Copy with SUCCESS (18/07/2016), Melanie, Donald Trump’s wife, who is also a former model allegedly plagiarized some of Michelle Obama’s speeches in the Democratic Party 2008 convention. Even an astrophysicist, Bob Rutledge gets another calculation. He multiplies the number of words in Michelle Obama’s Melanie Trump speech, with other factors, to produce calculations: 14x13x12x11x10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 The conclusion of such a complex, the probability that Melanie’s speech is not a plagiarism is 1 compared to 87 billion. That is, most likely, Melanie’s speech is a trace. Meredith McIver, the author who also reportedly helped become the “ghost writer” of Donald Trump Think Like a Billionaire published in 2005. Admitted that and said the former model read some parts of Michelle Obama’s speech to him, as much as he entered a few sentences spoken or read by Melanie.
Then how to prevent this from happening?
1. Research Do some research before you give and read out your speech. This is useful for preventing the occurrence of content similarities due to the deposits of speeches of others that you have heard and entered into your subconscious mind and make your speech to be original.
2. Mention the Source Mentioning the source of quotations you take will increase your credibility and your speech, with the person you quoted in the statement being an influential person in the field while you are talking.
3. The Wise Man Says If you are not sure who you are quoting, then you can “play safe” by saying, the wise man says … Those are the three things you can do to make an original and quality speech. Motivator | Motivator Indonesia Information In House Training & Workshop of Public Speaking Indonesia Phone Call: +62811–344–0909 Instagram: @OngkyHojanto