Clerbrook Golf & RV Resort

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Guest Name: Site #: Welcome to Clerbrook Golf & RV Resort 20005 US Hwy 27 N, Clermont, FL 34715, Lake County (352) 394-5513 • Toll Free: (800) 440-3801 • Fax: (352) 394-8251
FLORIDA’STURNPIKE OLD HWY50W 7TH ST JUNIATA ST MONTROSE 27 LAKE MINNEOLA LAKE MINNEHAHA PITT ST ALMOND ST EAST AVE CENTER ST PEARL ST SULLIVAN RD CITRUS GROVE RD HIGHLAND OAKS BLVD OAK VALLEY OSCEOLA ST S. GRAND HWY HATTERAS AVE GRAND HWY GRASSY LAKE SHEPHERD LAKE SCHOOLHOUSE LAKE OAKLEY SEAVER RD 27 27 CLERMONT MINNEOLA LAKESHOREDR C ITRU S T O W E R B L V D WEST AVE 2ND ST DISSTON AVE ANDERSON ST TO ORLANDO & WINTER GARDEN 94 94 50 50 50 25 4 TO 19 94 25 MAIN ST LAKEMINNEOLA DR ANDERSON ST (TOLLROAD) N HANCOCK R D HANCOCK R D GRANVILLE AVE TO OCALA EXIT 272 LAKE LOUISA MAPS NOT TO SCALE 6 3 12 9 10 2 MOBILE AT PARK 1 3 4 7 8 9 11 These businesses are recommended by your host Please let them know you are staying at CLERBROOK GOLF & RV RESORT ENJOY YOUR STAY! Wash (includes roof) ($4/ft)..................................................................$120-180 Wash & Undercarriage De-salt ($10/ft).............................................$250-450 Wash & Orbital Wax (12/ft)....................................................................$250-600 Wash & Poli-glow polymer ($15-$18/ft)...........................................$350-810 Wash & AT-5 Ceramic Paint Sealant ($25/ft)...............................$600-$1125 Wash & High Speed Bu ($20-$25/ft).............................................$500-1125 Diamond Shield Removal.................................................................$1200-1500 Roof Treatment ( berglass OR rubber)...............................................$3 per ft Rubber Roof Sealant...............................................................................$15 per ft Polish Rims..........................................................................................$30-$40 each Awning cleaning...............................................................................$30-$40 each Pressure Wash Manufactured Home.................................................$150-250 1 Enjoy great amenities and fun-filled activities at RV resorts and campgrounds across the Southeast! Call (800) 354-7681 or visit Camaraderie with Active, Retired, Honorably Discharged Veterans ACTIVE MILITARY & VETERANS RV TRAVEL CLUB Caravans to Great Places Local RV Chapters Lots of Fun Ac tivities Local & Regional Musters Go To: to see more JEWELERS OF CLERMONT Mon-Fri 9:30 to 5:30 • Saturday 9:30 to 3:30 • Sunday Closed 352-394-2612 481 E. Hwy. 50 Suite 101 • Clermont, FL 34711 • All Repairs Done On SITE Family Owned & Operated “Since 1945” Beautiful Selection of Fine Jewelry Jewelr y Appraisals ewelr Shop Local • We buy Gold, Silver Diamonds, Platinum, Coins & Watches NATURAL DIAMONDS& LABCREATED Celebrating 78 Years Free Pick-up & Delivery Call Today (407) 557-2775 Parts Service Rental Sales Located in Clermont Repairs, Maintenance Installations, Inspections David Botzenmayer RVTI Certified • Licensed • Insured 407-961-0670 4 3 2
LIFESTYLES CLUBHOUSE PICNIC PAVILION GOLF D STREET 4TH AVENUE C STREET A STREET B STRE E T 1ST AVENUE 2ND AVENUE 3RD AVENUE WELCOME CENTER REGISTRATION DESK SALES OFFICE EMPLOYEE PARKING LIBRARY MAIL ROOM EXERCISE ROOM FREE WI-FI LIFESTYLE AREA SITES 1-656 11 12 10 TO LEESBURG TO CLERMONT ENTRANCE 18 9 PRO SHOP DRIVING RANGE AREA 15 14 13 CROSSROADS AREA SITES 657-884 SHUFFLE BOARD CLUB HOUSE CLUBHOUSE LANE CLERVIEW DRIVE KNOLL BROOK LANE TREEVIEW TERRACE PAR ST BIRDIE ST BOGIE ST CADDY ST TEE ST GOLF VIEW TRAIL GOLF VIEW TRAIL GOLF VIEW TRA I L COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE C STREET Rentals Elite Premium Standard Basketball Court Swimming Pool Whirlpool Spa Restrooms & Showers LP Gas Softball Field Fishing Playground Dumpster Laundry Dump Station Horseshoes Community Fire Pit Corn Hole Shuffleboard Pet Path Gate House Trash Compactor “Cler Bark” Dog Park Lift Station L EGE N D 27 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 857 858 856 855 859 860 861 862 863 864 846 854 853 852 851 850 881 882 883 884 845 847 848 849 844 843 842 827 826 821 822 823 824 825 837 836 835 834 811 812 813 814 833 832 831 830 815 816 817 818 829 819 828 820 841 840 839 838 807 808 809 810 788 789 790 787 797 796 795 781 782 783 794 793 792 791 784 785 786 802 801 800 799 776 777 778 779 798 780 806 805 804 803 772 773 774 775 759 758755756757 754 746 747 748 749 767 766 765 764 750 751 752 753 763 762 761 760 771 770 769 768 742 743 744 745 741 740 739 738 727 728 729 730 719 720 721 722 726 725 724 723 713 714 715 718 717 716 712 711 710 707 708 709 706 705 704 701 702 703 700 699 698 697 696 695 694 693 692 691 690 689 688 687 686 685 684 683682 681 680 679 678 677 675 676 674 673 672 671 670 669 668 667 666 665 664 663 662 661 660 659 657 658 929 930 931 932 123 122 121 120 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 116 81 117 80 79 78 118 119 99 100 101 102 103 98 97 96 95 94 74 63 75 62 61 60 76 77 69 70 71 72 73 56 51 57 50 49 48 58 59 44 43 45 42 41 40 36 37 38 39 46 47 52 53 54 55 68 67 66 65 64 104 105 106 107 108 93 92 91 90 89 109 110 111 112 88 87 86 85 84 114 115 83 82 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 14 13 1 2 6 7 26 25 24 23 22 17 18 19 28 27 31 32 33 34 35 29 30 15 16 20 21
MANATEE DRIVE BLACK BEAR TRAIL GREAT BLUE HERON ROAD PANTHER PATH MAINTENANCE BUILDING GOLF VIEW DRIVE J STREET I STREET H STREET G STREET F STREET E STREET N STREET M STREET L STREET K STREET 1 8 VERANDA AREA SITES 888-1257 5TH AVENUE 6TH AVENUE 7TH AVENUE 8TH AVENUE GOLF VIEW DRIVE WILDLIFE & CONSERVATION AREA WWTP 3 4 7 6 2 5 TREEFROGDRIVE R ATTLESNAKE CIRCLE THE VERANDA TROPICAL BILLIARDS REC HALL WOOD SHOP CARDS ALLIGATOR ALLEY REDFOXROAD SNAPPIN TURTLE RD IGUANA ST FLAMINGO ROAD S A N D H I L L C R A N E D R I V E RV STORAGE 17 16 GOLF VIEW DRIVE GOLF VIEWTERRACE CLERBROOK TRAIL CLERBROOK TRAIL WHIP-POOR-WILL WAY OSPREY TERRACE RED FOX ROAD 925 926 927 928 929 924 922 921 923 920 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 916 917 918 1042 1041 1040 1039 1038103710361035 1034 1033 1032 1031 1030 933 934 935 936 974975 976 977 978 979 993 994 995 898 915 1003 1004 1005 1006 914 913 1044 1043 100710081009 1060 1058 1059 101010111012 1073 1072 1074 1029 1028 1027 1025 1024 1023 1022 1021 1190 1189 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1187 1188 1186 1185 1184 1183 1182 1180 1181 11 79 1178 11 77 11 76 11 75 11 74 1173 1172 1171 1170 1169 1168 1166 1165 1164 1163 1162 11 61 1160 1159 1158 1157 1156 1167 1246124712481249 1257 1256 1 148 1 148A 1 149 1 150 1 151 1 152 1 153 1154 1155 1255 1254 1253 1250 1251 1252 1225 1224 1223 1222 1221 1220 1219 1218 1217 1216 1215 1214 1213 1245 1244 1243 1242 1241 1240 1239 1238 1237 1236 1235 1234 1233 1232 1231 1230 1229 1228 12271226 996 1 075 1071 1070 1069 1068 1067 1057 1056 1055 1054 1053 1052 1130 1129 1128 1127 1126 1125 1124 1123 1122 1121 1120 1119 1118 1117 1116 1115 1114 1113 1112 1111 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 12081209121012111212 1107 11061105110411031102 1110 1109 1108 1101 11001099109810971096 1095 1094109310921091 1090 1 089 1088 1087 1086 1085 1084 CLERBROOK DRIVE 1014 1013 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1201 1202 1200 1199 1198 1197 1196 937 938 939 940 941 942943 944 945 946 947 948949950 951952953954 955956 957 958 959 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 989 990 991 992 997 998 999 1000 10011002 901 902 903 899 900 904 905 984 983 982 981 960 960A 980 988987 986985 965 964 963962 961 912 911 910 909 908 907 906 1045 1046 10471048 1049 1050 1051 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1 076 1 077 1 078 1083 1082 1081 1080 581 582 583 579 584 638 637 636 639 640 641 635 634 633 632 631 630 642 643 644 645 646 647 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 463 462 461 460 459 458 457 456 455 454 453 452 451 450 449 448 447 446 445 444 442 443 441 440 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 649 656 651 650A 650 648 652 653 654 655 629 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 614 613 612 611 610 609 608 628 618 617 616 615 474 473 472 471 470 469 468 467 466 465 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 496 495 494 493 492 491 490 489 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 516 515 514 513 512 511 510 509 487 488 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 541 535 536 537 538 539 534 533 532 529 531 530 464 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 550549 552551 439 438 437 436 435 434 433 363364365366367368369370412413414415426427428429430431432 322323324325326354355356357358359360361 288 422 421 425424423 287 286 285 284 249 248 247 372 374373 375 376 377 378 381380379 420 419 418 417 416 407 408 409 410 411 406 405 404 403 402 397 398 399 400 401 396 395 394 393 392 387 388 389 390 391 386 385 384 383 382 341 342 343 344 345 340 339 338 337 336 346 347 348 349 350 335 334 333 332 331 351 352 353 330 329 328 327 312 313 314 315 300 311 299 298 297 296 316 317 318 319 295 294 293 292 320 321 291 290 289 272 273 274 275 276 261 260 259 258 257 277 278 279 280 256 255 254 253 281 252 251 250 282 283 230 231 232 233 234 219 218 217 216 215 235 236 237 238 214 213 212 211 239 210 209 208 240 241 242 207 243 206 205 204 244 245 200 165 201 164 163 162 202 203 158 159 160 161 306 307 308 309 310 305 304 303 302 301 267 268 269 270 271 266 265 264 263 262 225 226 227 228 229 224 223 222 221 220 183 184 185 186 187 182 181 180 179 178 188 189 190 191 192 177 176 175 174 173 193 194 195 196 197 172 171 170 169 168 198 199 167 166 141 142 143 144 145 146 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 1026 POOL SIDE BAR


 Main Office Hours: M-F 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM

 Gate House Hours: 7 days 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM

 Check-in Times: RV sites 12 NOON; Cabins & Villas 4:00 PM



 Check-out Time: 11:00 AM for all.

 Quiet Hours: 11:00 PM to 8:00 AM. All campers, residents, and guests need to respect these hours and be considerate of their neighbors.

 Reservation Procedures: All sites are assigned by the office. No specific site number is guaranteed.

 Do Not Change Sites without notifying the office before you move. A fee may be assessed for noncompliance.

 Visitors: For your safety and because all Resort facilities are for the enjoyment of the guests and residents, all visitors must be registered at the gate. Do not give car passes or gate codes to visitors. Management must authorize gatherings of 10 people or more.

 Parking: Due to limited space, a maximum of 2 vehicles are allowed per site if applicable. You must not park on any other site other than the one you reserved. A fee may be assessed for usage of another site.

 Operators of motorized (gas or electric) 2, 3, or 4-wheel vehicles must be 16 years old with a valid driver’s license and observe the posted 10 MPH speed limit. No all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are allowed in the Resort. Golf carts operated after sunset must have working headlamps and rear lights The Resort Management reserves the right to deny usage of any vehicle that it deems to be unsafe, excessively noisy, or aesthetically in conflict with the Resort’s standards.

 Children under 13 years of age must be accompanied by an adult in all Resort buildings and pool/spa areas.

 Garbage: All garbage must be tied in bags and brought to the trash compactor located near the front of the property. Yard waste can be raked and put by the road in BAGS for pick up every Thursday. NO large household items like furniture, appliances, and electronics may be disposed of at or near our trash facility.

 Recycle Bins: The Blue Bins are for recyclables only. NO shopping bags, trash bags, or household trash.

 Storage Area: A storage agreement is required for all vehicles using our storage facility. Any item stored without a current agreement, current tags, and insurance will be towed at owner’s expense without further warnings.

 Storage on Site: Boats and trailers must be put into storage. Park Model Annuals with a concrete driveway may keep them on site if they can fit. No fencing, indoor furniture or appliances allowed outside of the RV or Park Model.

 Playground: Parents – all children should be supervised while at the playground. Hours of operation are from 8 AM to 10 PM.

 Pool: No glass containers or dishes allowed in the pool/spa areas. No food or drink in the pools/spas. No diapers or pull-ups allowed in the pools/spas - swimmers only. Young children should be accustomed to using proper bathroom facilities. Young children should refrain from using the spas.

 Trees: No one may cut, trim, or attach anything to the Resort’s trees, shrubs, or landscaping without permission from Clerbrook Management.

 Clotheslines: To prevent unsightliness in the Resort, the use of clotheslines on site is prohibited. Small clotheslines attached to the rear of a unit for bathing suits and towels are permissible. No lines may be attached to trees.

 Fishing: Fishing is allowed in the designated areas only (no fishing from the golf course). All fishing is “catch and release.”

 Walking at Night: Please wear light-colored clothes and carry a flashlight so others can see you. Walk against the traffic, not with it (left side of road).

 Disorderly Persons: The following are grounds for reservation termination and removal from the property: loud noise, whether mechanical, musical, or vocal, use of foul or indecent language, causing damage to property of the campground or another person, drunken disorderly conduct, failing to follow rules, failing to follow directions of the property staff, threatening or abusive behavior, or any other conduct that is not the type of behavior that is expected at a family campground.

 Mats are restricted to 3’ X 4’ or a total of 12 sq feet, except the breathable type mats that are approved by Management.

 No Fireworks are permitted at any time in the Resort. Check with the office regarding campfires.

 Sewer Collars are required of all units by the State.

 Bicycles ridden after sunset must have an operating head lamp and rear reflector. Porches, sidewalks, and ramps around all resort buildings are off-limits to bicycles, skateboards, wheelies, etc. All lowered bicycles must have an extended flag of at least 4’ to be seen by motorized vehicles.

 Pets: All pets (common household) must have current records of their shots and rabies tags. All pets must wear a collar identifying the owner and phone number. No more than 2 pets allowed on one site. No livestock, poultry, reptiles, insects, or exotic pets are permitted. Management reserves the right to reject any pet. Cats are to be confined to the inside of the unit unless they are leash trained. Any pet left outside unattended or left to roam is subject to removal by animal control and/or the owner(s) asked to leave the Resort. When not inside the unit, a pet is to be on a leash no longer than 6 feet. No pets allowed on the golf course, in our Office, Resort buildings, Swimming Areas, Rental Units or Pro Shop. Please refrain from letting your pet enter other people’s sites; walk your pet on the roads and the pet paths. You are responsible for cleaning up after your pet at all times. Please dispose of your pet’s waste in a plastic bag and put in the compactor or garbage container. Pets should not be an annoyance (barking continuously), or a danger to the other occupants or visitors of the campground. The campground/resort shall have no liability to family members or guests for any damage or injury to persons or property caused by any pet. No dangerous, aggressive, or poisonous pets allowed. Pet pens are restricted to 10’ X 10’ X 24” and cannot exceed your site. Pet crates are prohibited from being outside of the unit. Assistive animals and service animals are not pets for purposes of these guidelines; however, assistive animals must (unless a reasonable accommodation is required) comply with all behavioral and clean-up rules for pets.

 Dog Park: Please let the furry member of your family safely enjoy “Clerbrook Dog Park” by adhering to the posted rules at the facility. Please understand, you and your furry family member use the dog park at your own risk, and we ask that you please clean up after your pet. Hours of operation are from 8 AM to dusk.

 Vehicle Maintenance: No major vehicle repairs or oil changes allowed on sites. Washing of vehicles on site is permitted only with approval from management.

 Smoking is prohibited in any Resort Building, Rental Units, Swimming Areas and including Bath Houses.

 Sandhill Cranes, Alligators, and Gopher Turtles are protected by the State: it is strictly forbidden to go near them. All guests and residents MUST REFRAIN from feeding these and other wildlife as well.

 Fire Ants: Yes – they bite! Be cautious while walking in the grass.

 Lot Enhancement: Improvements to the home exterior or the actual site must be approved by management before any work commences. This includes, but is not limited to sheds, exterior painting and color choices, concrete & paver work, replacing of windows and roofs, large landscape projects, etc. If desired work requires a permit from the county, that will be the sole responsibility of the homeowner to obtain, and all chosen vendors will have to be licensed and insured as well as approved by management.

 NOTICE: Clerbrook and its affiliates are not responsible for any damages you may receive due to power outages, electrical down time, spikes, or lighting issues. Therefore, we strongly recommend and encourage the use of surge protectors between your RV and the power supply.

 Tarps, Tents, Shade Structures, Other Structures: Tents and “easyup” type structures are for temporary use only, limited to seven days. Manager can approve more substantial, semi-permanent shade structures. Only form-fitting bike/car covers allowed. Please do not use a tarp to cover any part of your RV or campsite. Exterior furnishings should be appropriate for outdoor/camping use. The following flags are allowed to be displayed at your site and throughout the campground/ resort: American, Canadian, military (including Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, POW, MIA) and veterans, sports teams, and decorative flags such as holiday, seasonal, or garden.

No Political Flags allowed.

 Safety Guidelines: Campsites should be clean and neat, free of fire hazards and clutter. Customers shall not make any alterations to the electric, water, or sewer connections provided by the campground/ resort. Customers should adhere to specific legal requirements when connecting to sewer, water, and electric services at the campground/ resort. Customers should be able to move their RV very quickly in case of an emergency. No extra air conditioners, wires, hoses, or cords allowed except through the OEM port.

This small guideline does not cover all the rules for the resort. For a full list of resort rules, including but not limited to, electric billings, extensions, early departures, or cancellations, please see management in the office. Enjoy your stay at Clerbrook Golf & RV Resort.



Sheriff: 352-343-2101

South Lake Hospital: 352-394-4388

We reserve the right to refuse service, and will not be responsible for damage to rigs, accidents or injury to guests or loss of money, jewelry or valuables of any kind.

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