HealthyMe Magazine Preview copyrights S.O.F.T.

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AWAKEN The Healer Within Transformational Self-Healing

by Shifa! Ali Al-Bey

2 Dedication All of the Love within my Being to my children, their father and our grandchildren who sacrificed and endured the emotional scars caused as I followed my Spirit led calling along this Path of Light.

Acknowledgements In loving adoration, acknowledgement and thanks I give gratitude to my Beloved Mighty “I AM� Presence, Source of ALL. The Ancient Ones and Ancestors. Heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of clients, the many healers, spiritual walkers, artist and practitioners, mentors and my Indigenous Kin.. Much Love to Rashidi, my confidant and friend who has stood steadfast by my side, as I live and walk this journey amid the seeming hardships, attacks and criticism into the joy, happiness and astonishing successes. Felicia Muhammad, I love you my dearest friend and sister. Qaeda and Rafeeq for answering the calls. Thanks to Regina, Gwen and Winston, Kimyon, Kareem, Huni, Tuareg, Portia, Antoine and so many others. Special recognition, appreciation and gratitude to Kim C., and Brian Green, and the Green Family for being a loving bridge from there to here and beyond. To all whose path I have come in contact with I offer Peace. We are all One in the Truth of Spirit.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Foreword AWAKEN The Healer Within: Transformational Self-Healing is a Love walk with Self; an inward journey to the truth of your Being, The Activity of I AM. It takes a sincere willingness to listen intently, Be courageously different and take inspired action to implement the guidance revealed in these pages. Awakening the Healer within you will create joy filled life-changing results. A peek into my personal journey will give you a better understanding and insight as to why I write and speak as I do in this book and on stage. My own inspirations and feelings intertwined with my heartstrings pour forth onto these pages from my own health challenges, life lessons, challenges and personal relationship. I’ll share the setbacks that have become setups for my successes. It has taken some gutsy truth telling, candid and raw confessions for me to see how my funky failures and breakdowns became fabulous breakthroughs. Personal transformation is no joke, muscles had to be develop that have nothing to do with triceps and biceps, no, no they are muscles of inner strength, character, unapologetic commitment to be uncommon, and what I call stair-step courage. Straining, struggling and resisting gave way to grace, ease and acceptance with Inner Essence Power. I believe transformation originates in a deep love for Inner Guidance. An adoration directed to The Presence of God, the Source of Life as The Power that is Self-Healing. Our One Self, IS Love enough to heal all because God can’t be sick. Our task is to care enough for and about our body as Temple of the Indwelling Spirit. The One Self, our True Identity, is Oneness as God/Goddess. The Vital Life Force, Mind and Body are the Trinity in perfect harmonious cooperation with our Life Source. Get this, You are not the body, you are operating with a body. “I am not the body I am free, I am still as God created me” ACIM. This book you are reading is not religious, it’s a story about proper alignment, it is guide for attaining and maintaining physical, mental and spiritual health, well-being and freedom. The ideas embodied herein are my reality of the ONE SELF That IS the Life Force that beats every heart and breathes every living organism. Knowing also everything is made of God-Stuff. I want to share this healing state of Being expressing as Oneness Lifestyles. The Healing Presence of Love that is Life speaks within all of us. You may call it intuition or something else. What we each call It matters not, the truth remains that It Is. This book is about your greatness, your ability to realize the Source of Love that is the Life that breathes, pulses and vibrates in and as everything, including you and me. With over 40 years in the natural health and healing ministry, I know for me serving and caring in Love is non-negotiable, no matter what.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Question… Have you ever thought suddenly, in the twinkling of a moment, said to yourself, “no one really cares about me? What about me?” I did one day and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It seemed, the more I cared, served, gave and taught, listened and helped, no one really cared about me. Was I getting burnt out? Just complaining or was I having an insight? Generally, folks don’t care except when it comes to family or finances, defending their personal self-image, opinion, point of view, or when their body is hurting, then people care a lot. Certainly, not caring is not healthy, as a matter of fact is a very low and destructive energy. What is care? Who cares? Astonished, I began to give more attention to this question in my thoughts. Observing, seeing clearly the relationship between disease and the disconnect regarding Self-healthcare and Truth. The current outer worldview has made true loving Self-caring, the care for others and loving them as we love ourselves an optional vague notion. How Did We Get Here? I’ve been living through and watching society’s transition and development into what is the so called “wellness revolution and natural health trend” for over 40 years. We have all witnessed the social engineering tactics used to keep the minds of the masses focused toward allopathic sickness care. Sad to say, I have seen how the pharmaceutical cartel and mainstream medical industrial complex have attempted to silence indigenous, natural and spiritual healers. The profit motive seeks to co-opt and bury the truth, diminish its meaning and discredit naturopathic processes. All of this is not surprising as the economists predict “wellness” as the next trillion-dollar industry. Fear is fed into the hearts and minds of the people to persuade the masses to early graves, dying from preventable diseases as the medical industry thrives on managing disease with synthetic drugs and knives. It is horrifying how millions have succumbed to thinking “they” care, and follow this prescribed way of existence. So, the question has become… Who do you listen to? This is the question I ask you? I write this book with the hope of dispelling the erroneous ideas, lies and myths of the mainstream media voices, and pictures we ingest regularly to persuade us to think they care about us beyond the greed for the next trillion-dollar trend windfall. You are your own authority listen from within. I will simply point out to you the disconnect while offering ways and means for Self-healing and victoriously overcoming the way commercial mainstream media has captured the minds and bodies of many.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

5 It is the mainstream voices and picture programming that now define the personal selfimage. This image is adamantly defended by the sick, so be careful when speaking about it. Fostering a self-image of sickness, dependency and helplessness separates the mind and consciousness of the populace from the healing idea of Oneness with God, Love, Spirit or Source Energy. Cancels Self-healing as even a possibility. The illusion is, whatever “they” broadcast is generally regarded as truth despite the obvious contradictions and hypocrisy in the messages, which include the destructive enter-tain-ing images and activities. Look up the etymology of the word entertain. It’s meaning- "to keep up, maintain, to keep or to hold (someone) in a certain frame of mind,” Amusement is the same deliberate mind dulling energy. Consider this it’s meaning- "to divert the attention, beguile, delude," "divert, cause to muse from a sense of” "to divert from serious business, tickle the fancy of" the primary meaning was "deceive, cheat" by first occupying the attention. What does this mean? Well, putting it mildly, however bluntly to the point, the masses have been effectively socially engineered out of their minds’, thus out of their health, wealth, well-being and ability to creatively Self-design ways of living in correct relationship with their own healing capacity which is Self-Love. It means, some outside other voice is “occupying” their thoughts and feelings. What Can We Do? Walk in Love of Truth. On this Love Walk we discover our body’s Original Self-healing design is the Divine Original, Ancient Intelligence breathing us. Feel it beating your heart? That is your Oneness with our Creative Healing Source. Healing moves in degrees, increments and cycles of time and processes that are recognizable and Self-sustaining. Thus, disease patterns that are out of alignment with the Original design can be corrected, strengthened and enhanced when we care enough to know how it works, learn what to do and then do it. What degenerates can regenerate. In this book AWAKEN The Healer Within - Transformational Self-Healing, I show and tell how Inner Essence Life Sourcing from The Original, Ancient Future Principles using ancient indigenous cultural practices and so-called modern wellness technologies can help anyone who so desires to care and Love enough in their heart and mind may master disease conditions of the mind, body and spirit.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

6 AWAKEN The Healer Within - Transformational Self-Healing is the return to designing our well being in alignment with the First Cause Design of the Creative Source through our re-connection to Loving Self-care. These questions may come to mind 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What is in need of alignment? How does one Self-care to Self-heal? Why is caring Self-love of utmost importance? Who can I trust with my well-being? Where do I find effective remedies? When is the best time to begin?

The practice and use of the arts of focus attention, listening, visual motor imaging, breath and contemplation have been used in meditation techniques, sales and business trainings of all sorts to align mental intent with physical outcomes. These will be applied to your Self-healing application through the principles of Love and Oneness embodied with the knowledge and caring in AWAKEN The Healer Within: Transformational SelfHealing to bring marvelous experiences when applied. Some results may seem to be miraculous to the brave souls applying the Activities of Self-healing. The Terrain I have used case profiles and stories from my many years of research and ministry service as a natural healer. From the big city to rural countryside I will take you on a trip of discovery case by case of caring and natural healing. The names are fictitious but the cases are real. AWAKEN The Healer Within: Transformational Self-Healing give the resources, formulas, names of techniques and some product information. Until we, as a society come to our Self-healed senses it is needful that I tell you the content of this book is for education, entertainment and information and not intended to substitute medical advice. This is a sharing of the system of knowledge & process about how natural healing works. Divine Self, First Cause, Creative Source, The Love, Wisdom and Power of God with our caring enough for Life is the Vital Life Force Energy to Heal. It is LOVE applied. Be Healed,


All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Here’s A Peek At My Personal Journey I almost didn’t make it! Have you ever felt like your body was not cooperating with you? Or even going in the opposite direction you desired for your life? My body was completely shutting down on me, I could hardly breathe. It seemed as if I was dying, couldn’t lift my head, I was getting scared. My mind was alert. My body however was NOT cooperating! Here I was a successful business owner, an environmental consultant with contracts with the areas Major Energy Company and the School Construction Authority, made a deal with the Don (Donald Trump) himself. I was clearing what was a ginormous amount of money to me then, living large and single in NYC. Painfully I struggled to take another short breath; I had a fever and chills. I also needed a bath…badly. Alone in my NYC condo, I was giving up. Feeling defeated, sad and sorry for myself I began to think about my life. The regrets and sorrowful times… I began to replay the memory of the day my dad was shot in the head and how he fell into my arms. In that moment of pain I asked God to take me, or tell me what to do. I closed my eyes preparing to take my last breath when suddenly and softly The Voice spoke to me saying, HEAL YOURSELF, you know what to do. You will Do it, you are not alone BELOVED. The images in my mind swiftly shifted to how my dad had SURVIVED THAT BULLET TO HIS HEAD. I remembered how He refused to believe the diagnosis of death or being a vegetable for the rest of his life. How he boldly refused to take the medications and in his stubborn outrageous ridiculous faith committed to depend on God alone and take inspired action to heal himself. The scene of the vision changes and I saw myself helping him heal. Hearing how he prayed, as he groaned through the pain. I remembered him fighting the epilepsy like it was a demon. I could hear my mom comforting him as they both cried during the sleepless painful nights. Startling me, The Voice, spoke again to me. HEAL YOURSELF. How??? I asked. It is given to you The Voice spoke…you know. Use what you know. I AM The Healer… I AM within you. Hear my VOICE and obey now and forever. My people are perishing from preventable diseases tell them what you know. A sharp pain went through me, I was hurting when a calm passed over me like a gentle wave of warm water. As I lay on my back, literally gasping for air a Light warmed my heart. They call it Pleurisy, The Voice spoke, followed by a list of remedies and formulas as if downloaded into my very being. Barely able to lift my hand I reached for the phone, called my business partner and instructed him slowly between breathes to bring the list I had been given. That night I was able to take a eucalyptus bath. Three days later I was on my feet rejoicing in my full recovery. All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

8 That was my Awakening. Since then I have listen to The Voice of The Healer Within since then I have had other seemingly miraculous experiences to numerous to mention here. Thankful for overcoming my own health challenges, personal relationship struggles and emotional scars, day to day my own healing continues. The blessings in my life are the Self-healing successes of others I have inspired. My Awakening to The Healer Within has instilled in me an untamed audaciousness and a determined will to answer and fulfill my instructions from The Voice to “tell them what I know” no matter what. There is a Healer in YOU, yes YOU waiting to be acknowledged and accepted. For yourself, family members and the world. The times demand we boldly rise up in our full potential, stand in our greatness and claim our power to heal our lives. We have come for such a time as this to serve during the Earth’s evolutionary shift. There is a Healing Revolution taking place, recognition of Oneness with the Source of our life beating our hearts and breathing us from within. Each of us is part of this revolution in some way or another. The commercial wellness industry is a limited socially engineered, profit driven counterfeit of the True Healing Transformation that is raising the consciousness of humanity to reclaim our unlimited, unstoppable power to Self-heal. Everything we need has already been given. It is all here. The what, and how is within each, we are not alone. Listen within. Awaken Today Let it be your powerful intention to know something greater than we’ve been told, programmed and leas astray. Humanity’s physical ills are curable only as we focus on our Oneness with the Healer Within. Mindfully giving respect to our planet, receiving her life giving cures with gratitude. Your heart knows the truth this message speaks is in some way for you. I unapologetically stand in the place of my Calling to serve you in your Awakening. As a Healer in these evolutionary times my calling is to serve as a leader, teacher and guide to those willing and ready to acknowledge and accept the transformational processes of Awakening The Healer Within for Transformational Self-Healing. I’m here to ignite your human dignity to inspired action. Yes, Awakening to Self-healing is more than weight loss, a massage, random supplements, designer teas and fitness trips to the gym. It is Harmonious Holistic Healing. I wrote Awaken The Healer Within: Transformational Self-Healing from the struggles and victories of my own life experiences covering a 40-year timeline.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

9 I’ve included some of the inspired Self-healing protocols for some health challenges that helped people I have been honored to serve and privileged to consult, coach and inspire to transform their own lives. Awaken The Healer Within: Transformational Self-Healing is a guidebook of rejuvenating, replenishing effective life-changing solutions. With the companion workbook and CDs and website this process gives you step-by-step daily processes for sustainable results. Private consultations, coaching and mentoring accelerate your healing and explode your limiting beliefs for exhilarating results. To Awaken the Healer Within requires a “no matter what” attitude like my dad had. My father was shot in his late 40’s I was 17 years old at the time. My dad proved to me, the doctors and all the nay sayers that we can Self-heal when we Awaken and listen to the Voice of The Healer Within. My dad was back to work in 18 months and lived fully, another 35 years. I made it here today dedicated to this victorious journey with you. I come in The LOVING HEALING POWER of ONENESS to tell you that… You are NOT alone. Your answer beloved is within you. YES, YOU CAN OVERCOME EVERY OBSTACLE…It’s time to Awaken The Healer Within… YOU! In loving service from my heart I invite you to allow me to share my insight and pour into you what I have learned and come to know. I joyously offer private coaching, consulting and mentoring to give you effective life-changing strategies to support you in Awakening The Healer Within to Transform your life and victoriously live in the radiant vibrant health you desire by design. Rise up in the Inner Essence Power of your Spirit! Awaken The Healer Within – Transform your life - Start today! With all the LOVE in my heart, I thank you.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Chapter 1 Oneness with Creative Source: The Lifestyle Philosophy In this chapter you are seeing the very first page the client receives after a 90-minute consultation. If you have actually been one of my clients this will be familiar. First, we begin with the philosophy. We start here to move from the outer voice and images of the broadcasters to an inner conversation to hone our focus of attention on caring about our healing enough to actually do it. Without a personal philosophy, we just drift along or get tossed about with every changing suggestion, trend “they” give, tossed by wind and tide. A mentor of mine called it having a personal philosophy, “the set of the sail”. Second, as we continue to look at the case profiles for each disease condition you will notice the words and format of each section are the same, however the information changes for each and every person, customizing the Oneness Wellness Success Plan for each one’s individual needs. Although you will not see the use of the word “caring” you will feel the intent to move the client to make the shift to Self-healing on his or her own. Choice is a freedom in healing. The caring must be authentic if the healing is to be embraced, actualized and embodied by the client. So we begin with setting the sail on a course of love and caring. I call it tapping into First Cause the Oneness Natural Lifestyle. This word Oneness is that Sacred Life Connection we each have to Source regardless to this being known or unknown to us. I have found nothing more powerful than a person who is committed to their connection with Source no matter what name or religion they call it. Finally, Oneness Wellness Lifestyles is NOT a religion, it is the Original state of Beingness. Oneness is the highest fundamental idea of the Self-Healing Process and Application philosophy. From God, the One Creative Source Energy we come forth an individualized Life Stream and to the One Creative Source Energy, we do return. The beauty is all of the Life-time in between we are not separated from God our Source. We always remain One-Self, never disconnected. Although our minds have been taught to think of separation, that idea is not Truth.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Welcome to a Natural Self-Healing Journey This is your Oneness Wellness Success Plan©. You are now on your way to a Oneness Natural Lifestyle in the Spirit of natural living. Your Oneness Wellness Success Plan is customized to your individual health and healing process needs. It is based on the fact that our bodies have a Divine Design called Self-healing. Our Oneness process covers 3 months (90 days) of behavior modification, fasting, cleansing and detoxification. I encourage you to stay committed for as long as it takes, with a no matter what conviction. Supplements, foods as medicines and treatment services will all lay a solid foundation for your Self-Healing. Your willingness to embrace the Oneness Natural Lifestyle logic of wellness of replacing old behavior and thought patterns of unhealthy eating, lifestyle choices and “sickness thinking” will lead to your success. By owning these new ways of thinking, living and eating you begin cultivating your Human Excellence through wellness. Your customized personal Oneness Wellness Success Plan is guidance, which will appeal to your intellect, logic, reason and Spirit. The Oneness Natural Lifestyle consists of 5 Domains of Health. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Healthy Mind Healthy Body Healthy Family Healthy Finances Healthy Society

Together the 5 Domains of Health express and form the foundation of the Oneness Wellness Lifestyle. Example: Think of the 5 Domains of Health as a tire on your car. If the tire has a hole in one area, the whole tire is flat. Applying that same idea to your life, a hole indicates an emotional scar or wound, addiction to food, drugs, sex or other over indulgence leading to a deficiency in Life’s domains. The same flat effect on your well being occurs. In the car example we would do everything necessary to change, get a new tire to keep the vehicle running smoothly. It is beyond sad how many people just accept the flatness as “just the way it is” in life and wobble along the journey rather than change. The Goal This book is to inspire you to make the inner shift to your greatness. I want to shake and nudge you enough to Awaken The Healer Within you. • Fill you with the desire to use these transformational processes and applications. • To assist you, in filling the cells of your body with abundant Life Energy for longevity and the best of health and happiness. • Help your Spirit soar to higher heights as you own your power to heal. • Encourage you to love, honor and treat your body as the Temple of the Presence of the Living God/Goddess Power that breathes you and beats your heart. • To inspire you to offer others a way to enjoy vibrant health, an extended lifetime of well-being, free from sickness and disease. All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


A Peek At My Personal Journey The lights were hot, baking my skin, I squinted my eyes briefly. My agent would not be pleased with me insisting that would be precisely the moment the cameras they would get my photo. Thoughts of taking this derma make-up off when I get home and caring for my eczema after a long photo shoot and cat walk raced through my head as I glided down the runway. Yuck! Now it was starting to itch, my nerves had activated that tingling sensation, surely I can’t scratch now! Modeling was super fun for me, at 14 every girl in the world wants to be a model and I was. Not on the world stage, but in the Philly, Atlantic City (BC), Tri State area I was in demand. My heartbreak was my eczema. Modeling on demand was out, my make-up took forever and as a result some work I just didn’t get. I’m in high school anyway I wasn’t supposed to take it that serious. But I did. That same night while caring for my broken itchy skin I began to cry and ask God to heal me. My dad used to lay hands on me and it would go away for a little while. Now I wanted it to be gone for good. My tears dropped on the bathroom floor as I sobbed and prayed. Finally done applying my prescribed creams to my neck and the creases of my elbows and knees I went to sleep. During the night I dreamed of being inside a pyramid mixing, pouring and making notes. It was so vivid I could feel my surroundings and the glimmer of the atmosphere. When I woke the next morning I remembered the dream but gave it no attention. Later that day in the library I saw a Time Life Book on ancient Egypt thumbing through the pages my dream came to mind. How interesting, I remember thinking as a strange familiar feeling past over me. Two days latter I’m hanging out after school in the hallway when one of the afterschool program classrooms caught my attention. It was a herbology class; I love plants and flowers so I went in. To my surprise the young man teaching was a friend of my family. When I stood at the table with the other students that feeling came over me again. I was so excited about being in the class I gave it no attention. That night in my dreams The Voice of The Healer Within spoke to me for the first time giving me a formula of herbs and essential oils and juices for my skin. With that my Self-healing journey began and as they say…the rest is history.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

13 Let The Awakening Begin... Your relationship with foods will change as your views about why and what you really need to eat shift. Caution! It may cause you some emotional uneasiness and could cost you a few friendships; most people take their food choices and addictions very personal especially when they perceive their way is being challenged. So don’t be surprised if this happens to those around you, as you make the shift to wellness by self-healing. To be forewarned is to be forearmed; you are stepping out of the box. The Oneness Wellness Process is a “System of Knowledge and Process about How Natural Healing Works”. It is grounded in the logic of Creative Source, I call it Oneness; it is inherent natural sense logic with comprehensive knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

In current western society the population has been and is continuously programmed, hypnotized, conditioned, and put to sleep by the media and popular culture of sickness, dis-ease and death. The treating of symptoms and the management of disease has become an idol, revered by an increasingly sick and dying population. It is sustained by a pharmaceutical, medical industrial complex, using all of it’s recourses to control your mind and body by fear, thus insuring their dominance, and exalted status in society. The “Oneness Wellness System of Knowledge and Process about How Natural Healing Works” awakens and frees us from the chains of the industry that thrives on managing preventable diseases with synthetic drugs and knives. This awakening restores our ability to make the Sacred Life Connections that bring healing and a sense of physical and spiritual Oneness with God, First Cause, that Creative Source and Energy of our very Life, and Being. The awakening process will begin to cause you to experience a logical, common sense, comprehensive understanding of natural Self-healing solutions to your health challenge, wellness issues. You will consciously begin to make the lifestyle choices that support life, health and happiness because it makes sense in your heart, spirit and mind. Although, at times your body may dramatically rebel against the changes, you will change your routines to accommodate your new way of being. As you succeed, you feel better about life, gain confidence and cultivate your human excellence. Enhanced vibrational attunement will occur. Harmonious cooperation with the natural order of Life causes clarity of mind, balanced emotions, and your Spirit begins to feel more of the Light of Love. You are awakening!

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

14 Willingness to Change for your wellness sake is personal growth and development reflected in each of the 5 Domains of Health. The logic of the Oneness Wellness Lifestyle will be your guide as you listen to your body’s cries, symptoms and signals. Focused attention on Divine Love as your Self-healing causes transformational effects, sensations, and realizations. The expression of your Self-healing desire manifests in the 5 Domains of Health. That means your life begins to shift as you heal, some things, people, situations go (detox) away. Transformation is real enhancements, metamorphoses and disintegration. I have to warn you, it won’t be cute or feel good sometimes, but it will be worth it. Your destination is an awakened consciousness, healthy state of living, of Being personally powerful, and confident in your ability for Self-healing through the only Force that can heal, Love. Since our body’s design is a Divine Original Creation, the methods, system, and remedies for healing are drawn from ancient healing processes and applications. Much, if not all that will be needed are naturally available to us in its organic state from the Earth. The work is seeking them out beyond the hype and mis-information that inundates us at every turn. The modern so-called wellness & natural health explosion has caused much “consumer confusion”. Because of the over shadowing of some profiteering industrial food and pharmaceutical medical industry practices, business and politics people are sick and dying from preventable diseases. However, the rising consciousness is causing people to demand for natural, organic and holistic choices has initiated the rise of ancient, indigenous cultural treatments, access to medicinal grade organic essential oils, living water, the latest breakthroughs in nutritional science, beauty, anti-aging and vibrational energy field wellness technologies. Being conscience of how to use these modalities and where to obtain true natural holistic remedies is the challenge of our times. Here are the 5 Domains of Health previously mentioned, Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Family, Healthy Finances, and Healthy Society. Using these, along with the “System of Knowledge and Process of how Natural Healing Works™” we are able to systematize and utilize our available resources to make us responsible OWNERS of our health, healing and well-Being. Oxygen - Clean Air – we can control our ambient air quality Water - Pure Water – control the quality of water for drinking and use Nutrients - Pure Whole Foods & Nutritionally Complete Supplements Exercise/Energy – Power & Endurance for Strength and Living Fully Rest/Re-creation – Sleep Governs our Hormones & Immune Systems Success Plan – A Philosophy for Good Health & Enough Energy to maintain it We must all engage in the awakening for vitality, health and energy of our well-being at some level, if we expect to be vital, healthy, and energetic.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

15 Energy also means currency, yes money, financial security, moolah. Healthy Finances was my flat domain for a while. Up and down, I’ve been a millionaire and a homeless person for months, living in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. I have to address the money issue because I know it directly affects our mental and physical health. I’m speaking of having enough money to maintain your lifestyle comforts while you are able to still work. However, most importantly, is to have the ability to maintain that comfortable lifestyle when we want to retire or can no longer work due to illness or being displaced. Money is a major health and wellness issue because the lack of energy as currency contributes to the stress and pressures of earning a living. We all know those who have been driven to early graves or severe mental and emotional anguish and yes, job related health challenges. Therefore, Healthy Finances has to be one of the 5 Domains of Health. I personally believe millions of people have been laid off at this time to find their greater calling, to change the world for the better for all. Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. This is a wake up call. It’s time to heal the world starting with self.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

16 This is me shaking you, saying, “come on sweetie, it’s time to Awaken The Healer Within” Step One: Please read. I know, my folks already told me you prefer pictures and sound bites. Wake up. Read your Oneness Wellness Success Plan© EVERYDAY Step Two: Keep a journal, yes I’m nudging you now. This achievement and will give you a historical account of your progress and victories won. Step Three: Be mindful. Stay awake. This is your personal natural Self-healing process staying conscious is critical. Success is measured by results. When you are awake you will be taking action. You’ll know when you are sleep-walking based on how often you forget or rebel. Don’t worry, you will go back to nodding, most do, it’s part of the transformation. It’s okay. The process is about becoming aware of when you are sleeping, in denial or rebellion. How well you follow the program steps, your daily food and supplement intake, and your willingness and ability to see the importance of making the changes is the application. Taking or making the time to apply your remedies and investing in your own health are all factors affecting your results. The process is designed to help you restore and maintain your health, strength and energy through mind/body harmony. In the awakening, your healer within will clear subtle energy disturbances and emotional blockages and guide you to correct your current nutritional deficiencies. Fear will vanish as you awaken to the truth of your ability to prevent future illness. Think about this, prevention costs far less than sickness, hospital stays, surgery and missing precious time and memories with family and close friends. Ultimately, finally you realize you are in control, and you do governed by the choices you make. Now you make them awake, coherent, conscious that within you a Healer abides waiting for your cooperation and love. Waking up means the more open and honest you can be with your self and greater success is yours. Awaken The Healer Within enjoy your transformational Self-healing process.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

17 IMPORTANT Question: How long will it take? You have decades of accumulated living “stuff” to undo. Give yourself 90 days in a row of committed compliant dedication to form the foundation. Generally, it takes 90 days to regenerate cells, create new CELLULAR MEMORY, shift behavior patterns, and redirect dendrites & neural pathways in the brain. The healing equation is: for every year of illness, addiction or neglect, it will generally take that number of months to recover using natural holistic methods depending on the severity of the pre-existing condition(s). PLEASE be loving and patient with yourself and don’t let your body, emotions, attitudes seeming failures or especially other people put you back to sleep and talk you out of your healing. Stay in love with your Self. Stay committed for as long as it takes. Know you can do this and affirm it daily. This Awakening is a Spiritual Journey. Take time to cultivate your Oneness Sacred Life Connection. Know Thy Self-Healer. Meditation, visualization, decrees and prayer are necessary treatments that will assist us in our creative healing process. Guard against thoughts forms of doubt or fear, and when they show up calmly, authoritatively subdue them with thoughts and decrees of triumphant victory on your journey to health, strength and energy. This is spiritual fitness, the more you practice the better you get, and the more centered you become in your personal spiritual power. Trust in your Oneness with Almighty God, and focus on your wellness. See yourself, as you desire to be giving thanks to the Most High Creator for a wonderful Self-Healing Temple where The Presence of the Living God indwells you, feel your Oneness. Your faith and your works make you whole, so be steadfast and immovable in The Presence. Cleansing and healing our Body Temple has a direct affect on all dimensions and subtle body energy fields. We become keenly aware of our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and etheric worlds. As you work toward healing and wellness in your physical body you establish wellness in all of the subtle bodies. It may seem, personal, emotional issues, spiritual experiences, or mental highs and lows show up during the journey, give thanks that the healing is taking place on all levels of your Being. The more you cleanse, heal, and purify the more Light, Peace, Poise, Grace and Love you will experience. Make a habit to practice being conscience of your Oneness with Creative Source Energy. Keep your thought forms in-check by using your spiritual muscles.

Okay, all that was philosophy! It takes a lot of shaking and nudging to get us beyond the voices that chatter in our head and dreamy images of the broadcasters. Once the shift is made the rest is relatively easy to do, which also makes it easy not to do. Always, your choice. Awaken.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Chapter 2 Looking at the Profile Condition – How it Works As mentioned, the format for all the profiles are the same, however the plan for each one is customized to the individuals personal concerns, goals and objectives. Each client submits a personal health story form, a consent to care and privacy statement notice (that’s why no names, dates or locations are given in these accounts). The personal health story information is used to determine the application and types of services to be offered in the profile plan for the first 90 days. As we listen to the client during monthly or bi-weekly follow up visits, we tweak the program along the way. The plan is always geared to what the client requires at the different stages of the process. It is important to note that individual results are based on the factors we touched on in the previous chapter. It should be also noted that some people will heal or detox faster or slower than otheres. No two have ever been the same in my 40 years of service. Many come in with the same initial complaints of whatever the condition is called, but they manifest that same complaint in very different ways. Now we will move into the actual applications. In this profile we have a client who came to us to stop smoking and has several other issues. LET THE HEALING BEGIN… Your Oneness Wellness Success Plan© begins in your mind, thoughts are things and do take form. Then, we implement foods and nutrients to relieve symptoms, discomforts and dis-ease. Hold the following thought form: My foods are my medicine, my body is a Self-Healing Temple, and my Mind is the Master Builder. Use this as a decree to affirm the Natural Laws of Creation, trust the process. Know this, as you feed your body and mind the correct foods, nutrients and thoughts, it has the ability to heal itself. “Selfmastery for Self-healing.” Let the healing begin! Deficiency Symptoms Concerns Outlined by client specified for this program: • • • • •

Spiritual Cleansing and weight loss Smoking Cessation – Self-hypnosis with fabulous results; each in their own time. Joints and back pain and nervousness Understanding Healthier eating

Additional indications and our suggestions are recorded in the clients confidential health story. Not all details are given here.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Smoking cessation is a diligent mentally committed process. The journey can be frustrating and severely stressful but can be overcome. The picture above gave a great deal of incentive to my client.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

20 Here are a few programs to help overcome some of the most common health issues many are experiencing. The first one deals with deficiencies and concerns specific to: Neuralgia, Neuropathy, Neuritis Drink 1 fluid ounce of Living Water for each 2 lbs. of normal body weight. Cleansing requires 20% more water intake daily. Make whole food choices use organic whole foods as snacks. Have your last meal 4-5 hour before going to bed. It takes 4 hours for the stomach to empty. No meal or snacks should be eaten until the stomach is emptied or else constipation will result. Eat garlic, red radish & watercress in your salads. Visit our website resource page for my suggested self-healing food choices.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Neuralgia, Neuropathy, Neuritis Definition Neuralgia, neuropathy, and neuritis are conditions that affected the nerves and/or the nervous system itself. Neuralgia is characterized by painful spasms that run along the length of a specific nerve. There are many types of neuralgias, depending upon the nerve or body part that is affected or upon the cause of the neuralgia, such as disease (the most common diseases associated with neuralgia are anemia, gout, diabetes, and syphilis). The most common types of neuralgias are Bell's palsy and trigeminal neuralgia. Neuropathy is characterized by disturbances in the nerves outside the spine, which make up the peripheral nervous system. They are usually non-inflammatory in nature, and can be due to disease such as diabetes, pressure from nerve entrapment (as in carpal tunnel syndrome), disk lesions, nutritional deficiencies, or to unknown causes. Neuritis is inflammatory in nature, with the inflammation occurring in specific nerve or nerve group. Symptoms of neuritis are similar to those of neuralgia and neuropathy, except they more frequently include burning and can be accompanied by swelling and fever and, in some severe cases, episodes of convulsions. Symptoms Overall, symptoms of these three conditions range from mild to severe pain, constant or intermittent pain, burning, tingling, and/or stabbing pain. Cause Neuralgia, neuropathy, and neuritis can be caused by diseases such as anemia, diabetes or thyroid disease, pressure from a tumor, nutrient deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, infection, gout, leukemia, syphilis, alcohol abuse, heavy metal toxicity, or direct trauma. To determine the underlying cause, it is necessary to seek professional medical assistance. Once the underlying cause is detected, it must be properly treated before longterm relieve of nerve symptoms can be achieved. Transformational Applications Aromatherapy: Chamomile, eucalyptus, cedarwood, juniper, and/or lavender essential oils massaged into the affected areas can relieve pain. Diet: Eat an organic, whole foods diet and drink plenty of pure filtered water throughout the day. Also eliminate all caffeinated beverages, refined sugars, cigarettes, and commercial carbonated beverages. Herbs: Combine equal parts of the tinctures of St. John's wort, skullcap, oat, and Siberian ginseng. Take one teaspoon of this mixture three times a day. Externally, peppermint oil can be applied to the affected area to relieve pain.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

22 Homeopathy: Useful homeopathic remedies include Belladonna, Aconite, Mag phos., Phytolacca, Chelidonium, Lycopodium, and Arsen alb. Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment. We suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments. Please seek the advice of your alternative health care practitioner before undergoing these procedures to make sure they are appropriate for you. *Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations. Juice Therapy: Parsley, celery, and carrot juice acts as a nerve tonic that can be helpful in mild cases. Nutritional Supplementation: The following nutrients can be helpful: vitamin B complex, vitamin B1, vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, Brewers' yeast, calcium, lecithin, and magnesium. Proteolytic enzymes taken away from meals can also be helpful especially in cases of neuritis. Topical Treatment: Apply Epsom salt packs to the affected area.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

23 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Definition Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the compression of a nerve in the median of the wrist that produces numbness, tingling, and sometimes pain. Symptoms Weakness and tingling in the first three fingers, thumb, and the palm surface of the hands can also occur. Pain, burning, and/or tingling sensations can also manifest along the entire arm, neck, hips, and thigh. Carpal tunnel can occur in one of both wrists, and in some cases gripping strength and the ability to pick up and hold objects can be significantly impaired. Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is most common in women 35 and older. Conditions that can create swelling or fluid shifts that contribute to pressure on the wrist nerve, such as pregnancy; low thyroid functions; occupations that require forceful or repetitive wrist movements; vitamin B6 deficiencies (monoamine oxidase inhibitor anti-depressant drugs can create a deficiency in vitamin B6 and should be avoided if possible); nerve disorders; compression of the nerve root of the sixth cervical vertebra due to misalignment of the neck; muscular spasm; osteoarthritis; disk disease; or tumor can all cause or contribute to the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, and therefore must be ruled out or properly addressed before lasting improvement can be achieved. Carpal tunnel syndrome may also be secondary to other wrist conditions, such as sprains. Carpal tunnel is often a misdiagnosis of thoracic outlet compression syndrome, in which pressure to the lower cervical and upper thoracic nerves results in dysfunction of the tissues and nerves associated with the brachial nerves. If this is the case, then treatment should focus on resolving the thoracic outlet compression first. Many cases of carpal tunnel syndrome can also be traced to interference fields in the arm, shoulders, or neck, and are often caused by vaccination scars. Transformational Applications Note: The appropriate treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome varies, depending on its cause. Following treatment, symptoms may improve in one week or take several months. Often carpal tunnel can be successfully treated without surgery, although sometimes surgery is necessary. Aromatherapy: Marjoram, lavender, or eucalyptus essential oils rubbed directly into the tender areas can help relieve symptoms.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

24 Diet: Eat a whole foods diet and limit your protein intake. Also eliminate foods containing yellow dyes, and avoid stressor foods that deplete the body`s level of B6 such as excessive consumption of sugars, caffeine, and processed grains and corn. Good foods to focus on are whole grains, seeds, and nuts, soybeans, fresh salmon, brewer`s yeast, molasses, liver, wheat bran and germ, and cod. Flower Essences: Rescue Remedy速 to help alleviate stress. Herbs: Anti-inflammatory herbs effectively support the broader treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. A simple approach involves combining equal parts of meadowsweet and willow bark tinctures and taking one teaspoonful of this mixture three times a day. Other useful herbs include aloe vera, butcher`s broom, corn silk, devil`s claw, cayenne (capsicum), ginkgo, gravel root, marshmallow, skullcap, turmeric (curcumin), wintergreen oil, yarrow, yucca. Homeopathy: Aconite, Arsen alb., Ignatia, Nat mur., Chamomilla, and Colchicum are useful homeopathic remedies. Note, however, that homeopathic treatment tends to be constitutional in nature and is therefore normally long-term, but usually successful. Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment. We suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments. Please seek the advice of your alternative health care practitioner before undergoing these procedures to make sure they are appropriate for you. *Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. The section Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations. Lifestyle: Avoid repetitive wrist movement. Nutritional Supplementation: People with carpal tunnel syndrome often have a large deficiency of vitamin B6, or have lifestyle factors that inhibit B6 metabolism such as stress, or ingesting Yellow Dye No. 5 and tartrazine derivatives. A deficiency of vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, can also cause a pyridoxine-responsive neuropathy (nerve disorder). Treatment with B6 may relieve the symptoms in many cases, eliminating the need for surgery. Daily dosage ranges from 25-300 mg, depending on the person`s biochemistry. Caution: Pyridoxine supplementation may create a nerve disorder (sensory neuropathy) in dosages as low as 300 mg, if taken daily for long periods. However, most of the cases of vitamin B6 toxicity have been reported with dosages from 2-5 grams per day.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

25 In addition to vitamin B6, other useful nutrients to relief the pain and help speed healing include vitamin B complex, magnesium, essential fatty acids, folic acid, bromelain, coenzyme Q10, kelp, manganese, protease enzyme formula, pycnogenol, and zinc. Thyroid hormone can also be helpful in cases of carpal tunnel related to low thyroid function.

Breath into the applications you just read through. Now ask yourself, who do I know who needs this Self-healing. Care enough to share.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Chapter 3 Transforming Problems with Self-Healing Visualization This is a visualization technique that is used to positively transmute situations that are presently causing you pain, tension or distress. It is very effective in helping you to identify the inner cause of problems or illness, as well as your reactions to challenging situations in your life. You can also use this self-healing to transform areas in your body where you are experiencing discomfort or disease. Healing the Cause of Problems What we are using in this technique is the power of the mind. The mind is where the fundamental cause of all these problems lies. Other conditional causes include diet, genetics, environment, etc. In addition, since the mind and the body are linked, what happens in the mind affects the body. By using imagery or metaphors to “describe” how our body responds, we can access deeper or hidden experiences or images that are closer to the root of the problem, and then quickly change them. Since the body and mind are connected in Oneness, when we change the image or the metaphor in our mind, our emotions and body begin to respond to the new image. I have witnessed people who have experienced a complete healing of illnesses, a change of perspective, forgiveness or a very profound understanding when using this approach. After 20 years I have never found anyone who was not able to use this method in an honest but graceful way. Since it is people’s own wisdom that accesses the image, they are able to readily integrate the transformed image. When you use this technique, it is your Inner Essence, rather than someone outside of you that shows you what you can do. This exercise can be done with or without documenting or drawing what you experience, but it is a good idea to do this whenever you can, because that helps you to integrate the transformation that is taking place, and to measure it symbolically. Once you become familiar with it, this exercise becomes easier and quicker to use whenever you are challenged. While the method described below describes a relaxation as preparation, it is also possible to do the exercise in the heat of things, taking a few breaths first. However, on this occasion, let’s do the full relaxation, which is healing in itself.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

27 Preparation Find a quiet place to sit down and relax - on a cushion, a chair or the floor. Lying down or sitting, breathe into your throat, into your chest, so that you feel the air coming in through your throat and down into your chest. Breathe 5 times deeply in this way. Allow any tension or worries to float away or imagine breathing them out. Alternatively, breath into each part of your body, breathing in, holding your breath a moment while you tense the muscles in that area, then breathing out and relaxing. Start with the muscles in your head and jaw and finish with your legs and feet. Now that you are relaxed, let’s move to the main part of the exercise. You will need 2 sheets of paper and some color pencils or crayons. Instructions 1. Recognize that there is a situation that you feel threatened or disturbed by, or there is physical or emotional discomfort or pain that you are experiencing. You can also focus on an area of your seeming illness. 2. Acknowledge: Sit in a relaxed position and focus on your breath. Let your focus move into your body, and scan your body looking for a point of tension, pain, heat or discomfort, just allowing your Inner Essence Voice to direct you to an area that is most appropriate. This may be the area in your body where you feel the discomfort that results from a situation in your life, or an area of illness. Just ask where this pain or discomfort is sitting in your body. If there is more than one place, just ask where to focus first, and trust the answer of your Healer Within. 3. Ask: Once you focus on that area, ask it to show itself to you allowing this to present itself to your mind as a symbol, color, feelings, sounds or words. Ask the following questions and let it show you more detail. a) Is that area of feeling close to the surface or deep inside? b) What size is it? How much area in there does it cover? c) Is it flat or three-dimensional? What shape is it? d) What color is it? Light or dark? Specific colors? e) Is it solid or transparent, spongy or liquid? What is its density? If it were made of something, what would it be? f) Is it solid or transparent, spongy or liquid? What is its density? If it were made of something, what would it be? g) If it had its own mind or feelings, what is it feeling - anger, sadness, fear, etc.? h) How old it is - young, old, or ancient? All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

28 i) It most likely had a job to do that helped when it was first put there. If it did, what has its “job” been? How may it have benefited you in the past? Do you still need it in the form it is presently taking? j) If it seems old or ancient, what wisdom does it have that can help you now? Taking whatever time you need, draw or document your image, and write key words for what it feels like. 4. Check and see if you and that area are willing to let it change or transform in a way that benefits both it and you. You only need to be a little willing for this to happen. If you’re not, let that be OK. Know that this isn’t the right time, and you may be ready later. Just recognizing and being aware of it will begin a change process. Be gentle, loving and caring with yourself. 5. Ask for help from your Spiritual Source of Omniscient Wisdom, Love and Compassion, that part of you which is connected in Oneness with a power greater than you. It could simply be your Inner Essence Wisdom. Let it come in whatever way is appropriate. Don’t limit it. Simply ask for help, relax, and begin to observe it like a video. All you need to do is allow the image to change in shape, feeling, form or color. Notice if anything comes into this inner picture, if it changes color, etc. You don’t have to do anything except listen, and watch for change, for words, whatever comes. You may simply begin to feel differently. Stay open and accepting, take the next few minutes to let it happen. If at any time you feel stuck, ask for help again and let go. When you are ready, draw or document this new image and write a few key words for how it now feels. 6. Compare the first and second drawings or images. Notice the changes. Does the second feel more comfortable or less comfortable? Does the second image feel partially or completely healed? If you feel there is more to heal, then repeat this exercise once more in a week to allow the next level of healing to take place. (See Results below for more explanation) 7. Optional forgiveness step: Use this when your second image indicates complete healing. Imagine giving a duplicate of this new symbol to the person, people or situation that you initially believed was part of the cause of your problem. With your imagination, simply notice the response of the person or people receiving it, and whatever that shows you. Do not despair if they do not seem to receive it. The most important thing here is that you offer it.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

29 8. Decide whether you can literally bring this new symbol into your everyday life for a couple of weeks to subconsciously remind you and to replace the gap that the departure of the old symbol has left. You can use this new symbol to induce and integrate a new response or wellness. This can be done by putting the drawing on the wall, or obtaining the symbol in some way. 9. Trust that your Inner Essence, The Healer Within has done its work, that all is well, and that your body will begin to physically dispel this feeling naturally, if it hasn’t done so already. Trust and give yourself permission to release or detoxify in whichever way is most natural for you. (This could be through tears, sweating, sinuses, bowels or bladder over several days to a week. Be aware that you may feel a sense of grieving and/or celebrating a new freedom. Drink lots of water.) 10. Optional: Share your experience only with someone who can support you. 11. You can repeat this exercise again and again to continue the transformative process. Results There are many different ways you can experience this. All are valid and there is no wrong way to do this. Trust your experience. Here are some possibilities: At any time during this process the first image or feeling changes and becomes a more positive or healed image or feeling. The first image changes, and the second (new) image is less comfortable, perhaps even stronger and more painful than the original image. This means you have accessed something perhaps more true to the cause of the problem, more honest. For example, the second image may be very angry and outraged, whereas the first image was one of slight frustration. Simply repeat the exercise with the second image and feeling as the starting point, and you will probably experience a major shift. There is resistance to letting the first image change. This is common. Instead of feeling frustrated, or thinking that the exercise isn’t working, shift your focus to the resistance and where that feeling seems to be in your body. Transform that area first, and then recheck the initial area. It may have changed already, or you can focus on that area the next time. Instead of an image or feeling that changes to another, you may find yourself in a new situation, or experience it as a journey from the first to the second, like watching a video. The important thing is to trust whatever you experience. You can also use this exercise to focus on a strong or positive quality or situation you have, and enhance it. This is great, and strengthens the healthy areas you have in your body, or positive attributes and confidence.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

30 You need to gauge whether a problem is something you can handle. If this does not begin to transform your experience of a physical disturbance or pain, seek professional medical or psychological help. Don’t take the risk - use emergency numbers if required. Integration Allow yourself up to two weeks for this to integrate. When you store these things in your body, then change them, it is like removing one file from your ‘database’ or mental continuum, and then replacing it with another. This has been done on a spiritual/mental level, and will then move through your emotional level, then your physical level. That may mean you will feel up and down, light then sad, or you may even grieve. This is because, although the old situation was uncomfortable, it was more familiar than this new one. Since the old situation was toxic in your body, it may need to move out physically, looking for any orifice or opening that will allow it to do that. This could be crying, sinuses discharging, sweating, elimination through urine, or even diarrhea. Don’t worry this is a good thing! Just let it out. Allow it to happen. It is a good idea to throw out or file the first image you drew or wrote about. Let the second image reinforce the change. Become familiar with it, and it will continue to work subconsciously. Put it on the wall somewhere where you can see it regularly. Another alternative is to select some aspect of the symbol, or the symbol itself, and see if you can literally bring that into your life somehow. You can do this technique every week, especially if you feel the final image is not a complete healing image, and needs a few more steps to feel completely whole or good. You can do it “formally,” the way you have just done it now, or quickly and “informally” whenever you are faced with an adverse reaction in everyday life. With practice, it can take the same amount of time to transform this as a coffee break at work. As you may have experienced, this technique can be very powerful, and very easy to do. Even children, who are usually quick visualizers and differently-abled people can use it.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Chapter 4 Your Skin - The Body’s Largest Elimination and Cleansing Organ Skin Detox & Decongestion: To promote healthy skin function we can customize formulas specific to your health challenge. Oneness by Shifa!” Toxin-free Skin Care is a Body Temple Care purification system designed to help protect, heal and nourish the skin while assisting your self-healing process. The skin is our body’s largest elimination system and also works as part of our respiratory system. So this is much more than a beauty treatment. Oneness by Shifa!” Toxin-free Skin Care is a purifying skin system designed to rid the body of toxicity that causes skin irritations and aging, making skin clear, radiant and youthful. As the largest elimination organ the skin needs proper care to function as designed. Daily use of Oneness by Shifa!” Toxin-free Skin Care de-congests your pores, draws out toxins, relieves fatigue, expels mucus & soothes soreness. The skin on parts of the body experiences distress when illness stresses it. During cleansing and detoxification special care restores our skin to its natural beauty. Your Oneness Wellness Success Plan includes hydrotherapy with Oneness by Shifa! “Living Waters” Bath Salts” in Lavender/ Tea Tree, Wintergreen, or Eucalyptus. Soak for 20 - 30 minutes two to three times every week, no soap this is a hydrotherapy bath. Always avoid commercial synthetic personal care products containing sodium lauryl sulfate and lead acetate. Beware of deodorants with aluminum and fragrance oils with petrochemicals that keep toxins in the body by clogging the pores causing breast tumors.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

32 If you want natural products, you have to be willing to search them out, learn to read labels, and to refuse to settle for half-natural hair and skin care. Below I've listed and described my "ten most wanted" — the ten chemicals I most want to see off the labels of so-called natural hair and skin care products. AVOID THE FOLLOWING COSMETIC INGREDIENTS: 1. Imidazolidinyl Urea and Diazolidinyl Urea — These are the most commonly used preservatives after the parabens. They are well established as a primary cause of contact dermatitis (American Academy of Dermatology). Two trade names for these chemicals are Germall II and Germall 115. Neither of the Germall chemicals have a good antifungal, and must be combined with other preservatives. Germall 115 releases formaldehyde at just over 10°. These chemicals are toxic. 2. Methyl, Propyl, Butyl, and Ethyl Paraben — Used as inhibitors of microbial growth and to extend shelf life of products. Widely used even though they are known to be toxic. Have caused many allergic reactions and skin rashes. Methyl paraben combines benzoic acid with the methyl group of chemicals. Highly toxic. 3. Petrolatum — I see this on lip products from time to time, which is humorous to me because they're usually advertised as protecting the lips from sunburn, chapping and so forth. Petrolatum is mineral oil jelly, and mineral oil causes a lot of problems when used on the skin—it can produce photosensitivity (i.e., promotes sun damage), and it tends to interfere with the body's own natural moisturizing mechanism, leading to dry skin and chapping. You are being sold a product that creates the very conditions it claims to alleviate. Manufacturers use petrolatum because it is unbelievably cheap. 4. Propylene Glycol — Ideally this is a vegetable glycerin mixed with grain alcohol, both of which are natural. Usually it is a synthetic petrochemical mix used as humectants. Has been known to cause allergic and toxic reactions. 5. PVP/VA Copolymer — A petroleum-derived chemical used in hairsprays, wave sets and other cosmetics. It can be considered toxic, since particles may contribute to foreign bodies in the lungs of sensitive persons. 6. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate — This synthetic substance is used in shampoos for its detergent and foam-building abilities. It causes eye irritations, skin rashes, hair loss, scalp scurf similar to dandruff, and allergic reactions. It is frequently disguised in pseudonatural cosmetics with the parenthetic explanation "comes from coconut". 7. Stearalkonium Chloride — A chemical used in hair conditioners and creams. Causes allergic reactions. Stearalkonium chloride was developed by the fabric industry as a fabric softener, and is a lot cheaper and easier to use in hair conditioning formulas than proteins or herbals, which do help hair health. Toxic. 8. Synthetic Colors — The synthetic colors used to supposedly make a cosmetic "pretty" should be avoided at all costs, along with hair dyes. They will be labeled as FD&C or D&C, followed by a color and a number. Example: FD&C Red No. 6 / D&C Green No. 6. Synthetic colors are believed to be cancer-causing agents. If a cosmetic has them in it, don't use the cosmetic. 9. Synthetic Fragrances — The synthetic fragrances used in cosmetics can have as many as 200 ingredients. There is no way to know what the chemicals are, since on the All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

33 label it will simply say "Fragrance". Some of the problems caused by these chemicals are headaches, dizziness, rash, hyper pigmentation, violent coughing, vomiting, skin irritation, and the list goes on. Advice: Don't buy a cosmetic that has the word "Fragrance" on the ingredients label. 10. Triethanolamine (TEA) — Often used in cosmetics to adjust the pH, and used with many fatty acids to convert acid to salt (stearate), which then becomes the base for a cleanser. TEA causes allergic reactions including eye problems, dryness of hair and skin, and could be toxic if absorbed into the body over a long period of time. Skin Purification Summary Look for natural ingredients in the products you buy. Use Oneness by Shifa!� Toxin-free Skin Care. Do not use cosmetics that are artificially colored. Is the shampoo green or blue? Very likely it contains a coal-tar color. Does the product contain a synthetic fragrance? Don't use it. Are any of the chemicals listed above on the ingredients label? Don't use it. You may find out that some of your allergic problems will suddenly go away when you no longer use cosmetics with synthetics and petrochemicals. ________________________________________________________________________

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

34 Let’s summarize philosophy, process and application. Your Oneness Transformation Success Plan addresses self-healing, anti-aging and illness prevention along the “stairway of life”. Wellness Death See wellness at the top of the stairs and death at the bottom. We all choose to be dependent patients or independent owners of our health and healing. Do you realize by the time you develop abnormal findings on lab tests, you are about 70% to 80% on your way down the stairs because that’s when the lab tests can tell the doctor there is something wrong! In most cases the doctor cannot head you back up the stairs because they can only hope to manage your illness by cutting or medicating you.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

35 Whose job is it to get you back up the stairs? That’s right it’s your job you are the OWNER. Balance the 5 Domains of Health so you can live life from the top of the stairs.

We must become … O W N E R

oxygen pure water nutrition exercise rest / re-creation

Success Plan - What is your plan “B” when your plan “A” goes away?

What will you do when you can no longer work to maintain your current lifestyle? Who will care for you? We must all take action to ensure our own optimum physical health.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Chapter 5 Womb Wellness - Fibroid Tumors

In the beginning there was a Womb triple darkness, a Sacred Space deep and fertile, the cradle of Thought. Perfect for it’s purpose to conceive, incubate and birth all of creation. Womb is the first physical home of Spirit manifesting into human form. The Womb is Ancient of Days. She is the portal through which manifestations of Divine Will come. The womb is the Sacred Workshop of the Creator to this very day. What has changed our wombs? Is she still perfect for the purpose she serves? Have we cared for her according to the importance she holds? Do we perceive her as the sacred space that she is? Have we been taught of her value and worth? What roll has society played in shaping our opinions about our wombs? Are we ready and willing to restore ourselves? Visualize your Womb in perfect health, say a prayer, decree it, commit to working your Wellness Success Plan and let the healing begin. Dangers Flesh foods, late night eating, dairy i.e. cows milk, cheese, yogurt, you know, ice cream, pizza, mad cow. The stuff we love that does not love us. Starches - white flour and refined sugars, Fast Foods, Drugs (prescription or non– prescription), Dioxin in sanitary pads & tampons. Few or irregular bowel movements. Emotional neglect. Purity Organic Fresh fruits and vegetables Whole foods, supplements, no flesh or fried foods, very little starches, pure water, herbs, daily exercise, fasting monthly, colon cleansing. Inner peace. Stop feeding your tumors. Save your womb and breasts. Degeneration Diets heavy in “danger” foods, stress & no exercise create 4 - 8 days or up to two weeks of bleeding. Contributes to the growth of tumors, cysts, discharges, and itching. Kidney stones. Prolapsed uterus. All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

37 Deficiency Symptoms/ Health Concerns specific to this program: Several fibroids, weight management, sinus congestion/pressure, constipation, bloating. Acu indications –lungs, liver, spleen, small intestines Use the following to help overcome these deficiencies: Drink 1 fluid ounce of Living Water for each 2 lbs. of normal body weight. Cleansing requires 20% more water intake daily. Make whole food choices use organic whole foods as snacks. Have your last meal 4-5 hour before going to bed. It takes 4 hours for the stomach to empty. No meal of snacks should be eaten until the stomach is emptied or else constipation will result. Eat garlic, radish & watercress in your salads.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

38 Herbal Tonic Formula Many herbal remedies for womb health come to us from Original/Native peoples the world over because of the “Oneness” that existed between these people and Mother Earth. Womb health respects the sacredness of giving birth. Modern society has lost the Oneness, the remedies and the respect for the womb as a Sacred Space. We must heal and reclaim the womb. Shaman Natives used equal parts of American Cranes Bill, Beth Root & Periwinkle 3 times a day to stop non-cycle bleeding. A condition known as Mehorrhagia. Clay, Salts, Essential Oils & Magnets True organic substances from Mother Earth have been used for wellness and healing for thousands of years. Our Creator has put everything we need for our well-being on the planet with us for our use and benefit. Clay and castor oil packs are used to soften and draw out abnormal growths in the reproductive area. Salt baths with specific essential oils also draw impurities from the body through the pores assisting in the detoxification process. If you recall the story of Ester 2:12 from the Bible the purification and beautification ritual include the oil of myrrh and others. Also, Mary Mother of Jesus was given Myrrh along with frankincense. Clinical research shows both of these medicinal grade oils to be anti-viral and anti-bacterial especially useful for womb and after birth care of mother and child. Magnetic energy is power from Mother Earth Load Stones (magnetic rocks) where worn to strengthen the body’s own natural force. Today Magnetic technology can protect us from the harmful effects of man-made electrical currents and waves, boosts our immune system, and enhance our over all well-being when worn or applied. Cleansing: Before a healing routine is to be implemented a diet of vegetable and fruit juice for 1-3 weeks is required. No cooked food, or animal flesh. This is a Nutritional Fast. Cleansing Trio for colon health, and a colon hydrotherapy series every 3 months. I JuvaTone for liver rejuvenation, and coffee enemas to purify the liver. A major gland/organ that absorbs toxic waste in the body. Fresh Live Vegetable Juice of carrot 10oz, cucumber 4oz, and beet 2oz. Take 32 oz. twice a day has rejuvenating natural properties and provides regenerating nutrients for the liver, kidneys, and reproductive organs. Enema: An enema is the use of pure water distilled, PiMag Living, organic coffee or certain herbal or essential oil formulas retained in the rectum and colon for 15 – 20 minutes. The purpose is to remove feces, worms and impurities, cleansing toxins surrounding the reproductive area. A high enema is performed with a colon tube (24” to 32” in length) attached to the tube of the enema bag & inserted into the anus passing through the rectum into the colon. Start w/ a 4 oz. glass of prune juice in the morning to soften hard feces. Using one quart of water per high enema for three days; rest two days and repeat. Stop, evaluate.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

39 Hydro-Colon Therapy recommended if available in your local.

Douches 1). 2 tablespoons of clay and 2 tablespoons of sea salt in 2 quarts of tepid water. 2). Walnut tree leaves in 2 quarts of water, approx. 2 handfuls of leaves. Simmer for 1015 minutes. Douche temperature should be slightly tepid.

Clay Internal / External uses Clay treatments should be preceded by approximately ten days of herbal purifying teas, and the consumption of natural foods - NO Synthetic foodstuffs. Internally, the ingestion of 1 teaspoon of clay in ½ glass of distilled water, once a day on an empty stomach is beneficial coupled with applying poultices on the lower abdomen. Clay inserts should be applied nightly, interrupted only during the period of menstruation. Externally, clay poultices over a four-month period can reduce cysts/fibroids. The poultice should be applied for at least two hours. It can be applied nightly and can be left on overnight. 10-12 inches in length and 1 inch in width, it must be close to the skin, cheesecloth can placed between the clay in hairy areas of the body only. The treatment should be with cold clay unless tolerance is low towards cold clay. Weight Management: One serving of Power Meal daily to burn fat build and tone muscles. Week 1: Have a LARGE Leafy Green salad with or/as lunch and with your full dinner vegetable meal daily. Include avocado it contains 1204 mg of potassium. Fresh (not bagged) spinach serves as an excellent salad bed (not cooked), try Bok Choy in your salads or as a sautéed side dish for calcium. Be creative, follow appendix food list. Week 2: Implementing Proper food combining. Repeat Week one with LARGE Leafy Green salad w/ meal. Eat the live food salad 15-20 minutes before the cooked food. Cooked foods not recommended after sundown, eat only live foods i.e. fruits and vegetables after sunset and a least four hours prior to retiring to bed. Do not eat fruits and veggies at the same time, allow at least 20 minutes in-between to avoid digestive imbalance constipation or producing gas. Support: EFA’s Omega 3, Evening Primrose oil for fatty acids, Probiotics for additional bowel support, Flax seed for more fiber.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Drink Pure Living Water: PiMagŠ Living Water has oxygen, is ionized, has potassium, phosphorus, and coral calcium and is alkalinized (pH balanced). Less acidic water is in harmony with your natural body fluids. Magnetic energy keeps the water from un-naturally clustering too large for your cells to absorb. Its filtering capacity to 0.01 micron has been compared to the human kidney and it produces Living Water. There is no bottled water that can compare and bottled water will cost you $1,237.50 a year at .99 per gallon. Supplements: Beware of the poison Magnesium Stearate in many commercially produced supplements. I use and recommend a Wholefood Nutrition Program of vitamins and minerals, Mangosteen, Aloe Vera & Green Tea. Hormone Balancing Cell Salt Therapy implementation is added per the client individual needs Exercise: Tai Chi Chuan Ball Room Dancing for health. Also, do the things that are fun for the family and you. Bike, hike, hula-hoop, and I like to roller skate. _____________________________________________________________________ Aromatherapy: Therapeutic AFNOR/ISO (Association of French Normalization Organization Regulation/International Standards Organization) grade “Aâ€? Essential Oils: These oils are excellent for the circulatory system as it strengthens blood cells and capillaries. Aromatherapy Therapeutic grade essential oils of Frankincense and Ledum have documented ability to shrink tumors. Essential oils play an important role in assisting us to move beyond physical and emotional barriers. Anxiety and stress create an acidic condition that activates the transcript enzyme, which then transcribes that anxiety onto our RNA, and store it in our DNA. The oils help support the body in minimizing the acid that is created. Essential oils maintain and restore cellular structure where our DNA lives, repairing genetic damage restoring harmony. ______________________________________________________________________ Herbs: Blood cleansing cellular waste elimination formula consists of Red Clover, Dandelion, Chaparral, Echinacea and Golden seal.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

41 More Herbal Treatment for Womb Purification Effective for fibroids Slippery elm as a poultice. Bayberry, slippery elm, mugwort, chickweed, wild yam, white pond lily and sage. Red clover w/ burdock, dandelion root, golden seal, blue violet, yellow dock and rock rose. Sorrel, willow, golden seal, poke root, (also as a poultice). Blue flag, virgin’s ower, wood sage, poplar and comfrey. Blue violet w/ rock rose & red clover blossoms. Cleavers, coral and chickweed.

Fresh Vegetable Juices – Tumor- fibroid formula # 62: 8oz carrot, 4oz spinach, 2oz turnip, 2 oz. watercress; equals 32oz twice every day. Autolysis, or self-destruction of tissue This treatment relies on the principle that the body, when nutrients are below optimum level, will maintain vital tissues and will not nourish the pathological tissue. Pathological tissue such as tumor, cysts, fibroids when treated through autolysis can be eradicated and seldom have recurrences. This is a process of rigid diet restriction and fasting. We call it nutritional fasting for freedom. Must be supervised.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

42 Chapter 6 Applications for Medicinal Grade Essential Oils I use essential oils extensively. When I received my first formula from The Voice it began with an essential oil blend. Those oils regenerated my skin from years of eczema even the scarring faded. So powerful yet so overlooked. NEUROPATHY

Damage to peripheral nerves (other than spinal or those in the brain), generally starts as tingling in hands and feet and slowly spreads along limbs to the trunk. Numbness, sensitive skin, neuralgic pain, weakening of muscle power can all develop in varying degrees. Most common causes include complications from diabetes (diabetic neuropathy), alcoholism, vitamin B12 deficiency, tumors, too many painkillers, exposure and absorption of chemicals, metallic, pesticides and many other causes. Single Oils: My preference: Young Living Essential Oils are ISO AFNOR Certified Organic

• Juniper with geranium, Helichrysum, peppermint, cypress, or lemongrass. Blends: JuvaFlex and Brain Power. Supplements: Super B, Royal Essence, Mineral Essence, Super C, VitaGreen, Body Balance, Master HERS/HIS. The body should be supported with sufficient minerals and other nutrients. Recipe 1: • 10 drops juniper • 10 drops geranium • 10 drops Helichrysum Mix in ½ oz. V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base. Massage on location of tingling or numbness. Also massage cypress with peppermint or lemongrass mixed with body lotion. Recipe 2: • 15 drops geranium • 10 drops Helichrysum • 6 drops cypress • 10 drops juniper • 5 drops peppermint Mix in 2 Tbsp. V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base. Apply oils on location and on the feet. If paralysis is the problem, a regeneration of up to 60 percent may be possible. If, however, the nerve damage is too severe, treatment may not help. When the damage starts to reverse, there will be pain. Apply PanAway on location and on the feet. If the person does not have diabetes, then toxic overload may be indicated. Cleanse colon and liver with Cleansing Trio.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


EDEMA (Swelling) Swelling - particularly around the ankles is noticeable when fluids accumulate in the tissue. This puffiness under the skin and around the ankles is more apparent at the end of the day when fluids settle to the lowest part of the body. A potassium deficiency can worsen swelling, so the first recourse is to increase potassium intake with high potassium foods and supplements such as Essential Manna, Berry Young Delights, and Super Cal. Single Oils: Ledum, German chamomile • Tangerine with cypress or orange. • Cypress with tangerine, juniper, orange, lemon, fennel, geranium, or cedarwood. Blends: Aroma Life. • Tangerine or lavender with orange, grapefruit, lemon, cypress, juniper, basil, fennel, or marjoram. • Cypress with fennel, juniper, Helichrysum, or lemongrass, EndoFlex, or Di-Tone. • Wintergreen/birch with rosemary, juniper, eucalyptus radiata, fennel, geranium, or EndoFlex. • Sage with cypress, tangerine, lemongrass, fennel, orange, Citrus Fresh, or Cel-Lite Magic. • Lavender with Citrus Fresh, Aroma Life, or EndoFlex. Recipe 1: • 10 drops tangerine • 5 drops cypress • 10 drops lemon or 3 drops juniper Recipe 2: • 10 drops wintergreen/birch • 6 drops fennel • 2 drops tansy • 3 drops patchouli • 10 drops tangerine Mix in ½ to 1 oz. V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base and massage into affected area. Rub on bladder Vita Flex area.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

44 Recipe 3: alleviate fluid retention. • 1-drop lemon • 1-drop tangerine Take two drops twice a day as a dietary supplement. (Swelling con’t) Recipe 4: (morning) • 10 drops tangerine • 10 drops cypress Recipe 5: (evening) • 8 drops geranium • 5 drops cypress • 5 drops Helichrysum

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Breast Cancer Single Oils: Frankincense, lavender, clove, lemon, orange, tangerine, tsuga and myrrh. Blends: Present Time and Brain Power. Supplements: Cleansing Trio, JuvaTone, Femi-Gen, Femalin, Power Meal, Body Balance, Mineral Essence, Essential Omegas, AminoTech, WheyFit, and Super Cal. Berry Young Delights, Berry Young Juice. Program: 1. Start with a colon and liver cleanse. 2. Massage frankincense on breast Vita Flex point on feet, which is on top of the foot at the base of the three middle toes. Continue massaging the Vita Flex areas after applying the oils. (See Vita flex) 3. Massage oils for 4 days and rest for 4 days. Layer on 15 drops frankincense, 10 drops lavender, and 3 drops clove. Apply 3 drops Present Time on the sternum. Put 3drops of frankincense in a capsule and swallow daily. Diffuse frankincense and Brain Power. Prevention and Remission: 1. Keep lymphatics open with deep breathing exercise and aerobics. 2. Have a body massage with Cel-lite Magic once per month to work the lymph nodes in the abdomen and the thoracic region. 3. The soy in the Body Balance helps balance estrogen hormones. Take 2-3 Tbsp. Body Balance with water or juice 1-2 times daily. Do not use for estrogen-based cancers. 4. Discontinue use of antiperspirants and monitor calcium levels

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

46 Lung Cancer Single Oils: • Citrus, lemon, orange, tangerine, white fir. • Frankincense with sage, myrrh, clove, ravensara, or hyssop. Blends: Raven, Frankincense with ImmuPower. Essential Oil Program: Day 1: Begin diffusing frankincense and R.C. Use 20 drops frankincense and R.C. in rectal implant. Day 2: Use equal parts frankincense and Raven in rectal implant. Day 3: Use equal parts frankincense and lavender in rectal implant. Day 4: Rectal implant: frankincense. Day 5: Use equal parts frankincense and R.C. in rectal implant. Rest 2 days before continuing. If an improvement is not detected, do not rest. Alternate in rectal implant: • Eucalyptus globulus: 10 drops • Frankincense: 10 drops • Peppermint and frankincense: 10 drops • Tangerine: 40 drops • Cypress: 10 drops • Peppermint: 5 drops Diffuse oil combinations used in rectal implants consistently. Recipe 1: • 4 drops clove • 2 drops frankincense Dilute in vegetable oil. Put in a capsule and take as dietary supplement or dilute in 1 tsp. V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base and use in a full body massage. Alternate with clove and lavender every day for a minimum of 7 days in massage therapy. Recipe 2: • 2 drops sage • 4 drops myrrh • 5 drops clove • 6 drops Raven • 5 drops frankincense Mix in ½ oz. (1 Tbsp.) V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base. Use enema syringe to implant and retain through the night. Rub ImmuPower up the spine, daily. Apply compress on back and chest twice daily. Supplements: Super C, K & B, Essential Omegas, Super Cal, Berry Young Delights, Berry Young Juice, Alpha Lipoc Acid, and Essential Manna. Take daily Super C, 30 to 40 capsules, dandelion tea, raw lemon juice, red clover tea, K & B. Edema: Super Cal, Essential Manna, pomegranate juice, or organic banana

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Post this in your kitchen. Use as shopping list. Weight Management Low Glycemic Index Menu Food Choices Choose from the following list when planning you daily menu. This is a low GI (Glycemic Index) eating plan. The meal plan is designed to give you choices for meals. Remember the key is balance. Protein Foods Navy beans and lentils Mung bean sprouts Nuts raw, unsalted (almonds, pecans, filberts – no peanuts) high in fat limit to a handful Veggie or garden burgers Vegetables and Salad Greens (Serving size is 1 cup, unless otherwise noted.) Alfalfa sprouts, Artichokes, Asparagus, Avocado (1/2 slice) Bean sprouts, Beets, Bell peppers (red, green or yellow) Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts Cabbage (red or white), carrots, Cauliflower Celery, Cucumbers, Dandelion greens Eggplant, Endive, Green beans, Hot peppers Jacama, leeks, Lettuce, Okra, Olives (limit to 5) Onions, Parsley, Radishes, Snow peas, Spinach (in salad, not cooked) Tomato paste (2 tablespoons), Tomato sauce (1 cup), Tomato soup Vegetable juices, Vegetable soup, Watercress, Yellow squash, Zucchini Low GI Carbs (Serving size ½ cup, unless otherwise noted.) Beans (black, garbanzo, navy), Bran (oats, rice, wheat) Peas (green, black-eyed), Lentils, Low carb bread, 1 slice Soups bean, lentil, pea, vegetable), 1 cup Winter squash (acorn, butternut, spaghetti) Yam or sweet potato (boiled, steamed or baked) Fruits (Serving size 1 medium fruit, unless otherwise noted) Apple, Apricots- 4 medium, Banana (less ripe) Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, boysenberries), ¾ cup Cantaloupe 1/3 of a small cantaloupe, cherries-12 large, Currents-3 tablespoons Dates (fresh) 2, Figs (fresh) 2, Grapefruit, Grapes-1/2 cup, Guava-1 small Honeydew melon-1/16 of a medium melon, Kiwi, Kumquats-4 medium, lemons Mandarin Orange, Mango, - ½ small, Peach, Pear, Pineapple-1/2 medium, Pomegranate 1/2 small, Rasins-2 tablespoons, Watermellon-3/4 cup. Every vestige of concentrated refined sugar, starch, and white flour should be eliminated from the diet.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

48 NOTE Keep these in your kitchen: Aloe Vera Juice or Gel can correct chronic gastritis, constipation, and hyperacidity great for stomach ulcers. Acts as an agent to detoxify the body even heavy poisonous metals. Aloe Vera contains substances, which promotes the removal of dead skin and fosters the normal growth of cells. Thyme is good for all stomach and intestinal problems such as diarrhea, gastritis and lack of appetite, gas & colic. Cook with it. The herb contains the Vitamins B-Complex, C and D. Thyme contains the powerful germicide Thymol that works as a parasiticide and has been used to treat hookworms. Thyme can also be used as “Smelling Salts” deep inhalation causes mental excitement. Thyme as a tincture can be used to treat bronchitis, laryngitis, and whooping cough. Externally the essential oil in olive oil can be used for ringworm, athlete’s foot, scabies, crabs and lice. Soak with thyme in bath water for at least 45 minutes to stop itchiness. As a douche will alleviate leucorrhoea and as a tea will also take away headaches.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

How to test your own pH...


The pH Miracle Living Acid/Alkaline Saliva and Urine Test: 1. First, upon waking test your saliva with the pHydrion paper. When you get out of bed, lick and wet the end of a pHydrion test strip with your saliva. Note the color change and write down the pH number. Do this before brushing your teeth, drinking, smoking, or even thinking of eating any food. The optimum saliva pH should be 6.8 to 7.2. 2. Next, test your first urine of the morning. This is urine that has been stored in your bladder during the night that is ready to be eliminated when you get up. You need to pee on a strip of pHydrion paper, note the color change and write down the pH number. The first urine should run optimally between a pH 6.8 to 7.2. If your first urine pH is lower than 6.8 you are deficient in alkaline buffers and need to move to a more alkaline diet rich in fresh green vegetables and fruits. If your first urine pH is higher than 7.2 your alkaline buffers are sufficient to neutralize the acidic food and drink you ingested the day before. To balance the pH of the urine you need to move away from acidic foods and drinks and begin ingesting liberal amounts of electron rich green vegetables, low sugar fruits and healthy polyunsaturated fats. 3. Next, test your second morning urine before eating any food. This number should be the pH of your second urine after you have eliminated the acid load from the day before. The acids should be gone the second time you go to the bathroom so your urine pH should be ideally around 6.8 to 7.2. If the pH is lower than 6.8 then you are in a state of latent tissue acidosis and you are deficient of alkaline buffers such as bicarbonate, sodium, potassium and magnesium. The lower pH is also indicative of a diet high in protein and an increase in acids from proteins including nitric, sulfuric, phosphoric and uric acids. Eliminate from the diet proteins from beef, chicken, turkey, pork and fish to normalize pH at 6.8 to 7.2 while eating liberal amounts of green foods and green drinks and healthy polyunsaturated fats. 4. For breakfast eat an avocado soup, vegetable soup, or drink some fresh almond milk or a fresh green drink. Wait five minutes and then check your urine and saliva again. Write these pH numbers down also. The pH numbers will go up from the first and second morning urine and saliva if you have sufficient alkaline reserves to buffer acids. If you do not then the pH numbers will show very little change or even go down from the early morning pH numbers. 5. Make sure you check your urine and saliva pH between meals, i.e., between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. The pH should always be between 6.8 to 8.4, right after meals and between 6.8 to 7.2 a couple of hours after meals. To purchase the pH Hydrion paper: - check you local drug store to see if they stock the product - Go directly to the manufacturer's website at: - click on the following link: All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

50 The five tests above show the following: 1. The efficiency of the digestive system to deal with what you ate the night before, i.e., the first and second AM urine and saliva pH. These numbers will change from day to day if you are living an eating acidic. When you begin The pH Miracle Living Plan you will see the pH of the urine and saliva become more constant and balanced at a pH of 6.8 to 7.2. 2. How well you treat yourself in general, i.e., how 'strong' the salivary glands, pancreas, gallbladder and liver are in dealing with excess acidity. This is once again the AM urine and saliva pH. This number shows the overall state of your health, the condition of the alkaline reserve of your body which reflects the diet you have been eating over the last months and years. This pH number stays rather constant and will only change after some work has been done in alkalizing and energizing the body as outlined in the pH Miracle books. Since the saliva and urine pH is an indicator of intracellular pH, saliva and urine pH readings should never be below the pH of the phosphate buffer system, 6.8. (See below). The most accurate readings of saliva and urine pH is recorded immediately upon awakening--after sleeping at least five hours and before brushing your teeth. It is during sleep that the body removes waste and is in an anabolic state restoring and replenishing the body. For example, if you have a saliva or urine pH of 5.5 and only 5.6 after eating, you know that you are deficient in alkaline reserve and your body is devoid of the minerals necessary to process food properly -- your body cannot adequately respond to the physiological crisis of handling food or drink that is acidic. 3. The pH of your saliva and urine after you eat or drink gives you an indication of your alkaline mineral reserves and your body's ability to deal with the acid residues created from the digestion of that food or drink. It is normal for your pH number to increase after you eat or drink not stay static or decrease. This once again indicates your inability to deal with acid, the deficiency of alkaline reserves and the buildup of latent tissue acidosis. Even if you think of a food like an avocado or a lemon the pH of your saliva should increase by a whole point. This simple test indicates you have sufficient alkaline reserve minerals to pull into your digestive system to begin the digestive and buffering process. The ideal urine and saliva pH pattern is 6.8 to 7.2 on awakening, 6.8 to 7.2 before eating and 7.2 to 8.5 following any alkaline meal or drink. A simple test can be done at most any time of the day by eating a few almonds. This will check the adequacy of the alkaline reserve of the body. When a healthy person with adequate alkaline reserves eats a few almonds, the saliva pH almost immediately goes up to a pH of 8.4. The more acidic the food that is eaten, the more rapid the response of the alkaline reserve, and the higher the saliva pH should be following a meal. 4. The pH of the saliva and urine between meals should be kept in the basic range, pH 7.0 to 7.2. After one eats, the stomach releases its necessary HCL to help digest the food. While doing this, it also performs the opposite action,

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

51 i.e., it makes an equivalent amount of base or baking soda, sodium bicarbonate that is picked up by the blood stream and delivered to the alkaline glands of the body, the saliva, the pancreas, the gallbladder, the pylorus glands in the duodenum and the liver. The maximum amount of base in the blood and therefore in the urine and saliva occurs one to two hours after you eat. This rhythm of the acid and base flow of the body is called by Frederick F. Sander, the Base-floods and the Base-tides of the Acid-Base household. This information was first published in 1930, by Frederick F. Sander, a German scientist, in a book called, The Acid-Base Household of the Human Organism and its cooperation with the nail circulation and the rhythm of the Liver. In his book he states that the body fluids and therefore the urine is most acid at 2:00 A.M. (pH 5.0 to 6.8) in the morning (the base tide) and most alkaline at 2:00 P.M. (pH 7.0 to 8.5) in the afternoon (base flood). 'The ideal pH numbers depend on the time of day. Plotted on a curve it looks like the double hump of the back of a camel. Two times a day the urine should be alkaline and that is the top of the humps and corresponds to 10 A.M. and 2 P.M., the alkaline tide after meals. During the rest of the day the pH should be between 6.8 and 7.2. This is optimal urine. The first urine in the morning should be more acidic because of the decalcification that takes place during the night in neutralizing excess acids.' If all the acids generated in a day of digestion are, respiration, metabolism and degeneration are not all flushed out during the night they accumulate, day after day. The results are the expression of states of imbalance as the body desperately tries to maintain the alkaline fluid pH at 7.365. The day-to-day buildup of acids affects each of us differently depending on our genetics, lifestyle and diet. I have found that acids settle in the weakest parts of the body and if not eliminated through the bowels, urinary system, lungs or skin, acids are then bound to fat and stored on our hips, thighs, stomach, breasts and brain. Bottom-line acids are the expression of all symptomologies and the direct cause of ALL sickness and disease. Monitoring your saliva and urine pH puts the responsibility of caring for your health back into your hands. Measuring the saliva and urine pH guides your therapy and shows you how living, eating and drinking determines the quality and quantity of your life. You should monitor your saliva and urine each day for at least 12 weeks or until you establish your balanced pH at 6.8 to 7.2. Once you have established a balanced saliva and urine pH at 6.8 to 7.2 you can reduce the number of tests to once a day or 2 to 3 times a week. To purchase the pH Hydrion paper: - check you local drug store to see if they stock the product - Go directly to the manufacturer's website at: - click on the following link:

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Food “Ash” pH

The following is a list of common foods with an approximate, relative potential of acidity (-) or alkalinity (+), as present in one ounce of food.

FOODS YOU CAN EAT FREELY Vegetables Brussels sprouts +29.5 Peas, ripe +28.4 Asparagus +28.5 Artichokes +29.3 Comfrey +31.5 Green cabbage, (March +33.8


Soy Sprouts


Sprouted radish seeds


Sprouted chia seeds


Alfalfa grass


Cucumber, fresh


Wheat grass


Lettuce Onion

+2.2 +3.0

Root Vegetables Cauliflower White cabbage Green cabbage, (December harvest) Savoy Cabbage Lamb’s lettuce Peas, fresh +11.3 Zucchini +16.7 Red cabbage +39.4 Rhubarb stalks Leeks (bulbs) Watercress Spinach, (March harvest) Chives French cut (green) beans +13.6 Sorrel +15.6 Spinach (other than


+3.1 +3.3 +4.0 +4.5 +4.8 +5.1

White radish (spring) Rutabaga Kohlrabi Horseradish Turnip Carrot Fresh red beet


Red radish


Summer black radish

+6.3 +7.2 +7.7 +8.0 +8.3 +11.2

Fruits Limes Fresh lemon Tomato


Avocado (protein)

+3.1 +3.1 +5.1 +6.8 +8.0 +9.5

+8.2 +9.9


All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

Garlic Celery

53 +13.3

Non-Stored Organic Grains and Legumes +14.1 Buckwheat groats +0.5 +14.5 Spelt

Cabbage lettuce, fresh Endive, fresh +0.5 Cayenne pepper +18.8 Straw grass +21.4 Shave grass +21.7 Dog grass +22.6 +12.0 Dandelion +22.7 +12.2 Kamut grass +27.6 +12.1 Barley grass +28.7 +12.8

Lentils Soy flour Tofu Lima beans

+0.6 +2.5 +3.2

Soybeans, fresh white (navy) beans Granulated soy (cooked, Ground soybeans) Soy nuts (soaked soy beans,


then air dried)

Soy lecithin, pure +38.0

FOODS YOU CAN EAT FREELY (continued‌) Nuts pressed oils) Hazelnut + 1.0 Almond + 3.2

Fats (Fresh, cold- 0.5

Olive oil

+ 3.6

Borage oil Flax seed oil

+ 3.5

Evening Primrose oil + 4.1 Seeds + 4.7 Wheat Kernel Pumpkin seeds

Marine lipids -11.4 - 5.6

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

Sunflower seeds Flax seeds (neutral) Sesame seeds Cumin seeds Fennel seeds Caraway seeds

Water Distilled water

- 5.4 -1.3


+ 0.5 + 1.1 + 1.3 + 2.3

Foods you can eat sparingly Fish

Yellow plum

- 4.9 Fresh water fish - 4.9


Italian plum Date

- 4.7

Cherry, sweet - 3.6 Fruits (in season, with moderation, for cleansing only) - 2.5 Rose hips -15.5 - 2.4 Pineapple -12.6 - 2.4 Mandarin orange -11.5 -1.7 Banana, ripe -10.1 -1.0 Pear - 9.9 + 0.5 Peach - 9.7 + 3.5 Apricot - 9.5 + 4.8 Papaya - 9.4 Orange - 9.2 Mango - 8.7

Tangerine -12.5 Currant -10.1 Gooseberry, ripe Grape, ripe Cranberry

Cantaloupe Red currant Fig juice powder Grapefruit Watermelon Coconut, fresh Cherry, sour Banana, unripe

- 8.5

Non-Stored grains Brown rice

- 8.2


- 7.7 - 7.6 - 7.0


All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

Black currant - 8.0 Strawberry - 2.0 Blueberry - 0.5 Raspberry

- 6.1


- 5.4


- 5.3

Brazil nuts


- 5.1

Fats Sunflower oil

- 6.7

Foods you should never eat Root Vegetables

Corn oil Stored potatoes Butter

-­‐ 6.5 +2.0 - 3.9

Meat, Poultry and Fish Pork -­‐26.5 Veal -17.6 Beef -15.1 Ocean fish -14.6 Chicken malt - 9.8 Eggs Oysters juice - 9.6 Liver - 9.3 Organ meats - 9.5

Sweets -­‐38.0

Artificial sweeteners


White sugar


Beet sugar



-18.0 to –22.0

Dr. Bronner’s barley

-18.0 to –22.0 -5.0

sweetener Dried sugar cane


Barley malt syrup


Fructose Milk sugar

- 9.4 Turbinado sugar - 9.5 Milk and milk products -­‐ 8.7 Hard cheese - 7.6 Quark Cream


Brown rice syrup


-17.3 - 3.9

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

Homogenized milk Buttermilk -12.4

Condiments Ketchup

-1.0 +1.3


Mayonnaise -12.5 Mustard -19.2 Bread (stored grains/risen dough) White bread -10.0 White biscuit - 6.5 Whole-meal bread - 6.5 -28.6 to 38.7 Whole-grain bread - 4.5 16.4 Rye bread - 2.5 -26.8

Beverages Liquor Wine Beer Coffee

-25.1 Fruit juice


- 8.7 Nuts Pistachios Peanuts Cashews

-16.6 -12.8 - 9.3

Miscellaneous Fats Margarine

Fruit juice (sweetened) -­‐33.4 Tea (black) -27.1

Canned foods


Processed foods Micro - waved foods

This is a list of some of the more common alkaline and acidic foods we eat. A healthy diet consists of a minimum of 80% alkaline forming foods and no more than 20% acid forming foods. Of the Alkaline forming foods, 70% are most effective when raw. Organic foods provide optimum minerals, vitamins, proteins, enzymes and amino acids. A healthy diet also includes lots of water. To find the ideal ratio: multiply your weight by .66 and then convert to ounces, i.e. 150 pounds x .66 = 99, thus 99oz of H2O daily.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Food cravings... To help us make better and better food choices with regard to what our bodies are ASKING for and TELLING us we need I have added this as another Oneness Wellness Resource If you crave this...

What you really need is...

And here are healthy foods that have it:



Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits



Broccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, calves liver, chicken


Fresh fruits


Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, grains


Cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

58 Tryptophan

Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach

Bread, toast


High protein foods: fish, meat, nuts, beans

Oily snacks, fatty foods


Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame

Coffee or tea


Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes


Egg yolks, red peppers, muscle protein, garlic, onion, cruciferous vegetables

NaCl (salt)

Sea salt, apple cider vinegar (on salad)


Meat, fish and poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

59 Alcohol, recreational drugs


Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, nuts


Granola, oatmeal


Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame


Supplement glutamine powder for withdrawal, raw cabbage juice


Sun-dried black olives, potato peel broth, seaweed, bitter greens

Chewing ice


Meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, greens, black cherries

Burned food


Fresh fruits

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

60 Soda and other carbonated drinks


Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, cheese, sesame

Salty foods


Raw goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt

Acid foods


Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits


Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.

Preference for solids rather than liquids


You have been so dehydrated for so long that you have lost your thirst. Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.

Cool drinks


Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries

Pre-menstrual cravings


Red meats (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables

Preference for liquids rather than solids

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

61 General overeating


Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches


Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweat potato, spinach


Vitamin C supplements or orange, green, red fruits and vegetables

Lack of appetite Vitamin B1


Nuts, seeds, beans, liver and other organ meats

Vitamin B3

Tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds and legumes


Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries


Raw goat milk, unrefined sea salt

Silicon Nuts, seeds; avoid refined

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

62 starches

Oneness Wellness Lifestyles is your source for all recommended nutritional supplements, medicinal essential oil, and services you may need as outlined in this Wellness Success Plan. Your personalized plan is in response to your Confidential Health Story submitted during your initial consultation. You are asked to make all purchases through Oneness Wellness Healing Arts Group. I am confident in our choice of manufactures. Our research shows they use the highest standards of purity for effectiveness and also because using these wellness products has helped me achieved wonderful results in my personal health & healing as it has for hundreds of my clients and their families. Tyrosine

Vitamin C supplements or orange, green and red fruits and vegetables

1. Lectures, Cheryl M. Deroin, NMD, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Spring 2003 (healthy food recommendations) 2. Benard Jenson, PhD, The Chemistry of Man B. Jensen Publisher, 1983 (deficiencies linked to specific cravings and some food recommendations

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


A few Other Realities to Consider: 1. Subtle Body Deficiencies know as, Energy Field Disturbances: Energy blocks in the subtle (spiritual) body fields are like spiritual abrasions or wounds. They are emotional scars caused by trauma such as: • Compaction from suppressing feelings • Energy depletion causes decreases of energy flow • Energy leaks squirt out energy around the joints • Plate armor occurs from holding feelings in and freezing them in places • Mesh armor forms from avoiding feelings especially fear by blocking Vibrational Therapies, Reiki and Healing Touch, Rain Drop Therapy, and Vita Flex treatments help us realign and clear our energy fields. The use of crystals, water, magnets, therapeutic essential oils, and affirmative prayer, and meditations techniques are used to soothe and heal the Human Energy Field or Subtle Spiritual Body. The Reality is, dis-ease occurs in the subtle bodies (the unseen) before becoming manifest (seen) in the physical body. 2. Critical information on “Ethnic Medicine”, Breast Cancer, Fibroid Tumors and female disorders: Two of the major concerns that affect women lives. Disproportionately, the melanin dominate, so-called African American women . • Breast cancer • Reproductive degeneration. It is critically important be aware that transforming to a Oneness Wellness Success Plan can greatly reduce your risk of developing breast cancer, fibroids, endometriosis, cysts and sterility. This is of huge significance because, “Black” women suffer with these diseases in epidemic proportions due to inferior dietary habits, learned behavior patterns, and limited truth based resources. Truly, not giving conscious attention to matters of health and well-being. It is far past time to recognize, according to scientific documentation referred to as “ethnic medicine” melanin dominate people (dark race ethnicity) are 6 times more nutrient dense than other races of lighter complexions, those with less melanin. Therefore, by the time the standard diagnostic model designed for the average Caucasian person can detect illness in the melanin dominate person, they are 6 times sicker with the illness. It is also known there are biological differences among the races.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

67 Realize, my pointing this out is for Love’s sake, not to cause division based on our differences. Understand, this is not a racially motivated statement. This research intends to inform us of the truth, the science and knowledge vital to life, health, peace and the cultivation of human excellence for all people. I strongly suggest you research Dr. Jewel Pookrum and Dr. Liaila Afrika for more detailed information on melanin. Fear and ignorance are the body, mind, and spirit killers causing so many to live on prescription drugs and go to early graves. It is necessary for us to be honest and speak straight, clear words to facilitate the natural life process of self-healing. If we know better, we do better. There is a System of Knowledge and Natural Life Process of How Healing Works. It is based in Creation’s Logic for wellness. I call it Oneness.

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.


Thank you! I AM grateful, thankful and appreciative for this opportunity to serve by contributing to your quest for personal health and well Being.

Oneness Wellness Lifestyles is your resource for all recommended nutritional supplements, medicinal essential oils, and services you may need as outlined in this Oneness Wellness Success Plan. Your personalized plan is in response to your Confidential Health Story submitted during your initial consultation. You are asked to make all purchases through Oneness Wellness Lifestyles I am confident in our choice of manufactures. Our research shows the use the highest standards of purity for effectiveness. We are confident using these wellness products because they help me achieved wonderful results in my personal health & Self-healing as they have for hundreds of clients and their families.

I agree to be as committed to your health and well-Being as you are and more.

I will take you as far as you are willing to go and I will know when you are no longer willing. I will guide & coach you as you allow me. My heartfelt desire for you is Life, Health & Strength for the best of happiness. My desire is to inspire you to cultivate, embody and express your human excellence, spiritual wisdom and Inner Essence Love to Self-Heal.

All Suggestions are based on scientific clinical research from documented sources, which includes The Young Life Research Center and Essential Science Publishing. Cutting edge technologies grounded in the logic of Ancient Future Healing Process and Application creation are available to us. Healing methods and treatments used during sessions are based in the ancient indigenous “Systems of Knowledge and process about how natural Self-healing works” and non-invasive modern wellness technologies. May we be guided on the exact right path to knowledge of Self. “Oneness” with God the Creative Source of all Life. The Guiding Principles and Divine Laws of Creation are immutable and set forth for our Life, Health, Freedom and Peace. All information provided in this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided in this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet. I acknowledge The I AM Presence, Most High God Creator as The Omnipotent Healer Within us all and Truth is Mighty and does Prevail. All Rights and Liberties Reserved ©2012 Oneness Wellness Foundation Oneness Wellness Lifestyles (OWL)

All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

69 Contact Us

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All information provided on this is for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. The information provided on this is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, consult your health care professional, naturopathic physician or other qualified health care professional before making changes in lifestyle and diet.

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