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Watco Team Shows Up After Unexpected Ice Storm

Earlier this winter an unexpected ice storm uprooted trees, closed roads, and temporarily shut down the town of Toledo, Oregon. Despite the inclement weather, the local Watco team still found a way to report to work at a customer’s paper mill.

Location Manager Nate Burke along with Switchmen Josh Theis, Misha Norton, and Tyler Dzierzek live in town, within a 30-minute walk of the mill. They wore cleats or snow boots to walk from their homes to the mill’s switching site.

Meanwhile, Switchman Brian Kelley, who lives outside of town, spent five nights at the switching site. Burke said: “Brian planned for the worst. He stocked up on food, set up an air mattress, and hunkered down here.”

The ice storm knocked out power across town, including at the paper mill, which typically operates around the clock, seven days a week.

Burke said, “Brian was there when the power went out. He texted me right after to let me know. He was like, ‘It’s pretty spooky here.’”

The loss of power didn’t stop the Watco team from showing up to support the customer. The team worked ahead to load railcars, clear ice from switches, and remove downed trees from tracks. Their efforts helped the customer resume operations once power was restored.

“I didn’t know what to expect from my team,” Burke said. “But they showed up and helped out. Their dedication is incredible.”

Earlier this winter an unexpected ice storm uprooted trees, closed roads, and temporarily shut down the town of Toledo, Oregon. Despite the inclement weather, the local Watco team still found a way to report to work at a customer’s paper mill.

Earlier this winter an unexpected ice storm uprooted trees, closed roads, and temporarily shut down the town of Toledo, Oregon. Despite the inclement weather, the local Watco team still found a way to report to work at a customer’s paper mill.

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