Resolutions and Resilience

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Resolutions & Resilience & a bit about self-care‌

Ahhh, the holidays… •Enjoying vs. surviving the holidays •How did we do? •Did you leave the holidays feeling great, empowered, connected? Or…. A little sad, lonely, disappointed, misunderstood? •How did we do at taking care of ourselves?

“New Year, New You” • Resolutions- The world pushes us to recognize all our faults this week and then resolve to fix them. • . E.g., we want to lose X amount of weight, exercise more, or think we could do better in any number of ways… • What kinds of resolutions have you made? • Good resolutions should feel empowering, lift you up, and be attainable • Consider lower stakes resolutions, and consider more frequent resolutions & recognitions of successes

What about resilience? • Honoring your successes • Honoring your survival, your resilience • Alongside your resolution list… make a resilience list. What are the things you have already accomplished that “outshine” any resolutions you have yet to achieve. • Should any of your resolutions simply be to continue to be awesome in all the ways that you already are awesome?

Self-Care • Can’t afford to vs. can’t afford not to • Barriers: time, money, energy • How long does it really take to form a habit? • Self-care that works with resolutions (KISS): • • • •

Don’t make big promises Don’t make resolutions that stress you out Build on what is already there What are 1-3 self care things you can do every day &/or week that help you stay feeling good or restore you when you are down?

Resolutions Revised Old list • Lose 10-15 lbs • Exercise everyday • Do more research • Better scheduling/organization • Have a weekly date night • Renovate the house- finish projects! • Read for pleasure & sew at least once a week

New list • Eat healthier (more fresh stuff) • Move more, exercise some • Do research& DIY I love • Get lost in staring at/playing with my kids more… schedule be damned! • Remember to have 10 minutes every night to just chat with my hubby • Give myself one hour of selfcare time every week and 10 minutes every morning

Now let’s do this… • What are your resolutions? • What should your resolutions be? How often should you check in and adapt them? (once a year, quarterly, etc..?) • Make your resilience list. • Make your self-care list and find space for it in those resolutions.

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