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Be the Difference Award Program

Will Recognize Team Members Who Live Out Watco’s Values

Our One Watco rebrand last year invited customers to Discover the Difference of working with Watco.

The rebrand also prompted conversations about how we could formally and consistently recognize team members for the ways they make a difference within the company and in our communities.

That recognition is important to our culture. As a company, Watco is a big believer in giving back. We’re constantly looking for ways to value people, to be good neighbors in our communities, and to go the extra mile to provide the best quality service to our customers. Recognizing our team members when they demonstrate those values underscores how much Watco values our commitment to giving back.

So, in conjunction with Watco’s 38th anniversary on July 1, we’re rolling out a new initiative, called Be the Difference. During the first week of July, Be the Difference stickers were sent to each Watco location to be passed out to team members.

Be the Difference is one important way we want to express gratitude for team members who are demonstrating what makes Watco different from other companies. Just like we’re asking team members to take action, Be the Difference shows we as a company are taking action to recognize the people who are delivering on our promises.

• Reinforce culture and pride

• Serve as an internal rallying cry

• Showcase team members living our values

• Create team member connections across operations and geographies

There are two parts to the initiative.

The first is storytelling. We invite all team members to share stories of how they, their colleagues, or their teams are taking action, living Watco’s values or otherwise making a difference in lives and communities. Team members can fill out a simple online form to nominate themselves or others. Team members up to the general manager level are eligible for nomination.

The Marketing team will review each nomination and choose stories to tell through our communications channels, including Watco Vision, Facebook, Instagram, and The Dispatch.

The second part of the Be the Difference initiative is a quarterly awards program that will formally honor team members who are making big differences by living out Watco’s Foundation Principles. We have created three new awards that will be given each quarter:

• One Watco Award: This award will be given to an individual or group of team members whose teamwork generates an exceptional result for

Watco or a customer • Extra Mile Award: Given to an individual or a group of team members who go above and beyond the call of duty at work or in the community

• Safe Performance Award: Given to an individual or group of team members who take action to ensure safety for fellow team members, customers, suppliers or property

Award winners will be chosen from the nominations received in the previous quarter. Every team member or team featured in one of the stories will automatically be a candidate for a quarterly award.

Quarterly winners will get a $250 Watco Gear gift card and an exclusive hard hat sticker that recognizes them as Be the Difference award winners. We’ll also recognize them in The Dispatch and on Watco Vision.

Please watch for teams and team members who are making a difference and nominate those who are showing every day how to Be the Difference.

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