GMP Vendor Audits Description: Description of a method to establish and conduct GMP audits of vendor facilities. We expect that the goods purchased from third party suppliers will be of consistent quality and will help our products in which they are used at the expected quality level. A problem with this, however, is that slight changes in the vendor's process or procedures may not only violate the GMPs but also affect the quality of the products we manufacture. All too often, these changes will not be detected in the purchaser's incoming quality testing. Vendor audits are an excellent method of stressing your value and expectations on quality as well as helping reinforce your standards. Why Should you Attend: It is important to get the most value from the vendor audits you conduct. This presentation will help reinforce your quality standards with your vendors. It also presents a method to assure that all of the critical factors involved will be audited and that the audit will be conducted quickly and efficiently. Objectives of the Presentation: o How to determine who should be audited o How to determine audit frequency o
Learn how to prepare for an audit
Learn how to prepare an audit checklist
Learn how to conduct the audit
Follow-up procedures
Who can Benefit: Quality Assurance and manufacturing managers and any personnel who are involved in vendor audits will benefit by learning a simple and effective method of conducting audits that will provide assurance of quality in the products being purchased. Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST Live Session for one participant
Price: $243.00 Corporate Live Session 3 to 4 participants in single location. (For muliple location contact customer care)