The Dispatch August 2022

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Dispatch The newsletter for Watco

August 2022

Table of Contents Safety Anniversaries___________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Watco Sponsors 39th Annual Shrine Bowl______________________________________________________________ 3 Watco Begins Railroad Operations at Texas Port________________________________________________________ 4 Detailing All That’s New at the Fryburg Dedicated Terminal____________________________________________ _5 The Moral of This Story Is ‘Ask the Question’____________________________________________________________ 6 Healthcare Bluebook Means Cash Rewards____________________________________________________________ _ 7 Is Watco’s 401(k) Benefit a Good Option for You?_______________________________________________________ 8 Birth Announcements_________________________________________________________________________________ 9 A Milestone Anniversary for the Team Safety & Improvement Committee Program___________________10-11 Watco Receives Top-Rated Maritime Safety Award _____________________________________________________12 Team Members Complete Leadership Course__________________________________________________________13 Team Member Anniversaries_______________________________________________________________________ 14-15


On the Cover

Accepting Be the Difference Award Nominations From All Watco Team Members (Yes, that Means You!) Complete the form on Or email Submit your nomination by Friday, September 30 2 The Dispatch | August 2022

The freshly-painted Texas Coastal Bend Railroad locomotive sits poised for the first day of Watco operations at the Port of Corpus Christi. The team began serving customers in the port on August 3. Photo by Jeff Linville.

Safety Anniversaries Congratulations to the following locations who celebrated July Safety Anniversaries:

July 1 – Proctor Mobile Repair (WV) – 3 years July 1 – Buffalo Transload Terminal (TBT) - (NY) – 3 years July 3 – Brimstone Switching (LA) – 13 Years July 6 – Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad (ID, WA) – 6 years July 6 – Condon Switching (OR) – 6 years July 9 – Glendale Transload Terminal (AZ) – 8 years July 11 – Chicago Heights Transload Terminal (IL) – 8 Years July 21 – Dore Transload Terminal (ND) – 7 years July 25 – Toledo Switching (OR) – 7 years

Watco Sponsors 39th Annual Shrine Bowl

The patient-ambassadors of Shriners Children's hospitals and student-athletes are the stars of the show at the Kansas Shrine Bowl. Last month Watco’s Rick and Kaye Lynne Webb had the opportunity to speak to them about the importance of teamwork, giving back to your communities, and everything you can accomplish when you do both well. August 2022 | The Dispatch 3

Watco Begins Railroad Operations at Texas Port After conducting a formal ribbon-cutting ceremony August 2 at the Port of Corpus Christi in Texas, Watco launched its newest railroad operation the following day. Departing around 7:30 a.m. August 3, the Texas Coastal Bend Railroad (TCBR) – a 63-mile line providing rail service within the port – made its first journey. The TCBR took an outbound train of loaded pig iron from the bulk terminal and headed to the Nueces River Rail Yard on the port’s west end to deliver to the Union Pacific (UP). “Things went very smoothly,” said General Manager Darl Farris, “pretty much as we anticipated. We’re excited to get our new service under way.” Farris located to Texas in July to run the TCBR. He has been with Watco since 2014, first serving as the general manager at the Blue Ridge Southern Railroad for four years before moving to his most recent role of four years in training and development for Watco University. His prior Watco experience combined with 22 earlier years in railroading make Farris a natural for his new role. Leading up to the launch, Sales Manager Jeff Linville has been out talking to customers. “We have had the opportunity to meet with them and talk about their business,” he said, “Watco has received a warm welcome from all the Corpus Christi family. Everyone’s excited to bring Watco in, and we’re looking forward to working with them and keeping the growth going.” Watco’s new short line is its 46th currently in operation, and the port is the nation’s leading export gateway of U.S.-produced energy. The TCBR team of 22 will be moving commodities such as refined fuels, feed grain, military supplies, wind turbine components, and aggregates. Cargo coming into the port is stored or moved on ships, trucks, barges, the TCBR, or on the KCS, UP, or BNSF Railway.

The first crew to move a train on the Texas Coast Bend Railroad includes (l-r) : Darl Farris - General Manager Darl Farris, Engineer/Conductor James Hall, Engineer/Conductor Mario Garcia, Engineer/ Conductor Ernesto Sanchez, Conductor Tim Mireles, Trainmaster Jesse Luna, and VP of Operations Damien Cantrell. 4 The Dispatch | August 2022

Detailing All That’s New at the Fryburg Dedicated Terminal

Left to right: Safety Coordinator Vaughn Appleman, Watco Terminal Manager Alan Cheek

You betcha we’re excited about the many changes happening at the Fryburg Dedicated Terminal in North Dakota. One new face at the terminal is Site Safety Coordinator Vaughn Appleman. He’s a recent graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma, where he was also a student-athlete on the football team. He’s quickly adapted after moving more than 1,000 miles away from home. “My blood family may be far away,” he said, “but I’ve found a new family in Watco. Being in sports my whole life, I love being on a new team, the Watco team.” This location also has a new terminal manager. Earlier this summer, Division B Vice President Kevin Roth promoted longtime Watco team member Alan Cheek to this leadership role. Cheek previously served as trainmaster for the Fryburg Terminal since 2019. Before that he worked at Watco’s Yellowstone Valley Railroad for nearly 10 years. Roth said, “I want to give all team members the opportunity to grow. Alan consistently steps up to help the customer in Fryburg. He has certainly earned the opportunity to lead this team.” Since taking on this new role, one of many initiatives Cheek leads is growing the team. The terminal is currently hiring for multiple positions including transload operators and conductors. These positions are 12 hour shifts, 7 days on and 7 days off. And since some team members commute several hours to work, company-owned housing is available to rent near the worksite. As the Fryburg team continues to grow, Roth is confident about the direction the terminal is headed. “Our No. 1 resource is our team members. We want to create a culture they want to be a part of and that reflects Watco’s Foundation Principles: value our customer, value our people, and safely improve every day.”

August 2022 | The Dispatch 5

The Moral of This Story Is ‘Ask the Question’ There’s got to be a better way. That was pretty much the consensus for the customer service representatives (CSRs) at Watco’s Decatur River Port terminal when it came to tracking inbound and outbound shipments. That is, until Tammy Springer took on the task of improving things. In particular, it was the process for entering purchase order (P.O.) numbers into the warehouse management software that bothered Springer and the other CSR there, Angela Chappell. The method was laborious. As the two received information on inbound product, they would type that into a spreadsheet. When it was time to create outbound paperwork, they would rekey or copy and paste information from the spreadsheet into the proper fields. The team at Decatur, on the Tennessee River in northern Alabama, handles mostly natural sand and large steel coils that arrive by barge or train and leave mostly by truck. “Some barges contain 70 or 80 coils,” said Chappell. In a busy week, Decatur River Port might average 22 inbound coils a day, each with its own coil number and corresponding purchase order (P.O.) number. That made for a lot of data entry. “All of our customers want that P.O. number that goes with the coil on the outbound paperwork,” Chappell continued. “I’ve had to type (each coil’s P.O. number) in each spot on the bill of lading (BOL). So that’s an hour or two just looking up P.O. numbers.” Springer, a 12-year veteran at Decatur who trained Chappell, decided to pursue a more automated approach. “Tammy took it upon herself to reach out to figure out a solution,” says Terminal Manager Donnie Gunter. She sought out Mikayla Widick, director of materials systems, who works in the Overland Park, Kansas, office and helps with the ongoing administration of warehouse management software for Watco. “Between the two of them,” says Gunter, “they were able to make the spreadsheet populate the correct fields on the bill of lading. They worked together to get the issue resolved. It took Tammy wanting to fix the issue but needed Mikayla help to fix it. This will save the CSRs a lot of time trying to find the numbers to type into boxes on the bills of lading.” Besides the P.O. number, the software is now pulling the customer number and item description into the correct fields on bills of lading as the team builds loads on outbound shipments. “The change I made took all of 10 minutes,” said Widick. “So the important part is that Tammy thought to ask the question. Every terminal does things differently, so without them bringing things like this up, we’d never know they were spending any time (let alone a lot of time) on something as tedious but easy to fix as that. So a key takeaway from Tammy’s story, I think, is to ask the question!” Chappell agrees. “If it wasn’t for Tammy speaking up, we’d still be taking 1½ to 2 hours out of our days creating orders to go out. It’s half that time now. It has made our lives so much easier.” 6 The Dispatch | August 2022

Healthcare Bluebook Means Cash Rewards A service offered through our Watco benefits program allows team members who are enrolled in a Watco health insurance plan to be rewarded for choosing lower-cost options for medical procedures or facilities. Healthcare Bluebook is a tool you can use to find pricing for Watco-approved services. Ultrasounds, X-rays, CT scans, and imaging are among the things listed in the app. So are many of the -oscopies and -ectomies you might search for, along with other surgeries. When you couple a Fair Price™ procedure with a Fair Price facility, which are designed with a green $, you are eligible to earn the reward amount shown. For comparison, you will also see services determined to be “Above Fair Price” (yellow) and “High Price” (red). In-network procedures can vary by over 500%, depending on the facility you choose. So it’s key to choose the Fair Price procedure and facility to receive a reward. The rewards you earn go into your HRA or HSA benefit account. Deposits to your account typically occur once a month, possibly as much as three months after a procedure.

When you find a service on HealthCare Bluebook and use a Fair Price facility, you’re eligible for a reward that will be credited to your Watco HSA or HRA benefit account with NueSynergy.

To get started, download the app to your phone from the Apple App Store or Google play. (When asked for a mobile code, use “Watco.”) For additional help using the app, call (800) 875-9717. Or go to Select NueSynergy, then Healthcare Bluebook.

August 2022 | The Dispatch 7

Is Watco’s 401(k) Benefit a Good Option for You? It might be hard to imagine starting a retirement savings account just now, with prices at record highs and some investment asset values on the low side. Still, team members can keep in mind the opportunity to set aside money for the future using a rewarding company benefit: a 401(k) retirement account. It can be an enticing idea for a couple of reasons. For any amount you elect to contribute, Watco matches 50 cents for every dollar up to 10 percent of your compensation. You can start a 401(k) at any time, with a percentage of income or a flat dollar amount per paycheck. You can even open an account, and stop the regular deposits whenever you want, then pick those deposits back up when the time is right. “Investing in Watco’s 401(k) plan is a great way to save for your retirement, especially with the Watco company match,” said Brenda Antle, senior benefits specialist. “We understand personal financial situations are constantly changing and you may not always be able to contribute as much as you’d like or not at all sometimes. The great thing about the Watco plan is you can change, stop, or restart your contribution rate at any time.” Watco offers both the Roth and traditional 401(k) retirement plans. A Roth 401(k) allows you to make after-tax contributions and then get tax-free withdrawals when you retire if you meet certain conditions. A traditional 401(k) allows pre-tax contributions and the withdrawals in retirement are taxable. When it comes to a 401(k), every little bit helps. Let’s use a hypothetical example. John is 40 years old and makes $55,000 a year. If he starts a 401(k) today and designates 3% of his paycheck to be saved there, he can end up with quite a sum in 25 years (see diagram below).

7% annual rate of return

Watco’s Match: 1.5% John’s Contribution: 3%

2022-2047 (25 years)

8 The Dispatch | August 2022


When you enroll in a 401(k), there’s an option for default investment selections based on your age. But team members who wish to make their own investment choices have the option to do that. There are options for easily opening and managing a 401(k) account: • Go to the Start Right website, Or, use and in the HR and Benefits section, select the BOK Financial 401(k) icon. You can create your own personalized retirement plan on the website using the My RetireRight planner. • Get the StartRight RetireRight phone app on Apple Store or Google Play. • Call BOK Financial at (800) 876-9557. BOK Financial has other useful resources such as workshops, newsletters, and videos. In addition, if you’re within 10 years of retirement, it’s a good idea to contact the financial advisor assigned to the Watco Plan: Matt Mitchell at or (918) 588-6856.

Birth Announcements Boone James Kichler Miranda and Devin Kichler announce the birth of their son, Boone James Kichler, born on March 31, 2022. Boone weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long. He was welcomed home by his brother, Axl. Miranda is the director of payroll and people services and works out of the Pittsburg, Kansas, office.

Please share your birth announcements To submit your new arrival send a photo and information to August 2022 | The Dispatch 9

A Milestone Anniversary for the Team Safety & Improvement Committee Program This year marks 10 years since Watco launched its one-of-a-kind Team Safety & Improvement Committee (TSIC) program to its locations throughout North America. What makes it different? This program was specifically created for frontline team members to lead. They’re tasked with proactively identifying safety solutions that improve the workplace and ways to support team members, their families, and the communities they serve. Director of People Services Cris Hatcher describes this program best with: “Our frontline team members are our day-to-day experts. The TSIC empowers them to channel their ideas together and be solution providers.”

10 The Dispatch | August 2022

TSIC members have certainly answered the call of duty. Take these examples from over the years: • The Blue Ridge Southern Railroad’s TSIC proactively put together emergency response kits designed to slow down and contain oil or diesel spills. This solution offers an important stopgap until authorities arrive to assist with cleanup. • After learning about a team member at one of Watco’s ports who was financially struggling to send his child on a school band trip, the local TSIC stepped in. They coordinated a fundraiser to pay for the student’s travel costs. • A high-traffic corner with blind spots at the Omaha Repair and Maintenance Terminal was a point of concern for the TSIC. After talking to their fellow teammates about potential solutions, they elected to hang convex mirrors to increase visibility. TSIC members may juggle many responsibilities, but they’re not without resources. To start, each committee member is encouraged to complete an online TSIC module available through Watco University. Then, they’re encouraged to attend a two-day in-person TSIC training offered throughout the year at different locations. Hatcher primarily leads this training. Neil Heerdink, director of operations for Watco Repair and Maintenance services, recently sat in on a TSIC training led by Hatcher at Watco’s Overland Park, Kansas, office. A big supporter of the TSIC, Heerdink stressed how important these committees are in building future leaders and team member retention. He said, “Team members that normally wouldn’t have the chance to lead, get the opportunity to do so. The collaborative efforts of a Team Safety & Improvement Committee help improve the morale and performance for the whole team.” Like everything else, the pandemic affected many TSICs. Instead of meeting in person, some committees elected to meet virtually. Others temporarily suspended meetings to focus on the daily safety initiatives. Now as everyone adjusts to a new normal, Hatcher’s priority is to continue growing this leadership program. This year he hopes to help all Watco locations, big and small, stand up a TSIC. “If you’re interested in joining a TSIC, ask your manager,” Hatcher said. “Each TSIC looks different and has the autonomy to create the committee that works best for the specific location.”

Are you interested in joining or starting a TSIC? Check with your manager on how to get involved

August 2022 | The Dispatch 11

Watco Receives Top-Rated Maritime Safety Award Above from (left to right): AEU Loss Control Manager Jason Lake, AEU Chief Commercial Officer Winchester Thurber, and Watco Vice President of Safety Brent Shields

The outstanding safety record of our marine ports and terminals recently earned Watco a top honor from insurance carrier American Equity Underwriters (AEU). Each year AEU presents safety awards to select American Longshore Mutual Association (ALMA) members with best-in-class safety records. Award criteria are based on safety metrics including the frequency and severity of workers’ compensation incidents from the previous year. Since joining the ALMA in 2016, Watco has received this award three times. This year Watco was one of only 29 companies out of 1,600 ALMA members to receive this top safety award. Watco Vice President of Safety Brent Shields said, “This safety award showcases how dedicated Watco team members are to putting safety first. It’s great to see their hard work get recognized from the AEU.” Shields received the award from AEU Loss Control Manager Jason Lake and AEU Chief Commercial Officer Winchester Thurber during an award presentation at the Safe Performance Center earlier this month. Watco terminal managers, SVP of Operations Jason Ford and Scott Rudolph, and SVP Environmental, Health & Safety Travis Herod were also in attendance. Thurber congratulated Watco and said, “As a three-time winner of this award, Watco truly is one of the safest businesses in the industry. Watco’s strong safety culture speaks highly of the training and safety programs that they have in place. We’re honored to once again recognize them with this top honor.” 12 The Dispatch | August 2022

Team Members Complete Leadership Course Seven more Watco team members recently completed Watco University’s Foundations of Leadership course. This training took place over two days in Mitchell, South Dakota. Several of these team members were already in supervisory roles, but they’ll take the lessons learned back to their locations to continue to grow and develop as Watco leaders. Pictured L-R: Ryan Larson, Ringneck & Western Railroad (RWRR) operator; Matt Hayes, Kaw River Railroad trainmaster; Cameron Ginther, project manager; Roland Mitchell, RWRR track inspector; Richard Gruber, Wisconsin & Southern Railroad maintenance of way training officer; Lynn Eckmann, RWRR conductor and engineer; and Bobby “Kraig” Butcher, RWRR conductor and engineer. This was also one of Watco U Trainer Darl Farris’ final classes before transitioning back to operations as general manager of Watco’s new Texas Coastal Bend Railroad in Corpus Christi, Texas. Congrats to these team members and Darl!

August 2022 | The Dispatch 13

Team Member Anniversaries Congratulations to the following team members celebrating August anniversaries: 1 Year:

Erik Villalpando Macias, Zachery

Nicholas Clayton, Thomas Damus,

Bryan Adkins, Lou Almader,

Wallace, Kedrin Washington,

Richard Davis, Joshua Dulak, Ryan

Mackenzie Ammons, Gilbert

Nathan Weber

Edge, Tariq Elias, Ike Gourdine,

Anguiano, Liz Basore, Jonathan Belle, Gregory Blaine, Christopher Bowers, Cole Brown, Chanee Cade, Primitivo Camacho Reyes, Corbin Cash, Luis Chavez, William Craig, Nicole Crosby, Rodgerick Crossland, Thomas Cummans, Kirk Daniell, Samuel Darby, Oziel De La Torre, Anthony Disanto, Nathan Ejnik, Caryn Farris, William Ferguson, Tyler Figgins, Jack Fisco, Kourtney Flynn, Jonathan Garcia, James Gipson, Aaron Gomez, Graylin Hartford, Brian Harvey, Cooper Harvey, Debra Hernandez, Juan

2 Years: Stephanie Augustus, Nizam Baksh, Joseph Burnett, Cassandra Cade, Jamarian Crawford, Tanner Crissler, Hope Edelman, Peggy Emeis, Ramon Garcia, Joshua Greenhill, Jesus Guerrero, John Hinni, Francisco Ibarra Rocha, Jose Joya, Andy

Lateef Griffin, Nicholas Guinn, Latt Hyde, Jeremiah Jackson, Jaclyn Jenkins, Michael Johnson, Melissa Lodahl, Travis Louden, Patrick Meagher, Matthew Nicol, Brian OBrien, Jared Powell, Sabin Reynolds, Kevin Sanchez, Mary Sikorski, Nicholas Vertein, Sean Wanamaker, Andy Yague Planes

Lewis, LaKesha Peeples, Ulises

5 Years:

Quinones, Kade Resnik, Luis Rivas,

Stephanie Arriola-Suarez, Sean

Shanelle Rogers, David Smith,

Barnhart, Edward Bray, Jeffrey

Jose Sorto Fuentes, Ahleah

Cantrell, Ronald Carey, Brandon

Wages, Colton Winegarner,

Carr, Adam Caruthers, Walter

Christopher Wise

Chapman, Dustin Delehoy, Daniel Friend, Jacob Gallun,

Hernandez Gonzalez, Neal

3 Years:

Higginbotham, Maygan Huston,

Jeremy Benson, Richard Cawley,

Alvin Jackson, Jennifer Jenkins,

Shawn Clark, Nakito Clayton,

Keith Jenkins, James Johnston,

Kimberly Dempster, Benjamin

Joshua Kimes, Ryan King, Fredrik

Dennis, Travis Dyer, John Fischer,

Knutsen, Mariah Kohl, Bradley

Justin Halligan, Austin Hamilton,

Korb, Jennifer Kush, Wade Larson,

Jace Hankins, Denis Laren,

Samuel Leos, Ryan Leuthen,

Richard Mata, Michael Mcdermott,

Joshua Livingston, Omar Luna

Jonathan McKenzie, Tony Norton,

Hernandez, Mary Mac Johnson,

William Noyes, Haley Obonyano,

Thomas Marra, Aaron Mcnulty,

Rebecca Palacio, Denice Poseley,

Stephen Melling, Justina

DaNell Rasmussen, Nicholas

6 Years:

Menjivar-Rodriguez, Susan

Rockett, Alejo Rodriguez, Jacob

Andrew Ashbacher, Veronica

Mikkelsen, John Mullins, Rae-Lynn

Sahagun, Matthew Sanchez, Tyler

Carlson, Sidney Coomes, Jeremy

Perkins, Jesse Quinnett, Esteban

Summar, Cristina Talley, Eloy

Evans, Ryan Girard, Adam Grimm,

Rodriguez Rivera, Carlos Romano,

Torres, Jose Trevino, Austin White

William Hardy, Travis Henson,

Randall Rowland, Matthew Shaw, Hayden Smith, Austin Theis, Mark Thomas, Shana Thomas, Michael Towler, Miguel Villalobos, 14 The Dispatch | August 2022

4 Years: Emily Allen, Joseph Bellony, Jeffrey Campbell, Mathew Casey,

Timothy Gulbranson, Timothy Hilton, Seth Jankord, Quiones Jennings, Barton Maransani, Kamal Meawad, Christopher Miranda, Victor Olivo, Kyle Pillsworth, Heather Poll, Ronald Richey, Ivan Rincon, Scott Smith, Scott Smith, Rhett Summar, Shane Willoughby, Buckley Wright, Cory Zuniga

Caleb Holland, Joseph Johnston, Kenith Langsford, Keith Lollar, Alonzo Mason, Floyd McCormack, Jarrett McPherson, Paul Mitchell,

Team Member Anniversaries Michael Mullins, Jeremy Myer,

Langston, Paul Leonards, Carl

20 Years:

Jennifer Ocampo-Banda, Marvin

Petersen, Adam Wittenauer

John Binkley, Dave Gromer,

Quinn, Rylee Rice, Edward Ripp, Alberto Rosales, Stephen Smith, Justin York

12 Years: Ryan Dziedzic, William Jones,

Phillip Hedge, Christopher Moore, Albert Olvera

Nathan Keizer, Alvin Maney,

21 Years:

7 Years:

Jason Miron, Seth Peterson, Terry

Mark Bray, Eugenio Ovalle

Crystal Arnold, Ana Guzman,

Smallwood, John Staples, David

Zachary Hammons, Kevin Hoyos,

Tackett, Nathan Tobey, Dyllan

Richard Maillet, Richard McCalla,

Vincent, Damien Williams

Sergio Mohammed, Alejandro Molina, Phillip Morris, Johnny Ortegon, Francis Osterhout,

13 Years: Luis Ferrer, Christopher Hayes

22 Years: Charles Stanley 23 Years: James Brooks, Kari Holloway 25 Years:

Jason Ratliff, David Saliga,

14 Years:

Matthew Smolek, Jamie Van

Adrian Baldridge, Justin

Boxtel, Andrew Williams

Dempsey, James Kratky, Kurtis

26 Years:

Lindsey, Dennis Sawyer

Doug Kerley, Kevin Krueger

Jeffery Crowther, Steven Day,

15 Years:

Dillon Frank, Richard Fulton,

27 Years:

Marvin Ayers, Andrew Brown,

Judd Gilgen, Ian Gray, Anthony

Joseph Brown, Charlie Sigley

Kyle Mansfield, Dwight Sayles,

Holcomb, Cody Jensen, Josh

Joshua Seefeld, Nathan Tuzicka

8 Years:

Joslin, Katherine Lawson, Jonathan Morefield, Enrique Ortiz, Franky Perez, Andrew

16 Years: William Beighey, Maurice Davis,

Brian Collier, Timothy Wiseman

30 Years: James Boyle, Kenneth Dozier 33 Years:

Donnie Gunter, Charles

Jose Hernandez

Trevino, Barth West

Henderson, Juan Lozano, Jeffrey

34 Years:

9 Years:

Sodergren, Alicia Stimpson,

Enoch Awejok, Christopher

Martin Wellmaker

Plotts, Troy Reister, Roberto

Droddy, Jared Humphrey, Alberto

Mayfield, Kyle Moody, Matthew

Rodriguez, Brett Woollard

17 Years:

10 Years:

Linscomb, Hector Reyes

Nicholas Bennett, Cindy Davied, James Henry, Chase Manley, Wayne Roig, Mikayla Widick 11 Years: Tyler Adkison, Jeff Ecret, Erik Finnerty, Keith Johnson, Carrie

Adam Hanson, Douglas

Rodger Isbell, Darryl Marshall 36 Years: Sam Ricci, David Rodriguez 48 Years: Willie McRunnels

18 Years: Sofrona Howard, Jimmy Patterson, Delta Wood 19 Years: Jason Hislop

August 2022 | The Dispatch 15

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