The group photo of some of the participants in front of Mariapolis Peiro. SUMMARY INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION. On 5th February 2016 northern pastoralists youth development organization representative- chairperson was privileged to meet youths from Argentina. The visiting team comprised of five (5) youthful persons led by their patron one Mrs. Cecilia Vicky. The purpose for the visitation of the youths was to inspire the youths in out county-Kenya, share ideas and challenges that faces the youths across the globe. The same was in addition to extending humanitarian assistances to the street children and schools with a view to demonstrating their great concern for the unprivileged members of the society. This exceptionally targeted the pastoralist communities who are often regarded as the “unreached persons” “marginalized and most at risk persons. The visiting team endured much hardships ranging from the harsh weather conditions, landscapes and difficult geographical terrain to realizing their ultimately forecasted vision and mission of the visit. However, the successfully managed and accomplished activities were as hereunder:-
Sharing the experiences on the northern part of Kenya.
Having a ride of 21km from Milimani to Kimbo road.
The main purpose for the visitation of the groups was to inspire, share and connect in our country- Kenya, share ideas and challenges that faces the community across the globe. The same was Ubuntu in addition to extending a humanitarian assistance to the street children and schools with a view to demonstrating their great concern for the unprivileged members of the society in the world at large.
This exceptionally targeted the pastoralist communities who are often regarded as the unreached person “marginalized and most at risk persons. The visiting team endured much hardship ranging from the harsh weather conditions, landscape and difficult geographical terrains to realizing their ultimately focused vision and mission of the visit.
A photo on hardship ranging from the harsh weather. However, the successfully managed and accomplished activities were as here under. ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN.
Photo on painting rainbow nursery school.
Painting a rainbow nursery school to providing and uplifting the image of the school. A well debated, administered and managed authencity on the origin of man based on Stunt Dawens theory of the evolution of man to ultimately realizing the homo-computer genius of man. Discussions were further made in the types of animals in the desert and in other weather conditions e.g. cold to admiring their characteristics and adaptations for the environment too.
After construction of a classroom taking MATER, a special tea in Argentina. -
Educational/idea sharing mission to Endo in west Pokot County where the entire team managed and similarly undertook the painting of Endo primary school. This was besides study of the culture of the local community living there with a view to understanding similarities and understanding of the culture towards establishing and initiating a well constructed pastoralist society.
Photo on Marakwet community after cultural dance.
A well organized pastoralists’ community for the benefit of all irrespective of the ethnical biography. Prompt address for the livelihood means and extinct cultural and tradition. Great concern for aspects and issues related to education considering the marginalization of the pastoralist communities. Regards for socialization of funds for the benefits of the great pastoralist communities.