The Dispatch July 2022

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Dispatch The newsletter for Watco

July 2022

Table of Contents Safety Anniversaries __________________________________________________________________________________ 3 39 Years, One Amazing Journey _______________________________________________________________________ 4 Stillwater Central Railroad Lands on RT&S Top Projects List __________________________________________ 5 Be the Difference Turns 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ 6-7 South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad Engineers Retire Ater 30-Plus Years _______________________________8 Recognizing Two Distinguished Careers on the Birmingham Terminal Railway ______________________ 9 Now’s the Time to Schedule Physicals _________________________________________________________________ 10 Watco Team Members Raise More Than $3K for the USO ______________________________________________ 11 Birth Announcements ________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Team Member Anniversaries _______________________________________________________________________ 13-14


On the Cover

U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran joins Watco CEO Dan Smith, SVP and Chief Sustainability Officer Laura McNichol, and SKOL team members at the CRISI Grant ribbon-cutting ceremony 2 The Dispatch | July 2022

Photo by Jay Benedict

Safety Anniversaries Congratulations to the following locations who celebrated June Safety Anniversaries:

June 2 – Pittsburg Repair and Maintenance Terminal (KS) – 6 years June 5 – Deer Park Switching (TX) – 1 year June 12 – Vicksburg Southern Railroad (MS) – 4 Years June 15 – Industry Marine Terminal (PA)– 2 years June 16 – Lubbock & Western Railway (TX) – 1 year June 22 – Dallas Mobile Repair (TX) – 2 years June 22 – Memphis Channel Avenue Marine Terminal (TN) – 2 Years June 22 – Memphis Dock Street Marine Terminal (TN) – 2 years June 23 – Kansas City Switching (MO) – 17 years June 24 – Chicago Marine Terminal (IL) – 1 year June 25 – Madison Transload Terminal (WI) – 3 years June 27 – Queens Dedicated Terminal (NY)– 7 years June 28 – Guntersville Terminal (AL) – 13 years

Safely Improve Every Day

Ju.y 2022 | The Dispatch 3

39 Years, One Amazing Journey

July 1 marked our 39th year in business. It’s incredible to think that a company that started with a single locomotive in 1983 is now a transportation and logistics services company with operations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Australia. It’s amazing that we started with 8 people and now have several thousand team members. We didn’t get here by accident. It’s because of our team members that serve amazing customers. I’m grateful for the dedication and skill of our Watco team that has led us to where we are today. We’re at the mid-year point, and as I take stock of things, I’m feeling good about where we are. Our plan established at the start of the year to Run the Play – taking a consistent and back-to-basics approach – is working. So keep on doing what you’re doing. Serve our customers just as you always do. Try to get a little better each day. And above all, stay safe.

Dan Smith CEO 4 The Dispatch | July 2022

Stillwater Central Railroad Lands on RT&S Top Projects List How many days does it take to rebuild not one but

Supplies also came from a local source. The same

two bridges? At Watco’s Stillwater Central Railroad

quarry on the SLWC that had to halt railcar service

(SLWC), construction and restoration of service

supplied rock, transported by dump trucks, to

took 24 days from start to completion. The speedy,

both sites. Rock was used to build an access road

simultaneous rebuilding of Bridges 659.4 and

near Bridge 660.1 and rebuild both bridges. In

660.1 earned the SLWC a place on this year’s

total, 1,200 tons, or 2.4 million pounds of rock were

Railway Track & Structures Top Projects list.


Watco Bridge Manager Mike McDermott and

Rebuilding Bridge 660.1 brought a new first for our

SLWC Roadmaster Kenneth Brown led rebuilding

team. It’s the first steel pile and precast concrete

efforts the day after a wildfire burned over 6

bridge that Watco designed and built with help

square miles and destroyed both bridges. With

from third-party engineers and contractors.

no alternate routes, the SLWC was forced to halt service to and from a rock quarry until reconstruction was complete.

“Compared to timber, these materials are considered very long lasting,” McDermott said. “It’s more expensive per foot for construction, material,

McDermott and Brown worked with Watco Buyer

and labor. But overall, it’s a much better product in

Shannon Kondracki and Purchasing Manager

the long run.”

Alicia Stimpson to source construction supplies. Materials came from as far away as Illinois and South Dakota.

Just 15 days after the fire, initial track service was restored to both bridges. Full operations resumed on April 6.

Brown said, “Even with the nation’s supply chain challenges, they were able to get us materials as fast as possible.”

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Be the Difference Turns 1 And just like that, this month marks one year since Watco launched Be the Difference. This program recognizes team members each quarter with the One Watco, Extra Mile, and Safe Performance awards. Countless nominations have been received since the program started. Each nominee’s contributions are different, but one thread connects all these stories together. It’s their commitment to living Watco’s Foundation Principles: value our people, value our customers, and safely improve every day. “Be the Difference is a testament to the talent and heart of all our team members,” CEO Dan Smith said. “It’s always difficult to select winners for each category. I’m always impressed by the efforts of all our team members.” Award recipients receive a $250 Watco Gear gift card and an exclusive hard hat sticker touting their accomplishment.

Congratulations Again to Year 1 Be the Difference Winners Sam Brandt and Nick Vertein, Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Jesus Cepeda, Medina Mobile Repair (TX) Christopher Walther, Tioga Dedicated Terminal (ND) Willis Iverson, Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad (KS)

Perry Thomas, Fryburg Dedicated Terminal (ND) Johnny DeLeonyPena, Wood River Terminal (IL) Todd Droddy, Louisiana Southern Railroad Chris Hayes, Ann Arbor Railroad (OH) Denise Williams, Pittsburg (KS), in memoriam Alina Robles, Watco Logistics, Clearfield (UT) David Glover, Tristan Ivy, Chris Wise, Jammes Tidwell, John McAndrew, Chase Williams, and Ismael Escobedo, Freeport Industrial Rail (TX) Charlie Sizer and Leslie Griggs, Watco Logistics, Overland Park (KS)

Don’t See Your Team’s Name on this List? Submit a Be the Difference nomination today. 6 The Dispatch | July 2022

Fill out the form on:

Congratulations to the 2022 second quarter Be the Difference Winners One Watco Award - Given to an individual or group of team members whose teamwork generates an exceptional result for Watco or a customer. When it comes to ensuring Watco locations across North America receive all the goods they need from suppliers, Team Lead Charlie Sizer and Transportation Assistant Leslie Griggs deliver. Recipients: Charlie Sizer and Leslie Griggs, Watco Logistics, Overland Park (KS)

Previously outsourcing these duties, Watco assumed responsibility for freight shipments in 2020. Since then, this two-person team has saved Watco $1 million in freight costs. Keep reading to discover how their collaborative efforts are making a difference.

Extra Mile Award - Given to an individual or a group of team members who go above and beyond the call of duty at work or in the community. Chris Hayes has done a little bit of everything since joining the Ann Arbor Railroad in 2004. Starting out in the prep crew, he’s also been a conductor and carman. Now he’s both a mechanic and mentor to the prep crew. Recipient: Chris Hayes, Ann Arbor Railroad (OH)

Here’s how Chief Mechanical Officer Bryant Boatman describes Hayes’ work ethic: “He likes being able to help everyone out whenever they need something. He doesn’t ask for a pat on the back; he doesn’t want anything except to be as helpful as possible.” Read more about how he goes above and beyond for his team.

Safe Performance Award - Given to an individual or group of team members who take action to ensure safety for fellow team members, customers, suppliers, or property. Quick actions from Track Foreman Willis Iverson are credited with saving a teammate’s life this spring. Recognizing the signs of a stroke, Iverson ensured Track Laborer Jake McCullough got to the hospital quickly after noticing his inability to speak or Recipient: Willis Iverson, Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad (KS)

move his right arm. Since then, McCullough continues to recover at home. Get more details on Iverson’s life-saving efforts here. Ju.y 2022 | The Dispatch 7

South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad Engineers Retire After 30-Plus Years Engineers Mike Allen and Bruce Huerter recently retired after long careers at the South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad (SKOL). They started their careers at the SKOL shortly after Watco began operations in 1987. Allen joined the team in 1988, and Huerter followed in 1992. The team hosted two retirement parties to celebrate both of their individual accomplishments. It’s here that both retirees received a commemorative rifle as a retirement gift. It’s a tradition for the SKOL to present this type of gift to team members celebrating a significant anniversary or retirement. A hunter, Allen received a Henry Big Boy .45-caliber rifle. Huerter was given a railroad commemorative Henry rifle that he plans to mount over his fireplace. “We are going to miss Mike and Bruce,” said SKOL Assistant General Manager Greg Ferguson. “They know the railroad like the back of their hands. I could always count on them to get the job done.” SKOL Trainmaster Dustin Coester agrees. He said, “You can’t replace them. They know the answer to any railroad question.”

8 The Dispatch | July 2022

Recognizing Two Distinguished Careers on the Birmingham Terminal Railway

Gary Harville

John Herron

Chief Mechanical Officer John Herron and Track Inspector Gary Harville recently retired after a combined 75 years of service to the Birmingham Terminal Railway (BHRR). Both began their careers at the Birmingham Southern Railroad, a short line later acquired by Watco in 2012 and renamed the BHRR. Herron started in 1980, and in 1989 Harville joined the team. Their advanced knowledge is just one reason why their teammates will miss them. General Manager David Tarwater said, “John and Gary have seen and experienced it all. I hate to lose them. They are impossible to replace.” Locomotive Supervisor Michael Marino and Roadmaster Kris Colley will also miss working alongside these two team members. A natural entertainer, Herron plays the saxophone for the band Kool Kats. Marino recently recalled seeing him perform. He said, ”John works hard and plays hard. A while back he played the saxophone for the entire team to listen to and enjoy. That’s just the kind of person he is.” As for Harville, his teammates find him to be a trusted adviser. It’s a trait he’s developed after years of serving as a full-time pastor. Colley said, “Gary is a trusted counselor to all that know him. I’m thankful to have worked with him and to have him as my friend.” To mark their retirements, the BHRR presented Herron with a personalized brass locomotive and Harville with a watch. What’s next for these two? Herron plans to continue playing with the Kool Kats while also enjoying life on the water with his wife, Suzy. Harville will continue serving as a full-time pastor at Mount Zion Baptist Church.

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Now’s the Time to Schedule Physicals It can take weeks to get in to see a doctor. And it’s summer vacation time. With these scheduling challenges in mind, now is a good time to get annual physicals on the calendar for your fall sports, cheer, and dance participants so they’re set to go come August. While you’re at it, you can schedule your own annual checkup, if you haven’t already. Routine wellness services like annual physicals are fully covered by Watco when you’re enrolled in either plan. These yearly exams help keep your health on track.

Wellness services covered at 100% under Watco’s medical plans include: • Routine physicals • Routine lab work • Routine mammograms • Annual well-woman exams • Routine immunizations

10 The Dispatch | July 2022

Enrolled in Critical Illness Coverage? Team members (and their dependents) enrolled in this coverage are eligible for a health screening benefit of $50 from MetLife. How to claim: Call: (800) 438-6388 Online: Email: for the claim form

Watco Team Members Raise More Than $3K for the USO Watco team members consider it a privilege to support those who serve in the armed forces. One way we do that is through an annual Independence Day T-shirt fundraiser that benefits a military organization. This year, our beneficiary is the United Service Organizations (USO). Our 2022 sales wrapped up in early June with great results: • 292 orders • 913 shirts • $3,412 in fundraising Since 1941, the USO has provided live entertainment and other programs to members of the United States Armed Forces and their families at more than 250 locations worldwide. Watco considered a few non-profits that provide support in different ways for veterans and their communities and checked them on Charity Navigator, which rates charities by evaluating their transparency as well as their accountability and financial health. Ken Killingsworth, Watco’s talent acquisition program manager for military recruiting, gave the USO a thumbs-up. “I am of course a little biased, because I have seen the USO support troops for 30-plus years in every environment,” said the U.S. Army veteran. “They do a lot for all service members. Their charter is to help keep service members connected to family, home, and the country throughout their service to the nation. As a career soldier, I have seen the USO on installations, at airports, deployed in a foreign country, and in other settings. I’ve benefited directly from their support, and so did my soldiers.” In addition to its USO gift, Watco has donated in the past to Honor Flight and Military Missions in Action. Since 2020, the company has raised more than $14,000 for military organizations.

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Birth Announcements

Aiden James Grant Stacy Grant is proud to announce the birth of his grandson, Aiden James Grant, born January 22, 2022. Aiden is the son of Zachary and Dakota Grant. He weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 21 ¼ inches long. Aiden was welcomed home by his brother, Ryker, 8, and sister, Lily, 7. Stacy is the general manager of the Great Northwest and Palouse River & Coulee City railroads.

Lorraine Lou Ginther Cameron and Marriah Ginther announce the birth of their daughter, Lorraine Lou Ginther, born on May 22, 2022. Lorraine weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 20 inches long. She was welcomed home by her sister, Fern. Cameron is the project manager for Division 1-2 and works out of the Pittsburg, Kansas, office.

Please share your birth announcements To submit your new arrival send a photo and information to

12 The Dispatch | July 2022

Team Member Anniversaries Congratulations to the following team members celebrating July anniversaries: 1 Year: Adrian Alvarado, Andrew Alvarez, Allester Bellville, Jacob Bennett, Isaiah Casas, James Clyde, Jeffery Cockrell, Dylan Coles, Orlando Cordova Lema, William Crane, Dallas Decuir, David Delgado, Justin Dempsey, Joseph Duscheck, Robert Ford, Eldon Goglin, Earl Gresham, Gunnar Gronberg, Janice Haley, Levi Hester, Noah Hilburn, Nathan Holdburg, Madeline Holliman, Aaron Hughes, Jamarcus Johnson, Jessica Johnson, Matthew Jones, Joseph Korzelius, York Logan, Rodolfo Lopez, Luis Maldonado, Jose Marroquin, Johnathan Mathis, Phillip McGraw, Spencer McHugh, Justin Mcleod, Jacob McMullen, Cody Melancon, Erik Mendoza, Timothy Merideth, Lisa Miller, Manuel Montoya, Tina Moore, Andrew Moran, Parker Neu, Denito Norman, Alexandra North, Randall Ochoa, Paula Palmer, Tyler Pate, Emiliano Perez, Seth Petit, Noah Popejoy, Julian Quiroz, Mason Ray, Kenneth Reed, Dusty Richardson, Latoukie Roberson, Michael Romo, Juan Romo Jr, Mitchell Rowe, Joseph Schlaff, Michael Schulz, Sharel Snoddy Johnson, Ryan Spence, James Stone, Jeanette Streets, Jeremy Suddarth, Jakob Tobler, Carlos Urquiza, Alex Van Tuyl, Jason Washburn, Ryan Williams, Gus Zschech 2 Years: Ellison Champagne, Raymond Cotterill, Steven Cottom, Nicholas Goodin, Michael Harper II, Larry

Hendrix, Jason Norris, Jaime Olivares, Dustin Parrish, Khaley Peveto, Eric Reed, Christopher Riddle, Justin Shannon, Bradly Shobert, Howard Wilkerson 3 Years: Michael Aguirre, Zachary Baden, Andrew Bearden, Nicholas Brown, Richard Bryant-Torres, Aquil Carter, Caitlin Chiartano, Austin Cooley, Rasul Cunningham, Anthony DeLorenzo, Fausto Diaz, Lashawna Estenson, Caden Fritz, Michael Garcia, Brandon Glover, Ramiro Gomez, Elie Gonzalez, Walter Gooden II, Joshua Grimmer, Joseluis Guevara, Daniel Hogan, Steven Iszler, Glen Jackson, Tyrone Jackson, Hamidreza Jadali, Tera Jameson, Troy Kutella, Trey Loya, Nickolas Manson, Richard Mazard, Steven Olsen, Dale Pape, Brandon Pearson, Nicklas Perry, Edgardo Ponce, Amie Proudfit, Kaytee Reed, Clemente Renteria, James Rice, Caleb Ussery, Jose Valentin, Jordin Valentin Ramirez, Evan Walker, Courtney Wolf, Richard Womble, Alexis Worthington 4 Years: Nabeel Alawi, Joseph Bargas, Veronica Briseno, Rolvin Colon Morales, Anna Conners-Williams, Ever Cornejo, Len Crescenzo, Kyle Cunningham, Christopher Curtis, Scott Daniel, Sky Eisme, Ada Hill, Jonathan James, Daniel Kirton, Christopher Mayers, Lemar McConnell, Michael Mercurio, Robert Murphy, Guadalupe Olvera, Bryan Passon, Brian

Pillsworth, Pamela Ridenour, Lawrence Rizzo, Ryan Schwartz, Kellen See, Francisco Silva, Preston Spencer, Matthew Testerman, Jeffrey Thamer, Dean Torres, Felipe Vega-Cervantes 5 Years: Joshua Ahrens, Robert Arney, Susan Brooks, Anna Chatmon, Christopher Cline, Jared Costello, Ricky Davis, Erick Diouf, Joseph Donaruma, Adrian Ferrer, Daniel Flynn, Eddy Graham, Cody Harmon, Robert Hemingway, Debbie James, Brandon Kennedy, Aaron Klosterman, Xavier Lopez, Travis Lowder, Chris Moya, Timothy Pillsworth, Nathan Powell, Dagen Reel, Benjamin Saenz, Philip Smalley, Joshua Strickland, Patrick Swann, Shonta Thomas, Steven Thompson, Ernest Velasquez 6 Years: Pedro Barron, Wesley Branham, Steven Brant, Michele Briones, Dwight Buckholt, Matthew Budda, Brandon Burlew, Sean Cochran, Kolby DeBerry, John Escobar, Carl Foster, Aaron Freeland, Charles Hamilton, Jeffrey Infinger, Michael Kovarek, Charles Lee, Dustin McClanahan, Herbert McKinney, Wellington Murdock, Keith Myles, Keith Pittman, Brien Runyon, Charles Snyder, Joshua Tarwater, Jordon Taylor, Alan West, Sarah Wingard 7 Years: Gregory Barnett, Cody Bell, Deena Christopher, Christopher Crumpton, Cameron Gonzales, Ju.y 2022 | The Dispatch 13

Team Member Anniversaries 12 Years: Brad Hamlin, Gene Hernandez, Joseph Bristow, Brian Cosby, Gerald Kattner, Noah Lucero, Joe Fells, Matthew Hutcheson, Edward McGuire, Heriberto Mendoza, Myra Shumate, Morgan Patrick Kinney, Crystal Lancaster, Westhoff Stefan Loeb, Andrew Mitchell, Bryce Roberts, Tammy Springer 8 Years: 13 Years: Justin Ayala, Bret Burright, Ryan Corder, Matthew George Cabrera, James Carnes, Jackson, Amanda Pequin, Gary Darl Farris, Raul Gonzalez, Jeffrey Wagenseller Linville, Brittany Mays, Carlton Moody, Thomas Nicholson, Brock 14 Years: Parham, Lynda Patterson, James Welch Garrett Bolyard, Carla Ewing, Ty Fuller, Timothy O’Shell, Judy Ozuna 9 Years: Brenda Antle, Christopher Bauder, Alan Beggs, Luis Del Rosario, John Gronberg, Edwardo Guerra, Nathan Holmes, Kevin Kaczmarek, Jacob Kleckner, Jacob Lipinski, David McCloud, Ruben Powell, Cody Rickman, Dane Rowe, Toni Scroggins, Bryan Waldon, David Wastak, Drew White, Billy Williams 10 Years: Dustin Bain, Jean Dor, Kenneth Flanders, Thomas Glover, Lucinda Grimes, Henry Howard, Ronnie Jackson, Wayne Matthews, Joeylee May, Michael McAllister, Jeffrey Pacheco, Ronald Perkins, Charles Schilling, Charles Teeters, Joe Via 11 Years: Joe Araujo, John Brown, Reginald Burks, Douglas Hicks, Casey Irvan, Jacob McCullough, Ronald Miller, Freddie Rainey, Melissa Rains, Jose Rodriguez, Stacy Swinford, Kaleigh Walker

14 The Dispatch | July 2022

15 Years: Tandi Colibert, Bobby McFadden, Michael Milligan, Travis Thorpe, Jeremiah Williams 16 Years: Martin Gutierrez, Kyle Jeschke, Matthew Lewis, Jennifer Muckala, Diana Peak, Sambo Sam, Kenneth Tober, Jeremy Tyler 17 Years: Antenogenes Barajas, Mitchell Hood, Cornelius Jones, Colby Jordan, Bridget Smith 18 Years: Laura Bolt, Bradley Bowden 19 Years: Beau Embrey, Royce Price, Daniel Salazar 20 Years: Douglas Tank 21 Years: Jeffrey Schroeder, Lois Ziesenis

23 Years: Derek Damesworth, Robert Hasheider 24 Years: Scott Rudolph 25 Years: Joseph Bennett 27 Years: Bryan Brooks, James Riley 28 Years: Harold Cornelius, Raymond Gray 29 Years: Tona Townzen 30 Years: Joseph Leport 31 Years: Jeffrey Adams, Richard Mansfield 33 Years: Donald Dowlin 36 Years: David Bierman 37 Years: Stephen Thornton, Jeff VanBuren 39 Years: Mark Blazer

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