Oneness Healing Arts Group Spring Newsletter

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Take time. Healing is a Life process not a diet. In Oneness you Love your dis-ease, stress, fear, depression, pain away.

Oneness Lifestyles Newsletter

March 19, 2009 Volume VII

INSIDE: Self-Care Purification, Oils for our Bio-Well-Being, Body Temple Care, Story:Without Our Consent, Herbal Data THE TIME DICTATES THE AGENDA: WHO IS PLANNING YOUR FUTURE? It seemed by chance over 30 years ago I took my first of many classes in natural healing. It was an after school program that began to reveal and shape my destiny, I was sixteen. Since then I have been reading and studying everything I could about keeping our bodies healthy naturally. Getting involved in the Healing Arts, Alternative Therapies and Environmental Studies was strange and unusual back then. This “fad” as everyone called it held my focus of attention; it empowered me with the freedom of choices and something different from the status quo. The 70’s where a time of personal freedom, selfexpression and discovery, I lived it. I thank the Creator for those times of growth in my life. My new healthy lifestyle made some angry, but many wanted choices too. So, I began sharing the knowledge I was gaining and never stopped. Over the years by grace it has evolved into

“Oneness Body Temple Care®” by Shifa! and Oneness Wellness Healing Arts Group, LLC!" March 19, 2009 Volume VII

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Now, as I look around, everything, everywhere is talking about “green” health and wellness, it’s a Wellness Revolution! Be aware of the hype – because “the revolution will not be televised”.

Oneness Body Temple Care Internal and external rituals of care, cleansing and purity designed to promote healthy skin function, heal, soothe, soften and restore us through the practical application of pure, organically grown therapeutic grade A essential oils developed especially for health and healing. Utilizing herbs and essences along with clays, and salts from Mother Earth just the way it is intended for us to heal and care for our Body Temples. Protecting us against harmful bacteria and viruses. In accord with the Original Plan expressing our willingness to be “One” with Source. From our daily meditations and living the Love Oneness Body Temple Care is part of our purification ritual. Relieving dryness, excess oil, pimples, blackheads, discoloration and premature aging. You will notice a healthy radiance and beautiful vibration all over your Body Temple.



Take time. Healing is a Life process not a diet. In Oneness you Love your dis-ease, stress, fear, depression, pain away.

Prince Geronald El Aram Zayin ! Reiki Master Teacher, Usui Reiki - Healing touch Therapy System

! Naturopath ! Energy Techniques ! Vibrational Health Test ! Astro Health Birth Charts

and Wealth workshops, SelfEmpowerment classes, Energy work sessions, and Lifestyle management workshops & more.

Oneness in Chicago

Felicia Muhammad For over 15 years, Felicia has worked as a Master Barber/ Stylist, gracing many cities with her creative ability to make you look and feel good about you. From CHATTANOOGA, TN to ATLANTA, GA to CHARLOTTE, NC and presently residing in CHICAGO, IL, she enthusiastically enhances the physical appearance of men, women and children, young and mature alike. It was during this same time that Felicia noticed a disconnect between the outer & inner beauty. “What you put in your mouth affects what we see!” She began to educate her clientele and community on the importance of how to eat to live. She advises, participates and conducts Health March 19, 2009 Volume VII

7 years ago, Felicia was blessed to be mentored by Shifa!, who serves the community as a teacher, healer, life coach and naturalist for the last 37 years. Together, they manage operations for Oneness’ Wellness Healing Arts Group headquartered in CHARLOTTE, NC. Contact info: 773-606-4863

Maeya Carr Licenses / Professional Organizations

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2004 - Art of Healing, North Carolina #000973382 2004 - Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP), Pathways, Gastonia, NC 2003 - Basic HIV/AIDS Case Management – North Carolina Division of Public Health 1994 -Present National Association for Acupuncture Detoxification (NADA) 1993 Reiki Certification (Level 1) 1991 - 1994 “Chin Sao Chin” Tai Chi Chuan 1991 - Family Systems in S u b s t a n c e A b u s e , N . Y. C . Department of Health 1986 - Advanced Therapeutic Massage, Meadowsweet Herbal Apothecary, NYC, NY 1986 - Advanced Herbology & Botanical Studies, Meadowsweet Herbal Apothecary, NYC, NY 1985 - Basic Herbology & Botanical Studies, Meadowsweet Herbal Apothecary, NYC, NY 1984 - Basic Therapeutic Massage, Meadowsweet Herbal Apothecary, NYC, NY and much more.



Take time. Healing is a Life process not a diet. In Oneness you Love your dis-ease, stress, fear, depression, pain away.

Thriving in the Now:Time We at Oneness Wellness

consider, High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Diabetes, Obesity, HIV/ Aids, Breast Cancer, Substance Abuse, Mental Illness and Crime to be epidemics of our time. These physical/mental dis-eases degenerate our people stifling our ability to care for one another and

effectively respond to the disintegration of our communities, the socioeconomic divisions, and the inequities of racism, sexism, and other social injustices. However, with all this, it is Time to see the Light that has come and continuously pours forth from the Heavens. Healing attitudes and higher consciousness in all domains of well-being are present everywhere around us if we could just be still enough to see and listen. You can feel it, I know you can. Just take a deep cleansing breath and let God our Source have perfect dominion. Say, I AM healed, abundant and joyful. Know it. Shifa!

Alive to Thrive

Healthy Alternatives Eating plenty of raw fruits and salads is essential to good health. Eat heavier meals early in the day and avoid eating any heavy foods after 8:00 p.m. Eating once per day is ideal for longevity and good health, of course you would work up to this. Cleansing fasts are recommended under the supervision of an herbal or naturopathic expert. Rotating foods is important, healthy living is tasty and fun. Eating in a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere is also important for proper March 19, 2009 Volume VII

digestion. Now here are some Healthy Alternatives:

8. Milk: Rice milk, almond milk (I do not recommend soy products much as soy is really animal feed; it is 93% protein that’s more than humans need.)

1. Fresh Fruits: apple, orange, mangos, bananas, etc. 2. Fresh Vegetables: spinach, cabbage, broccoli, beets, etc. 3. Sweeteners: Honey, Maple Syrup, Agave, fruit & vegetable sweeteners, Stevia 4. Breads: Whole wheat, rye, and other whole grain flours 5. Chocolate: Carob 6. Whole Grains: Brown rice, rolled oats, millet etc.

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7. Seasonings: Herbs, Ms. Dash, salt free spices

9. Food coloring: Beet, carrot and other juices from fruits & berries. Be aware of your food selections, read labels and educate yourself there is information all around you. Make choices in line with your lifestyle goals for the long term. Eat only substances God created for food (stay away from the unclean scavengers).

Eat foods as they were created from Source not processed.



Take time. Healing is a Life process not a diet. In Oneness you Love your dis-ease, stress, fear, depression, pain away.

Herbal Data: Red Clover for Skin Care Red Clover is one of the most useful remedies for children with skin problems. It may be used with complete safety in any case of childhood eczema. It is also of value in other chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne. Being most useful in children, it is also valuable for adults. For skin conditions it combines well with Yellow Dock and Nettles. Red Clover contains vitamins A, B-complex, C, F and P. Also helpful are the minerals Iron, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Selenium, Cobalt, Nickel, Magnese, Sodium, Molybdenum and Tin. Red Clover is a blood purifier. It can be used externally as a wash (tea) or a salve for healing burns, shingles and other skin conditions. Pour 1 cup of boiling water onto 1-3 teaspoons of dried herb and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day or use as a body wash for skin conditions.

Oneness Water Wisdom Sip, sip, gulp, gulp oh how healthy it is! Water. We all know we need to drink more water. It’s half your body weight in ounces everyday and 20% more when cleansing. Woo, that seems like a lot and when would we ever get it in March 19, 2009 Volume VII

between the soda, tea, coffee? Since EVERY human function is water dependent even breathing, Yep, breathing, we lose a quart of water through the exhale especially in cold weather.

protocol is - drink enough pure water.

If not hydrated our body pulls water from other areas the heart, brain, digestive system, creating acid, toxins and stress in those organs. Dehydration equals degenerative states of health. Unfortunately, blood testing is not intelligent enough to detect dehydration at the cellular level. The popular care mentality doesn't recognize cell dehydration as illness. It is the health conditions that in reality are the true indicators. Specific problems relating to dehydration are obesity, high blood pressure, skin problems, etc. You can reduce organ stress by drinking more water. The more fluid the less tension makes sense, right? You have to prudently prevent dehydration because cell function diminishes at 66% water loss, cell damage occurs.

1. Cucumbers over the eyes to reduce swelling: 15 minutes.

Oneness Beauty Wisdom: In dehydration, water reserves are used up without being replaced as fast as water is being lost. As a result skin becomes dry, discolored, lusterless, wrinkled and capillary circulation decreases. Be mindful, skin tissue is the cover for the magnificent inner workings of the Body Temple and requires water all the time. The most natural, effective self-healing beauty treatment Page 4

Foods for use inside and out

2. Avocado mask nourishes the skin. 3. Lemons, limes, grapefruits scrub blemished elbows & knees. 4. Oats: 1 cup in bath scrub with loofah. Remember This:

Pure plant products dispense many benefits & make us one with our Creators design for a healthy life.

Body Temple Care

What?! “Don’t you know your body is the temple of the Living God?”

Body Temple Care is a personal ritual of self love and shows gratitude toward the Creator for this magnificent form we have been given. Internal and external care must be given to our physical body to protect the indwelling Presence which It uses to operate on Earth. The body is from the Earth and needs to be sustained and maintained from the substances of the Earth. Makes perfect sense, right?



Take time. Healing is a Life process not a diet. In Oneness you Love your dis-ease, stress, fear, depression, pain away.

Essential Oils for Biological Warfare Preparedness By Dr. Len Horowitz and Dr. Sabina Devita

What makes survivors of biological warfare attacks different from deceased victims is their natural constitution and solid immunity. Modern science teaches that you can, in fact enhance both. For in stance, the health and function of your DNA critically depends on water hydration, particularly of Clustered Water molecules that fuel the double helix’s electrical potential for optimal cell function and longevity. A great example of one natural, God given, and Bible recommended, antibiotic ideally used to resist the plagues of yesteryear, and today, including biological weapons attacks such as Anthrax and Smallpox, is essential oils. Did you know that during the great plague in Europe in 1413, a small band of thieves were captured in Marseilles, France and charged with robbing the dead and dying bubonic plague victims? Although this “Black Death” (Pasteur Ella pestis) was very contagious, not one of this morbid band of thieves ever contracted the disease. The king, eager to protect himself and the Royal family, demanded to know how the thieves had avoided the plague. Related by blood to a lineage of apothecaries, the thieves were familiar with a combination of specific plant oils that when rubbed over their bodies, protected them from contracting this most feared and deadly disease. They rubbed a concoction that included clove, rosemary, and cinnamon on their hands, ears and temples. This same formulation found in the Royal English Archives is available today called the “Thieves” oil blend. Ancient scriptures are filled with references to aromatic oils. In fact, 188 references to oils are made in the Bible. Frankincense, myrrh, spikenard, and cassia are repeatedly mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments used for anointing and healing. Dr. Jean Valnet, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic uses of these oils, points out that the powerful medicinal value of essential oils were known for centuries and were considered more valuable than gold and prized for healing and anointing. We, therefore, highly encourage the purchase and use of grade A essential oils that have been developed for life-saving applications by naturopathic physician and Humanitarian, Dr. Gary Young. During a recent meeting, Dr. Young presented his concerns and suggestions regarding the need to prepare for biological warfare in the United States in the aftermath of recent terrorist attacks and the retaliatory bombing in Afghanistan (and Iraq).

Summary are our recommendations follows " "

March 19, 2009 Volume VII

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Take time. Healing is a Life process not a diet. In Oneness you Love your dis-ease, stress, fear, depression, pain away.

" Here in summary are our recommendations: Since we believe that the current global crisis likewise reflects warfare taking place on at least six other spiritual dimensions, we urge devout prayer and meditation for protection, peace, and global healing at this critical time. We believe that the power of prayer and fasting can make a huge difference in accomplishing these outcomes. With this objective in mind, and heart we will be joining Dr. Young, and thousands of others, in fasting every Wednesday. Water and juice fasts are recommended.

this information will be of use to you in helping to protect yourself and your loved ones during this very troubling and dangerous time. Question…Are you ready for war or disaster when it strikes? Do you own a Survival Kit? Kerosene lamp Sub-zero sleeping bags Aspirin Alcohol Witch Hazel

Be wise, remember you don’t really know people until a crisis hits, begin now to cultivate true, love based relationships and real family, sometimes they are not blood relatives. Talk to those close to you about communal living to reduce expenses. Don’t let the Fed. notes hinder our ability to unite. What will we do when the money has no value?

All of the oils mentioned above have an important role in protecting the immune system as well as having powerful antibacterial and/or antiviral properties. Thus, they should earn a respectable place in your emergency kits and home preparedness program. We trust March 19, 2009 Volume VII

Gauze Scissors Band-Aids Epsom Salt Ice cap Burn Ointment Hot water bottle Thermometer (oral & rectal)

Shovel; Lime; Gas burner; Gortec suit; Fleece under-ware; Rope; Gas mask; Goose down; Lantern; Solar panel;

Prepare for at least 5 families. 20 lbs of dry items per person.

and charitable works fortify your spirit. Oneness with the One True and Living God is where our strength always is, especially in times of testing or crisis.



Navy beans, dry milk, honey, whole wheat flour, vitamin C (500 ml) per person, canned salmon, sardines, WATER.

food become your god (check your cravings). Prayer, meditation, study

Kerosene stove

First Aid book –

Survival Foods

Prepare by learning to fast 3 days per week and you will not be overcome by your own appetite. Don’t let any

Emergency Preparedness.

Adhesive Tape

Without reservation, we recommend Young Living Essential Oils – a world leader in the cultivation, distillation and production of organically grown, therapeutic Grade A essential oils. The company has impeccable standards which we personally witnessed on their organic farm and distillation facility in Idaho. They are the only producer in North America that meets International Standards for therapeutic-grade A essential oils obtaining the AFNOR label.

10x 14 ft. tarp

The times demand that we become One for our own good. The time of petty differences is now over. Reconcile, atone, love and forgive because we never know who we’ll be with when crisis strikes. Now it is time to “show & prove” what the power of the Love of God within each of us can accomplish. For many these are times of great need and fear. Let Love Be our most valuable survival agenda item. Be Love.

100 ft. nylon cord;


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Take time. Healing is a Life process not a diet. In Oneness you Love your dis-ease, stress, fear, depression, pain away. This page is dedicated to The Wake Up Call. Articles are selected based on positive content fostering healing health, wellness, beauty, community, economic development and of course, culture & lifestyle.

The consumer’s right to know the content of the foods he or she consumes is a protected right within the United States of America and most other Countries. But, this is a right seldom utilized. Do we really know what we are eating? ! Whether you’re a vegetarian, Jewish, Muslim or simply health conscious you might want to know that most of the time, Vitamin D-3 is extracted from pigskin and sold to dairy processors. By and large, today if you drink milk, you consume extracts from animals.

Book written by Tariq Ansaar Aquil, Sr.

The author of “Without Our Consent” is President of the Muslim American Food CouncilGlobal Halal. (Halal is akin to Kosher). A consumer advocacy group that monitors Halal processing and retail businesses within the United States; it also provides Halal certification. Mr. Aquil brings 40 years of practical study and research in food in the industry to bear in his book. About The Book What we eat is important, what is fed to what we eat is critical. Mad Cow Disease is running rampant. Genetic material from pigs has been spliced into tomatoes to make them tougher and less able to bruise during shipping. Genetic material from tomatoes has been spliced into salmon to enhance that red coloration. A number of years ago a TV commercial asked us “Where’s the Beef? Today’s mad cow disease headlines remind us it’s more important to know what’s in the beef.

March 19, 2009 Volume VII

! A US News & World Report article states that “Some 40 billion pounds a year of slaughterhouse wastes like blood, bone, and viscera, as well as the remains of millions of euthanized cats and dogs passed along by veterinarians and animal shelters, are rendered (feed) annually into livestock feed—in the process turning cattle and hogs, which are natural herbivores, into unwitting carnivores. ! Just think about this, how can a fast-food restaurant afford to sell you a double cheeseburger with all the trimmings for less than the price of the fries, and sometimes for less than the price of the drink? And how could the price of beef remain virtually unchanged for the past 15 years or so?

flea collars. Insecticides get into the feed. The insecticide Dursban arrives in the form of cattle insecticide patches. Pharmaceuticals leak from antibiotics in livestock, and euthanasia drugs given to pets are also included. Heavy metals accumulate from a variety of sources: pet ID tags, surgical pins & needles. Even plastic winds up going into the pit. Unsold supermarket meats, chickens and fish arrive in Styrofoam trays and shrink-wrap. It is far to costly for plant personnel to cut off flea collars or unwrap spoiled T-bone steaks, millions of packages of plastic wrapped meat become ingredients in animal feed.

Contact information: 310 N. Indian Hill, Claremont, Ca 91711 (909) 514-4040

Don’t let any food become your god (check your cravings). Take your time this is a life process not a diet.

! Rendering (feed) plants have different specialties. Animals are frequently shoved into the pit with Page 7



Take time. Healing is a Life process not a diet. In Oneness you Love your dis-ease, stress, fear, depression, pain away.

Oneness: Knowing-Healing Many times when new information comes to us that we don't understand, we stop paying attention to it because we are focusing on what we didn't understand. Your life and the world looks like what it does today because you have been concentrating on certain thought-forms. The fact is that the Industrialized Food, Medical/Pharmaceutical, Corporate Governing Complex thoughts, the irregular calendar and mechanical clock are the foundational thought-forms that we as a human species have been concentrating on.

Stop and think about it. When you run your life according to the systematically flawed systems complex, Gregorian calendar and mechanical clock without questioning where they came from and why you use them, then you are running on an "unconscious program." But you couldn't know this until you were told about it - which may be just this instant. If this is true, then congratulations - this could be the first step in taking back your own Mind and life-time. Entering into a Oneness concept of healing is like learning a new language. To learn a new language you have to clear your Mind of your native language and allow new thoughts and vocabulary to enter your head. It's really very simple if you see it as such. There is a whole new reality awaiting you. Yes, you! In fact, this new reality is your natural birthright.

The Shift Once we are living in our natural Mind and flowing on our own Life-Time, the healing increases the perception of harmony and harmonic order will evolve in us a new set of Life-Style values of organic simplicity. Personal attunement with the natural order will result in increasingly enhanced healing energy and power in your Body/Mind. The reestablishment of the harmony of human beings with nature (the biosphere) will stabilize the Earth changes.

Declaration of Healing We who take on this heroic healing adventure do so only after having seen and experienced the exhaustion of the old order embedded in a system of sickness and dis-ease whose time no longer served the purposes of universal spiritual and mental evolution. We pray to the Supreme Creator that our task will be guided by Divine Mercy and that Compassion and Enlightenment will befall the upholders of this Declaration. May we have the courage to dissolve all of the old that is furthering division, strife and destruction. May we equally have the wisdom to preserve that which will in every way continue to uplift the humanity. Above all, may we have the patience and tolerance to define and promote the new ways of life that will be in accord with the maintenance and evolution of our Earthly support system, the biosphere, and which will foster a spirit of universal acceptance and tolerance among all human beings in Love, Truth, Peace Freedom and Justice. :Oneness Wellness Healing Arts Group, LLCŠâ„˘

March 19, 2009 Volume VII

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