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Rice Consultant’s Corner
Strategic Water Management Is Key Mark Gustafson Helena Chemical Company Yuba City, Calif. Growing up, I spent a lot of time helping my grandfather on his farming operation and knew that I wanted to be a crop advisor since high school. I worked for two years as an intern for Helena Chemical Company while attending Chico State, and after graduating, joined the company fulltime. I’ve always enjoyed working in rice. Today the weed dynamics have changed. We’re seeing more resistance to some of the older chemistry, especially in rice mimic and smallflower umbrella sedge. We have to be more proactive on timing and how we apply herbicides. For instance, in rice we will put down Granite SC for monochloria, lily weeds and tough-to-control grasses, followed by propanil applications to help clean them up. When making the second or third application in battling these resistant weeds, we tankmix a lot of different herbicides to combat the large diversity of weeds that are present. We add Londax and Grandstand to the propanil to assist with the cleanup. When battling rice mimic, we apply a high rate of Regiment 25 to 30 days after seeding and follow up seven to 10 days later with propanil applications as a one-two punch. We’ve found that this approach knocks the weeds down better. In a good water year, we are able to be more strategic about our herbicide programs, enabling us to utilize both aerial and ground rig applications for our primary herbicides. Last June in a lot of the rice areas, we applied Cerano up front in a static flood, then followed up with Granite GR in some areas and Bolero in other areas. During the mid-tiller stage, we used ground rigs to clean up sedges, late watergrass, ducksalad and arrowhead. To determine the best fertility programs for our farmers, we take tissue samples in-season during panicle initiation, then pull soil samples in the spring. We are site-specific on our nitrogen applications. We put the aqua down up front. A lot of my growers have an aqua roller, so we can lay down a custom blend of starter fertilizer on top of the soil while we are shanking in the aqua. After making our herbicide applications, we come back through from max-tiller to panicle initiation and topdress to carry the crop through harvest and take stress off the plant, using ammonium sulfate from 100 to 150 pounds per acre to give it a 20- to 30-unit bump. This helps increase yields, too. In 2015, if California does not receive its much needed precipitation, we could see an additional 20 percent decrease in rice acreage over last year. Right now, we are at 40 percent capacity in Shasta and 38 percent in Oroville, compared to the more typical 60 to 70 percent mark with a good snowpack. There is no snowpack this year, so strategic water management is critical. Make sure all of your checks are buttoned up and there are no leaks in the levees. Make good use of every drop of water that is available. Sponsored By
• B.S. degree in Crop Science – Chico State University • Licensed Pest Control Adviser and Certified Crop Advisor • Member of California Association of Pest Control Advisers (CAPCA) • Has consulted for 11 years • Consults on rice, almonds, walnuts, corn, alfalfa, wheat, prunes and peaches • Married to wife, Angela. Two children: Cheyanne, 11; and Cole, 9 • Enjoys hunting, fishing and snowmobiling with the family at their cabin in LaPorte, Calif.
Recap: Strategic Water Management Is Key
1. We’re seeing more resistance to some of the older chemistry, especially in rice mimic and smallflower umbrella sedge. We have to be more proactive on timing and how we apply herbicides. 2. For instance, in rice we will put down Granite SC for lily weeds, monochloria and tough-to-control grasses, followed by propanil applications to help clean them up. 3. In a good water year, we are able to be more strategic about our herbicide programs, enabling us to utilize both aerial and ground rig applications for our primary herbicides. 4. We are site-specific on our nitrogen applications. We put the aqua down up front. A lot of my growers have an aqua roller, so we can lay down a custom blend of starter fertilizer on top of the soil while we are shanking in the aqua. 5. There is no snowpack this year, so strategic water management is critical. Make sure all of your checks are buttoned up and there are no leaks in the levees.
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Rice Consultant’s Corner
Make Proactive Decisions In 2015 Larry McAnally McAnally Ag Consulting East Bernard, Texas Before moving to East Bernard, Texas, in 1986 to take the position of farm manager at the hybrid rice research station, I farmed with my dad in Missouri. In 1990, I began consulting with another company prior to establishing McAnally Ag Consulting. Last year, rice farmers in the area did very well. Yields and quality were good despite some early season cold weather issues. Because we are located on the Gulf Coast, developing effective herbicide programs is important to control a variety of troublesome weeds, including barnyardgrass, sprangletop, alligator weed, Mexican weed (Texas weed), waterhemp, sedges and jointvetches. We are seeing more resistance in some of the weeds each year, particularly in barnyardgrass and waterhemp. Since barnyardgrass is sometimes resistant to propanil, we apply Grasp to manage the grass weeds. As far as resistant broadleaf weeds, we depend on RebelEX or Regiment to achieve control. If there are a lot of sedges present, we may include Permit in the first herbicide shot. You have to take a proactive approach to manage all of these weeds. If a good seedbed has been established prior to planting and not many weeds are present, we apply Command. In areas where drift might be an issue because of prevailing winds out of the southeast, we apply a residual to stretch out the grass control. In those instances, I will include Facet in the mix, being proactive again. As the first herbicide shot plays out, I apply herbicides as needed for weeds and grasses, then go to flood and let the water be the herbicide for the rest of the season. It’s also important to have a good fertility program as well as a herbicide program to maximize yields. Based on soil sample results, I start with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as a base fertilizer and follow up with a topdress application in-season. Never let your rice get stressed from lack of nitrogen, which can result in a yield loss. As far as insects, I scout fields twice a week so I can manage these pests as they show up. We have a few aphids, chinch bugs and armyworms early in the season, but they are not everywhere, every year. As the rice begins to head, stink bugs are a significant pest. In areas where there has been a lot of stem borer activity, I take a proactive approach and put Dermacor on the seed to head off that problem. Because of water restrictions for irrigation imposed by the Lower Colorado River Authority, rice acres will be down in 2015 in the areas that depend on the river system. Rice acreage should remain the same where rice farmers have access to wells. As farmers look to the upcoming season, it’s important to stay proactive in all areas: seed selection; seedbed preparation; weed, disease and insect control; and fertilizer timing. And, of course, water management is key. Sponsored By
• B.S. degree in Agricultural Economics – University of Missouri • Consults on rice, cotton, corn, grain sorghum and soybeans in Wharton, Fort Bend, Matagorda and Jackson Counties • Certified Crop Adviser and has consulted for 25 years • Member of the Texas Association of Agricultural Consultants • 2014 Texas Plant Protection Association Consultant Award • Member of First Baptist Church in East Bernard • Married to wife, Doris. Two grown children: son, Chris; daughter, Renee. Six grandchildren • Enjoys spending time with the family, deer hunting in Missouri and fishing with Doris at Matagorda Bay
Recap: Make Proactive Decisions In 2015
1.On the Gulf Coast, we have to control a variety of troublesome weeds, including barnyardgrass, sprangletop, alligator weed, Mexican weed (Texas weed), waterhemp, sedges and jointvetches. 2.Since barnyardgrass is sometimes resistant to propanil, we apply Grasp to manage the grass weeds. As far as resistant broadleaf weeds, we depend on RebelEX or Regiment. 3.In developing fertility programs, I start with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as a base fertilizer and follow up with a topdress application in-season to help achieve maximum yields. 4.As far as insects, I scout fields twice a week so I can manage these pests as they show up. We have a few early season aphids, chinch bugs and armyworms. At heading, stink bugs are a significant pest. Stem borers also are present in some fields. 5.It’s important to stay proactive in all areas: seed selection; seedbed preparation; weed, disease and insect control; and fertilizer timing. And, of course, water management is key.