P O L E T TA A L A M AT T O N E KIRA COWAN — Vantis, Seattle PREP TIME: 15 minutes | COOK TIME: 25-35 minutes | TOTAL TIME: 50 minutes
6 Servings As a teenager, I was brought under the wing of my soon to be stepdad in the kitchen. “Hey, have you seen this?" Or, "let me show you,” that kind of thing. It was a great bonding experience for both of us and my curiosity took off. Flavors, cooking methods, timing, understanding what went together, meant a whole new world to me, and it helped in my transition with the “new,” and offered a language between us that was very special. This dish was a favorite. I come back to it time and again with a smile every time.
Butterfly the chicken and place in a large bowl, breast side up. Zest the lemon, add the juice and the rest of the ingredients making sure the whole chicken is generously covered in all the “goodness”. Marinate for about an hour or so. Turn the BBQ to medium-high and place chicken breast side up with the cast iron skillet on top of the chicken, evening out the thickness of the meat, which will make it cook evenly. Turn the meat after 7-9 minutes and place the skillet again on the chicken, cooking another 7-9 minutes. Continue doing this and check for doneness with thermometer in chicken breast. It should register 145° F. Remove and let rest from grill, 10 minutes. Cut and plate.
4-5 lb whole chicken, butterflied Zest of one lemon Juice of one lemon ¼ tsp (or more for spicier flavor), red pepper flakes 1 tsp each of thyme, rosemary 2 generous pinches of Kosher salt and coarse ground pepper (or to your liking) 3-4 tbsp olive oil 1 large cast iron skillet
Serve with your favorite greens and a grain salad!
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