UBUNTU for the Global Goals

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UBUNTU For Achievement of the Global Goals With No One Left Behind By #Daily Action and #MakingWorkOfBasicNeeds #WeGrowTogether! In co production with the City of Kigali, the City of Eindhoven, ONE WORLDcitizens and Necessary Generation in 2018 – 2030

Awareness about the Global Goals for sustainable development

UBUNTU Global Goals Song I am because you are Together we make it happen!

Global Goals with No One Left Behind, because we can’t succeed achievement of the Global Goals if half of the world is held back.

Global Goals song UBUNTU By the artists NOOPJA from Rwanda Jermain Bridgewater from the Netherlands & Necessary Generation Rwanda (NEG Rwanda)

ONE WORLDcitizens (OWC Int.)

Project idea Why the UBUNTU song

We have 17 Global Goals that unite us to collaborate for social inclusion and sustainable development towards a better world and future for all, including our Earth. The UBUNTU song spread the news about this wonderful opportunity and is a call for action to join hands by Global Partnerships and Daily Action towards achievement of the Goals in 2030. How it works •

by sharing the UBUNTU videoclip via TV, Radio and Social Media.

by performances during SDG Action conferences in Rwanda and the Netherlands.

What we are going to do A remix of the UBUNTU song has been made by the Artists NOOPJA from Rwanda and Jermain Bridgewater from the Netherlands. During September – December 2018 famous artists from 8 African countries will be invited by NOOPJA to participate in the song so that a united UBUNTU song will bring the countries together for Global Partnerships and Daily Action for achievement of the Global Goals. In Europe famous Artists from 8 European countries will be invited by Jermain Bridgewater for the same reason. In total 18 countries get connected by this project. Who are involved •

Famous artists from 8 African countries and famous artists from 8 European countries

Country Records and No Slackin as leading organizations

Partners: SDG Center for Africa, VNG International Netherlands, RwandAir, Printing Company, Marriott Hotel Kigali, Serena Hotel Kigali, Radisson Blue Hotel Kigali, Music video Directors from 8 countries, ONE WORLDcitizens.

Outcome •

The UBUNTU song brings 18 countries, governments and all people together to become aware about the Global Goals and priority of Global Partnerships.

By the UBUNTU song people from 18 different countries feel more an more connected and get inspired to work together for achievement of the Global Goals in 2030.

Awareness about the the importance of ICT & Technology

Discover IT Weekly TV & Radio show To spread awareness, information and eduaction about ICT, the Global Goals and Technology in all corners of Rwanda.

Discover IT By Country Records & NEG Rwanda team

Project idea Why Discover IT

A lot of people have no access to ICT yet. Not enough people see the imortance of ICT for their daily lives and societies. This should change as soon as possible, because we know: ICT is the backbone of development, job creation and prosperity of all. Therefore, the Weekly TV and Rado show brings awareness and information about the importance of ICT to youth and adults in all corners of Rwanda. How it works By a weekly TV & Radio show of 10 minutes broadcasted by Rwanda National Television we spread awareness, solutions and benefits of ICT. What we are going to do

TV show: We interview youth in the different districts of Rwanda. We ask them what they know and think about ICT and what they want to know and learn about ICT. From the challanges and obstacels they see we give concrete solutions during the TV show as well as small ICT workshops, given by invited experts on ICT, both National as International. Radio Show: By weekly series of dramaplay on radio we spread awareness about the importance of ICT in daily life, but also the challanges and obstacels that can be solved by ICT. Who are involved

Both shows are for all people and especially for youngsters 16 to 25 years

Organized by Necessary Generation, with help of ICT experts

OWC, NEG Rwanda, Country Records, Rwanda TV,

Outcome •

Awareness about importance and application of ICT in Daily life is spread through whole Rwanda.

Youngsters get motivated to learn more about ICT.

Youngstres, famiiies and communities will connect and share more easily by social media by which their lives change in a positive,

From Awareness to Quality Education: access to ICT & Technology for all youngsters

ICT Basic training & Train the Trainer Access for all youth to development of ICT & Technology skills Outside & Inside school program, given by youngsters for youngsters aged 14 to 25 years With focus on youngsters in rural areas and financially challenged communities in cities.

ICT Basic Course & Train the Trainer program By the CSA team & NEG Rwanda

Project idea Why the ICT Basic course & Train the Trainer It is necessary that all youth have access to ICT, quality education and better opportunities for personal development. Therefore, extra ICT (after schooltime) training is needed. Besides this, development of ICT skills and access to good internet connects youngsters from all countries to develop themselves as world citizens, to share ideas for change and to take action for achievement on the Global Goals together. How it works •

The OWC ICT Basic training program is developed to contribute to ICT training for all youth, also in rural areas. By this training youth learn how to use smartphones and computers for education, personal development, jobs and international collaboration.

The training is given after school time, during weekends and holidays by youngsters/students and teachers to youth. Youth who finish the ICT training succesfully will be trained to become ICT trainer of other youth. By this the number of youngsters who can train youth can increase very fast.

By the Train the Trainer program more youngsters/students and school teachers can be trained to give the ICT basic course to youth in their districts.

What we are going to do During 3 months youngsters will be trained in the ICT Basic course in weekends and holidays. At the end of the course they know how to use internet and social media in a safe way and how to work with computer, smartphone, the Microsoft Office package. After finishing the course successfully they receive a certificate. The Train the Trainer program will be given online (via Skype and teamviewer) and offline, for example as Teacher Training at schools. Who are involved •

Young people aged 14 to 25 years, who take part in the ICT Basic course in Kigali and the 6 secondary cities and rural areas.

Youngsters/students aged 18+ and school teachers with knowledge of ICT, who take part in the Train the Trainer program.

Partners: CNM from Nepal, NEG Rwanda, Runda TVET school, schools in Kigali and Rusizi (in 2018-2019), New Life Kingdom Ministries in Runda-Ruyenzi.

Outcome •

More and more youngsters can use their smartphones and computers for self-development, online eduation, empowerment and collaboration for sustainable change.

More and more students and teachers are equiped to train youth in ICT at school, but also after schooltime. By this the number of youngsters with access to ICT can increase very well.

From ICT Basic training to Entrepreneurship and Empoyment

Computer System Academy Kigali ICT courses, Entrepreneurship & Laguage eduction Cybercafee, Computer & print shop, Tea room Internship & Work experience

Computer System Academy By the CSA team, NEG Rwanda, OWC Int. & the City of Kigali

Project idea Why Computer System Academy As follow up of the ICT Basic course, given by youngsters for youngsters it’s important to create a low-threshold follow up for youth so that all youngsters can make the next steps. Therefore we start the CSA in Kigali as example of ICT, Technology and Entrepreneurship Center for youngsters aged 16 to 30 years. A center where all youngsters can develop themselves to ICT experts, ICT trainer and ICT Entrepreneur. But also Entrepreneur of other products and services. How it works

The CSA is a combination of a Cyber cafe, a Computer & Print shop, ICT courses on all levels, Laguage courses and Technology courses for affordable prises to give access to all it’s activities for all youngsters.

The CSA is run by a team of ICT-teachers and entrepreneurs. The affordable prices are possible through close cooperation with students, trainees and young people who work as volunteers in their free time.

CSA provides programs on ICT, Entreprenuership and Technology from basic to high level. Based on interactive practice-oriented education, given by teachers, experts and IT students that encourage youngsters to start online self-education on their smartphones and computers.

In the CSA program teachers, students and experts from Eindhoven, Netherlands take part as online knowledge partners, mentors and buddies of teachers.

The computer shop and cyber cafe enables youngsters to have access to internet and computers for self-development.

CSA is also a co working space where young entrepreneurs meet local stakeholders and other young entreprenuers for support of their startups.

What we are going to do

In 2018 -2019 the establishment and program of the CSA will be worked out with help of local stakeholders from Kigali and Eindhoven.

In 2018 – 2019 the ICT Basic Course for youngsters will start in Kigali and Rusizi with help of secondary schools and colleges who are willing to share their computer labs during weekends and holidays. These courses will be organized by he CSA team with help of Neccesary Generation Rwanda, ONE WORLDcitizens.

In return for free use of the computer labs, the teacher will be trained to give the ICT Basic course themselves.

Project idea Who are involved •

Young people aged 16 to 25 years, who take part in the CSA program or do their internship at CSA.

Youngsters, students and teachers from Kigali and Eindhoven, Netherlands (online) who are trainer of the ICT, Entreprenuership, Laguage and Technology courses.

The CSA team for general management, Necessary Generation Rwanda for network support.

Partners: Youth Globla Hands, Schools and colleges in Kigali (in 2018-2019), local Stake holders/knowledge partners, the City of Kigali, the City of Eindhoven, S2M International, S2M Eindhoven and ONE WORLDcitizens.

Outcome •

Extra education, Digital Literacy, 21st Century skills and capacity building for youngsters in Kigali

Training and capacity building for teachers

More youngsters become ertrepreneurs of ICT or other startups

Internship for students

Low-threshold access for youngsters from all back grounds and financially challenged families/communities

International collaboration of youngsters from Kigali and Eindhoven/Netherlands.

2020-2030 •

The example of CSA Kigali will be copied in all 6 secondary cities.

By the collaboration with the international ONE WORLDcitizens community youngsters from Rwanda take Daily Action for achievement of the Globla Goals in with youngsters from other* countries

*Netherlands, Nepal, Kenya, Tanzania, Kurdistan-Iraq, Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, France, Romania, Sweden.

From awareness to international collaboration for achievement of the Global Goals 2030

The Global Goals Action Box In Kigali car free zone Free access to ICT, Technology and Entrepreneurship education for youngsters to take action on the Global Goals connected with youth from other countries. To create Daily Action through projects, startups & youth employment for sustainable change!

The Global Goals Action Box By NEG Rwanda, the SDGs Center for Africa & OWC Int.

The Global Goals Action Box In Kigali car free zone

Project idea Why the Global Goals Action Box To show young people how to go from awareness about the SDGs into Daily Action and to help to work out ideas for change into projects and startups that contribute to achievement of the Global Goals in 2030. How it works •

By free access to education and training on ICT, Technology and Entrepreneurship. So that they can take action themselves and together.

By connecting youngsters from Rwanda online with youngsters from other countries to share knowledge, expertise and to work together in projects and startups.

What we are going to do •

We start with 3 Global Goals Action Boxes in the Kigali car free zone. In these boxes a co working space with computers, internet, workshops, trainings and cocreation meetings will be provided. Starting from awareness about the SDGs to projects, startups for sustainable change. The main activities of the Action Boxes program will be about: sharing knowledge on sustainable issues and training in ICT, Technology and Social Entrepreneurship.

In the Action Boxes we will organise meetings where younsters present their projects and startups to local stakeholders. And dialogue sessions in which youngsters and government meet to share vision and ideas for sustainable change.

The youngsters who take part in the Global Goals Action Box program we invite to join the online ONE WORLDcitizens community to share and work together with youngsters from all over the world.

The Action Boxes will be designed in a very modern way, so that they inspire youngsters to create common visions and innovative ideas together. By designing the Action Boxes in this way the Kigali car free zone will become the center of sustainable development and achievement of the Global Goals for youth in Rwanda.

Project idea Who are involved •

The Global Goals Action Box program is intended to support young people between the ages of 16 and 25 in creating new jobs / employment. But there is no age limit to participate.

The Program will be organized by the NEG Rwanda Foundation with help of students, teachers, Universities and other stakeholders from Kigali City.

The Global Goals Action Box project will be undertaken by NEG Rwanda, SDG Center for Africa, ONE WORLDcitizens, the City of Eindhoven, S2M Strijp S, Technical University of Eindhoven.

How long does it take •

September – December 2018: Prepatation of the project

January – March 2019: Design of the Action Boxes by a team of students from Kigali and Eindhoven, Netherlands

From April 2019: Implementation Action Boxes and program

Outcome •

Youngsters take initiative towards achievement of the Global Goals

They become world citizens

By development of entrepreneurship they createaswell innovation as their employment

Youngsters and local stakeholders become partners for sustainable development

Youngsters are involved in local desicion making

Good examples of projects and startups inspire more youngsters to take action

Young entrepreneurs can mentor others

Global connection between youngsters from Kigali and the parnering countries* of the ONE WORLDcitizens network.

To connect youngsters for Daily Action, the Global Goals Action Box can be copied in Eindhoven &and Capital Cities of other countries.

*Netherlands, Nepal, Kenya, Tanzania, Kurdistan-Iraq, Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, France, Romania, Sweden.

Kigali, 19th of August 2018.

We look forward to make this structural base for Achievement of the Global Goals 2030 With No One Left Behind a big success together! For questions or more information please contact: NECESSARY GENERATION RWANDA / “NEG Rwanda” NDUWIMANA Jean Paul Info.negrwanda@gmail.com +250 788 30 567

ONE WORLDcitizens Monique van Dam moniquevandam1@gmail.com www.oneworld-citizens.org +316 465 050 65

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