1 minute read
Sustainability performance and data transparency
ISO 14001 As part of our continuous efforts to improve the sustainability performance and quality standards of our porcelain stoneware products, Italgraniti operates in compliance with ISO 14001 standard, a robust environmental management system.
Recycled Content All our tiles are produced by using a high percentage of recycled raw materials.
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) We use life-cycle assessments to measure the environmental impacts of our products from the extraction and processing of raw materials, to the distribution, use and end of life of the product/service. Through the Environmental Product Declarations we can deliver transparency information to our customers and end users.
Health Product Declarations (HPDs) In addition to EPDs, we have adopted HPD Collaborative Standard to transparently communicate the material contents of our products and the associated health impacts.
Ongreening Assessment We use the Ongreening’s ProductMAP to evaluate our products potentiation contribution to major green building rating systems, like LEED®, BREEAM® and WELL™ .
[1]. https://www.ashrae.org/technical-resources/free-resources/10-tips-for-home-indoor-air-quality
[2] WGBC Annual Report 2017-18; Dodge Data & Analytics, 2016; https://USGBC.org; https://Ongreening.com
[3] WGBC Annual Report 2017-18
[4] https://USGBC.org;
[5] https://www.breeam.com/
[6] https://legacy.wellcertified.com/en
7] https://www.minambiente.it/pagina/i-criteri-ambientali-minimi
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Italgraniti Group SPA
Via Radici in Piano 355 41043 Casinalbo - Modena - Italia Tel +39 059 888411 Fax +39 059 848808 www.italgranitigroup.com info@italgranitigroup.com project.department@italgranitigroup.com