Annual Report ONE WORLD Citizens 2019

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ONE WORLD Citizens Annual Report 2019

Further Development: ●

Global Goals Concept Global Program 7 sub programs

2nd WGT Dialogue for Inclusion Conference

Report ONE WORLDcitizens 2019





How we work


OWC Board & Director


Eye openers 2018

Global Goals Concept


Global Program ○ 7 subprograms

11 12

Spoonsors & Investors: trust & support


Partners 2019

22 3



ONE WORLDcitizens A global network and grassroots movement working from the Power of the Community and Youngsters to achieve the Global Goals for sustainable development in 2030 with #NoOneLeftBehind, by #DailyAction and making #WorkOfBasicNeeds We bring young people together to exchange views and experiences, share ideas and good examples, help each other and to work together to work out ideas for social & sustainable into local projects and start-ups. #WeGrowTogether OWC Core Team: 35 youngsters from 14 countries

Preface We started ONE WORLD Citizens (OWC) in 2012 because we see that the youngest generations were born to shape the new, sustainable society we all need to have future and to leave the next generation a livable world and future. From 2012 to 2015 we started development of a Global Concept and Program by which youngsters, aged from 10 to 30 years could share ideas for change online and help each other to work out their ideas into local projects or start-ups. The Concept and program were about education on social and sustainable issues, ICT & Technology and social Entrepreneurship. In 2015 the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development (the SDGs) were launched by the UN with the call 4 action: WITH NO ONE LEFT BEHIND. We embraced this instrument as base of everything we do in OWC because all change that we need worldwide is covered by these goals. As frame for our work 2015-2020 we chose SDG 4, 8 and 17 as base goals of OWC and the SDGs 2,6,7 and 10 as our frame for the projects and start-ups that would be created by & for youngsters. From 2015 to 2019 we completed the Global Concept and Program by trial and error, by & for youngsters, working in their local communities. Sharing ideas, experience, outcome of feedback. During these years we invited youngsters from Nepal, Kenya, Kurdistan-Iraq, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, France, Ireland, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine to the Netherlands to work together with us on the international basic program we were developing. By doing this we created an unique community and program by which the youngest generations are able to take action towards the society and future they want to achieve in collaboration wit local governments and partners who want to work with them together! 6

How we work

In ONE WORLDcitizens we facilitate change, made by youngsters for youngsters through help & development of ● ● ●

their idea for change skills to undertake their idea into action/start-ups with support from the community


From the Power of Youngsters and their Communities


By a Grassroots Movement of proactive youngsters from all over the world & the Mindset We Grow Together


With No One Left Behind, because we can’t succeed achievement of the Global Goals in 2030 if half of the world is held back! 7

In 2019 ONE WORLD Citizens has been guided by 3 Board members & Director To manage and support the OWC development & management


Eye openers, deepening of vision & what we learned from 2018 In our open innovation & experiment approach for design of the OWC Concept & Program WITH Youngsters in the lead 2018 brought us these great steps forward ●

ICT Basic skills are key for change in all countries and can be given by & for youngsters! ○ ICT BAsic training in Nepal and Kenya can be given by & for youngsters after schooltime ○ Schools and youth centers are able and willing to share their ICT rooms, electricity and if available internet so that the ICT basic training can be given after schooltime and in weekends. ○ It’s also important to provide ICT Basic training to teachers! ○ With the ICT Basic training ‘Train the Trainer’ the best trainees can become the next ICT Basic Trainers in their communities.

Young locals, newcomers and community leaders from migrant countries are important partner to achieve the Global Goals. ○ To achieve the Global Goals with No One Left Behind it’s important to bring these 3 groups of youngsters together to learn from each other, to share ideas and work on solutions for change together. They have 3 needs in common: education on sustainable issues, technology and social entrepreneurship! ○ From the different backgournd and lifestyles they have everything they need to learn from each other and create a sustainable society for everyone. By working together online, in teams, by social media! #WeGrowTogether 9

In 2019 we implemented the Global Concept, consisting of 4 elements a new infrastructure for Quality Education and action for change by & for youngsters ●

The OWC Pop Up School became the Living Legends school To share knowledge, expertise and good examples for change and help each other to work out ideas into projects or start-ups by training, coaching each other for development of all the skills needed.

Global Goals Hub To inspire, teach, empower & support each other offline & locally, to meet local parters for collaboration and to conduct the Dialogue with local policy makers.

OWC Global Community To share & copy ideas for change and help each other to work out ideas into local projects or social startups 24/7, online & with free access for all youth.

Global Partnerships To build a global network of partners who support sustainable initiatives for achievement of the Global Goals, undertaken by youngsters.


In 2019 we implemented our Global Program, consisting of 7 program activities â—? A total program for Quality Education for sustainalbe development, organized by & for youngsters â—? To achieve the Global Goals by #DailyAction with #NoOneLeftBehind

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Global Goals Rap Challenge YOUth for the Global Goals FUTURE ROOTS for Inclusion Collaboration Youth & Government We Grow Together; 2nd International Dialogue Conference for Social Inclusion Work of Basic Needs Friendwise Enterprise

These 7 program activities are complementair and given by young social entrepreneurs and youngsters, aged 10 to 30 years!


1. International Global Goals Rap Challenge 2019 Awareness about the Global Goals by making your Rap & Videoclip and become the Winner by the most likes on Facebook! 2019 ●

Follow up of the International Rap Challenge 2018 with the cities of Utrecht, Rheden, Nieuwegein, Rubavu/Rwanda en Kampala/Uganda.

VIsit to Rwanda in December 2019 to train artists and youngsters to give the Global Goals Rap Challenge to youngsters.

Preparation of the Remix that will be made based on the ‘UBUNTU Song for the Global Goals’ with artists from Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania and 3 cities from the Netherlands!


Global Goals Daily Action Challenge From awareness about the Global Goals to ACTION for Quality Education in IDP Camps in Kurdistan-Iraq 2019 ●

Visit OWC Kurdistan-Iraq Team in the Netherlands again

Collaboration with youth from Rosmalen and students from AVANS Den Bosch

With a sponsor run on a hot day in June by all pupils of EC ‘t Sparrebos, organized by AVANS students and Marieke Baten, one of the teachers!

With an amazing final amount of 6472,82 euro to contribute to Education about English, ICT, Agricultural Inovation for youngsters and a Greenhouse in Kurdistan-iraq. 13

2. YOUth for the Global Goals To teach each other about the 17 Global Goals, to inspire each other to find your idea for the Global Goals and take action! YOUth for the Global Goals by & for youngsters

2019: inside & outside school ●

CLick HERE to see one of the manuals

YOUth for the Global Goals as movement and education program by & for youngsters. Peer to peer education about the Global Goals @ schools: awareness, inspiration & action! With a Train the Trainer program to become a young Youth for the Global Goals trainer and spread the movement. And an online handout made with students of Fontys applied Psychology so that more and more youngsters, also in other countries can give the workshops to their peers and start projects for the Global Goals together. #PowerOfYoungsters


3. FUTURE ROOTS for Social Inclusion in Eindhoven and Rwanda For Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship to work out your idea for change into a local project or social startup! 2019 ● ●

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Follow Up of FUTURE ROOTS project for social inclusion in Eindhoven Empowerment and collaboration of young locals & young newcomers for social inclusion. Working out ideas for change into local projects and startups. Because in the 17 Global Goals so many innovation and new jobs are hidden! To make WORK, to create new emlpoyment for social and sustainable change in all countries. By starting from the example ICTalk, a social enterprise on ICT in Rwanda! 15

3. FUTURE ROOTS for Social Inclusion in Den Bosch Young locals & young migrants together for social inclusion 2019 ● ●

HUMANFEST @Youth Centre de Poort As finish of 9 month collaboration between young locals/students AVANS Social Work and young newcomers from Entree opleiding and the NGO More Than Refugees. 9 month in which they undertook workshops on photography, sports, cultural awareness, exchange of traditions & values, cooking. To create the feeling of being welcome in the Netherlands together and to shed a new light on migration, collaboration and social inclusion for all. 16

4. Collaboration Youth & Government To share new visions, ideas and work together on future oriented development and policy making 2019: Dialogue & Co-creation with Alderman Marcel Oosterveer from Eindhoven, Netherlands ●

During the Global Goals Hub in April 2019 to present the Global Goals Hub concept, the built network and projects for sustainlabe change, undertaken by youngsters in Eindhoven, Nepal, Kenya, Kurdistan-Iraq and Rwanda During dialogue sessions about how to work interntationally together for the Global Goals with No One Left Behind, bottom up, working on Basic Needs for all and real impact! Sharing ideas about the new Global Goals policymaking that will be launched in Eindhoven in 2020. 17

5. We Grow Together (WGT): 2nd international WGT Dialogue for Inclusion Conference Youth Exchanges to bring young locals and young migrants together to create and unndertake projects for a better life and future of young migrants and prevention of migration. 2019: 2nd WGT Dialogue for Inclusion Conference with 9 prject partners and youngsters from 14 countries! A 5-day Dialogue for Inclusion Conference. ●

To share vision & ideas for better integration of young newcomers and prevention of migration by job creation in homelands of young migrants. To confrim that young locals, newcomers and community leaders from migrant countries are the most important partners for achievement of the 17 Global Goals! To read the Report click HERE


6. WORK of Basic Needs -> Start WORK of Water project in Kenya By bringing youngsters from Eindhoven and Marsabit/Kenya online & offline together to work out solutions for Clean Drinkwater, Sanitation, Agriculture Innovation, Renewable Energy and Access to Internet, ICT & Technology

2019: KENYA - Peace building, Shepherd School & the 1st Water Filters in Marsabit! Step 1: Peace building by football tournamants to bring youngsters from the 8 tribes together and stop the fight for water and cattle by Education & Drinkwater solutions.

Step 2: Shepherd School for education of youth, women and morans who didn’t had access to education yet. Starting with Moms, the first teachers of youth! More than 80 women took part in 2019

Step 3: Start-up for Water Filters by collaboration with Chuijo Water Filters from Nairobi, Kenya. The first 35 water filters arrived to be shared to households to start a a very succesfull ‘try & buy’ research!

7. Friendwise Enterprise: joint projects & start-ups of youngsters from Rwanda, Netherlands & Nepal To realize Basic Needs & Social Inclusion for all by (joint) startups and employment for sustainable development

2019: Friendwise Enterprise in Rwanda & Nepal ●

Improvement of online collaboration on the OWC platform: the OWC Rwanda, Eindhoven and Nepal teams working together for ICT Basic Training in all countries. Great follow up of the ICT Basic Training & Train the Trainer program ‘by & for Youngsters’ in Rwanda on 5 locations with 4000 youngsters trained! Follow up of ICT & Technology for better access to water in Kalimati/Nepal, Agriculture Innovation in Bharatpur/Nepal in collaboration with students from TU/e Responsible Innovation Learning Line.


Sponsors & Investors: trust & support For the help we need to build an independent finanicial base in 2016-2025 Our ambition for the long term is to build a strong and indepentent financial base by the Power of the Community and social capital. By building such base the impact we make by our work becomes solid and reliable for the long term. To build this base we act in two ways: by the Community Based Financial Model and by making work, employment of basic needs. It takes some years to build the community based financial budget and recognition of the new employment. That’s why we are very grateful for the finanical support we received from our partners in 2019.


our partners 2019

our partners 2019

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