Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

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Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

Version 9

Mission Statement This toolkit explains the process to our supply chain, helping you understand the Council’s Social Value ambitions to Employment and Skills. For further help and guidance please contact One Horton Heath Employment & Skills Manager, Lea Hampton:

The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit





























The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

INTRODUCTION Eastleigh Borough itself covers 30 square miles and is a mix of urban, suburban and rural areas. Overall, the local population is growing in size and is currently around 129,000. Eastleigh Borough is situated on the south coast, close to the M3 corridor and Solent region, within the county of Hampshire. The town has excellent rail and bus links to the larger towns of Southampton, Portsmouth and Winchester. Eastleigh is close to the New Forest and beaches and is therefore a vibrant tourist area, with Southampton Airport also being within the borough. “As a Council, we continue to remain ambitious and lead the way for our communities. This will include reinforcing effective partnerships with other organisations to achieve our objectives. In doing all this we will ensure we meet the needs and aspirations of our residents and customers and that Eastleigh continues to be a great place to live, work and visit.” This toolkit has been written for consideration for those tendering for contracts and / or goods and / or delivering services in regard to the One Horton Heath development for Eastleigh Borough Council. This is a fresh new approach to Employment and Skills support, linking our supply chain with opportunities that strengthen, empower and support the community in the borough. As part of the Public Service (Social Value) Act 2012, all Councils are required to consider how the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the borough can be improved via the procurement process of services. There is a range of benefits to local communities in embedding social value in commissioning, including; improved service delivery, greater economic growth, improved Social Value is a key element of the 355-acre employability opportunities, One Horton Heath development project greater engagement with the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, supporting careers information and advice in schools and colleges, improved wellbeing and quality of life and an increase in the resilience of communities. One of the corporate themes within Eastleigh Borough Council’s Corporate Strategy is “Prosperous Place”, this is described thus: “The Council’s vision is to secure sustainable economic growth, high, yet stable employment and a shared prosperity for residents, now and for generations to come.”



WHAT IS SOCIAL VALUE? The Government has not issued a definitive explanation of what Social Value is, as this can be different for different industries and offers. For the purpose of this framework we have decided on the explanation below: Social Value increases the opportunities for the council to support the communities in the Eastleigh borough. Those who have secured contracts on the One Horton Heath project, will give support on a range of initiatives, offering sponsorship / resources (time, equipment etc.) / job opportunities, that will benefit residents and local businesses across the borough. The Social Value: Employment and Skills commitments partner organisations will agree to, gives added value to the contracts they have secured. These commitments will help to support the upskilling of residents and those working across the borough, to help improve their employment outcomes and financial wellbeing.

WHAT IS THE SOCIAL VALUE TOOLKIT ALL ABOUT? “The One Horton Heath project is about doing things differently, and the Social Value: Employment & Skills Toolkit is no different. “We want to enable more collaborative working using our supply chain, to enhance the lives of those living and working in the borough. Listening and working with our partner organisations so the initiatives they commit to, are achievable for them, and meaningful to the participant(s). “This framework allows us to adapt and flex to community needs, evolving organically, based on feedback from our consultants, contractors, schools, training providers, residents and local employers. We are passionate about unlocking peoples’ potential and this diverse framework will support that vision.” - Lea Hampton, One Horton Heath Employment and Skills Manager


The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

AIMS Through the One Horton Heath (OHH) project we want to evidence the creation of more job opportunities and facilities fit for, and compatible with, future needs and working practices. We want to work with partner organisations involved in the development and evolution of the project, to create new jobs and develop skills for current and future generations. The Employment & Skills Team will work with partner organisations to assess and develop, on a six monthly basis, performance of social value. Each Employment & Skills Agreement (within the contract agreement) will be binding for the parties and bespoke, with KPIs to measure progress, celebrate successes and share the qualitative and quantitive data six monthly with the Council and third parties.

Training for young people is an important part of the Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS SOCIAL VALUE OFFER The Employment and Skills Team have created the following framework consisting of a range of options from which organisations can ‘select’ the opportunities they would like to support and share how they intend to deliver on these in their Employment and Skills Plan. The Employment and Skills Plan (ESP) needs to be submitted at the same time as your tender documentation, with you including suggested KPIs that are realistic, achievable, and meaningful. Should your tender be successful the contract will be issued to the successful organisations in due course and will include the KPIs for the commitments based on the ESP you submitted . Once you receive your contract for services / goods to support the One Horton Heath development, you will notify us of the assigned Contract Manager details to attend a One Horton Heath: Social Value Workshop of 1½ hours to talk with you about the delivery plan. This will ascertain where you will need support and provide introductions to meet the ambitions of your ESP. Within the workshop you will meet the Social Value E&S team and share with us your experiences of monitoring and delivering Social Value commitments and raise with us any concerns you may have. Once the delivery plan is in place, the Employment & Skills Team will continue to support you for the length of the contract. Your organisation will be required to report six monthly on the Employment and Skills agreement with both qualitative and quantitative data. We will also ask you to sign a publicity statement so we can share the success of the Social Value: Employment & Skills initiatives your organisation supports.



EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS PLAN (ESP) We are looking at our supply chain to demonstrate in their proposal, understanding and commitment to social value. Following the Government’s white paper “Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth”, January 2021, we will start to create a Local Skills Improvement Plan mapping skills requirements for the borough. All successful contract partners are welcome to be a part of the evolution of this piece of work, sharing their findings / experience regarding skills gaps and training needs / successes. We are working closely with the Solent LEP to create a Solent Construction Skills Working Group, if a representative from your organisation would like to sit on this please contact the OHH E&S Team. This will be an employer led group where you can feed in information about changes within the industry. This will also be a space to open up discussions about the challenges you face around recruitment and retention of talent. This intelligence will then be shared via the OHH E&S team to the local training providers so their programmes directly meet with industry needs.

There are many ways that contractors can contribute employment and skills support through their work

The ESP proposal you submit needs to clearly support increased employability. We are looking for the quality of your commitments not the highest quantity. Make your ESP achievable, with the focus being the value to the participant(s). For example; if you want to commit to creating four apprenticeship roles, set that as an ambition but be clear about the wrap around and progression support. If, as an organisation, this is something you cannot provide, share that in the ESP so the E&S Team can support you in the delivery of that KPI of four apprentices who will be supported throughout their placement, and after, into meaningful employment or higher levels of training. We expect contractors / consultants to need support and introductions to deliver on their ambitions. All contracts over £100k will be subject to a 0.5% levy for Social Value: Employment and Skills commitments. The E&S Team will work with you each quarter to help you, during the length of the contract term, to deliver on these commitments to the value of 0.5% of the contract cost. For contracts between £5k and £100k we ask you to support the E&S Team in their OHH Careers Education Enrichment Programme and can liaise with you on this. 10% of the Social Value levy will be used to fund the creation & delivery of bespoke employability resources e.g. filming costs for the Place Creators project, resources for schools delivery.


The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

SOCIAL VALUE: EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS SELECT MATRIX All contracts over £1 million will be expected to create new jobs as part of the contract and share those with the E&S team. The targets we have set are outside of the ‘select’ categories detailed below and outside of the 0.5% Employment & Skills Levy. The expectations are listed below and based on the CITB KPIs around new jobs. We are particularly interested in new employees joining this sector and jobs that go to those living in Eastleigh. During the recruitment processes, please share any job adverts with the E&S Team to be shared out across the Borough. Where it is geographically possible, we would like to see one resident of Eastleigh Borough interviewed for each new job role. If you need or would like assistance with the recruitment process for apprentices, traineeships, internships, or other roles, the E&S team can refer you to the local Hub who will be happy to assist you with the whole process.

SOCIAL VALUE E&S: THE FOUR PILLARS Organisations can choose to fulfill their social value commitments by contributing to one or more of the four following employment and skills support ‘pillars’. The following pages explore suggested ways for contractors to contribute to these pillars in more detail.

1. New Jobs

2. Careers Education Enrichment Programme

3. Employability Enrichment Programme

4. Charity / Voluntary Sector / Small Business Enrichment Programme





Contract cost

Over Over Over £1m to £10m £3.5m £6m to £3.5 m to to £6m £10m £15m

Over £15m to £20m

Over £20m to £30m

Over £30m

Total number of new jobs created (inc jobs created within the supply chain)




min of 20




Over the duration of the contract, at the end of each financial year, you will be required to report on the breakdown of these numbers to share the following:

From the total number of jobs created complete this breakdown for our end of year reporting: Number of these an

A-02 Eastleigh borough resident

Number of apprenticeships / A-03 traineeships / industry placements (T levels) Number of Supported

A-04 Internship Placements (min 6 months)

Number of new entrants to the A-05 construction / housing sector


Number of ‘green jobs’ created

CONTRACT VALUE & LEVEL OF COMMITMENT Organisations with contracts valued at over £1 million will be expected to support each of the four pillars 8

The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

The select categories are listed below, split into three further pillars. As a local authority we agreed what changes we wanted to see in our communities as a direct result of the Social Value commitments from our supply chain, these we agreed to be:

1. OHH Careers Education Enrichment Programme - Support to deliver / create resources to be used in local education settings. Helping students be better informed about the variety of job roles that exist in construction & housing. 2. OHH Employability Enrichment Programme –Support the delivery of needs-led bespoke education and training opportunities in the community. 3. OHH Charity / Voluntary Sector / Small Business Enrichment Programme Sponsorship / support for local volunteering projects and businesses.

The following ‘Select’ boxes give our supply chain the opportunity to choose what support / sponsorship they want to commit to. Each select commitment will be organised with the E&S Team, with them taking an intermediary role, connecting your organisation with local schools / colleges / training providers and voluntary sector organisations for these commitments to be met. See below for the minimum score target for the size of the contract you are applying for. Please note all partner organisations will be expected to demonstrate commitments from each pillar for contracts over £1 million. All commitment options below are based on information we have gathered from schools / colleges / partners on what local needs are, and the ‘value’ we place on the commitment at the current time. The average salaries at each level have been provided by the Solent Apprenticeship Hub / Solent LEP and are based on average national salaries at each level. On delivery of the commitments we realise the cost may be different and the cost value will be adjusted accordingly within your six monthly reports to evidence the true cost of delivery.






Place Creators – Record a job role interview with the E&S Team. This will require four hours of availability to record the interview about the specific job role and for editing. See link for examples of these:



1 recording (apprentice)


1 recording (Team member)


1 recording (Senior Manager)


1 recording (Director / £540 Partner) 1 x half day by one professional


In-school / college careers initiative e.g. careers talk, careers fair, business breakfast, mock interviews, Jobs in a Box: Housing & Construction (primary resource). Four hours of professional time to be allocated to support a local school / college with a careers initiative

1 x half day by two professionals 1 x half day by four professionals 1 x half day by five plus professionals

Based on the above rates for different levels times the number of professionals


Work Experience or Virtual Work Experience. Opportunity for local students to have a WE placement

One placement per week



Sponsorship of travel for students to visit the OHH site for a tour and meet and greet with professionals learning about the construction / housing sector or travel to another business to understand more about the world of work. *

Total (based on average supplied by schools / colleges)



Sponsor a vulnerable Eastleigh student Higher Education Starter Pack – necessary equipment / resources to start their course. This could include reconditioned laptop, books, art resources etc …. Depending on the student need. Schools / colleges will be able to apply to this for an identified student who meets the criteria. *

Per student. The student will be identified by the local college / school as meeting the necessary criteria



Teacher / Tutor externship – offer a local teacher / lecturer the opportunity to shadow and understand how their subject Per externship can relate to the workplace / your business / specialism. This placement will be organized by the OHH E&S Team. *


Multi-trades (LASER) level 1 training for a vulnerable student aged 14-16 identified by a local Eastleigh School as requiring additional qualification / training via Alternative Provision. Qualification to be delivered one day a week for two years at the Routes Skills Centre on One Horton Heath.


Funding towards one participant placement, identified by the school as £600 being a student disengaged / having difficulty within the mainstream setting


The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit




Value £1k - £5k


Sponsorship of funding to be allocated to skills / training for local residents / employees. The E&S Team to highlight areas of need / opportunities. These might be for an individual or group delivery based on findings from skills gap research with local employers.

Solo / group training and learning

£5k - £10k £10k - £25k £25k +

Free training spaces – share with the E&S Team any funded 2-02 spaces your organisation may have for a training course / workshop e.g. First Aid training / IOSH

Per funded placement for a local resident or employee £250 based on the average training rate.

6 – 9 sessions to be Mentoring support for an Eastleigh resident or employee in delivered over a 12 2-03 the Borough. Provider by an approved mentoring body (to month period for two £400 be organized and evaluated by the OHH E&S Team) clients. To start from January 2022

A One Horton Heath team member delivers a virtual careers talk to students at Sparsholts College




The E&S Team will regularly share with you needs from local charities and SME’s from which you can choose the support you would like to offer. Details


Value £200-500


Equipment sponsorship for local green projects. E.g. litter pick equipment / junior high vis vests for students / planting equipment / tools

£500-1000 £1000+


Volunteer professional services to a local charity / small business e.g. HR / legal / IT

Volunteer construction / trades services for a local charity 3-03 organisation e.g. electrical install of solar panels / building works

Rates to be valued at ½ day 1 full day (7.5 above average hours) salary values (see 1-10) Rates to be valued at ½ day 1 full day (7.5 above average hours) 2 full days + salary values (see 1-10)

CASE STUDIES All partner organisations will be expected to share case studies with the One Horton Heath E&S Team. These case studies will highlight the support your organisation has given to local residents / employees as part of your Social Value commitment on the OHH development. The E&S Team will include some of these within the End of Year Report and via our social media channels.


The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

THE BENEFITS TO YOU As you work with the OHH E&S Team we can champion the work you are doing with us to support the residents and employees of Eastleigh. We will give thanks and share case study stories across our social media platforms and in trade / local press / articles, explaining the difference your contribution has made to each commitment opportunity. We understand this is important for you to raise the profile of your own business and share your CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). We therefore ask you to sign and return the media consent form, this is to be completed by the identified person within your organisation who will be responsible for reporting and organising your SV commitments on the One Horton Heath project. In the recently released report from the Edge Foundation (2021) they list these reasons to engage with careers education. The E&S Team have built strong links with all the local training providers and can broker discussions with them around opportunities for you:

Raise your community profile and contribute to the corporate, social responsibility agenda

Support personal development of your staff and support CPD by giving back to the community

Build long term partnerships with schools to support future recruitment of young talent

Inspire the future workforce

Help develop generic work skills, attitudes and behaviours in young people.

Raise sector awareness.

Help bridge the skills gap.

Help support and develop a future talent pipeline.

EVALUATION Six monthly reporting to the One Horton Heath E&S Team is essential to us, celebrating and sharing the success of partner organisations delivering on their commitments. We have high ambitions for Social Value: Employment and Skills commitments, by evaluating these and capturing the difference it is making to the local community and economy, we can celebrate and build on these outcomes. 13


“The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit will provide a valuable framework that will enable the Council to get a commitment from all our contractors in the supply chain to generate jobs for local people. Our suppliers will also be encouraged to support an extensive careers & employability programme including careers talks, work experience, and funding of career-related initiatives, together with a programme of improving skills and supporting local charities and voluntary organisations. “The employment and skills support we can achieve, by working in collaboration with various partners, will provide new jobs, skills and opportunities for local communities in Eastleigh throughout the course of the One Horton Heath development.” - Councillor Keith House, Leader of Eastleigh Borough Council

“Putting employers at the heart of the system so that education and training leads to jobs that can improve productivity and fill skills gaps. . . We are at a crossroads for our country. As we deal with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, meet our commitment for net-zero by 2050 and embrace the new opportunities that exiting the European Union brings, improving the skills of people across the country will be critical to our future success.” - Department for Education (2021) Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth.


The Social Value: Employment and Skills Toolkit

FLOWCHART OF THE SOCIAL VALUE: EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS MATRIX As part of the tender process Social Value: Employment and Skills will form a key part of the tender return, The Social Value commitments are not scored as part of the procurement procurement process, however, your commitments will equate to 0.5% of your tendered sum based on the values above.

Receive and read through the OHH Social Value: E&S Toolkit as part of the tender documentation

Draft your organisations Employment & Skills Plan (ESP); setting out in detail how the outcomes in the ESP will be implemented

Complete final version of ESP and submit with tender submission

If successful receive notification from One Horton Heath team on tender submissions and receive contract including social value commitments

Identify main point of contact for liaison with OHH E&S Team on delivery plan and six monthly reporting expectations

Deliver on Social Value ambitions as agreed in the ESP. Report six monthly.

October 2021

SUPPORTING MATERIAL AND FURTHER READING Place Creators Job Role Interviews One Horton Heath (2021) employment-and-skills/place-creators-one-horton-heath

Skills for jobs: lifelong learning for opportunity and growth Department for Education (2021)

UK Skills Mismatch in 2030 Industrial Strategy Council (2019) Mismatch%202030%20-%20Research%20Paper.pdf Eastleigh Borough Council Corporate Strategy: Prosperous Place Eastleigh Borough Council (2018) One Horton Heath Website One Horton Heath Instagram

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