Please Read & Follow Our Rules
1. Please inform the Front Desk of all repair people, delivery people, and guests coming to see you.
2. You are required to “officially” check out. Please do so by leaving your car tag at the gate or in the office by 11am. Failure to depart by 11 am may result in a $32 late fee. If you need a late check out, please speak to resort manager, who will try to accommodate you.
3. Hanging of laundry is only permitted on a free hanging self- supporting device that is attached to your RV (NO hanging of undergarments & lingerie at any time).
4. Do not park vehicles or trailers on a patio area. Keep all items lined up with your site and do not encroach on a neighboring site. Management reserves the right to limit the number of items on a site in order to protect turf, utilities, wildlife or comfort of those around you. Sites are generally defined as pedestal to pedestal, but can vary.
5. Each vehicle must have passes clearly displayed at all times while on the property. All vehicles must have valid insurance and registration. Vehicles found in the preserve without proper passes will be asked to leave and are subject to tow without additional warning. All vehicles must be in good condition and no one is allowed to do maintenance on any vehicle while in the resort. There is a two vehicle maximum per site.
6. For the safety of all guests, please do not give out the gate code.
7. You are responsible for your guests and each guest must be registered upon arrival. There is a $5 per day fee for guest with vehicles.
8. Open campfires are not allowed at any time. Fires must be contained to a raised, covered fire pit designed for that purpose.
9. Speed limit in the preserve is 10 MPH unless otherwise posted. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit may be asked to leave.
10. Please follow one way street signs, they apply to all vehicles. This is for everyone’s safety.
11. Clean up after your pets. You may receive a $25 cleanup fee if you fail to clean up after your pet. Do not leave pets unattended outside of your RV or at the Dog Park. Pets are to be kept on leashes that are no longer than 10 feet. Please stay on the roads and refrain from letting your pet enter other sites.
12. A valid driver’s license is required to operate golf carts in the preserve.
13. Campers are not permitted to change sites without prior approval of the Front Desk.
14. ATVs and dirt bikes are not allowed to be operated in the preserve.
15. Washing of vehicles/rigs only permitted with the purchase of a one day water pass ($25). Pools and hot tubs are NOT permitted in the park.
16. Please be advised if you or any person in your party are found damaging any property at the preserve by way of accident or on purpose, you will be billed for the repairs.
17. Flags and signs that display the Confederate flag, politicians, political candidates or contain vulgarity or profanity are not allowed to be displayed at your site or throughout the campground/resort. Customers in violation of this policy will be asked to remove their flag/sign and if they refuse to do so, will be asked to vacate the property.
Notices & Friendly Reminders
• During scheduled activities people of all ages are allowed to participate, unless prohibited by law, or posted in advance, no matter where the activity is held.
• TT Orlando and its affiliates are not responsible for any damages you may receive due to power outages, electrical down time, spikes or lightning issues. Therefore, we strongly recommend and encourage the use of surge protectors between your RV and power supply.
• Any items being stored in the storage yard must have a signed contract and reservation or the item is subject to tow without additional warning.
• The Pool and propane will be closed whenever lightning is within 15 miles or less of the Property. The Pool will remain closed for 30 minuets once the lightning has passed.
• Make sure the breaker is in the off position when plugging in your RV to avoid damage.
• There is a $5 charge per package for all packages delivered to Mailroom, except for prescriptions.
• Remember, our property is a preserve. The wildlife are not to be disturbed. We do however, encourage you to enjoy their presence. Yes, even the snakes.
• The saving of sites is strictly prohibited.
Campsite Check-In Time: 12 noon
Campsite Check-Out Time: 11 am
Rental Check-In Time: 4 pm
Rental Check-Out Time: 11 am
Quiet Hours: 11 pm - 7 am
All buildings & rentals are SMOKE FREE
Pool Hours: open 9:00 am Close: 10:00 pm