Introduction WGT Entrepreneurship program

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We are ONE WORLD Citizens. An international network of youngsters, aged 10 – 30 years to achieve the 17 Global Goals by Daily Action With No One Left Behind, because we can’t succeed if half of the world is held back. #WeGrowTogether

Good news! We have 17 Global Goals that connect us worldwide in action for a better world and future of all These 17 Goals are signed by 193 country leaders and should be achieved in 2030.



We choose to contribute to achievement of the 17 Global Goals by making WORK of Basic Needs for all! â—?

Basic Needs: ICT - Water - Food - Renewable Energy - Good Internet


WORK of Basic Needs by 1.

ICT Basic training & Train the Trainer program


Social Entrepreneurship Basic training & Train the Trainer program


Sharing good examples of startups for Basic Needs with youngsters from different countries (online) and help each other to copy and implement the startups in other countries. #WeGrowTogether with #NoOneLeftBehind 4

1. ICT Basic Training ... :-)

The Train the Trainer program enables us to train more and more youngsters to become ICT Basic trainer and spread the ICT Basic training through whole Rwanda and other countries, by & for youngsters and teachers who wanna help (during or after school time). 5

2. Social Entrepreneurship Basic training From March to end of August 2019 In collaboration with teams from 7 countries, sharing experience, questions and research about new earning models.



Egbert Dahl

Piyush Modi

Tim Bertens

Empowerment & Entrepreneurship Basic trainer.

Visuals & Advanced Entrepreneurship trainer.

Smartphone video making & PR trainer 7

We Grow Together Goals This program we start ●

to work out our ideas/projects into Social Enterprises;

to learn and grow together as ‘wanna be’ Social Entrepreneurs;

to find (new) earning models for our different enterprises together; ○ to create sustainable income for ourselves and innovations; ○ to become independent from grants and investors;

to present our Social Business Models in case we need microfinance / seed funding

But most of all: ○ because we are very curious if we succeed starting our Social Enterprises and first income by the WGT online free program. ○ VERY curious because: if we succeed as the first team, other youngsters can succeed in future too! 8

General information ●

We invite you to follow the program as 1 team online. By sharing experience, presentations, feedback and help questions with each other in the WGT Entrepreneurship Facebook group and on Google Drive.

Per country/city you can choose to work in teams offline together, especially during the empowerment workshops in the weeks: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

March 16 - 22 March 23 - 29 March 30 - April 5 April 20 - 26 May 25 - 31

In these weeks it could be good to meet 3-4 hours with the team (a group of friends) to do the workshops or presentations together. ●

In the other weeks you can work alone on the online workshops if you want. You can always share experience and questions in the WGT Entrepreneurship Facebook group. 9

The program From the 1st week of March to end of August ● ●

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The basic training workshops we will do as participants in March - April. In the 1st week of May we all present a presentation and short video about our Social Business Model in our country/city/village teams. The videos and Business models will be shared online on the OWc Website. In May we start customer research and we work on our earning models with help of each other, experts/Business Innovation Students from the Netherlands and our countries. End of May we present to an audience of friends, family, local stakeholders and (new) investors for the seed funding/microfinance that we might need for our Social Enterprises. In June - August we take part in the ‘follow-up’ courses*, we keep sharing knowledge, experience and research for good earning models.

*(Digital) Marketing; PR & Communication; Management; Finance & Administration; Blogging; Vlogging; How to get followers by social media; etc. 10

Take it easy! ●

We have a general program and schedule, which is only a guideline

If you are not able to join during some weeks, don’t worrie you can always work in your own ritme. We keep sharing and supporting each other in the WGT Entrepreneurship Fb group.

In March we will bring instruction videos online on our password protecte website, that you can find by this link: and the password: WGT2019


The weekly program


The weekly program


The weekly program


The weekly program


Communication plan During the 6 month program we can communicate by: ●

The WGT Facebook group:

A w’app group

Fb or w’app video call

Google Drive: Docs, Slides, Spreads, Forms


Let’s work together, let’s make it happen! Warm greetings, Monique 16

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