, rocks, trees at eacch junctionss or crossroads. c IIn combinaation with th he “step-by--step” path description n, they will lead you to o the end off the stage. u may find tthat it is eassier and mo ore convenieent to follow w the mark kings rather than to reaad the notes, You as th his could pootentially distract d you from the sccenery. Alsso, some people prefer using the map(s) m onlyy rath her than the notes, or ussing the notees only wheen there is a doubt abou ut the itinera rary. The markings aare shown inn the table below: b Go Straigght

Turn Left

Turn Right

Wronng direction

GR ande (Gra Rand donnée)

GRP P (Gra ande Rand donnée de Pays)) PR (P Petite Rand donnée)

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 What to Brring


                   

Luggage L - thhe baggage allowance is i one item ((maximum 20kg) per person Daypack D (155-20l) Good G walkinng shoes with ankle sup pport Plenty P of spaare pairs of socks - hiking socks foor walks and reegular sockks for evenin ngs Appropriate A pants for hiiking, i.e. not jeans Light L shoes ((for evening g) Long L pants ffor hiking T-shirts T or shhort-sleeved d shirts Long L sleevedd shirt Polar P fleece Swim S suit Warm W hat annd sun hat Sunglasses S Toiletries T - ttoothbrush, toothpaste, soap etc. Water W bottlee Extra E clothinng for cold sensitive s Sun S cream (ppreferably sweat/water s r resistant annd of a high h factor) Plastic P bags Headlamp H too go to the tunnels t You Y may waant to consid der a light helmet h to prrotect your head h when w in tunnnels

Some ccommon n medicines like::

     

Plasters P Blister B plasteers Aspirin/Para A acetamol forr headachess or other paain Antihistamin A ne tablets Throat T lozennges Anti-inflamm A matory creaam

Some e optionaal extras::

              

Flashlight F w with extra baatteries & bu ulb Camera C equiipment Binoculars B Collapsible C pplastic buck ket or bowl for laundryy Some S generaal antibioticcs Moist M sealedd mini paperr towels Powdered P drrink mix Chocolate C orr candy barss Needle N and tthread, safety pins Rip-stop R nyllon tape Dental D floss Ace A Bandag e Reading R matterial Walking W sticck or walkin ng poles Small S musiccal instrumeents like harmonicas, Pllaying cardss…

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

Beaar in mind tthat this is a generic liist and all tthe items mentioned m will w not be necessary. Also, somee item ms may not be mentionned for partiicular type of walk. We also reco W ommend yoou to buy a guidebook: Lone ely planet, Rough guiide, etc…W We mentionn places of cultural in nterest andd things to see in ourr walkking notes, however, sspecific info ormation onn history, arrchitecture and culturee is more su ubstantial in n a sp pecialised gu uidebook. A And of course, don’t fo orget your ccamera!  Opening Tiime & Servvices The following ttimes are inndicative on nly. The surre way to kn now when and a what to expect to be b open is too go to the tourist office:      

Restaurrants: 12h000-14h and 19h-22h, laater in tourissty places Bars: 88am until laate. In the countryside c they often n close a few w hours in the afterno oon and cann close affter 9pm at night. n Banks: Mon-Fri 9hh00-13h00 and a 14h00- 17h. Some banks open n on Sat morrning Church hes: early morning m for mass. Closeed at lunch time and ree-open from m 15h or 16h h. Churchess to visit have a moree extended opening tim me Post Offfices: Monn-Fri 9h00-13h00 and 1 4h00-17h Shops: 9h-12h andd 14h-18h00 0. Closed onn Sundays. However, the supermaarkets can be open laterr and nonn-stop.

 Climate Burgundy is dominated by b the variaations of w western weather that ch haracterise the whole of Westernn Euro ope. w theree are frequeent spells of fine, coldd weather. In I the summ mer, it is hoot with a few welcomee In winter, show wers. Autum mn (grape harvests h obliging!) is ggenerally a pleasant, su unny seasonn, probably y one of ourr mosst beautiful ttimes, in whhich the collours of natuure blend haarmoniously y with the ggentle blue of o the sky. Bu urgundy Climate Occeanic an Seemi-Contineental

Clim mate Type Aveerage tempeerature Aveerage sunsh hine Aveerage rainfaall Mon nth

1,8830 hours peer year (Dij on) Sum mmer: 48m mm, Winter 775mm. Equ uivalent to 775 7 mm perr year (Dijon n).

P n (mm) Avverage Tem mperature Precipitation 2.55° 41.6 4

January Feb bruary Marrch

Sum mmer: 19.6 6°c, Winter 1.6°c.


30.8 3


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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

Aprril May y Jun ne July y Aug gust September Octtober Nov vember Deccember


40.8 4


59.6 5


46.5 4


48 4


36 3


45.8 4


55 5

60.2 6


39.3 3

Food  Cuisine & F f its richnness, due in large part to t two factoors: the reg gion's heavyy The cuisine of Burgundy is known for red wines and iits possessioon of one off the world' s finest breeeds of beef cattle, the ““Charolais””. The winess are used in thee preparatioon of the sauces s whicch earn a dish d the dessignation oof à la bourrguignonne. Esseentially, thiis means coooked in a red wine sauce to which w baby onions, mu mushrooms and a lardonss (pieeces of bacoon) are added. The classic Burrgundy dishhes cooked in i this mannner are boeu uf bourguig gnon and cooq au vin. Another A term m which frequenttly appears on o menus iss meurette, also a red wine w sauce but b made w without mushrooms andd mbéed with a touch of marc m brandy y. It's used w with eggs, fish f and pou ultry as welll as red meaat. flam i Burgundyy, and the local l style of o cooking tthem involv ves stewingg Snails (escargoots) are hardd to avoid in for several s houurs in the whhite wine off Chablis wiith shallots, carrots and d onions, theen stuffing them t with a buttter of garlic and parsleyy and finish hing them offf in the oveen. Other specialitties includee the parsleey-flavouredd ham (jam mbon persilllé); hams ffrom the Morvan M hillss cook ked in a creeam saupiquuet sauce; calf's c head ((tête de veaau, or sansio ot); a pauchhouse of river fish (thatt is, poached p in white winee with onion ns, butter, ggarlic and lardons); l a poussin froom Bresse; a saddle off haree (rable de llièvre à la Piron); P and a potée bouurguignonn ne, or soup of o vegetablees cooked in i the juicess of lo ong-simmerred bacon annd pork bitss. ndy producees a variety y of cheesess. The best--known are the creamyy Likee other regiions of Frannce, Burgun whitte Chaourcce, the soft St-Florentin from thee Yonne valley, v the orange-skin o nned Époissses and thee delicious goat'ss cheeses frrom the Mo orvan. And then there is gougère,, a kind of cheesecakee, best eatenn warm m with a gllass of

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Burgu undy Wine W

The fine winess of Burgunndy and Bo ordeaux couuld not be further apart in terms of what "m makes them m tick". Whilst B Bordeaux is dominated d by large eestates each h producing g a classic rred wine, Burgundy B iss com mposed of thhousands off small-scalle growers, often with h only tiny parcels p of lland, who may m make a rang ge of a dozeen or more different wines, w both red and wh hite. In Bord deaux, almoost all winee is labelledd Mis en Bouteillle au Châteeau which means m the w whole proccess, from growing g thee grapes to bottling thee wine, is carried out by thhe Château u. Whilst thhere are maany similar producers in Burgun ndy (usuallyy referred to as ""domaines" rather than n "châteaux""), a very significant part p of the pproduction comes c from m négo ociants: meerchants who may own no vineyarrds, but who o buy grapees and finishhed wines for f blendingg and bottling unnder their ow wn label. One Foo ot in France – Tell: +353 1 443 39773 – info@onefoo otinfrance.com Page 9 of 333 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

 Geographyy and climatte The Burgundy region lies a couple of hundred m miles east and a north off Bordeaux.. It covers a large area, the vineyards v rrunning in a long, thin line from A Auxerre in the t north to Lyon in the he south. Th he climate iss conttinental, witth cold winters, hot sum mmers but pplenty of raain. It is easiest to thinkk of Burgun ndy in termss of itts distinct reegions. Runnning from north n to souuth, these arre: Chablis by y far the m most northerlly of Burgu undy's regioons, known exclusivelyy for dry white wines. The Côtee de Nuits home of the great red Burgunndies. Som me white iss produced are thee region n's glory. too, reds but the The Côte de Beaunee known for both red and white w wines, but the greatestt white Burgundies B (other than Chablis) are fro om here. The Côte Chalonnaisse generally y regarded as a a lesser ddistrict. It still producess some extremely e fine wines, both rred and d white. The Mâco onnais the southern lim mit of Burg gundy. Winnes tend to be cheaperr and made for f drinkingg young butt can be excellent valuee. Beaujolaiss (not show wn) is quitte a bit furrther southh. Though not part off Burgundy, it is usuallyy included when w we talk about thee region.

 Grapes The great Burggundies, botth red and white, w are un un-blended wines w madee from a sinngle grape variety. v Thiss agaiin is a maajor differeence from Bordeaux. The grapees used are: Pinot N Noir (red wines) andd Cha ardonnay (w white winess) Various other ggrape varieties are perrmitted withhin Burgundy, though these are nnever used in the greatt " rank nk" of grapees. They willl appear inn budget lev vel bottlingss wines and can be considerred as the "second mon the fu urther southh you travell into the Côte C Chalonnnaise, Mâcconnais andd and are increassingly comm Beaaujolais. Varrieties incluude: Gamay y (red winess) and Aligo oté, Pinot Blanc B (whitee wines) A n Contrôléee areas  Appellation Burgundy is diivided into many, man ny different appellation ns. Often th hese are tinyy, sometim mes coveringg only y a single vvineyard. Thhis, along with w a ratheer complicaated system for namingg wines, caan make thee regiion seem quuite difficullt to understand for thee Burgundy y beginner. Like Bordeeaux, there is a qualityy hierrarchy. Partlly, this is gooverned by Appellatio ns that coveer tighter an nd tighter ggeographical areas. Thee main n geographhical unit off Burgundy is the villagge. The orig ginal wine villages v gavve their nam mes to manyy of th he wines as we will seee. But let's look l at the A Appellation ns in ascendiing order off quality: AC Bourgogn ne covers alll of Burgun ndy. Just liike AC Borrdeaux, it is a genericc AC that covers c thosee wines that don't qualify forr a higher leevel of classsification.

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Rég gional Appeellations coover groupss of villagess, such as AC A Côte de Nuits-Villaages. These are usuallyy good quality wines that doon't qualify for f the nextt rung up the ladder, ind dividual villlage AC's. Villlage ACs ssuch as AC Pommard or AC Gevvrey-Chamb bertin are commonly c know wn as "villlage wines". Bottles laabelled as ccoming from m a particullar village shou uld be of qquite high quality q though they wi ll usually be b blends frrom many diffe ferent vineyaards. Thee Village Prremiers Crrus are from m particularlly good vin neyards surrrounding a villaage. A winne labelled AC Chasssagne-Montr trachet Premier Cru should s be sign nificantly beetter than AC A Chassa agne-Montraachet. Thesse wines arre usually blen nded from vvarious smalller individu ual Premierr Cru vineyaards. Individual Vin neyard Premiers Cruss come from m superior vineyards, v th he name off which is sh hown on thee labeel: Chassagn gne-Montracchet Premieer Cru Cham mpgains forr example. These winees should bee extremelyy fine and worth the consideerable moneey they cost . Gra ands Crus are the élitee of Burgun ndy. These wines com me from the very best slop pes and the llabel will bear only thee name of thhe vineyard d, not the name of any villaage. Exampples include:: Musigny, Montrachet M t, Echézeauxx. These wiines - both red and white - cost a smalll fortune bu ut should bee the epitom me of fine wine. w Ofteen the 1er oor Grand Crru sites are shared by many grow wers, the lan nd divided into small parcels owned by b each. A dozen diffeerent produccers might each e make an Echézeaux E G Grand Cru,, for examp ple. Other siites are Mon nopoles, wh hich is the who ole Cru is ow wned by onne domaine, like La Tâcche Grand Cru, C owned d solely by Dom maine de la Romanée-C Conti.  Domaine D or Négocian nt bottled? The tradition oof négociannts in Burgu undy is as old as Burg gundy itself. Négociannts play a vital v role inn takin ng the grappes and som metimes fin nished winees from smaall estates to t produce wines whicch they cann marrket on a coommerciallyy viable scaale. Their roole can rang ge from sim mple labelliing and disttribution, too carrrying out thhe entire wine-makin w ng process. Négociantts may sup pply wines at all quaality levels, inclu uding Grannd Cru. Man ny négociannts are also vineyard owners, o prodducing dom maine bottled wines aloongside theiir négociantt botttlings. The llarger housees are generrally very reeliable and their wines widely avaailable. Look for Jadot,, Dro ouhin, Bouchhard, Louiss Latour and d Faiveley aamongst oth hers.

 Terroir! - T The war-cryy of Burgun ndy vers in terrroir. Terroir is a Frencch word wiithout a dirrect Englishh The Burgundiaans are the great believ tran nslation. It is applied too specific viineyard sitees. Roughly y translated, it means thhe combinaation of soil, clim mate, aspectt to the sun and geograaphy which believers maintain m is a fundamenntal, definin ng influencee on a finished w wine. It would w be eassy to dismisss the Burgu undian adheerence to terrroir as littlee more thann self-interest, but theree are growing nuumbers of believers b am mongst New w World wiine-makers too. It is c ertainly tru ue that theree can be markedd differences between two t wines, made from m grapes grown in adjooining field ds. All overr One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 11 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

Burgundy you will find Grand G Cru vineyards, with 20 yaards away, vineyards that are deesignated too prod duce simplee regional wines. w This is i all down tto terroir. 

The greatt red wines

The Pinot Noiir seems haappiest on the t cool lim mestone slo opes of Bu urgundy, find ding only lim mited succeess when planted p elsew where in th he world. The T area lies on the edgee of the quaality wine-m making zonee. The Pinot Noirr is also a fickle f grapee and is easyy to over-crop. These factors, alon ng with the question off terroir an nd the vast rrange of wiines and domaines, meaan that chooosing red Buurgundy hass to be donee carefully. The Côte de Nuuits (whichh together with w the Côtee de Beaun ne are known as the Côtee d'Or, or ""Golden Sloopes") is th he home of the great reed Burgund dies and the vast majority of Grands and Premiers P C Crus. Here too are some of Burgundy's moost famous villages such as Geevrey-Chambertin and VosneRom manée. y wine from m this regioon will be expensive e bbut all should be of go ood quality. The winess from eachh Any villaage area haave their ow wn charactter: sturdy, tannic and d long-lived d from arouund Nuits-St-Georges, aristtocratic, richh and compplex from Vosne-Roma V anée for exaample. Furtther south thhe Côte de Beaune is most m famouus for its wh hites, but there are veryy good, reliable, sturdyy Pino ots Noirs. T They might lack the finesse of thhe best Côtee de Nuits, but they arre also a little cheaper. Corrton is the oonly red Graand Cru of the Côte dee Beaune, whilst w Pomm mard is proobably the most m widelyy know wn red of thhe region, made m just so outh of the ccity of Beau une. 

The greatt white winees

wn very succcessfully all a over the world. w As a Chaardonnay haas, of coursee, been grow variiety it is reelatively eassy to grow and toleraant of a wide variety of soil andd clim matic conditiions. ablis Cha By far f the mostt northerly area of Burrgundy, Chaablis lies alm most half-w way betweenn the Côte d'Or aand Paris. Itt is home to o one of thee world's beest known Chardonnay C y wines which sshould be steely s and dry with fflavours off lemon and minerals.. Trad ditionally Chablis is un-oaked d, setting it apart from fr most other topp Chaardonnays frrom Burgunndy and elseewhere. There are 4 quaality levels for f Chablis,, each with its own AC C: AC Petit P Chabllis Arg guably not trrue Chablis at all, from m grapes groown on the outskirts o of the area. U Usually fresh h and pleaasant, but raarely showinng the true character c off Chablis. Chaablis proper consists off:

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AC Chablis AC Chablis Preemier Cru esp. e Fourchaume, Monntmains, Mo ontée de Ton nnerre AC Chablis Grrands Cru It iss a consisteent area, so most Chab blis is goodd - look outt for wines made by a huge co-o operative off grow wers calledd La Chabliisienne - unlike u somee other co-o operative wines, w thesee offer good value forr mon ney.  The Côte dde Beaune C Chardonnay from here is i quite diffferent from Chablis. It iss generally aged in oak k barrels annd the fruit is usually riper giving much m fullerr, rounder w wines. The best b known viillages of the area include Meursault, PulignyM Montrachet and a Chassag gne-Montraachet. A As elsewherre in Burg gundy, quallity and prrices vary drramatically.. The winess at Premierr Cru level and above shhould be nuutty, buttery and toasty,, but with raacy acidity annd often hinnts of unussual mineraal and stony y flavours. U Unusually, these t are white winnes that caan reward ceellaring for between 5 and a 15 yearrs.

 The Minor regions Agaain, as with Bordeaux there t are maany excellennt wines avaailable from m out with thhese great regions. r Thee Côtee Chalonnaaise has manny fine mid d-range redss which hav ve good, strrawberry fruuit and willl keep for 5 yearrs or so. Toop villages include i Merrcurey, Givvry and Rullly. Look forr the wines from the Co-operative C e at Buxy B - very rreliable. The Mâconnaiss is better known k for itts Chardonnnay whites which are fresh f and saappy with honeysuckle h e arom mas. The toop wines coome from Pouilly-Fuisssé and St-V Véran, thoug gh wines lab abelled Mâccon-Villagess or Mâcon-Lugn M ny should coome from th he better vinneyards, aree reliable an nd should bee quite cheaap. Beaaujolais can range from m the light, hopefully h frresh and fru uity wines of Beaujolaiis Nouveau to the moree serio ous wines oof the Beauj ujolais-Villaages. The beest 10 Villaages have th heir own AC Cs and ofteen the namee "Beaujolais" ddoesn't appeear on the label. Thesse wines arre known as a the "Cruus": Brouillly, Chénas,, Chirroubles, Fleeurie, Morggon, St-Amo our, Côte dee Brouilly, Moulin-à-Ve M ent, Réginiéé, Juliénas.

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Itiinerary y  Dijon D Pop pulation 1511,576 – Elevvation 220--410m D Dijon is peerhaps bestt known foor its mustaard (named d after the town), wh hich is stilll pproduced loocally, but it is also onne of the mo ost beautifu ul cities in FFrance, and d its historicc bbuildings annd byways were w not heeavily damaaged by bom mbing in W World War Two T and aree llargely intacct.

Dijon D was ffor some tim me the capiital of the D Dukes of Bu urgundy. Bu urgundy waas a great po ower duringg the 14th and 155th centuriees, when thee dukes conntrolled a larrge part of what w is now w north-easttern France, western Germaany, Belgium m, and the Netherlands N s. D Dijon Large

The dukes were greaat patrons of the artss, so Dijon n was a major centree of Gothicc and earlyy Ren naissance m music, painting, and scu ulpture, attraacting somee of the greeatest and m most famouss artists andd mussicians from m Flanders in particulaar. The muusic the greeat composeers left behhind can bee performedd anyw where, but it is particuularly in the fields of scculpture and d architectu ure that massters left a lasting markk on Dijon. D

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Today, Dijon is a cossmopolitan city, with universities in the ceentre and inndustrial plants on thee outsskirts. Trafffic is restriccted in the centre of tthe city; so o many parts of centraal Dijon are quiet andd relax xing. D Dijon Centre

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 From F Dijon n to Gevreyy-Chamberttin – 12km – 3h00 There are a nuumber of options o where to startt walking today, t espeecially in oorder to avo oid Dijon’ss outsskirts. 

From D Dijon city centre: c It is of course ppossible to start s right from the tow wn of Dijon, though thiss is the lleast preferrred option n in our oppinion. Justt walk up to Marc dd'Or. Cross "Canal dee Bourgogne" behindd the train station s and w walk on the road 108g to Marc d'O Or

From M Marc d'Orr: This is the "officiall" start of the "Chemiin des Gran ands Crus", though wee recomm mend startinng from Cheenove "see above). Tak ke Bus 13 from f Dijon city centre and stop att "Bel Aiir". The "Chhemin des Grands G Cruss" starts on the left han nd side. Thee way is ind dicated withh a small yellow signnpost.

From C Chenove: Frrom Dijon, we recomm mend to takee Bus 4 from m the centree to Chenov ve. You willl avoid thhe outskirts and suburb b of Dijon w which are off no interestts. Stop at "V Vieux Bourrg" and takee right onn "rue Rogeer Salengro o" 50m furthher. Walk up u to the "Pressoir dees ducs de Bourgogne" B " where thhe path starrts.

From ffurther awaay: To start further awaay, for exam mple in "Maarsennay la Côte", takee a taxi from m your hootel. You cann ask your hotel h in Dijoon to arrang ge this for you. y D Dijon Bus Map

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Thee itinerary iis described d from Cheenove: From m the Presssoir des duccs de Bourg gogne (4), ggo the directtion of Marrsannay-la-C Côte. Walk around thiss town n by the W West (5) and keep going g through thhe vineyard ds towards Couchey C annd the hamlet of Fixey. Tak ke a right (6)) then take a left (7) on n rue des Heervelets in th he direction n of Fixin (D D3).

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Tak ke left rue dee l’Hermitaage and asceend on the rright rue Peerrière. Wheen you reach ch La Charm motte, go upp on the t left undeer pine treess (8) (9) and d go up on tthe left at th he edge of the t forest annd come back down onn the left l on the rrocky path.

n” (10), andd re-ascend d slightly on n the right oon a straigh ht line quitee Go down in thhe “Combe du Brochon steeep that turnss finally on the t right. Reaching R thee itinerary “Batier”, “ turrn left and aat the next crossroad c goo dow wn on the w wide track on o the left. Pass P by thee reserve off Gevrey-Ch hambertin, then on thee right handd sidee of the castlle (11) and left hand side of the chhurch (12)  Gevrey-Chaambertin Pop pulation 3,0084 – Elevattion 212-51 10m T This touristiic, winemak king villagee is situated on the Rou ute des Grannds Crus in the Côte dee N Nuits. The village is noted n for thhe Grand crru Burgund dy wine thaat is producced from itss vvineyards, thhe most fam mous of whiich is Cham mbertin.

Only y in Gevreyy-Chamberttin, howeveer, have arcchaeologicaal digs been n able to finnd Gallo-R Roman viness datin ng back to the 1st Cenntury BC. The T outline of 120 vin ne stocks waas discoverred in 2008, during thee expaansion of a residentiall developm ment that waas updating g 300 septicc tanks all llined up in n an area off 6 km m2. This arcchaeologicaal discovery y corroborattes with tex xts written by b Pliny thee Elder and Columella, mak king it crediible that thee Gallo-Rom man vines iin Gevrey-C Chambertin were the fiirst vines to o be plantedd in Bourgogne. B

a they wouuld be today y, but the ch hoice of landd used and its i exposuree The vines weree planted in rows, just as were quite diffferent: the Gallo-Roma G an vines werre planted on o planes, as a opposed to the coasts that mostt of today's Côtees de Nuitss is grown on. o Furtherm rmore, winees made fro om these viines would have had a diffe ferent taste, notably beccause the Gaallo-Romanns added spiices as preseervatives. One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 18 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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 From F Gevrrey-Chambeertin to Nuiits Saint Geeorge Crross the roaad D31 and d follow thee ru ue de l’églisse and then right rue dee Meixveille M an and eventuaally straightt ah head in thee vineyards. Towardss the house, taake a left and a rightt an nd left agaain on a large trackk ov verlooking the vineyaard enteringg the wood. Go o down a straight line and, reaching the G Grands Cru us (13), takee a right r in direection of Morey-SaintM Deenis. Takee a right rue de laa Montagne, M w walk along th he Clos dess Laambrays (114). At thee reservoir, tak ke a left rrue de la Combe C andd then again oon the leftt rue de laa Biidaude overrlooking thee vines (15).

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Afterr about 4000m, go up on o the rightt by a rocky tracck by the edge e of thee forest. Keep gooing straigh ht, cross thee limesstone cleariing before descendingg to Ch hambolle-M Musigny. Crosss the road D D122h. Take the rue dee Vergy (16) goinng up and 50 00m furtherr aboutt, go down wn on the left in thee direction of a reeservoir and d left againn in diirection of the castle of Clos dee Voug geot (17). When n you reaach the sm mall tarmacc road, take rightt and walk k along thee wine storeroom of the Closs. Cross thee viney yard of Echhezeaux. Arrriving on a smalll road, takee a right an nd then left ft 100m m further an and cross th he “Grandss Crus”” of Vosne--Romanée. At th he angle off Romanée--Conti (18), desceend on the lleft rue de laa Tâche andd take a right beefore keepiing straightt until Nuits-Sainnt-Georges. Take ruee n left on thee Saintt-Symphorieen and then road D25. Crosss this road (D D4).

ke right rue de l’Egalité (19). Wallk along thee church Stt-Symphorieen. Take leeft rue Félix x Tisserand. Tak Turn n right rue Charmois then t take th he small tarrmac road ascending. When you reach a sig gnpost (20), keep p going up. N eorges  Nuits-St-Ge Pop pulation 5,5516 – Elevattion 224-51 16m N Nuits-Saint--Georges iss the mainn town of the t Côte de d Nuits w wine-produciing area off B Burgundy. Nuits-Saintt-Georges w was the site of the trraditional B Burgundian festival, laa S Saint-Vinceent-Tournan nte, in 20077. It is a fesstival that celebrates c tthe wine off a differentt B Burgundiann village eacch year. The loccal marble iss a sedimen ntary rock, a limestone which is no ot susceptiblle to frost damage. d It iss fine-grained annd capable of acceptin ng a polishh. There is a vein of this stone, called pop pularly, "thee Com mblanchien"", extendingg from Nuitts-Saint-Geoorges to Neevers, which h has madee the reputaations of thee quarrries of thee region. The T stone, by the vaariety of itss shades of o colour, tthe pink off bindweedd (Con nvolvulus) and beige and a its grain n will harmoonize with any a style.

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 From F Nuitss Saint Geoorge to Beau une Leaving Nuits-St-G Georges, waalk back too the “Chem min des Grrands Crus”” where youu left it yessterday wheen you walk ked towardss the town centre. At tthe junction n, take a left ft between the two dooors (21) overlooking o g the vineyards. At thee edge of th he copse, goo up on thee right by a little path. Go aroundd the left hand h side oof statue (22) and turnn left towarrds a pine trree. Take a left on a sttony way descending d , own on thee cross the Road D8 and go do right alon ng the roadd on the grass. g 100m m further, go g down onn the right on o the stonyy track then n 400m furrther about,, take left a track go oing throuugh the vineyards. Towards the bottom m, at the sig gnpost, takee the wide track t on thee right. Passs by ancientt quarries and a a picnicc area. At the “P Premeaux-PPrissey” jun nction, keepp straight going g up. Reeaching a vine (23), goo around itt by the rigght hand siide. Take a right bettween 2 rrocky bloccks a pathh ascending g in the foreest. At the top t after thee turn, keep p the straighht line.

t junctionn, take the liine on the leeft and afterr the line on n the right. Cross C an oldd tarmac road. Comingg At the out of the woood, take thee road on th he left. At tthe bend (2 24), take rig ght the tunnnel and wallk up in thee ong the vinees (25). foreest. At the toop, take a leeft on the platform of thhe road amo At the t cross, foollow the onne way road d and keep ggoing straig ght among the t high vinnes. Cross th he road andd asceend. At the next cross, keep going g straight onn the stony track. t At thee first juncttion, take a right on thee track k with loosee chippingss. At the edg ge of the forrest, take th he way on th he left. 200m m further, go g up on thee righ ht in the foreest walking on a narrow w path. Go around the chapel (26) and the grraveyard byy the left haand side, th hen the war memorial by b the rightt d side. Wallk down onn the left by y the platforrm overlook king the roaad to eventuually reach Villers-La-hand Faye. Go downn on the righht by the staairs, cross thhe town hou use square by b the left hhand side an nd take “ruee de l’ancienne l ccure”. Cross the road D115 and ffollow in front fr “rue du château”.. Then turn n on the left ft (27)). One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 22 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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Crosss an area of cultivatiion withou ut signpostss (mark ks on the grround). Tow wards the bottom, b turnn right then ascen nd left. Ent nter Magny-lès-Villers. Desceend “rue dees Pierres””. Cross thee square off « Creux » and taake straightt on « rue du d Lavoir ». Go arround the sporting groound by thee right handd side. As soon as the edge oof the wood d, go up thee track on the rightt (slippery in wet condiitions). At th he top, takee left. Reaaching the high viness (Hauttes Côtes de d Beaune)), keep go oing almostt straig ght. Enter fro om the left into the wo ood of Cortoo (28) and a then continue keeeping the level l in thee “Gran nds Crus rou uges” (29). After the “cabottte”, keep yoour level to the right inn the “G Grands Cru us blancs” ((30). Pass in i front thee cross “Charlemagne”. Wee get a glimpse g onn Pernaand-Vergeleesses. Reacching a tarmac road, take right. At the t graveyaard, turn left. At thee church (31), descend on thee left and 25m 2 further, left ag gain. One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 23 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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At th he electric transformerr, turn left ft and walkk along g the dried stones walll. Take left around thee decan ntation basiins and coontinue to the bottom m edge of “Corton n-Charlemaggne”. When n you reachh the ro oad, go to the t left, then en 150m furrther on thee right on a vineyaard way andd then rightt on a stonyy track. Crosss the road D18, D take thhe verge on the left andd turn right r and leeft (Ile des Vergelessees, Premierss Crus rouges). Att the next ccrossroad, taake right inn directtion of the steeple off Savigny-lès-Beaune. Keep straight. Arriving at Sav vigny-lès-Beeaune, crosss the roadd and take t in fro ont “rue Peejot”. Go around thee church (32) by its right hhand side. Take “ruee Boulaanger et Valllée”. Crosss the square « Fornier » (signp posting a bit b looser around herre) and goo aroun nd the castlee (33) by itts right han nd side “ruee Guy de d Vaulchieer” D5. At the junctio on, turn left ft (view ws on castlee) and ascennd further the way off the quarries. q Go o under thee motorway y and keepp going g straight. 60 00m furtherr at the juncction, go upp on thee left the lin ne in the woood. At the t top, takke left the stony s track going arouund the “Mo ont Battois”” that enterr afterwardss in a smalll pinees wood andd pass near the motorw way A6 closee to an anteenna. Furtheer away, thee stony track k goes up inn direections of viines. Go in the directio on of a recennt building (34) and co ontinue straaight. In the wood, takee left and 100m further on the right. Go G down affterwards th he “Chemin du Pressoiir” and go back b up thee tarm mac road annd 200m further, fu takee left the w way above the “Bresssandres” ovverlooking the Beaunee vineeyard. One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 24 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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Nex xt, ascend onn the right in i order to join the Vieerge (35). Afterwards. A get g into the brushwood d on the left. Cross the streett and take in i front left of the pinee the dirt traack. At the tarmac roadd, take righ ht and 100m m furth her, left “ruue Charles Monnot”. After the hhouses, get glimpses of o Beaune aand of “preemiers Cruss Beaaunois” (36)). Go down in the direcction of “Paarc de la Bo ouzaise” (37 7). Cross thhe park (or go g around itt by its left).  Beaune B Pop pulation 22,218 – Elevaation 193-4 407m B Beaune is thhe wine cap pital of Burggundy. Beaaune is one of the key w wine centrees in Francee aand the annnual wine auction a of thhe Hospicees de Beaun ne is the prrimary winee auction inn F France. Thee town is su urrounded byy some of the t world's most famouus wine villlages, whilee tthe facilitiess and cellarss of many pproducers, laarge and sm mall, are situuated in Beaaune itself.

Beaaune is an anncient and historic h tow wn on a plaiin by the hiills of the Cote C d'Or, w with features remainingg from m the pre-R Roman and Roman eraas, through the mediev val and renaaissance per eriods and up u to recentt histo ory and modern times. Beaaune is a waalled city, with w about half h of the b attlements, ramparts, and a the moaat, having su urvived andd in good g conditiion, and thee central "o old town" iss extensive. Historicallly Beaune iis intimately y connectedd with h the Dukess of Burgunddy. Lan ndmarks in B Beaune incllude the Hallles, the Ho spices, the Beffroi, B and d Notre Dam me.

h a focus onn There is a compprehensive "traditionall" shopping area clustered around the central square with gourrmet food, fashion, annd wine, while w large supermarkeets, business parks, etcc., are situated on thee outsskirts of tow wn. Beaaune has a major fine food mark ket on Saturrdays, wherre there aree a large nuumber of stall s holderss supp plying a brooad selectioon of produccts and speccialties from m Burgundy y and the suurrounding regions. r Forr exam mple, Bresse chickenss, Jura cheeeses, smal l goods, sp pices, produce of eveery variety as well ass One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 25 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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seassonal speciaalties such as a truffles. There T is a sm maller mark ket on Wedn nesday, andd special-ev vent marketss and fetes are heeld throughoout the yearr. Alth hough Beauune is nott primarily a tourist town but one centreed around the wine industry, itt neveertheless atttracts a largge amount of o tourism.

There are so m many delicioous looking shops to brrowse aroun nd. Buy hom memade wiild peach jaam from thee tiny y shop with a big namee, Palais dess Gourmetss on Place Carnot C and be temptedd every step of the wayy by the t charcuteeries and paatisseries. Bouché in Pllace Mongee is famous for its choccolate and cakes, c Alainn Hess for cheesees and Bouttique Vedrenne has a gglorious arraay of fruit liqueurs and marcs. Win nelovers shoould visit L’Athenaeum L m de la Viggne et du Vin V in Rue de l’Hôtel du Vin forr books andd acceessories andd Le Comptoir Viticolee in Rue Sam muel-Legay y for more wine w paraphhernalia. One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 26 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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To sample thee best of the t region’s wine, vi sit the Maarché aux Vins V oppossite the Ho ospice. Thee ‘dég gustation dees vins’ takkes place in n an anciennt church, with w its ston ne pillars an and arches forming f thee perffect backdroop. For 10 Euros you can taste thhe famous wines w of thee region – 118 in all, with w the bestt redss coming at the end. Ano other very iimpressive cave c to visiit is that off Patriarchee Père & Fils in Rue ddu Collège. The audio-guid ded visit thrrough the laabyrinth of Burgundy'ss most exten nsive cellarss ends withh a tasting of o fine wine. Bou uchard Aînéé & Fils' headquarterss are in thee Hôtel du Conseiller du Roy onn the ring road r aroundd Beaaune. Their ccellars are open o seven days a weeek from 9.30 0 - 12.30 an nd 14.00 - 1 8.30 with an a hour longg tastiing costing 9.5 euros (JJan and Feb b, closed Moondays).  From F Beau une to Meurrsault

Leav ving Beaunne, walk bacck to the to own exit at tthe same pllace as yestterday. Folllow the cycling path inn direection of Sanntenay for 800m. 8 Afterr the first tuurn on the leeft in the vines, leave tthe cycling path and goo up on o the rightt (38) passinng by a rou und “cabottee”. Take on n the right a tarmac roaad ascendin ng the smalll valley of “Luluune” (39). 150m 1 furtheer after the spring, takee left on thee GR76 (siggnpost with h two bandss red and white ffor more thaan 20km). Thro ough copsees and copppices, crosss the “Chauumes de Po ommard” and a go dow wn by a sm mall road inn betw ween the vinnes. Cross “Pommard” “ ” (40) and w walk back up u on the plateau, still among thee vines (41). Cross the plateaau of “Volnnay” partly through t a ppine trees forest. Walk along a the eddge of the plateau p (42), turn n right whenn reaching towards t the pinewood aand then turrn left. Go down d a stonny track, cro oss the D233 One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 27 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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and walk back in front onn the plateau u partially ccultivated for fo 1km abo out. Turn lefft so you caan cross thee cultivations andd walk alonng the vines until goingg down to th he village off “Auxey Duuresses”. From Auxey-D Duresses too Meursaultt

We tem mporarily leave thee GR76 annd "Sentierss des grandss Crus" too go to Meeursault forr the nighht. Follow the yellow w signpost instead. Once youu reach thee village an nd the roadd D973, taake left for 20m andd right imm mediately. The path iss called PB B14 "Pays Beaunois". You cann see Meurrsault from m the top oof the hill. PS: If yoou are comfo ortable withh map reaading, you can makee your ownn way to Meursault M byy short cutttting PB14.

 Meursault M Pop pulation 1,5566 – Elevattion 199-45 58m M Meursault produces p mainly m whitee wines fro om Chardon nnay grapess, primarily y in a stylee w with a clearr oak influen nce, which have led to o description ns such as ""buttery" to o be appliedd tto powerful examples of o Meursaullt wines.

With hin the Meuursault AOC C there are some Prem mier Cru vin neyards, butt no Grand C Cru. This has h howeverr not stopped thhe wines froom Meursaault from coompeting with w the wh hite burgund ndies from the t villagess Chaassagne-Monntrachet annd Puligny-M Montrachett, where sev veral Grand ds Crus are situated. The T town off Meu ursault is hoome to the innternational wine evennt La Pauléee de Meursaault

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Meu ursault is sittuated on a prehistoricc settlementt. Mont Méllian is a Gaallo-Roman camp. The old Romann Fortt remains arre still visible on the hill (known aand signpostted as "La Montagne") M above the village. v The hospital dee Meursaullt is an old hospital thhat was orig ginally used d to treat leeprosy datin ng from thee twellfth centuryy. Meursaultt was used in i the film L La Grande Vadrouille.. The town hhall, very recognisablee with h its Burgunndy coloured roof, is ussed in somee scenes, witth it catchin ng fire.  From F Meurrsault to Ch hagny ult to Auxeey-Duressess From Meursau

Frrom Meuursault, waalk backk to Au uxey-Duressses (seee previouss day). Allternativelyy, read yo our map annd take a shortcut, jjoining the GR76 aat the "S Statue dee StCh hristophe".

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

Bacck on the “C Chemin des Grands Crus” C

Back in Auxeyy Duresses, go around the t church ((43) by its left l and takee a path bettween two walls. w Crosss the river r and tuurn right andd then left and a walk up in the vines (D6). At the t enter of the forest, take t left on n a loose patth that beco ome quite stteep going tthrough pine trees untill a pllateau. Reacching a widde track, tak ke a left annd at the crrossroad (44 4), take righ ght on a wid de track forr One Foo ot in France – Tel:: +353 1 443 39733 – info@onefootinfrance.com Page 30 of f 33 © One Foot in France – A All Rights Reserved

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

abou ut 2km to cross the “Chatelet de Montmeillan M n”. Afterwaards, take a left on a nar arrow path in n forest andd thro ough boxwoood for 1.5kkm, at the ed dge of the pllateau. Reaaching a heaadland, « Rooche Dumay y » (45), goo north on th he path thro ough the plaateau that next descendd in a small coom mb and get to the hamllet of Gamaay. Once a the t small ro oad, take rigght and go down d insidee the hamlet of G Gamay. Goo around thee castle (466) by its lefft and then by a smalll road reach h St Aubin. 150m m before thhe church (447), go up on o the left, cross the ro oad D906 and a walk upp to the platteau. At thee “Vo ollon” cross, take the way w on the left l in orderr to reach th he wood off “Chassagnne”. After ab bout 1.2km, in th his wood, ttake a left a path quitte narrow ggoing down n to Chassag gne-Montraachet after two hairpinn bend ds exiting tthe wood. Walk W along g the road D D113a and take a left in the direection of thee hamlet off Morrgeot (48) To reach r Chaggny Afteer Morgeot,, we keep foollowing thee GR76 forr a while leaaving the “C Chemin des Grands Cru us” in orderr to go to Chagnyy.

At point p 217m m when the cycle path goes right to Santenaay 50m beffore the raillway, keep straight onn GR7 76. Just befo fore the railw way, take leeft on a smaall road paraallel to the railway. r Passs under thee bridge (yeellow sign), At the junnction, take right on a dirt road tthen cross the t railway. Folllow the raillway until crossing c an nother railw way. Pass by y the camp psite and spport compleex and keepp follo owing the yyellow signss to enter Ch hagny.

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

 Chagny Pop pulation 5,5566 – Elevattion 201-31 15m The city haas been awaarded the “ggreen holidaay”. The criiteria for thiis quality ch harter allow w it to stand out in term ms of welcom ming tourissts, protected environm ment, outdoo or activities, lodging, shhops and seervices, touurism and dy ynamic presence of a two start to ourist officee on the tow wn.

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Burgu undy: Walk amonngst the Grand Crrus

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