The Dispatch July 2020

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Dispatch The newsletter for Watco Companies

July 2020 | Volume 21 | Issue 7

Table of Contents Safety Anniversaries ______________________________________________________________________ 3 SKOL Team Prevents Potential Derailment _______________________________________________ 4 Watco Says Goodbye to Linn Herman _____________________________________________________ 5 Customer Hosts Thank You Barbecue for Ferndale Team __________________________________ 6 Team Member Spotlight __________________________________________________________________ 7 Travis Herod Named ASLRRA Safety Professional of the Year _______________________________ 8 All Aboard Foundation Scholarships Awarded ____________________________________________ 9 Team Member Anniversaries _____________________________________________________________ 11 New Arrivals ___________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13 Retirement ______________________________________________________________________________ 14 Wedding ________________________________________________________________________________ 14


Thank you to the Watco team on everything you’ve done to help us grow and improve, and allow us to safely serve our customers since July 1, 1983.

On the Cover

The cover photo was a quarterly photo contest submisison from Danny Kucej. Just in time for

Share your story with us:

2 The Dispatch | July 2020

the 40th anniversary for the WSOR.

Safety Anniversaries June 1: Bayway Terminal (NJ) – 6 years June 2: Pittsburg Mechanical (KS) – 4 years June 12: Vicksburg Southern Railroad – 2 years June 13: Brighton Switching (CO) – 4 years June 15: Lubbock & Western Railway (TX) – 3 years June 15: Cove (Hatton Quarry) (AR) – 3 years June 24: Houston Texas Terminals (TX) – 7 years June 25: Madison Terminal (WI) – 1 year June 28: Guntersville Terminal (AL) – 11 years

Check out our new summer items at Team members can enjoy free shipping during the month of July!

July 2020 | The Dispatch 3

Pictured left to right: SKOL Trainmaster Dustin Coester and Tony Jones, Engineer

SKOL Team Prevents Potential Derailment The South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad (SKOL) recently ran a special car for BNSF Logistics from our Kansas City Southern interchange in Pittsburg, Kansas, to Thayer, Kansas. The team was moving a large generator for a wind farm there. Kansas has been unseasonably warm recently, which can cause the rail to expand and warp. During the move, Engineer Tony Jones recognized one such “sun-kink� on a bridge and stopped the train carrying the massive generator before a hazardous and costly derailment could happen.

4 The Dispatch | July 2020

He contacted Trainmaster Dustin Coester, and the SKOL track team came out to survey the issue. Upon inspection, a portion of the bridge had shifted nearly 12 inches. Jones saved a potentially catastrophic derailment. After repairs were completed, Jones helped bring the generator in the rest of the way to its final destination in Thayer. Thank you to Jones, Coester, and the SKOL Maintenance of Way team for putting safety first, and serving our customer so well.

Watco Says Goodbye to Linn Herman

Known by one Watco team member as “everyone’s friend,” Linn Herman, Director of Car Repair, died June 27, 2020, at his home in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A chance meeting in Pittsburg, Kansas, led to a 37-year railroad career for Linn. Rick Webb, Watco Executive Chairman, tells the story of how Linn was recruited into the business. “I believe my dad (Dick Webb, Watco founder) and Linn crossed paths one day, and Dad asked Linn what he was doing. We had started up operations at DeRidder, Louisiana, and it was bigger than we thought, and we needed more people. Linn believed in what we were doing there and in the vision my dad had. He was the first person from Pittsburg to join the team, and he ended up bringing the Herman family with him. Jim and Tim both work at the Pittsburg mechanical shop. Linn was a great guy, and we’ll never forget him.” Throughout his career with Watco, Linn was instrumental in the startup of several operations. After his start at DeRidder, Linn assisted with an opportunity at New Iberia, Louisiana, to clean and repair cars used for salt in the making of Tabasco brand pepper sauce. He also led the start of operations in El Paso, Texas, and Wallula, Washington. Linn was the first trainmaster for the Winfield (Kansas) interchange, working with the Union Pacific and the Santa Fe railroads when the South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad was getting its start. Keith LaCaze, Senior Vice President of Operations, started working for Watco in 1985 and was trained by Linn. “One thing that made Linn special was his likeability. He was just a good guy that was everyone’s friend, and he always had a joke for you. “His versatility and his willingness to go anywhere and do anything that Watco needed him to do also made him special,” added Keith. “He worked in operations, the mechanical division, and switching, and he traveled everywhere.” After many startups and years of travel, Linn and his wife Paula landed back in her hometown of Baton Rouge, where he served as General Manager for the Baton Rouge Railroad from 2008 to 2010, as Manager of Railcar Services from 2010 to 2015, and then as Director of Car Repair. Linn and Paula had four children: Annette, Paige, Lydia, and Jon-Max, and six grandchildren with two on the way. Anyone wishing to share memories or leave condolences can use the following link:

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Customer Hosts Thank You Barbecue for Ferndale Team On Thursday June 18, 2020, Phillips 66 Refinery Manager, Jolie Rhinehart, thanked the Watco Ferndale (Washington) terminal team with a barbecue and a plaque for over five years of injury-free service, as well as safely setting two incredible production records: five trains in five days, and 16 trains in one month, during February 2020. The celebration was delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Terminal Manager Thomas Frey said, “Our Team has worked together in so many aspects of our operation to meet every challenge safely, and with incredible teamwork. We have a great group of team members who are looking out for each other. We hold each other accountable. We have team members who will come in on their time off to assist others, and when a team member is in need, they are there to make sure each one is taken care of.” Frey added, “We are proud to have served Phillips 66 for over five years to give them the absolute best service possible, and we look forward to continuing to serve them for many years to come.”

Left to Right: Thomas Frey, Loston Carter, Jason Lopez, Jered Ruback, Zach Eriksen, Jolie Rhinehart (P-66 Refinery Manager), Will Medlen, Job Rodriguez.

Left to right: Zack Blackwelder, Charles Staley, Joe Akers, Andy Ross, Aaron Eriksen, Jathan Delano.

Team Members not pictured: Rick Bost, Jason Crawford, Connor Ferguson, Dan Flynn, Luke Harper, Tyler Sessions, Robert Slayer. 6 The Dispatch | July 2020

Team Member Spotlight:

Ami Yonts Watco’s short line railroad teams are some of our most publicly visible team members. They serve our customers and pass through our Ami Yonts communities daily, Signal Desk Assistant but there’s a group of unsung heroes behind the scenes who help make sure our team can operate safely. Ami Yonts is one of them. Yonts is a Signal Desk Assistant with Watco’s dispatch team. They’re based in the Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad’s (KO) Wichita, Kansas, depot. From this central hub, Yonts and her group coordinate traffic on 34 of the 43 short lines in the Watco network. “I communicate with the train crews and the maintenance of way. If we need bulletins from the Class I’s, we call and get the bulletins for them and then send them on. I talk to whoever I need to talk to, to make sure that our guys have what they need to do their job in a safe manner,” Yonts said. Most Watco short lines are brought into and dispatched from the Wichita dispatch center when they become part of Watco, but one did not. The Ann Arbor Railroad (AA) was first brought on in 2013 but dispatched from Toledo, Ohio, until September 2019. Our dispatchers also regularly work with specific railroads, so they’re familiar with their territories. Yonts’ main railroads are the AA, the Grand Elk, and the Kanawha River. On weekends, she also works the West Desk where she assists the Eastern Idaho, Mission Mountain, and South Kansas & Oklahoma railroads. “The time zones are the biggest difference,” Yonts said. “You have to keep those straight, especially since you can go from Eastern time to Pacific

quickly. It takes attention to detail, knowing the mileposts and what subs they’re on. Yonts joined the Watco team just over a year ago, in April 2019. She’d been a receptionist at an optometrist’s office and was seeking something more career-oriented. A good friend of hers working on the KO let her know about an open position in dispatch, and the rest is history. “There were times in my past when people asked, ‘What do you do for a living?’ I’d duck my head a little bit – not that I’m ashamed, but I have never been more proud to answer the question, ‘What do you do for a living?’ I’m a railroad dispatcher for Watco Companies. I am part of the supply chain for the country,” Yonts said. “I know I’m helping our country out in maybe even just the smallest way. I feel like I’m productive in my life finally; I feel like I’m doing something. I love the company I work for. I’ll tell you what: Dispatch. I love the family of Dispatch that I work for.” Aside from feeling like she’s helping keep the economy moving, she also finds value in helping her team members. It takes more than six months of training before a Watco dispatcher is allowed to handle railroads solo. During her training, and in the time since, she’s built relationships with the team members on her railroads, and she says that’s one of the most rewarding aspects of the job. “It takes a lot of training and time before you get comfortable, but never so comfortable that you miss something. If you rush through something, you’re going to miss it. You always have to pay attention and not miss anything, because that’s a life out there. You build relationships with these people … and you’ve got to remember that these are human lives that have children; they’re brothers, they’re sisters, uncles, aunts. They have families to go home to,” Yonts said. She added, “But to me, they’re all the same; they’re all team members, and I’m keeping them safe.” July 2020 | The Dispatch 7

Travis Herod Named ASLRRA Safety Professional of the Year Watco’s Travis Herod, Senior Vice President of Safety & Training, was recently named Safety Professional of the Year by the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association. This award distinguishes an individual who demonstrates excellence via his or her communication and leadership skills in the interest of safety, is selfless in his or her actions, and consistently documents safety achievements as a team leader.

Travis Herod

Senior Vice President of Safety & Training

Throughout his 20-year career, Herod has been a driving force behind Watco’s safety programs and training courses, including leading the company’s new shift in safety philosophy, Watco’s Safety Management System. The program has led to a much more proactive approach in preventing incidents and accidents, while also creating higher levels of engagement from Watco team members. This includes safety suggestions, near-miss reporting and safe observations. Watco records show that the safety program results in 2019 were profound. The company finished the year with record-low safety metrics, and 2020 is trending even better, headed for a second record-breaking year in a row. “Travis has initiated a number of programs and training courses geared toward not only teaching safety but also being proactive when it comes to safety,” said Nick Coomes, Chief Operating Officer of Watco. “Travis is widely respected both within Watco and throughout the rail industry including by customers, suppliers, vendors, and other operators. He leads by example but is also able to develop impactful relationships fostering safe behaviors.” Herod’s emphasis on safety extends beyond his on-duty time at Watco. Throughout the course of a workday, Herod reminds coworkers of safety procedures, both for work and at home. He serves as a mentor to new leaders in the safety industry. Each Sunday evening, he emails the entire Watco team with a safety message on relevant topics and positive encouragement. On weekends and evenings, he volunteers for community safety organizations such as Operation Lifesaver and the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, which supports veterans causes, and veterans suicide prevention initiatives. On their horse farm in Alabama, he and his wife provide Veterans Administration-sponsored home visits, nursing home visits, and veterans and special needs outreach through equestrian activities.


8 The Dispatch | July 2020

Herod holds industry safety certificates including Licensed Safety Professional (LSP) through the National Association of Safety Professionals (NASP), and a Certificate in Safety Management through the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP).

All Aboard Foundation Scholarships Awarded Five high school seniors, all children of Watco team members, have received All Aboard Foundation scholarships. The foundation, based in Pittsburg, Kansas, annually awards scholarships to high school seniors who are eligible dependents of Watco team members. Recipients must be in good academic standing and planning to attend a post-secondary institution within one year of graduating from high school. Congratulations to the 2020 recipients.

Gavin Burns Gavin is the son of Ken and Cynthia Burns. Kenneth is a Dock Supervisor at Greens Port Industrial Terminals in Harris County, Texas. Gavin has volunteered more than 1,160 hours, primarily in animal care and disaster relief. He has received several awards for his artwork, is a four-year member of the Art National Honor Society, and has served as vice president and president of his high school Art Club. Gavin will go to Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, in the fall.

Mackenzie Coester Mackenzie’s parents are Aaron and Melissa Coester. Aaron serves as AVP-Enterprise Application Support in Pittsburg, Kansas. Mackenzie’s leadership positions in high school included president of Students Against Destructive Decisions, vice president of the National Honor Society, and the board of directors for the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. She has received local, regional and state level honors as a track and cross-country athlete. Mackenzie is headed to Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kansas.

July 2020 | The Dispatch 9

Ashton Forbes Ashton’s parents are P.J. and Stephanie Forbes. P.J. is Vice President of Operations at the Wichita, Kansas, office. Ashton has been active in multiple high school and extracurricular activities that include volunteering with the Red Cross and Special Olympics. She was selected to attend the Congress of Future Medical Leaders, an honors program for students who want to become a physician or go into medical science. Ashton is set to attend Wichita State University in Wichita.

Kayla “Hope” Glover Hope is the daughter of Mark and Jessica Glover. Mark is an Operator at the Decatur Barge Terminal in Trinity, Alabama. Hope’s academic recognition includes the All-A Honor Roll throughout high school, the Mu Alpha Theta mathematics honor society, and an honors diploma. She was involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Special Olympics, among other organizations. Hope will attend Northwest Shoals Community College in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

Alexa Triebsch Alexa is the daughter of Robert and Cynthia Triebsch. Robert is a Supervisor at the Industry, Pennsylvania, terminal. During each of her four years of high school, Alexa earned the Presidential Academic Award and National Honor Society membership. Among her activities were projects for the Helping Other People Every day (H.O.P.E.) Club, for which she served throughout high school as a board member. Alexa is going to Robert Morris University in Moon, Pennsylvania.

10 The Dispatch | July 2020

Team Member Anniversaries Congratulations to the following team members celebrating May anniversaries:

1 Year: Mustafa Adam, Tajuan Adams, Zachary Baden, Andrew Bearden, Ruben Benavides, Juan Benitez Torres, Nicholas Brown, Richard Bryant-Torres, Aaron Burfeind, Aquil Carter, Caitlin Chiartano, Jessica Clark, Francis Condrick, Austin Cooley, Rasul Cunningham, Daniel Dalton,

Thomas, Bailey Tittle, Caleb

Robert Arney, Bradley Baehr,

Ussery, Jose Valentin, Jordin

Susan Brooks, Shawn Calonder,

Valentin Ramirez, Yvette Wade,

Jonathan Carrillo, Anna Chatmon,

Evan Walker, Khalil Williams,

Christopher Cline, Jared Costello,

Devin Wisdom, Richard Womble,

Ricky Davis, Erick Diouf, Joseph

Alexis Worthington, Elliot

Donaruma, Adrian Ferrer, Daniel


Flynn, Eddy Graham, Dlonte

2 Years: Ali Al-Dulaimi, Nabeel

Hare, Cody Harmon, Robert

Alawi, Oscar Baeza, Justin Barnett,

Anthony DeLorenzo, Fausto Diaz,

Daniel Brewer, Mark Casey, Rolvin

Ashley Durrett, Robert Ernst,

Colon Morales, Anna Conners-

Andrew Frank, Caden Fritz, Steve

Williams, Ever Cornejo, Hartzell

Frye, Gary Furneaux, Emilio

Craig, Len Crescenzo, Kyle

Garcia, Michael Garcia, James

Cunningham, Christopher Curtis,

George, Melvin Gillenwater,

Scott Daniel, Victor Dickson,

Brandon Glover, Ramiro Gomez,

Anthony Eaton, Tommy Elinburg,

Elie Gonzalez, Walter Gooden

Michael Emerson, Stephen

II, Joshua Grimmer, Joseluis

Goodling, Chad Hargis, Ada Hill,

Guevara, Adrian Hackett, Brandon

Scott Howe, Jonathan James,

Hand, Juan Hernandez Alba,

Florencio Jimenez, Alan Keneipp,

Daniel Hogan, Darrell Huffman,

Josh Kimery, Cody Larson, Jesse

Steven Iszler, Tyrone Jackson,

Loyd, Keiron Mathis, Christopher

Hamidreza Jadali, Tera Jameson,

Mayers, Lemar McConnell, Michael

Jabori Johnson, Sean Katon,

Mercurio, Katie Millard, Austin

Troy Kutella, Donald Leland, Trey

Murphy, Robert Murphy, April-

Loya, Nickolas Manson, Caleb

Asako Nakatani, Danny Nichols,

Matson, Richard Mazard, Tyler

Andrew Oehlert, Guadalupe

Mccall, Courtney Norris, Robert

Olvera, Bryan Passon, Brian

O’Connor, Steven Olsen, Marcus

Pillsworth, Pamela Ridenour,

Olvera, Adam Owens, Dale Pape,

Lawrence Rizzo, Theodore

Eric Pardue, Brandon Pearson,

Sanchez, Ryan Schwartz, Danny

Nicklas Perry, Alexander Pertuz,

Seaton, Kellen See, Francisco

Isaiah Pesina, Edgardo Ponce,

Silva, Preston Spencer, Matthew

Amie Proudfit, Clemente Renteria,

Testerman, Jeffrey Thamer,

James Rice, Brandon Rodriguez,

Felipe Vega-Cervantes, Michael Winebrenner, John Winters

Jose Rodriguez Galvan, Joshua Rose, Brandon Rosen, Tomas Rubio, Joseph Sanchez, Joshua

3 Years: Mason Adcock,

Suppan, Larry Swanson, Joshua

Joshua Ahrens, Andrew Alvarez,

Hemingway, Debbie James, Susan Karpyak, Brandon Kennedy, Aaron Klosterman, Travis Lowder, Caleb Marita, Jacob McCafferty, Shonta Moore, Jacqueline Nelson, Derek Newell, Laura Peterson, Timothy Pillsworth, Alan Pitts, Nathan Powell, Dagen Reel, J Reyes, Adam Robillard, Benjamin Saenz, Philip Smalley, Trevor Stennett, Joshua Strickland, Patrick Swann, Desmond Taylor, Steven Thompson, Jesus Trevino, Brian White

4 Years: Pedro Barron, Justin

Brammell, Wesley Branham, Steven Brant, Trenton Brock, Dwight Buckholt, Matthew Budda, Brandon Burlew, Elvis Chavez Vega, Sean Cochran, Kolby DeBerry, John Escobar, Carl Foster, Aaron Freeland, Michael Funk, Charles Hamilton, Tommy Holmes, Jeffrey Infinger, James Kelly, Charles Lee, Dustin McClanahan, Herbert McKinney, Cameron Mckinstry, Wellington Murdock, Keith Myles, Keith Pittman, Zachary Ross, Brien Runyon, Charles Snyder, Joshua Tarwater, Jordon Taylor, Alan West, Stephen Wilson, Sarah Wingard July 2020 | The Dispatch 11

Team Member Anniversaries

5 Years: Justin Avey, Gregory

Barnett, Jerson Barrios, Cody Bell, Zachary Bickley, Deena Christopher, Christopher Crumpton, John Gates, Cameron Gonzales, Brad Hamlin, Gene Hernandez, Mickenath Howard, Gabriel Jamison, Gerald Kattner, Noah Lucero, Edward McGuire, Heriberto Mendoza, Kaileb Rose, Myra Shumate, Christopher Smith, Andrew Trevett, Morgan Westhoff

6 Years: Justin Ayala, Bret

Burright, George Cabrera, James Carnes, Darl Farris, Raul Gonzalez, Todd Krydynski, Jeffrey Linville, Vancell Lucas, Brittany Mays, Shannan McKinnon, Casey Mills, Carlton Moody, Thomas Nicholson, Brock Parham, Lynda Patterson, Angel Pequeno, James Welch

7 Years: Brenda Antle,

Christopher Bauder, Alan Beggs, Luis Del Rosario, John Gronberg, Nathan Holmes, Kevin Kaczmarek, Jacob Kleckner, Jacob Lipinski, David McCloud, Ruben Powell, William Richardson, Cody Rickman, Dane Rowe, Toni Scroggins, Dimitri Sepulvado, Bryan Waldon, David Wasta Tyler Wilson

8 Years: Dustin Bain, Jean Dor,

Kenneth Flanders, Thomas Glover, Lucinda Grimes, Henry Howard, Ronnie Jackson, Wayne Matthews, Joeylee May, Michael McAllister, Jessica Mitchell, Michael Newton, Jeffrey Pacheco, David Pacholski, Ronald Perkins, Ryan Roos,

12 The Dispatch | July 2020

Charles Schilling, Andra Stouffer, Charles Teeters, Joe Via

17 Years: Beau Embrey,


18 Years: Douglas Tank 19 Years: Donn Duling, Jeffrey

Years: Joe Araujo, Bryan Barney, John Brown, Reginald Burks, Edward Diemert, Thomas Hayes, Douglas Hicks, Casey Irvan, Jacob McCullough, Ronald Miller, Travis Phillips, Freddie Rainey, Melissa Rains, Jose Rodriguez, Stacy Swinford, Kaleigh Walker

10 Years: Gary Alms, Joseph

Bristow, Brian Cosby, Joe Fells, Matthew Hutcheson, Patrick Kinney, Crystal Lancaster, S tefan Loeb, Andrew Mitchell, Tammy Springer

11 Years: Joseph Babineaux,

Ryan Corder, Matthew Jackson, Amanda Pequin, Sherrell Ramey, Horacio Silva, Gary Wagenseller

12 Years: Susan Blake, Garrett

Bolyard, Carla Ewing, Ty Fuller, Timothy O’Shell

13 Years: Tandi Colibert, Bobby

McFadden, Michael Milligan, Travis Thorpe, Jeremiah Williams

14 Years: Martin Gutierrez, Kyle

Jeschke, Matthew Lewis, Jennifer Muckala, Cesar Oglesby, Diana Peak, Sambo Sam, Kenneth Tober, Jeremy Tyler

15 Years: Antenogenes Barajas,

Sammy Belmer, Carl Fanello, Mitchell Hood, Cornelius Jones, Colby Jordan, Michael Redden, Bridget Smith, Toby Wampler

16 Years: Laura Bolt, Bradley Bowden

Royce Price

Schroeder, Lois Ziesenisr


Years: Audencio Cocteco

21 Years: Derek Damesworth,

Robert Hasheider, Steven Landis


Years: Scott Rudolph, Hector Saenz, James Taylor

23 Years: Joseph Bennett,

James Peck


Years: Bryan Brooks, Carlton Echols, James Riley

26 Years: Harold Cornelius, Raymond Gray

27Years: Tona Townzen 28 Years: Joseph Leport 29 Years: Jeffrey Adams, Richard Mansfield


Years: Donald Dowlin, Timothy Sanchez

34 Years: David Bierman 35 Years: Daniel Ebarb, Calvin Everson, Stephen Thornton, Jeff VanBuren

37 Years: Mark Blazer 40 Years: Steven Groth 41 Years: Chris Flanagan 42 Years: Sammie Haggerty,

Gary Perry

New Arrivals

Tyler and Heather Baehr announce the birth of their daughter, Hailie Mae Baehr, born on June 1, 2020. Hailie weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 21 ½ inches long.

Tyler is a Facility Crew Leader on the Ann Arbor Railroad.

Kyle and Samantha Wood announce the birth of their daughter, Khaleesi Wood, born on June 2, 2020. Khaleesi weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 19 inches long. Khaleesi was welcomed home by her sister, Saverynn, 4. Kyle is a Carman at the Neodesha, Kansas, mechanical shop. From left to right: Samantha Wood, Saverynn Wood, Khaleesi Wood, and Kyle Wood.

To submit your new arrival, send a photo and information to marketing@watcocompanies.

July 2020 | The Dispatch 13


Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad (KO) Conductor/ Engineer Leon Steege retired on June 12, 2020, after 51 years in the railroad industry. Leon began working as a conductor for Watco on July 4, 2011, at the Yellowstone Valley Railroad. He received his engineering certification in 2013 and transferred to the KO in July of 2013. Leon worked at several Watco properties as a Go Teamer, helping out at other Watco locations that needed an experienced team member, before he ended his career working at the KO. The KO team had a party to celebrate the retirement and presented Leon with a locomotive bell to thank him for his years of service.


Rosalyn (Rosie) Wollman and Anthony Frey were married on June 6, 2020, in Lynden, Washington. A small family wedding was held in the backyard of the bride’s uncle. The bride’s parents are Jeff and Julie Wollman and the groom is the son of Thomas and Kimberly Frey. Thomas is the Terminal Manager at the Ferndale, Washington, facility.

14 The Dispatch | July 2020

To submit your retirement, wedding, or engagement, send a photo and information to marketing@watcocompanies.

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