INVITATION & INFO Dialogue for Inclusion Conference 2018

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The Dialogue for Inclusion Social Inclusion, better integration and prevention of migration, we make it happen from the Power of our Communities and Youngsters! Working together as young locals, YMRAs* and Policymakers, as citizens of 1 world. By collaboration, sharing and helping each other, online and offline, globally and locally.

*YMRAs: Young Migrants, Refugees and Asylum seekers

Content Dialogue for Inclusion Conference 2018 ● Why the 3-day Dialogue for Inclusion Conference ● How the 3-day Dialogue for Inclusion Conference works ● Team leaders from 11 countries ● Dialogue topics, format ● 3-day Conference program ● Inclusion Concert

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Preparation 3-day Dialogue for Inclusion Conference 2018 ● Participation & Registration ● Preparation Activites ● Location 3-day Conference

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Background & History of the Dialogue for Inclusion ● How we came to the importance of the Dialogue ● The 17 SDGs: perfect instrument for EU Agenda ● How we came to this vision & action 2015 - today ● Contact details

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Europe is working to turn MIGRATION from a challenge into an opportunity.


Why the 3-day Dialogue for Inclusion Conference Worldwide a lot of young people are leaving their countries for important reasons. Some of them have to flee to stay alive, for safety. Some of them leave because of lack of basic needs, employment and future perspective. By this situation better integration of young migrants, refugees, asylum seekers (YMRAs) and prevention of migration have become priority topics in local, national and international communities and policy makers' agendas *. Youngsters from different continents and countries have a new common vision on social inclusion and sustainable development. They work together on practical solutions and a worldwide basic concept for better integration and prevention of migration of their peers worldwide. For both reasons it’s important that youngsters, policymakers and local governments conduct the dialogue on social inclusion and prevention of migration regularly. As well locally as internationally. To share vision, practical solutions for development of future oreinted policy making and work together on these priority topics. Youngsters and policymakers can achieve more together. To start this regular dialogue locally and globally, we organize the International Dialogue for Inclusion 2018 on September 13 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Followed up in July 18, 2019. In 2018-2019 the Dialogue for Inclusion will continue locally in the 7 European and Partner countries, who organize this first Dialogue for Inclusion 2018 in collaboration with Erasmus plus. By the Dialogue for Inclusion young locals, YMRAs, European and local policymakers can face all challenges on Migration together and create concrete, long term solutions! *Read more about the EU Commission and their work towards the European Agenda on Migration: European Commission website. 4

How the 3-day Dialogue for Inclusion Conference works By support of a Erasmus plus KA3 grant we are able to organize the first 3-day Dialogue for Inclusion Conference with 7 NGO’s from Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, France, Romania, Sweden and the Netherlands. For this 3-day conference we invite 100 youngsters, aged 13 to 30 years to come together in Eindhoven to participate in the Dialogue for Inclusion 2018. Among them 70 youngsters and young migrants from our 7 NGO networks and 30 more youngsters and YMRAs from the Netherlands. They will work 3 days together to contribute to a new, shared vision on social inclusion, prevention of migration and recommendations for future oriented EU policymaking on these topics. Besides this they will share the wonderful projects and solutions they already undertake in their own cities during the ‘Solution for Inclusion Market’ on Day 2. The 100 youngsters will meet on September 12 to prepare the Dialogue and Solution Market they undertake on September 13. On September 13, the ‘Dialogue for Inclusion’ will take place with European and local policymakers who are invited to participate in the Dialogue for Inclusion Day. On September 14 the youngsters will work together on recommendations and the activity plan 2018-2019 for follow-up of the Dialogue Conference 2018. A follow up that will contribute to final recommendations that will me made during the 3-day Dialogue for Inclusion Conference 2019. This will be hold in July 2019. By organizing the 3-day conference this way, youngsters, YMRAs and policymakers can create shared vision, ideas, collaboration and mutual support for betterment of integration and prevention of migration. By this and the local and international Dialogue for Inclusion Conferences that will be organized in 2018-2030 by the 7 project countries, we can make more impact in Europe and beyond, altogether.


Team leaders from 11 countries work together for organization of the Dialogue Conference

Alfonz from Albania

Martha from Netherlands

Valentin from Austria

Pradeep from Nepal

Izudin from Bosnia (BiH)

Abdoul from France

Obed & Team from Rwanda

Laurentiu from Romania

Augustine & Team from Kenya

Gunilla from Sweden

Ernest from Netherlands

Karzan & Team from Kurdistan-Iraq


Dialogue conference with focus on 2 topics & Preview Solution Market Better Integration of YMRAs

Prevention of Migration of Youngsters

What do young newcomers need for better integration, social inclusion in their new home country and local community?

How can young locals contribute to better integration, a better life and future perspective of YMRAs in their cities, local communities?

How can young locals, young newcomers and policymakers work together for better integration?

What do young people need to prevent them leaving the country, for prevention of migration?

How can young locals work together for a better life, employment and future perspective of youngsters in their home country, local communities?

How can young people, local communities and policy makers work together for prevention of migration of youngsters?

Preview Solution Market …. -

Being part of a community of local youngsters Quality Education, ICT, Technology Empowerment & Social Entrepreneurship Language courses Local ICT & Startup Hub And more interesting ideas, projects ... 7

Dialogue format for concrete outcome Dialogue play rules

The Dialogue in 4 rounds ●

Round 1: Introduction -> Who are you and what is your connection with the dialogue topic on the table?

Round 2: Experience -> What personal experience do you have with the dialogue topic/question?

Round 3: Dream -> If there are no limitations, if everything would be possible: how would you describe the most ideal situation of the dialogue topic? How does it look?

Round 4: Do -> What is the 1st step you can take/make towards your ideal situation? Which steps can we do together?

Wished outcome …. ● ●

Shared vision, practical ideas, examples for better integration and prevention of migration. First steps and appointments for action that can be made by young locals, YMRAs and policymakers. 8

Program 3-day Conference Day 1. Welcome & Preparation day

Day 2. Dialogue Day

Day 3. Evaluation & Co-creation

10.00 10.30

10.00 10.45 rules 11.00 11.30

Opening Dialogue Conference Dialogue: introduction & play


Reflection & Evaluation Dialogue outcome Co-creation collaboration with Policymakers and 1st draft EU recommendations


Lunch & Solution Market



3rd round: Dream 4th round: Do Sharing Dialogue experience & first outcomes Break & Meet


Evaluation 3-day conference Youthpass Co-creation plan follow-up local Dialogues for Inclusion ‘18-’19 Erasmus+ Solidarity fund Announcement Dialogue for Inclusion Conference in July 2019




Cultural evening & party


Welcome & Opening Conference Outcome Life Story Research EU Agenda for Migration Who are we?



13.30 16.30 17.00

Dialogue Introduction & Exercise Sharing Experience & Outcome Solution Market: 1-minute Pitch

14.15 15.45 16.15





We Grow Together evening Collaboration for change with your S2M Passport

18.30 20.00


1st round: Introduction 2nd round: Experience

Dinner Inclusion Concert by Jermain Bridgwater & the Wontas* and Global Guests The End for today


Inclusion concert The Dialogue for Inclusion Conference ends up with an amazing INCLUSION CONCERTt, led by Jermain Bridgewater! Jermain is Rapper & Entrepreneur, but also International leader of the Global Goals Rap Challenge, in which he connects young people from all over the world for awareness of the 17 Global Goals for Sustainlabe Development and thier ideas for Daily Action to achieve them. A small preview of the Musicians who will colour the Inclusion Concert on September 13, starting 8 pm ... ●

Jermain Bridgewater & the Wontas!

Winner of the National Global Goals Rap Challenge 2018

Global Guests …


Participation Participation by 3 options Option 1: Participation in the 3-day conference on September 12,13, 14. For this conference youngsters will be invited by the project partners: YEA, IFTE, BDF, Massiliazoom, Youth Spirit, ENTER Sweden, ONE WORLDcitizens or by one of the Dutch organizations that will take part in the Solution for Inclusion Market. Option 2: Participants in the dialogue day on 13 September will be personally invited by ONE WORLD citizens or can send a motivation email to get a free entrance card. Don’t wait too long! Besides the 100 youngsters and policymakers, there is limited space for extra participants in the Dialogue. Option 3: Participation in the INCLUSION CONCERT on September 13 from 8 pm is open (free entrance) for everyone.

Participation We heartily invite you to be part of the Dialogue for Inclusion Conference! We look forward to make impact for better inclusion and prevention of migration with you and all participants, together! @ Option1: To organize everything well, we need a completed and signed registration form. You find the form attached to the ‘Invitation & Information Email’. Please send the registration form by clear scan or picture before August 25 to @ Option 2: If you’re invited by OWC, please fill the registration form and send it signed by email to @ Option 3: Please let us know by email that you come. You don’t have to fill in the registration form.


Preparation activities Preparation questionaire In preparation of the Dialogue for Inclusion Conference and the Dialogue Day we ask all participants to take part in a pre dialogue activity, by filling in The WGT Dialogue questionaire about vision, ideas on the 2 main topics: Better Integration and Prevention of Migration The purpose of this pre dialogue conference activity (questionnaire) is to help deepening and broadening the general knowledge of us as participants on the actual Dialogue Day and the related topics of discussion. The personal information and eventually contact details that we collect by this questionaire will not be shared with others. The answers we receive by the questionaire will only be used for general summary and representation regarding consciousness, perception, ideas and opinions about Migration.

Pre departure meeting(s) & activities for the 7 country teams All 7 country teams will prepare their visit to the Nethrelands and contribution to the 3-day conference in their countries, before leaving to the Netherlands on September 11. The group leader of each country will organize 1 or 2 pre departure meetings with the country team in the period of August 15 - September 10, to talk about: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Travel to the Netherlands 5-days stay at the Accommodation What should you bring and what not :-) The Youthpass ! Your (common) contribution to the Solution for Inclusion Market. More ….


Accommodation & meetings place on September 12 and 14 Address: Harba Lorifa - Heerkensdreef 20 - 5552 BG Valkenswaard - Netherlands - tel +31 (0)40 201 53 34

Wonderful hostess and cook! 4, 6, 8 people bedrooms, each room with own douche, toilet. 2 floors: 1 for the girls, 1 for the boys.

Fresh food, made of regional products. Perfect place to stay, work and relax together.


How we came to the importance of the Dialogue for Inclusion Since 2015 we organize Youth Exchanges to bring youngsters from different countries, backgrounds and cultures together. Youngsters, who are active in their communites and have new vision when it comes to future oriented development. By bringing them together for 10 days in 2016, 2017 we discovered: we have common visions when we think about Daily Action towards a better world and future for everyone, including our Earth! Since then we built a Global Concept & Program so that we can work together worldwide with the same tools, training, quality eduction and support. (to read about the Global Concept & Program: scroll our OWC Homepage) Since 2016 we have the 17 Global Goals for Sustianable Development (SDGs) which can connect us world wide in Action towards a better world and future! These 17 Goals are about Social Justice/Inclusion, an Inclusive, Sustainable Economy and good care for our Earth (by giving back what we take from the Earth). These Goals were launched in 2016 with the subtitle No One Left Behind. Of course! Because when you look at the 17 Goals, what we have to do to create a better society and future, we can’t succeed achieving them if half of the world is held back! Achievement of these 17 Goals means we need a lot of innovation on all 17 topics. Innovation that becomes powerful and sustainable if we make Work (new employment) of them all. If you look at it this way you see: in these 17 Global Goals a lot of new Youth employment is hidden. It’s up to us to make Work of it! By doing this a lot of youngsters will find employment and future in their countries! That’s why the OWC Global Concept & Program is the base for 3 main activities: 1. Quality Education about the sustainalbe issues of the Global Goals; 2. Social Entrepreneurship to work out ideas for change towards the Goals into Start-ups/Jobs; 3. The Dialogue of Youth & Policymakers to collaborate on future oriented development and policy to support employment for sustainable change.


The 17 SDGs a perfect instrument for the European Agenda on Migration This is what we see and want to bring to the table among all other topics that will be in the 15 tables during the Dialogue Day: ●

The 17 Global Goals are a perfect base to foster social inclusion of young migrants and prevention of migration.

Offering all young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers as soon as they arrive in their new countries a base program for empowerment and development of Employability and Employment for sustainlabe change is the best way to contirbute to their Better Integration.

Offering youngsters from low income communities and countries with a high level of unemployment the same base program for empowerment and development of Employability and Employment for sustainlabe change, is the best way to best way to contirbute to Prevention of Migration.

Young locals and young migrants can organize and give this base program for empowerment and development of Employability and Employment for sustainlabe change together. By doing this, they create an important contribution in their local communities. An important contribution in 2 ways: ○ They contribute directly to Social Inclusion and Future Perspective of their peers locally. ○ By the new Startups and employment for sustainalbe change that come out of the basse program they contirbute to social and sustainable change. And achievement of the Global Goals in 2030!


This is how we came to awareness, vision and action from 2015 to today from Global Goals + We Grow Together (2016) + YOUth For the Global Goals Event (2016) to … Future Roots 2017!

Start in September 2015

17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Let’s make it happen by Daily Action with No One Left Behind. Because we can’t succeed if half of the world is held back!

1 week in April & 1 week in August 2016

Social Entrepreneurship is the way to make the world a better place, while enjoying your business at the same time. It’s a chance to stand up and fighting for other dreams and principles.

Event on November 9-10-11, 2016

We can only achieve the Global Goals if we can work together from the Grassroots and the Power of Communities. The thing is that nothing is impossible, everything is possible, but We must Grow Together!

#WeGrowTogether: We need each other to make change together! By sharing & helping, from the Grassroots with Social Entrepreneurship as key to Daily Action for Sustainable Development … 16

In 2017 we organized the 1st FUTURE ROOTS Youth Exchange focussed on (y)our contribution to better integration of young migrants and prevention of migration of youngsters

The Youth Exchange 2017 showed: it make sense to create a follow up, the Global Future Roots (train the trainer) program, in 4 steps.

Future Roots 1 (already done in 2017)

Future Roots 2 (pilot in 2019)

Example/basic format of a 10-day program for young locals and young migrants to start working together on local projects, contributing to a better life, future perspective and integration of young migrants รกnd prevention of migration.

To enable, empower and train participant-teams* who joined the Future Roots 1 program to continue/ strengthen the local projects they started in 2017, to support each other online and to organize and give the Future Roots 1 program to young people and young migrants in their city/village themselves.

Future Roots 3 (pilot in 2019)

Future Roots 4 (pilot in 2020)

To enable participant-teams* who joined Future Roots 1 + 2 to become local coordinators of the Future Roots projects, undertaken by youngsters in their city, through development of leadership skills, coach/support skills and use of social media for community management.

To enable participant-teams* who joined Future Roots 1+2 + 3 to start their local NGO or CBO (Community Based Org.) as base for local projects on inclusion/prevention of migration, done by young locals, young migrants; to develop self-sufficient Business plans for their NGO/CBO and to work together in the Global OWC / Future Roots Network.

*Youth Workers / Teachers from youth centers and schools in the cities/villages of the participant-teams are invited to join the program.

To share about the pilot 2017: FUTURE ROOTS 1 Aftermovie And to inspire you to become part of the open source FUTURE ROOTS program and follow up in 2019-2030 :-) With you, we can make it more complete, powerful and effective!

After all the information of the previous 19 pages ... We look forward to welcome & meet you in September during

The Dialogue for Inclusion Conference ● ●

to make impact on Better Integration & Prevention of Migration; to develop ideas and recommendations for the European Agenda on Migration.

Please register in time (before August 25) and prepare yourself by taking part in the ‘pre dialogue activity questionaire’ For questions or more information, don’t hesitate to mail us by

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