The Dialogue for Inclusion Social Inclusion, better integration and prevention of migration, we make it happen from the Power of our Communities and Youngsters! Working together as young locals, YMRAs* and local stakeholders, as citizens of 1 world. By collaboration, sharing and helping each other, online and offline, globally and locally.
*YMRAs: Young Migrants, Refugees and Asylum seekers
Welcome to take action! Young Locals & Young Migrants have an important contribution to better integration & prevention of migration of young migrants* *Migrants: people who have to leave their country because of lack of safety, equality, justice, social inclusion, work, basic needs, future perspective. 3
Why we are together ●
To take action for Social Inclusion & Future Perspective of youngsters!
To share ideas, solutions and the nexts steps in action for better integration and prevention of migration.
To start a movement for Social Inclusion by Employment for sustainable change.
To become a community who share & support each other to work out good idea and solutions into local projects and startups.
Call 4 Action We do like to ask you: ● ●
Forget your personal challenges these 3 days Focus 100% on We Grow Together: what can we DO together?
Erasmus plus supports us with a grant of € 29.655,00* (community money) to bring us together, to conduct the Dialogue for Social Inclusion & take action. Let’s go for the maximum outcome! *Travel & Stay - New Solidarity fund! (October 18) € 12.375,00 travel € 17.280,00 stay 5
Wished outcome ●
Ideas for local projects & startups for better integration and prevention of migration.
A community of young people and local stakeholders who work out these projects & startups into Daily Action with support of each other.
Long term commitment to start and continue a movement for Social Inclusion.
Follow up* of the Dialogue for Inclusion Conference 2018 ●
Collaboration in the ONE WORLDcitizens Community
Youth Exchange/Trainer program 2019 ○ How to become a FUTURE ROOTS community Trainer ○ How to be a FUTURE ROOTS community Leader
Youth Exchange/Trainer program 2020 ○ How to start your own NGO
Dialogue for Inclusion Conference in July 2019.
*More about Follow Up 2018-2019: Friday September 14, 2 pm! 7
FUTURE ROOTS A local program in which young people empower each other for social inclusion, more future perspective by social entrepreneurshop and new employment. For more information, see WGT Facebook group: ● ●
Report FUTURE ROOTS Youth Exchange 2017 International FUTURE ROOTS (1-2-3-4) program in WGT Fb Group
Future Roots Eindhoven May-June 2018 Empowerment & Social Entrepreneurship
Future Roots Eindhoven May-June 2018 Empowerment & being part of the local community
Youth Exchange FUTURE ROOTS 1 2017
The Dialogue for Inclusion Time to change (y)our channel!
Change (y)our channel! We are ONE WORLD citizens, a ONE WORLD Family! ● we belong together ● we share the same 30 human rights ● in each of us an important idea for change/contribution to our local communities is hidden.
Change (y)our channel! We need each other to create a better society & future for all and next generations! ●
Young locals & migrants are each others knowledge, experience and action partners for change!
Migrants leave their countries because of lack of safety, equality, justice, social inclusion, work, basic needs, future perspective …
We must & can change these sotutions TOGETHER! Step by step, by sharing, helping and working together.
GOOD NEWS! We have 17 GLobal Goals that connect us in action
17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development United Nations, signed by world leaders of 193 countries, Achieved: 2030
With No One Left Behind! Because we can’t succeed if half of the world is held back. ●
That’s why we focus on young people in rural areas, financial instable communities, migrants.
Priority Goal: #17 Global Partnerships ●
That’s why we organize Youth Exchanges & the ONE WORLDcitizens community,
17 Global Goals achieved in 2030? A lot of innovation & new employment!
â—? â—?
Achievement of all goals in 2030: Daily Action & making WORK of Basic Needs for all! Starting by collaborationof young locals, migrants & youngsters from their home countries! 18
Global Partnerships ●
Working together locally
globally connected with youngsters from different countries! ●
Sharing ideas & solutions for social and sustainlabe change You(ng people) see.
Basic ICT, Empowerment & Social Entrepreneurship to co together online and to work out ideas & solutions into concrete projects and startups! 19
Global Partnerships begins here, today! By ... ● A new togetherness! ● New collaboration of young locals, migrants & local stakeholders :-) ● We make it happen by #WeGrowTogether
Martha & Pradeep
Better Integration
Prevention of Migration 21
We Grow Together Team leaders from 12 countries
Alfonz from Albania
Martha from Netherlands
Paul from Austria
Pradeep from Nepal
Izudin from Bosnia (BiH)
Abdoul from France
Jean Paul, Obed & Team from Rwanda
Laurentiu from Romania
Augustine & Team from Kenya, Uganda
Gunilla from Sweden
Ernest from Netherlands
Karzan & Team from Kurdistan-Iraq
Dialogue exercise September 12 Dialogue play rules
The Dialogue in 4 rounds ●
Round 1: Introduction -> Who are you and what is your connection with the dialogue topic on the table?
Round 2: Experience -> What personal experience do you have with the dialogue question?
Round 3: Dream -> If there are no limitations, if everything would be possible: how would you describe the most ideal situation of the dialogue topic? How does it look?
Round 4: Do -> What is the 1st step you can take/make towards your ideal situation? Which steps can we make together? 23
2 topics, 10 tables/groups 1
How can young locals and young migrants contribute/work together for better integration, a better life and future perspective of young migrants in their cities and local communities?
How can young locals work together for a better life, employment and future perspective of youngsters in their home country / local communities?
Program 3-day Conference September 12 to 14 Day 1. Welcome & Preparation day
Day 2. Dialogue Day
Day 3. Evaluation & Co-creation
10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30
10.30 11.30 12:00
Reflection & Evaluation Dialogue outcome & Co-creation collaboration and 1st draft EU recommendations
Arrival participants Welcome & Opening Conference Better Integration - Martha Prevention of Migration Pradeep Who are we?
Lunch & Solution Market
14.30 17.30
Dialogue Introduction & Exercise Sharing Experience & Outcome
14.30 15.15 16.00 17.00
3rd round: Your Dream 4th round: Do & summary Break Sharing Dialogue experience & first outcomes
18.00 19.00
Free time / Sports Dinner
18.00 19.30
Preparation Day 2 & We Grow Together evening
Dinner Inclusion Concert by Jermain Bridgwater & the Wontas* and Global Guests The End
Evaluation 3-day conference & Youthpass Follow-up 2018-2019: Future Roots 2 + 3 Erasmus+ Solidarity fund Dialogue for Inclusion Conference in July 2019 Collaboration on S2M Platform by S2M Passport
Opening Dialogue Conference Coffee break Dialogue: introduction 1st round: Introduce yourself 2nd round: Your Experience
● ● ● ●
Cultural evening & See you Soon Party 25