Nothing is impossible, everything is possible but We must Grow Together!
1 YOUth for the Global Goals Click on the photo on the left or HERE to view the video report of the International OWC EVENT 2016.
We achieve the Global Goals by working together from the grassroots.
Š 2020 Monique van Dam
Policy plan 2017-2020-2030
WITH entrepreneurial youth MORE future!
2 We are 1 world. Together we create a better world & future for everyone, including our earth.
We Grow Together! Š 2020 Monique van Dam
Content o
Why ONE WORLDcitizens (OWC)
Vision, mission & objectives
A new mindset & LIVING LEGENDS
OWC 13-year plan
Structure & focus 2017-2020-2030
OWC Pop Up School: by & for young people!
OWC Concept
3 Mail activities & 4 Sub-projects
Global coproduction
OWC Finance 2013-2017
Cooperation & Communication
More about the 4 Sub-projects
© 2020 Monique van Dam
Welcome In 2013-2017 we worked focused on development and recognition of our Global Concept and Program and to show that young people aged 10-30 years have to offer an essential contribution to our society. We have done this with young people from the Netherlands, Nepal, Rwanda, Kenya, Kurdistan Region of Iraq/Iraq, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ireland, Hungary, Albania, and Austria. During this period, we developed the OWC Concept and a 13-year plan, which enables us to support structural and global transition to a sustainable society and economy. At the same time young people started the first projects of the OWC Program, supported by social capital from local communities and financial investment of the City of Utrecht, Den Bosch, Eindhoven, Erasmus + and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. This 13-year plan started on January 1st, 2017 and runs until the end of 2030. This plan is directly connected to the 17 Global Goals for sustainable development, signed by 193 countries. By this 13-year plan we offer young people the knowledge, entrepreneurial skills, collaboration with policy makers and support within the international community, which are essential to actually achieve the 17 Global Goals in 2030 and provide our youth and the next generation a livable society, world and future. We are committed to this 13-year plan with passion, pleasure and all energy and time we can share. In this document we share all current information about ONE WORLDcitizens and the policy plan 2017-2020-2030. For anyone who wants to join, welcome and let us know! With love and entrepreneurial greetings, Monique van Dam Founder & Director
Š 2020 Monique van Dam
Why ONE WORLDcitizens (OWC) What we stand for OWC stands for "With entrepreneurial youth MORE future!". It is important that all young people (aged 10 to 30 years) are involved as equal, active partners in sustainable and social development. They are motivated and look differently at living together and the future. They come up with new, practical ideas for a better society that we all benefit from, including our earth. WITH youth1 we are much better able to tackle all challenges and opportunities for a sustainable society and future! What we are ONE WORLDcitzens Foundation is a Nonprofit Organization, founded in 2012, which connects young people worldwide to create the society and future they envision together. OWC consists of an international network of proactive, entrepreneurial young people aged 10-30 years, who are working together for Quality education on ICT, Technology and sustainability issues, but also on Empowerment, Social Entrepreneurship and Employment for sustainable change. They share, inspire and learn from and with each other, acting locally and internationally. In collaboration with an international network of partners who are willing to invest in social and sustainable initiatives of youngsters, by sharing knowledge, skills, stuff or money. What we believe in We are 1 world. We need each other to have future and to leave the future generations a livable world. The youngest generations - young people aged 10 to 30 - look differently at living together, care of the earth, education, work, power and money. They see new, practical solutions to improve society and lifestyles. It is important that they are heard, seen and seriously get the chance to develop their ideas for change into projects or startups. In favor of everyone! Young people aged 10-30 years are perfectly able to create quality education, social entrepreneurship and employment with and for each other and thus make an important contribution to the Global Goals, which connect us in a 15-year plan for sustainable development with No One Left Behind. If all generations and countries are willing to work together, we can achieve the 17 Global Goals in 2030!
The youngest generations are born to shape a new society and economy. They see practical, sustainable solutions to current social problems and thus have a vital contribution to global sustainable development!
Š 2020 Monique van Dam
Vision, mission & objectives Vision It is important that all young people get the opportunity to prepare themselves for the societal challenges that are playing now and in their future. So that they are able to contribute to solutions and innovation that are needed in their own environment now and in the future. Social and environmental change, but also circular economy and new youth employment in these areas2 are priority in this. It is therefore essential that all youth have access to education on sustainability issues and social entrepreneurship. So that they are able to create change with long term impact, by startups and employment for sustainable change. We see Quality Education, Social Entrepreneurship and Employment as most important elements to lay a solid base for social inclusion and sustainable change. Mission The current education system does not have enough time, attention and money to provide this necessary education about sustainable issues within school, study to youth. Therefore, we enable young people aged 10-30 years to create quality education, social entrepreneurship, startups and employment with and for each other. This they organize and perform for and with each other, thus contributing to 24/7, open source, quality education for all youth. Quality education, which prepares them for the future and challenges they are facing today or have to face in their future. Objectives 1. Young people inspire each other with innovative ideas, examples for change / innovation and create online quality education by sharing knowledge and experience. This they do on an international platform with free access for all youth. 2. Young people help each other to work out (new) ideas for change into local, social projects or enterprises by empowerment and entrepreneurship training and online mentorship, support. 3. Socially involved young people are taken seriously and collaborate with local policymakers on future-oriented development and policy making.
By recognition of the new employment that’s hidden in local social and sustainable innovation/change, we create new jobs for young people and contribute to the impact they can make by working out their ideas for change into social enterprises. As soon as all countries see the need of this new employment and help young entrepreneurs to start their social enterprises, more and more young people will be able to spend 40 hours or more per week to create big impact!
Š 2020 Monique van Dam
A new mindset & Living Legends ONE WORLD citizens is based on a new mindset to create a new togetherness and new ways of worldwide cooperation: • Every individual, every good idea and initiative for change counts • YOU - WE – EARTH – DIY & DIT YOU WE
You are important! You belong to the world, the society 100%*. You have your own talents and ideas and thus your important contribution to society: Your idea for change counts! We all are different and that's for a good reason! Each of us has his/her own talents, ideas, personal contribution to society. Together we are complete. Together we have all the ideas and solutions that we need to create a good and sustainable society and future for all. People and Earth belong together. We need each other to survive, live and to have future. Earth matters in everything we do and think for 100%. Do It Yourself & Do It Together. We can learn with and from each other. By sharing and helping we achieve much more!! Together we make a better world and future for everyone, including our earth.
OWC is online organized and facilitates Living Legends**, an international community and platform where young people aged 10-30 years share ideas for change and help each other to work out the ideas into a social project or startup, including a sustainable earning model and income. To contribute to long lasting change and impact. OWC also builds an international network of partners who are able and willing to invest in social initiatives, startups and new employment of Living legends, young people and the next generations. Locally and globally.
7 You belong to the world 100%
30 Human Rights We all have the same 30 Human Rights! The same rights to live, to be happy and healthy and to contribute with your idea for change.
A Shared ID is a possible solution to a social problem, that you work out into a social project or startup with the help of young people/peers, including earning model, to create income. I this way you can go for your solution/social startup 100%. You share your Shared ID with young people in other cities/countries. You help them to copy and startup the project or enterprise independently in their own area/country. In this way we can encourage a lot of innovation caused by young people: connected online, simple, accessible and fast. In this way young people from all countries can participate and help each other to make change in their own community, country and worldwide together. *You belong to the world, the society 100%! This applies to every human being. **The Living Legends concept is developed by young people themselves in 2013-2014. They see Living Legends as a network of Shared ID’s, because a better world starts WITH someone else.
© 2020 Monique van Dam
Click on the photo or HERE to view the YOUth & Rights videoclip ’30 mensenrechten’ made by Jermain Bridgewater and youth from Utrecht, Netherlands
OWC 13-year plan OWC chooses for a 13-year plan 2017-2030 in which young people, aged 10 to 30 years, get and take the opportunity to contribute to achievement of the 17 Global Goals. With their own initiatives, directly, working together. These 17 Goals are signed by 193 countries and we can see them as common goals that unites us to drive change worldwide together. A 13-year plan based on the 17 Global Goals, with No One Left Behind!
8 A 13-year plan with No One Left Behind! Because ‌ we cannot succeed if half of the world is held back!
Click on the photo or HERE to start the inspiring video
Š 2020 Monique van Dam
Structure & Focus 2017-2020-2030 Not everything can be done at once! If you choose a lot of goals, you only can achieve a little of every goal. If you choose to focus on a few goals, you can achieve them more quickly and completely. That’s why OWC chooses to focus on the Global Goals: 4, 5, 8 and 17 during her 13-year plan in 2017-2030
With these 4 Global Goals we contribute to Quality Education & ICT (for boys ánd girls); Youth Employment and Global Partnerships which strengthen achievement of all 17 Goals together. A 15-year plan with 2 lines of action: 1.
2017-2020 -> access for all youth to: • Quality Education • Social entrepreneurship and new Employment • Collaboration of Youth and Policymakers For good management of quality and further development of the OWC concept we chose that all subprojects in 2017 have to do with education, entrepreneurship and employment focused on these themes: • ICT and renewable energy • Basic Needs such as Water, Food/Agriculture Innovation and Renewable Energy. • Future Roots for social inclusion: projects that contribute to a better life and future perspective (basic needs, education, entrepreneurship and employment) of young migrants, youth in rural areas and low income communities.
2021-2030 -> access for all youth to essential requirements for personal and joint development: • 24/7 elektricity by renewable energy • Good internet & ICT • Smartphone and/or laptop • Employment & basic income
© 2020 Monique van Dam
9 Focus makes strong provides direction and enables you to achieve important goals faster and completely.
OWC Pop Up School: by & for young people! In addition to the education young people aged 10-25 years receive at schools and established knowledge institutions, young people from OWC are working on Quality Education about social and sustainability issues. The topics about which they need to know everything to be able to create solutions to the challenges in society and future.
In 2013-2017 an international team of youngsters devised how they would like to shape education with sharing knowledge, social entrepreneurship training and tools for cooperation with policymakers in OWC, in the combination of online and offline collaboration. This has led to the Global OWC Concept and Program, including the international OWC Pop Up School. The digital platform that supports the OWC Pop Up School will be improved and tested by a community of youngsters from Europe, Nepal, Kurdistan-Iraq and African countries in a four-year project from January 2017 to 2020, based on the 4 Global Goals and key issues as described on page 9. From 2021 we will expand the OWC concept to more countries. The OWC Pop Up School is about: •
Quality education that starts from practical, sustainable examples of projects, experiments, inventions and startups. It provides all the knowledge that you as youngster need to understand the example and answer the following questions: Why is this project, experiment, invention or startup important? How does it work? What is needed to implement this project, experiment, invention, startup in my own environment or lifestyle?
Empowerment & Social entrepreneurship training that makes young people aware of the talents and entrepreneurial skills they have and the extra skills they can develop. It gives them the faith and confidence in the (important) ideas for change they already have. This program teaches them how to develop their ideas for change into a social project or startup, including a sustainable revenue model. So that they can create their own employment and income by starting their startup for sustainable change.
Cooperation of youth and local government or policymakers in OWC is based on the dialogue. As soon as you are undertaking your idea for change you are an important dialogue partner for local government and policymakers who are responsible for future oriented development and policy. To participate in this cooperation, you need some tools and online training to conduct the dialogue!
© 2020 Monique van Dam
Young people aged 10-30 years inspire each other Learn from and with each other and work in co-creation for solutions to social problems.
Click on the photo or HERE to see (‘unfortunately’ in Dutch) that co-creation by & for young people works very well!
OWC Concept Quality Education, Social Entrepreneurship, Job creation and Collaboration of Youth and Policymakers we achieve with the local and international OWC concept:
Explanation of the concept 17 Global Goals are the starting point; these 17 goals we want to achieve in 2030 together! That's why we build the OWC Pop Up School: online, 24/7, open source, accessible for all youth, with basic knowledge about the Global Goals, current issues and solutions, with entrepreneurship training to undertake ideas for change yourself and with all tools and training you need to work together with policymakers. At the Global Goals Hub young people monthly get the stage to present their ideas, projects and startups and meet local partners ‘in real life’ for support of their projects or startups and to develop a sustainable business model. These projects and startups are also presented online from the Living Legends community to find new partners and investors. In this way we are working on new Youth Employment, that at the same time contributes to Social and Sustainable Innovation, a Sustainable Society & Economy and achievement of the 17 Global Goals with No One Left Behind!
© 2020 Monique van Dam
3 Main activities and 4 Subprograms In OWC young people take the lead to create change. For doing this they developed a total OWC Concept and Program, consisting of 3 main activities and 4 subprograms*: 1.
Awareness about the Global Goals & Quality education on Sustainable issues 1) YOUth for the Global Goals
Empowerment & Social entrepreneurship to undertake ideas/projects/startups for change 2) Future Roots for Inclusion, 3) Work of Basic Needs
Collaboration & Dialogue with Government and Policymakers 4) WGT Dialogue Collaboration with Youth and Policymakers/Government
With the 4 subprograms we focused on the priorities 2017-2030: • Awareness about the 17 Global Goals (SDGs) • Education about sustainable issues, ICT and Technology • Empowerment & Social Entrepreneurship • Basic Needs: Water, Food, Renewable Energy • Inclusion by a better life and future perspective (through basic needs, education, entrepreneurship, employment) of youngsters in developing countries in general, young migrants and youth in remote areas. Each subprogram is led by a Living Legend, a young social entrepreneur who wants to be committed for four years to the Living Legends core team, so that the whole OWC concept and quality can become very strong within these 4 years. OWC facilitates Living Legends who work as program leaders with social capital, support of local partners to undertake their programs and committed local authorities/partners. If available we facilitate basic income3 for the program owners until 2030. With every program owner a 'partner agreement' will be compiled and signed, in which cooperation, mutual expectations and compensation are recorded. 3
The sustainable idea behind basic income for all project owners looks like this: Young people who undertake their ideas for change with passion and full commitment earn a basic income as long as their startup not yield sufficient income. For this basic income they work 20 hours per week in their OWC sub-project, but also carry out other assignments in addition to their OWC project. In this way the young entrepreneurs don’t become entirely depending on OWC and have to retain the challenge to keep on making their enterprise and income independent and stronger themselves.
© 2020 Monique van Dam
12 WITH entrepreneurial youth MORE future!
Global coproduction 2017-2030 • • •
By connecting, encouraging and empowering young people all over the world online, they will be able to take initiative and create change in their own environment themselves and together. By helping them to develop social entrepreneurship and develop their own startups, they will be able to contribute to implementation of sustainable change and their own employment/income. With the online OWC concept - in which young people take the lead - we can contribute to a low-budget grassroots movement, international scale-up and long term cooperation of young people and local Stakeholders who want to support the startups of young people.
Focus on online cooperation In 2017-2030 OWC focuses on online cooperation with young people and NGO’s from different countries. In 2017-2030 especially with European and African countries, Kurdistan (Region Iraq) and Nepal. Our main goal is to organize good examples of sustainable change and the online education that’s needed to implement the examples in other countries, combined with, social entrepreneurship training to work out the examples into local social startups. Working together within an online international community in which we work together, help and coach each other by basic formats. In this way we think we can contribute to access to the OWC network for all youth in 2021-2030, in the best way. Meanwhile in 2017-2030 OWC will enlarge the network of local stakeholders and international partners, policymakers to make them aware of the importance of young people’s contribution to innovation, which should be seen as new youth employment. But also to ask them to support a first basic income for all project leaders, who are involved as key partners in the Global OWC concept 2017-2030. Youth Exchanges to empower the sub-program leaders To empower and to train program leaders who are involved as key partners in the Global OWC concept also offline/in real life, OWC will organize international We Grow Together Youth Exchanges and Trainer the Trainer weeks in the Netherlands or in the participating countries itself as soon as we succeed in collecting the money we need to invite the project leaders to the Netherlands or to travel to their countries in 2017-2020. Until then we will work together online, free and 24/7 accessible. Focus on basic income for sub-project-leaders 2017-2020 2017-2020 is the period in which we complete the OWC concept, as base of the 13-year plan in the countries as mentioned above (see first paragraph). To give quality to this process OWC chooses to focus on finding long term investors (instead of short term fundraising) who are willing to contribute to the basic income of the subprogram owners we need to complete the whole OWC concept in 2017-2020. Fundraising for materials and needs of the sub-programs The program leaders take responsibility to find a way to get the materials and first needs for their projects themselves. This can be done by help of youngsters of the OWC Network who organize fundraising activities themselves, by OWC Network partners who are willing to share knowledge, expertise, resources (=social capital) or by writing (small) grant applications.
© 2020 Monique van Dam
13 Focus helps us to create access for all youth & worldwide cooperation in 2020-2030.
Finding long term investors is the way to create a new infrastructure in which we provide equality education, social entrepreneurship, youth employment and future perspective within local communities for young people and the next generations in all countries.
Social Capital leads to independence more social startups and improvement of the local economy.
Investment OWC Finance 2013 - 2018 Collaboration in OWC is based on sharing and helping. A basic working style that gives all young people access to the OWC concept, now and in the future. A process that also allows us to continue to scale up basic needs and sustainable development globally without large sums of money, no matter what. Social Capital - valued with points for personal involvement - is an important tool in our approach to share knowledge, expertise and resources, while creating locally inspiring examples of projects, startups and employment with young people. Employment, which in the near future (once partners, local authorities, national governments, businesses and other organizations would contribute) will be paid in local money. In 2013-2018 OWC invested in good relationships with three Municipalities, a Ministry and the EU to organize development of the first OWC sub-projects and income for some of the project owners with financial support of them. And we succeeded! The Cities of Utrecht, ’s Hertogenbosch, Eindhoven, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and the European Erasmus+ program invested and invest during 2013-2018 to OWC & initiative of young people in this way: Year 2015-2017 2016-2018 2016-2017 2017 2018 2014-2016 2017-2018
Investor Utrecht Utrecht ’s Hertogenbosch ’s Hertogenbosch ’s Hertogenbosch Eindhoven Eindhoven
Project Global Goals Rap Challenge Global Goals Rap Challenge YouthStart Nederland Quality Education Global Goals Global Awareness Friendwise Enterprise with young people from Rwanda and Nepal
2018 2015 2015-2016 2016 2016-2017
Eindhoven Ministry I en M Ministry I en M Ministry I en M Ministry I en M
Daily Action for the SDG’s Pilot Dialogue project Youthparticipation MOOA School Network OWC Youth Taskforce
2013-2014 2016-2017 2016
Erasmus+ Erasmus+ Summa College
Social Capital
OWC Event 2014 We Grow Together/ Future Roots World citizenship day by and for young people ONE WORLDcitizens Foundation
Thema 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development eQuality Education & social entrepreneurship Education on sustainable issues & projects Youth Hall in IDP Camp Ashty OWC event 2014, 2015, 2016 ICT, Technology & Startup Hubs & online platform empower Education, Entrepreneur-ship, employment, (joint) social enterprises Global Goals Hub & Stakeholders Network Dialogue youth & policymakers Collaboration with policymakers Dialogue youth & policymakers Structureel meedenken met beleidsmedewerkers binnen I en M Dialogue youth & policymakers Youth Exchange Social Entrepreneurship Workshops about the Global Goals, Entrepreneurship and Circular economy Management and International networking, to the value of € 75.000,00 Total investment by partners
Investering* 2.000,00 18.000,00 39.000,00 37.000,00 2.300,00 5.000,00 60.000,00
20.000,00 2.500,00 30.000,00 6.400,00 34.000,00 28.000,00 54.000,00 1.200,00 0,00 € 339.400,00
*All investment has been spent on basic income for the Living Legends team (youngsters who led the 8 subprograms), according project plans and to bring youngsters together during youth exchanges. All other work has been done by volunteering.
© 2020 Monique van Dam
14 In ONE WORLDcitizens Investing in youth and their future means: TRUST in what young people SEE where they really want to go for what they BELIEVE in. INVESTING in what they want to DO for a better society and future. HELPING them by sharing knowledge, expertise and resources.
Living Legends Team
& OWC Board
15 We all are different and that's for a good reason! Each of us has his/her own talents, ideas and personal contribution to society. Together we are complete. Together we have all the ideas and solutions that we need to create a good and sustainable society and future for all.
Š 2020 Monique van Dam
Cooperation & Communication Online cooperation In OWC, we work together on projects, especially online. Both with young people and partners. In this way (online) we save time, travel costs and energy. By doing this we can also coordinate multiple projects by a small OWC Core team.
These social media channels we use to cooperate in the sub-projects: •
• • •
The LIVING LEGENDS Community platform o to work together in management- and project teams, in collaboration with knowledge and expertise partners. o to share Education (e-learning), training and tools. o to share report of all projects and startups of Living Legends. Fb video, Skype and ZOOM for online consultation The ONE WORLDcitizens website: for Blogs about the OWC 13-year plan and projects. Instagram (oneworldcitizens), Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (@sharedid) to share progress and report ‘with the World’.
To cooperate with partners we use: • • • • •
Email Phone Skype, ZOOM The ONE WORLDcitizens website: for Blogs about the OWC 15-year plan and projects. The LIVING LEGENDS Community platform: to share about projects and help questions
For general information and communication regarding ONE World Citizens, please contact Monique van Dam: For contact and information about the sub-projects, please contact the sub-project owners4
Contact details of the subproject owners can be found on the next page.
© 2020 Monique van Dam
OWC opt for online organizing and collaborating Online organized means: operating low budget, low fixed costs. By online collaboration We can cooperate 24/7, saving time, travel expenses and energy.
More about the 4 subprojects 4 1 2
Sub-projects YOUth for the Global Goals Global Goals Rap Challenge FUTURE ROOTS for Inclusion We Grow Together Youth Exchange YOUthStart Training Work of Basic Needs Work of Basic Needs/Water Work of Basic Needs/Food Work of Basic Needs/Ren. Energy Work of Basic Needs/ICT Friendwise Enterprise WGT Dialogue Conference Collaboration Youth & Government
Project owner Monique van Dam Jean Paul NDUWIMANA, Rwanda Monique van Dam Monique van Dam Monique van Dam Monique van Dam Augustine Lenamoi Pradeep Sapkota Monique van Dam Yvan Manzi Monique van Dam Monique van Dam Monique van Dam
Email address
Youth for the Global Goals
17 Get to know the 17 Global Goals with the Global Goals Rap Challenge Like during the Rap-workshop about the Global Goals in BosniĂŤ-Herzegovina at FutureA 2016.
<<< Click on the picture or HERE to read more about this sub program. Click on the picture or HERE to watch one of the 20 mini-video clips that were made during the Festival in June 2016.
Š 2020 Monique van Dam
FUTURE ROOTS for Inclusion
18 <<< Click on the picture or HERE to read more about this sub program.
WORK of Basic Needs
<<< Click on the picture or HERE to read more about this sub program.
© 2020 Monique van Dam
We Grow Together Dialogue Conference
19 <<< Click on the picture or HERE to read more about this sub program.
Social entrepreneurship = thé key to change!
We Grow Together Youth Exchange 2016 With 30 youngsters from 5 countries.
Collaboration with Government (unfortunately only in Dutch): the video ‘Verslag Jongeren aan het (be)stuur!’
<<< Click on the picture or HERE to watch the video.
© 2020 Monique van Dam
Click on the photo or HERE to view and hear how the participants see the importance of social entrepreneurship.
Epilogue With this document we shared about our vision, a 13-year plan, global concept, program and projects that form the foundation of our grassroots movement towards achieving the 17 Global Goals and a better society and future for all, including our Earth. We hope you got aware and inspired about the change we can make all together. Change, starting with Basic Needs for all people, with No One Left Behind, because we cannot succeed making a better world if half of the world is held back! As you have read, we focus on the Global Goals with No One Left Behind, starting with enabling young people to undertake projects and startups that contribute to social inclusion and basic needs of all young people. Because basic needs for everyone enable us to start the next steps towards a sustainable society, economy and future all together! We need each other to make the big shift we need globally to provide our youth, our children and next generation a livable world and future. That’s why the OWC community of youngsters came up with We Grow Together, starting from a new mindset, a new togetherness and 17 common goals that can unite us until 2030 and longer if we like! Every individual, every good idea and initiative for change counts! So do YOU. If you got inspired and want to join the Global OWC Community, you’re heartily welcome! Please visit our ONE WORLDcitizens website, contact us by or meet us in one of the Global Goals Hubs. We look forward to meet you! On behalf of the OWC & Living Legends Team Monique van Dam
© 2020 Monique van Dam