Report EHV-Rwanda Project 2017 No 2

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We can’t succeed if half of the world is held back! We Grow Together, with no one left behind.

Report Eindhoven – Rwanda Project | No2 May 2017 Dear Reader, In this report we share about the wonderful project we started in January 2017 as a co-production of Africa in Motion, City of Eindhoven, ONE WORLDcitizens and an international project team of young change makers. We believe in the power of the youngest generations and their important contribution to (e)quality education, social entrepreneurship, a new togetherness, youth employment and a new future perspective! In this report it’s about the first project steps we made and what we already learned from each other: 1. PROJECT BASICS 2. TEAM NEWS: Development online platform & tools 3. RESEARCH basic needs & action: ICT & mentorship 4. DEVELOPMENT Friendwise Enterprise Concept o Innovation Hub o TSM 5. GLOBAL AWARENESS in Eindhoven o Wokrshops & Minor @Summa College o Platform Eindhoven Mondiaal o Cooperation with Companies & Samen voor Eindhoven 6. YOUTH EXCHANGE Summer 2017

1. PROJECT BASICS Before we start … we like to remind you of the common (OWC Int.) Mission Statement, Vision and Core value we want to keep in mind during our 4-year plan all-together.  Mission Statement: We promote quality education and empower youngsters in social entrepreneurship and global cooperation on the 17 Global Goals for sustainable development.  Vision: To achieve the Global Goals through quality education, social entrepreneurship and cooperation among youngsters and policy makers.  Core Value: Promote leadership, networking, equality for sustainable development through inclusion. Our common project targets 2017:

ONE WORLDcitizens - by Monique van Dam - February 2017


TEAM NEWS: Development online platform & tools

Let us first introduce the 4 members of OWC Rwanda Team! We are happy we found such inspiring, active team members for the Eindhoven-Rwanda project 2017-2020. <- Country Project Coordinator Obed Uwihanganye

Rwanda Team members (f.l.t.r.) -> Esther Nyirandagijimana Remy Octave Mizero Monique Muhoza

This team is involved in all 5 project teams. Development online platform & tools: More about the project teams and the progress, made per team in March – April  Team 1: sharing knowledge & examples by Free Learning Sessions As shared in the previous newsletter: Piyuesh Modi, founder of ‘Learn & Teach anything for Free’ contributes to online training in entrepreneurship with Free Learning Sessions about entrepreneurship as member of team 2. His way of sharing knowledge (by Youtube videos, presentations shared by slide share and PDF’s) we can also use to start sharing knowledge and the first good example of biogas/renewable energy, based on the examples of Pradeep Sapkota from Nepal and Polycap O. Ogalo from Kenya.  Team 2: online training in entrepreneurship The PDF’s of the YouthStart basic training for social entrepreneurship are made! These first training materials will be tested by members of the Rwanda Team to check & give feedback in May-June. In May- June the Free Learning Sessions and Webinars that are needed to complete the online basic training will be made by Piyush Modi and Egbert Dahl. These online tools will be introduced/used during the 4-week visit of the Rwanda Team in Eindhoven/Netherlands in July – August, as well as the offline workshops/training in social entrepreneurship. By doing this we have the complete Entrepreneurship training we foresee we need to support young people and their startups in the Eindhoven-Rwanda project 2017-2020.  Team 3: Online platform based on Living Legends & Slack This team is working on development of the online platform. In ONE WORLDcitizens this means: based on the SHARED ID-concept, a new way of global cooperation & entrepreneurship developed by young people themselves in 2013-2016. Ron van den Ouweland from Eindhoven Netherlands led the research that was done in 2013 to create the Living Legends concept. In this SHARED ID-webcast he explains all about this innovative concept. So if you have 1 hour free time to spend, you can watch the webcast. In the Eindhoven-Rwanda project this team also had the assignment to find the best online platform to cooperate with each other (young people from Rwanda and Netherlands) to contribute to quality education, digital literacy, empowerment of entrepreneurship and Job-creation of youth in Rwanda. In April they decided Slack would be the platform we will use. In May-June all team members will be invited to start cooperation on Slack so that we can evaluate how it works during the real-life-visit of the team members in July-August.  Team 4: ICT & Digital Literacy On April 29, the OWC Rwanda Team started ICT survey in Kigali and Rusizi district, inspired and helped by Pradeep Sapkota, member of the project management team and founder of an ICT Center in Nepal himself. The survey is to know more about the needs of youngsters in Rwanda and their access to ICT-development and ICT skills. This project activity is the result of online cooperation, mostly done by Skype, WhatsApp and Fb-chat!

ONE WORLDcitizens - by Monique van Dam - February 2017

During their 4 weeks stay in the Netherlands the team will present the results of the research and work on solutions and development of ICT in Rwanda.

 Team 5: research to lifestyle, needs and dreams of youngsters from Eindhoven and Rwanda. Martha Mutesi, student from Nijmegen and originally from Rwanda, is leading the research for personal development, education, employment, future perspective, needs and dreams of young people in Rwanda. Do find out together how young people from Eindhoven/Netherlands and Rwanda can cooperate in the best way to learn from each other and to create new jobs, employment and a sustainable future perspective together. The first results of the research of Martha will be summarized in the next report (end of June). The first results already show that young people from Rwanda would like to have a mentor or buddy to share knowledge, experience and opportunities on their way to a startup or job. And that’s interesting news, because that’s what we can provide from the OWC network already! More interesting outcome of Martha’s research will follow soon …  Letter of Appointment After 2 ½ month of cooperation with Obed Uwihanganye it was time to design the ‘Letter of Appointment’ to confirm his position within the Eindhoven-Rwanda project and ONE WORLDcitizens network. This Letter would also enable him to show his position as Country Project Coordinator to Authorities in Rwanda. So – as we work in OWC - Obed and Monique started to work on the content of this official letter together. On the last page of this Newsletter we present the result: the first ONE WORLDcitizens Letter of Appointment, that will be given to all project team members during 2017.

3. RESEARCH on the needs of young people in Rwanda The first research within the project is done by team 5 and team 4.  Research done by Team 5 The research by this team is done to find out: 1. How the online platform that’s designed and built in the Eindhoven-Rwanda project will work best towards its aims. 2. How can we design the platform (which tools, programs, topics, etc.) so that it will be attractive to the target group, also on the long term? And in areas with less access to internet an electricity. How to make the platform visited and used by young people on the long term? For the first outcome see information team 5 above. More outcome will follow in June.  Team 4 – ICT survey by OWC Rwanda Team Team 4 is focused on the (basic) needs of young people related to ICT and development of ICT skills. On April 29 the Rwanda Team started the survey that will continue in the first half of May. The outcome of this research will be shared in June.

ONE WORLDcitizens - by Monique van Dam - February 2017


DEVELOPMENT Friendwise Enterprise Concept

The Eindhoven-Rwanda project ‘Strengtening Young People on the Local & International Labor Market’ is the first phase-project of the bigger concept ‘Friendwise Enterprise’ which is developed by Africa In Motion and OWC in 2015. This bigger concept enables young people from European and African countries in future to start ‘Joint Startups on Sustainable Topics’. By this way of cooperation, we change the idea/vision on ‘Development aid – old style’ into a new mindset and vision towards ‘We Grow Together’: Working together (as equal partners) on sustainable development, economic growth and achievement of all 17 Global Goals in 2030! This Friendwise Enterprise concept is focused on Local and International cooperation of entrepreneurial young people working together online (international) ánd offline (local). The online platform we are building in the Eindhoven-Rwanda provides the international, easy and accessible cooperation of young people worldwide. But to stimulate and create the strong startups we need local innovation hubs, where young people and local partners can meet in real life to interact and cooperate in co-creation. Therefore, we are preparing the local investment and help we can contribute in 2017-2020.  Strengthening of Innovation Hub(s) in Rwanda: on the basis of the good example of S2M Strijp S Within the OWC network, where social entrepreneurship and development of entrepreneurial skills are the 2 nd main activity, we cooperate with S2M Strijp S as partner and local ‘Circular Innovation & Startup Hub’ in Eindhoven. S2M Strijp S is a very good example to share with Innovation hubs in Rwanda, on local base. One of their core values is ‘social capital’: the talents and expertise the S2M community members are sharing to help each other to strengthen their start-ups/enterprises.  The Serendipity Machine in cooperation with S2M International Another wonderful tool is The Serendipity Machine, which gives all (young) starting entrepreneurs access to an international community, knowledge and expertise on Entrepreneurship. On April 24, Marcel Nicolaas (co-owner of S2M Strijp S) and Monique (ONE WORLDcitizens) met the people of S2M International, who are working on the Serendipity Machine. We agreed on partnership, which means we can use TSM free and explore together how we can add value with this international digital community to the Eindhoven-Rwanda project! 5.


Workshop about Rwanda & the project by Martha Mutesi on citizenship day @Summa College On April 13 Martha Mutesi gave 4 workshops about the Eindhoven-Rwanda project to 25 students of Summa College. She invited/challenged them to be part of the project as participant of the project team, the Youth Exchange with the OWC Rwanda Team or to explore cooperation in a joint startup with young people from Rwanda. This challenge was addressed by a couple of students.  Part of Minor Excellence 2017-2018 During a meeting with Peter Berkers, we shared ideas about the opportunity to enable students to participate in the Eindhoven-Rwanda Project during a new Minor Excellence, Peter wants to create for 3rd-years Business students in the next school year 2017-2018. In May-June we will work out this good idea together with the students who want to participate in this minor.  Cooperation with local Companies – Partners: ‘Samen voor Eindhoven’ An important activity within the Eindhoven-Rwanda project is to connect with companies/enterprises from Eindhoven/Brainport to invite them to become project partner or investor. To start preparation on this activity ONE WORLDcitizens starts cooperation with ‘Platform Eindhoven Mondiaal’ (platform of organizations working on Global Awareness and cooperatiton in Eindoven) and ‘Samen voor Eindhoven’ (Network of companies, established in Eindhoven) during a first co-creation meeting on Thursday May 11, to think about a good structure and plan.

ONE WORLDcitizens - by Monique van Dam - February 2017

 August 12, International Youth Day During the 4-weeks visit of the OWC Rwanda Team to Eindhoven, it will be International Youth Day! A good day and opportunity to organize a YOUth For The Global Goals Event and invite the organizations involved in the Platform Eindhoven Mondiaal and other partners from Eindhoven. During this 1-day-event the Eindhoven-Rwanda project can be presented by the project team.

6. YOUTH EXCHANGE Summer 2017 With support of the City of Eindhoven OWC is able to organize a 4-weeks Youth Exchange with the 4 team members of Rwanda. The team will arrive on July 20 and stay in Eindhoven until August 17. 

Preparations of this 4-weeks Youth Exchange has begun already and we are happy SLMM (Stichting Sierra Leone Movie Makers) will contribute with their knowledge, experience and activities to the 4-weeks program.

From July 26 to August 6 young people more young people from Albania, Austria, Romania and the Netherlands will join the Youth Exchange program to work on quality education, social entrepreneurship, employment and a better future perspective for young migrants.

Visa & 4-weeks program in May-June In April we started preparation of the official documents that are needed to get the visa in Rwanda. Luckily OWC got experience with this by the international event of 2016. One of the documents we have to make is about the 4-weeks program. By doing this we already felt the impact that we can make during these weeks all together. In May-June we hope we succeed in getting the visa and all things that are needed to come to the Netherlands. We keep you informed!

This Newsletter has become a long one, to inform all participants and interested partners about the EindhovenProject and the activities we are planning to do in July-August. If there are questions, suggestions or something else you would like to share, don’t hesitate and send it by mail to To be continued in the Next newsletter: End of June 2017

ONE WORLDcitizens - by Monique van Dam - February 2017

ONE WORLDcitizens - by Monique van Dam - February 2017

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