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ise man said “Repetition is mother of all the skill�. The more

you repeat a thing, the more it will stick in your mind. Still remember when you memorize multiplication while still in elementary school? We will repeatedly mention the multiplication until finally understand and easily to get remember. The same is true when you will prepare your public speaking topic, it would be nice to repeat the topic that you will bring in the presentation or public speaking before the day come. If in the property we know the terms 3L: location, location and location, then in public speaking there are also 3 L, which is the exercise, exercise and exercises (Latihan, latihan and latihan).

There are several ways you can do exercises to expedite the material you will bring: 1. Speak in front of the mirror. Stand in front of the mirror and start talking the material you will bring. An additional benefit of this exercise is that you can begin to observe your body language, especially facial expressions. 2. Speak to anyone who wants to hear Some of us have heard the suggestion that the best way to claw is by teaching. Because when you teach, then you will get a repeat that you know and you will also get feedback, which part of your material you have not fully mastered. 3. Speak while driving The last way to practice is to repeat the material you will bring, as you drive. Repeat the essence of your discussion, repeat the opening words in your presentation and repeat the closing sentence of your presentation. Motivator | Motivator Indonesia Information In House Training & Workshop of Public Speaking Indonesia Phone Call: +62811–344–0909 Instagram: @OngkyHojanto

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