ONE WORLD Citizens in Action 2021-2030

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ONE WORLD Citizens for Social Inclusion & the Global Goals Young Locals, Young Newcomers & Community Leaders from Developing Countries and Homelands of Newcomers together as important Partners for the Global Goals! #WeGrowTogether

ONE WORLD Citizens connects young pioneers, entrepreneurs, municipalities, companies and citizens with vision, passion and perseverance to achieve the 17 Global Goals by 2030 IN ACTION!

2015-2017: growing awareness within the international network

We can only make it happen if we grow togeher! August 2016

November 2016

Social Entrepreneurship is the way to make the world a better place, while enjoying your business at the same time. It’s a chance to stand up and fight for other dreams and principles.

To achieve the Global Goals in 2030 we need a community to share ideas and work them out into projects or start-ups. We can only make make it happen if We Grow Together.

August 2017

Young locals and young newcomers can mean a lot FOR each other and WITH each other! Together they create Social Includion and Sustainable development. Both Locally and Globally!

#WeGrowTogether: We need each other to make change together! By sharing & helping, from the Grassroots with Social Entrepreneurship as key to Daily Action for Sustainable Development …

17 goals that connect us locally & worldwide in ACTION signed by 193 countries

In the video: 2 important directions for success!

1. We can be, we must be the first generation … to end extreme poverty, most determined to fight injustice, inequalities … the generation that save the planet from climate change

2. 17 Global Goals with no one left behind, because … We can’t achieve the 17 Global Goals if half of the world is held back

That is why ONE WORLD Citizens focuses on ● ● ●

17 Global Goals With No One Left Behind by making WORK of Basic Needs*

*ICT, Water, Food, Energy


The 17 Global Goals

17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs) 2015-2030


There are 3 categories, with social inclusion as a basic condition ...

17 Goals With No One Left Behind Social Justice



Global Partnerships


To achieve the 17 Global Goals by 2030 a lot of innovation & new employment* needs to be created!

*this is good news! More jobs, more income for more people

It is important to develop this innovation and new employment WITH young people & communities, Worldwide! In collaboration with youngsters from many countries

Evolution: the youngest generations (in each country) are born to shape the new society and future.

Internet: we can connect locally & globally - online and in communities - to work together for a better society and the future of everyone, including our Earth.

Therefore, To achieve the Global Goals with No One Left Behind and in the fastest way, we work with the mixed community of:

Young Locals, Young Newcomers & Young Community Leaders from Developing Countries and Homelands of Newcomers as Global Partners for the Global Goals

Partners for the Global Goals! Learning from & with each other, sharing ideas and examples of change to copy and implement in all countries together.

Turning ideas for change into local projects and start-ups, new employment, meaningful jobs.

Realizing achievement of the Global Goals, solutions, start-ups and employment in the new countries and home countries of newcomers.

To make it happen we work from 3 programs: 1.

YOUth for the Global Goals From awareness to ideas & concepts for sustainable change


FUTURE ROOTS for Social Inclusion From ideas & concepts to projects & start-ups for sustainable change


WORK of Basic Needs From ICT, Technology & Social Entrepreneurship to start-ups for innovation on Basic Needs

YOUth for the Global Goals in Den Bosch & Eindhoven, Netherlands & Worldwide 1. 2. 3.

Global Goals Rap Challenge Awareness by workshops @Schools, given by youngsters SDG Challenges, study assignments & internships

YOUth for the Global Goals From awareness to first solutions for sustainable change @schools, the workshops are given by youngsters Global Goals Rap Challenge Locally, Naionally & Globally Shared by Facebook & YouTube to vote for the winner

Workshops @School Given by students, by in-formal learing, design thinking to inspire each other to create ideas for change

SDG Challenges Working out Innovative concepts for Basic Needs with youngsters from developing countries as Gloabal Partners

YOUth for the Global Goals To create awareness & first solutions for sustainable change @schools & online, by & for youngsters Meaningfull Assignments Online collaboration for sustainable solutions

Internships Implementation of Low Tech solutions for food & water

Students working together in online teams With youngsters in Developing contries to create solutions in Co-Creation, as Partners

FUTURE ROOTS in Den Bosch 2020-2030 In collaboration with young locals & newcomers we work on 2 concepts for Social Inclusion 1.

A safe, warm community of youngsters to create a 2nd home, new family, friends with & for young newcomers


Acces to quality education and meaningful jobs for the Global Goals And 2 innovations/start-ups for the Global Goals as example ! 1. 2.

Welcome to Den Bosch Tiny House Community

Young Locals & Yuung Newcomers : Partners for the Global Goals, Social Inclusion & Meaningful Jobs!

Students Social Work & Newcomers work together at Youth Center de Poort to build a youth community and second home for young newcomers

Integration from 2 sides! ●

Getting to know the language & culture by doing

Cultural exchange and connection

Breaking through loneliness

Discovering the added value of living and working together as partners for a better, sustainable world

Welcome to Den Bosch Students social work and young newcomers work together on warm & easy integration and participation in the local society as:

Language Friends: to learns the local language

IT Friends: to develop ICT Basic Skills

Empowerment for integration and meaningful projects in the city

A Tiny House Community: Building & Living together 1 community, 18 Tiny houses ● ● ●

Young locals Young newcomers Seniors

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Building together Sustainable Self-sufficient Sharing together Taking care with & for each other

2 innovations with meaningful social added value regarding to: ●

Loneliness & Social inclusion of elderly & young people

Realization of affordable, sustainable housing for young people

Informal care for the elderly who can still live on their own

Innovative concepts for affordable 1-person households

Raising awareness and acting together for the Global Goals

WORK of Basic Needs* in Nepal, Rwanda, Kenya, Kurdistan-Iraq Empowered by the OWC basic program, given by & for youngsters 1. 2. 3. 4.

Smartphone & ICT Basic Training Quality Education for Smart Low Tech innovation Empowerment & Social Entrepreurship Training Dialogue & Collabortion with local governments and Stakeholders

* ICT & Technology, Water, Food/Agriculture Innovation, Renewable Energy

WORK of Basic Needs Community based Demo Centers that can be copied by other communities and countries Nepal: ICT & Technology Agriculture Innovation

Rwanda: ICT & Social Entrepreneurship

Kenya: ICT & WORK of Water

WORK of Basic Needs Quality Education in English, ICT & Technology for Agriculture Innovation for IDPs (Internal Displaced People) & refugees in IDP Camps in in Kurdistan region of Iraq & in Kirkuk, Iraq

Annual International Conferences for Social Inclusion and Achievement of the Global Goals

We Grow Together for the Global Goals

Welcome to ONE WORLD Citizens

UBUNTU! I am because WE are

We believe in the Power of Youngsters & Communities Together we are in ACTION for the 17 Global Goals with No One Left Behind by making WORK of Basic Needs & Sustainable Developent If you want to join: send your email with your motivation to


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