August 2014
The Official Publication of the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association
Vol. 25, Issue 7
The Importance
of Coaching
The Buckeye is published 10 times per year by The Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association, Inc. 72 Dorchester Square Westerville, OH 43081 p 614.899.1195 f 614.899.9489
EDITORIAL / ADVERTISING ISSN 1536-7940 Subscriptions: $75/year, editor
August 2014
Vol. 25, Issue 7
STAFF Kevin Thompson, Executive Director Roni Petersen, Membership & Certification Amanda Domsitz, Communications Director Amy Eldridge, CENTS Manager Karen Lykins, Accountant Lisa Larson, Education Director OFFICERS David Richards, President South Ridge Farm
industry news
President’s Perspective
Profoundly Disconnected
ONLA Office Update
The ONLA Family
CENTS Marketplace 2015 to
Speaking of the Speaker
Feature New York Times
Bestselling Author
10 July Buckeye Correction
Ohio Invasive Plant Council Releases List of
Mike Dues, President-Elect Dues Nursery & Landscaping, Ltd.
Potentially Invasive Plants Why Trees Matter
Jim Searcy, Immediate Past President Hyde Park Landscaping, Inc.
That State Up North
DIRECTORS Jason Bornhorst, Board Member Peabody Landscape Group
Phlox 102: Expanding the Horticultural
Potential of an Iconic Native Genus
Annette Howard, Board Member Gilson Gardens, Inc. David Listerman, Board Member Listerman & Associates, Inc. Bill Mainland, Board Member Klyn Nurseries, Inc.
Look to the Future
The Importance of Coaching Out & About
Mending the Break in the “Cycle” of
Young Leaders
Dr. Hannah Mathers, Board Member The Ohio State University
What Your Resume Really Says About You
Josh Posey, Board Member Buckeye Resources, Inc.
Mark Reiner, Board Member Oakland Nursery, Inc.
In the spirit of land stewardship, please consider recycling this publication.
37 41
Become More Productive
Immediately: Follow Jeffrey’s
Nine Tips for Time
Educational Update
19 21
Join Us at the 2014 ONLA Golf
Legislative Hotline
A Celebration of Our
August 2014 Vol. 25, Issue 7
The Official Publication of the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association
THE FINE PRINT The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, directors or staff and do not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as members of the ONLA does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services.
The Importance
of Coaching
Grower’s Viewpoint Controlling Rose Rosette Disease Safety First Summer Reminders
also in this issue
front cover: “Hydrangeas of Summer”
8 ONLA Connect • 44 Industry Calendar • 46 About The Buckeye • • 46 Classified Ads • 46 Ad Index
ONLA Membership: The Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association leads, promotes, and facilitates the success and growth of green industry businesses.
Exclusive Member Benefits Credit Collection - Cash Flow Management (CFM) With CFM, a trained collection specialist is assigned to bring in your past-due accounts before they fade away as bad debts.
Credit/Debit Card Processing - Merchant Services
ONLA members can take advantage of credit and debit card merchant service processing program through Merchant Services. Merchant Services brings electronic processing programs specifically designed to fit the needs of your business.
Energy Program - Growers Energy Solutions (GES)
Grower Energy Solutions (GES) helps manage an energy program designed to help save on your natural gas and electric bill by utilizing the strength of group buying. Average savings between 8 and 15%.
Federation of Employers & Workers of America
FEWA is an internationally recognized non-profit association which provides members with educational and informational services related to cultural and non-immigrant and immigrant labor management issues.
Fuel/Fleet Program - SuperFleet®
Payroll/Human Resource Services - Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP)
(ADP) offers a range of payroll, payroll tax, and human resources services to assist ONLA members with staffing, managing, paying, and retaining employees.
Property/Casualty Insurance - Best Hoovler McTeague
Save on your property and casualty insurance with BHM. BHM’s group program is designed for ONLA members to save at least 15% with the best coverage rates for your liability, fleet and equipment.
Safety Services - American Safety & Health Management Consultants, Inc./American Premier First Aid
Save up to $.05 per gallon on all fuel purchases at SuperFleet® (Speedway, Marathon and Rich Oil) locations with no minimum purchase required.
American Safety & Health Management Consultants, Inc. (ASH) fills the growing need for professional safety and health management services for companies of all sizes. Meet requirements and reduce costs using first aid products from American Premier First Aid, Inc.
Green Industry Education
Shipping Solutions - PartnerShip
Attend ONLA educational events at a discounted rate and learn with fellow green industry professionals.
Health/Life/Income Insurance - TAH Benefits
The ONLA Group Benefit Programs has partnered with various health plans to offer a variety of plans with many optional benefits such as vision, dental, life, and disability.
Legislative Advocacy
Full-time lobbyist, Capitol Consulting Group, is employed by the ONLA to ensure green industry legislative involvement.
Long Distance/Local Telephone
First Communications provides full telecommunications services: long distance, data services, conference calling and toll free service.
Take control of your shipping costs and add profits to your bottom line. PartnerShip delivers effective discounted shipping services to small- and medium-sized businesses nationwide, save up to 20%.
Soil & Plant Tissue Testing/Ag Hort. Consulting Services CLC LABS
Through CLC LABS, ONLA members receive various laboratory services at a 10% discount off list prices including testing of soil nutrients, soilless media, soil texture, fertilizer solution, plant tissue, irrigation water suitability and dry fertilizer analysis.
Workers’ Compensation - CareWorks Consultants, Inc.
The ONLA Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program has saved its members over $21.4 million in the last 12 years.
Office Supplies - Friends Business Source
Friends Business Source is a leader in providing office supplies and equipment with ONLA member discounts on over 35,000 products. Receive 30-55% off list price!
Online Safety Training- LS Training
LS Training offers 23 high-quality online videos; complete with online exams and field checklists to make your employees more efficient. Save 5% off the total invoiced price.
4 The Buckeye
For more information on ONLA member savings visit or call 614.899.1195
President’s Perspective
Disconnected On a recent driving trip to Atlanta, I was flipping through radio stations in my truck and came upon an interview on a radio station in Tennessee featuring Mike Rowe. I have always enjoyed Mike’s television show Dirty Jobs, and his voice over of the only show other than the news that I make time to watch or record, Deadliest Catch (yes I am still young enough at heart to think that is would be a great to experience 40 foot waves and winds of 50 knots.....only on someone else’s boat!) In the interview which lasted almost an hour, Mike Rowe discussed his newest adventure (cause) Mike Rowe Works and its accompanying web site Profoundly Disconnected. I encourage readers to visit the web site for a great review of its content. During a staff meeting at Auburn Career Center, I was shown a clip of Mike Rowe testifying before Congress on the value of Career & Technical Education and the value of skills vs. education to our society. Please understand that I think both are of great value, but I think Mike makes several good points on how important it is to have both. In my tenure in the green industry, I can truly state that having both has helped me on numerous occasions. The main discussion points that Mike makes are the following: •
We currently have in the U.S. over 1 trillion dollars in student loans
We currently have record high unemployment
There are over 3 million jobs immediately available that no one seems to want
As stated on the website, “The goal of Profoundly Disconnected is to challenge the absurd belief that a four year degree is the only path to success.” I think that speaks volumes. In travels and conversations with owners and managers across the state the one consistent theme is that the lack of skilled employees (yes that means
Dave Richards South Ridge Farms ONLA President
educated too) is the number one factor that is limiting their growth. We have an economy that is improving, everyone in spite of climate change issues has a positive outlook and yes, even prices are beginning to return to sustainable levels. Two other interesting gems from the web site are the S.W.E.A.T. pledge and the work smarter and harder poster. I have copied the SWEAT pledge below for your review. SWEAT is an acronym for “Skills and Work Ethic Are Not Taboo.” I think it is great wisdom to share with you and hopefully to share with your teams.
The S.W.E.A.T. Pledge (Skill & Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo) 1. I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time. I am alive. I walk the Earth. I live in America. Above all things, I am grateful. 2. I believe that I am entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing more. I also understand that “happiness” and the “pursuit of happiness” are not the same thing. 3. I believe there is no such thing as a “bad job.” I believe that all jobs are opportunities, and it’s up to me to make the best of them. 4. I do not “follow my passion.” I bring it with me. I believe that any job can be done with passion and enthusiasm. 5. I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it. I would rather live in a tent and eat beans than borrow money to pay for a lifestyle I can’t afford. 6. I believe that my safety is my responsibility. I understand that being in “compliance” does not necessarily mean I’m out of danger. 7. I believe the best way to distinguish myself at please see page 6
August 2014 5
continued from page 5
work is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is. 8. I believe the most annoying sounds in the world are whining and complaining. I will never make them. If I am unhappy in my work, I will either find a new job, or find a way to be happy. 9. I believe that my education is my responsibility, and absolutely critical to my success. I am resolved to learn as much as I can from whatever source is available to me. I will never stop learning, and understand that library cards are free. 10. I believe that I am a product of my choices – not my circumstances. I will never blame anyone for my shortcomings or the challenges I face. And I will never accept the credit for something I didn’t do. 11. I understand the world is not fair, and I’m OK with that. I do not resent the success of others. 12. I believe that all people are created equal. I also believe that all people make choices. Some choose to be lazy. Some choose to sleep in. I choose to work my butt off.
On my honor, I hereby affirm the above statements to be an accurate summation of my personal worldview. I promise to live by them. Signed_______________________________________ Dated____________________ Pledge found on In Kevin Thompson’s July Buckeye article titled “Attracting, Retaining and Educating the Green Industry Workforce” ( our executive director listed all the efforts that your ONLA participates in and supports to address the national issue of shortages of skilled, educated employees. In closing I would like to challenge all of you to do one more: Talk to other elected officials about your concerns, advocate for support of local education programs that value skills training coupled with educational training. Local School Board members are a great place to start. Why not take a minute to send them the link to www. Hopefully, some of them are business owners sharing the same challenges you do. They might join the cause. Have a Blessed August. B
Berry Heavy ® Gold Winterberry
It’s got the biggest, brightest gold fruit yet! This new winterberry is a great choice for landscapes or cut branches. Contact Sara Gordon for more information about this and the other 200+ Proven Winners® ColorChoice® shrub liners available from Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc. Sara Gordon, 616-223-3376 800-633-8859 ext.1106
100c / 0m / 81y / 66k
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5/14/14 1:08 PM
ONLA Office Update
THE ONLA FAMILY I received an announcement recently from an association about to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. This is quite an accomplishment and reason for celebration, indeed. Any organization celebrating its semi-centennial should be proud. It helped me realize, though, how remarkable it is that the ONLA celebrated its 100th anniversary more than six years ago. I did not work here in 2008 during the ONLA’s centennial celebration, but I certainly heard about this feat and marveled at the accomplishment. That’s a long time for any organization, whether for-profit, or not-for-profit. What is particularly special about this is something I immediately observed when I did begin my employment here in 2010. And that was the sense of “family” shared by so many of our members (read Don Furterer’s article in the June Buckeye and you’ll understand what I’m talking about). Associations, by nature, are a vast community of like-minded people who have similar interests and are willing to help one another. This is one of the unique and more compelling things about an association such as the ONLA. There is this feeling of community, or family.
Kevin Thompson ONLA Executive Director
changes in the profession, advancements in technology, and so on. During this time, your interests, needs, and problems most likely have changed. The ONLA has been there, consistently, the entire time, helping you along the way. At one point in your career you may have sought help finding a new job, so you came to the ONLA job fair. Maybe you needed to expand your network, so you started coming to CENTS. Or you realized you lacked the necessary skill set, so you became an OCNT. As you achieved success, perhaps you decided it was time to give back, so you volunteered for a committee or the board of directors. In other words, your wants and needs have probably evolved as you’ve progressed through your career. The ONLA has been there with you along the way, evolving, offering solutions to your problems while enriching your career. There is security in knowing that other people have gone down a similar path, and that the solutions the ONLA has offered have a track record for helping members experience smooth transitions.
Many of our members have been members for a long time, some of you decades. Before you joined, one or both of your parents may have been members. And before them, your grandparents were members. The ONLA membership spans several generations. The family tree dates back to 1908.
We’ve been building this vast community with similar interests for a long time, and will continue well into the future. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll be helping your children progress through their careers. Maybe even your grandchildren one day. B
Most of us go through various transitions throughout our professional careers. Each transition creates a new set of problems or challenges; like securing a new job, finding customers, starting a new business, obtaining a license or certification, gaining a promotion, adapting to
Check out page 25 for a celebration of our ONLA Family!
August 2014 7
ONLA CONNECT Join Our Growing Networks
Like us for daily posts to update you on the Green Industry and ONLA events!
Follow @onlaconnect to stay on top of ONLA and Green Industry trends.
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BUCKEYE GARDENING Ohio gardeners can access useful and practical gardening information compiled from reliable sources.
Browse photos from activities and everything Ohio & GREEN!
CENTS is the marketplace to increase your buying and selling power, attend educational seminars, and discover up-andcoming industry developments.
NURSERY STOCK SELECT Your source for premium nursery stock throughout Ohio.
LINKEDIN Network with other professionals in the Green Industry.
Visit our channel for videos of CENTS, members and Ohio landscapes.
Legislative Hotline
Speaking of the Next Speaker… With summer being in full swing in Ohio, legislative leaders have released a session schedule for the second half of the year that will bring forth a busy post-election lame duck session. Both chambers have scheduled ifneeded session dates in the second half of September and the Senate has two if-needed dates in October, while the House has no scheduled session dates that month. Also, the Senate is scheduled to be in session for parts of three weeks in November and three weeks in December, while the House’s lame duck sessions include more if-needed dates. While the focus of these meetings has yet to be determined, the committees and caucuses of both chambers will bring forth the issues that require attention going into the lame duck sessions. One such issue to be resolved is the potential successor to current Speaker of the House, William Batchelder (R-Medina). As one of the most powerful elected offices in state government, the Speaker of the House has the ability to decide what bills come to the floor for votes, what those bills look like, and which members lead committees. Recently, State Representative Cliff Rosenberger (RClarksville) emerged as the leading candidate to become the next Ohio House Speaker. Rosenberger, a 33-year-old Air Force veteran from Clarksville, is in his second term as state representative and is well known for his ability to build personal relationships around the state. He served as national political events coordinator for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign and special assistant to former U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, according to his legislative biography. Prior to becoming the clear frontrunner, Representative Ron Amstutz (R-Wooster) had also solidified his name
Belinda Jones ONLA Legislative Consultant
in the race to become speaker. However, with an understanding that the Representative with the smaller coalition would pledge support to the other candidate, Representative Amstutz decided to pledge his support to Representative Rosenberger with the understanding that he (Amstutz) will become Speaker Pro Tempore this November. Meanwhile, State Rep. Jim Butler (R; Oakwood) continues to assert that he is in the race to stay and his fundraising is an indication of his fortitude. As of the most recent reporting period, Butler had more than $114,000 in his campaign fund. Among his supporters are Rep. Kristina Roegner (R; Hudson). Rep. Roegner leads a group of very conservative members who are backing Butler. Sitting Speaker Bill Batchelder who called for the Amstutz/Rosenberger truce has indicated that, in spite of alleged behind the scenes support for Rosenberger, he is not picking sides. Still, backers of Butler claim that Rosenberger has vocal supporters that are silent Butler backers but are afraid to openly declare because they may need help from the Ohio House Republican Organizing Committee (OHROC), the House GOP’s campaign arm. OHROC has more than $5 million in their account and Speaker Batchelder holds the purse strings. When asked if he has concerns that the Speaker’s race is causing divisiveness in the caucus, Rep. Butler said that he does not think it is wrong to wait until after the November election (when the new caucus is chosen by the voters) to establish a thoughtful and deliberate discussion on who should be the next Speaker. Only time will tell. B
August 2014 9
Buckeye Correction
July Buckeye Correction: Ohio Invasive Plant Council Releases List of Potentially Invasive Plants OIPC Plant Assessment Summary Plants Assessed as of May 1, 2014
CORRECTION: The July issue of The Buckeye article “Ohio Invasive Plant Council Releases List of Potentially Invasive Plants” (pgs 38-39) included the table: OIPC Plant Assessment Summary. The table inadvertently omitted the outcome of the assessments. Only the first 12 species on that list were assessed to be “Invasive”. The next four species were assessed to be “Pending Further Review”, and the last three species were assessed to be “Not Invasive at this Time”. The complete table, shown (right), along with other important information may be found at The ONLA apologizes for any confusion this omission may have caused. B
10 The Buckeye
W h y Tr e e s M a t t e r
That State Up North
The tiniest dogwood, the ground cover bunchberry
In early July, I traveled for meetings and then vacation to central and northern Michigan and for my first time ever into extreme northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula (UP). As ever when traveling, plants mattered. Some were different, but many were not totally unknown to my buck-eye, yet often long forgotten. Let’s take a look. Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis). This groundcover is a delightful member of the Cornus genus, which also brings us such horticulturally popular species as flowering dogwood (C. florida), Chinese dogwood (C. kousa), and many shrub dogwoods such as gray dogwood (C. racemosa), and red-osier dogwood (C. sericea). The showy part of the inflorescence of bunchberry is the familiar four creamy-white bracts please see page 12
continued from page 11
are used to seeing on larger dogwood tree and shrub species. But it seems especially graceful when viewed from above. Cool, moist soils are typically needed for bunchberry culture which means it is not easy to grow in many Ohio sites or wildflower gardens, especially further south, but in the sandy UP soils we saw clonal masses of bunchberries in many red pine forests and sandy beachlike areas near the truly wonderful Pictured Rocks State Park. If you have a camera capable of taking, say 10,000 frames per second, you can capture one of the most spectacular and rapid natural movements in plantdom, the flinging of bunchberry pollen from filament sacs after triggering by the tiny flexible petals. Instamatic camera owners need not apply. Beauty Bush (Kolkwitzia amabalis) is a plant we do not grow much in Ohio, but that has great ornamental appeal for its tubular soft pink flowers with yellow throats and graceful arching branches. This shrub grows to about 8 feet tall and wide. The fuzzy hairs on the flower stems are an attractive up-close feature, but the overall floral affect is a spectacular landscape asset. This plant grows well at Secrest Arboretum in Wooster and although I thought of it as more of a southern plant it is obviously very hardy and we saw it in many gardens in full flower in northern Michigan along Lake Michigan in the town of Leland. It flowers in May in Ohio but was at its peak in Leland on the 4th of July. Showy lady’s slipper (Cypripedium reginae). This is a spectacular woodland orchid seen in Ohio, and little did I know when I worked at Geneva Hills Summer Camp southeast of Lancaster in the early 1970s, that I would not see it again until this July. We saw its’ cousin, the pink lady’s slipper (Cypripedium acaule) along the beaches of Pictured Rocks State Park along Lake Superior growing amidst the blueberries that bears and humans will dine on come August. Then near Lake Leelanau in the northern part of lower Michigan a few days later along a swampy road, there were the large white and pink bubbled blossoms of this regal Queen lady’s slipper.
12 The Buckeye
northern beauty top left: beauty bush flowers in Leland, Michigan top right: pink lady’s slipper orchid in Michigan’s UP bottom right: showy lady’s slipper near Lake Leelanau, Michigan page 13: paperbark birch
There are three white sepals and three petals, the most prominent of which is a rosy-pink moccasin or bootie like pouch (cyripedium means “the shoes of Venus” in the original Greek). This neutral to alkaline loving, but mildly acid tolerant orchid is rare, so do not pick. And if you do not listen to that admonition, beware: this orchid should not be handled since it causes a photo dermatitis reaction for unheeding humans. Paperbark birch (Betula papyrifera). As you go northward from Ohio, this birch becomes more prominent, although it is present, not only in Ohio landscapes but in natural stands, as you will learn if you drive with OSU entomologist Dan Herms up 1-71 as far south as the Mansfield area. In Michigan it is a prominent tree with its white bark studded with black scars and marks. Paperbark birch bark is whiter than the off white and even greenish-white bark of aspens that it comingles with, but the slightest wisp of wind will tell the plant ID difference as the wedge leaves of birch do
not quake or tremble with the slightest wisp of wind like the aspen (and poplar) leaves and their aerodynamic nature of flat leaf stalks (petioles) perpendicular to the flat leaf blades. What of bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius) and paperbark birch? As it turns out, this is not a big deal on healthy native birches. Bronze birch borer is a native insect and long ago has equilibrated with native hosts and is more of a secondary stressrelated pest. Striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum). In the northern Michigan dune environments on the Leelanau Peninsula there are sugar maples with wide canopies and numerous red maple seedlings edging their way in with bright red new growth leaves, but one of the great viewing pleasures is the backlit views of the large leaves of striped maples in the understory. This native maple is common in the highlands of Pennsylvania and West Virginia overlooks and can be found in Ohio woodlands and landscapes, as long as you provide some protection from hot, dry landscape sites. The striped maple added
please see page 15
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PHONE: 317-784-1442 • FAX: 317-787-2054 *Barricade® is a trademark of a Syngenta Finance Corporation. Gallery® is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. S338-034769_Gemini_OH_half_pg.indd 1
Always read and follow label directions before sale or use of this product. © 2014 An ICL Fertilizers Company, Worldwide Rights Reserved. 3/10/14 11:44 AM
August 2014 13
captions top left: striped maple foliage top right: life teeming on the forest floor in the UP: fern, pine bark, pine cone, moss, two lichens including Canadian soldiers lichens being a mutalistic symbiosis between a fungus and a cyanobacterium
14  The Buckeye
middle right: foliage of smokebush in upper Michigan bottom right: landscape smokebush in upper Michigan middle left: northern white/eastern arborvitae/thuja occidentalis bottom left: horsechesnut, July 4th in Leland, Michigan
Peony Blossoms for sale at a Farmer’s Market
continued from page 13
to Acer tegmentosum ‘White Tigress’ one of the many Asian snakebark maples with their arching branches and outstanding foliar details of stipules and foliar color changes is the highlight of the Chatscape, through no conscious help from us. So, when you take a horticulturist’s holiday, including to that land up north, enjoy the plants you encounter, in Michigan from the edible sweet and sour cherries and the hard cider they enhance to the weeping cherries in landscapes. In the north woods, the eastern arborvitae takes on another of its monikers: the northern white cedar. Peonies are sold in bunches in the farmer’s markets. Bracken ferns become a big player in the layered woodscape. Smokebush and horsechestnut adorn the streetscape and vineyardscapes. Lichens, and mosses, and ferns and fungi fill up the forest scenes. All are plants that remind us of and grow in certain buckeyeland sites as well, but provide déjà vu and jamais vu experiences in their different contexts. B Jim Chatfield Ohio State University Extension Nursery Landscape and Turf Team
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August 2014 15
Educational Update Phlox 102: Expanding the Horticultural Potential of an Iconic Native Genus
This article is provided to you as a benefit of membership in the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association. Content for this issue provided by: Pablo Jourdan The Ohio State University Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
In the October of 2011 edition of The Buckeye, Peter Zale and I presented an Educational Update titled Phlox 101: Perspectives on an Underutilized Genus of Native Plants, where we highlighted the horticultural potential of some species of Phlox. Our story has been based on the efforts of the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center, a USDA-sponsored gene bank housed in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science at The Ohio State University, whose mission is to acquire, study, preserve, and distribute seeds and plants of herbaceous ornamentals that can contribute to the steady improvement in the plants we use in our landscapes. Our primary customers are breeders and researchers working with a wide range of herbaceous ornamentals, but we see as our stakeholders all members of the floriculture, nursery and landscape industry. Developing a germplasm collection for an herbaceous ornamental genus like Phlox involves a combination of natural history, taxonomy, communication, organization, and some adventure. The goal of a germplasm collection is to capture the genetic diversity that exists in Phlox, and then catalogue, describe, and analyze it, and finally find ways to use this diversity. The first step is to do a thorough study of the taxonomy of the genus: How many species are there? How do we recognize
them? Where do they occur? What is known about them? This involves examining appropriate literature, comparing specimens held at different herbaria, and developing a record of locations where these plants may be found. It also involves making a lot of contacts with people, such as nurserymen, state botanists, plant explorers, gardeners, etc., who share a passion for this genus (and there are a few of them!). Phlox is native to North America; there are about 65 species, but the most important in constructed landscapes and gardens tend to naturally occur in the eastern half of the country. Of the 22 Eastern USA native phlox species, only a handful are known in the trade to any extent: the moss phlox of early spring displays (P. subulata); the woodland phlox (P. divaricata) popular in native gardens; the mid-spring mounded forms (P. carolina and P. glaberrima); the summer bloomers (P. paniculata and P. maculata) and the highly floriferous and intensely colored annual Drummond phlox (P. drummondii). While each of these species have desirable attributes, they also have limitations that, if modified, can result in enhanced horticultural attributes that make the plants more gardenworthy. Attributes that could be modified include disease resistance (especially to powdery mildew, but to other foliar diseases as well), plant
combined and rearranged, but for this to happen, the ability of the species to make hybrids must be carefully assessed. Thus, our objectives were to first capture the genetic diversity by collecting species and cultivars of phlox, characterizing some of this diversity, and then document which of the species can be hybridized to combine desirable traits. The most common way to capture genetic diversity in wild species is to collect seeds from various plants in the field. Unfortunately, collecting phlox germplasm is a somewhat complicated endeavor because it is difficult to harvest enough seeds from a stand in the field because the fruits open up explosively when mature, releasing the seeds. In addition, it is often difficult to locate plants in the wild in the first place, unless they are in flower. Therefore, we routinely relied on harvesting numerous shoot cuttings of plants in wild populations during the blooming period, transferring them to our greenhouses where they were rooted, propagated, and then grown in controlled conditions to produce seeds locally where they can be harvested prior to release from the fruit. To obtain such seeds we’ve needed to also develop a system to pollinate flowers that use pollinators other than bees because phlox apparently can only be pollinated efficiently please see page 18
The Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association’s The Buckeye, August 2014
habit (sturdy stems, compact habit), flowering period (extended blooming time), flower color and environmental adaptability (especially for the Drummond phlox for ease of production and growth in more humid environments). The genetic diversity in Phlox can be found within different populations of a species, usually from different locations, but also within different species. Peter Zale set out to find and collect many of these populations and species throughout eastern USA (Figure 1). It seems hard to believe that in this era of Google Earth and GPS there may still be plants ‘out there’ to be discovered, but more importantly, there are many of our own North American native plants that have not been ‘domesticated’ to fit our expectations for outstanding garden performance. While some wild species may function well in our landscapes as soon as they are extracted from the wild, many of our great landscape plants have gained horticultural attributes through the concerned and often sophisticated effort of breeders. This is particularly true for annuals, but it can be equally significant in perennials. There is good historical evidence that some species of phlox can be hybridized, suggesting that the genetic diversity in the different species may be potentially
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by butterflies. We are now in the process of learning to rear butterflies to use in controlled pollinations of phlox. Over the past 4 years we have developed a collection of nearly 400 different lines of phlox (each line is called an ‘accession’), about half of them plants collected from the wild (Figures 1 and 2), the rest are species selections and cultivars obtained from nurseries that are used for reference or comparative studies. Characterization of the various accessions include descriptions of the various physical characteristics that are of interest: habit, flower color, fragrance, blooming period, disease susceptibility, etc. Of particular interest to us was to determine the chromosome numbers or genome size of these plants (see Figure 3) because this characteristic may be critical when trying to make crosses between the species. In general, differences in ploidy can be a major barrier to hybridization, but this depends on many other factors. We have found that most cultivars of Phlox are standard diploids, but that the wild populations of some species can have multiple sets of chromosomes. Why this may be the case is not entirely clear, but it points out that important genetic diversity may be occurring within a given species that is not always outwardly obvious. Flower color is of particular importance in phlox (the name ‘phlox’ derives from the greek for ‘flame’, a reference to the vivid color of the flowers) so we have begun a more detailed analysis of the pigments that contribute to flower color in phlox with the hope of developing possible novel strategies for manipulation. A Masters student at Ohio State, Andres Bohorquez Restrepo, is systematically analyzing the color of our different accessions by scanning the flowers, measuring color, and then identifying the chemicals that contribute to a given color (Figure 4). This project is part of our characterization of the wild accessions that have been acquired by Peter Zale. Our major effort beyond the acquisition and characterization of the phlox germplasm has been to systematically examine the potential for the different species of phlox to produce viable offspring after crosses between different species. We have used 22 species in multiple combinations and have made over 15,000 pollinations between them to determine which combinations are more successful (Figure 3). Not surprisingly, we find that more closely-related species (based on taxonomic classification) tend to make viable hybrids more readily than more distantly-related species, but the pattern is not always clear-cut. The structure of the flower, in particular the length of the style, influences the direction in which a cross can be made (that is, which of the species is used as a male or female in the cross). Many of the hybrids between 18
these species are sterile, a factor that may limit their further use in breeding. However, all perennial cultivars of phlox are vegetatively propagated, so sterility is not a problem per se, and may in fact be a desirable attribute if it results in plants with longer blooming periods. The development of a germplasm collection of phlox is an ongoing process. There are still many gaps in our collection that will require additional field trips to obtain potentially interesting and useful material. There is much yet to be done with the characterization of disease susceptibility or resistance among the accessions. A major hurdle is the production of thousands of seeds in each accession, so the seeds can be stored under ideal conditions and the genetic diversity in each accession properly secured. Since the OPGC deals with public domain germplasm, we distribute seeds of our germplasm to breeders and researchers without any restrictions, with the hope that such germplasm can be used to broadly benefit the floriculture and nursery industry. There is also much more to be done with the hundreds of hybrids that have been produced, but there are tantalizing signs that some combinations may be quite useful for breeders and we hope to share the material and information with them as we continue to expand the horticultural potential of this iconic native genus. B
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The Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association’s The Buckeye, August 2014
New Carlisle, OH 45344
Look to the Future
The Importance of Coaching As we all ask who is the next generation of growers and managers and where are they coming from, it’s important that we don’t neglect our existing staff’s personal developmental needs. We’re all aware of how hard it is to find good help, so it’s imperative that we identify our rising stars and give them the coaching they need. Being a young manager in this industry, I have been fortunate to have had several managers who have challenged me along the way and allowed me an opportunity to grow. This helped me gain a stronger feeling of ownership in our company and a stronger sense of confidence in the responsibilities I was given. So much of our focus is in finding and recruiting new talent; however, we often fail to realize what talent we have right in front of us. It benefits us as managers to identify our existing talent and on a daily basis and find “teachable moments” to help our staff develop. Sure, it’s quick and easy to dictate to people what to do and how to do it, but you’re doing your staff a disservice by not giving them the opportunity to think for themselves. Let’s be honest. We’ve all seen managers out there who are worried about their own job security and would rather work themselves ragged rather than give new and upcoming talent a chance to shine. How does this sort of selfinterest benefit a company as a whole? Here are some practical suggestions and tactics that I’ve found useful in coaching: Empower your employees by making it a policy that they provide potential solutions to problems rather than just coming to you with problems. Often, employees are afraid to make decisions because they are apprehensive of the consequences. This helps them build confidence if they know that you as the manager want them to come up with ways to solve every-day issues. Identify through regular evaluations what specific
skills can be improved upon. Come up with concrete ways that you as the manager can facilitate the improvements. It’s easy to say “you need to be better at communicating”, but if that’s all the further it gets, how will the employee get better? If they need to improve their communication skills, give them a job that throws them out of their comfort zone and requires more communication. Have them assist in conducting job interviews or run a meeting for example. When new job opportunities arise, post the available jobs first to the existing employees. You will often be surprised who applies for these positions and why they want these jobs. This is a great way to find out who within your company is interested in developing their career. They may not be at a point in their development where you would put them in those positions, but it helps target those who want more responsibility. My most valuable tool I use is something I call walkarounds. This is where I encounter most of my “teachable moments” with our staff. I take time to walk through our production greenhouses with our section growers and ask them to tell me what they see and what they are working on. Here, I’m able to see the greenhouse through the growers’ eyes and gauge if they are identifying the same issues or potential issues I am. I often ask “what do you think we should do?” instead of directly telling them what I think they should do. Positive interactions that come out of these walk-arounds can go a long way in building a foundation of confidence for your staff members. Another example is when I walk through our shipping department to double check our plant quality, while at the same time observing our managers and their ability and effectiveness to run their crews. If things are running smoothly, I make a point to say “keep up the good work.” If I see a manager handling a situation in a less then tactful manner, I will discretely pull that manager aside and please see page 20
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Online Availability Visit our website Sales Staff Availability* Hot List* Klyn Catalog 2014* Quote Form Photo Gallery E-mail addresses About Us Directions *Contact us for user name and password
share a more professional alternative for dealing with a future situation. As managers we are making dozens of different decisions every day and dealing with countless situations that we never seem to have enough time to deal with. Adding coaching to your busy daily agenda is just one more task you will have to deal with. Helping develop your staff will take time and effort. In the long run this will be a time savings for you, as you will end up with a staff that can work independently. You will also end up with key individuals who are on their way to developing their careers as future managers. When you’re seeking new help, anyone can come with an impressive, hyped up resume with an equally appealing interview, but their work ethic and capabilities may not be anything close to this. How disappointing is it when you’ve spent days or weeks searching for this new great employee only to realize once they start that the people you already had were faster, better, and don’t forget, already know how to do the job. There are so many unknowns with new employees, but with your current ones, you already know what you have to work with. Yes, each employee comes with weaknesses... he or she will certainly not have the whole package... one will be super fast but sometimes miss details, another may be a slow pruner but is excellent with the customers, and another may not be as available as you’d like them to be, but when they are there, they are spot-on and get the job done with little guidance. No matter how great that new person sounds, they too will have flaws. Realizing the value of what you have and identifying ways to encourage development and promotion of your current staff rather than always looking for someone better will offer so many benefits to the company as a whole. I challenge you to find out for yourself how this can improve your operations. B Fred Higginbotham
ONLA Next Generation Committee Millcreek Gardens LLC
3322 SOUTH RIDGE RD. • P.O. BOX 343 PERRY, OHIO 44081
TELEPHONE: (440) 259-3811 FAX: (440) 259-3338 1-800-860-8104 Web Site: E-Mail:
20 The Buckeye
Out & About
Mending the Break in the “Cycle” of “Recycle” A Bio-plastic Container Study
Agricultural businesses use 540 million tons of plastics with plastic containers (pots, flats, & trays) representing 59%. These plastics contribute to carbon emissions, represent 8% of the world’s annual petroleum use (4% production, 4% transportation), create disposal issues (20% of solid landfill wastes by volume), are expensive, and remain in the environment indefinitely. Because recycling options for horticultural plastic containers are limited and reuse of plastic containers is not always economically feasible, our industry must take advantage of opportunities to reduce the volume of plastics used during crop production especially in honor of our name – “the green industry.” Alternatives to plastics include containers made of plant based fibers, plant or animal proteins (bioplastics), and recycled byproducts of various industries. Little information about the performance of modern biodegradable pots (pots that degrade in compost piles) or plant able pots (pots that degrade when planted directly in the ground) exists in the scientific literature. Many horticultural companies are successfully using such “Green” pots even though most alternative pots currently on the market are yet to be examined in an applied setting. This lack of information is a competitive disadvantage to producers and is critical if our industry
wants to properly utilize sustainable plant containers on a long-term basis.
Current Containers Not Easily Recycled The Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) established a classification system based on the numbers 1-7, in 1988. The SPI code, or number, is placed on each plastic product and is usually molded into the bottom. The SPI number indicates what type of polymer was used to produce the item. Many nursery containers are made from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), SPI code #2 or from Polypropylene (PP), SPI code #5. The nursery HDPE containers are blow-molded and usually have a hole in the bottom of the container. HDPE resists breakage in full sunlight which results in its utility in container nurseries. Many recyclers will not take #5 plastics or #6 (which is polystyrene). Therefore many #5 plastic containers will be discarded into landfill sites.
Current Containers Not Easily Reused Reusing HDPE containers can only be done with proper cleaning and sterilization. Most nurseries lack space required to store: 1) three types of containers, i.e., new unused, washed for reuse, and unwashed to be reused; and 2) to hold containers, often in a converted truck trailer feed by a steam generator for several days during the sterilization process. Only small, specialty please see page 22
Figure 1. Bio-plastic container study at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (October 2013).
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Treatment Mirel & Lignin Mirel 1008 PolyAmide + PLA Recycled PLA#2 HDPE trade-gallon (check) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (1coat) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (2coat) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (no coat)
Forsythia ovata 'Northern Gold' 10.0≠ a∗ 10.0 a 10.0 a 8.0 b 10.0 a 4.8 c 8.4 b 7.0 b
Sedum pachyclados 9.0 a 10.0 a 9.4 a 9.8 a 10.0 a 6.0 b 7.2 b 4.4 c
∗Means with the same letters are not statistical different from one another using at p> 0.05, lsmeans. ≠ Rating of container appearance is 0-10, where 10 is no visible appearance problems, > 7 is commercially acceptable and 0 is a disintegrated container.
containers compared Table 1: (Top) Container appearance mean ratings for seven bio-plastic container types developed at Iowa State University, Ames, IA evaluated for appearance and averaged over evaluation dates for two species of plants grown in 2014 at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH compared to an HDPE (industry standard) trade gallon container. Fig. 2. (Bottom Left) Paper-fiber (Polyurethane - two coats) (left) and Paper-fiber (Polyurethane – no coat) (right). The polyurethane coating have been added to increase the endurance of the fiber containers to watering, media, and plant roots during production. Fig. 3. (Bottom Right) There is little difference between no- and one- polyurethane coating; however, the two coating container has a higher container quality rating, (Pots Left to Right: 1: Paper fiber and one coat Polyurethane; 2: Paper fiber and no coat Polyurethane; 3: Paper fiber and two coats Polyurethane), Columbus, OH, 2014.
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nurseries with high profit margins can consider the investment in the storage area required and the expensive of cleaning and sterilization required for reuse. Another limitation to container reuse is return of the containers from end users. Nursery growers are not the end users of many of these containers, landscape, retail operations and the public are the end users thus there is a break in the “cycle” of “recycle.” This research is in collaboration with Iowa State University, which has lead for years in the development of corn and soy based plastics. The role of Ohio State University is to help understand the usefulness of biodegradable and plant able pots in production, landscape, and composting environments and to extend
22 The Buckeye
this information to the respective “green industry” sectors. The overall goal is to reduce commercial greenhouse and nursery reliance on environmentally unfriendly and increasingly expensive plastic plant containers through the assessment of: 1. Biodegradable, compostable and plant able (“Green”) pots in nursery production settings; 2. Plant able pot impacts on crop growth and pot degradation in landscapes; and 3. Windrow and backyard composting on the degradation of biodegradable pots.
Materials and Methods Two species were evaluated in the bio-plastic study at OSU in 2013, Sedum pachyclados Forsythia ovata
Table 2 Plant injury means for Sedum pachyclados grown in seven bio-plastic container types developed at Iowa State University, Ames, IA evaluated at three dates in the 2014 growing season at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH compared to an HDPE (industry standard) trade gallon container.
Treatment Mirel & Lignin Mirel 1008 PolyAmide + PLA Recycled PLA#2 HDPE trade-gallon (check) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (1 coat) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (2 coat) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (no coat)
Date 1 7.4≠ a∗ 4.4 ab 2.8 ab 5.8 ab 2.4 b 5.0 ab 6.6 ab 4.5 ab
Date 2 9.8 a 4.4 abc 2.5 c 6.5 abc 4.0 b 7.8 abc 9.6 ab 5.0 abc
Date 4 4.0 b 7.7 ab 7.4 ab 4.0 b 8.8 a 4.5 b 6.0 ab 6.5 ab
∗Means with the same letters are not statistical different from one another using at p> 0.05, lsmeans. ≠ Plant injury rating is 0-10, where 10 is no phytotoxicity, > 7 is commercially acceptable and 0 is a dead plant. ‘Northern Gold’. The sedum was obtained from Millcreek Gardens LLC, Ostrander, OH as one 80 cell seedling plug tray where each cell plug volume was 16cc, on April 24, 2013. The forsythia was obtained as bare root liners from North Branch Nursery Inc., Pemberville, OH, on April 24, 2013. The sedum and forsythia were potted into one gallon pots May 14, 2013. Eight one gallon containers of each of eight types of pots were shipped from Iowa State University (ISU), Ames, IA on June 10, 2014 and were received at Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus, OH, June 14, 2014. The bio-plastic trial was initiated on June 4, 2013 with 8 pot types at OSU in a retractable roof greenhouse (Cravo). The pots were placed on black geotextile ground fabric, laid on top of a gravel bed, to prevent rooting into the gravel (Fig. 1). Each pot type was replicated 4 times in a completely randomized design. The pot types consisted of two Mirel composites, Mirel & lignin (80/ 20) (#11) and, Mirel P1008 (10% Starch) (#14-G); one polyamide composite and blend, PolyAmide + PLA (70/40) (#17); one Aspen Research Corporation, Maple Grove, MN pots, Recycled PLA # 2 (#24); one control, high density polyethylene pot (HDPE) (#26-G); and, three coated fiber containers, Paper-fiber (Polyurethane - one coat) (#27-G), Paperfiber (Polyurethane - two coats) (#28-G) and Paper-fiber (Polyurethane – no coat) (29-G). MirelTM was obtained from Metabolix ® it is a bio-based Polyhydroxyalkanoaste (PHA). The Mirel products used in this study are PHA/ lignin – cellulose fiber composites. The cellulose and fibers are supplied from corn stover and Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS). DDGS is a co-product of the ethanol production process, is a high nutrient feed valued by the livestock industry. When ethanol plants make ethanol, they use only starch from corn and grain sorghum. The remaining nutrients - protein, fiber and oil - are the
by-products used to create livestock feed called dried distillers grains with solubles. A third of the grain that goes into ethanol production comes out as DDGS. Each bushel of grain used in the ethanol-making process produces 2.7 gallons of ethanol; 18 pounds of DDGS and 18 pounds of carbon dioxide. The Poly (lactic acid) or polylactide (PLA) is used in this study is a thermoplastic aliphatic polyester produced from renewable resources, such as corn starch through fermentation process. PLA is the most widely used bio-based and biodegradable polyesters. Polyamides are biodegradable poly (ester amide) (PEA) biomaterials derived from α-amino acids, diols, and diacids. PEAs are promising materials for biomedical applications such as tissue engineering and drug delivery because of their optimized properties and susceptibility for either hydrolytic or enzymatic degradation. The paper fiber pots used consist of no, one or two coatings of polyurethane (Fig. 2 and 3). The polyurethane used was manufactured in part with bio-materials. Three evaluations were conducted at one month after potting (1 MAP), 2 MAP and 4 MAP. Evaluations consisted of rating the quality of the pots and the quality of the plants, on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is perfect and >7 is commercially acceptable. Dry weights of plant roots and shoots were not taken at 4 MAP as an evaluation of plant and pot was to be conducted post-overwintering in May, 2014; however, all plants in the trial died in the severe winter conditions of 2013-2014. Pots were retained and have been repotted with new species for 2014 evaluations. Some of the containers were already un-useable after growing one season and winter. These were recorded and were not continued in the 2014 evaluations.
Results and Discussion. One coat polyurethane statistically appeared to be
please see page 24
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the most damaged, compared over all evaluation dates, when containing Forsythia (Table 1); however, the no-coat fiber container was the worst when Sedum was containerized (Table 1). We hypothesized the no-coat container would be the least able to endure regardless of species. We also hypothesized that species would be non-significant for pot appearance. With the Sedum, the plants were small and using less water early in the trial. The species ratings were much lower for Sedum (Table 2) in date 1 and 2 evaluations versus Forsythia (Table 3). The Forsythia were larger and used more water and thus the container media was kept more saturated with the Sedum. We speculate this is why species was significant for pot appearance and why Sedum performed poorly with the nocoat (Table 1). The Forsythia’s poor performance in the one-coat polyurethane containers (Table1) we speculate was the result of a low rating, only for the date 4 evaluation (Table 3). Forsythia on the last date was growing poorly in the noand one- coat pots. Therefore, these one-coat was saturated longer and would show less endurance.
Conclusions Although, the Polyamides + PLA pots did will in this study for both species, and the polyamides are biodegradable poly (ester amide) (PEA) biomaterials derived from α-amino acids, diols, and diacids. The PEAs are becoming very expensive. PEAs are being used for biomedical applications such as tissue engineering and drug delivery because of their
Fig. 4: (Above) HDPE black pot is the industry standard. Table 3: (Below) Plant injury means for Forsythia ovata ‘Northern Gold’ grown in seven bio-plastic container types developed at Iowa State University, Ames, IA evaluated at three dates in the 2014 growing season at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH compared to an HDPE (industry standard) trade gallon container.
Treatment Mirel & Lignin Mirel 1008 PolyAmide + PLA Recycled PLA#2 HDPE trade-gallon (check) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (one coat) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (two coat) Paper-fiber (polyurethane) (no coat)
Date 1 10.0 ns∗ 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 9.8 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns
Date 2 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns 10.0 ns
Date 4 5.8 ns 5.4 ns 6.5 ns 7.0 ns 6.8 ns 4.4 ns 6.8 ns 4.7 ns
∗Means with the same letters are not statistical different from one another using at p> 0.05, lsmeans; ns signifies non-statistically different ≠ Plant injury rating is 0-10, where 10 is no phytotoxicity, > 7 is commercially acceptable and 0 is a dead plant.
optimized properties for either hydrolytic or enzymatic degradation. The standard HDPE black pot used as the industry standard, also performed extremely well as expected (Fig. 4). The two-coat polyurethane was comparable to the control HDPE pot for both species. Trials in 2014, will focus more on the paper-fiber pots with two coatings. The paper fiber pots are also readily available, easily made, biodegradable and inexpensive.
We are continuing these trials in 2014 at OSU and will be doing pot degradation and composting studies this year as well. In 2015, we will be conducting trials at commercial nurseries in Ohio (pre-selected) when the grant was submitted. B Hannah Mathers The Ohio State University Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
Membership Moment
A Celebration of
Our Membership
The Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association holds a rich history within the membership that dates back to the Civil War era. As the ONLA family, we would like to congratulate our members on their 2014 anniversaries. Listed below are companies in order of year founded.
100+ Years of Business Mox Nursery, 1862 Evergreen Nursery Co., Inc., 1864 BASF Professional Turf & Ornamental Products, 1865 Dumont Seed Co., 1869 The Siebenthaler Co., 1870 Davey Tree Expert Co, 1880 Scarff’s Nursery, Inc., 1881 A. M. Leonard, Inc., 1885 Speedway LLC, 1887 Carlton Plants, LLC, 1890 Michell’s, 1890 Kibler Lumber Do-It Center, 1895 Cedar Lane Farm Corp., 1896 Crawford Nursery, Inc., 1904 Bartlett Tree Experts, 1907 Dayton Bag & Burlap, 1910 Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc., 1911 Cassinelli’s Glendale Nurseries, Inc., 1912
75-99 Years of Business Simmons Landscape & Irrigation, Inc., 1915 Ariens/Gravely Company, 1916 W. A. Natorp Corp., 1916 Klotz Flower Farm, Inc., 1918 Chagrin Valley Nurseries, Inc., 1920 Decker’s Nursery, Inc., 1921 Klyn Nurseries, Inc., 1921 The Cottage Gardens, Inc., 1923 Willo’dell Nursery, Inc., 1924 Kronmann Nursery & Landscape, 1925 Lowes Greenhouse & Gift Shop, Inc., 1925 Surface Nursery, Inc., 1925 Knollwood Florists, Inc., 1926
Monrovia, 1926 Schoenbrunn Landscaping, Inc., 1927 Wollam Ag Center, Inc., 1927 Tri-State Nurseries, 1928 Wade & Gatton Nurseries, 1928 Gear’s Flower & Garden Centers, 1929 Miami Nursery Co., Ltd., 1929 West Hills Greenhouses, Inc., 1930 Galehouse Tree Farms, 1932 Central Ohio Bag & Burlap, Inc., 1933 Delventhal Landscaping & Nursery, Inc., 1933 Neville Landscape & Tree Co., 1933 Heasley’s Nurseries Inc., 1934 Martin’s Nursery, Inc., 1934 DiGregory’s Greenhouse & Garden Center, Inc., 1937 Stropkey Nurseries, Inc., 1938 Tuccillo Landscape Service Co., 1938 Brickman Group, 1939 H. J. Benken Florist & Greenhouses, Inc., 1939
50-74 Years of Business Acme Tree & Landscape, Inc., 1940 Colini LandscapIng, Inc., 1940 Deal’s Landscape Service, Inc., 1940 Oakland Nursery, Inc., 1940 Harrell’s LLC, 1941 Rice’s Nursery & Landscaping, Inc., 1941 Schaffner’s Nursery, 1941 Cundiff Tree Care LLC, 1942 Fitzwater Tree & Lawn Care, 1942 Phillips Land Improvement Center, 1942 Mentor Heights Nursery, Ltd., 1944 Corso’s Flower & Garden Center, 1945 Ohio CAT, 1945 Benanzer Nursery, Inc., 1946 Friends Business Source, 1946 J. Frank Schmidt & Son, 1946 Madison Tree Care & Landscaping, Inc., 1946 Springbrook Gardens, Inc., 1946 Beardslee Nursery, LLC, 1947 Buckeye Power Sales Co., Inc., 1947
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Gilson Gardens, Inc., 1947 Sestili Nursery, Inc., 1947 The Andersons, Inc., 1947 W. S. Yoe Nurseries, Inc., 1947 Boyle’s Nursery, 1948 John K. Leohner Co. Inc., 1948 Kah Nursery, 1948 Wright’s Tree Service, LLC, 1948 Lake Cable Nursery, Inc., 1949 Pond Supplies of Ohio, Inc./Hoffman Tree & Land Svc Inc, 1949 Barnes’ Nursery, Inc, 1950 Gooding’s Nursery & Landscaping, 1950 Cuthbert Greenhouse, Inc., 1951 Herman Losely & Son, Inc., 1951 Ammon Wholesale Nursery, Inc., 1952 Impullitti Landscaping, Inc., 1952 DeHaven Home & Garden Centers, Inc., 1953 Jeffrey Allen Corporation, 1953 Strader’s Garden Centers, Inc., 1953 Stantec Consulting Inc., 1954 Willoway Nurseries, Inc., 1954 Brotzman’s Nursery, Inc., 1955 Constantine’s, 1955 Hillcrest Lawn & Landscape LLC, 1955 Northern Family Farms, LLP, 1955 Shemin Nurseries, Inc. Cincinnati, 1955 Berns’ Greenhouse & Garden Center, Inc., 1956 R. B. Stout, Inc., 1956 Haehn Florist & Greenhouses, 1957 Huggett Sod Farm, Inc., 1957 M. M. Gorski Landscaping, 1957 Studebaker Nurseries, 1957 Rhoads Garden Center & Landscaping, 1958 Rohr’s Nursery, Inc., 1958 Split Rail Nursery, 1958 Stahl’s Nursery, Inc., 1958 A. Brown & Sons Nursery, Inc., 1959 Green Velvet Sod Farms Ltd., 1959 Larry’s Landscape Services, Inc., 1959 Sharon Nursery, 1959 The DiSanto Companies, Inc., 1959 Delhi Flower & Garden Centers, 1960 Kindig Coudriet Nursery & Landscaping, Inc., 1960 Leuty Nursery, 1960 Oliger Seed Co., 1960 Roemer Nursery, Inc., 1960 Wilson’s Garden Center, 1960 Best Hoovler McTeague, 1961 DeHoff Flowers, Greenhouses & Landscaping, 1961 Smith Bros., Inc., 1961 Thornton Landscape, 1961 Wolf Creek Company, Inc., 1961 Angle’s Nursery, 1962 Brockhage Landscape Company, 1962
26 The Buckeye
Fullmer’s Landscaping, Inc., 1962 Poleo Associates, 1962 Ernst Conservation Seeds, Inc., 1963 North Dayton Garden Center, 1963 Locke’s Green Side Up Landscaping and Garden Center, 1964 Strausburg Nursery, 1964
25-49 Years of Business de Monye’s Greenhouse, Inc., 1965 Gale’s Westlake Garden Center, Inc., 1965 Green King Co., Inc., 1965 Improved Environments Landscaping, Inc., 1965 Medina Sod Farm, 1965 Frank Sullivan Landscaping, Inc., 1966 Hornberger Landscape & Nursery, Inc., 1966 M & I Investment Co., 1966 B. A. Heskett, Inc., 1967 Wickline’s Florist & Garden Center, 1967 Wild Flower Farm, Inc., 1967 Atwater Nursery, 1968 The Buren Insurance Group Inc., 1968 The Pattie Group, Inc., 1968 Zupcsan’s Nursery, 1968 Allison Landscaping, Inc., 1969 Carmar Gardens, Inc., 1969 Davis Landscaping, 1969 Country Pines Tree Farm, 1970 Dan Druffel, Inc., 1970 Seely’s Landscape Nursery, 1970 Seliga Landscaping, 1970 Petitti Garden Centers, 1971 Andy’s Garden, Inc., 1972 Bluestone Perennials, Inc., 1972 Buck & Sons Landscape Service, Inc., 1972 Cedarbrook Nurseries, Inc., 1972 Centerville Landscaping, Inc., 1972 Combs Landscaping, 1972 Connelly Landscaping Co., Inc., 1972 Dresden Landscaping, Ltd., 1972 H. A. M. Landscaping, Inc., 1972 Hartville Hardware, 1972 Herbert’s Pine Hollow Farm, 1972 Hyde Park Landscaping, Inc., 1972 McHenry Landscaping, Inc., 1972 McWhorter’s Landscape Co., 1972 Picciano Landscaping & Irrigation, Inc., 1972 Unilock Ohio, Inc., 1972 Vogel’s Nursery, 1972 Wilcox Farms, Inc., 1972 Dayton Nurseries, Inc., 1973 Lagergren Nursery, 1973 Landscape Design Nursery Farm, 1973 Meyer’s Garden Center & Landscaping, Inc., 1973 Riepenhoff Landscape Ltd., 1973
Rusty Oak Nursery, Ltd., 1973 Smith Landscaping, Inc., 1973 Timber Run Gardens, LLC, 1973 Beavercreek Landscape & Nursery, 1974 Custom Landscaping Co., Inc., 1974 Engler’s Landscape Management, 1974 Gateway Gardens & Nursery, 1974 J. Barker Landscaping Co., 1974 Jenkins Maintenance Co., Inc., 1974 Johnson Property Services, LLC, 1974 Lilyblooms Aquatic Gardens, 1974 Moon Landscaping: D. Lynn, 1974 Nilsson’s: A Full Service Landscape Co., Inc., 1974 Penn-Ohio Wholesale, 1974 Possum Run Greenhouses, Inc., 1974 Rich O’Donnell Landscape, Inc., 1974 Worthington Landscape Co. Inc., 1974 Art Form Nurseries, 1975 B & H Landscaping, 1975 Bobcat Enterprises, 1975 Evergreen Landscaping Services, Inc., 1975 Ken Helmlinger Co., 1975 Larry Lang Landscaping, Inc., 1975 Raley’s Pine Ridge Tree Farms, 1975 Sandy’s Landscaping, Inc., 1975 Ahlum & Arbor Tree Preservation, 1976 J. R. Thomas Landscaping, Inc., 1976 JCB of Ohio, 1976 Konen Landscape, Inc., 1976 Landscaping by Don Gilb, Inc., 1976 Mary’s Plant Farm & Landscaping, 1976 Parks Garden Center, 1976 Richards’ Landscaping, Inc., 1976 Sugargrove Tree Farm, Inc., 1976 TAH Benefits, 1976 Bailey’s Tree & Landscape, Inc., 1977 Bobbie’s Green Thumb, 1977 Brookwood Landscape, Inc., 1977 Burger Farm & Garden Center, Inc., 1977 Detillion Landscaping Co., Inc., 1977 Don Mould’s Plantation, Inc., 1977 Floralandscape, Inc., 1977 Gill Landscaping Co., 1977 Greenleaf Landscapes, Inc., 1977 GreenScapes Landscape Co., 1977 Hagee’s Nursery, Inc., 1977 McCoy Landscape Services, Inc., 1977 Pace-Sankar Landscaping, 1977 Seiler’s Landscaping, Inc., 1977 T. H. Blue, Inc., 1977 Taylor Terrace Lawnscapes, 1977 Verdant Green, Inc., 1977 Village Landscaping Co., 1977 Azar Landscaping, Inc: Fred, 1978 Denes Tree Farm, Ltd., 1978
Eastgate Sod, 1978 Hickory Lane Farms, 1978 Kassner Landscaping, Inc., 1978 Keller Environmental Co., 1978 Kendrick & O’Dell Landscaping, Inc., 1978 Millcreek Gardens, LLC, 1978 Moyer’s Nursery & Landscaping, 1978 Rindler Landscape, LLC, 1978 Royal Landscape Gardening, Inc., 1978 Schneider Landscaping, 1978 Spellacy’s Turf-Lawn, Inc., 1978 Spence Restoration Nursery, Inc., 1978 Spray-A-Tree, Inc., 1978 Stefani Landscaping, Inc., 1978 Welker Tree Farm, Inc., 1978 Zergott Landscaping, Inc., 1978 Cherokee Manufacturing, LLC, 1979 Devore’s Land & Water Gardens Inc., 1979 Greenhouse Landscaping, Inc., 1979 Greiner Landscaping, 1979 Lawn Lad, Inc., 1979 Lawn Masters, 1979 Leo Berbee Bulb Co. Inc., 1979 My Lawn & Landscape, Inc., 1979 Shoemaker Landscape, LLC, 1979 Summerbreeze Landscaping, Inc., 1979 Tepe Environmental Services, Ltd., 1979 Thomson’s Landscaping, 1979 Universal Farms, 1979 Vista IT Systems, Inc., 1979 Wengerlawn Nursery Co., 1979 White Oak Garden Center, Inc., 1979 Wilson Garden Center, Inc., 1979 Winchester Landscape Gardens, Inc., 1979 Acorn Farms, Inc., 1980 Ansley & Associates, 1980 Baker’s Village Garden Center, 1980 Bzak Landscaping, Inc., 1980 Canton Road Garden Center, Inc., 1980 Cash Flow Management, 1980 Creative Spaces Ldsp Design & Construction, Ltd., 1980 Del Corpo Home & Garden Center, 1980 Dolder’s Nursery, Inc., 1980 Earth-Tones Landscaping, 1980 GIE Media, 1980 Graf Growers, 1980 Linden Landscaping Co., 1980 LTD Landscapes, Inc., 1980 Markman Peat, 1980 Richard’s Tree & Crane Service, LLC, 1980 Scott’s Garden Center, Inc., 1980 Smith’s Gardens, Inc., 1980 Surroundings, Inc., 1980 T. R. Gear Landscaping, Inc., 1980 Waldo & Associates, Inc., 1980
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Abacus Landscaping Co., 1981 Albyn’s Landscape & Nursery Center, Inc., 1981 Benchmore Farms, Inc., 1981 Bud Jones & Sons, Inc., 1981 Builderscape, Inc., 1981 E. F. Pouly Company, 1981 Enoch Farms, 1981 Fred’s Water Service, Inc., 1981 Glass City Landscape, 1981 Grass Master, Inc., 1981 Greenspire Grounds Management, Inc., 1981 Hatfield Lawn & Landscape, 1981 Hemlock Landscapes, Inc., 1981 Kobelt, Inc., 1981 O-Heil Site Solutions, 1981 River Road Nursery, 1981 Spring Meadow Nursery Inc, 1981 T. L. C. Landscaping, Inc., 1981 Three-Z-Supply, 1981 WinnScapes, Inc., 1981 Abbruzzese Brothers, Inc., 1982 Cianciolo Designscape, Inc., 1982 Environments Landscape, LLC, 1982 JD Equipment, Inc., 1982 Lubrecht’s Landscaping, 1982 North Branch Nursery, Inc., 1982 North Coast Perennials, Inc., 1982 Pam’s Perennial Plant Farm, 1982 Peabody Landscape Group, 1982 Sunleaf Nursery, LLP, 1982 Yard Barbers, Inc., 1982 Arcola Creek Nursery, 1983 Best Landscaping, 1983 Bladecutter’s Lawn & Landscape, Inc., 1983 Cincinnati Pine, Inc., 1983 Cincinnati Urban Landscape, LLC, 1983 CLC LABS, 1983 Dill’s Greenhouse, 1983 Durbin Landscaping, Inc., 1983 Hewitt Landscaping, Inc., 1983 Hoover Nursery & Landscaping, Inc., 1983 John T. Baker Enterprises, Inc., 1983 Sunbeam Gardens, Inc., 1983 Timberwood Landscape Co. Inc., 1983 Wright Nursery, 1983 Buckeye Resources, Inc., 1984 Concrete Stone & Tile, 1984 DiCarlo Enterprises, LLC, 1984 Gotch & Company, Inc., 1984 Grunder Landscaping Co., 1984 KGK Gardening & Design Corp., 1984 Lakeview Nurseries, Inc., 1984 Living Legends, Inc., 1984 Meadow View Growers, Inc., 1984 Miller’s Country Gardens, Ltd., 1984
28 The Buckeye
Mulch Manufacturing, 1984 Noonan Landscaping, 1984 Ohio Mulch Supply, Inc., 1984 P. V. P. Industries, Inc., 1984 Paramount Lawn Service, Inc., 1984 Quality Plant Productions, Inc., 1984 Runkel Landscape Associates, Inc., 1984 Smith’s Camargo Landscape, 1984 Tall Oaks Lawn & Landscaping, LLC, 1984 West Chester Lawn Care, Inc., 1984 Arnold Sales & Marketing, Inc., 1985 Environmental Enhancement, Inc., 1985 Hobby Nursery, 1985 Klamfoth, Inc., 1985 Northland Nursery, 1985 Oberlander’s Tree & Landscape, Ltd., 1985 Ohio Landscaping Corporation, 1985 Purdy Landscape Services, Inc: Dave, 1985 Reichle Brothers, 1985 Warstler Bros. Landscaping, Inc.., 1985 Wilson’s Country Creations, 1985 Witte Landscape Specialists, Inc., 1985 Bremec Greenhouses & Nursery, 1986 Drake’s Landscaping, 1986 Earth Works, Inc., 1986 Holscher & Hackman Garden Center, 1986 Huss Nursery and Landscaping LLC, 1986 Morton Professional Lawn Care, 1986 N-r-G Landscaping & Nursery, Ltd., 1986 Quality Lawn, Landscape & Fence, Inc., 1986 Springlake Nursery, 1986 Springlake Nursery, 1986 Thesing Landscaping & Nursery, Inc., 1986 Tree Tyme Nursery, Inc., 1986 Binks Landscaping Company, Inc., 1987 E. W. Parker Tree, 1987 Eagle Ridge Nursery, 1987 Executive Landscaping, Inc., 1987 Green Shades Garden Center, 1987 JRM Chemical, Inc., 1987 Lamanna’s Lawn & Landscaping, 1987 Metroscape, 1987 Outdoor Concepts Landscape Contracting, Inc., 1987 Outdoor Delight Landscape, 1987 Professional Lawn & Landscape, 1987 Select Stone Company, 1987 Steinman Lawn & Landscape, 1987 Yard Smart, Inc., 1987 Bogue Farms, Inc., 1988 Brian-Kyles Construction, Inc., 1988 C. & C. Garden Design, Inc., 1988 COMO Landscapes, 1988 Creech’s Lawn & Garden Center, Inc., 1988 Deitering Landscaping, Inc., 1988 Dues Nursery & Landscaping, Ltd., 1988
Farrell’s Lawn & Garden, 1988 Finley Landscaping Service, Inc., 1988 Gehres Landscape Associates, Inc., 1988 Green Ridge Tree Farm, 1988 Luxury Landscapes, 1988 Mutter’s Lawn Service, 1988 North Creek Nurseries, Inc., 1988 Paradise Tree Farm, 1988 Pickens’ Tree Farms, 1988 Varga’s Greenhouse & Assoc., Inc., 1988 Advanced Tree Technology, 1989 Bostdorff Greenhouse Acres, Ltd.,, 1989 Columbus Turf Nursery, Ltd., 1989 Davis Tree Farm & Nursery, Inc., 1989 Ebright Bros., Inc., 1989 Essential Landscaping & Irrigation, 1989 Kevin Flory Landscape & Lawn Care, Inc., 1989 Lyons’ Pro Lawn Care, 1989 West Fairfield, Inc., 1989
10-24 Years of Business Bildsten Landscape Services, Inc., 1990 Dazzle Lawn Care, Inc., 1990 Diamond Cut Lawn & Landscaping Services, LLC, 1990 Father & Son Property Maintenance, LLC, 1990 Gehret Nursery, Inc., 1990 Glass-n-Greens, 1990 Midwest Landscape Network, Inc., 1990 Nettle Creek Nursery, 1990 Pondhaven Excavating, 1990 Spieles Nurseries, 1990 The David Vogel Landscape Co., 1990 The Greenhouse Shoppe, 1990 Tinkerturf Lawn & Landscape, Inc., 1990 TRC Landscape Services, Inc., 1990 Wood Landscape Services, Ltd., 1990 Yard Solutions, 1990 AHLA Services & Installations, LLC, 1991 Ameriscape, Inc., 1991 Begonia Park & Company, 1991 Dave’s Landscaping Service, LLC, 1991 G. A. G., Inc., 1991 Green Valley Seed, 1991 Hietala Lawn Maintenance, Inc., 1991 Holly Ridge Nursery, Inc., 1991 New Leaf Landscape/Garden Center, 1991 Rain One Inc., 1991 Reynolds Landscape Co., 1991 Vizmeg Landscape, Inc., 1991 Acer Landcare, LLC, 1992 Aristotle Design Group, Inc., 1992 Arselli’s Landscape & Design, 1992 Clean Cut American Lawn, 1992 Custom Landscape Service, 1992 Denny McKeown, Inc., 1992
Environmental Management Services, Inc., 1992 Johnny O’s, Inc., 1992 Landscape Assoc. of Greater Cincinnati, Inc., 1992 Meadow Beauty Nursery, 1992 Residential Landscape Specialists, 1992 Richard Rodomsky Construction & Landscape, 1992 The Greatest Scape, Inc., 1992 Tom Goodman & Associates, 1992 Agrium, 1993 Bellwood Landscaping, LLC, 1993 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc., 1993 Envirocare Lawn & Landscape, LLC, 1993 Envirotech Consultants, Inc., 1993 First Impressions Landscaping, 1993 Florimar, Inc., 1993 Franklin Park Conservatory, 1993 Outdoor Sensations Landscape, 1993 Pro-Cut, 1993 Stewart Landscaping, 1993 Zabak Landscaping, Inc., 1993 All Season Landworks, Inc., 1994 Biodiversity Landscape Design & Nursery Sales, Inc., 1994 Carson Nurseries, 1994 Creative Waterscapes, 1994 Dig-It Excavating & Landscaping, 1994 Gold-N-Touch Landscaping, Inc., 1994 Green Acres Landscaping & Nursery, Inc., 1994 Green Leaf Landscape Supply, Inc., 1994 Highpoint Lawn Service, 1994 Hunter Green Services, Inc., 1994 JTS Landscaping Co., 1994 K. & E. Design Management, 1994 Kile Landscaping, 1994 Landscapes and OuterSpaces, LLC, 1994 Legendary Landscapes, 1994 McArthur Lumber & Post, 1994 Premier Landscape Supplies, LLC, 1994 Red Wheelbarrow Gardens, LLC, 1994 The Lady Bug Garden Center, 1994 The Seed Center, 1994 Top Notch Landscaping & Supply, 1994 Yardscapes by Dianne, LLC, 1994 A & RJ Corp, 1995 Architectural Landscape Design, Inc., 1995 Backyard Retreats Patios & Ponds, 1995 Berry Marketing, Inc., 1995 DTR Associates. Inc., 1995 Grayhawk Greenhouse Supply, LLC, 1995 Habitat Creations of Ohio, Inc., 1995 Hapner Lawn and Landscape LLC, 1995 Lanhan Contractors, Inc., 1995 Merchant Services, 1995 Mondo Polymer Technologies, 1995 R & J Farms, Inc., 1995
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Stroble’s Variety Barn, 1995 The Site Group, Inc., 1995 Todd’s Enviroscapes, Inc., 1995 Benchmark Landscape Construction, Inc., 1996 Custom Lawn Care & Landscaping, LLC, 1996 Custom Spray, Inc., 1996 Daniel’s Landscaping, 1996 East of Eden Nursery, Inc., 1996 Green Vista Water Gardens, 1996 Hoelle Landscape Maintenance, 1996 JB Lawnservice, 1996 McCarty Gardens, LLC, 1996 North Shore Stone, Inc., 1996 Ohio Stone, Inc., 1996 Personal Touch Landscaping & Consultations, Inc., 1996 Pleiman Landscaping LLC, 1996 Shearer Landscaping Inc., 1996 Stepleton’s Outdoor Development Co., 1996 Agroscapes, Inc., 1997 Beck’s Greenhouse, Inc., 1997 Cappelli’s Country Gardens, 1997 Cardinal Landscape, Tree Service & Lawn Care, 1997 Classico Landscapes, Inc., 1997 Ebright Landscape Co., 1997 EXCEL 1 Ltd, 1997 Feasel’s Garden Center, 1997 Five Seasons Landscape Management, Inc., 1997 Garden Design Joe Daubel, LLC, 1997 Jonas Lawn Care Unlimited, LLC, 1997 Lawn Masters & More, 1997 McCullough’s Landscape & Nursery, LLC, 1997 S. & S. Farms, Ltd., 1997 Schuster’s Westview Gardens, 1997 The Garden Path Landscaping, LLC, 1997 Tom’s Lawn Service, Inc., 1997 Tucker Landscaping Inc., 1997 Webber’s Landscaping, 1997 Butler Landscaping, Inc., 1998 Clean Cut Landscape & Lawn, 1998 Dean’s Landscaping Inc., 1998 First Impressions Lawn & Landscape Co., 1998 Garden Graphics, 1998 Garden Guru, Inc., 1998 Hidden Creek Landscaping, Inc., 1998 Jackson Industries Inc., 1998 Landscape By Design, 1998 Len’s Excavating & Landscape, 1998 Listerman & Associates, Inc., 1998 M. J. Design Associates, Inc., 1998 Madison Lawn Care, Ltd., 1998 McIreland, Inc., 1998 Quality Services, 1998 Rocky Garden Landscape Development, 1998 Swisher Landscaping, Inc., 1998 Taphorn Landscape Services, 1998
30 The Buckeye
The Plant People, Inc., 1998 Veridian Landscapes, Ltd., 1998 Vivid Turf & Ornamentals, 1998 A & J Lawn Care, Inc., 1999 American Premier First Aid, Inc., 1999 Breaking Ground, 1999 Debbie’s Gardens LLC, 1999 Degree Lawn & Landscape LLC, 1999 Desirable Trees, 1999 Holkenborg Design & Landscape LLC, 1999 Kevin McCoy Landscape, Ltd., 1999 Landmarc Gardens, Ltd, 1999 More Than…Curb Appeal, 1999 New Leaf Landscape Construction, Inc., 1999 Perrino Landscape, Inc., 1999 Scioto Gardens, 1999 Spectrum Net Designs, 1999 The Nicolaus Company, LLC, 1999 Arbor Farms Nursery, 2000 City Wide Seed & Sod, 2000 Down to Earth Landscaping, 2000 Facemyer Landscaping, LLC, 2000 Flores Landscaping & Nursery, Inc., 2000 Go Natural Landscaping, 2000 Hope Timber Garden Center, Ltd., 2000 L. H. Wexner Household Landscape Team, 2000 Landfare Ltd., 2000 McKenzie Lawn & Landscape, 2000 Mid-West Landscape, Inc., 2000 Premier Landscapes, LLC, 2000 Proscape Landscaping, LLC, 2000 South Ridge Farms, 2000 Special Effects Landscape Design, 2000 Werbrich’s Landscaping, 2000 Wilson Landscape Associates, 2000 Yard Works, 2000 Barbeau Lawn and Landscape LLC, 2001 Boulders Direct, 2001 Cascade Gardens, Inc., 2001 Central Ohio Landscape Co., 2001 Complete Land Care, LLC, 2001 Davies’ Landscape & Lawn Care, 2001 Delagrange Landscaping, 2001 Drabik Landscape & Construction Services, 2001 Flawless Landscaping & Tree Service, 2001 Foothills Gardens Inc., 2001 Kaufman Landscaping Co., 2001 Lawn Scapes, Inc., 2001 Mowing & More, 2001 Oberson’s Nursery & Landscaping, 2001 Perfection Lawns, Inc., 2001 Rine Landscape Group, Inc., 2001 S & S Landscaping & Tree Servic LLC, 2001 Scioto Lawn & Landscape, 2001 Turner Landscaping, LLC, 2001
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Village Green Lawn & Landscaping, 2001 9 Trees Landscape Construction, 2002 Caines & Associates LLC, 2002 Cincinnati Horticulture Group, LLC, 2002 Lawnfitness Landscaping, LLC, 2002 Mowery Landscape & Design, LLC, 2002 Sure Shot Landscaping LLC, 2002 Vegetation Technology Services, LLC, 2002 West Point Landscape & Design Co., 2002 Woodman Lawncare & Landscaping LLC, 2002 A & D Lawn Care, 2003 A & J Landscape Center, 2003 Bella’s Lawn & Landscape, 2003 Bradley Landscape Co., Inc., 2003 Creative Earthscapes Inc., 2003 D & D Landscaping Supply, LLC, 2003 Davey Lawn & Landscape, 2003 Gardenscapes by Joanna LLC, 2003 Golden Earth Landscaping, LLC, 2003 Nick’s Lawn Service Ltd., 2003 Oak Creek Landscape Construction, 2003 Organic Roots Horticulture, 2003 Pat James Landscape Design, 2003 Stutzman Lawn & Landscaping, 2003 Sullivan Gardens, 2003 Tom Green Nursery Sales, LLC, 2003 Trappers Enterprises, Inc., 2003 Valley Landscaping, Inc., 2003 Bardos Landscaping & Lawn Care, Ltd., 2004 Cooper Landscaping, 2004 Gentry Home & Gardens, Inc., 2004 Maple Lane Tree & Garden Center, 2004 No Limits Landscaping, Inc., 2004 Pacific Impressions, Inc., 2004 Premier Gardening Services, Inc., 2004 ProScapes of Dublin, 2004 Sprinkler Solutions, 2004 Steven’s Lawn & Landscape, 2004
0-9 Years of Business American Classic Lawn Care Ltd., 2005 Arbor Doctor, LLC, 2005 BCF Lawn & Landscape, 2005 Black Bear Lawncare, 2005 Bry Pan, LLC, 2005 CustomTree Inc., 2005 Dailey’s Lawn & Landscaping, 2005 Darwin Designs, 2005 Hartman Lawn Care LLC, 2005 Hedge Landscape, LLC, 2005 J H Lawn & Landscape, 2005 Jamie Fox Landscaping, Inc., 2005 Jason Weigandt Landscape Co., 2005 Kleinhenz Landscape, 2005 MLH Design & Build, 2005
MTC Horticultural Services, LLC, 2005 Pinnacle Property Maintenance, 2005 ProScape Lawn & Landscape Services, LLC, 2005 Roger Lake Trucking Inc., 2005 Ryan’s Landscaping, 2005 Unique Landscape LLC, 2005 Your Personal Gardener, 2005 Classic Lawncare, 2006 D & D Maintenance, 2006 Evergreen Seed Supply, LLC, 2006 Mile Tree Lawn & Garden, LLC, 2006 Miller Landscapes of Westerville, LLC, 2006 MirrorScapes, LLC, 2006 Old Barn Garden Center, LLC, 2006 Phelps Ohio Nursery, 2006 Ponzani Landscape Co., 2006 Wade Gardens Landscaping, 2006 Wildes Lawn & Landscaping, LLC, 2006 Caroselli’s Outdoor Living & Landscape, LLC, 2007 JB Design Group, LLC, 2007 Kevin Masters Certified Arborist, LLC, 2007 Maumee Valley Growers Association, 2007 Miriam’s River House Designs, LLC, 2007 Ohioscape LLC, 2007 SB Landscaping, 2007 Structural Gardens LLC, 2007 T. A. Knief Outdoor Services, 2007 Woodland Mulch, 2007 Yard Gallery, 2007 Finnegan Landscaping LLC, 2008 Green City Resources, 2008 Halter Lawn & Landscaping, Inc., 2008 Wholesale Stone Supplies, 2008 Black Rock Landscape Construction LLC, 2009 DKB Landscaping Inc., 2009 Ed Mills & Associates LLC, 2009 Gardens by Monette, 2009 UpShoot LLC, 2009 Vicki and Company, LLC, 2009 Wise Landscaping, 2009 Brengelman Young Landscape Services, LLC, 2010 Campbell Landscaping LLC, 2010 Gorman Landscape Contractors, LLC, 2010 Land Aid LLC, 2010 Landscape Design Solutions, LLC, 2010 Perfection Landscape & Greenhouse, LLC, 2010 Ryan Kolb Co. LLC, 2010 Serenity Scapes, 2010 T J Sales & Consulting Ltd, 2010 Bowers Landscaping & Garden Supply, 2011 Everris, 2011 Industry’s Best Landscape Services, LLC, 2011 Landscape Problem Solvers, Ltd., 2011 Northwood Gardens Landscape Design & Construction, LLC, 2011
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Oberfields LLC, 2011 Post Excavating and Landscaping, LLC, 2011 Premium Green LLC, 2011 TD Landscape & Maintenance, LLC., 2011 Village Green Floral and Garden Center, 2011 Advanced Industry Supplies, LLC, 2012 Blue Frog DIY Supply, LLC, 2012 Lilly Lawn and Landscape LLC, 2012 Mohler Pavescapes LLC, 2012 Pondering By Moonlight Bay LLC, 2012 TOL Landscaping LLC, 2012 Cotter and Sons Lawn Care, 2013 D. Wolfe Landscape, 2013 Landscapes by Terra, Inc., 2013 Mohican Gardens, 2013 Timeless Landscapes, LLC, 2013 Uhlenhake Landscape & Design, LLC, 2013 Buckeye Equipment Sales, LLC/ Bandit of Ohio, 2014 Trego Turf & Lawncare Group, LLC, 2014 B
Thank You to our members! -The ONLA Staff
Restoring the native landscape 800-873-3321 814-336-5191 (fax)
32  The Buckeye
Yo u n g L e a d e r s
What your Resume Really Says About You Beyond the Basics: Resume Writing from the Perspective of a Green Industry HR Professional School might be out for summer, but now is a great time to perfect, update, or create your resume. Beyond the basic core items of a resume (contact information, education and work history), it is amazing how many things a potential employer can learn about you just from the details you do or do not include on that one (yes one!) piece of paper. You also never know when you might need a current resume. So my first suggestion, which I’m sure you have heard before, is to always keep your resume up to date. It is much easier to update your resume when you are currently employed or in school and feeling positive about yourself and your accomplishments! If you suddenly lose your job, it would be much more difficult to update your resume during a stressful time when you might be overwhelmed and feeling down about yourself. Whether you are looking for your first job, just out of college, or currently employed, here are some pointers to make sure your resume gets noticed and says what you really want it to say. While writing your resume, keep this one theme in mind: everything listed on your resume should show the potential employer what you can do for them – what can you bring to the table, why would you be an asset to the company, what skills do you have that would make the team complete? Regarding the format or flow of your resume, list the most important or relevant item right at the top. If your degree in horticulture is relevant to the job you are applying for, put it first on your resume. If you have a degree in, say, Art History (although there is nothing wrong with Art History), and you are applying for a greenhouse position, your education should be listed toward the bottom of your resume. Still list your education even if it’s not related to the job you are applying for because an education in any field is definitely resume-worthy. If your employment history is more relevant to the job you are applying for, list that first. Now it’s time to really think outside the box! What key activities, projects, and specific job duties have you done in the past that are relative to the job you are applying for? For example: If you did volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity, that’s great. But what did you learn from this experience, and what skills do you now have from
that experience that would jump out at the employer (installed dry wall, painted ceilings, installed flooring, worked with the team to complete the project ahead of schedule, laid brick walkway, installed landscaping, would be some examples). Show that you have a diverse background, but don’t get crazy with it. Again tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. Using the above example, if you are applying for a job as a landscape foreman, point out the landscaping experience from the volunteer project. Some Do-Not’s In the example of a candidate applying for a landscaping foreman: In your cover letter or first interview, do not say you worked for a landscaping company during college, but “that’s not on my resume.” The employer will wonder why you failed to mention a relevant job experience. Do not give your past employer a bad name. If the reason you left your past job was that the boss was rude… maybe they were, but don’t be that brutally honest. The company you are applying with might know or be friends with that “rude boss!” Do not tell the interviewer that you want to work for their company to gain experience so you can open your own business “some day.” Maybe that is really your plan, and it’s great to have goals or dreams, but most employers are looking to hire long term employees. Who knows, you might end up making this job your career. Of course you want to be honest if you really are planning to open your own business, but I think a better area to focus on is your qualifications and interest in helping this company be successful. This also goes for internships and seasonal positions… you never know when a temporary job could turn in to a full time opportunity. In closing, I would like to remind everyone who took the time to read this that these are just my thoughts and suggestions based on my own experience reviewing resumes. If you have any questions about my suggestions, please feel free to contact me at B Emily Showalter ONLA Next Generation Committee Willoway Nurseries, Inc.
August 2014 33
ONLA GOLF OUTING Friday, September 19th, 2014
The Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association Golf Outing will be Friday September 19th, 2014, with all proceeds going to the ONLA Scholarship Fund. Bent Tree Golf Club, Sunbury, Ohio Fee $100 per player 10:00 AM Shotgun Start 3:00 PM Awards & Cookout Registration Due By September 5th, 2014, For More Information Contact Amy at (614) 899-1195 Company Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State __________ Zip___________________________ Phone (______)_______________________ Contact Email _________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION:
Check #___________
Card Number: ___________________________________________________ Exp. Date: __________________ Cardholder Name/Signature: _________________________________ # of Golfers x $ 99.00 Each = $__________ Please make checks payable to ONLA
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
I N C .
I N C .
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 100% of the proceeds go towards the ONLA Scholarship Fund
September 19, 2014
Bent Tree Golf Club, Sunbury, Ohio 10:00 AM Shotgun Start 3:00 PM Awards & Cookout PRESENTING SPONSOR— Opportunity to welcome golfers & distribute awards during awards ceremony $1900.00 (1 Available)
WELCOME SPONSOR— Opportunity to welcome golfers & distribute goodie bags with you logo co-branded that includes: · Thermal Cooler Tote · T-shirt (all sponsors included) · Golf Balls · Coffee mug · Sunscreen $1900.00 (2 Available) HOLE SPONSOR— Company name on tee sign at hole. $650.00 (15 Available, 5 Sold) BEVERAGE CART SPONSOR— Opportunity to drive beverage cart with company signage displayed $750.00 (2 Available, 1 Sold)
As an event sponsor you will receive: • One golf foursome, meals at event ($400 Value). • Logo recognition includes: · Logo on event t-shirt · Signage at Event · ONLA Website · The Buckeye Return this form, along with a check payable: ONLA, 72 Dorchester Square, Westerville, Ohio 43081 Name:________________________________________ Company Name:_______________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City, State & Zip: _______________________________ Email:_________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ I am happy to support ONLA with the following sponsorship:___________________________________
GAME SPONSOR— Opportunity to conduct game (corn-hole or dice) $750.00 (2 Available) CONTEST SPONSOR— Hole in one, Longest Putt, Longest Drive, Closest To The Pin, Best Dressed Foursome $750.00 (5 Available) COOKOUT SPONSOR— Company advertisement on table signage during cookout $850.00 (2 Available)
I am donating the following door prize:____________
DOOR PRIZE SPONSOR Everyone loves door prizes!
Name on Card:________________________________
_____________________________________________ Estimated at: __________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION (circle one)
Amount: _______________ Card Number: _________________________________ Exp Date: __________ Cardholder Name/Signature:_____________________
Sponsorship Deadline is September 1st, 2014, For More Information Contact Amy at (614) 899-1195
CENTS Update
CENTS MARKETPLACE 2015 TO FEATURE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR Janine Driver, the New York Times Best Selling author of YOU SAY MORE THAN YOU THINK (Random House), and most recently YOU CAN’T LIE TO ME (HarperOne) has been selected as Keynote for CENTS Marketplace & University next January 7-9, 2015 at The Greater Columbus Convention Center. Ms. Driver will present her keynote on Thursday, January 8, 2015, then follow with a breakout session and book signing. “Janine Driver is a renown author, speaker and visionary, and we know she will captivate the convention participants with her work on interpreting body language cues in business,” explains Kevin Thompson, executive director of CENTS and its sponsor, the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association. “It’s really a credit to the convention that we were able to retain this level of talent.” A media expert for NBC’s TODAY Show, 20/20, CNN, Anderson Cooper and the Dr. Oz Show, Driver is founder of the Body Language Institute program that teaches executives, sales professionals, and others such as CENTS Marketplace & University participants on how to use body language techniques to build executive presence, maximize selling skills, and create and deliver winning business presentations. A previous law enforcement officer within the United States Department of Justice, she trained over 60,000 lawyers, judges, and law enforcement officers within the ATF, CIA, FBI, and the Netherlands Police how to read body language and detect deception. Her clients include such companies and associations as Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Lockheed Mar-
tin and many others. CENTS Marketplace & University draws thousands of green industry professionals to its business and education convention each year. About CENTS Marketplace & University Slated for January 7-9, 2015 at The Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, CENTS Marketplace & University is a dynamic regional convention with national presence and local flavor. CENTS provides tools, training and resources on mission-critical business trends and green industry opportunities. The event draws growers, independent garden centers, landscape contractors, arborists, and turf and pest management professionals who seek a high-energy forum where industry professionals can meet, sell, buy and learn. For more information, call (800) 825-5062 or visit Digital photos are available. B
ALSO AT CENTS... Tony LoBello, Mariani Landscape
ow Plan Nee to S ello LoB Tony TS 2015 N at CE
36 The Buckeye
Frank Mariani and Anthony LoBello have been creating exquisite landscape designs across Greater Chicago since 1987. Our 2015 CENTS University features Anthony LoBello, Design Director for Mariani Landscape, who leads a team of professionals who sell, design, plan, install and maintain award-winning residential, commercial and municipal landscape projects. Come hear how Mariani Landscape has developed the philosophy, methodology and best practices to build a thriving landscape business that achieves “AAA” ratings for client service and associate satisfaction. B
Grower’s Viewpoint
Controlling Rose Rosette Disease Rose Rosette Disease (RRD) is emerging as one of the most devastating diseases of roses. The disease is of great concern to the nursery industry because it is known to be lethal to the wild Rosa multiflora and potentially to all cultivated roses, including shrub types, hybrid teas, miniature roses etc. Even cultivars that are known for their exceptional disease resistance, such as Knock Out roses, are susceptible to RRD. Losses can occur anywhere roses are grown, including nurseries, homes, landscapes, and botanical gardens. In recent years, the incidence of the disease has grown exponentially in the Midwest and Southern U.S. due to an increased use of mass plantings of shrub roses in residential and commercial landscapes.
Symptoms Symptoms of RRD are many and highly variable, depending on the species or cultivar affected, the age of the plant, and environmental influences, which may complicate proper diagnosis. These include: the rapid elongation of newly formed shoots (Fig. 1 and 2); the prolific clustering of small branches, also known as witches’ broom (Fig. 3); an abnormal red coloration of shoots and leaves that persists throughout the summer (Fig. 4); production of leaves that are distorted or dwarfed please see page 38
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(Fig. 5 and 6); presence of deformed flowers with abnormal petal coloration (Fig. 7); an excessive thorn formation on noticeably thicker canes (Fig. 8); and a spiral pattern of cane growth (Fig. 9). In the early stages of the disease, symptoms may be subtle, go unnoticed, or be confused with other problems. By the time plants exhibit severe and recognizable symptoms, the disease may unfortunately have already spread to adjacent plants. The disease will cause rose bushes to begin declining and the entire plant will die in about 3-4 years.
The Vector RRD is spread from plant to plant by the eryophyid mite Phyllocoptes fructiphilus. This mite, which is native to the Western U.S., is one of the smallest animals on earth, measuring approximately 180 x 50 microns (one thousand microns is about the thickness of a dime). P. fructiphilus can be observed with the aid of a 10 or 20x hand lens on the plant’s new growth between the leaf petioles and axillary buds of infested roses. Adult females may overwinter in open buds, in partly developed shoots on stems, in clusters of foliage on canes, or under remnant scales of old leaves that dropped off the plant. Although P. fructiphilus is wingless, it can spread from plant to plant through air currents or via insects. The mite will acquire the virus by feeding on an infected plant and then transmit it by feeding on a healthy plant. The closer a rose is planted to a RRD-infected rose, the more likely it is to become infected with the virus.
History of the Disease
rosa multiflora Figure 1: (top) Red elongated shoots of RRD-infected Rosa multiflora. Photo by Joe Boggs, OSU Extension Figure 2: (bottom) Elongated shoots of RRD-infected Rosa multiflora. Photo by Joe Boggs, OSU Extension
38 The Buckeye
RRD was first reported in 1941 in California and Wyoming on a rose species native of the Rocky Mountains, Rosa woodsii. Between 1960 and 2002, year of the last documented study on the distribution of this disease, it spread through much of the wild, rural and urban rose populations of the Midwestern, Southern and Eastern United States. In recent years, the disease has also been found in a few western states. While it has been known to be present in the U.S. for more than 70 years, it was only in 2011 that the disease was proven to be caused by a virus, namely ‘Rose Rosette Virus’, a new member of the genus Emaravirus. The spread of RRD is linked to the history of Rosa multiflora, which was introduced from Japan at the end of the 1800 to be used as a rootstock for ornamental roses. Beginning in the 1930s, the use of multiflora rose was promoted by the State Conservation Departments and recommended for a variety of uses, including erosion control, as living fences to confine animals, as food for birds, as highway barriers, and it was distributed as rooted cuttings to landowners free of charge. What was probably not taken into account is that multiflora rose produces millions of seeds and spreads so quickly that is now declared a noxious weed in many U.S. States. Because multiflora rose is extremely susceptible to
RRD, the introduction of RRD-infected plants into areas infested by this invasive plant has been suggested as a way to reduce its spread. However, this is not recommended, as RRD can spread quickly from multiflora rose to cultivated roses and could represent a dangerous threat to nearby commercial nurseries.
Control Unfortunately, no cure is available for existing infected roses; every effort should be made in trying to prevent this disease by using a combination of approaches. Plants should be inspected regularly for symptoms. Symptomatic plants should be dug out, bagged, and removed as soon as possible, since infected plants may harbor large populations of eriophyid mites. When removing infected plants, make sure to remove all the roots from the soil as the virus can survive in living root tissue and serve as a reservoir for the disease. Several articles and websites suggest that pruning out infected stems when symptoms are first noticed may stop the spread of the virus. It is important to point out that apparent success may be due to the long latent period of this disease, that allows roses to appear virus free for a considerable amount of time. Researchers at University of Tennessee are currently collecting long-term data to determine if this strategy may or may not be effective to eliminate the virus from infected plants. Multiflora rose, which frequently serves as the source of inoculum for RRD, should be removed from the vicinity of rose nurseries and gardens. Moreover, the sites should be inspected for multiflora regrowth for up to one year.
abnormal effects Figure 3: (top left) Witches’ broom on Knockout rose. Photo by Joe Boggs, OSU Extension Figure 4: (top right) Abnormal red coloration of shoots and leaves of Knockout rose infected with the RRD virus. Photo by Joe Boggs, OSU Extension Figure 5: (bottom right) Distorted and dwarfed leaves of a cultivated rose infected with the RRD virus. Photo by Francesca Peduto Hand Figure 6: (middle left) Distorted and dwarfed leaves on a cultivated rose infected with the RRD virus. Photo by Joe Boggs, OSU Extension Figure 7: (bottom left) Deformed flowers with abnormal petal coloration. Photo by Francesca Peduto Hand
please see page 40
August 2014  39
rosa multiflora Figure 8: (above) Excessive thorn formation on noticeably thicker canes of Knockout roses infected with the RRD virus. Photo by Joe Boggs, OSU Extension Figure 9: (right) Spiral pattern of cane growth of a cultivated rose infected with the RRD virus. Photo by Francesca Peduto Hand
continued from page 39
Spacing plants so that canes and leaves do not touch each other can make it more difficult for the wingless mite to move from plant to plant. Research at University of Tennessee also demonstrated that a barrier of Miscanthus sinensis might be useful in reducing incidence of RRD in rose plantings. Controlling mites’ population through the use of miticides has also been suggested to help reduce the spread of the virus. However, mites are very small and it can be difficult to get complete coverage. Use of miticides is recommended in conjunction with cultural control methods, e.g. focusing sprays on plants that surround spots where diseased plants have been removed. Some species of roses, such as R. setigera, R. aricularis, R. arkansana, R. blanda, R. palustris, R. Carolina, and R. spinosissima have been reported to be resistant to RRD and several breeders and researchers are currently working to develop resistant varieties. While it is certain that Rose Rosette will continue to spread into new areas in the upcoming years, many researchers and rose companies all over the country are working hard to develop effective management plans to reduce the impact of this disease. B Francesca Peduto Hand Department of Plant Pathology The Ohio State University
40 The Buckeye
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Remember these Rules for Working Safely Every Day Every employee is responsible for his or her own safety in the workplace. Managers have a role to play, but avoiding accidents and injuries starts with the right attitude. Keep these tips in mind for protecting yourself and your co-workers: •
• •
• •
Stay aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the people, objects, and potential hazards around you. Don’t “zone out” when you’re doing something important. Ask lots of questions. Check with your manager and coworkers on the safest way to do your job. Point out any possible dangers you see. Get the proper training. Don’t take chances with unfamiliar equipment or procedures. Request the kind of training you need to operate machinery and perform your duties safely. Take breaks. Fatigue is the cause of many accidents. Take breaks and get the rest you need to stay energized and attentive. Learn emergency procedures. Take note of the location of all exits, fire alarms, first aid kits, and other necessities an emergency may call for. Talk to your manager about holding a drill so everyone knows how to react in a sudden crisis. Protect your body. Be careful when lifting, climbing ladders, and performing any kind of heavy physical work. Even if you’re at a desk all day, check out safety tips for good ergonomics to avoid repetitive stress injuries and other ailments. Rely on good safety equipment. Wear gloves and any necessary protective gear when carrying out any kind of hazardous work.
‘Catching up’ on sleep may not be the best strategy You work long hours during the week, so you probably look forward to some extra sleep over the weekend. But if you’re counting on those couple hours to help you catch up on all the rest you need, you may be cheating yourself. In a study conducted at Penn State University, 30 healthy men and women, 18-34, spent 13 nights in a sleep lab. For four nights, they slept a full eight hours; then they spent six nights sleeping only six hours, followed by three 10-hour nights.
The participants felt physically refreshed after being allowed extra sleep, but their brain functions dropped during their periods of sleep deprivation—and didn’t return to normal levels after their “recovery sleep.” So don’t depend on a few extra hours to bring you back to peak efficiency on the job. Make a point of getting a full night’s sleep every night to stay safe and productive at work.
Guard Against These Common Work Injuries Every year, thousands of workers are injured on the job. Most of those injuries are preventable, but employers and employees alike have to step up and take responsibility for maintaining a safe working environment. One place to start is with the most common workplace accidents. Here’s one list: •
Overexertion. Excessive lifting, pushing, reaching, bending, or carrying can cause health problems, as well as increase the risk that fatigue will lead to mistakes and dangerous accidents. Take adequate breaks and use the right equipment to prevent exhaustion and overwork.
Tripping and falling. Tripping over anything—a loose carpet, for example—can bruise skin and break bones, or worse. Keep an eye out for anything that might trip you or a co-worker up— boxes, cords, etc. Repair worn carpets, and don’t let smooth surfaces like tile get too slick from spills.
Falling from a higher level. If anyone works on ladders or scaffolding, make sure the equipment is in good condition and that people have the training necessary to work safely. Work with a buddy whenever possible to minimize the chances of missing something important.
Dropped objects. A dropped tool or a falling cabinet can cause serious injury. Wear the proper safety equipment: hard hats, goggles, and whatever else is available. Stay alert, and make sure tools and equipment are always handled carefully and replaced when they’re not in use. B Articles from First Draft Magazine
August 2014 41
Become More Productive
IMMEDIATELY Follow Jeffrey’s Nine Tips for Time Management 1. “Give me two alternatives” Teach your direct reports and employees to answer their own questions, by asking them to come to you with 2 alternative solutions when they want to ask you a question. Tell them you will coach them on which is the best - and the happy truth is most of their questions they will solve by the time they develop 2 alternatives. Teach them to fish, and you will all eat more fish.
2. Carve out alone time. If you are bombarded with interruptions and can’t seem to get any work done, carve out alone time each day (up to 2 hours), or a half day each week, where you either “close the door, pull down the shades, put a do-not-disturb sign on your door, turn off your email ping and phone buzz, and let your employees know not to interrupt. You may choose to go off site to get the quiet you need. Train your staff when they can reach out to you, and when they shouldn’t.
3. Use a weekly meeting. Set up a recurring weekly time to meet with certain staff, and ask them to save up their issues for that meeting, and not to ask you throughout the week, unless urgent or critical to a project or client’s satisfaction (in which case, see tip 1) - many will end up getting solved and not be relevant by the time your meeting happens.
4. Don’t sell to shoppers. Qualify out 60%+/- of the shoppers on the phone, and the other 40% on the first appointment. Use consultation fees and direct questions to make sure they are a good fit for you. Use your time on your higher value leads; close more good leads at a higher value.
5. Delegate low-profit tasks. Delegate any task you could pay someone $20 to $25/hr or less to do. Brainstorm a list of 5-10 things you do that someone else could. And for your key managers lower on the pecking order, have them choose a lower cut off ($10 to $15/hr). You will make more money and have happier clients if you (and they) stay focused to your high value, high profit tasks.
6. Build the habit of planning ahead. If you do everything last minute, you will make more mistakes, have less chance for support from others, cause more chaos, be more stressed, and waste everyone’s time. On Friday (or weekend) plan ahead for the next week. At 4pm or in evening plan ahead for next day. Taking time for quiet reflection improves your thinking process.
7. Make one business-building improvement a day. Improve one thing each working day, and in 20 weeks you will have improved a 100 things in your company and doubled the effectiveness of your corporation. Keep this up and within a year you will be 250% better off. People over estimate what they can get done in a month, and under estimate what they can accomplish in a year.
8. Have people clean up their own mess. When you clean up after others, you train them to keep making mistakes. When clients complain about workmanship, have the employees responsible go talk to the client and fix the problem themself - your employees will train themselves to do better next time.
No one is ever as efficient as they want to be, however, most leaders don’t know what to do about that. I have researched the best ideas for time management, tested them out myself, and collated this list. The techniques in this article will double your effectiveness and allow you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible.
42 The Buckeye
9. Outsource non-core tasks. You don’t need to be your own website guy or social media gal. You don’t need to be an expert in a side service (irrigation, fertilization). Understand what your core business really is, and focus your energies on building that aspect of the business. Outsource or delegate everything else.
Treat your business as a profession, and you will attract professionals. ACTIONS • Take the top 3 ideas, and implement one a week, or faster if they are simple to execute. • Share with someone in your company to be your accountability partner. • Ask your employees which of these ideas make sense to implement right away. B
Like what you read in this article? Jeffrey Scott will be speaking at CENTS 2015! More details coming soon!
Jeffrey Scott, MBA, author, is the expert in growth and profit maximization in the lawn & landscape industry. He grew his company into a successful $10 million enterprise, and he’s now devoted to helping others achieve profound success. Over 6000 read his monthly newsletter. He facilitates the Leader’s Edge peer group for landscape business owners; his members achieved a 27% profit increase in their first year. To learn more visit
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August 2014 43
Industry Calendar
View for seminars, events, trade shows and more! O designates qualifying OCNT recertification events
August 5, 2014 OCNT Test, Columbus, Ohio, The Ohio Certified Nursery Technician (OCNT) Garden Center, Grower & Landscape tests will be given. Garden Center test 9:00 a.m., Grower test 11:30 a.m., Landscape test 2:00 p.m. O August 6, 2014 Lighting Installation, Oakwood Village, Ohio, This hands-on training is designed for managers and crew members who install, troubleshoot or repair low voltage landscape lighting systems. Learn the required equipment and installation techniques you’ll need to install transformers, wire and fixtures in the field from an industry expert. August 6, 2014 Irrigation Design, Installation Class, & Turf Weed Management Class, By John Deere Landscapes, Powell, Ohio, You’re invited to our Irrigation Design, Installation Class, and Turf Weed Management Class. Learn how to install an irrigation system from start to finish and learn how to control problem weeds in turf grass. August 7, 2014 OCNT Test, Hamilton, Ohio, The Ohio Certified Nursery Technician (OCNT) Garden Center, Grower & Landscape tests will be given. Garden Center test 9:00 a.m., Grower test 11:30 a.m., Landscape test 2:00 p.m. O August 11, 2014 NGLCO & ONLA Grower Bus Tour, Lake County, Ohio, Join the Nursery Growers of Lake County Ohio and the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association for the 2014 Ohio Grower Bus Tour. More details to follow. August 12, 2014 NGLCO Field Day, Perry, Ohio, The NGLCO Summer Field Day is a long-standing tradition for green industry professionals. Mark your calendar and attend the 2014 event!
O August 14, 2014 Diagnostic Walkabouts for the Green Industry, Akron, Ohio, Join ONLA, OSU & AGI for a critical look at landscape and turf during early morning landscape walks throughout Ohio. Tim Malinich, Horticulture Educator with Ohio State University Extension, and other horticulturalists will lead indepth discussions of the art and science of scouting, diagnostics and control of landscape pests. O August 26, 2014 Irrigation Electrical Service, Columbus, Ohio, This hands-on training is designed for managers and crew members who service landscape irrigation systems. The course focuses on the diagnostics and repair of system electrical components (controller, wiring, and solenoids). Come practice using a volt/ ohm meter and learn servicing and troubleshooting techniques from an expert. O August 27, 2014 Efficient & Productive Tree Climbing* Cleveland, Ohio, This hands-on training is a sequel to the Tree Climbing 101 program and requires that attendees possess basic tree climbing skills and are physically able to climb a tree*. Participants will elevate their basic skills by practicing efficiently working in the tree. Come learn and practice climbing and performing tree care procedures from a TCIA Certified Tree Care Safety Professional. O August 28, 2014 Diagnostic Walkabouts for the Green Industry, Toledo, Ohio, Join ONLA, OSU & AGI for a critical look at landscape and turf during early morning landscape walks throughout Ohio. Tim Malinich, Horticulture Educator with Ohio State University Extension, and other horticulturalists will lead indepth discussions of the art and science of scouting, diagnostics and control of landscape pests.
O September 2, 2014 Pond Clinic, Akron, Ohio, Do you have questions about how to install and maintain ponds? If you do, this clinic is for you! This class will cover the tools, tips, and the science behind making every pond project a success. This clinic is designed for company owners, landscape salespersons, designers, and field technicians. Lunch will be provided. Topics covered will include: Correct sizing of pumps and hose; Green water and algae solutions; Creating a balanced ecosystem; Selecting the site/location; Types and sizing of filtration; Plants and fish care; Water additives; Pondless water features; New techniques, products and more! O September 11, 2014 Diagnostic Walkabouts for the Green Industry, Westerville, Ohio, Join ONLA, OSU & AGI for a critical look at landscape and turf during early morning landscape walks throughout Ohio. Tim Malinich, Horticulture Educator with Ohio State University Extension, and other horticulturalists will lead indepth discussions of the art and science of scouting, diagnostics and control of landscape pests. O September 17, 2014 Greenhouse Growers Driving Tour, Bowling Green/ Toledo, Ohio, The Greenhouse Grower Driving Tour will take place September 17, 2014 in the Bowling Green/Toledo area. Company stops include: Hoenes Greenhouse, Bottsdorffs, and North Branch Nursery. More Details Coming Soon! September 19, 2014 ONLA Golf Outing, Sunbury, Ohio, ONLA will be hosting a golf outing to raise money for scholarship. Cost is $99.00 per golfer. 100% of the proceeds go to the ONLA Scholarship Fund.
August 12, 2014 OCNT Test, Perry, Ohio, The Ohio Certified Nursery Technician (OCNT) Garden Center, Grower & Landscape tests will be given. Garden Center test 9:00 a.m., Grower test 11:30 a.m., Landscape test 2:00 p.m.
44 The Buckeye
O September 25, 2014 Diagnostic Walkabouts for the Green Industry, North Olmstead, Ohio, Join ONLA, OSU & AGI for a critical look at landscape and turf during early morning landscape walks throughout Ohio. Tim Malinich, Horticulture Educator with Ohio State University Extension, and other horticulturalists will lead indepth discussions of the art and science of scouting, diagnostics and control of landscape pests. O October 7, 2014 Irrigation Electrical Service, Sharonville, Ohio, This hands-on training is designed for managers and crew members who service landscape irrigation systems. The course focuses on the diagnostics and repair of system electrical components (controller, wiring, and solenoids). Come practice using a volt/ohm meter and learn servicing and troubleshooting techniques from an expert.
O October 8, 2014 Architectural, Landscape & Hardscape Lighting Design, Oakwood Village, Ohio, This interactive class covers the fundamentals of the planning and design process. Expert trainers provide process guidance on how to capture site/owner requirements and identify focal points and specify equipment to ensure proper costing and effective design of the lighting system.
O October 15, 2014 Architectural, Landscape & Hardscape Lighting Design, Sharonville, Ohio, This interactive class covers the fundamentals of the planning and design process. Expert trainers provide process guidance on how to capture site/ owner requirements and identify focal points and specify equipment to ensure proper costing and effective design of the lighting system.
O October 8, 2014 Tree Climbing 101, Hilliard, Ohio, This training opens with an overview of the equipment and steps participants need to follow for safe tree climbing in a variety of situations. Come learn and practice climbing a tree the ‘right way’ from a TCIA Certified Tree Care Safety Professional.
O January 7-9, 2015 CENTS Marketplace & CENTS University, Attend CENTS Marketplace & CENTS University, with over 225,000 square feet of exhibition space and world class education. B
Advertisers’ Index Buckeye Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 CENTS Marketplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBC The Official Publication of the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association
The Buckeye is the nursery and landscape industry’s authoritative voice in Ohio. Second to none in editorial and graphic quality, The Buckeye publishes a wide range of editorial features on the green industry’s key issues. The Buckeye is another example of how the ONLA leads, promotes, and facilitates the success and growth of green industry businesses.
The Buckeye is published 10 times each year with a circulation of over 5,000 each issue and an
estimated readership of over 10,000. Advertisers benefit from an industry-specific audience, with distribution to professional nursery, landscape and independent garden center businesses and individuals, certified green industry professionals, educators/researchers, and subscribers. Access Ohio’s $4.9 billion industry. Contact Amanda to learn how your business can benefit from becoming an advertiser in The Buckeye.
CENTS University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Ernst Seeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Everris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fairview Evergreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Klyn Nurseries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Medina Sod Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Millcreek Gardens, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ONLA Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ONLA Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Plant Something. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC
ONLA Classified Advertising:
The online classified service can be found on along with the complete postings. New ads will be added as soon as they are submitted to the ONLA. For more information, please contact the ONLA office at (614) 899-1195. The ONLA reserves the right to refuse ads. As we go to press, here are the ads posted on’s online Classified Section: Scarff’s Nursery, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Spring Meadow Nursery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Nursery Worker/Manager, Environmental Management Services, Dublin, Ohio
Sales Representative, Gardenscape, Northeast Ohio and West Pennsylvania
Operations Manager, Environmental Management Services, Dublin, Ohio
Turf & Plant Health Care Applicator, Hemlock Landscapes, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Unilock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC
Ad Rates & Info Contact Amanda Domsitz 614.899.1195
46 The Buckeye
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CENTS University provides worldclass education and business training to green industry professionals. At the 2015 convention, CENTS University will launch its inaugural educational platform featuring renowned speakers and expert educators. Come learn from the industry’s top thinkers from across the nation.