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Exceptional service from start to close.

At ONE Sotheby’s International Realty, we are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the home-buying process. Our goal is to inform and guide you through each phase of your journey to find the perfect home.

As a Global Real Estate Advisor, my mission is to deliver an exceptional experience characterized by integrity, and professionalism. Whether you are making your first home purchase, relocating, or exploring real estate opportunities, it is essential to work with experts who truly understand your unique needs.

With a deep knowledge of our local markets and the strength of an extensive global network, I am committed to offering you strategic guidance and exceptional buying strategies. My approach is supported by thorough research, accurate market data, and clear direction throughout the buying process.

Your satisfaction is my priority, and I look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals with confidence and ease.

What my clients are saying

I havehad th e pleasure of working withElena for the last few years. Fi nding the pe rfect new hom e

required seeing many dozens of un its, pivoting from time to time, and f inally arriving at t he

perfectfit, and thr ough it all, Elenaand her team stayed attent ive, di ligentin her searc h, and

alwayspositiv e and open mi nded to my processi ng and negoti atingstrateg ies. W hat more could I

have asked for ? Nothing! T hanks so much Elenafrom y our newFisher Islan d“ res ident.

I just wanted to take the time to dropyou a s hort note to let you knowhow pl easedwe are with

the manner inwhich you handled t he real estat e transaction s we worked o n during the courseof

this last year . As you know I have been a realestate attorney in SouthFlorida for o ver 26years.

Over these ma ny years I hav e worked with many realtors. You are a t the t op of your pr ofessi on .

Your hard work, atte ntion to deta il, persevera nce and intel ligence were instru mental in fac ilitat ing

these very la rge andcompl icated transac tions. Your k nowledge of the mark et washighly

impressive and I am certain you obtaine d the best possible price for our clients. Th e clien ts you

represented w ere als o very impres sed byyour e fforts . I loo k forw ard to working withyou in the

futureand I will no t hesi tate to recommend y ou to my I firm's lo ok real forwa rd estate to


When I.recently sea rched for a r eal es tate ag ent to repres ent mewith t he sal e of my Fisher Islan d

unit 7764 I w as hopi ng to find th e best . I am happyto say that Idid. E lena Bluntzc r's

professionalis m andknowled ge ofthe ma rket isunmat ched inher field. I firmly believe tha t nobody

else could ha ve gott en nte the pr ice for my property thatElena d id. Her outst anding market ing of

my property and nego tiation exper tise resulted in asuccess ful side in o nly a month a nd a half aft er we listed our unit w ith her. Ele na wasable to finda quali fied buyer w ho clos ed 15days fr om contract

at thehighes t priceper square f oot paid on F isher- $8.5 Million cash. I have been a developer.

brokerand investor in real estat e in the Chic ago ar ea buil ding and sell ing luxury pr openics for over

45 years and I mustsay tha t wilhElena handling the listing and s ale of my uni t it w as one of the

smoothest real estat e trans actions I hav e ever been i nvolved in. I havealready recommendedher

services to al l my friends and acquainta nces. As for myself , I run relieved 10have f ound arcalto r

that maintains the highest standa rds in the business and as a resu lt I co ntinuecallin g on her ai: d

her tea m for my real estat e ventu res. I would recomm end El ena toanyone who is looking for a

consumm ate pr ofessional in the real esta te industry t o listand se ll their pro perty.

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