Lero Newsletter September 2012

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Newsletter September 2012

Director’s Message

Contents Lero Profile Intel Honour for Melanie Lianping Chen Receives Prestigious Award From Chinese Government Athlone 2012 Open Forum on Agile-Lean Software Development at NUI Galway To Russia for Metacomputation! Ready, Set, Lero@RE’12 Mel and Iman Win Best Paper at ESEM 2012 Lero, NII and OU in 3Way Workshop Open Source in Tunisia Kevin’s Keynote in Argentina Bringing Our Primary Schools up to Scratch! Scratch Training Scratch Conference Commercialisation Feasibility Grant for Dr Sarah Beecham and Dr John Noll Bashar Nuseibeh Awarded ERC Advanced Grant Top Review Ratings for Charter Project Thesis in 3 Vivas and Graduations Goodbye to Lero! Welcome to Lero Publications

Welcome to our new format newsletter. This newsletter is now targeted at an internal (Lero) audience and will include news and articles about Lero people and their work. Please continue to submit your news and articles via our webform, until a newer and more integrated systems comes online in the near future. In parallel with this new format newsletter, we have launched an e-zine entitled Software Research News, the first issue of which was circulated recently. This is aimed primarily at an external audience, with less emphasis on Lero community news, which will now be covered in the newsletter, and more about our research activities and outputs. All Lero members will receive the e-zine in addition to the newsletter. Please continue to send articles and items of interest for both the e-zine and newsletter and also the Monday morning email. Thank you.


Intel Honour For Melanie


ongratulations to Dr. Melanie Bouroche, Lero@ TCD, for her selection in Intel’s Early Career Faculty Honor Program. This is very prestigious and competitive, and Melanie was selected as one of 10 honorees across Intel’s European network. Well done, Melanie!

Lero Profile


Professor Mike Hinchey

arie Travers is a native of Limerick and holds a degree in Information Systems and a Masters in Computing in Education from the Limerick Institute of Technology. Marie has over 10 years of industry experience in IT as a software designer and also experience in teaching IT. Having recently completed another masters in Software Engineering at the University of Limerick, Marie became very interested in the area of software quality in healthcare applications. Last year Marie was chosen as a research fellow on the inaugural BioInnovate fellowship programme. This specialist training Fellowship programme on medical device innovation and product design commenced in August 2011 with 8 Fellows. It is modelled on the prestigious Biodesign programme offered at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. This fellowship programme has been an innovative way to research which is of benefit to Marie as she now embarks on a PhD here with Lero

Lianping Chen Receives Prestigious Award from Chinese Government


r. Lianping Chen, Lero@UL, received the prestigious Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Studying Abroad. This award was established to encourage research excellence and to recognize outstanding achievement among Chinese students abroad across all fields of study over the world. This year, a total of 495 awards were given worldwide, with 5 students in Ireland (out of more than 10,000 Chinese students studying in Ireland) receiving the award. The award was presented by Mr. Luo Linquan, the People’s Republic of China Ambassador to Ireland. Each winner receives a plaque and $6,000 cash prize to acknowledge their achievements. Lianping Chen was funded by SFI during his PhD and was supervised by Professor Bashar Nuseibeh and Dr. Muhammad Ali Babar

Send comments, questions or contributions to info@lero.ie


Workshops and Conferences

Athlone Workshop 2012


he 10th Lero Researchers Workshop took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Athlone on September 19th and 20th. Over the course of the two days, researchers had the opportunity to interact with fellow Lero personnel and to discuss common research themes. On day one, a number of Lero researchers presented 8-minute updates on their research programmes. Following this series of research presentations, the attendees were divided up into two separate groupings. Within each grouping, the participants engaged in a speed-dating type exercise that was designed to quickly allow for information exchange. Although the speeddating was quite tiring, the outcome was generally well received with many positive comments regarding the effectiveness of the exercise. Upon completion of the speed-dating, each individual was asked to identify a number of people with whom they shared a research interest. Later, individuals were grouped based on their expressed preferences and each group was asked to work together on the development of a proposed research paper. In the evening, Professor Mike Hinchey hosted a table quiz, which consisted of a selection of challenging questions that caused some moderate distress at certain tables – but enough about the war! On the morning of the second day of the workshop, each group delivered a brief overview of their proposed research paper, after which the doctoral students broke away to attend the Lero Doctoral Symposium. This year, the doctoral symposium examination panel consisted of Professors David Bustard (University of Ulster), Isabelle Perseil (Telecom ParisTech) and Marian Petre (Open University). A number of PhD candidates presented their work with the examination panel providing feedback and guidance to the students. While the doctoral symposium was underway, the main academic body focused on various Demonstrator requirements and techniques. Once again, the Lero Researchers Workshop was very successful in terms of bringing Lero researchers together and providing an effective stage for information exchange and potential research collaboration - and many thanks are to be extended to all who were involved in the organisation of the event.

Style o r e L g in t a Speed D

Quentin Bragard and Anthony Ve ntresque Lero @UCD, Lorraine Morgan Lero @ NUIG, and Patsy Finn Lero @ UL, part of the winning table quiz team

ul Clarke on and Pa ilt m a H f of nor, Ge Rory O’Con U C D Lero @

Anne Meade an d Clare McIne rney at the Doctoral Sympos ium in Athlone

r dges, D posium ju rd m y S l sta tora the Doc Dave Bu nd Prof Two of a il e rs Pe Isabelle

Send comments, questions or contributions to info@lero.ie


Lero News

Open Forum on Agile-Lean Software Development at NUI Galway

Mel and Iman Win Best Paper at ESEM 2012 Mel Ó Cinnéide and Iman Hem ati Moghadam were winners the best paper award at ESEM 2012. Following on from their success at CSMR’2 012, Mel Ó Cinnéide and Iman Hemati Moghadam won the Best Paper award at the 6th International Sym posium on Empirical Software Engineering and Mea surement for their paper entitled Experimental Ass essment of Software Metrics Using Automated Ref actoring, coauthored with Laurence Tratt (King’s Col lege London), Mark Harman (University College London) and Steve Counsell (Brunel University). The ir work shows how search-based automated refactor ing can be used to emperimentally evaluate and con trast software quality metrics, and was used to unc over several hitherto unknown weaknesses in well-kno wn cohesion metrics.


ero @ NUI Galway NUI Galway’s Lero Research Centre held an open forum on Agile-Lean Software Development on September 21st involving 16 companies from across Ireland. The forum was led by Dr Kieran Conboy of NUI Galway and Ken Power of Cisco Systems. Software development organisations are increasingly using Agile and Lean approaches to product development in an effort to improve how they work and build stronger relationships with their customers. Many of the nuances and complexities of software development mean that while these techniques can bring value and result in significant productivity gains, there are still challenges that must be overcome. This open event targeted industry practitioners at all stages of their Agile and Lean adoption facilitating the sharing of challenges, experiences and solutions to Agile and Lean adoption. The forum addressed a number of emerging issues such as effort estimation techniques, test-driven development, performance management and staff motivation. The forum used a combination of handson exercises and an open format to foster communication

and collaboration among participants. Each session concluded with a summary of key solutions and action points for the participants to trial in their respective organisations. The purpose is that, at the next event in December, industry participants will report the results of these trials and effectiveness of proposed solutions. This forum was part of €1.8m SFI funded research at NUI Galway (see http://agilelean.lero.ie), which aims to create a world class network of excellence in software management covering contemporary approaches such as lean, agile, portfolio and open innovation, and based on contemporary research in collaboration with local and national industry partners. This multi-disciplinary research brings together researchers from the Institute for Business, Social Science and Public Policy and the Lero national research centre. This €1.8m initiative involves 3 research fellows, 5 full-time and 3 industry-based PhDs in NUI Galway as well as dedicated time from more than 20 staff from companies including Cisco, Information Mosaic, Almir, Intel and Storm Technologies amongst others.

Kevin’s Keynote in Argentina , was an invited to be the Prof Kevin Ryan, former Director of Lero rican conference on Ame Latin keynote speaker at the 1st in Cordoba Argentina, on ‘Specialisation of Technical Clusters’ pany delegates attended Thursday 20th of September. 350 com ways and means of ored expl h the one day conference whic and elsewhere. Prof a rdob in Co ers clust ICT specialising existing ers of related companies Ryan spoke about the development of clust sector in Ireland. At ICT the of in Ireland, in particular the growth oriented approach arch rese the ed outlin an afternoon workshop he are industry competitive now being taken to keep Ireland’s softw in the future.

Open Source in Tunisia

On Monday September 10th, Dr Klaas-Jan Stol chaired the Doctoral Consortium (DC) at the 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems, which was held in Hammamet, Tunisia. The DC saw presentations from 10 PhD students, and got valuable feedback from Dr John Noll (Lero UL), Prof. Greg Madey (Notre Dame), and Dr Björn Lundell (Skövde).

Send comments, questions or contributions to info@lero.ie

Ready, Set, Lero@RE’12 Bashar Nuseibeh, Liliana Pasquale and Mazeiar Salehie attended the annual International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’12) which was held in Chicago between 24-28 September 2012 (http:// crisys.cs.umn.edu/re2012/). Three Lero-coauthored papers were presented at the conference. Mazeiar presented one on adaptive security, while Liliana who also chaired the conference demonstration programme - presented Lero research at an innovative “Ready-Set-Transfer!” session. Bashar also gave a keynote talk at the pre-conference workshop on the Twin Peaks of Requirements and Architecture (http:// re.cs.depaul.edu/twinpeaks/).

To Russia for Metacomputation! The DCU members of the TAAAPOS project have recently returned from Russia, where they attended the Third International Workshop on Metacomputation in Pereslavl-Zalessky near Moscow. This series of workshops was initially set up as a result of work carried out by members of this project. The workshop was a great success with plenty of active discussion. The following papers by members of the TAAAPOS project were presented at the workshop: G.W. Hamilton, “A Hierarchy of Program Transfprmers” M. Dever and G.W. Hamilton, “A Comparison of Program Transformation Systems”. N.D. Jones and G.W. Hamilton, “Superlinear Speedup by Program Transformation” G.E. Mendel-Gleason and G.W. Hamilton, “Development of the Productive Forces”


Lero News

Bringing Our Primary Schools up to Scratch!

During the spring/summer 2012, Lero has been busy preparing Scratch materials and teacher training for primary level. Elaine Lyons from Ballingarry National School Co. Limerick, a local Scratch expert, worked with us in Lero to create these resources. Ten Scratch lesson plans for primary schools and tutor materials for a Scratch course titled “Scratch Programming and Numeracy in Senior Primary Classes (NCTE/Lero)” are now freely available online at http://scratch. ie/primary/resources. The NCTE and the Irish Computer Society support these projects. The Scratch course “Scratch Programming and Numeracy in Senior Primary Classes

(NCTE/Lero)” ran in 21 education centres around the country during the summer of 2012 and feedback has been very positive. 45 tutors delivering the course participated in a two day tutor training session held in DCU in May. This 20-hour course, which focuses on Scratch and numeracy, entitles teachers to 3 Extra Personal Vacation (EPV) days during the school year. We estimate that between 200-300 teachers participated in the course during the summer of 2012. We are looking forward to seeing Scratch being used in primary schools

Vivas and Graduations

Scratch Training

Noel Carroll graduated with a PhD from UL since our last newsletter. Noel’s thesis ‘Service Science: An Empirical Study on the SocioTechnical Dynamics of Public Sector Service Network Innovation’ was supervised by Dr Ita Richardson and Dr Eoin Whelan and funded by European Union Network of Excellence Project S-Cube. Congratulations to Anders Mattsson who successfully defended his PhD Thesis on Thursday 30th August. The title of his thesis was ‘Modelling and Automatic Enforcement of Architectural Design Rules’ and he was supervised by Prof Brian Fitzgerald and Dr Bjorn Lundell. Paul Clarke also successfully defended his thesis during the summer. His PhD Thesis Title is, ‘Investigating the Relationship between Software Process Improvement, Situational Change, and Business Success in Software SMEs’. Paul was supervised by Dr Rory O’Connor and the examiners were Prof Tony Gorschek, Blekinge Institute of Technology and Dr David Sinclair, DCU. Sadhana Deshpande will have her Viva on 17th October. Her thesis title is ‘A Coordination Model for Global Software Development Teams’ and she was supervised by Dr Ita Richardson and Dr Sarah Beecham. We wish Sadhana success.

Send comments, questions or contributions to info@lero.ie


Scratch Conference

The Scratch Conference took place in MIT, August 8th-11th 2012. In the workshop, we explored computational ideas through a series of hands-on Scratch workshops. The activities spanned several different genres of creating with Scratch: art, stories, and games. Please visit http:// scratched.media.mit.edu/ to be inspired and to view presentations from the Conference. Stephen Howell and Clare McInerney were delighted to present an update on Scratch activities in Ireland at the conference.

Scratch In tro ductory training sessions to ok pla ce at the Universit y of Lim erick on Saturday September 15th from 9:30 to 15 :00. The c ourse was free and n o previous experience of Scratch was requir ed wa s a br oad spec . There tr um of participa nts and the even was ver y t successfu l

Funding Awards Commercialisation Feasibility Grant for Dr Sarah Beecham and Dr John Noll John Noll and Sarah Beecham have been awarded an Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Feasibility grant for developing a decision support system for Global Software Development. The amount will be used to perform market analysis for their support tool.

Lero, NII and OU in 3Way Workshop Nine researchers from Lero at UL and TCD joined colleagues from the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan, and The Open University (OU), UK, to participate in a three way workshop on “Adaptation, Security and Privacy”, held at the OU in Milton Keynes, UK, on 2-3 July 2012. This was the second such workshop, the first having been held around the same time last year at UL, with the plan to hold a further workshop at TCD in Dublin next year.

Bashar Nuseibeh Awarded ERC Advanced Grant Bashar Nuseibeh has been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant on “Adaptive Security and Privacy” (ASAP). The grant is for €2.5M over 5 years, and will be run collaboratively between Lero and The Open University (http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/rcn/105356_en.html). More information on ERC Advanced Grants can be found at: http://erc.europa.eu/ advanced-grants Bashar’s 3 year contract as Chief Scientist of Lero ended on 30th September 2012, however, he will continue a substantive association and collaboration with colleagues across Lero, including the CSET 2 research programme.

Goodbye to Lero

Ms Junyang Liu


Mr Sean Mooney

Research Assistant


Mr Stefan Wollny



Mr Pierre Monjallon



Mr Zhamming Cui

Research Assistant


Dr Benoit Gaudin

Research Fellow


Dr Dawid Nowak

Senior Research Fellow


Hello to Lero

Mr Joseph Burke

Doctoral Researcher


Mr Miguel Jimenez Monasor

Doctoral Researcher


Ms Anita Finnegan

Doctoral Researcher


Mr Jesus Omana Iglesias

Doctoral Researcher


Ms Xi Li

Doctoral Researcher


Mr Ulrich Dangel

Doctoral Researcher


Mr Quentin Bragard

Doctoral Researcher


Mr Fearghal McHugh

Doctoral Researcher


Mr Roger Sweetman

Doctoral Researcher


Mr Venkatesh Kannan

Doctoral Researcher


Dr David Sanan

Research Fellow


Dr Kim Jarvis

Research Fellow


Dr Orla McHugh

Research Fellow


Dr Nicola Stokes

Research Fellow


Dr Philip Perry

Research Fellow


Dr Patrick McDonagh

Research Fellow


Mr Sönke Schmidt



Work Programme and Project News Top Review Ratings for Charter Project Researchers from LERO were involved in the successful Artemis JU CHARTER project. CHARTER (Critical and High Assurance Requirements Transformed through Engineering Rigour) The project’s aim was to demonstrate that advanced compiler, verification, tracing, and testing techniques can be combined to provide a robust engineering platform for safety critical embedded systems. The project scored top marks with an “Excellent” rating after its final review was held at the National Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Amsterdam. It’s also quite an achievement to receive the top rating for all three reviews from the EU project officer and external reviewers and particular praise for the consistent high quality of all the deliverables. Led by Dr. Fergal Mc Caffery at Dundalk Institute of Technology, the Lero team included Paul Brennan, Dr. Peter Donnelly, Dr. Stefan Bloom with assistance provided by Prof. Joe Kiniry IT University of Copenhagen. Lero provided input into the research aspects of formal verification for concurrent systems, provided an overall evaluation of the tools and developed a medical device use case to demonstrate the CHARTER technologies. The project has led to an increased cooperation between Dundalk Institute and a number of leading European universities, research centres and industry partners.

Thesis in 3

Congratulations to Anne Meade Lero@UL and Michael Dever Lero@DCU! They have been selected to represent Lero at the upcoming Thesis in 3 competition being held in Smock Alley Theatre on Thursday October 25th at 7pm. All are welcome to attend this event. See http://www.clarity-centre.org/thesisin3/

Send comments, questions or contributions to info@lero.ie


Publications Books

Conference Papers Ahmad, A., Jamshidi, P. and Pahl, C. (2012) ‘Pattern-driven Reuse in Architecture-centric Evolution for Service Software’, in 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends ICSOFT, Rome, Italy. Asplund, M., Manzoor, A., Bouroche, M., Clarke, S. and Cahill, V. (2012) ‘A Formal Approach to Autonomous Vehicle Coordination’, in 18th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM), Paris, France. Bonfe, M., Boriero, F., Dodi, R., Fiorini, P., Morandi, A., Muradore, R., Pasquale, L., Sanna, A. and Secchi, C. (2012) ‘Towards Automated Surgical Robotics: A Requirements Engineering Approach’, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Rome, Italy, IEEE Computer. Botterweck, G. and Pleuss, A. (2012) ‘S2T2-Configurator: Interactive Support for Configuration of Large Feature Models’, in 8th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2012) Tools Track, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. Bresciani, R. and Butterfield, A. (2012) ‘A probabilistic theory of designs based on distributions’, in 4th Unifying Theories of Programming Symposium, Paris, France. Butterfield, A. (2012) ‘The Logic of UTP2’, in 4th Unifying Theories of Programming Symposium, Paris, France.

Cawley, O., Wang, X. and Richardson, I. (2012) ‘Regulated Software Development - an Onerous Transformation’, in 2nd International symposium Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems FHIES 2012, Paris, France. Ghaith, S. and Ó Cinnéide, M. (2012) ‘Improving Software Security using SearchBased Refactoring’, in 4th International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE’12), Riva del Garda, Italy. Kearney, P., Sinclair, D. and Wagner, S. (2012) ‘Security Design Patterns in the MASTER Workbench’, in Proceedings of the CyberPatterns 2012, Oxford, UK. Morgan, L. (2012) ‘Open Source Innovation Neworks: Exploring High and Low-density Models’, in the 16th Pacific Asia Conference on information Systems, Minh City, Vietnam. Noll, J., Beecham, S. and Seichter, D. (2012) ‘A Qualitative Method for Mining Open Source Software Repositories’, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Open Source Systems, Hammamet, Tunisia. Ó Cinnéide, M., Tratt, L., Harman, M., Counsell, S. and Hemati Moghadam, I. (2012) ‹Experimental Assessment of Software Metrics using Automated Refactoring›, in Proceedings of the ACM/ IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM’12), Lund, Sweden.

Buglione, L., JCR, H., CG, v. W. and Mc Caffery, F. (2012) ‘Hybriding CMMI and Requirement Engineering Maturity & Capability Models – Applying the LEGO Approach for Improving Estimates’, in 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends, Rome, Italy.

Omoronyia, I., Pasquale, L., Salehie, M., Cavallaro, L., Doherty, G. and Nuseibeh, B. (2012) ‘Caprice: A tool for engineering adaptive privacy’, in 27th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2012), Essen, Germany.

Cfarku, D., Taher, Y., Haque, R., Heuvel, W.-J. v. d. and Papazoglou, M. P. (2012) ‘PAEAN- A Risk-Mitigation Framework for Business Transaction at Run-time’, in 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies - ECWeb 2012, Vienna, Austria.

O’Riordan, N., Acton, T., Conboy, K. and Golden, W. (2012) ‘it’s about time: investigating the temporal parameters of decision making in agile teams’, in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Systems Development, Prato, Italy.

Casey, V. and McCaffery, F. (2012) ‘Medi SPICE and the Development of a Process Reference Model for Inclusion in IEC 62304’, in ICSOFT 2012 the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends, Rome, Italy.

Pleuss, A., Hauptmann, B., Keunecke, M. and Botterweck, G. (2012) ‘A Case Study on Variability in User Interfaces’, in 16th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2012), Salvador, Brazil.

Regan, G., McCaffery, F., Daid, K. M. and Flood, D. (2012) ‘The Barriers to Traceability and their Potential Solutions: Towards a Reference Framework’, in 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey. Rubin, J., Kirshin, A., Chechik, M. and Botterweck, G. (2012) ‘Managing Forked Product Variants’, in 16th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2012), Salvador, Brazil. Salehie, M., Pasquale, L., Omoronyia, I., Ali, R. and Nuseibeh, B. (2012) ‘Requirementsdriven Adaptive Security:Protecting Variable Assets at Runtime’, in Proceedings of 20th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’12), Chicago, USA. Tun, T. T., Bandara, A. K., Price, B. A., Yu, Y., Haley, C., Omoronyia, I. and Nuseibeh, B. (2012) ‘Privacy Arguments: Analysing Selective Disclosure Requirements for Mobile Applications’, in 20th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Chicago, Illinois, USA. Vassev, E. and Hinchey, M. (2012) ‘Knowledge Representation with KnowLang - The marXbot Case Study’, in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, University of Limerick, Ireland. pp 18-23. Wangenheim, C. G. v., Hauck, J. C. R., Wangenheim, A. v. and McCaffery, F. (2012) ‘Tailoring Software Process Capability/ Maturity Models for Telemedicine Systems’, in 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Seattle, USA. Yang, H., Roeck, A. d., Gervasi, V., Willis, A. and Nuseibeh, B. (2012) ‘Speculative Requirements: Automatic Detection of Uncertainty in Natural Language Requirements’, in Proceedings of 20th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’12), Chicago, USA. Yilmaz, M. and O’Connor, R. (2012) ‘Towards the Understanding and Classification of the Personality Traits of Software Development Practitioners: Situational Context Cards Approach’, in the 38th Euromicro SEAA conference, Turkey.

Send comments, questions or contributions to info@lero.ie

Rouff, C. and Hinchey, M. (2012) Experience from the DARPA Urban Challenge, London: Springer ISBN 978-0-85729771-6

Books Chapters Carroll, N., Richardson, I. and Whelan, E. (2012) ‘Service Science: Exploring Complex Agile Service Networks through Organisational Network Analysis’ in X. Wang, Ali, N., Ramos, I., and Vidgen, R., ed. Agile and Lean Service-Oriented Development: Foundations Theory and Practice.

Journal Articles Biggar, P., deVries, E. and Gregg, D. (2012) ‘A practical solution for achieving language compatibility in scripting language compilers’, Science of Computer Programming, 77(9), pp 971-989. Carroll, N., Richardson, I. and Whelan, E. (2012) ‘Service Science: An ActorNetwork Theory Approach’, International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation (IJANTTI), 4(3), pp 52-70. O’Connor, R. and Basri, S. (2012) ‘The Effect of Team Dynamics on Software Development Process Improvement’, International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, 3(3), pp 13-26. O’Leary, P., de Almeida, E. S. and Richardson, I. (2012) ‘The Pro-PD Process Model for Product Derivation within Software Product Lines’, Information and Software Technology, 54(9), pp 10141028. Savolainen, P., Ahonen, J. J. and Richardson, I. (2012) ‘Software development project success and failure from the supplier’s perspective: A systematic literature review’, International Journal of Project Management. Vassev, E. (2012) ‘Building the Pyramid of Awareness’, Awareness Magazine - Self-awareness in Autonomic Systems.


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