Slendertone 2016 brand guidelines covers

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2016 2015

Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines





Contents 2



5 1.1 - Slendertone Brand Mark

5.1 - Connect Abs Brand Mark

1.2 - Slendertone Mark Usage

5.2 - Connect Abs Mark Usage

1.3 - Slendertone Digital Usage

5.3 - Connect Abs Digital Usage

1.4 - Slendertone Colour Charts

5.4 - Connect Abs Colour Charts

1.5 - Slendertone Typography

5.5 - Connect Abs Typography

1.6 - Slendertone Photography

5.6 - Connect Abs Photography

1.7 - Slendertone Imagery Treatment

5.7 - Connect Abs Imagery Treatment

1.8 - Slendertone Communication


5.8 - Connect Abs Product Information

2.1 - Abs 3 Brand Mark

6.1 - Arms Brand Mark

2.2 - Abs 3 Mark Usage

6.2 - Arms Mark Usage

2.3 - Abs 3 Digital Usage

6.3 - Arms Digital Usage

2.4 - Abs 3 Colour Charts

6.4 - Arms Colour Charts

2.5 - Abs 3 Typography

6.5 - Arms Typography

2.6 - Abs 3 Photography

6.6 - Arms Photography

2.7 - Abs 3 Imagery Treatment

6.7 - Arms Imagery Treatment

2.8 - Abs 3 Product Information


6.8 - Arms Product Information

3.1 - Abs 5 Brand Mark

7.1 - Bottom Brand Mark

3.2 - Abs 5 Mark Usage

7.2 - Bottom Mark Usage

3.3 - Abs 5 Digital Usage

7.3 - Bottom Digital Usage

3.4 - Abs 5 Colour Charts

7.4 - Bottom Colour Charts

3.5 - Abs 5 Typography

7.5 - Bottom Typography

3.6 - Abs 5 Photography

7.6 - Bottom Photography

3.7 - Abs 5 Imagery Treatment

7.7 - Bottom Imagery Treatment

3.8 - Abs 5 Product Information


7.8 - Bottom Product Information

4.1 - Abs 7 Brand Mark

8.1 - Face Brand Mark

4.2 - Abs 7 Mark Usage

8.2 - Face Mark Usage

4.3 - Abs 7 Digital Usage

8.3 - Face Digital Usage

4.4 - Abs 7 Colour Charts

8.4 - Face Colour Charts

4.5 - Abs 7 Typography

8.5 - Face Typography

4.6 - Abs 7 Photography

8.6 - Face Photography

4.7 - Abs 7 Imagery Treatment

8.7 - Face Imagery Treatment

4.8 - Abs 7 Product Information

8.8 - Face Product Information


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Abs 3


Abs 3 Brand Mark


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Brand Mark

Primary Full Tone Colour


Abs 3 Brand Mark

This is the primary logo to use, and includes the use of Pantone ‘100%K’, 70%K for Abs, and ‘Pantone 389C’ for the ‘3 eclipse’. This is your main go-to version of the logo, except for limited exceptions below.

Primary Full Flat Colour This is the flat colour version, and can be used in environments that might require a cleaner aesthetic. Notice: in this case, 100%K will be replaced with ‘Pantone Proc. Black C’ and 70%K will be replaced with ‘Pantone ‘DS 325-3C’

Full Tone Greyscale The greyscale version can be used for higher quality, but still B&W print reproduction, where a finer halftone screen is used. In this case, 100% K will be replaced with ‘Pantone Proc. Black C’, 70%K will be substituted by Pantone ‘DS 325-3C’ and ‘Pantone 389C’ will be substituted by Pantone ‘DS 328-9C’. Alternatively, a full K print is allowed at values of 100%K, 70%K and 30%K respectively.

Solid Black The solid black version is only to be used for Fax, and some forms of B&W commercial printing applications, where course halftones screens are used.

Product Use Many print processes struggle with a minimum print width. In which case you are required to use these altered versions.


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Mark Usage

Quality All versions of this brand mark have been specially drawn and must not be redrawn in any other way.


Abs 3 Mark Usage

Always reproduce the brand mark from artworks attached in the accompanying graphics pack or requested logos from our Marketing Department. Duplicating the brand mark by any other means will lead to unacceptable deterioration in artwork quality.

Clearance Zone To ensure that nothing interferes with the brand mark’s visibility, we have created a protective clearance zone to set it off from type, photographs and illustrations. The grey rectangle shown here represents the minimum clearance zone for all versions.

Positive And Negative Macintosh compatible master files have been created using Adobe Illustrator and are supplied in the graphics pack with these guidelines.

Positive Versions

These versions are designed for use on white backgrounds or black equal or below a grade of 20%K.

Negative Versions

These versions are designed for use on uncoloured backgrounds, photographical backgrounds, or black above a grade of 20%K. The .EPS version contains no backdrop.

SlendertoneAbs3_primaryfulltonecoolour.eps (use on white)

SlendertoneAbs3_negative.eps (use on dark or photographical backgrounds)


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Mark Usage


Abs 3 Mark Usage

Usage Indications We have precise standards for preserving the integrity of our brand marks. These standards exist to ensure that our brand mark’s impact and recognition value will not be diluted through alteration.



Do not change the proportions of the brand mark (making one element bigger or altering its shape in any way).

The colours within the brand marks must not be swapped. The only exception for this will be to invert the logo on negative use.

X Positive version of the logo must not be used on negative backgrounds, this includes dark imagery.

research and development


Do not create new marks that incorporate the brand mark (whether for internal or external use).

Inverted logo should be as above only for negative use.



The brand mark logotypes should not be recreated using another typeface. The brand mark was designed using unique letter forms designed specifically for Slendertone, and only the original format should be used.


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Digital Usage


Abs 3 Digital Usage

Digital Logo Versions We have created two versions of the Slendertone Abs 3 brand to be used in digital format to avoid any size related pixilation issues. It is imperative that you use the correct version for the size required.

“SlendertoneAbs 3_Digital_logo_Large” Use for 350 pix or larger

“SlendertoneAbs 3_Digital_logo_small” Use for 350 pix or smaller

Social Media There are two versions of the Social Media profile image. Each are saved with transparent backgrounds.



The 1st one can be used for all square cornered profile destinations, such as: Twitter, Facebook etc.



The 2nd one is for circular profile destinations, such as: Google+, Instagram etc. and as such does not come inside a container.


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Colour Charts To establish our unique creative style we have adopted a particular set of colours which need to be adhered to when creating any Slendertone material.


Abs 3 Colour Charts

Colour Palette

Abs 3 Primary Palette

On-screen Colours When using any of our colours in on screen applications such as internet, intranet and extranet sites, and other digital formats, please ensure that you use RGB and Hex values which give it the closest visual approximation to these Pantone references.

Please Be Aware

Black (100% K)

Black (60% K)

Pantone ‘877C’

Pantone 389C

R-0 G-0 B-0

R-135 G-135 B-135

R-167 G-169 B-172

R-202 G-219 B-43

HEX - 000000

HEX - 878787


HEX - 231F20

Pantone ‘DS 328-9C’

Abs 3 Extended Palette

When using printing applications, when a fifth colour is not in your budget, that four colour approximations or the use of CMYK versions of Pantone’s will vary quite a lot from the original Pantone’s specified, more noticeably on metallic colours such as Pantone ‘877C’.

Pantone ‘877C’

Pantone ‘DS 330-7C’

C-47 M-38 Y-38 K-2

C-0 M-0 Y-3 K-20

C-0 M-3 Y-0 K-30

R-142 G-144 B-144

R-210 G-210 B-205

R-188 G-184 B-188

HEX - 8E9090



Pantone ‘DS 325-3C’

Pantone ‘DS 325-5C’

Black (100% K)

Pantone 389C

C-0 M-0 Y-0 K-70

C-0 M-0 Y-0 K-50

C-0 M-0 Y-0 K-100

C-25 M-0 Y-100 K-0

R-109 G-110 B-113

R-147 G-149 B-152

R-0 G-0 B-0

R-202 G-219 B-43

HEX - 6D6E71

HEX - 939598

HEX - 000000

HEX - 231F20

Print Colours When using any of our colours for print please ensure that you use CMYK or Pantone values which give the best colour representation.

The colours shown on this page and throughout this document are not intended to match the Pantone colour standards. For accurate colour standards, please refer to the current edition of the Pantone colour formula guide. Pantone is a registered trademark of Pantone Inc.


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Typography Typography is a very important communications tool. The way that we present the written word plays an important role in creating a distinctive and memorable look for the Slendertone Abs 3 brand identity.

Primary Typefaces


Abs 3 Typography

We use the fonts listed for all of our primary communications material; labels, leaflets, point of sale materials, advertising and digital media. By using these typefaces exclusively in all applications, a distinctive visual quality and consistency can be established across all Slendertone Abs 3 material.

Primary On White This is the preferred typeface to be used on white backgrounds.

Primary On Colour This is the preferred typeface to be used on coloured backgrounds to allow for definition and stop ink bleed.

Where Definition Is Needed On rare occasions when the primary fonts are unusable, this font can be used.

Where Definition Is Needed On rare occasions when the primary fonts are unusable, this font can be used.

Helvetica Neue 35 Thin (Kerning set +0) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 1234567890!@£$%^&*()}{|”:?>< abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 1234567890!@£$%^&*()}{|”:?><

Helvetica Neue 45 Light (Kerning set +0) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 1234567890!@£$%^&*()}{|”:?>< abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 1234567890!@£$%^&*()}{|”:?><

Helvetica Neue 65 Medium (Kerning set -25) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 1234567890!@£$%^&*()}{|”:?>< abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 1234567890!@£$%^&*()}{|”:?><

Helvetica Neue 85 Black (Kerning set -75) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 1234567890!@£$%^&*()}{|”:?>< abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 1234567890!@£$%^&*()}{|”:?><


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Photography Every aspect of Slendertone photography, from framing and composition to lighting and camera angle, is carefully controlled by Slendertone. Use only current product photos designated for use by Slendertone resellers and available from the Slendertone Marketing Department. Do not use Slendertone’s lifestyle or other promotional images without consent. Never download or copy an image from Slendertone’s website at, and do not use Slendertone PR photos from Resellers cannot produce their own Slendertone photos for use in their customer communications, including advertising and PR. Use only the photos provided by Slendertone in the product marketing kits.


Abs 3 Photography

Using Slendertone Imagery Follow these guidelines when using Slendertone Abs 3 photos: • Use only the product photos provided by Slendertone. • Do not alter Slendertone photos or add other graphics that detract from the style and product. • Do not animate or enhance Slendertone photos. • Use only the screen shots provided by Slendertone; do not alter them or create your own screens. • Do not place a Slendertone image on a busy or textured background.

Image Size And Resolution The resolution of Slendertone provided assets is not sufficient for use in large format graphics such as large scale posters, window displays, or wall graphics (which generally display photos over 20 inches in height). Slendertone Abs 3 assets are designed to be used at the size provided, and can usually be reduced or enlarged no more than 10 percent to maintain high image resolution. Always check your Slendertone Abs 3 images carefully to make sure they render clearly and at high resolution in your communication medium. Contact your Slendertone representative if you require high resolution images for use at large sizes.

Marketing Messages You can use Slendertone Abs 3 marketing messages that are provided as part of the product marketing kits from Slendertone. If Slendertone provided copy is included as part of an Slendertone kit, do not alter it in any way. You can develop your own marketing messages that are specific to your business. Use the tone and style of your company’s communications; do not imitate Slendertone. you may... Remove Slendertone photograph background for use on clear white background only.


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Imagery Treatment Do not display outdated graphics. You are required by Slendertone to comply with the most up-to-date graphic standards and use current Slendertone-provided assets available from your marketing representative. In addition, using older graphics may suggest to customers that you offer outdated products. It is a well-known retail phenomenon that refreshing a store’s graphics increases sales. Do not alter or distort Slendertone Abs 3 photos in any way. Do not omit portions or use a cropped photograph supplied by Slendertone unless it is approved by Slendertone. Slendertone’s image as a forward-thinking company depends on keeping products and communications current. Do not display historic graphics in your store unless approved by your Slendertone Marketing representative. If you have questions, contact your Slendertone representative.


Abs 3 Imagery Treatment

Usage If you are using Slendertone Abs 3 imagery outside of what has been included in the graphics pack, it is imperative that you have obtained the permission of a Slendertone Marketing or artwork representative in writing. Breaches of Slendertone Abs 3 usage will be considered as copyright infringement and will be treated accordingly.

Image Treatment Monotone Monotone imagery is encouraged with colour highlights on product where possible.

White background White backgrounds, where possible, are encouraged. Background imagery must be in keeping with the coloured Slendertone style for Abs 3. Monotone usage with Abs 3 pantone spot usage is permitted but must be approved by a member of the Slendertone Marketing team.

Backgrounds Backgrounds must be as simple and unobtrusive as possible. Plain, detail-free, backgrounds are encouraged.

Image Choice Your Slendertone Abs 3 creatives should use the provided imagery only unless an alternative has been approved by a member of the Slendertone Marketing team. In this case, access to an extended online library will be granted to you for extending imagery options for Slendertone Abs 3.


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines


Abs 3 Product Information The way we speak to our customers is just as important as the way we visually present our brand. Our tone of voice is aspirational, motivational and credible. It is about bringing meaning and emotion to what we say. Copy should always be a balance between technology and passion, sharing knowledge in a truly engaging way that resonates with all people. We achieve this by using simple and energetic language.


Abs 3 Product Information

Abs 3 U.S.P.’s Firmer, flatter abs in 8 weeks* Easy to use, effective toning Easy to use, ab belt with LCD screen.

Product Features 7 Programmes 99 intensity Battery operated 2 year guarantee

EMS Slendertone uses Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) toning technology to create strong, deep muscle contractions to tone your body. It is clinically proven technology to simultaneously relax and contract targeted muscles via small electrical pulses. Slendertone applies natural body science to exercise targeted muscles groups, in a similar way as your body would naturally do during exercise. Generally, your brain sends pulses to your muscles telling them to contract or relax. EMS sends electrical signals to directly stimulate and exercise your muscles. Even those muscles that are extremely hard to reach via conventional exercise. EMS is a proven efficient way to exercise your muscles, rooted in sports science research. What’s more, this can be whilst completing other tasks and puts no strain on other parts of the body. Our Abs belt range has been designed to efficiently target all the key muscles in the abdominal region. Slendertone’s Electronic Muscle Stimulation technology uses a gentle current to contract your abdominal muscles, like you would naturally do with sit-ups. Unlike many other products on the market, Slendertone works not just the Rectus Abdominus and Oblique muscles but also the difficult to activate Transversus Abdominus, which is most effective in flattening your stomach. All your deep core and ab muscles get activated when using Slendertone Abs which shapes your waist and abs controlling your core strength and stability.

In Social Media In Social Media we should use everyday, informal and personable language and play up the energetic tone.

*Dr Porcari, University of Winsconsin, La-Crosse, 2004 Copyright Š BMR Ltd February 2016

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