ICTalk & ICT Basic Training Rwanda
“We Grow Together With No One Left Behind”
Startup & contact details -
Project name: ICT Basic Training in Rwanda/2019 Project team: MANZI Yves; NDUWIMANA Jean Paul Address: Kigali, Rwanda Contact details: –Phone: +250780346779 / +250788308567 -Email: manziy9@gmail.com / noopja@gmail.com -Twitter: @rex_yvan / @noopja -Instagram: @yvanrex/ @noopja Website: www.necessarygeneration.org/www.ictalkrwanda.com Facebook page:-ICTalk Rwanda - Necessary Generation
OUR team Name:Jean Paul, Age:37, Place: Kigali, Role: Coordinator
Name:Yvan, Age:23, Place: Kigali, Role: Project Leader
Name:Adam, Age:20, Place: Kigali, Role: Trainer
OUR TEAM Name: Gatare, Age:21, Place: Kigali, Role: Trainer
Name: Masunzu, Age:30, Place: Rusizi, Role: Trainer
The WHOLe TEAM (Group) Picture or other image
Progress of project To start with, we want to thank God who gave us courage, skills & knowledge to do this project. We also want to thank OWC(One world Citizen) community who took the first step and started this project and also Necessary Generation & ICTalk for keeping it active in Rwanda. So far now the progress made is very admirable and the results are mesmerizing because we have around 400 trainees now. Of course, we have some challenges like being few in number, running short on budget to carry on the project. People are enjoying the project mostly those in rural areas because they are the ones still behind in ICT skills and we are still ready to provide more skills. We have made a very good progress in the previous year of 2019 but we wish to do more in this year of 2020. That’s why we request everyone’s support to help us develop our local communities because they need this more than ever. Imagine a country where every citizen has 21st century basic ICT skills but that can’t be achieved by only us. Everyone’s contribution is needed because we believe that ‘Together We can’
Pictures – G.S Cyahafi Picture
Pictures-Rusizi Yego Center Picture
Pictures-KAGARAMA SECONDARY School Video
Pictures-G.S SHELI
CertiďŹ cate ceremony- All Sites Video
Follow up So far, our achievements made us the main topic countrywide. Every one talks about our big vision and surely we can’t stop realizing our big dream. On agenda, this 2020 program will focus on reaching other different regions of the country and bring ICT there. Train the trainer program: In this program, after our basic program, we go back where we trained to train again the best ones among trainees, and make them future trainers in their areas. We can achieve bringing ICT in all corners of the country only if we use this strategy. We make ICT a living thing in every community where we pass. Smart Phone Basic Training: To bring ICT to everyone, the Government of Rwanda started a program called “Connect Rwanda”, where they distribute Smart Phone to every citizen especially the ones from the village. Although it’s a smart initiative, the challenge is that the citizens don’t have skills of using the smart phones given to them. We designed a project of reaching all community members at their places and train them how to use them. This is a necessary activity, intending to bring ICT to everyone and connect all Rwandans using ICT as it is the only tool to enable all community members to adapt themselves to this digital world.