Healing After Child Sexual Abuse: Body Memories

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Healing a)er Child Sexual Abuse: Body Memories Svava Brooks Cer,fied Child Sexual Abuse Preven,on Educator Advocate and Survivor svava@educate4change.com www.Educate4Change.com

This program is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not meant to replace the counsel or treatment of a licensed therapist.

No,ce how you are feeling


hHp://www.thrivingnow.com/tapping-­‐points-­‐and-­‐instruc,ons/ 2014 Svava Brooks, educate4change.com

Something to consider


2014 Svava Brooks, educate4change.com

Body Memories •  When we were trauma,zed our bodies responded in ways to protect itself. •  AQer prolonged trauma and abused the body forgets to shut of the release of hormones to protect itself. •  We may be ignoring the pain now, thinking this is normal. Perhaps not realizing the connec,on. •  Beginning Ritual:

–  Write 4 good things that happened to you in the last few days.


Modified from the Healing the Trauma of Abuse by Coperland and Harris. 2014 Svava Brooks, educate4change.com

Tension Releasing Start with a Body Scan: While you are relaxing scanning your body no,ce where in your body did you feel comfortable and relaxed? Where did you feel tension. Do you think it is related to something going on in your life today or perhaps related to something that happened in the past? You may not know why you feel tension in parts of your body and that is ok. It is not necessary to know why in order to release the tension.

Modified from the Healing the Trauma of Abuse by Coperland and Harris.


2014 Svava Brooks, educate4change.com

What can you do? Choose one area of your body to focus on at the ,me and ask yourself: What are the sensa,ons in this part of my body? How does it move? Using your mind and your breath imagine warmth or white light flowing into this part of your body. Journal on how you felt before the exercise and then aQer. Modified from the Healing the Trauma of Abuse by Coperland and Harris. 8/20/14

2014 Svava Brooks, educate4change.com

It Starts With You! •  Like with anything new it takes ,me •  Make ,me for it •  If you are not in the moment you don’t know how you feel •  With prac,ce your body will respond and change •  When your body relaxes you will change the way you respond to things that happened and happen to you. 8/20/14

2014 Svava Brooks, educate4change.com

Something to Live By The Body Remembers What the Mind Forgets

What is your body trying to tell you? hHp://sexualabusesupport.onehealth.com 2014 Svava Brooks, educate4change.com


The healing begins with you and the suffering can end with you. -­‐-­‐Svava Brooks

•  Survivor Support and Resources   thelamplighters.org   siawso.org

  malesurvivor.org   Call 211   OneHealth.com   acestudy.org


  psychologytoday.com   educate4change.com   JusHell.org   jaimeromo.com

Great Books for survivors: The Courage to Heal – Ellen Bass Breaking the Cycle – Sandra Riggins Repair Your Life – Marjorie McKinnon

  1in6.org

  Taalk.org   survivormanual.com   survivingspirit.com   connec,onssp.org

2014 Svava Brooks, educate4change.com

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