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Future Roots international program for inclusion by social entrepreneurship and employment for sustainable change
By & for youngsters 13-30 years to contribute to achievement of the Global Goals for sustainable development in 2030!
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International Future Roots program
Global awareness about inclusion by Quality Education, Empowerment, Social Entrepreneurship and Employment for sustainable change Smart inclusion & entrepreneurial prevention of migration By & for young locals and young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in 2018-2030
Future Roots The World is changing Education-, Society-, Government systems are changing … for a good reason! Changing towards a new togetherness for sustainable development Supported by the 17 common Global Goals, signed by 193 countries People are moving, collaborating for a better life and future for all, including our Earth That’s why chose for Future Roots: Inclusion by quality education, social entrepreneurship and employment on sustainable change! Focus Future Roots 2018 to 2020: working with youngsters for youngsters, aged 10 to 30 years, from all backgrounds, education, cultures & youngsters in rural areas, young migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, drop outs and unemployed youngsters. bringing them together to create a better life and future perspective with & for each other, by empowerment of employment for sustainable change.
#17GlobalGoals by #DailyAction with #NoOneLeftBehind and making #WorkOfBasicNeeds #WeGrowTogether
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About Future Roots In OWC & the YouthStart European Entrepreneurship Network an international community of proactive, entrepreneurial youngsters, aged 10-30 years, works on achievement of the 17 Global Goals for sustainable development in 2030. Why? Because these goals are all about creating a better life, world and future and are signed by the leaders of 193 (almost all!) countries. By the Global Goals manifest we can join our individual, local and global power and work internationally together to achieve common goals, which makes us as European/Global citizens much stronger to really change the world! For contribution to achievement of the Global Goals in 2030 we choose for a workstyle based on Daily Action, with No One Left Behind and making Work of Basic Needs. For this we focus on the Global Goals 4, 5, 7, 8,11, 12, 17 and good internet for all youth. By this we share quality education about sustainable issues and foster local projects/startups for sustainable change and job creation, undertaken by youngsters from all backgrounds together. Because we think by doing this young people can deliver a huge impact to inclusion and future perspective of all youngsters. With No One Left Behind means we focus on the target groups: young migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, youngsters in rural areas, drop outs, unemployed youngsters. For their inclusion we developed the Future Roots program. In this program we work with mixed groups of local youngsters, young migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, youngsters in rural areas, drop outs, unemployed youngsters. The program always starts with sharing life stories to get better understanding of live situations, cultures and backgrounds of each other and find the most important basic needs to make first steps towards a better life and future of the participants. From this point in the program, the YouthStart Basic training is used for empowerment and social entrepreneurship in order to enable the group to find solutions/ideas for their basic needs and to work the ideas out into local projects or start-ups. Not only for themselves, but for more youngsters. Both the Future Roots program and the YouthStart Basic training are organized and taught by young people (young youth workers, volunteers, students), outside school. In advance, these young people take part in a special Train the Trainer and Leadership program, given by young professionals. In this way we can say: with Future Roots we contribute to inclusion of all youngsters by social entrepreneurship and employment. Because by being entrepreneurial you can not only take initiative to change your life, life of others, the society, the world. But also create your own employment and income. Employment means you take part in the society, the local community. Income makes you independent, increase your self-esteem and ability to be entrepreneur of your life and future. So far about the background of Future Roots. In 2016 OWC, IKSZE, IFTE, BDF and Foróige organized the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange We Grow Together (video) with 30 youngsters from their countries to ask them: what you see as first steps to make change towards a better world and future for yourself and other youngsters? Their answer: we see social entrepreneurship and being part of a network of likeminded youngsters as key to change! After We Grow Together 2016, we choose to continue collaboration with focus on development of a long term program and youth exchanges for ‘Inclusion of all youngsters by Quality Education, Empowerment, Social Entrepreneurship and Employment for sustainable change’. And building a network of pioneers from all kind of cultures, backgrounds, life situations and expertise, who wanted to take part in this European/Global program and movement. From this focus we developed the international Future Roots program for smart inclusion of young migrants and entrepreneurial prevention of migration. In 2017 the first Youth Exchange Future Roots Experience took place with 30 youngsters from 10 countries: Albania, Austria, Romania, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Kurdistan-Iraq, Syria and Netherlands. This 10-day program proved that youngsters and young migrants can mean a lot to integration and prevention of migration by the
Page |4 project ideas they made. From this experience we continue development of the whole program in 2018, by organizing the Youth Worker Exchange ‘Future Roots Community Trainer & Community Leader’. The Future Roots program is supported by the (online) OWC Global Community and YouthStart European Entrepreneurial Network in which all Future Roots participants/members are welcome to stay connected for follow up, collaboration and support as long as they want. The program itself exists of 4 parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Future Roots Experience*: for better understanding of migration & integration, basic needs and to create your local project for a better life of young migrants or prevention of migration. Future Roots Community Trainer: to become trainer of the Future Roots Experience program to train and support more youngsters and young migrants to take action for a better life of young migrants or prevention of migration. Future Roots Community Leader**: To organize and expand the Future Roots program locally and coordinate your local Future Roots team. Start your NGO**: to organize the Future Roots program locally and facilitate Future Roots Youth Exchanges (with support of Erasmus+) A yearly WGT Dialogue for Inclusion to share vision, action, projects, startups for inclusion, undertaken y youngsters, with local and European policy makers. To contribute to European collaboration and Daily action for inclusion and policy making.
By this program youngsters and young migrants (asylum seekers, refugees, dropouts and unemployed youngsters) of 13-30 years start by the experience that they can be entrepreneurs of local projects for smart integration or entrepreneurial prevention themselves. By this they can choose to inspire and train other youngsters in this program. *The Future Roots Experience has a basic program for youngsters 13-30 years, that can be used/copied in all cities by the Future Roots Community Trainer. A basic program in 2 varieties: 1. For groups of youngsters and young migrants, asylum seekers and refugees to work on projects for better integration in their cities/villages. 2. For groups of youngsters to work on prevention of migration and job creation of youngsters in their cities/villages/country. **After finishing part 3: ‘Future Roots Community Leader’ program the participants will be supported by NGO’s in their countries (IFTE, YEA, BDF, Foroige, Youth Spirit and OWC) to organize the Future Roots program in their city/village. After finishing part 4: ‘Start your NGO’ participants are able to organize the Future Roots program and (Erasmus+) Youth Exchanges from their own NGO. By doing this, the program can scale up faster, more dynamic in more cities/villages and countries the next years. By these 4 steps program we as project partners want to facilitate, inspire and support as much as possible youngsters, young migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, dropouts and unemployed youngsters, to take action for smart inclusion of young migrants and entrepreneurial prevention of migration for the long term! In addition, we offer participants an international base for self-development and collaboration in an online community of likeminded youngsters. Fore info or questions, please contact Monique van Dam,