Seeking help simulation page 2

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Simulation Exercise Page 2 Home Card B You work to stay busy so the thoughts and pictures will stay away. You vacuum the house 3 times a day and dust every room twice. You don’t want to let Jesus down. You have trouble sleeping because you have nightmares about going to hell because you can’t forget. Choose: A. See Pastor Dan (Pastor Card B) B. See Dr. Smith, (Psychologist)

Pastor Card B When you meet again, Pastor Dan he is concerned that you haven’t been able to put this behind you. He suggests you find a mentor in church to help you develop your faith because if you had enough faith, or prayed harder you could do better at this.

Psychologist Card You tell Dr. Smith that you’re having trouble sleeping, but neglect to tell him about the nightmares He prescribes a sedative that helps so much at night, you take half a pill in the morning. It helps you forget as you spend the day numbed out.

Family Card B As you tell your family what you have remembered. You explain that when you met with Pastor Dan his suggestion made you even more confused. Your family’s response: “How can you think that you were sexually abused? We love you! You were always an affectionate child and we didn’t do anything you didn’t want us to do.” Choose: A. Internalize (Shame Card) B. Externalize (Intimacy Card)

Isolation You curl up on the couch, daydream about how to escape this life and fall deeper into depression.

Pain You hurt yourself physically to release the emotional pain.

Shame Card You return home thinking through what your family said. You decide that your body and it’s desires are disgusting. That it must have been your fault. You wish you were never born a girl.

Intimacy You return home thinking about what your family said. You are disgusted that your body betrayed you with desire. That night as you are being sexually intimate with your husband, you are unable to participate, and you reject his advances.

Connections: A Safe Place, Rebecca Born

Home Card A The panic attacks increase, especially around 5:00pm. You begin to have trouble sleeping at night, for the nightmares you are having make you afraid to sleep. Choose: A. Psychologist Card B. Aunt Card

Aunt Card You speak to Aunt Ruth and she tells you that It happened to her, but she got over it. She suggests you do the same.

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