Key to learning public speaking

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Key to Learning  Public Speaking Malcom Gladwell in his book Outlier reveals a survey by psychologist K.Anders Ericsson and two colleagues at the German music academy. Assisted by some of the academy professors, they split the violinists in the school into three groups. The first group are the star players, the student who has the potential to become a world class violinist, the second group contains the violinist who is considered good and the third group are the student who most likely will not become proffesional violinist but will only become a violin teacher in public school.

These three groups started learning violin around five year old and in the first year they spent the same amount of time doing the exercises. Differences begin to appear when they are around eight years old. Best students started to more practice than other his friends. From this study, violin elite players will spend 10,000 hours during the 20-year training, ordinary students will practice 8000 hours and students who eventually become violin teachers only train 4000 hours. the primary key is 10,000 hours of exercise that makes numbers. In Public Speaking the same is true. The key to success in Learning Public Speaking is practice. If you will bring a speech, presentation or will speak in front of a forum, then H-7 you have to practice by repeating what you will convey. Experienced training by experienced people will get you valuable corrections and feedback so that improvements for improvement can be done immediately. Take courses, training, Public Speaking Seminars or Public Speaking Training. There is no definite time how many hours of practice you have to live, it all depends on your goal. Referring, research results from psychologist K. Anders Ericsson to become a professional public Speaker 10,000 hours is the price of death. So, Remember the 3 E’s most important to success in Public Speaking: Exercise, Exercise and Exercise. Motivator | Motivator Indonesia Information In House Training & Workshop of Public Speaking Indonesia Phone Call: +62811–344–0909 Instagram: @OngkyHojanto

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