Industry News U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol's New Three-Year Enrollment Trust Protocol participating producers will find the new streamlined enrollment for the 2022-2024 crops easy and quick. Production data, which remains confidential, now can be more efficiently uploaded into the Protocol platform, thus paving the way for a potential redistribution of program revenue. As before, crop consultants can be authorized to enter information and the John Deere Operations Center can pre-populate up to 40% of the data needed to complete the Fieldprint analysis for those utilizing the Protocol platform. To learn more or begin enrollment, visit or reach out to the Grower Helpdesk at growers@
2022 Milan No-Till Field Day Will Be Back In Person July 28
land value in its Census of Agriculture. USDA also updates the average statewide market value of agricultural land and buildings each year. Since 1997, the state-level values cover four classes: all cropland, non-irrigated cropland, irrigated cropland and pastureland. The annual report does not break values down by county but is helpful in observing trends, Massey said. Values can vary considerably within a county depending upon location, land quality and other factors, Milhollin said.
For this reason, USDA estimates may not provide an acceptable estimate of land values. However, it does provide a consistent historical perspective, he said. In the guide, Milhollin and Massey recommend steps to estimate historical land values at a county level. The accompanying spreadsheet reports the average market value for individual Missouri counties starting from 1959. The guide and spreadsheet are available for free download at extension.
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“Since 1981, the Milan No-Till Field Day has hosted visitors to the largest field day in the nation dedicated to conservation tillage,” said Blake Brown, director, University of Tennessee AgResearch/ Education Center at Milan. The 2022 field day will be held in person Thursday, July 28, from 8 a.m.-1 p.m., 3 Ledbetter Rd., Milan, Tennessee. Visit https://milannotill.tennessee. edu/ for updates about the event as they become available.
MU Guide, Spreadsheet Help Estimate Farmland Values Buyers and sellers who need an estimate of the value of a piece of farmland may not always find it feasible to get an appraisal, particularly one that reflects the land’s historical value needed to calculate taxes and settle estates. University of Missouri Extension offers a publication and spreadsheet that give an estimated value of farmland by county in Missouri, said Ray Massey, MU Extension professor in agricultural business and policy. Massey and Ryan Milhollin, assistant Extension professor of agricultural business and policy, are co-authors of the “Missouri Farmland Values” guide and the county land value estimator spreadsheet. Every five years since 1950, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has surveyed farmers and reported county-level TWITTER: @COTTONFARMING
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The Call and Consultation are FREE! We don’t get paid unless you get paid. 2601 14th Street Gulfport MS 39501 JULY 2022 | COTTON FARMING