1 minute read
WELLTM Rating system overview
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WELL™ Building Standard
WELL™ Building Standard (WELL™) is the first evidence-based system for measuring, certifying and monitoring building features that impact on health and wellbeing of building occupants. WELL™ marries best practices in design and construction with evidence-based health and wellness interventions.
WELL™ measures the attributes of a building that impact on occupant health by looking at seven areas – air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind. The Standard identifies 100 performance metrics, design strategies, and policies that can be implemented by the owners, designers, engineers, contractors, users and operators.
Launched by Delos, founder of the standard, in October 2014, and administered by the International Well Building Institute (IWBI), the scheme, is informed by a seven-year programme of scientific and medical research, and peer-reviewed studies related to the impacts of the built environment on human health. To date, there are 301 WELL certified projects and 4007 WELL registered projects equivalent to a total of 613+ million sqft built floor area across 72 countries [6].
WELL™ is the first building rating systems to grant certification only after a building has been assessed in operation. To achieve WELL Building Standard certification, the space must undergo a process that includes an on-site assessment and performance testing by a third party.
WELL v2™ pilot is the newest version of the pioneering WELL Building Standard™. “ WELL is the first WELL is the first evidence-based system evidence-based system focused solely on the focused solely on the health and wellbeing health and wellbeing of building occupants of building occupants
100 performance 100 performance metrics metrics in 7 key areas: in 7 key areas: air, water, nourishment, air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and light, fitness, comfort and mind mind