The Watco October Dispatch

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Dispatch The newsletter for Watco October 2023 The
2 The Dispatch | October 2023 Back to Back to Back 3 Cleaning Up and Starting Over After a Tornado 4 Saluting Watco’s Dale Murray for Military Promotion 5 Three Team Members Recognized as Difference Makers 6-7 Watco Electric Switchers Are Receiving High Marks 8-9 Watco Opens New Warehouse, Logistics Operating Center in Arkansas 10 Watco Short Lines to Benefit from FRA Grants 11 Louisiana Southern Railroad Puts Emergency Plans in Place 12 Open Enrollment 12 Why Does Breast Cancer Get Its Own Month? 13 Team Member Anniversaries 14-15 Table of Contents A southbound Ithaca Central salt train prepares to crest the hill before entering North Spencer, New York. Photographer: Peter Bellisario Highlights On the Cover Save the Date Open Enrollment for 2024 Benefits Oct. 23-Nov. 19, 2023 20 24 BENEFITS

Safety Anniversaries

Congratulations to the following locations who celebrated September Safety Anniversaries:

September 1 – Louisville Transload Terminal (TBT) (KY) – 9 years

September 1 – Cicero Central Railroad (IL) – 8 years

September 2 – Dravosburg Marine Terminal (PA) – 1 year

September 8 – Galena Park Switching (TX) – 2 years

September 13 – Bayway Dedicated Terminal (NJ) – 1 year

September 15 – Kansas City Car Cleaning (MO) – 2 years

September 21 – Jacksonville Repair & Maintenance Terminal (FL) – 2 years

September 27 – Waterloo Blackhawk Transload Terminal (IA) – 5 years

September 27 – Middleport Transload Terminal (OH) – 6 years

September 27 – Great Bend Transload Terminal (KS) – 2 years

September 27 – Toledo Switching (OR) – 1 year

September 27 – Port of Pine Bluff (AR) – 1 year

September 28 – Port Birmingham (AL) – 2 years

September 29 – Austin Western Railroad (TX) – 1 year

Back to Back to Back

Our team has spoken and they made it clear to all: Watco is a great place to work. For the third time in just over a calendar year, the Watco team has made us a Newsweek Top 100 Most Loved Workplace®. We recently made America’s Top 100 Most Loved list, after earning a spot in 2022, and the global rankings earlier this year.

It wouldn’t be possible without our team. Best Practice Institute surveyed hundreds of Watco team members in early 2023. The anonymous results were analyzed and passed on to Newsweek, which then calculated the most recent rankings.

The questions asked about workplace involvement, leadership, opportunities, and more. Members of Watco’s leadership team also reviewed the results to determine our strengths and identify areas for improvement. More information about that will be shared in the coming weeks.

“Watco team members made this happen,” said Watco Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer Rachael Peterson. “They’re being recognized for the culture they’ve helped create. They deserve all the credit for this recognition.”

Cleaning Up and Starting Over After a Tornado

Watco team members take care of each other. And while Operations Supervisor Blake Allen has always taken this to heart, he’s never been on the receiving end. That is until this spring, when an EF4 tornado touched down and caused massive damage to parts of Amory, Mississippi, including his home.

“I’ve never experienced anything quite like it,” Allen said. “The only part of the house that wasn’t damaged was the master closet where my wife, kids, and I took shelter.”

When clean-up efforts started, many team members split their time making repairs at the Port of Amory and Allen’s house. The damage to the port was minor, resulting in a temporary power loss and damaged siding. At Allen’s house, they helped tarp his roof, remove three downed trees, and contributed to other relief efforts.

The team included an out-of-town visitor, SVP of Operations Jason Ford. Terminal Manager Wayne Childers said: “Jason made the three-hour trip to check on the team at the port. Then he went to Blake’s house. He toured the damage with Blake and helped clear brush.”

The damage to Allen’s home made it unlivable. The family stayed with relatives immediately following the tornado. Once teammate Nathan Kuykendall discovered that his church’s parsonage was vacant, he connected Allen to the church he attends. The Allens received permission to move in and have been there since.

Help continued to trickle in after three Watco terminals in the neighboring state of Alabama heard what happened. They joined together to raise money for the family, which was later used by Allen to buy cleaning supplies, meals, and new kids’ clothes to replace what was ruined by the tornado. Allen said: “When we needed it the most, Watco was

For the last seven months, Allen has spent nights and weekends reconstructing his home. He’s done the majority of the work himself, including framing and electrical. Later this fall, the family plans to return home.

“It’s certainly taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears,” Allen said. “It’s practically a brand new house.”

4 The Dispatch | October 2023
there to help. I now know that there can be good that comes from even the toughest of situations.”

Saluting Watco’s Dale Murray for Military Promotion

Fewer than 1% of U.S. Army officers are selected to be a general. Watco’s Dale Murray has attained this rare achievement, and at a July ceremony in Montgomery, Alabama, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general.

Murray works out of Alabama as a director of asset management. His role is to help develop processes to ensure the company is making smart long-term decisions about its most critical assets.

His area of focus is with Watco terminals and ports, an area that’s long been familiar to him. He joined Watco in 2016, working with terminals on the Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee rivers as an operations assistant vice president. Prior to that, he spent 10 years in a similar operations role with Kinder Morgan.

Murray’s military career began when he commissioned into the Active Army through Auburn University’s Reserve Officer Training Corps program. He commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant out of Auburn, went into the active Army for 9½ years, and then entered the National Guard in 2006. That’s also when he started in the river transportation industry, with Kinder Morgan. Along the way, he earned a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Memphis and graduated from the U.S. Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama.

In addition to his promotion to brigadier general, Murray has assumed a new National Guard role. He will serve as assistant division commander for support for the 29th Infantry Division. In this role, he will lead efforts “to organize units, people, and processes to ensure that the division has the protection, supplies, and posture to execute largescale combat operations.” There are close to 25,000 soldiers in the division.

Murray has found that his military and Watco roles complement each other. “One of the things I think I learned at Watco that’s applicable to the Army is how to work with the team that you have and find ways to succeed. You have to work really hard t o build consensus across people who don’t necessarily work for you. That skill from Kinder Morgan and Watco has really helped me in the military. Skills from the military that help me in my Watco career: organization, being able to focus groups on important goals, and synthesizing a lot of information to get to the most important, critical parts.”

Murray expresses his gratitude for the support received from Watco. “Forty percent of the combat forces in the United States Army are in the Army National Guard. The guard can’t defend the nation unless companies around the country enable and support their soldiers to do that service. I’m incredibly grateful to Watco for their support of my military career and for the flexibility they give me to serve our nation.”

Learn more about Watco’s program for transitioning service members.

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On July 20, Watco’s Dale Murray re-affirmed his oath to the Constitution as a U.S. Army brigadier general in the National Guard. Swearing him in was Maj. Gen. Janeen Birckhead, adjutant general of the Maryland National Guard. (Photo Credit: Alabama National Guard)

Three Team Members Recognized as Difference Makers

What does it take to make an impact at Watco?

Look to the Q3 2023 Be the Difference winners to find out: Jennifer Otto-Lollar, Kevin Schoenhofer, and Michael Houtz. Each award recipient receives $250.

“Our team is made up of special, humble, and hardworking folks,” said Watco CEO Dan Smith. “That includes our newest Be the Difference award winners. Join me in congratulating them on always owning their responsibilities at work and beyond.”

6 The Dispatch | October 2023

One Watco Award - Given to an individual or group of team members whose teamwork generates an exceptional result for a Watco customer.

Gathering and making sense of data can be challenging. But Jennifer Otto-Lollar is up to the task. After taking a deep dive into data, she recently summarized key insights that illustrated the value Watco’s Ann Arbor Railroad brings to one of its largest customers.

Read more to learn how she played an important role in assisting Watco renew a contract with this customer.

Extra Mile Award - Given to an individual or a group of team members who go above and beyond the call of duty at work or in the community.

Among his teammates at the South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad (SKOL), longtime Conductor Kevin Schoenhofer is best known for taking extra steps to help customers, the team, and the community. It’s not something that’s asked of Schoenhofer, he just automatically does it whenever he sees a need.

Keep reading to find out how he contributes to the SKOL’s success.

Safe Performance Award - Given to an individual or group of team members who take action to ensure safety for fellow team members, customers, suppliers, or property.

Michael Houtz’s second day on the job at the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad took an urgent turn after the teammate he was with suddenly became unresponsive while driving a hi-rail truck. Houtz acted quickly to stop the vehicle and called 911.

Continue reading about our newest Safe Performance Award winner.

October 2023 | The Dispatch 7
Michael Houtz Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Horicon (WI) Kevin Schoenhofer South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad Chanute (KS)
Q4 2023 Be the Difference award nominations now open through December 1 Nominate a team member at or email 2023 2023 2023
Jennifer Otto-Lollar Revenue Accounting Pittsburg (KS)

Watco Electric Switchers Are Receiving High Marks

After more than a year in production, Watco’s newly commissioned battery-powered switching locomotives are receiving high marks as they outperform original assumptions around functionality and sustainability.

The first test run for two switching units –converted from diesel-electric power to allelectric – occurred July 20 at Greens Port, Watco’s multimodal terminal and port facility in Houston, Texas. After adjustments in subsequent weeks, they were commissioned into full service in September.

“The results have absolutely exceeded all our expectations,” said Neil Heerdink, director of operations at Watco. Those expectations are highlighted in this video and flyer and have included reductions in carbon dioxide emissions,

fuel and maintenance expenses, and the amount of lube oil and coolant used.

Some team members directly experiencing the benefits are those operating the switchers.

“I appreciate that we can spend less and pollute less by not running a diesel locomotive,” said Troy Vacala, a process assurance manager and one of a handful of people who have piloted the switchers. He also noted the quieter cab. “I enjoy not having to wear earplugs while operating these. Diesel switchers, they’re extremely loud.”

Vacala and other engineers – including one whose locomotive experience spans his five-decade career – seem to have adapted quickly to the battery-powered switchers. Tex Inman, director of locomotive support, has worked on locomotives since 1972 and has been with Watco since 1990.

8 The Dispatch | October 2023

He worked on the build team for months and also has been behind the controls. “I’m real impressed,” he said. “The way it performs is smoother than a diesel-electric. As far as operations, these things are the ticket.”

One reason for the smooth operation was an effort to place the battery controls in a similar place as those of the diesel-electric.

“All breakers and switches required to power up are in the same location,” said Keith Testerman, vice president and chief mechanical officer. “Engineers don’t have to turn on a generator field breaker now. We replaced that with a traction power breaker, but it’s in the same position as the generator field. That’s the kind of stuff, along with what we are seeing in performance of the unit, that’s been rewarding to me – to design it with minimal tutoring for the operator and then see it work beyond expectations. The engineers for the most part have been able to power it up and go.”

To convert these two switchers, Watco teamed up with Medha, a designer and manufacturer of locomotive control systems and other rail-related electronics. Medha provided key components of the power and control systems, and Watco personnel reassembled the locomotives.

The two units are among the first diesel-electric locomotives converted to fully electric using a conversion kit instead of building them from the ground up. “We’re excited about the kit nature of the conversions,” said Aaron Jensen, senior vice president of Materials Services. “We love the fact that a good chunk of the old diesel unit is repurposed. It makes this approach the most economical for industrial and short line operators.”

Watco plans to have customers see the switchers in person during private appointments hosted within the next few months at Greens Port.

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Build team (L to R): Brandon Pearson (Watco), Tex Inman (Watco), Dinesh Koshti (Medha), Tayler Wright (Watco), Samir Nirula (Medha), Aaron Jensen (Watco), Keith Testerman (Watco), Neil Heerdink (Watco), Ramesh Aruva (Medha), Ashutosh Sharma (Medha). Not Pictured: Fred Porter, Efrain Padilla

Watco Opens New Warehouse, Logistics Operating Center in Arkansas

On September 28, the Watco team hosted an open house and ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the opening of its new warehouse and logistics operating center in Springdale, Arkansas, at the I-49 Logistics Park.

Local government officials, customers, and suppliers joined members of the Watco team at the open house. At the event, Watco CEO Dan Smith said: “The new logistics center is not just a building, but an investment in Northwest Arkansas. It represents Watco’s commitment to customers and our priority to meet their growing needs in the future.”

Watco Logistics President Eric Wolfe said, “Northwest Arkansas is a logistics hub in the U.S. with service needs spanning the logistics and supply chain spectrum. This facility was designed to meet the multi-dimensional needs of our current and future customers in this market.

“This location offers our customers a one-stop-shop solution for warehousing, transportation, special roll-out projects, e-commerce distribution, and reverse logistics.”

The new building features a total of 185,000 square feet of space, split between a 20,000-square-foot office space and 165,000-square-foot warehouse with 18 dock doors and three ramps. In addition, the warehouse features racking and floor space providing the ability to hold up to 18,000 pallets

of freight. Senior Director of Retail Services Andy Moran anticipates the warehouse will store 11,000 pallets by the end of 2023.

Sixty-five team members are based in Springdale. Wolfe said, “Our new logistics operating center puts the entire Northwest Arkansas-based team under one roof. It’s the perfect space to bring all operations together to seamlessly serve our customers.”

A big-box retailer is just one example of a customer that the Watco team in Springdale serves. They receive, handle, inventory, kit, and consolidate equipment such as sound systems and display monitors.

Once product is ready to be delivered to retail stores, Watco coordinates delivery and installation of materials. Moran said: “We are this customer’s firstparty logistics provider. Watco handles it all, from PO (Purchase Order) to POD (Proof of Delivery). Rather than getting multiple invoices from different parties for all aspects of their product distribution, this customer gets one invoice from us.”

Another enhancement coming soon to the warehouse is a technology lab. Slated to open in 2024, this secured space offers its own technology infrastructure to prepare new devices and update existing hardware in bulk. Wolfe believes this new addition will “make us more than a service partner, but an extension of the customer.”

10 The Dispatch | October 2023

Watco Short Lines to Benefit from FRA Grants

Watco’s short line railroads will be benefiting from Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) grants announced by the Federal Railroad Administration. Funds will be used to:

1. Convert eight locomotives into fully battery-electric power units which will be used for switching on the Arkansas Southern Railroad, Kaw River Railroad, Jacksonville Port Terminal Railroad, Savannah & Old Fort Railroad (2), Timber Rock Railroad (2), and the Vicksburg Southern Railroad

2. Upgrade 37 miles of railroad track on the South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad

3. Repair bridges and culverts, and improve grade crossings on the Louisiana Southern Railroad

4. Make improvements to bridges and track on the Blue Ridge Southern Railroad

5. Fund project development activities to rehabilitate three moveable swing bridges on the Fox Valley & Lake Superior Rail System

6. Improve 180 miles of track and bridges on the Kanawha River Railroad

7. Upgrade crossings and track on the Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad

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Louisiana Southern Railroad Puts Emergency Plans in Place

Local emergency management officials recently joined members of the Louisiana Southern Railroad to plan their detailed response in case an oil spill should ever occur. These sessions are required at certain Watco locations and hosted by our Environmental team. Other Watco teams that have participated in similar sessions this year include the Alabama Southern Railroad, Stillwater Central Railroad, and Wisconsin & Southern Railroad.

IT’S ALMOST TIME Open Enrollment Starts October

Don’t miss the opportunity…


 Medical Plan election – REQUIRED

 Re-elect your annual FSA or HSA contribution – REQUIRED

 Edit your coverage and/or eligible dependents

Changes for 2024

 New BCBS ID Cards to be issued for Medical

 First Stop Health – FREE Virtual Doctor

 New Provider for Critical Illness, Accident, and Hospital Coverage

 Short Term Disability – Fully Company Paid

 Smart Shopper – Cash Rewards Program

 My Health Novel – Additional Offerings

Watch for future emails and text messages with additional information

12 The Dispatch | October 2023

Why Does Breast Cancer Get Its Own Month?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but why has the topic of breast cancer been given its own 31 days since 1985?

For one thing, it’s the most prevalent cancer in the world. It’s the most common type in the United States, with 300,590 new cases expected in 2023, according to the National Cancer Institute.

While breast cancer has the highest occurrence among cancers, it’s considered among the most treatable. And with Watco’s help, team members can take aim at some of the top risk factors for breast cancer: being inactive, overweight, or a smoker.

• Participants in Watco’s health plan can pair up with a certified health coach using My Health NovelSM offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. To get started, log into My Health Toolkit® and complete a short assessment.

• Team members on Watco’s health plan can use Blue 365 to take advantage of fitness-related discounts (such as gym memberships, fitness trackers, and home gym equipment) provided through Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

• Watco team members have access to more than 200 dietitian-reviewed recipes and health videos through the company’s Team Member Assistance Program provider, New Directions. Use the company code Watco.

• Team members enrolled in a Watco health plan who want to stop smoking can find support by visiting Quit for Life® or calling (866) 794-8454.

One final tip about reducing the chances of breast cancer: Avoid alcohol, or at least limit drinking to no more than one alcoholic drink a day. That’s 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1½ ounces of hard liquor.

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Team Member Anniversaries

Congratulations to the following team members celebrating October anniversaries:

1 Year:

Elery Alexander, Jesus Arteaga, Ethan Barnett, Aaron Bowyer, Nicole Bradshaw, Timothy Bryant, Mathew Burgemeister, Austin

Cade, Ricky Carraway, Anthony

Castellon, Rashaud Caver, Alan

Chellew, Shaun Clare, Kadeem

Coffey, Charles Conaway, David

Connelly, Teresa Cook, David

Craddock, Ethan Daniels, Aaron

Davis, Trenmald Davis, Nicholas

Dawson, Blaine Dillahunty, Emily

Diver, Shamar Dixon, Laura

Drosos Hudson, Rebecca Endean, Brandon Falconberry, Guillermo

Flores, Eric Ford, Erroyl Ford, Kaysian Fraser, Michael Frederick, Michael Gamble, Fabian Garcia, Tanya Gath, Frank Gonzalez, Stephen Grachan, Gavin Gregory, Tina Gurnick, Benjamin Hammer, Joshua Helvik, Ramon Herrera, Michael Higgins, Cody Holladay, Jacob Holloman, David Holt, Mark James, Gregory Jamieson, Van Vuuren Johannes, George Johnson, Robert Johnson, Brandon Jones, Calvin Jones, Reginald Jones, William Kelly, Torey Lamar, Alano Lopez, David

Luna, Pedro Martinez, Levi Matthews, Turner McCowan, Katie Millard, Joseph Mitchell, Austin Nelson, Gary Nephew, Seth

Owens, Michael Patterson, Arielle

Payne, Malik PierreLouis, Claudio

Pinilla, Jose Quirino, Kevin Rogers, Mykell Ross, Leah Ruff, Deondrai

Scott, Sydnie Shostrand, Lindsay Simons, Conteno Spriggs, Justin St Aubin, Voneric Thompson, Eric Thornes, Jose Torres, Joel Toston, Troy Tramble, Ricardo Trevino, James Tyson, Tyler Vail, Chad

Waddle, Samuel Walker, Liang

Wang, Kanetra Washington, Mark West, Anthony Whitehead, Randy Yarbrough, Cassie Zimmerman

2 Years:

Zachary Armas, Graham Askew, Christopher Baker, Steven Banning, Jackson Breitenbach, Keaton Campbell, Andrew Carmack, Jacob Cavanough, Carlos Chavez-Balderas, Dylan Dotson-Karcsak, Abram Dudley, Adreon Eiland, Jerrett Faires, James Field, James Garcia, Justin Griswold, Colyns Harry, Jason Hennis, Edward Hensley, Joshua Hill, Kyle Jacobson, Jose Jimenez, Roy Jolliffe, Johnathan Jurkovich, Adam Langendoen, Albert Lierz, Austin Lott, Michael Massey, Dominique Merchant, Trace Nielson, Michael Olive, Ida Oliver, Anthony Parker, Kyle Peterson, Joe Pittman, Antonio Reyes, Daniel Riddick, Justin Rivera, Christopher Ruffino, James Sloan, William Stickney, Timothy Swauger, Zachary Toye, Joseph Wilcox

3 Years:

Richard Balsigner, Cody Barrett, Mike Bartle, Joseph Bastianon, Dennis Beckham, Jennifer Berard, Steven Bosse, Joseph Buck, Julian Campos, Saturnino Cardenas, Harold Ching, Michael Clapper, Nicholas Coco, Dakota Coppinger, Ryan Doll, Blake Dooley, Donald Elmore, Bradley Fanning, Nicholas Gerdes, Mitchell Hess, Tad Huerta-Rivas, Tom Hunter, Joshua Jenner, Andrew Kilpatrick, Kirby Kirsch, Mackenzie Lucas, Patrick O’Shea, Jesus Pedraza, Anna Peterson, Callum Robertson, Cory Sims, Keith Snowden, Brian

Steinkuehler, Eric Valdez, Jackson Vandeventer, Zachariah Wedel, Andy Williams

4 Years:

Armando Acuna, Jasson Aguilar, Michael Alcorta, Adrian ArcosMarron, Andrew Bennett, Brent Booth, Scott Butler, Jose Castillo Rivas, Micheal Comeaux, Chadrick Daniel, Halen DeCoteau, Rene Esparza, Kale Fishler, Tyler Gilliam, Angela Gray, Rick Hencye, Joseph

Hines, Caleb Hobbs, James

Hollahan, Joshua Humeston, Ray Jenkins, Lamar Mitchell, Damian Morris, Alejandro Olsen, Kevin Quiroa, Corey Ring, Johnathan

Rolax, Raymond Sepulveda, Carter

Shelton, Troy Sickle, Colin Smith, Justin Stenback, Matthew Terry, John Thurman, Troy Vacala, Ray Wildes, Thein Win

5 Years:

Oscar Ahumada Perez, Brenden Backes, Todd Callahan, Lacey Dotson Spears, Rodney Dunner, Gregorio Fernandez-Reyes, Raymond Gage, Tyler Geissen, Christopher German, Dexter Gonzales, Travis Ingalsbe, Reginald Jackson, Brandon

Jensen, Tyler Kadrmas, Aspen

Kittleson, Anthony Kopec, John

Lillie, Mark Mazur, Christian

Parpart, Joe Roberts, Joseph

Roberts, Anthony Sapp, Giovanni

Soto, Kevin Sumpter, Chandler

Watson, Joseph Workman, Kieran Wright, Vincent Yuwono

6 Years:

David Alford, Justin Banda, Drew

Beasley, Brayton Beck, Keith

Bowman, Joe Burkett, Oscar

Carrillo, Richard Collier, Juan

14 The Dispatch | October 2023

Team Member Anniversaries

Escutia, James Fearn, Andrew Fleming, Kelli Frazier, John Hatch, Logan Helms, Eric Henderson, Cody Hernandez, Joseph Hudson, Jacob Langbecker, Richard Leitzel, Devon Lindquist, Jamison Mathews, Kareem Meawad, Nathan Melton, Pedro Moreno Varela, Kevin Neihaus, Brandon Pittman, Eric Poore, Sara Printy, Robert Ramirez, Joel Santana, Robert Scoggin, Richard Scott, Caleb Scrivner, Casey Sink, Brannon Smith, Clayton Stephens, Cj Stremick, Salomon Torres, Luis Trevino, Daniel Willoughby

7 Years:

Brandin Creekmore, Calvin Jonas, Vance Kirkpatrick, Margaret Miles, Michel Morales Cruz, Ethan Sailor, Carlos Torrez, Ken Womble

8 Years:

Jorden Johnson, Brandon Layton, Preston Nelson, Benito Nickles, Raul Orta, John Slager, Steven

Sowers, Anthony Starrett, Brian Thierauf

9 Years: Richard Bost, Joseph Casey, Wesley Edouard, Thomas Frey, Don Goff, Torrance Hendrix, Jackie Lowry, Ryan Nottle, Torris Perkins, Tyler Pirelli, Andrew Prochazka, Andrew Ross, Jered Ruback, Charles Staley, Stephen Turnbull, Whitney Wilson, Jermaine Woods

10 Years:

Anthony Barton, Nicholas

Burnham, Kylie Collier, Neil Gladwell, Luke Milstead, David Rankine, David Shertel, Tommy Terrell, Sheron Thibodeaux, John Watson

11 Years:

Fanie Coetzee, Tyler Crawford, Javon Exum, Michael Galligan, Larkland Linton, John Pereira, Rodney Pickett, Jammes Tidwell, Richard Wheeler, John White

12 Years:

Peter Bercier, Jeffrey Buck, Milton Gray, McKenzie Green, Steven Kingsbury, Arturo Perez, Salvador Sanchez, Michael Tucker, Jeremy Veley

13 Years:

Luis Gutierrez, Raul Herrera, Jeremiah Rhymer, Leroy Uresti

14 Years:

Andrew Baldwin, Merlin Bridge, William Hill, Elvis Johns, Erik Krebel, Michael Toler

15 Years: Mark Bowen, Lucas Conrad, James Culbertson, Brett Golz, Michael Harris, Albert Perez

16 Years: Jana Austerman, Filimon Gonzalez, Roger Howard, Elizabeth Newberry, Amanda Santana, Misael Santos, Jason Seger

17 Years: Robert Graham, Teri Kinyon

18 Years: Harold Comminie, Scotty Presley, Delia Winegarner

19 Years:

Sheri Escobar, Bo Fox, Travis Herod, Efren Llanas, James Smithson

20 Years: Marvin Albritton, Kyle Kozman

21 Years: William Czapla

22 Years: James Wren

25 Years: Scott King

26 Years: Chad Collins, Heath Morgan

27 Years: Silvio Gomez, Edward Moore

28 Years: Steven Korell

29 Years: Lori Magee

31 Years: Brian Daentl, Craig Stansbury

32 Years: Anthony Clark

35 Years: Robin Doom

38 Years: Keith Lacaze

39 Years: Mark Turner

43 Years: Kimberly Bourgeois

46 Years: Mario Marghella

47 Years: Medric Hayes

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