3 How to Create an Enthusiastic Audience — Obama’s Style Motivator | Motivator Indonesia Obama’s Speech at the Indonesian Diaspora Congress in Jakarta July 01, 2017 attracting thousands of participants. This is a speech that allows participants to give some sentences or points that he convey and several times a laugh as he conveys a message. And this is the desires for most speakers, that is, to seek applause when they are Talking because of some points that are delivered. There are 3 important things to do as Obama does, to get applause from the audience: 1.Curriculum — Muatan Local Use some slogan or regional language where you speak. Obama uses a few words in Indonesian, when delivering his speech.
“Thank you” “Good morning” “Indonesia is a part of me”
2.Giving Compliment Look for some points that are worthy of your praise. Compliments must be detailed, praise in bonded on the basis of fact and not mere assumption. Moreover, praise is made with the aim to please your audience. There are several types of summaries that you can use: a. Praise the place Obama, he talks about praising Indonesia as a place. You can also praise the city in which you speak, if you come from a different city. “Indonesia is the first Asian country I am looking for after not being president because I strongly believe in the future of this Nation”
b. Praising the figure Look for the central figure held by your audience and praise the positive points of the character. In this case Obama, give praise to Mr. Jokowi “Yesterday I also had a meeting with the President, we worked together and I am proud. Jokowi is a quiet, compassionate man of someone who is very knowing what to do and in choice by Indonesia”
3.The language of a — Current Issue Observe the issues you can address in your public speaking or speeches, make sure that you also provide solutions to them and avoid unfair allegiances when discussing the issue.
“ We must learn even though disagree with others. we must be able to bridge the political numbers and that philosophy can build the same understanding “