Interior Design - Portfolio 2020

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BACKGROUND| Ther i s ei nonl i nes hoppi ng i sbecomi ng mor ecommoni nt he mi l l enni al sandGenXt oday .Thepoweroft hi sonl i nepl at f or m has pr ov i ded numer ous adv ant ages and benef i t s ,s uch as pr ov i di ngconv eni enceandawi derv ar i et yf orus ert os hopatany poi ntoft i me t hust hi sbehav i ourchange i n cons umpt i on has becomemor eandmor eofar eas onwhycons umerpr ef eronl i ne s hoppi ngov erconv ent i onals hoppi ngt hes eday s . Asonl i ne s hoppi ng i sbecomi ng one oft he mai n met hod of pur chas ef orpeopl e,t her e ar es t i l lcer t ai ns hoppi ng act i v i t i es t hatcons umer spr ef ert opur chas et hei ri t emsi naphy s i cals pace. Bas ed on r es ear ch and s ur v ey , cons umer s hi ghl y pr ef er pur chas i nggr ocer yi t em i naphy s i cals paceov eronl i ne.Bes i des t headv ant agesandbenef i t sf r om onl i ne,t hes ens or yexper i ence s uch ass mel l i ng f r es hl ybaked br ead,s eei ng and f eel i ng t he v i br antcol ourandt ext ur eofar i pes t r awber r yi ss omet hi ngt hat i sunabl et or epl i cat eonl i ne.Addi t i onal l y ,t hehumani nt er act i on and unpl anned di s cov er yi s one of t he many r eas on why cons umerpr ef er sphy s i cals t or eov eronl i nes hoppi ng. Ev en t hough t he us erpr ef ert hei rgr ocer ys hoppi ng of f l i ne, howev er t he change i n conT out of 1, 271 Si ngapor ean hous ehol ds ,onl y22percentcookev er yday .Thust henumberof peopl ewhov i s i tas uper mar keti sgr eat l yr educed.Thi spr oj ect s eekst or edef i net hegr ocer ys hoppi ngexper i ence adapt i ngt o t hecons umer ’ sneeds .

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