1. Check out is 11:00 a.m. (EST). Late checkout is not permitted. Check in is 3:00 p.m. (EST).
2. Park speed limit is 5 ½ mph. Guests that violate speed limit, stop sign rules etc. will be subject to cash fines as follows:
A. Failure to Stop at Stop signs: First (1st) offense $5.00 fine. Second (2nd) offense $10.00 fine. Third (3rd) offense you will be removed from the park.
B. Failure or refusal to stop for Park Rangers or Park Manager and Excessive speeding: Will result in a $25.00 fine for first (1st) offense. A $50.00 fine for the second offense, and violators will be removed from the park.
C. Fines for assortment of other citations will result in a First (1st) warning. Second (2nd) citation is a $25.00 fine. Third (3rd) is a $50.00 fine and violators will be removed from the park.
3. Quiet time is 11:00 p.m. –8:00 a.m. Sun. thru Thurs. and 12:00 midnight – 8:00 a.m. Fri. and Sat.
4. Curfew for children 17 & under is 11:00 p.m. Sun. thru Thurs. and 12:00 midnight Fri. and Sat activity, whichever is later.
5. Please do not remove fire rings and picnic tables from your lot and keep fires at a reasonable level.
6. While we do welcome pets, they MUST have current vaccinations, be kept on a leash, not left unattended and must be cleaned up after.
7. Children under 7 should be accompanied by an adult when using the restroom.
8. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult when using the pools or swimming in the beach area.
9. Children who are not potty trained are required to wear swim diapers. Adults accompanying children wearing swim diapers are responsible for monitoring them closely and changing them immediately when needed.
10. All visitors must register at registration upon arrival.
11. Any action deemed unacceptable by the management will result in being asked to vacate the property without refund of camping fees.
12. Jellystone Park™ Camp Resort or its owners are not responsible for accidents or for lost or stolen items.
13. Cancellation fee of $25.00 if cancellation is 7 days in advance, less than 7 days in advance reservation is non-refundable. Prices and Policies can change without notice. Camping is an outdoor experience NO refunds are granted due to weather.
14. Bicycles shall not be ridden after dark.
15. Only two vehicles are allowed per campsite. All other vehicles should be parked in our overflow parking areas.
16. Only one camping vehicle is allowed per campsite. Tents may be erected for an additional fee per tent.
17. Motorcycles, mini-bikes, motorbikes, ATV’S, UTV’S, motor scooters, drag racers and all other motor vehicles that create loud and obnoxious noises are not permitted in the park.
18. Before operating golf carts, or any other motorized vehicle as mentioned above, on the property of Jellystone Park™, all vehicle owners must purchase and display a sticker provided by the park. Stickers are to be displayed on the front of the golf carts or other motor vehicle where it may be easily seen. An insurance waiver must be signed when the sticker is purchased. And lot numbers must be displayed on the front and back.
19. Small-Motorized vehicles or golf carts are not permitted to be parked or driven on common ground or driven across lots.
20. You shall have no more people than can safely be seated riding the vehicles at one time, as defined by the manufacturer of the vehicle.
21. Those sixteen years and older will be allowed to drive a golf cart without a driver’s license. Those fifteen years of age will be allowed to drive a golf cart with a learner’s permit. Those fourteen years of age will be allowed to drive a golf cart with a parent on the golf cart with them after getting a yogi license. The age restrictions do not apply to rented golf carts. Anyone renting a golf cart must abide by the terms of the rental agreement.
22. Age fourteen and older will be allowed to operate scooters, mopeds, and any other small motorized vehicles. However, if you do not have a valid driver’s license and sign a waiver, you must obtain an approved Yogi Bear license. Additionally, all scooters, pocket rockets, and all other small-motorized units must have an approved pole flag (like a bike pole flag) placed on unit.
23. On all motorized gas bikes, gas scooters, gas mopeds, and gas pocket rockets etc., the rider must be at least 40” inches to top of the head while on said unit. Units are not to be ridden after dark. Weekends units shall not to be ridden after 6pm and units shall not be operated after 2pm on Holiday Weekends.
24. All guests must show proof of age with a photo ID upon request at any time.
25. Swimming in the lake is allowed only at the beach area and not after dark.
26. No fishing license is required on Plymouth Jellystone Park grounds.
27. Please do not dispose of baby wipes, diapers and feminine hygiene products through the toilets into the septic system.
28. Fireworks are prohibited, including sparklers, from being used on owner or renter’s sites and/or common ground. Violators are subject to a $500.00 Fine.
29. No Firearms shall be discharged within the confines of the property.
30. All Rules subject to change without notice.
Entrance onto the campground property constitutes permission for the management of Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort in Plymouth, Indiana to photograph the visitor while on the premises and to use any resulting pictures for any lawful purpose without compensation to the visitor. The guest assumes all risks and danger incidental to the activity of camping in a rustic outdoors environment including specifically (but not exclusively), the danger of being injured by insects or other animals, of being injured while participating in recreational activities, such as hiking swimming or boating at the Camp-Resort and its owners, agents and employees are not liable for injuries or property damages resulting from such causes.