One Workplace Recipe Book 2021

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N I G E L L A’S S T R A PAT SA DA CCB — One Workplace, San Francisco Womxn in the Workplace Resource Group | Black Resource Group | We Are Open Resource Group

PREP TIME: 5 minutes | COOK TIME: 10-15 minutes | TOTAL TIME: 20 minutes

2 Servings Sometimes when I haven’t been grocery shopping for a while, I google ingredients in my kitchen to see what I can possibly make with them. The day I only had eggs and tomatoes, I totally lucked out finding the most delicious, simple, and quick dish from Nigella Lawson. Originally a Greek recipe, it will put a smile on the face of anyone tasting it!

8 small (not cherry) tomatoes (I’ve used 20 cherry tomatoes and it still works)

Cut the tomatoes in half — a Greek person would now core them, but you can core them first or skip it totally. Cut tomatoes into rough chunks.

3 tbsp regular olive oil

Warm the oil in a heavy-based frying pan — cast-iron is best — heat the pan before adding the oil.

1 tbsp tomato puree/paste

Tumble in the chunks of tomato.

Pinch of salt Pinch of sugar 2 large eggs

Cook, stirring every now and again, for about 5 minutes, by which time the tomatoes will have started to break down into the oil and be oozing oranginess. If you want your bread toasted, now’s the time.

1 ounce feta cheese or sharp, salty, crumbly cheese such as Wensleydale cheese or a goat cheese

Add the tomato puree, salt, and sugar, and cook for another 5 minutes, by which time the tomato skins will be coming away from the flesh.

1 small handful basil leaves or leaves stripped from a few sprigs of thyme

Crack in the eggs and then stir, just as if you were scrambling them, until they are creamy, which is hardly any time at all (obviously, if you like your scrambled eggs set, cook the egg and tomato mixture here for longer).

4 slices of good bread such as sourdough, or whatever you like

Take the pan off the heat, crumble the salty cheese over the mixture, and sprinkle with the basil or thyme leaves. Dollop some on your toast, into a bowl, or just eat straight from the pan using bread as your cutlery. It’s also yummy cold in case you don’t eat it all at once!

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