2011/2012 Annual Report Ongo

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A fantastic five Annual Report 2011- 2012





Highlights from 5 years


Tenant Involvement and Empowerment


Value for Money


Your Neighbourhoods and Communities


Your Homes




Local Offers


Our Finances


Facts and Figures



Hello I am Andy Orrey, the Chief Executive of North Lincolnshire Homes


I am delighted to present you with our Annual Report for tenants and leaseholders.

Community Voice has had its own successes over the past five years – not least in helping North Lincolnshire Homes grow the number of opportunities that tenants and leaseholders have in getting involved with the company.

2012 is a big year for us because it marks the end of our first five years as your landlord and gives us a great reason to celebrate some of our achievements so far.

There are now more than 140 people signed up to the different ways of involvement. Working groups, involving tenants and leaseholders, have played a crucial role in writing new policies, reviewing performance and inspecting services.

Myself and all the team here feel immensely proud of some of the things we have been able to deliver in the last five years.

The best thing for me is that these people, from all backgrounds and of all ages, give up their time for free because they care about the homes and communities that we all live in. They deserve a vote of thanks from us all.

Over the years we have developed strong and valued relationships with tenants and leaseholders, some of whom have helped us to produce this report (thanks John, Ken, Vicky, Mary, Alison, Terry and Ron). I believe that North Lincolnshire Homes is a better landlord because of the committed work that our tenant and leaseholder groups put in to help us shape our services. You are valued supporters and welcome critics and when it comes to knowing what makes a great landlord it is you who knows best. As we grow and develop our company in the next five years, tenants and leaseholders will always remain at the very heart of the business. So for now, my message is thank you for your support when we get things right and for telling us when we could do better. Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm. Thank you for your ideas and feedback. I truly believe we have the right people – staff, board members, tenants and leaseholders – to together make North Lincolnshire Homes a continued success.

Hello I am Ken Willey, the Chair of Community Voice

So, five years have passed since North Lincolnshire Homes became our landlord. A lot of us have travelled the journey with North Lincolnshire Homes as committed tenants and representatives of the many resident associations across the area. It makes me very proud to be Chair of Community Voice – the tenant group which formed at the same time as North Lincolnshire Homes. Like the company, our group continues to work hard to influence the services we receive and discuss the sorts of things that matter most to tenants. Community Voice makes sure that tenants’ voices are heard.


Hello I am Tony Lightfoot, Chair of the North Lincolnshire Homes Board

North Lincolnshire Homes has reached its fifth year and with that a real milestone. Operationally, the company has delivered on the many promises it made to tenants and leaseholders at the time their homes were transferred to North Lincolnshire Homes in 2007. An investment of more than £165 million has seen the quality of homes improved (beyond recognition in some areas) and it is evident to me, and my fellow board members, that the management team recognises the valued role tenants and leaseholders play in helping develop the business. The workforce of North Lincolnshire Homes should also be congratulated on becoming a Sunday Times Top 100 Company – a fitting award for its fifth anniversary year. The challenge for the company now is to grow and diversify; welcome new opportunities and deliver the services that customers need, at the high standards they deserve – whilst, of course, always providing the best value for money. Social housing is high on the political agenda at the moment and there are some challenges ahead, especially around the growing demand for affordable homes and major reforms to our welfare systems. With a committed board supporting the management team, we are confident we can position North Lincolnshire Homes to meet these challenges and reassure our tenants that they are in safe hands.




Highlights from 5 years Five years ago we made a staggering 68 promises. Today we can celebrate the fact we have delivered them all. We promised to:

Getting feedback is one thing – but acting on it is what counts. Our Service Improvement Plans are drawn up from the recommendations tenants and leaseholders make to us.

Responding to your needs

• Build new homes We have built 24 so far and 70 more are planned.

We have delivered our promises

• Target anti-social behaviour • Improve homes Over 6,000 homes have new kitchens, bathrooms, windows and doors.

• Deliver a new standard of sheltered homes Tenants produced the standard and we set aside more than £9 million to invest in older people’s homes.

• Improve environments and landscapes £22 million is earmarked for improvements.

• Review our services and improve them A specialist Business Improvement Team has worked with tenants to review and improve customer access, repairs, resident involvement, caretaking, leasehold management, tenancy management and empty homes so far.

Investing in communities

Our biggest achievement and reason for celebration is the

£165 million spent on making people’s homes safer, nicer and warmer.





Happy with your home




Your rent offers good value




We listen and act




We keep you informed




Our four Tenant Conferences have brought together tenants to be informed and, sometimes, even entertained. Our older people’s dances and get-togethers have gone down a storm. Not forgetting the annual Fun Day – a ‘not to be missed’ event in our calendar now.

We’ve installed thousands of kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors and heating systems. And spent


Sports and theatre groups, drop in centres and support groups have all received North Lincolnshire Homes’ investment for the great work they do.

The 5 Star Tenant Reward Scheme launched in 2011.

Improving where you live

2008 Happy with landlord services

We have pledged £1.5 million to local schemes because we celebrate when people and communities thrive.

• Reward good tenants

There are 18 ways to get involved. Check out our Menu of Options at www.nlhomes.org.uk

Surveys are carried out weekly, asking vital questions about our repairs service, lettings process, complaints handling, anti-social behaviour actions and delivery of home improvements. We have conducted three large-scale customer satisfaction surveys in the past five years – targeting a random selection of hundreds of tenants. Here’s what you said:

We set up a specialist team which has dealt with hundreds of cases.

• Involve tenants

Our Resident Scrutiny Panel has an open door to our board and has already reported on its investigation findings into call management, complaint handing and how North Lincolnshire Homes keeps tenants informed. All its recommendations were approved by board members.

£12 million insulating older homes.

£3 million of aids and adaptations has improved the lives of people across North Lincolnshire.

£22 million investment has provided new paths,

Outside, a driveways and fencing.

A Top 100 Company

It’s official – in 2012, we became a Sunday Times Top 100 Company. This means that we are one of the best companies in the UK to work for. This is because we recognise that our staff, when they are happy and motivated, will provide the very best in customer service. It took just two attempts to get the award – no mean feat for a company just five years old.



Tenant Involvement and Empowerment

Tenant Involvement and Empowerment

How residents are helping shape our services There are 18 different ways in which our residents can play an active part in shaping the services they receive – and more than 140 are now signed up to do their bit.


we invested

£200,000 in resident involvement in 2011/12

In the last 12 months, we have expanded the opportunity for people to get involved with us by introducing: • Armchair champions to comment on services and policies. • Tenant training programmes in managing money, job hunting, safety in the home, healthy eating and communication skills. • A new programme of Mystery Shopping.

Each year, we measure the impact of our resident involvement activities to make sure they truly do make a difference. This is how we have listened and improved in 2011/12: • Held a finance-themed conference. • More staff and training in our Contact Centre. • Greater choice of appointment times for repairs.

• Workshops for Black and Minority Ethnic tenants. • Language classes for non-English speaking tenants. • Rural roadshows. • One new Resident Association.

North Lincolnshire Homes values the feedback it receives from tenants and leaseholders. By understanding what is working for tenants, and more importantly knowing when things go wrong, we can put the right things in place to improve. In 2011/12, we received 452 formal complaints, which is 115 fewer than the year before.

From April 2012, we introduced a new satisfaction survey to ask complainants for their feedback on the way we dealt with their complaints.

How our Resident Scrutiny Panel is improving services

Achieving Investors in Diversity Accreditation

Our Resident Scrutiny Panel was set up in 2010 so that tenants could carry out detailed investigations into services. In 2011/12, they investigated how North Lincolnshire Homes kept tenants informed.

In May 2011, with guidance from a group of tenants, we improved our Complaints Policy to include:

They carried out research, surveyed tenants, ran focus groups, held Mystery Shopping sessions and looked at the work of other housing associations.

• An informal stage for staff to resolve complaints straight away. • A separate policy to compensate tenants for mistakes that have been made. • A staff training programme for improved complaints handling. We are pleased to see we are getting better at resolving complaints when they first come in to us. 90% of all formal complaints were resolved at the first stage, and within 14 days, by the appropriate manager. 8

Case study:

One highlight of 2012 was to receive national recognition for our work in equality and diversity by achieving Investors in Diversity Accreditation. A group of tenants and staff led the way on a Diversity Working Group to make sure our staff had the right training and our services are provided to everyone in a fair way, which recognises individual needs.

Some of the improvements now being implemented include:

Tenant Jo West said: The Panel had all had good and bad experiences with being kept informed and were keen to discover how to improve the service. Following the investigation, we presented 20 recommendations for improvement to the board of North Lincolnshire Homes. We were pleased that the board approved all our recommendations.

How we use your Comments, Compliments and Complaints

• Wider use of social media to engage with tenants. • Annual review of Local Offers. • Increased access to information online. • Excellence in Customer Service training programme for staff. 9

Value for Money

Value for Money

Our Annual Value for Money Statement

Making savings for more efficiency

Tenants tell us that providing the best value we can, for the services we offer, is what they expect from North Lincolnshire Homes.

In 2011/12, the target was to save £1.1 million. By the end of the year, savings of more than £2.6 million were made.


we saved

£2.6 million in 2011/12

In 2011/12, the amount of rent collected from tenants was approximately £34.3 million. This money is used to deliver landlord services, such as repairs and tenancy support. However, the money still owed as rent arrears was 1.8% of the total amount payable. The average weekly rent payment received by North Lincolnshire Homes is £71.19.

Every person working for North Lincolnshire Homes is expected to put forward ideas for saving money or working more efficiently. They have personal targets to make savings every year.

Savings in 2011/12


Executive & Head Office (including Chief Executive, Finance and ICT)


Operations (including housing, customer service and repairs)


Investment (investment and capital works) £2,406,521 Corporate Services (including Business Improvement, Public Relations and Human Resources)


Here is how your rent money was spent in 2011/12 (based on the weekly average).

Depreciation of investment properties 12%

Interest on loans 5.7% Home repairs & maintenance 19.7%

Management & overhead costs 16.7% Investment programme 32.3%

Tenancy support 1.7%

Caretaking 1.2% Housing management 10.7%

Case study:

As part of our 2012 Tenant Satisfaction Survey, we asked:

“Are you satisfied your rent provides value for money?”

87.6% said YES,

compared to 83% in 2011 and 80% in 2008.

How does this compare with other housing associations? The average percentage of tenants satisfied their rent gave value for money (based on 13 similar housing associations registered with HouseMark in Aug 2012) was 80.6% - 7%

lower than the satisfaction rate of North Lincolnshire Homes tenants.

Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 From 2012, North Lincolnshire Homes is required to show how it can also improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of areas through the way it buys its services and products or tenders for business.

More than £7,000 was saved when a member of the IT Team set up a new printing system at North Lincolnshire Homes’ head office. Under the new system, introduced in April 2011, staff members now have to use a swipe card before they can print off documents. The benefits are: • 40% reduction of print costs • Increased security when printing confidential documents • Avoiding misplaced documents • Teams are responsible for their own print costs

Does your rent provide you value for money?

Technical Support Analyst, Ryan Heseltine, said: This is a great system which benefits the company by saving head office costs, which can now be used for tenant services.

• Less printers are needed 10


Your Neighbourhoods and Communities

Your Neighbourhoods and Communities

Taking positive action against anti-social behaviour KEY FACTS

more than

£230,000 has been invested in 2011/12

Every week, somewhere in North Lincolnshire our housing officers and tenants are carrying out neighbourhood walks to check areas for litter, graffiti and general disrepair. In 2011/12, 64 walkabouts were carried out.

In creating successful and safe homes for our tenants, we need to invest in the wider community and that is exactly what we try to do. Tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) is one of our biggest challenges and one of the main priorities for our tenants. Our 16-strong team of housing officers deal with minor ASB cases.

Type of anti-social behaviour reported

Number of cases dealt with

Noise nuisance


Abandoned properties


Verbal abuse, harassment, threatening behaviour


Condition of gardens


Illegal occupation


Vandalism and damage


Substance misuse and drugs related


Vehicle nuisance


Misuse of communal areas


Pets and animal nuisance


Hate related incidents


Fly-tipping, rubbish, litter


Criminal behaviour


Condition of property


No access to property


Physical abuse (other than domestic)


Alcohol abuse


Domestic abuse




Running a business from a property


Our Caretaking Team has the job of keeping designated areas clean, tidy and free from dangerous hazards. In 2011/12, 100% of repairs were carried out within 24 hours when damage or vandalism affected the safety of a person or security of a home.

Case study: On Target A free Friday night football programme is keeping youngsters active – thanks to North Lincolnshire Homes and its partners from Scunthorpe Utd Trust, North Lincolnshire Council, Tata Steel and Humberside Police.

In 2011/12, we increased the size of our Anti-Social Behaviour Team to six officers to help target the most serious nuisance issues that affect the quality of tenants’ lives. They dealt with 3,159 cases in 2011/12.

Types of cases dealt with by ASB team in 2011/12


Managing neighbourhoods

From April 2012, we began asking people how satisfied they are with the outcome of their ASB complaint, so we have a better idea of where we can improve our service going forward.

The scheme gives eight to 19-year-olds the chance to take part in positive activities and learn leadership skills.

When cases of anti-social behaviour cannot be resolved informally, North Lincolnshire Homes will take enforcement action.

Type of enforcement action

Number of cases (2011/12)



Anti-social behaviour Orders




Notice of Seeking Possession


Starter Tenancy Notices


Acceptable Behaviour Contracts


How we compare When comparing with similar housing associations, through the benchmarking company Housemark, we were the third best performer in the average time it took us to resolve cases of anti-social behaviour – 57 days.

Case study: Community Payback Offenders who have committed crimes in North Lincolnshire are paying back communities by helping clean them up. Around 1,000 offenders have provided 9,792 hours to carry out work on areas owned and managed by North Lincolnshire Homes, as part of the National Probation Service scheme. Andrea Morley, Senior Housing Manager, said: “Our Caretaking Team works with the offenders to target those areas which need improving. Our partnership with the probation service is very successful.”

Improving environments Three years ago, an Environmental Panel of tenants, local agencies and housing officers came together to earmark how we could improve outside spaces. Since then, £20.5 million has been spent - £13 million in 2011/12 – to provide car parking, better fencing, resurfaced footpaths and roads, new gates and walls, improved lighting and landscaping. In 2012, a massive programme of work began on the Market Hill neighbourhood in Scunthorpe to invest £1 million in renovating garages, remodelling communal areas, laying pathways, providing play areas, new lighting and tree planting. This work is due to be completed by March 2013. 13

Your Neighbourhoods and Communities

Your Neighbourhoods and Communities

Giving something back Investing in communities is a key priority for North Lincolnshire Homes and from 2010 to 2015 we pledged to reinvest 1% of every penny we receive in income – that’s £1.5 million – into local schemes. In 2011/12 alone, we supported community groups and events from our Community Development Fund, to the tune of £30,000.

Schemes supported in 2011/12 include:

Bridge Ventures

Independent Living

Broughton LIVES

Beechway Residents Association

Westcliff Celts

Basketball Leadership

Carlton Education

Magic Moments

Duck Egg Theatre Company

Hibaldstow Residents Association

Scunthorpe Boxing Club

Riddings Girls and Boys Brigade

Friends of Freddie

Old School Clothing

Centurian Boxing Club

Fairplay Football

Community Skill Share

Scunthorpe Food Bank

Viking Resource Centre

Time For Change

Let There Be Light

Eazy Peazy Dance

Winteringham Village Music

Sounds Right

Parkwood Trinity


Riddings Action Group

Crosby Cricket Club

Gooch Judo Kwai

Westcliff Drop In

It’s My Right


Acorns Dreamscheme Epworth Brownies Kimberley Performing Arts Gallery Revealed Wilton Productions New Westcliff Residents Association

Case study:

The North Lincolnshire Homes’ Community Grant Scheme, which provides grants for local good causes, is a big hit with Scunthorpe Boxing Club. The club has successfully bid for two grants, totalling £6,992 so far, and this has helped them buy equipment and provide vital sports classes to dozens of youngsters.


Manager, Andrew Richardson, said:

Grant scheme proves a knockout

The club was set up for local kids to get into something that keeps them active and healthy. It educates them about fitness, lifestyle and healthy eating.


Your Homes

Your Homes

Providing a ‘right first time’ repairs service KEY FACTS

we spent

£4 million on your home repairs service in 2011/12

More than £4 million was spent in 2011/12 on carrying out 40,290 repairs on the homes of tenants. Our in-house repairs service aims to get the work carried out ‘right first time’. In 2011/12, 81% of repairs were ‘right first time’ which is less than our target of 95%. When asked in our repairs satisfaction survey, whether they were happy with our repairs service, 93% of tenants said they were satisfied with the overall service and quality of work. In April 2012, North Lincolnshire Homes launched a new telephone survey to gather the views of tenants on our repairs service, on an ongoing basis, to help put in place continual improvements.

Gas safety checks – how we did By the end of 2011/12, 100% of all North Lincolnshire Homes properties had an up-to-date gas safety certificate.

Adapting homes to meet individual needs More than £600,000 was spent on adapting 625 people’s homes to help them live independently during 2011/12.

Major adaptations, including fitting level access showers, wet rooms and paved outside ramps, will take up to three months to complete. 135 were carried out in 2011/12.


Case study: Making warmth affordable 62-year-old Tony Sanderson has been a member of the Frodingham community all his life. He moved into his flat 17 years ago and has seen his fair share of cold winters. As part of the Big Energy Upgrade scheme, all the flats on Tony’s street were clad with external wall insulation and given new double glazed windows to improve their thermal efficiency.

Tony Sanderson said: I used to have an old gas fire which only really heated the living room. None of the other rooms seemed to warm up, despite having the heating on.

North Lincolnshire Homes aims to complete all minor adaptations, which include fitting grab rails, bannisters, installing ramps and raising furniture, within seven days. 490 were completed to this target.

Since the insulation was fitted, all rooms keep a constant temperature and I don’t feel the cold anymore.


Your Homes

New homes on the horizon

Your Homes All our Sheltered Homes will have:

In 2012, North Lincolnshire Homes was thrilled to hear it had been successful in securing Government funding to build new homes in rural areas – one of only 146 organisations nationally to be awarded funding.

Full disabled access to all areas.

70 new homes are being built, starting in Crowle and South Killingholme, at an investment of £5.8 million. Two and three-bedroomed homes, plus bungalows and flats, will be built as part of the overall programme.

Computers, televisions and music systems.

High quality homes for later life

Outside security lighting. Storage for mobility scooters.

Wellbeing room for hairdressing, chiropody etc. Adapted bathing facilities.

Work is underway on a £60 million investment to modernise sheltered housing schemes. In 2011, tenants and staff on a Sheltered Housing Panel drew up a new standard of accommodation which will be applied to all homes within communal schemes.

Case study: Revamp for common rooms

These ‘hubs’ of the local community have been transformed with new kitchens, sound systems, toilets, carpeting, repainting, lights and automatic doors.

£60,000 has been spent revamping the communal area at Martin Close in Barrow, and £50,000 at Greenfields, in Goxhill – the first steps in a programme to improve homes for older people.

Martin Close resident, Paul Atkin, said: The disabled facilities are great and I am sure the new design of the communal area will encourage many more to use it.

It is part of a much wider project, announced two years ago, to bring sheltered accommodation up to high standards. Five sheltered communal areas are to be refurbished in the £380,000 initiative, which is due to finish in October 2012.





Providing the support people need to find a home and live there successfully, goes a long way in creating strong and long-lasting communities. KEY FACTS

more than

£4 million has gone into supporting tenancies in 2011/12

At March 2012, we had 9,571 tenants renting their homes with North Lincolnshire Homes, and 267 leaseholders.

How we let our homes? In 2010, North Lincolnshire Homes joined with Shoreline Housing Partnership and Longhurst & Havelok Homes to launch the Home Choice Lincs choice-based lettings service, in conjunction with North Lincolnshire Council and North East Lincolnshire Council. We reviewed this service in 2011/12 to make sure it was meeting legal requirements in allocating homes to those who most need them.

• At the end of the 2011/12, there were 12,086 people registered with Home Choice Lincs. • 1,029 homes were let by North Lincolnshire Homes to new tenants or those moving from one rented home to another. • On average, homes (not requiring major improvements) were empty for 32 days before being relet. • 38 mutual exchanges took place in 2011/12. • Six people bought their homes under the ‘right to acquire’ scheme. • Six properties were bought by North Lincolnshire Homes under the ‘mortgage rescue’ scheme. • Tenants have four rent-free weeks every year.

Our Welfare and Benefits Advice Officer Tricia Stoney helped tenants claim £433,551 in unclaimed benefits during 2011/12. More than 200 people received individual support from Tricia to look carefully at their budgets and receive advice on how to get the most from their money, including claiming for benefit help.


Providing the support tenants need In 2011/12 North Lincolnshire Homes delivered the following support services on behalf of North Lincolnshire Council: • Housing-related support for older people. • Individual and shared supported housing for young people leaving care. • Temporary housing for homeless people.

Helping prepare for Welfare Reform Changes in the way benefits are paid will affect around 3,400 North Lincolnshire Homes tenants from 2013. A further 1,500 will be affected by new rules for people who are under-occupying their homes. We have recruited a dedicated Financial Inclusion Team to work with tenants to make sure they have the right advice to maximise their income and maintain their tenancies.

Case study: Going the extra mile for our tenants Youngsters from 7KS School in Scunthorpe joined forces with us to transform the garden at one of the town’s sheltered accommodation complexes. The project, at Chatterton Crescent, aimed to bring all ages together and, with new plants and flowers, it left the area looking vibrant – and the tenants very happy.

Any tenants worried about changes to benefits should call the FIT team, tel 01724 279900


Local Offers

Our Finances

How we have delivered on our Local Offers

Income and Expenditure 2010/11 (£,000) Turnover income mainly from rent collected

Local Offers are the promises we make to tenants and leaseholders about how we will provide services to them. They were developed in April 2011 after consultation with tenant groups, who gave their views on the level of service they wanted.

This is how we delivered our Local Offers in 2011/12 Involving You Average time taken to answer a call.

Your Home


Results for 2011/12

10 seconds

10 seconds

Percentage of gas certificates completed.



Percentage of emergency repairs completed within 24 hours.


Respond to requests for personal information within 40 days.


Respond to stage 1 complaints within 14 days.



Percentage of urgent repairs completed within seven days.



Respond to stage 2 complaints within 21 days.



Percentage of routine repairs completed within 28 days.



Respond to stage 3 complaints within one month.



Percentage of repairs carried out ‘right first time.’



Complete improvement work within 28 days.



Repair and let empty homes within 28 days.



Your Community


Inspect each neighbourhood at least twice a year and invite residents to take part.


Respond to reports of racial and other harassment and hate incidents within 24 hours.


Acknowledge reports of antisocial behaviour and start an investigation within five days.


Results for 2011/12 Yes


Repair other types of damage or vandalism resulting from harassment within seven days.








Results for 2011/12

Advertise available homes through Home Choice Lincs every week.



Send every tenant a rent statement four times a year.



2010/11 (£,000)



Operating costs all the costs of managing homes



Operating surplus before past service cost



Operating surplus





Surplus on sale of properties the proceeds from ‘right to acquire’ sales Interest receivable Interest payable the interest we pay on our loans to carry out improvement work





Surplus for the year



Past pension service gain


Offer a low cost home contents insurance scheme to tenants and leaseholders.



Respond to mutual exchange applications within 28 days.



North Lincolnshire Homes is regulated by the Homes and Communities Agency. North Lincolnshire Homes has adopted the National Housing Federation Code of Governance which emphasises important principles including:



Other fixed assets



Total fixed assets





Current liabilities



Net current liabilities



Net assets



Long term loans



Pension creditor







Housing property works

Current assets

Revenue reserves

• Openness • Ensuring customers are at the heart of business decisions and strategy. The Board of North Lincolnshire Homes is satisfied that the organisation complies with this code and will continually strive towards meeting these standards of excellence in governance.

• High ethical standards • Accountability Facts and figures

BME profile of tenants: 60

White British


One bedroom


White Other


Two bedrooms


Asian British


Three bedrooms


Asian Other


Black African


Black Other



Four bedrooms


Five bedrooms


Total number of homes for older people


Total number of properties

In 2012/13, North Lincolnshire Homes will be reviewing its Local Offers with the help of tenants. If you want to get involved, call 01724 279900

Fixed assets

2011/12 (£,000)

Governance and regulation

Number of general needs homes:



2011/12 (£,000)

• Effective Boards

Your Tenancy

Repair damage or vandalism resulting from harassment, which affects the safety or security of a dwelling, within 24 hours.

Provide a named officer to deal with each report of antisocial behaviour, harassment or hate incidents.



Results for 2011/12


Balance sheet

Tenant gender profile:



Age profile of tenants:









Male Transgender

Mixed background
















76 23

Did you find this Annual Report interesting? Do you want to help produce reports in the future? Please contact us using the details below: North Lincolnshire Homes Ltd, Meridian House, Normanby Road, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 8QZ Customer Centre 15-19 Cole Street, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6QY Telephone: 01724 279900 Freephone: 0800 0326363 www.nlhomes.org.uk Like us on facebook.com/nlhomes, or follow us on twitter @nlhomes NLTV (6588) – If you are a Sky or Virgin subscriber, you can access a host of services from your own home by going to NLTV using your television remote.

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